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Down the profitmaking machine. Shy is a newlyelected socialist in seattle. She tells machinists her radical opinion after the union turned down a contract that would guaranty 20,000 jobs in the area. Now boeing just might fly those jobs elsewhere. Here is seattle radio show host david bose. What do you think about this and what is the reaction there. Like a Christmas Gift to every other state trying to get work out of boeing. Here you have a woman saying she wants workers to take over the private property of the business. The business that is right now actively considering moving significant work to other states. Provides tens of thousands of jobs to washingtons economy. She is basically saying, we would like to steal everything you have. This is in addition to the machinist vote that said, a big no, a very colorful no, to the companys offer for extended contract. Meantime boeing has to be looking at this and asking themselves, is this really how the people of seattle feel . Melissa i mean i have to wonder, if youre a city councilmember, dont you take a sort of pledge to uphold the law . If youre part of government, isnt that the idea behind it, youre supposed to be encouraging other people to follow the law . She is encouraging them to break it. She says the only response can have if boeing executives do not agree to keep the plant here, for machinists to say, machines are here, workers are here. Well do the job. We dont need executives. The executives dont do the work. The machinists do. I guess she is forgetting who owns the company. Yeah, she is also forgetting what her function would be as city councilmember. If the laws get to mean whatever she want them to mean, why should any law she voting on mean anything to anybody else . What she is advocating is marxist, not just socialist. She wants these folks to go in there and steal this property from boeing, which by the way one of the things she added to that, if they stop building planes here they can build buses here as though the market demand for really expensive, 60 milliondollar buses is so high well be able to keep those jobs afloat. That is just absurd. Melissa the battle of course is over a union contract. Boeing offered an eightyear contract with 1 wage increase every other year. That is on top of annual cost of living increases. They mainly wanted to switch over the pension over to a 401 k system, which the workers werent happy about. In exchange for that, boeing was increasing the multiplier on the pension, that would give basically, give workers an extra 2400 annually each new retiree. They would also get a 10,000 signing bonus on this new contract. They didnt want this. Were you surprised by that, that they werent able to come to a deal . I wasnt surprised because theres been a history of animosity between the machinists and boeing. And theres a militancy there but, boeings got to be looking not only at that vote but at the fact when the new socialist elect councilmember of seattle giving comments, saying we should take over boeings there were Machinist Union representatives cheering, cheering this. Melissa really . The people i have talked to who taken a look at this deal. , we hear the usual rhetoric from the union militants saying this is an attack on the middle class, people are looking at this saying, wait a second, this is roughly an 08,000dollar a year job with Health Benefits and cost of living increases. Right. And a 10,000dollar bonus and match to 401 k , who are you trying to kid . Melissa as always no one is being forced to stay in these jobs. At the moment, as this was happening, other governor, immediately lept into action. Governors of utah and alabama, immediately set up meetings with boeing officials and said, come to our state. We will treat you very differently. Do people in seattle realize what that would mean if the plant leaves as a result of all of this . Ive been asking myself the same question. I think, in a way Washington State has become complacent. The elected leadership here, you know, governor ends lee, he seemed to get a sense, hey it is important to keep boeing here. I will call a special session extend boeing tax breaks, when it came to push a political constituency, i think this plant is important and you should vote for it, but im not going too tell you what well do, he wasnt willing to put backbone into the longterm competitiveness for washington, the world is more competitive. Instead he was relatively silent and whimpered away. Melissa not only that, people in seattle need to know what that means for their money. The show is about money. Thats what we focus on. Moodys said they would downgrade Washington States Credit Rating and losing the boeing and the 777. It could cost hundreds of millions of dollars whatever it normally cost in order to do projects if the cost of borrowing goes higher as a result of this. If you care about your roads and you care about your city and care about your towns and how much it costs to maintain those things, that cost could go higher as a result of these guys leaving. Do people realize that, do you think. Im not sure that they do. In seattle it is tough to know if theyre concerned about the roads at least in seattle. We had a mayor recently unelected. He was putting roads on road diet. Diminishing Transportation Capacity on the city. Transpourtation planners create the narrowest portion of our major freeway system right through the most populated part of the state. There is a bit of insanity going on there the only excuse i can make for the city of seattle, people are numbed about dollars talked about on federal level basis and numbers dont mean anything anymore in terms of money. Melissa wow, david, thank you so much. Good luck. My pleasure. Thanks and im sure rick perry is looking forward to this candidate taking office. Melissa we will see. Up next, how does 40 bucks for a doctors visit sound pretty good, right . Unless youre the doctor. Well tell you how the new exchanges could be driving docs right out of business. What is more annoying than a stranger yapping loudly on their cell phone . How about being belted in right next to them at 30,000 feet . Everyones got an opinion about the big news that we may be able to use our cell phones on planes. Love it or hate it . Tweet me. It is todays money talk ir. More money coming up. Hi honey, did you get e toaster cozy . Yep. Got all the cozies. [ grandma ] with n fedex one rate, i could ll a box and ship r one flat rate. So i kn untilt was full. Youd be crazy not to. Is tt nana . [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. Simple, flat rate shipping with the reliabity of fedex. [ engine revs ] [ male announcer ] the mercedbenz winter event is back, with the perfect vehicle thats just ght r you, no matter which list youren. [ santa ] , ho, ho, ho [ male announcer ] get the allnew 2014 cla250 starting at ju 29,900. Get this. Now the white house is coming out with a way to bypass the obamacare website and buy policies directly from Insurance Companies. Part of the crazy new plan called, the way things used to be. Melissa Surprising New loser in the obamacare sweepstakes. This time your doctor is taking a hit in the wallet. Under the new health care exchanges, doctors will take home significantly less in reimbursements than private companies or even medicare. At 40 buck as visit, clearly this could have a impact on quality of your health care. Joining Us Cato Institute Health Care Expert mike cannon. We have economist peter morici. Mike, do these numbers surprise you . I mean i think that there was anticipation of a cut in costs but for Typical Office visit, private insurance would pay 60. If youre coming from the obama exchange, those doctors could get 40. What is the impact of that . I dont know what the prices to be charged for any of these services and neither does anyone else but youve heard about rate shock. This is where everyone sees, well, a lot of people see their premiums going up under obamacare. There will be this wave of outrage over quality shocks. One of those is doc shock. The way theyre trying to keep premiums from even higher is by squeezing payments to doctors and other providers, in these health plans, which is fine. I Want Health Care prices to fall. That should be, as a result of consumers putting downward pressure on prices and, freedom to pay higher prices, since that is what they need to do to get the care they w obamacare is go, give us basically medicaid for all where they try to keep prices down, where they push prices down through government price controls and other sorts of government tools. That is going to, restrict choice for a lot of patients. They are not going to get to keep their doctors as president promised. Well see another wave of outrage over the broken promises under this law. Melissa if a doctor is being paid one fee from, you know, one insurance plan, and then less than that from a patient coming from, you know the obamacare website, why would they see those patients . Wont they not see those patients . Of course some doctors melissa hang on. Lets let peter in here for a second. Peter go ahead. All right. Lets consider the doctor situation. If there are only few Health Insurance companies in this county because obamacare encouraged most to stay out the Insurance Company could get away with this, simply because you wont have enough patients by specializing in higherpaying insurance option. If are is only two or three companies, that is happening in lot of less populated areas. What obamacare has done is permitted Insurance Companies to monopolize some of these markets. You go 50 miles from den very, all of sudden prices triple. They turn around and cut fees they pay doctors by a third. What theyre doing creating for themselves a huge profit margin. What you have here is monopoly abuses which youve got of consumer and producer. The guy in between is getting all the cash. Where is the Justice Department with this kind of abuse . Theyre busy investigating texas and jpmorgan but not the Insurance Companies in all this because after all, they make hefty, healthy, contributions to Democratic Candidates that sit up on capitol hill. Melissa interesting. Mike, do you agree with that point of view . Well i definitely agree that obamacare is going to lead consolidation in the insurance markets, not competition in the insurance markets. And that the insurance industry, and Democratic Party have been very close to each other ever since 2009 when they got together and president cut this deal with the Insurance Companies, to force everyone to buy their products. Melissa peter what strikes me though, i look at place like new york city, for example. Unitedhealth group told physicians under contract there that, you know, if theyre coming from a private Insurance Group they will pay a different price versus, but they will cut the price for people that are many coulding from the exchange plans. Seems like new york city where there is lot of choice it, will become a twoclass medical system almost immediately, no . The selfemployed, have to buy policies for one or two or three employees that use the exchange, selfemployed and so forth, they will have trouble finding doctors. It is not just them. 25 of the population has private medicare. 25 of the population over 65. That is they have taken this private choice option. Now theyre cutting back reimbursements through those, those plans. Those plans, for example, through United Health care are cutting back their network of doctors. Theyre literally can you cutting them off. Throwing them out. Already many practices around the country only take medicare patients with them during their younger lifetime. They wont take new people who move in from out of town. Melissa right. So it will be very difficult to ffnd a doctor with obamacare. Melissa speaking of finding doctors, we found one. Lets bring in dr. Rob kolmarik. A concierge doctor i believe in the new york area. How is this impacting you . Are you seeing this and how is it impacting your business . Oh, you know, it does impact our business, quite frankly from the concierge model, were becoming busier and busier because patients are gearing up for these exchanges and they realize, hey, i want to have access to a physician. To have access to a physician in a concierge practice means theyre going to get better care. And they will have access to care on a regular basis. I used to have a traditional practice where i saw patients on a regular basis in the insurance system. One of the problems with that is because of the declining reimbursement which has become so incredibly drastic over the last couple years, it is almost impossible to run a traditional practice. You start having to make adjustments in your practice. Letting staff go. Decreasing salaries. Decreasing benefits. For the average Family Doctor in the United States that is selfemployed, running a practice right now is just almost impossible to do. And what is going to happen is, when these exchanges fire up, and theres decrease to, a ses to care because you will have doctors already just ballooning at the seems with patients theyre trying to care for, and you will cut reimbursement further, how will you deliver care it these people . Most doctors in the United States at this point are overburdened with trying to care for their existing parity the and trying to keep their practices afloat. Where im located, actually in ohio. Melissa sorry, yeah. Im sorry where you were coming from. Yeah. Melissa do you feel bad about that . Were creating a twotier medical system when we were supposed to create Health Insurance for everyone . You got into the business i would think to help people. Now youre only going to help wealthier people that can afford you. Are there good doctors who will stay in for less money, because they feel a moral obligation to do that . Im sure there will be plenty of doctors that want to stay in and help their clientele. I tried to keep my practice of 18 years in Family Medicine going as long as i could. uite frankly when i transitioned out of Traditional Health care, model insurance based it was painful because there were clients that i had to leave behind that i had substantial, longterm relationships with and it was like losing an arm. But the reality is, in order to stay afloat and to keep my business open, i had to make a decision. Was i going to go under and have to close my business, or transition to a model where i could keep it open and there were going to be clients that could follow me and some that wean going to be able to. Melissa yeah. I wish they all could follow me but that is just not the case. Health care is expensive. Melissa mike, is this what were going to see everywhere . I think getting back to a point you made before, i think its a mistake to focus on the tiers, whether there is one tier, or two tiers or threetiers, there will be inequality. The rich always in any sort of system. Total singlepayer system, rich, powerful, politicians will always do better than the average person. What is important to focus on not how many tiers there are in the Health Care Sector but what are the trends. Melissa what . What are the trends . Are prices falling in health care . Is access, health care becoming more widely available . Is quality improveing . Is access to care getting more secure . Under obamacare all these trend will be heading in the wrong direction. Melissa we have to go. Leave it there. Coming up on money, making calls in the air. Airlines may lift restrictions on cell phones in flight. Is a great idea or the worst plan ever . Tweet me and tell me what you think. Wait until you hear what comes out in our money talk ir. More money coming up. You really love, what would you do . [ woman ] id be a writer. [ man ] id be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] id be an architect. What if told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you . When you think about it, isnt that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love . elissa the friendly skies may be no longer. The fcc is considering letting Airline Passengers chat away on their cell phone during flights because listening to a strangers loud phone conversation is exactly how i want to spend three hours on a plane. It had to be todays money talker. Our panel is all fired up. Here is susan sulivik, remi spencer, john jacoby. What do you think. Good idea, bad idea . Remi, what do you think . A bad idea. One place we can go where nobody is talking on their phones. If they allow phones and try to separate the plane, it will be reminiscent of the smoking days where they had smoking section and nonsmoking which was a joke because the whole plane was like smoke. Right. There was no quiet space on a plane. Melissa talking about the fact there is quiet car on many train not allowed to use cell phone. Maybe that is place for planes. What do you think . I disagree with that im a business traveler, where i have a two or threehour flight getting work done. I would be next to the chatting on cell phone than chat me up on the flight. I get really irritated. I pull open the i book and start reading. Other thing have you ever sat in front of crying screaming kids or one kicking you in the back of the seat. Melissa that is my kid doing that. I appreciate parents, what they go through. Melissa okay. Dont worry. I listen to the cell phone conversation rather than kicking kid, oh, horrible. Melissa but it is not practical. If you have somebody on the phone and theyre, forgive me, you have a nice, resonant voice, sitting next to you an conducting a business call, it is right in my space. I cant do my call and you do your call tame. Were at the same time were both shouting at the same time. It requires people to exercise come men sense and good judgment. Melissa we dont have that. When people are traveling theyre not at their before. Were already frustrated. Were crammed into the tiny little spaces. We spend hours in the security line. Peopll are on the phone, whining, complaining, fighting. Theyre not all professional and respectful. Flight attendants have a lot of latitude what they can do with passengers. If somebody gets out of line dont want to leave it up to them. We do not want to leave it up to them. Melissa heavy they have a lot on player plate dealing with drunk passengers and security. Phone police, people talking too melissa, i was on a flight this week, i can tell you every single word people behind me said in the conversation. Melissa right. If i wanted to sleep, forget about it, doesnt matter whether they were on cell phone. I think it does. When youre into conversation does need to be regulated youre right. When youre in the middle after conversation you kind of lose sight of people around you. Anyone with a cell phone knows that they have been there im guilty of it. Melissa yeah. When youre crammed in with 2, 300 people, you cant leave. Cant walk out of the store. Go to another room. Youre stuck in there. Melissa is there way you can manage it . Begs the question. Could you do rose or space. The plane is already jammed. Is there way to manage it . To that point, i see business potential here. Sell the rose, potentially increase revenues for airlines, even though manufacture you ares with all different types of gadgets and hardware. Dont give airlines anything more to nickel and dime me about. I dont need that. I will say this much, sitting on plane, before you take off, minute you land people pull out cell phones and talking. I never find that to be issue. That is because you know youre walking off the plane. You will not have melissa what if they had like a little slice uptime in the middle, people allowed to be on the ppones that could be off. That could be answer. You have to limit it one way. A phone hour. I think that it is going to end up being Something Like that. I think faa will allow cell phones on planes but it will be up to the airlines to regulate it in a way that the consumers demand because nobody wants to be on the plane Melissa Delta all said they will allow passengers to figure it out. They will get their feedback from them before they decide. What do you think the passengers will say . They want it or it is too annoying . I think the most, i will say this, business travelers. That is where i fall into, business travelers will say they want it. If you try to limit the time, youre going to get another alec baldwin who will say, run into the john, i still have to finish the call. You will have more problems if you try to say only do it from this time to that time. How do amtrak . Melissa they have designated cars. Separate space, walls, doors. You cant do that on a plane. Not everyone can afford to travel in business class. In the fact of the back of the plain where most people sit it is loud and thosesy and it is tight. People are not having quiet conversations. Airlines do this right now. A lot of european and Asian Airline companies, they have phones and youre allowed to speak through satellite and theyre. For a long time, absolutely. That is not new. I dont always travel business class. I get upgraded quite a it about. One of perks being glamorous traveler. Be careful what you wish for. Im in the back. Once again i dont think the cell phone situation is going to make any difference. Youve got screaming kid. Youve got disgruntled passengers. Youve got people ho are loud. Melissa i dont know. Sat between great big heavy guys on the plane other day and coming over in my seat. I finally like elbowed them. Melissa you would just elbow the person with the phone. Jut the hell up. Good judgment on planes. Dont mess with my space. Melissa thank you, guys. Youre welcome. Melissa the boom in bows and arrows thanks to the release of hunger games catching fire. We have an archery range entrepreneur that says sales are surging. Piles of money and some bows and arrows coming up. Thanks, guys. She loves a lot of the same tngs you do. Its what you love about her. She loves a lot of but your erectile dysfunction that could be a questi of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to eat ed and symptoms obph, li needing to gofrequently. Tell your door about all your medical conditions and medicions, and ask your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as do not drink alcoholsafe droin excess with cialis. Side effec may include headache, upset stomach, delayed ckacher muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. If you have any suddenecrease or loss inearing or vision, or iyou have any allergic reactions such arash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or dficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking ciisnd get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30tablet free trial. Melissa not to a Success Story after my own heart. My next guest is stepping of the class sherman giving a nononsense lesson on how to make it america. Fourteen years old. Coauthored a book on capitalism called our best tomorrow. Students teaching capitalism in america, and she joins us. Thank you so much for joining us. You are zooming to the top on the amazon list. And i am wondering, what makes you think that kids would be interested in reading a book about capitalism . Well, what i first thought that we were writing a book on capitalism, i was kind of thinking, well, why is this important . And then as i began to study and learn more i began to realize that it really was important and kids need to know this. I hope that by reading this book and i kinda just picking it up on the shelf and reading the back of it there will realize how truly important it is and how important that they need to know this. It would just kind of pick it up and read it and maybe there will like it. Melissa he tell the story i mean, it is a fictional story in order to bring people in and get them involved in the characters. Three kids that grow up and go into business. The main character becomes the president. It shows Business Owners starting from nothing and creating jobs and giving back to the communities. Why did you think that that was a lesson that maybe kids are not getting elsewhere and news from the story . Well, when i look around at our community and go and ask people, have you done charity lately . There are just kind of, oh, you know, i have done it a little bit. I feel like it is important that we all kind of stick together and help each other through capitalism because really we are all in this together. Capitalism cannot work if we dont stick together and rely on each other and respect each other. Melissa how do you make that connection between charity and capitalism . A lot of people think that being left and being liberal is what is, you know, more compassionate and that that is where more Charity Comes from. How do you connect capitalism and what many people think of as the greed for profit with charity . Well, i think the best way i could explain this would be to telling the story of the boy character in my book. His name is jake. He stars seven california and moved to kentucky. He was kind of the average family. He started out as a nice life and then moved to kentucky in the began to realize that it was important that we all work together. So he when he started his company and got on his feet he went to the bright center. Because the rich people rely on the poor people to help them. The poor people rely and the rich people to help them. Then it can kind of become a full circle. The poor people can get involved in capitalism and eventually they can be the wealthy people and help more people. It is kind of like a circle. Melissa thank you so much and good luck to you. Thank you. Melissa you may think of anyone talks about is money. Course that is what we talk about all the time. But in usa today survey released some outlandish numbers on who is not having that money talks that they should be having 56 percent of people polled in a 5400 Person Survey say they have not discussed Financial Planning and all with their children. That is a huge disconnect on a very important topic. If you are one of them and you and your money may be headed for disaster Patricia Powell is here, president and all financial. Thank you for joining a speed. Thank you for having me. Melissa i thought it was pretty staggering 56 percent of people over the age of 50 have not discussed things with their kids like whether they have a well, their health directive, their inheritance plans, when they plan to retire. A third of people surveyed 50 and older say they feel well prepared for retirement. That means twothirds and not. That is amazing, is in this . Melissa so these are people that are, you know, in the second half of life, i hate to say. There in the final stages of preparing for retirement and theyre not there. Theyre not anywhere near prepared enough. That should not come as a shock to us. Over the past two decades we have that so many changes including the fact of people dont get pensions any more. Less than 20 percent of the private sector gives pensions. 80 percent of people work in the private sector and that to do it on their own. New companies dont offer pensions. The new microsoft and apple computers, these companies dont offer pensions. Melissa and theyre is a disconnect between parents taking care of kids and realizing that they need to take care of themselves. That is the best thing you can do. For example they pay for insurance come help pay for a house, help pay for car. These are people that should be thinking about their own retirement. Theyre giving to their kids. It is a real drag on their retirement plans. One of the most common questions i get among my clients is when did i cut off my spare change might find . Held by the . Demo, i think youve answered your own question. Theyre 30. Theyre 22, 23, just getting of college you might give a transitional plan. Lyle is tell them is you have to have a plan in you have to put limits and boundaries on it makes everybody happy. It is the nebulous, i dont know. Its gotten a house for 20 years. Suddenly, beverly want my 45 years of living here . Melissa not only that, you know, more than 90 percent say they would not be financially prepared if their aging parent or close relative needed longterm care, and i dont mean the kids to miami adults. 90 percent as saying there would not deal to pay for it. Some only 37 percent of people aged 50 or over believe they will need longterm care. To the truth is at least 70. But they are not saving for it. The kids and saying, we cannot pay for it. That is a disaster. A disaster, and it is a medical disaster. When you run out of money in the long term care, that is where you go. Because a disaster for the entire country. Melissa real quick before run at the time is that dont want people to feel hopeless. Get a plan. Sit down and start planning in out. Tell the kids, you will be supporting them anymore. Your Adult Children should be selfsufficient unless theyre selfsufficient unless theyre is a specilumbar button. [man]lumbar button [woman]lumbar [announcer] tempurpedic. The most highly recommended bed in america. Now the fun begins customer erin swenson ordebut they didnt fit. Line customers not happy, im not happy. Sales go down, inot happy. Merch comes back, im not happy. Use ups. They make returns easy. Unhappy customer becomes happy customer. Then, repeat customer. Easy retns, im happy. Repeat customers, im happy. Sales go up, im happy. I ordered another pair. Im happy. both im happy. Im happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. I love logistics. Sometimes theyust drop in. Always obvious. Cme group can help you navigate risks ancapture opportunities. We enable you to reach Global Markets and drive forward with broader possibilits. E group how the world advances. Nhing, thats what . Thats why i take prilosec otc each morng for my frequent heartburn. cause it giveme a big fat zero heartburn. Woo hoo male announcer ] prilosec otc. The number one doctor recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. [ larry ] you cant beat zero heartburn. And best of l, it means i can enjoy all the foods i love. Oh, zero heartburn is awesome. Just like zero clery. [ male announcer ] prilosec otc. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Melissa from every corner of the glove money has been flying around the world. Let me tell you, starting in england uk billionaire Sir Richard Branson is showing he is still on top of all the trends announcing today that is version but one now accept it coins as flint payment for flights in the space. Makes perfect sense for his passengers. Of course it does. Plans to promote the chinese city of macao. Hoping that the soccer stars status will boost its brand in a country where casinos cannot advertise. The core branding deal will focus on dining and retail. Last year they made, 60 percent of its revenue from Casino Resorts in macau. And back to britain. Praise Department Stores have them solve the worlds first champaign vending machine. I like the sound of that. Stocked with bottles. Each one comes with crystals. About 29 a pop. The store says it allows customers to drink and buying as they shop for the festive guess. Nothing is more dangerous than a little drunk shopping. You always spend more. Why dont we come back out here and play. No. Melissa well, that is the danger. The hundred games sepal catching fire opened last night. 25 million of the box office. But this series has also spawned a generation a bow and arrow and dizziness. It would have thought. Would be kendis every beans are popping a ball of the country. The owners of one archery range are cashing in on the craze. Joining us now, the owners of wasting archery range. Thanks to both of you for joining us. So you set up by a group in front of the Movie Theater in order to show people. We do. We did a tabling in Movie Theaters to get the word out that we exist its a really good way to get everybody coming into the movies. The little kids, i want to do that. There we are with our display. We give out coupons until then, hey, if you want to shoot a bow, and perry will set you up. Melissa let me stop you right there. I dont know if you have seen the movie, but it is all about kids killing other kids. So then to have the kids come out and youre going to try and get their parents to pony up to buy them a bow and arrow after they just watched a movie about kids murdering other children. I mean, to the parents like you like youre insane . No. They dont. They know it is a sport. She kills birds. You know, its not just kids. In the new movie, up against the other victors. No one to be a spoiler. Melissa you dont feel as bad about those kids being murdered. You dont really mind the bell and narrow. How much of a boom in business has cost three . It has been a huge boom. The hungry games. There are a bunch of archer and pop culture right now. Its huge. We have just tons of kids coming in channeling their inner kendis. Melissa i dont know if you guys are able to bring a thing with you. What is your biggest selling adam right now . Well, mostly weaker bows that look like what she has in the movie. The archery industry last on to this. They have catching fire bows to my catching fire arrows to my catching district 12 longbows. Everything that you can imagine. They can take advantage of the trend. Melissa Jennifer Lawrence apart early had an olympic medalist working with there. You did. Fantastic. We want to see it. Tell us what you brought with you . This one is a recur bowel. This is where she sits in the movie. It has one curve here and then a curve on the outside as well. This is the kind of both issues sheets when she gets tired for the game. In the first movie before the broader and she shot a longbow which is Something Like this. Melissa what to both of those go for . Their beautiful. A look expensive. Actually, you can get this bill here for 125. They are not that expensive compared to a lot of other sports equipment. Melissa where do you use that . Do you go to a range . And showing how a marine i am about our jury. Arrange or is there a safe way to do this . That is what our business is. We have an indoor archery range for people can come and shoot in a very controlled and safe environment. We provide rental equipment said that people dont have to even buy elbow until they know that theyre ready to do it. And so that is the key to our business. People can just come in, they saw the movie, want to give it a try. We give them the equipment, teach and how she safely and give them a nice, safe, controlled environment to do it in. Melissa i applaud you. We love on to bring your spirit i applaud you for making the most of the movies the men getting out there and having it help your business. Good luck and stay safe. Thanks a lot. Melissa up next, how much do you love the smell of sizzling bacon . Enough to rub it all over your body to make the owners of a new company of bringing home the bacon sunscreen, deodorant, and more. They are here with all the juicy pork the product speaker never have too much money are too much taken apparently. Americans take care of business. They always have. They always will. Hats why you take charge of your future. Your retirement. Ameriprise advisors can help you like theyve helped millions of others. Listening, planning, working one on one. To help you retire your way. With confidence. Thats what amiprise financial does. Thats what they can do with you. Ameriprise financial. More within rea. Melissa well, it is time for a little fun with spare change. Bacon. You cant go wrong with this currencies sizzling goodness. One company was going out of them a little bit selling they consented deodorant among other things. Guarantees to levys million needy fresh. The man behind the bacon, a cofounder of a company. He joins me now. We could not resist. No one loves bacon more than i do, but i dont want to smell like bacon. Who is buying bacon deodorant . Maybe it is the people that want everybody else to smell like bacon. Everyone loves the smell of bacon. You like waking up in the morning. It gets you up and gets you going to. A fun thing for the holidays to make a little novelty product. Bacon deodorant. It is huge. Melissa people buying this . We have sold out five times. Melissa bacon sunscreen. This is a good seller . You know, thats a different is a seller. The sunscreen is funny. The reason i thought it was a good idea to make was because i hate cocoanut. I hate smelling like coconut. Why wouldnt you want to smell like bacon . Melissa bacon flavor of envelopes. Many like the of love the taste like bacon. You want to teach a baby they crave bacon. That was really more of a joke product. The envelopes for a good seller. Those are all fun things. Melissa absolutely. The bacon coffin is about 3,000. Are there symbolism . Eightytwo much bacon and this is where you will end up. What is the deal . It is for people that love bacon. May be a star with bacon baby formulas. The ebay contract life and the dying get wrapped in bacon casket. The circle of life. Melissa it is without question to the bacon live ball, that one blows me away. Youre sitting there, it will does make you hungry. I am not sure that makes it that much sense. A thai chili sauce. The bacon product, things like they consult, bacon a spirit rissole those and retailers. Make fun novelties. Theres a huge contingent of people. Put it on everything. Melissa Spencer Russell the bomb. If the press bus in the palm on it is supposed to sue. All the sudden youre burning. We are out of time, but i love you and your product. Happy holidays. Melissa next up who made money today . A rocky road at the end of the summer, but talk of a takeover as investors ginning and. Not sure who it is. Well of the answer straight ahead. You can never have too much money. Hi honey, did you get e toaster cozy . Yep. Got all the cozies. [ grandma ] with n fedex one rate, i could ll a box and ship it r one flat rate. So i kn untilt was full. Youd be crazy not to. Is tt nana . [ male announcer ] fedex onrate. Simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. Wow. Look at you. Ive always tried to give it my best shot. These ays im living with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heareat, not caused by a heart valve problem. 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Male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you melissa whether it is on wall street remains treat coming year is to make money today. Anyone who owns Time Warner Cable be read word out that cable giant comcast is weighing a bid for its cable competitor. A deal between the two would merge the largest cable providers innthe country. Talk of the takeovers and time warner stock surging almost 10 , outgoing ceo owns about 159,000 shares. Up to be borrowing money, vicepresident joe biden offered to buy lunch for a group of people at a deasy sandwich shop. Did not quite have enough cash on hand. 56, but when people that is money and candid he turned to an aide and asked for ten bucks. The crowd get a kick of it. No doubt he flashed those pearly whites. Hoping to make money, auctioning off his mansion outside of chicago. 56,000 square feet. While. As an nba size regulation basketball court. It was listed for 29 million. We will see what it goes for. Us a people need a house that big. Thats all we have for you. Have you made money today. A great weekend. The willis report is coming up next. Gerri hello, everybody. Im gerri willis. Tonight on the willis report consumer relief or blatant union to know. Watching out for you tonight on the willis report

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