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Refugees compared to poisoned skittles, jet making Emergency Landing. Ceo wells fargo in the hot seat today. He apologized, accepting responsibility for scandal of wells fargo but sorry enough whether his job is at stake coming up. Markets this morning pointing to higher opening. Rally continues as a result we are looking at stocks expected to be up 50 points today in dow industrial average. Several banks no no focus. We will hear from janet yellen. In europe stocks are higher. Fractional moves. Quarter a percent higher to half a percent higher across cross the continent. In asia, it was fractional, nonetheless you had gains in korea but for the majority of the major averages we saw selling. Tim tebow making debut, nfl quarterback moves to the baseball diamond, already paying off. We will tell you about failed of that jersey. Rivals were throwing punches instead of pitches. Joining me to talk about it Morgan Ortagus and Anthony Scaramucci and dagen mcdowell. Good to see you. Dagen can it get crazier than what happened over the weekend . Maria big shot out to Law Enforcement, great job. Dagen from the first bombing that exploded in new jersey, less than 50 hours until he was apprehended. Anthony how about the amber alert using on cell phones. Maria we all got it onset. We are going to talk about that because thats a change in terms of Law Enforcement. Former president ial candidate Bill Richards is with us. Paul with us and Boston Police commissioner ed davis joins us. Homeland security adviser with is and new york congressman peter king is going to stop by as well. You dont want to miss a moment of it. We kick it off with our top stories, afghan immigrant suspected of planting bombs in new jersey and new york facing attempted murder charges this morning. Adam shapiro with the latest, adam, good morning to you. Adam good morning, maria, behind me in the restaurant that mr. Rahamis family owns, he lives in the apartment above and the fbi raided looking for evidence as they build the case for federal charges, as we take a look at the video after the shootout in which he was wounded, not lifethreatening, we now know that he has been charged with five counts of attempted murder of a Law Enforcement officer, this by the Union County Prosecutor and his bail was set at 5. 2 million by state superior court regina. These are the state charges in new jersey because of the shootout with police. The federal charges are still being formulated and you can see that Police Officers, fbi agents still here in elizabeth, new jersey, they were able to track down mr. Rahami because of a fingerprint which was lifted from the bomb that did not explode which was wound on west 21st street. They now are linking mr. Khan rahami, the bomb which did explode on west 23rd street in manhattan, the bomb on west 27th street and, of course, the pipe bombs which were found in the train station in elizabeth, new jersey, we are going to be here monitoring the police activity. Mr. Rahami is in the hospital in newark. We are going to find out that the bombing was influenced by foreign sources. Mayor bill de blasio has said that there are no other people being looked for at this time, but nobody has yet ruled out if mr. Rahami was influenced by someone else, back to you, maria. Maria we are working on that this morning trying to get to the bottom of it. As a result terrorism becoming the maybe on the we have seen how failures to screen who is entering in the United States puts all of our citizens, everyone in this room at danger, immigration, security is National Security. We need a better visa system, lets remember what happened in 9 11, that he these were not refugees that attacked our city and county, lets not get the diverted and distracted. We will continue the fight against isil which is instigating a lot of people over the internet to carry out attacks. Maria i want to bring in former new mexico governor who served embassador to the United Nations, governor richards, give us your take on the attacks. Both nominees, obviously i support Hillary Clinton, i think she showed steadiness, leadership, upgrade the visa procedure, find ways to bring Law Enforcement, bring our allies in, i think donald trump is talking tough, solidifying his base, saying some very dangerous things, talking about racial profiling that the cops are being prevented from that, from no evidence, i think what he does by equating a jihadist and islam hes recruiting people that might insight violence in the United States. I really see that. Maria but he didnt make this up, time and time again we are seeing the jihadi mentality and the jihadi create havoc and murder people. Hes not making that up and its actually happening. No, but the question is what do you do about it. You need Muslim Community to work with Law Enforcement to find the people, you need to update visa procedures. Dagen which we have been waiting 15 years for. Half a Million People last year overstate their visa. Thats right. The whole immigration system, visa system needs to be upgraded, needs to be put in a very high year and that can only happen with immigration reform. Maria why hasnt it happened . Anthony American People justified of being upset on the visa system and tackling the problems, the American People like the fact that the president is basically just ignoring the situation once in a while saying a few things about destroying isis but really doing nothing about the situation . Well, i would disagree, i think hes doing what he can under very dysfunctional political system in the congress where a lot of his proposal cant even get considered. Maria no, but he sets the tone and thats why everyone is afraid to say islamic terrorism. He has purposed for more security procedures at the border, he has push for tightening visa requirements and a lot of these are blocked. Maria wasnt it his decision to tell border agents, dont look at anybody at social media, its profiling, wasnt it his decision to be careful and cautious and making sure hes not profiling. You say that hes trying to do more, i dont see it that way. There was a case where there was inflammatory social media. Im not defending every aspect of our current immigration policy, what im saying is we have to have a sustained effort that also involves international effort, do i think base on your question. I would have a nofly zone in syria, a more sustained effort against isis, i think Hillary Clinton has talked about that. Shes been commander in chief dagen her problem is, though, because shes essentially running. A lot of this is directed by the president as a third term for barack obama, so she has to own what they have done in this administration or frankly what they have not done and yesterday her what she came out and said initially was americans need to show courage and vigilance and not demonize muslims. Thats all she has . No, no, she has advocated a nofly zone which is basically to protect some of the refugees, create safe zones and ensure that there are certain areas that might potentially clash with the russians, but you know, this is a tougher policy and i think shes pushed for that, increase the number of advisers. Morgan excuse me, governor, if i can disagree with you a little bit. I dont see how its a continuation of obama policy. She will not put troops in iraq and syria so if we are going to actually fight and defeat isis and do something to stop the civil war, how is anything that shes proposing different from what the Current Administration is doing . Well, more aerial efforts. Morgan so more bombing from the air. Lets not pretend that we are going to seize isis from the air. These are quagmires. Morgan thats not going to defeat isis and you know it too. Bringing an international coalition. Anthony im not trying to push back but when i was in iraq in 2011 austin made a troop force recommendation of 22,000 troops. If youre going to do that youre going create daesh, rise of isis, we got 5,000 troops in iraq, this is a failed strategy that the president and secretary clinton have to at least owb and explain it that way. Failed strategy, sir. Well, i dont agree. Successes have been strong victories against isis, the most discouraging element was something i read today that the initiative in syria has fallen apart but we are trying, we are trying to work with the russians which is very difficult, but, you know, this is a quagmire. This is clearly going to be a major focus for the next president. Maria bill, let me ask you real quick, 50 days out to the election, how much are president obamas policies hurting hillary, nobody expected the race to be this close, seriously. How badly are president obamas policies affecting hillary . I dont think the president right now is at his one of highers popularity rates, he energizes the base, hillary needs millennials and sanders voters, i think the president brings those in. The economy is moving in the right direction, youve got the National Security situation. I think moving in the right direction. Maria running on more of the same. Governor, good to see you. Governor Bill Richards. Southwest Airlines Flight head today nashville, we have that story back in a minute. Thwow, its nice. Ew 2016 chevy malibu. Lets check it out. Do any of you have kids . I do yes. This car has a feature built in called teen driver technology, which lets parents see how their teens are driving. Oh, thats smart. It even mutes the radio until the seat belt is fastened. Will it keep track of how many boys get it in the car . laughter cause that could be useful. This is ahead of what my audi has for sure. Wish my beamer had that. I didnt even know that technology existed. Im not in the market for a car but now i may be. Its scary when the lights go out. People get anxious and my office gets flooded with calls. So many things can go wrong. Its my worst nightmare. Every second that power is out, my citys at risk. Siemens digital grid manages and reroutes power, so service can be restored within seconds. Priority number one is keeping those lights on. It takes ingenuity to defeat the monsters that live in the dark. As a combination of see products. And customers. Every ontime arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,. Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. Because od employees treat customer service. Like our most important delivery. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Maria welcome back, a southwest flight forced to make an Emergency Landing just after take off. Cheryl, good morning to you. Cheryl maria, some frightening moments for passengers when a Southwest Airlines was forced to make an Emergency Landing last night. 2634 head today nashville had taken off when a tire blew. The pilots returned the 727 boeing and officials confirming no passengers were injured in that incident. Well, according to a new harvard North Eastern study gun super owners are on the rise in america, 265 million guns in america belong to 3 of the adult population. The super owners have anywhere between 8 and 140 guns each. Group average 11. Overall 55 million gun owners in the u. S. , most have an average of three guns the number of american who is own guns has decreased from 25 in 1994 to 22 . The study finding increasing gun theft nearly doubling from 230,000 annually. Finally this elon musk tesla proposed billion dollar merger could be delayed by lawsuits. Four lawsuits have been filed this month including two by pension funds. Failed to carry out fiduciary duties involved proposed merger and insiders would be unjustly enriched by the combination. Right now selling assets and cutting cost until this deal can close, maria, chairman elon musk is ceo of tesla, he owns 20 in both companies, a lot of folks have a problem with that. Maria coming up next president obama setting sight on Driverless Cars, safety regulations and what the industry thinks of regulars for the industry. Tough questions today on capitol hill over thousands of phoney accounts but will he take responsibility or blame employees, more on that next, back in a moment im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. I know more about isis then the generals do. John mccain, a war hero. Hes not a war hero, hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captured ok. Donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. How would you answer that father . What sacrifice have you made for your country . I think ive made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. Ive had tremendous success, i think. Those are sacrifices . Maria welcome back, the ceo of wells fargo said to be grilled by the Senate Committee today over account scandal. Anthony scaramucci with us today. The journal reporting the hes taking to take full responsibility and apologizing for not doing more sooner, 2 million fake accounts. About ant its tough, i like him, a very tough environment to be doing that. I dont understand where warren buffet is on this. Maria big point. Anthony this is one of his largest positions. I think these guys are demonstrating a level of hypocrisy if they dont do something more aggressive than an apology. Maria when they creating the consumer bureau, why do we need more bureaucracy, the Consumer Protection bureau did not find this out, the la times did, but it certainly does eight years of the crisis, dagen. Dagen the bigger problem is that regulators proposed in the spring and april, rules governing wall street bankers, how theyre paid and biggest requirements is clawback provisions on bonuses if employees engage in misconduct that results in significant financial or reputational harm, these are proposed rules at this point but again this is going to shine a spotlight on saying hey, we are going to go in, not just stumpf but any others involved in the malficience. Morgan so i think the ceo of any of the institution that is are in trouble has to come out right away. We have seen banks who fought the regulators and made them much worse on themselves. About ant totally different than the situation. The Interest Rates are so low, maria, these banks are under intense pressure to find ways to make money and the fact that they broke the law and went outside the lines here, i think that has to go back up to the top. Maria i dont blame low Interest Rates, the mentality, you better make the quotas and targets. Anthony the problem is the Interest Rates are clamped down and very hard to make additional revenues from that spread and so theyre going outside of that spreadmaking business into the activities. Thats the point that im making. Dagen if he does well take the heat off of the Banking Industry as a whole because of the practices. A lot is riding on him today. He has to do more than read a statement. Maria for sure. Elizabeth warren, hes going to be speak to go Elizabeth Warren. They have to reframe the entire bank if hes keeping his job. Maria fox business will bring you live coverage on john stumpfs testimony. Stay with us, all the testimony this morning. Coming up a skittles stir, the controversy coming up. More details on the suspect of the bombings of new york city and new jersey. Updates back after a moment. Where to get out. If only the signs were as obvious when you trade. Fidelitys active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. When youre close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . Maria good Tuesday Morning, it is tuesday september 20th, top stories right now 6 30 a. M. On the east coast. New details on the manhunt in new jersey, the suspect in the terror bombings under arrest right now after shootout with new Jersey Police officers. Republican nominee donald trump weighing in on the developments yesterday. Now, we will give him amazing hospitalization, he will be taken care of by some of the best doctors in the world, his case will go through the various Court Systems for years and in the end, people will forget and his punishment will not what it once would have been and we must deliver a just and very harsh punishment to these people. I am prepared to, ready to actually take on those challenges, not engage in a lot of irresponsible reckless rhetoric. Maria the latest on the investigation coming up this morning. Plus this tweet from donald trump, jr. Going viral, compared Syrian Refugees to poisoned skittle as president obama prepares for refugee summit today. This as a new report shows 800 immigrant who were supposed to be deported were actually granted citizenship. Mistake. In markets futures pointing to a higher opening this morning. We are expecting money to go move into stocks as we wait decision for the Federal Reserve. Central bank in focus. The Federal Reserve on wednesday, in europe stocks are higher as well. Take a look. Fractional moves but the upside. Ftse up. Fractional moves but lower, as you can see fractional loses across the board. Tim tebow is paying off, jers ji sale jersey sale soaring after first game. Meanwhile new jersey bomber is waking up in the hospital, leland outside the hospital with new details into this terrorism investigation. Leland, good morning to you. Good morning to you, maria, 5. 2 million bail. He did feel well enough after the shootout despite being wounded to have his mug shot taken. Important to note hes being charged with attempted murder of a Law Enforcement officer because of the shootout yesterday, the charges for the bombings from the federal government will come later. We are learning a lot more about his background and putting the pieces together about how he was radicalized, multiple trips to afghanistan, dont know if he met with the taliban, obviously a lot of Training Camps for terrorist there in the countries, High School Sweet heart calling him dead beat saying he had severe hatred for america and he hated gays as they scatter social media they will find this and other posts from the brothers Facebook Page heavily armed men and men who desired death as you desire life. Fbi looking into First American fried chicken. His family owned. He lived above it. We do know there was a number of bomb sniffing dogs and walking throughout that neighborhood. Also theyre going to start looking into what happened between the restaurant and local residence. A lot of disagreement, Code Enforcement issues. A couple of other things that are still unknown, maria, did ahmed rahami have any help, was he in touch with a handler overseas and did he have any help with these devices. The fbi not looking specifically for anyone more right now, maria. Maria we will continue following that. Leland in new jersey. Foreign policy adviser under george w. Bush. Paul, thanks for joining us. Good to be with you. Maria whats your take on this. Looking like a lonewolf situation, somebody inspired by the bad guys but this is just another instance in a series of attacks on this country, how do we stop it . Yeah, i think thats exactly right. Its too soon to know for sure if its a lone wolf, its hard to imagine that he could do all of these things by himself. Even not, direction and facilitation are things that our police and Law Enforcement have to look for but inspiration, this is a man who is inspired by a war that is being waged against us by islamic jihadist against freedom, free people, thats why it matters to us and its going to affect the election. Anthony why such a big botch do you think they were testing out, feeling us out in some way because did not seem to be that successful, this could have been way worse. Yeah, i think when isis has to rely on people that they radicalize, made at least two trips and 11 months to clearly areas where he could have been radicalized and pakistan, Quality Control is not as high if they were controlling every Single Person that they recruited and trainedment he could have not just been very good at what he was doing and acting first on his own but simply under inspiration, either way, the point is isis appears to win to a lot of people and thats what our war effort has to be about. Maria he was able to plant the bombs and now we are learning that there are failures the u. S. Government mistakenly granted citizenship to more than 800 immigrant from countries of concern to National Security, the department of Homeland Security is pointing that fingerprints with final deportation orders, theyre missing from federal databases causes mixup, what do you think needs to be done to have better screening, screening people coming into this country . I think the bureaucracy is homeland situation. It was put together in a hurry. And i applaud that it was put together but when you put something together in a hurry you have to be attune to the fact that it has to be refinements, reformed and when the congress and the president dont get along, thats a big part of it. But secondly, and this is more important, that is greater scrutiny and stop worrying so much about offending people and do more about Law Enforcement. Those guys that do Law Enforcement and screen and Everything Else should be completely worry free when it comes to charges of discrimination or racism. Theyre simply looking at human beings who are or are not capable of doing terrorist acts an let the facts follow. No more fort hood of explanations. Dagen this is dagen mcdowell, these are loopholes to be closed to track people coming into this country and then leaving. We are still, i believe, two years out for this kind of entry and exit tracking even at our nations airports. Some of the 9 11 hijackers overstay their visa, half a million tourists last year did that very thing in this country, give the American People an explanation as to why its taken so long because its quite frankly disgraceful. Two president s in a row have been anxious not appearing to be antimuslim and profiling, thats been a big problem. The next president is going to have to solve that problem. Congress will have to be bolder about it. Its taken far too long and i dont know any other explanation than bureaucratic snags but also people worried about being labeled discriminatory. Morgan good morning, this is morgan. We just had governor richards and we have talking about Hillary Clinton where she is not going to bring troops, can you talk about plans for syria and iraq and how to defeat isis. On the one hand you had someone with experience who has had a lot of mitts mistakes and had a lot of problems and who was there for the mistakes of barack obama and didnt speak out. On the other hand, donald trump has zero experience, youre going on how he makes people feel when he taulls about the plans that he will have. At tend of the day, much of what happened in syria was lost because barack obama drew red lines and didnt enforce them. So the next president , it doesnt matter so much the specific plan, does the world believe that president will actually do what it takes including even things the American People may say they dont want to do, whether thats ground troops, Greater Alliance with the curds, something will have to be done that proves that theyll have to do more because they dont have a lot of credibility. Maria this opinion piece that he will invest 500 million of his own money to meet the needs of migrants and refugees, tin vestment is coming in response to Obamas Administration asking u. S. Companies to help ease the migrant crisis. Is it our responsibility to support migrants . Whats your view on this. I dont think you can make an argument the american taxpayer is responsible for the migrants. You can make a National Security argument if necessary and george zs money will be well spent, refugee camps and stop trying to send them into europe and the United States where its only going to create more problems and resistance from the populations in those countries. Maria interesting that hes investing all this money in migrants. Guys, we have to talk about the skittles controversy. He tweeted a picture of a bowl skittles and compared to refugees. If i had a bowl of skittles and if i told you three of them would kill you, would you take them all. Paul, do you agree with trump, jr. s analogy . I dont think i would have gone to candy to make that analysis but i would continue to do what his Fathers Campaign has done to point out that our government cannot admit millions of people or even hundreds of thousands without knowing and know that theres going to be a problem or not. That was just proved over the weekend as we talked about all the people who, Police Officers, Airport Security people who werent supposed to be here and were supposed to be deported. Maria i have to get the panels thinking on this. I think giuliani said and lindsey graham, they all have made the analogy of skittles. Anthony i was with donald trump, jr. In pittsburgh last week. We had 15 different meetings and he used and resinated with them. I think the problem is when its gone social media and the other side is going to take it and dehumanizing from it. Thats sort of the silliness. They have nothing else to argue about. They have to argue about his skittles and temperament because the policies are terrible. Dagen it gives the other side an opportunity to change the conversation. Anthony thats exactly right. Dagen questionable enough that its right for criticism, thats the only reason, not inaccurate. Anthony i saw how effective it was last week. Morgan while i agree with you, dagen, people are so sick of the politically nature that its such a small thing and when they feel they are going after the trumps or every little thing, im just so sick. Dagen people who support him. People who are still right in the middle and the other side can take a hold of this and use it to their advantage by changing the conversation. Anthony by the way, donald trump, jr. Is a terrific guy. If i had a son like him, i would be so proud. He had no silver spoon anywhere. Maria what did you think about the skittles reference. Dagen is right, you give people a reason to criticize what youre saying. Request you had been specific about a couple of cases, it would have resinated just with the first comments about mexican rapist f he pointed out a few real crimes that were in the papers, it would have been a lot less easy for people to attack him. Maria great insights from you. We appreciate your time this morning. Thank you. Paul there. Efforts to contain the flames costing more than 200 million as the blaze rages on. Plus Driverless Cars will have new rules to follow, cars without drivers ready for the road, back in a minute. I had so many thoughts once i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot. What about my wife. What were building together. And could this happen again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . I spoke to my doctor and she told me about eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. But eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Knowing eliquis had both. Turned around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless you doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical els maria welcome back, stocks are looking higher this morning. Take a look at futures, dow industrial expected to be up 50 points, Federal Reserve meeting kicks off today. We will see what their decisions and take a look at stocks on the move, general motors, the average price of a car in the u. S. Around 34,000. The starting price tag of the bolt over 37,000. We are watching unilever, green prowcts seventh generation for 700 million months, the acquisition making the customers potential deal to purchase Jessica Albas Honest Company now unlikely. Cheryl we talked about the wild fire the cost has topped 200 million. This makes it the most expensive fire of u. S. History. It was started by and illegal campfire on july 22nd, did lead to a death of a man in a bulldozer accident. President obama weighing in on selfdriving cars. The president in the oped said that automotive vehicle has potential to save lives but has to be safe, administration with rules of driverless car that is could lead down the road to new regulation. By the way, scott, he wrote his own oped for the journal, he said, that, quote, automakers must resist temptation, will set false expectations with an undecided public. Finally the weight is over. Go price tag 800 bucks. It actually fits into a backpack which is why the excitement is going on about. The gopro, many people say the stock shows this needs to kind of expand at this point. Maria a lot of innovation going on. Thank you, cheryl. Take a look at the baseball brawl, giantsdodgers game. Watch this. 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Minnesota vikings whose running back peterson has a torn miniscus in right knee. They went to watch baseball and hockey game broke out. So they get the out. Yells out, yes, puig thinks its coming at him. They open a 6game lead to top and giants followed with a tie with the st. Louis cardinals for the wild card. The first day of tebows professional career, he drew a large crowd. A couple of hundred fans, baseball around, significant number of media, the mets yesterday started to sell tim tebow merchandise, number 15 jersey turned out to be the biggest seller in Major League Baseball on mlb shop. Com and, you can order the special item, now interestingly this morning i went to the mets online shop, their official page at mlb. Com and you see different jerseys, you can put your name and then the first one we see with the name on it is tim tebow number 15. Hard to look at that and not think of the comments that mets general manager made when they signed tebow. We are not giving a hundred thousand to a player to sell a couple jerseys. Anthony gets divided by the other teams. Even though its sold by the mets, they only get to the dagen they are like running the other way. [laughter] jared watch it, mcdowell. Maria what do you think the other mets players are saying about tim tebow . Jared theres probably some that they, really, is this whats going on, our jersey isnt even up here, hes even above piazza. Anthony after what the women were saying about tim tebow during the break, theres no dagen i will say it on live tv, he has big thighs. Maria are we going to talk about his body again . Anthony i dont want to see you go red, maria. Morgan hes a wonderful young man and doesnt deserve hate. He has good morales and stand for the pledge which you cant say for most anymore. Jared they let everybody know that he did. Dagen people dont hate him but he failed at one support and wound up in another. Maria he moved seemlessly from football to baseball. [laughter] jared football did right by him. Dagen blame the support. Maria thanks, jared. [laughter] maria good escape. We are monitoring the developments jared she did. Dagen i would call him back, big time. Maria we are going take a short break. Monitoring the developments on the details of the suspected bomber who targeted new york city and new jersey. We have updates in the next half hour in mornings with maria, stay with us, back in a moment. Doug and turn to him what powers the digital world. Communication. Thats why a cutting Edge University counts on centurylink to keep their global campus connected. And why a Pro Football Team chose us to deliver fiberenabled broadband to more than 65,000 fans. And why a leading car brand counts on us to keep their Dealer Network streamlined and nimble. Businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. Train duke it Tuesday Morning and a Maria Bartiromo. Your top stories at 7 00 a. M. Terror takedown. It was a wild scene. Police captured the suspect wanted for binding in yesterday. Ahmad khan rahami charge of attempted murder after yesterdays gun battle. The investigation with the boston bombing taken a closer look at how that played out in the Technology Used in fighting the rahami. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton going on the attack. She very much caused the problem. Your weakness, ineffectiveness caused the problem and now she wants to be president , i dont think so. Im the only candidate in this race. We spent part of the her decision to take care of the battlefield. Ive sat at the table table in the situation room. I understand that we dont want this to get even bigger. Trade to Hillary Clintons eyes for the millennial pope had running out of gas stations across the sat he is facing a shortage of trip type and spell to higher prices. Details coming to good why congress may be to blame. I recall a letter for your part in this table. Waffles fall of shelves across how to cut trade over listeria fears. Take a look. A twoday Federal Reserve meeting that begins today. The features indicate game that 60point opening. Central banks and focus on thursday the Federal Reserve on wednesday. Stocks edging higher. As you can see up two thirds of 1 . You will see therapies of Harry Potter History can be yours. Details on the Auction Block today. All those stories coming up this morning and Matter National cochair mortgage or take us in Fox Business Networks dagen mcdowell. Good to see you. A lot to come this morning. Former Boston Police commissioner ed davis with us. Homeland security adviser Michael Balboni. Peter came away again. Director of the university of virginia where sabatino gives us a status check where we are right now with the election. The afghan immigrant plant bombs in new york and new jersey waking up this morning and it issues a house little facing attempted murder charges. Adam shapiro at the very latest. Weird elizabeth, new jersey has died the restaurant on my someones family and the part where he lives. Investigators continued searching for evidence that they build their case in this day preceding as well as the federal proceeding and state proceeding. Charged with five counts of attempted murder. He also faces a 5. 2 million bail as he lives in the hospital in newark recovered from his wounds from yesterdays shootout. Attention has been given to the bar owner who identified someone asked them in the police were looking for. Just on fox and friends. Heres what he said about the startling discovery. He pushed back and i could see his face and i was watching the news on my laptop. It was right there on the screen and i was coming back to that store and i said this guy looks exact like the guy on the tv. Mr. Rahamis family has not say whether he is hired a lawyer or to comment on the situation. We are outside the family business. The family has actually been involved in legal battles with their neighbors and with the city of elizabeth, new jersey over issues of how late the restaurant could stay open. No mention of that and a note found inside the plastic bag with the balm on west 27th street, but the reference is another terrorist attacks and the police are now pursuing that as they investigate mr. Rahami. Trade to adam shapiro. Thank you. And let the Boston Police department during the bombings. Thanks for joining us. Similarities here . No question there are a lot of things that happened the same way. Especially the fact they traveled into troubled areas that may or may not have had training in those areas. That is a very similar and unfortunately profiled we can start to look at your maria what do you think needs to be done to stop these kinds of inspired jihadist . Well, i think the battle in syria and iraq has to be prosecuted fully. Thats where this all comes from and we have to maintain pressure. Back at home we have to tighten our system and learn from each incident hasnt happened identify individuals who may be going down the path. First Committee Program said and if that doesnt work, prosecute. Maria we wanted to talk with you. Authorities found a note written in arabic reference in the boston robbers near the device had been hacked. Using a Pressure Cooker. Are you concerned that their home grown terrorists will follow the attack in boston using Pressure Cookers and whatever ideas they had lost. I think that they will. You have to remember the Pressure Cooker tactics evolve overseas first. To me, this is very similar in motivation and method of operation. The technology was very different. They use cellular phone detonators which are much more sophisticated and the explosive material was much more dangerous to handle. That should be indicate some high level traded here that is much more than looking at the internet and figuring out how to do this. Commissioner ,com,com ma what did we learn lost it for this use yesterday in elizabeth, new jersey . Was there any insight you shared with federal and local Law Enforcement agencies . The there was. One thing and particular and we learned this from the Police Commissioner bud ed. There really has been a change procedure is to on digital love it in now, especially video. Feel isnt looking for fingerprints. Those things are still important today they do tie people in definitively to a case. The first thing we do now is pull the video and look at that. Especially in a place like new york with such comprehensive coverage of solves the case for us. He was charged with five counts of attempted murder and to gun charges. At least one u. S. Senator called to hold elected under the combat for intelligence gathering purposes. Do you think he should be held as a regular criminal and gun charges or should he be held as an enemy combatant . In the case in boston we received a call from the u. S. Attorneys office ordered as it to me to suspect his rights when we got them into custody so he could be questioned under the federal statute. That is the way they handled this year. I dont know why it wasnt handled that way and new jersey. The state charges are preliminary charges. The enemy combat phase is made between the Justice Department and the state prosecutor said person reese and in this when they went another direction. At stake in the towel. Its dagen mcdowell. Authorities certainly second in what you were saying that rahami learned to make these bombs with sophistication with the help of someone else. What about the readily available explosive material out there, his tender right was used in this bomb and that is by it in Sporting Goods stores. Its used in target practice. The that is something we have to look at now. People can use different substances to attack. This is something fairly easy to get and we have to, as i said a few minutes ago, we learned from each attack if we make moves to limit control of these things. Im sure you see statutes coming out very soon that will cut down on the ability to get this to be very dangerous obviously. Maria we were sitting to take yesterday and we got the alert on her cell phone, smart as. The emergency of our system is used to announce rahamis name to the public. This was pushed to cell phones of all new yorkers. The first tendencies from unforced purpose. Listen to this. I want your reaction. We activated earlier today a messaging system used by office of Emergency Management that allowed us to get information out to all new yorkers across the board it had an extraordinary effect. Reached many people the metropolitan area river to reach a Police Officer simultaneously because of the technology they have well. Train to commissioner, at once everybody had a picture of this guy on their phone. I got a tweet from a viewer who said youre talking about emergent alert. What program are you mad because i want that on my phone. Obviously we learned later was the new york metropolitan area. Were you impressed, encouraged by this . Do you think they should go countrywide . I was very impressed with it. The only thing using technology with an trend like uses some preparation. To talk about her use of social media during the boston amin and they say you cant develop the relationship of people in a crisis. They should be developed before him. If you have systems in place practicing about letting them know they would be a text message together will calm things down and prepare for an actual event. By and large the technology is tremendous and will save licensure. We will leave it there. Thanks so much, sir. Still to come, nature pain at the pump in the south is 60 declares state of the over shortage of gasoline. Plus you may want to let go of your egg. The Health Concern for seed minute. Any of you have kids . I do yes. This car has a feature built in called teen driver technology, which lets parents see how their teens are driving. Oh, thats smart. It even mutes the radio until the seat belt is fastened. Will it keep track of how many boys get it in the car . laughter cause that could be useful. This is ahead of what my audi has for sure. Wish my beamer had that. I didnt even know that technology existed. Im not in the market for a car but now i may be. When a moment turns romantic, why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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Prices have been spiking by the way. Folks in Southern California may see a temporary gasp price hike. Causing the shutdown of the refinery yesterday. The plant produces 20 of Southern Californias reclaim capacity. We will keep you posted there appeared more kimber Stores Closing. A source as 64 u. S. Stores are closed ended december in addition to the 70 cameras closing earlier this year. This is the Parent Company making this announcement appeared to be has struggled to remain profitable again amazon another market change. Many Stores Closing between the two of them. Before you sit down to breakfast, the news you could use. Catalog recalling 10,000 cases at it a go nutrigrain wholewheat waffles because of potential wisteria contamination. The products available 10 count packs its use by date of november 21st of november 22nd, 2017. Catalog says there is no reports of illness which is the good news is the bad news is youre trying to have a waffle thats wholewheat you might be exposed to list area. Thats kind of unfortunate. Train to what it is. Thank you. Be prepared to wait. How government inaction could cause a headache for fall travel plan. The battle for the millennial flow. Each candidate is doing and what they need to do from the highly coveted demographic. The millennial next. This man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this Vice President , this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. We ship everything you atcan imagine. N, and everything we ship has something in common. Whether its expedited overnight. Or shipped around the globe,. Its handled by od employees who know that delivering freight. Means delivering promises. Od. Helping the world keep promises. For your retirement, you wanted to celebrate the little things, before they get too big. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Td ameritrade. Maria welcome back to the ridiculously long tsa airport rents from last spring could be back in less than two weeks. Peter messenger warning the funding that allowed the agency to hire 1000 new screeners will dry up without a government budget on october 1st. New york state Homeland Security adviser Michael Balboni. Good to see you. Thank you for joining us. Do you expect and implications of the funding dries up . Would tsa did in response to congressional public criticism, they did a search. They had a lot more people. Now they say if the budget is not enacted in the next couple months they will not be able to keep those individuals in which case the exit patient as the ones will grow. This comes at the very height security concern right now as a result of what happened here in new york. Generally throughout the world there is a big concern aviation continues to be the target. Train to you been watching this from leading new york state in terms Homeland Security for a long time. Tell us what you think needs to be done. How are we going to secure transportation cover the airport. Would tsa was developed in this get this done right now immediate. They had to hire 60,000 people overnight, get set up and secure nation for that care system was pretty. We had to go to briskly screening. In other words, should just say youve got to screen everybody at every time. We start to make changes that the problem is that such a bureaucracy and it moves so incrementally its very difficult to make changes. For example, the Committee Held hearings to say what about privatization . Is this something we can take a look at . There is a Screening Partnership program. But to get in the contract figures to get done. This is another evidence of the fact rockers he doesnt like change. Train to the bureaucracy is Holding Things back like every other agency. Senator john could and bill bell said say they are working on a bipartisan effort to ensure that tsa is protecting more than airports. The administrators say in only 3 of that tsa budget is spent on security for trains, buses and ports. How is it possible 3 . What we know is terrorists like to see something that is the calculator. If you take down an aircraft is a worldwide phenomenon. The attacks in europe and asia, use the rail transportation has also been something people take a look at. At the middle east buses have been a target of terrorist attacks for years. Train to you would think that its easier the rail system. In major cities when you have an extensive sampling of work. There are plots for a multilayered wood behind other people tried it, part of the whole plot lets take a look at the new york city subway system. Trade to youve got the suspect at a hospital taking down by the fbi yesterday. The recent attacks in new york and new jersey. The fact it took less than 48 hours to capture this had check. Give a huge shout out to Law Enforcement. Fantastic work. These brave men and women dont get enough credit. Maria is just important. Its fantastic they did this. Now the questions begin to learn more about the individual. He is buried in an apartment in new jersey. Where did he make the bombs . How did he learn how to do that . Is to do about it . As the Police Commissioner in new york city yesterday, where did they do the activities . Trade to what is happening in terms of the investigation . What do you think authorities are looking for . The whole looming question is rescued by bypass this . He traveled to afghanistan three times. It really begins with the digital footprint through what type of chat rooms to get into other websites to visit. Find out how he lived his life in the last 72 hours, we come a month. What did he do . Where did he travel and what type of contacts is the link analysis chart . Who has he been speaking to . That is whats going on to see what his network is and what anybody was complicit in this event. Maria they are really scary bit of conversation and how long they were. A conversation of an hour or multiple hours is more important whether its online or on the phone and somebody speaks to every speaks to everyday for a few minutes. These are the details if there is radicalizing going on. Radicalization study does not occur overnight. It takes time that is incremental. It is sped up if you are able to travel and are averse to that culture. But it takes time and therefore youve got to see who might have seen them. How do we learn from this . Maria when you think well find out . Hes not cooperating, not talking. He had that done within secret in the doorway. He didnt have a network card a safe house to go to and he had that weapon. He was going to maybe go out in a blaze of glory. He did want to get taken a life of the way he did the bombs would indicate he wanted to survive. They will look for leverage the information they have about him and his family. Maria thanks so much. Ill call Michael Balboni joining us. You may like to send your Christmas Gift theyll pay the fedex price increases safety nature price increases set to hit your season pricing if they can. Back in a moment. To folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain. Shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. To everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. Make sure your doctor hears you too i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. 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I cant back know what to do my best to answer those questions. But it comes to Public Service Company Service parties easier is easier for me than the public park. I will never be the showman i opponent is. Trade to the latest on the race to the white house didnt make in the process easier. Freddie mac loosening standards for raising questions about whether this could lead to a repeat of the housing crisis. Get ready to pay up. Fedex unveiled its plan to raise prices. How much more youll pay coming out. Practice point to a higher opening. A fed meeting this week are dow industrial bahais and subordinate. Central banks in focus ahead of decisions for the bank of japan thursday at Federal Reserve wednesday. At 100 in london that two thirds of an ascent in asian markets mostly lower with the exception of the cost being korea. A parking garage so beautiful its become a wedding venue. How they can be disrupters. Youve got to tell us about it. The new york and new jersey bombings waking up in a hospital after a dramatic manhunt in gunbattle with police. We landed or outside the hospital right now is the details into the terrorist investigation. Good morning to you. And one btu, rubbery. Someone behind me at the hospital and were brought to the same house as the Police Officers wounded in the gunfight. Rahami feeling well enough to have his mug shot taken. That only charge of the crabs are trying to kill Police Officers the federal charges at the down the eastern seaboard coming soon. Learning more about his past. Trips to afghanistan, one trip to pakistan. Dont know if he attended terrorist Training Camps sponsored by possible. But questions about why he was not stopped or questioned nor would he return the united state for those trips. His High School Sweetheart called and the dead bait and said he did not like america. We continue to puzzle of his radicalization. His brothers Facebook Says hybrid man who desired death who desired path as ardently as you desire life. Despite all of these clues, his father says he had no idea. Did you know your son was doing this . I had no idea. When you hear hes been accused of this you believe that . Do you believe that . Im not sure whats going on. Im not sure what is happening. Its very hard right now to talk. Also, the fbi to look at First American fried chicken. The business owned by his family that he lived and worked out as well. Still dont know a terms of where the investigation goes. Dissent five have contact with groups that taught them how to make these bonds they did anyone to write to board a plane that appeared back to you. Trade to thank you greatly they exaggerate the details. The liquids are having trouble keeping support about bolla deals. The comedy is a Temple University reached out to you voters about her plan to pay for college. I understand the temple was found it to democratize, diversify and why did the reach of Higher Education. That is still a vital goal. So i worked with Bernie Sanders on a plan. We came up with a plan that makes Public College tuition free for working families and tax free for everyone. [applause] maria joining us right outcome is the senior director estimates sales, jason meister. Good to see you. Vice president or the social polish feet and politics program. Good to see you. Thanks for joining us. You think this is going to help hillary would back the millennial pope . If theres one difference difference this election for young people it is that we hate donald trump or than any candidate in recent history. George w. Bush and mccain and even door. Hillary clinton is interesting to think that people want to see like me. Affordable Higher Education making sure we are safe from gun and lots of other priorities we have. Trained to hate is a big word. Morgan ortegas, joined millennial, what is your take . Stay like everything she said would be great if it were true at the polls. If not. Hillary clinton is doing as well as that romney did in 2012 with no ideals. Heres the big hubbub. You can talk about this as well. If she cant bring out cant bring out more deals of the cant bring a blend of sentencing members president obama did come away talking about a very different alike to record 2012 especially with donald trump getting the white working democrats to vote for him. Its a democrat versus republican election. You now have a corrupt career politician. Thats where she is in the incessant bias for yassin said she went down are hurting her. They were overwhelmingly in support of Bernie Sanders. Weve now seen it was totally red against. Millennial stuff like to see and they want and trustworthy candidate. Trenches that his identity while serving scholes was pushed out. I want to ask you, is that all Hillary Clinton has got to give a speech like that because we didnt play it, but she said i know he said something and im paraphrasing. No birdies in her supporters are onboard with her campaign. What can she do between now and early november . I think Hillary Clinton is working hard to make sure you people know about policy she had that would help them. It is also unfair to compare her to 2000 a barack obama. Young people like change and that is what he was able to deliver. Its not a hardware problem. Its a third term of a democratic presidency problem. These folks dont remember anything except barack obama. The younger millennial stinko bob is basically the norm. D. C. Have acquainted as essentially more of a verdict that. Dagen morgan wasnt comparing her to barack obama p. She was comparing Hillary Clinton to mitt romney. She has the same percentage of the both that romney won. Two things we are not talking about. We have 15 unemployment about millennial generation. They want jobs and they want jobs to invade the jobs. Were talking about a housing recovery date years since the housing crash. Millennial seat in enomycan sur. Theres no jobs for that. Trade to ask millennial, do you to ask millennial, do you think you would get free college . I dont think im going to get free college. Im on the older side of the millennial generation which had a little more about what can actually get done in washington. I think there are a lot of things young people want that Hillary Clinton is talking about. They want to make sure we achieve in this country that is something donald trump is again. Maria i dont know about that. Lets go back to the convention with peter teale coming out at reaching out to the community. He made a lot of enemies about that episode. I am so impressed. Lets talk about womens rights and. They Hillary Clinton foundation to millions from deplorable sharia around law countries which kill women is a is the candidate will ideals will vote for or with poor in gay. Will trample overturn Marriage Equality and overturn the right to choose for women. Maria did he say that . All the nominees that he has offered us a superb core pack would have those positions. Maria i dont think you said that. Sativa stegall domine put forward has been against the right to choose and again gay writes. Trade to a poll up the list of who we recommended. The polling comparing her to mitt romney is fox news, cbs, nature posters that show her polling poorly with only deals. Gary johnson and joe stein in the mix. It is not trumped up and says such. I matter what you think about the republican primary, it was a fair primary. Anthony and i got the badly in that sense moved on. That is what you are speaking to the republican primary is spare and the democrat primary just is another long process to see the rigged election. Maria i feel like thats a bloody nose want. They want a fair shot. They dont want corruption. Weve got to watch this because she spoke about the travel about the trouble to link the campaign. Try to get your reaction, both of you. I just think it drags it out for people. Its hard to maintain the attention of the public when youve been going on for 18 or two years. Trained to do agree with that . Its deplorable. Maria what about you . I think its clear in every single poll in every battleground state, Hillary Clinton is what the voters and continue to win voters. The folks dropping off her actually a lot of the republican neils who detest donald trump and the key is deplorable. If you add those together but the numbers he has, that is the republican neil you want to see someone other than donald trump. Three quarters of millennial state donald trump is racist. Three quarters that he doesnt respect women in the Senate Intent would be ashamed of this country if we elected to. Thats pretty clear. Maria does it bother you the party was in the tank for hillary it was coming with strategies to make Bernie Sanders let that which we doubt from Debbie Wasserman schultz email. Clinton won more delegates than barack obama did last time. She did everything she could to persuade people. You people need to know more about why she needs to do for them and thats what shes trying to provide. Trade to defeat her Health Issues hurt her . Everyone knows both candidates are a lot older that the millennial generation. That is who weve got on the table right now and its true of the thirdparty candidates. We have to find someone to support hillary quit. Id like to address that. I think a health issue is a major issue. The overheating and the pneumonia or weeks of lies that i think shes a very ill person. I think she has a neurological disease. This is going to be a major dagen lets not speculate about her health. We do know she was diagnosed with pneumonia and did tell us about it. Maria good to see you both. We will watch this incredible election. The possible dangers of a new Pilot Program be seated, documentation requirements. Heres your chance to live like a famous wizard. Harry potter sounded home up for sale. The price tag coming up next. [alarm beeping] the highly advanced audi a4. Be overwhelming and complicated. Thats why at Cancer Treatment centers of america, every patient gets their own care manager, to coordinate every aspect of their care. Its a long journey, its very complicated and we try to help them through that. We are available 24 7. If a new symptom occurs in the middle of the night, we are there to help. The care manager coordinates all of the patients appointments, scans, chemotherapy. 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Fire risk in using come from second jobs theyve held for a relatively short period of time. The program does not require banks and is to show how borrowers safer down payment. Freddie mac says the program is to boost origination among firsttime home tires. For all you harry potter fans coming heres your chance to own his own house. The house dont wear young harry a bit with this evil and to not all under the stairs can be yours for a 620,000 american dollars. Its actual location in this suburb west of london about 25 miles and obviously the real date general has soared in value. The last sold for 325,000 at the height of harry potter mania. It doesnt look as good in pictures as it did did in the movie. Funny the film really raises the valuation. One company turned this parking garage into a wedding venue. How you can turn ordinary to extort hairy backs. Back in a minute. Do you worry if youve saved enough for retirement . Are you or your spouse 62 or older . A governmentbacked reverse mortgage enables you to turn the equity youve built into the retirement you deserve. With over 20 years in the mortgage business, lendingtree allows you to compare free reverse mortgage offers with no obligation. Just go to lendingtree. Com or call now to get started. Live in your home and get the steady income you need. Enjoy your family. Your home. Your life. Lendingtree. When banks compete, you win. Treating to welcome back at a garage in a wedding venue may sound odd because we usually associate innovation with the technologies that are. Our next guest is everyday Business Owners can disrupt industry as well. Dont tell her the of task of the magazine and author of the new book is simply brilliant which hits bookstores today. Thank you for joining us. Congrats on the book. It looks great. What motivates you to write. Be met by starting a fast company 20 years ago and spent the last 20 years hanging out in silicon valley, with all the Virtual Reality people of this software and service people. 90 of the economy is that bad. Could i set out in fine people doing truly extraordinary thing that rather ordinary settings. Retail banks, small house but those, department stores, fast food joints and a parking garage. At the corner of lincoln road and alton road in south beach. I will turn the tide. That is the view from the parking garage. Thats a Movie Theater across the street. The parking garage if you look at it is so big. Theres a store there in one of the hottest restaurant and part of the parking garage. To store the glass cube on the fifth floor. He parked his ready cars that get out of there. To do theories that slots make it a wideopen space. People get carried off the top floor. Its become a civic space cultural space. Something extraordinary. Your 20 plus years of working at innovation, is there a thread a lot of people did those developing part in garages that you can say heres a personality characteristic these people have. First of all, a very clear definition of success. It tends to be i dont want to be the best at what everybody else is already doing. I want to be the open one who does what i do. Theres a tremendous sense of originality. Theres a tremendous sense of reinvention. A sauce made are to overcome the success and keep growing and changing with the tide. They make sure that what they know it doesnt limit what they can imagine. They always ask themselves, and by learning as fast as the world is changing . They have a real say in that not just technology. That just about Business Models for mondays. Excited people around you to rally to your side. Weve got a human touch as well. Maria they all want growth stories. They want to keep growing all the time. Is this a fast food chain in tennessee . Export, tennessee between the appalachians in the great smoky bout. Its like a total corporate. People arent saying about it. Theyve got great burgers and fries. The whole thing is called all and service. They want to be faster than costs. You pull up to the restaurant. They take your order within 18 seconds. Someone believe that it takes your order. You pull around to the other side indicate word within 12 seconds. If youre about to drive off they do look inside the bag to make sure its correct, they take that as a personal insult because they guarantee they never ever make a mistake. The truth or you dont even have to stab at the drive through. The they make a mistake every 3600 orders come about as close to perfection as you can get. They are so good they were the first Restaurant Company to win the malcolm alters quality. Its pretty darn extraordinary. Maria that is fabulous. We will be watching. Bill taylor. More details this morning about the suspect barnes. The latest development in the next hour of transcended. We will be right back. Everyone thought i was crazy to open a hotel here. Everyone said its so hard to be a musician, but i cant imagine doing anything else. Now that the train makes it easier to get here, the neighborhood is really changing. Im always hopping on the train, running all over portland. I have to go wherever the work is. Trains with innovative Siemens Technology help keep cities moving, so neighborhoods and businesses can prosper. I can book 3 or 4 gigs on a good weekend. Im booked solid for weeks. It takes ingenuity to make it in the big city. Maria welcome back good Tuesday Morning everyone i am Maria Bartiromo tuesday, september 20 top stories right now 8 00 on the east coast terror takedown. [gunshots]. Capturing suspect wanting for he bombings in new jersey and new york city Ahmad Khan Rahami charged with attempted murder after yesterdays battle details in the investigation rahamis wife left United States in days before the bombings we have very latest coming up. On to politics of terror donald trump, Hillary Clinton taking on the Terror Threat ties to immigration policy. Let me say very, very clearly, immigration security is National Security. My opponent has the most open borders policy of anyone ever to seek the president. Lets remember what happened on 9 11 these were not refugeesless not get distracted by the kind of Campaign Rhetoric we hear coming from the other side. Maria the state of the race this morning and changing tolerab map the latest there u. S. Relationship with Russia Vladimir Putin look to go bring back a cold war staple, why that has many in the Intelligence Community concerned wells fargo ceo on the hot seat in washington already apologized and said he accepts responsibility for the scandal sorry enough whether his job at stake ahead of an important hearing today 10 a. M. Eastern ahead of the Senate Banking committee, staying safe shopping online what you need to know to protect your information and money in markets futures pointing to a higher openings we are looking at money into stocks ahead of the Federal Reserve meeting today and wednesday. A central bank, of course, in focus ahead of decisions on rates from the bank of japan on thursday, and Federal Reserve on wednesday. In europe this morning, the tone was set higher take a look. Ft 100 up one half 1 higher across the board in eurozone in asia different story markets were lower almost across the board, overnight, all stories coming up this morning joining me to talk about it maverick Pack National cochair morgan ortegus, Anthony Scaramucci dagen mcdowell. Great show. Dagen we want answers about remaine. Maria going to get them joining the conversation new york congressman peter king joining us do stay with us for that director of university of Virginia Center for politics larry lab dew with us you Stuart Varney is back with us you dont want to miss a moment stay with us we kick off with top story that is, the afghan immigrant suspected of planting bombs in north korea and new jersey wakes up in new jersey hospital attempted murdered a a. M. Shapiro in nnl with very latest, good morning. Good morning again maria, five counts of attempted murder because of the shootout with Police Officers, in linden, new jersey in front of the restaurant his family owned as well as where he lived participant above police guy investigators on scene as is they seek evidence as charges are built against him federal charges the one set of charges as already existence of 5 se. D bail set 5. 2 million dollars, talk about questions not yet answered apparently, mr. Rahamis wife, overwhelm married in pakistan, left the United States a few days ago and has been detained in the United Arab Emirates, the other urban did mr. Rahami go to pakistan several times, according to federal sources, more than once. The big news of the day, of course, hero bar owner identified yesterday on fox friends this morning talking about that shocking moment he realized who was asleep in his doorway. Pushed back pushed back, in bag i can see his face, and i was watching news on laptop here is that guy photo right there on the screen and i was like coming back to my steer little shaken i said oh, my god looks like guy they are showing on tv. Reporter friends people who knew mr. Rahami say he changed in the past few years after taking trips to go afghanistan sources at federal government an but took several trips to actually pakistan who he met in pakistan is certainly part of the questions that have yet to be answered. Back to you. Maria all right Important Information thereed a a. M. Shapiro elizabeth, new jersey. Canningman thank you so much for joining us. What is your take the suspect may have act alone or do you think that there are international ties perhaps inspired by isis . I think too earl to tell says this investigation is over, really there doesnt know what they are talking about, a lot of unanswered requests we know he made at least 10 bombs lived in tiny apartment where did he keep bombs nobody has seen them where the materials for them where did he get his gun was it legal did somebody get it for him . His family his friends neighbors, did nobody see what he was up to yeah really a k question whether active coconspiracy to his people looked the other way afghanistanpakistan what influence do they have a component in this investigation to see whether he acted alone or support over here, and a solaror whether or not getting any type offions or direction from overseas, so i would say you know this is investigation is far from over there is too many unanswered questions. Maria the fbi said there is no terror cell associated with this attack, but that the bombeer may have had help in new york is it possible to plan multiple attack like these in new york and new jersey without help . It seems you know,unlikely but apparently we are being told he is not cooperative how are we going to get to the bottom of this . Well there is a lot of potential evidence there is for instance cell phone they can track down every contact he has on cell phone, track down their contact, go through his apartment find any notes anyone talking to lately anyone that he had any dealings with, check it out that way. And also, though, again this people say this guy is no genius apparently isnt as far as i know this is the first series of terrorist attacks that took place in two states. He carried out a bye state terrorist operation here at least three locations five bombs in elizabeth while bombs not perfect high spoke with a number of Police Officers there was a level of sophistication to these bombs, so it wasnt just something he got out of a cookbook, do you know whether or not marappear again who may have helped in Jersey New York and or a firing component. Dagen congressman what do you know whether or not see this as war on terror josh ernest in interview said following in some ways this is actually a war of narrative we want to make sure we get our counternarrative against eyes ill we are having progress what do you make of that. Absolutely ridiculous foolish does show the whole mindset of the Obama Administration, when you think in the past whenever a racially incident or something to o fend an agenda he is quick to talk in this case the attack on saturday night president said nothing about it saturday night nothing about it is on sunday was in manhattan, with the assistance of nypd that provided all sorts of security for him had to drive through around Chelsea Campaign speech zbram as are. Park are a fundraiser attacked donald trump never once mefrngsed attacks in chelsea to me that is absolutely disgraceful george bush was criticized waiting 10 minutes before he responded to 9 11. Because he wanted to full report, here you have a president almost 36 hours, right in the neighborhood, where tack occurred didnt say word. Why . We were talking about that yesterday as well. Congressman, why . Why is so it hard for president obama to just admit that terrorism is alive and well they want to kill us we need to be vigilant, and yeah, this this has it feels like islamic terrorism what is the problem . Well to cues his term it goes against his narrative, he into office so critical of Bush Administration convinced if you reached out to friendship withdraw troops o more conciliatory republican full quote unquote human rights enemy would respond as john brennan said two months ago the Terror Threats now worse than 9 11 or 9 12 Mission Denial doesnt want to admit. It. Maria i guess it would put into question morgan the idea of his plans to close down guantanamo bay. Ask excellent point we have seen the fort hood shooting, we are treating this gentlemen as terrorist not a gentlemen as a common criminal charging him attempted customered gun charges congressman why around the we treating him as enemy combatant especially after what you said doesnt carry coop rate with authorities why treated like a common criminal . You had davis on your show earlier again i have same issue ed raised in boston, Justice Department did tell local police not to read miranda rights get as much information as possible overwritten later on Justice Department did stop fbi from carrying out a full interrogation for a while he they were having open questions and you can do it under the law i dont know why that happened i really dont that is something to me is a real question for the Justice Department. Congressman what steps would you recommend to the next administration to correct these problems that you see . First of all, stop being politically correct identify enemy as terrorism make it clear that increased surveillance is necessary, in the Muslim Community that is where the threat is coming from, stop apologizing stop with this crazy quote unquote i narrative Hillary Clinton has somehow if you attack islamic you terrorism speak out against it that somehowure recruiting, nobody is recruiting anyone pb they recruit themselves, you know. Bill clinton again, i am not an enemy of bill bill by any means but 9 11 attacks came 8 years of bill clinton was in office the only time used trooped to help muts limbs, in bosnia, no one was yet we were attacked on 9 11 attacked ever since they dont need provocation what they do respect is force and what they respect is coming after them that is what we have to do stop apologizing for it. Maria so look forward for us the president is in new york, president obama is aiming to define this is leadership globally final United Nations speech today. We are going to hear from the president , he is also going to talk about refugees, that is one of the big issues on table at u. N. General assembly what legacy is obama leaving. As far as terrorism i think it has been at best mixed overall a failure certainly with isis a failure terrible failure several years, more threats than 9 11 that speaks for itself, as far as refugees sounds good sounds very humane, in rblefugees you and i we are descentants of immigrants the reality is there is no way to vet them at all we know that isis is going to tempt infiltrate those refugees with terrorist, this is absolutely madness allowing people into the country, at this time no records there is nothing to vet them again, we dont know who is coming in, and to me it is just a feelgood going to be very dangerous for u. S. President has been very clear right he wants to increase number of refugees coming into this country hillary wants to increase number by 500 . Dagen we took roughly 10,000 in the last in the last year, i think the number that see that threw out 65,000. Was kind of a target. And going back to something i mentioned earlier in the show congressman we still have loopholes that let people overstay visas in this country that five high hijackers 9 11 overstayed visas to this day have not closed loopholes to this day do not track interest tourists entry and exit out of this country, two years out of americas airports. I would say probably half went into this country 11 million probably, 5 million of them are people who what i am into this can you please legally overstayed visas for whatever reason technology not perfected i dont know why there should be no excuse this goes back to 9 11 commission, they their report 2004 said this had to be perfected this loophole had to be closed immediately that was 12 years ago, were not much further now than we were there. Maria quick congressman how do you make sure that vetting process is gets better . Right now i say suspend it end it i dont see how you make it better theres no records you are talking about refugees from syria we have no access to any records we dont know who these people are can say anyone can say john smith we are not even certain they are from syria too risky move to take. We will watch we appreciate your time thank you, sir. Thank you, maria. Congressman peter king. Senate set to grill wells fargo ceo over phone account scandal the latest as ceo prepares to testify on capitol hill. Calm it a comeback a blast from the past could put cia on edge, next. This woman owns this house, with new cabinets from this shop, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. 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It is being called the mgb Russian Media reporting putin to make a major restructuring of security servicers would mean a rebirth of the kgb a government body called ministry for state security would resemble soviet area in 1991 after soviet union fell greatly reduced body with many of the kgbs about responsibilities among different agencies putins party has overwhelming approval thanks to elections for parliament. It is said governor Chris Christie was told about the bridge while shutdown was happening, christie has denied knowing about it until after carried out this trial coming three years after gridlock paralyzed fortunately new jersey four days prosecutes charge he sought april revenge. I want to tell you about a scam, that is being used on facebook, technology some people using your connections against you, posing as relative or friend of yourself to con you or friends into making a payment to get a free grant from the government, scam saying payment is used to cover a ups Delivery Charge one red flag never pay money for a free grant, or a lottery ticket. Facebook moving up in premarket, 2865. General motors announcing price for chevy volt electric vehicle going to cost nearly cheapest one 37500 dollars, that comes down to just under 30 grabbed after you get a federal tax credit, and that is less than average u. S. Price of a new car over 35,000 that was month of august according to kelly blue book, those are headlines. Maria next google might have an answer in the search for how it stops isis the new strategy to prevent wouldbe recruits from joining the group, is the deal losing charge big problems could delay a merger weve got them coming next. Back in a moment. As a combination of see products. And customers. Every ontime arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,. Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. Because od employees treat customer service. Like our most important delivery. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Sometimes they just drop in. Always obvious. Cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. We enable you to reach Global Markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. Cme group how the world advances. Maria welcome back, in wake of this weekends terrorist attacks compromise democratic president ial nominee Hillary Clinton is calling on Technology Companies to do more in the fight against terror. We need to work more closely with silicon valley, and other partners for Counter Terrorist propaganda recruitment efforts online. Google is trying to answer the call joining us right now news correspondent Lea Gabrielle with more how companies is working to subvert isis recruiting methods what is google doing. What google is doing a tech think tank developing ways to essentially online advertise people searching for term that may indicate want to join extremist groups like isis redirecting them to youtube videos would dissuade them from want to go join isis they argog e beyond some counternarrative campaigns we have seen before that would try to recruit dissuade younger people not that deep into their the isis like ideology trying to go beyond o that to the people probably looking to join isis are looking to do something here in the west. By basically showing them videos of what it is like in the caliphate some horrible videos that you can find already on youtube, of the horrible conditions, inside the caliphate places like iraq syria. Maria interesting what do you think of the are relationship now between the government the Obama Administration administration, especially, and google seem to be very openly over past few years. I hope there is a relationship that we really dont know about, about that would be relationship between Intelligent Community Law Enforcement and organizations like google because, what google is trying to do is excellent the experts at figuring out what it that is we are going to click on, and sending us there, but the people who are really the experts at psychological operations are people in u. S. Government doing this studying this entire careers, you know we are very good at psychologically operations we have used dropping leaflets loudspeakers in country very effective in the persian gulf war getting the iraqis to surrender the battlefield is cyber the struggle going psychologically operations is reaching the people you need to influence, so really needs a marriage between the industry that is developing Tech Industry developing capabilities and government so they can sort of hold hands absence use the skills they both have to really go against groups like isis and pro tickets on home front. Maria dagen problem after any of them sa meta Data Collection program, it was released some Technology Companies that were helping or involved in the Data Collection, the vendors really turned their backs on these companies, and there is a kind of collective thought among Technology Companies that they should not cooperate or work with the government, in any way. Certainly intelligent. He only but stance they need to take because people who purchase products want to know their privacy is secure safe. But there is also a responsibility i think, you know within organizations like twitter facebook, google to not help groups like isis spread terror. That is the kind of groupthink. Upped stand being private companies could take that tact they want to protect about profitability make sure people want to buy products it is understandable at the same time as we just talked about i sure hope there is some sort of a hand shaky zwen Intelligence Community and some groups with within technical sector. Worried some stuff spilled over into election, google is accused of manipulating searches, on Hillary Clinton, and some searches related to donald trump so scary component to this as well. Is we reported that last week, sputnik had a story we talked about on the show, whereas when you search for Hillary Clinton is you get Hillary Clinton is awesome Hillary Clinton is great, then you do it on facebook Hillary Clinton is a liar. Google that was the report from sputnik what you are referring to yeah. As i said cybernew battle field talking about psychological operations trying to influence campaigns potentially russians might be doing cyberer a place psychological operations can be effective you can be aware of something we need to be on top of but as looking at our computers we need to be aware the fact there may be influences out there. Lea thank you. Joining us there, still to come all about the maps latest on statebystate battles between Hillary Clinton and donald trump, we are going to take a look at thmap are you safe shopping online what you feed to know before hitting that buy button, stay with us. Hard work and a plan. At baird, we approach your Wealth Management strategy the same way to create a Financial Plan built to last from generation to generation. Well listen. Well talk. Well plan. Baird. Good Tuesday Morning i am Maria Bartiromo thanks for being here tuesday, september 20, your top stories right now, 8 30ommh a. M. On the east coast, searching for more clues in new york new jerseys bombings remaine afghan immigrant under arrest after yesterdays gun battle knew report his wife left the United States, in the days before the bombings was intercepted in uae the latest, the white house we go to politics of tiero donald trump Hillary Clinton focusing on immigration, while on the campaign trail. There are millions of lawabiding peaceful muslim americans, this is the kind of challenge that Law Enforcement can be and is prepared to address, i am absolutely in favor of and have long been advocate for tough veting. We want people to come into our country. But they have to come in legally through a process and we need extreme screening. Maria all that plus shiftitlo map we will look at that john Stumpf Center stage on capitol hill this morning will his apology be enough to save his job testifying in front of the Senate Banking committee 10 a. M. Aerospace we are taking that live go brother to the skies launching first lone hoping sales soar being safe shopping online what you need to know checking out hour away from opening bell futures to higher opening we are near highs of the day, Dow Jones Industrial average expected up 70 points this morning nasdaq up half a percent that is 20 points higher game started in europe set tony stocks endless higher Federal Reserve meeting this week, today, and tomorrow and bank of japan meeting on thursday. In asia markets there mostly lower ahead of that bank of japan meeting on thursday, the terror suspect in new york and new jersey bombings wakes up this morning in a hospital after a dramatic manhunt a gun battle with police Fox News Channel Leland Vittert in underanew jersey with startling details over investigation. Reporter good morning to you Ahmad Khan Rahami waking up in hospital even though shot in that battle felt well enough to have mug shot taken yesterday so far, he has been charged with tamed murder of a Law Enforcement officer because of that shootout that wounded a couplech officers, federal charges, for the bombings up and down eastern seaboard coming soon learning more pieces of puzzle about radicalization, multiple trips to afghanistan, one trip to pakistan, having those countries both have terrorist Training Camps in pakistan allegedly married a woman there brought her back to the United States now there is an l. A. Times report that in the hours after the o bombing she fled to pakistan but was stopped in the United Arab Emirates for questioning presumably to see if she. You anything about what her husband was up to unclear where that stands right now one more piece to the puzzle fbi looking at remaines social media pages check out this, from rahamis brothers back to page militants with this quote i bring man who desire death as ardently as you desire life it paerdz it appears fbi did not connect dots. Nothing to indicate he was on our radar we had a report of domestic incident sometime ago that was at the allegations recanted, and dont have other information we will keep digging. Investigators continue today look at First American frid friday chicken the restaurant the family lived at that realm lived above scouring that neighborhood bombsniffing dogs out there those kinds of things still a lot of unevensed questions was rahami in contact with any terrorist organization who taught him how to make bombs was he directed in some way, also, maria of course, what signs could have possibly been missing including why he it wasnt interviewed more to have youly more looked at after trips to afghanistan, and it be trip to puck a stan back to you. Maria went to pakistan married his wife there, took her back to the u. S. Obviously we know, now, that authorities have intercepted her leaving we will keep following that Leland Vitter the latest, less than 50 days to election day donald trump gaining steam not only in polls but o electoral map, larry sabato good to see you thanks for joining us, so your latest crystal balance elector map predicts a surge in favor of donald trump we have the the electoral in front of us where is the tossup. Essentially, trump has surged in two key swing states ohio and iowa. Well up in iowa, that seems to be his very best swing state. We are with leaving helohio to him last three polls in ohio he has been up again i think the population in iowa the voting population is well suited to trumps message. The important part of this map is not just those two states, it is the fact that we downgrade from Hillary Clinton several other states that are critical. Florida, North Carolina, nevada they are now all tossups those are opportunities for trump if he can continue the momentum he had during the two worst weeks of Hillary Clintons general election campaign. Pretty about incredible i know florida was really, really close we know that trump is winning in florida, North Carolina was a real tossup as well where do you think Hillary Clinton really retains the edge . Youve got leaning democrat like pennsylvania virginia where does she have the real edge . I think she is pretty solid in pennsylvania,virginia as well. Colorado. Certainly the northeast, the usual blue states there. But i think the trump he focuses hoped to win michigan and wisconsin, at this point i dont see a lot of o movement there has been somemost in michigan, toward trump but clinton is still up. Maria what about missouri lets talk about missouri, because this all of a sudden, has shifted, from likely republican to safely republican why zpabt. Missouri has been getting more and more conservative when i was growing up missouri was ultimate tossup state everybody kind of looked at mo to foretell the election results, that is long over. Now, obama almost won it in 2008, incredibly but that was an election with very peculiar circumstances so i think it is over in missouri. Over in missouri, wow, what about nevada lets talk nevada for a second, because that was another area where there was a big expectation that trump could take it. Yeah. Here the key is the hispanic vote how large it is, obviously it is going to be overwhelmingly for clinton, but how many come out to vote. There hasnt been the excitement that clinton had hoped for in a wide variety of communities i would say millennials even more than hispanics where she is having a real problem. Maria trying to reach out to millennials, by the way today, lets lets change the map or what does map look like when you add in the thirdparty candidates when youve got Gary Johnson Jill Stein in the mix does that help or hurt the nominees . I think if you combine the two, it is actually taking a point or two away from Hillary Clinton. Which probably surprises people. We assume that libertarians hurt republicans more than democrats it isnt always true especially when a libertarian gets up to 10 level essentially where gary johnson is, stein is you know, 2, 3, 4 , lets remember the odds are since neither of these will be in debate numbers will fall as we approach november 8. Last time you came on the show you were adamant that Hillary Clinton would likely be next president are you still feeling that . I think she is still a favorite. She has more paths to 270 on that donald trump does, but i am not eliminating the past that donald trump has. He has have past 270 barely 270 a little over 207 she has paths beyond 270 the difference. When you look at most important states, in terms of narrowing that gap what are they . Well, if trump is going to break through, he has got to win one of those big states where she is currently doing well whether it is michigan, or whether it is pennsylvania, and he certainly has to swing the tossups key in swing states win as theups has to thread eye of the needle in all of them she dont you need all. He has been spending a lot of time in pennsylvania has it resonated . So far, no. So fare weve seen among the blue states in that region, thank you rust belt clintons largest lead in pennsylvania. That is today so that we see changes all through the election campaign, and we have not had first debate the debate could reset the game we will have to seimone. Maria all about the debate, right now, larry good to talk with you thank so much. Thanks, maria. Maria larry sabato the fallout of wells account scandal to Capitol Hill Senate prepares to grille ceo john stumpf we will take it live for you gopro takes flight why company is betting a drone to help shares soar, back in a moment. Theres no one road out there. No one surface. No one speed. No one way of driving on each and every road. But there is one car that can conquer them all. The mercedesbenz cclass. Five driving modes let you customize the steering, shift points, and suspension to fit the mood youre in. And the road youre on. The 2016 cclass. Lease the c300 for 369 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. The uncertainties of hep c. I dont want to live with or wonder whether i should seek treatmen i am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. It transformed treatment as the first cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. 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Maria welcome back 45 minutes away to opening bell for tuesday you take a look at market markets are expected to open higher 50 points higher on Dow Jones Industrial average, about names on move tesla warning its proposed 2. 3billiondollar merger with solar city could be delayed by shareholder lawsuits, four lawsuits filed this month, including two by pension funds, lawsuits alleging that members of teslas board failed to carry out duties involving proposed merger insiders would be unjustlyly enriched by compensation, remember, elon musk runs both companies. Gopro unveiling highly anticipated drone fits in backpack has a price 799 dollars available for purchase october 23, ceo wells fargo, john stumpf headed to capitol hill today to take responsibility for the sales practices that caused the Bank Employees to create two million unauthorized accounts joining us right now host of Varney Company Stuart Varney to weigh in going to be quite a morning, stu. I thought at first it would just be political theatre yesterday it will be political theatre especially i want to see senator Elizabeth Warren question mr. Stumpf ceo of wells fargo should be very interesting, but i think, there is more at stake than politics and theatre, i think a few issues, here going to be discussed which will not exactly dictate the future of management of the financial industry, but have a heavy role in how we go forward how the big banks are actually managed, for example, are we going to abolish across the board sales incentive programs . That is what got wells fargo into trouble, are we going to abolish that across the board i think senator would like that see if we go that far what about pay and boup uses executives received as the result of unethical activity should those pay and button uses be returned a fair question should we extended that across the banking Financial Industries there is another one should executives who pride over this kind of thing be fired another good question, i think we will go so many way towards answering that question today, on our show, we have one of the victims of wells fargos activities. A young lady who was she had accounts opened in her name, she had to pay fees on those accounts, she didnt even know existed the bill collectors on her back every day for a long, long time put her through hell because of it took a year to get back all money she paid out in fees what have you there are really victims here. People who really did suffer at hands of wells fargo we look at both sides of the if ens. There was this massive attention toward meeting the quotas, they had to meet quotas for accounts opened, so made them up. Just two million fake accounts, now, two million . Excuse me . That is awful lot of people got caught up in this thing most did not lose very much money at all, most did not have any hassle because of this but some did, if that is kind of practice that goes undiscovered for years going to have something done about it. Stuart not about president ial politics but i will going to who do you think benefits from this Clinton Campaign or the Trump Campaign with Elizabeth Warren up here questioning . I think the Clinton Campaign will make hay of this when they come out on top because of it i dont know. Is it is it a good thing to be known as the candidate of wall street . Hillary clinton is the wall street candidate. By ask exposure to this particular scandal that may not necessarily be good news for her. Maria yeah, we will see what Elizabeth Warren has to say because she has been out stumping for hillary. Remember maria you didnt build it. [laughter] that enrages me, we will leave it there see yyou 15 minutes. My father did build a restaurant. Varney company top of the hour after mornings with maria see you later stu thanks live coverage of the wells fargo hearing right here Fox Business Network tune in 10 a. M. , stuart going to take the live has the analysis right around it so we will see him 10 minutes, still to come or top tips you need to know to stay safe shopping on the web. Back in a minute. Is it a professor who never stops being a student . Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . Or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions . Your personal success takes a Financial Partner who values it as much as you do. Learn more at tiaa. 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We are about ready to go to olympics for retailers retailers preparing for over a year now, preparing for 90 days from now, the starting with thanksgiving into the cyber monday 10 revenue annual revenue done in fouday period they are preparing to prepare, they have to prepare like amazon prepares so what we do we help with preparation so we help them monitor and measure User Experience we help simulate that User Experience, so we are going to be simulating we have been similar liting for these brands what happens cyber monday last near so it is. How much better than a year ago . Getting better and better i mean they recognize they also amazon, amazon, did last year online wise did 35 of all revenue so all brands have to catch up, and both from security standpoint and performance standpoint, milliseconds is revenue for them they found out that in our surveys around or i experience that millenials that shop online 60 shop online we have kind of add, you know within 3 seconds if it takes that long to load something people will drop off they bounce they wont true. Also the real world aspect the delivery component amazon again is crushing. One of the things. 35 of all revenue during retail period last year. If a they are dominate player all the rest brands are trying to do is catch up, it is all about Customer Experience all about the speed of web sites mobile apps so they dont want people to drop off they want them to convert into deals, so millennials, as with delivery one thing we learned in survey is that millenials if you dont have free delivery they are not going to even go to your web site, so speed, delivery, low price, those all combine for the customer. I was literally on amazon commercial break testing an order because i order everything online sometimes i know that i am paying a little bit more, for the Free Shipping but i still like the fact it says Free Shipping. Here is what the this is this is a gift from god what the barneys app says we will be book soon it said that for days. But, again, that is a lost that is a death curve. Has been like that for days. Just says that we dont have our act together we already knew the app really smelled bad now doesnt even work. What is really important for brands is they recognize that milliseconds like athletic in olympics matter in terms of revenue one second latency could be hundreds of millions of dollars. Can anybody i catch amazonis a years from now looking at competitor. Hoard to say i think brands feel they will be able to compete, i think if Technology Going so using more advanced technologies, simulation labs to simulate cyber monday and what would happen if 10,000 odds one second they dont want those customers to go off sflooin give us three you have three tips how customers can top safely online. Probably biggest one is the brands you choose, i think if you are choosing web sites that i are not familiar with the brands have literally since a couple years ago with target, problems that they had, the brands have spent almost 8 billion dollars in securing the data, around the customers data so go to brands that you know that is probably number one. What if you dont know mow do you know if it is a secure site . Well you have to be careful about things you click on. Because there is a lot of ads within web sites so sometimes, it is not the web site you go to, but the ads, on their web sites that might cause problems you have to be diligent there, you he overall cautious about the brands that you are on, cautious about slow web sites as well performance sometimes, relate to brands that aillegit. If he slower web site sometimes a real brand like we were just hacker, but for the most part performances directly associated brands that are not diligent with service or support side. Consumer data. Interesting thank you so much. Appreciate it, final thoughts from allstar panel when we come right back after this break. Stay with us. Everyone thought i was crazy to open a hotel here. Everyone said its so hard to be a musician, but i cant imagine doing anything else. Now that the train makes it easier to get here, the neighborhood is really changing. Im always hopping on the train, running all over portland. I have to go wherever the work is. Trains with innovative Siemens Technology help keep cities moving, so neighborhoods and businesses can prosper. I can book 3 or 4 gigs on a good weekend. Im booked solid for weeks. It takes ingenuity to make it in the big city. Im booked solid for weeks. Whenpneumococcal pneumonia, it was huge for everybody. She just started to decline rapidly. I was rushed to the hospital. My symptoms were devastating. The doctor said, pam if youd waited two more days, you wouldve died. Pneumococcal pneumonia almost took me from them. If i had known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor about it. Hey hows it going, hotcakes . Hotcakes. This place has hotcakes. So why arent they selling like hotcakes . With comcast Business Internet and wifi pro, they could be. 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He sees thats an a success. Dagen hes not going to mention islamic terrorism and i think Hillary Clinton needs to go beyond telling the American People to step up and be cray go us and vigilant. I mean, these are tired talking points. Youve got to go much if urt further than that. And the fox poll, who would do better fighting terrorism, donald trump and Hillary Clinton are in a dead heat. Maria isnt it extraordinary we didnt hear from obama so long as we were waiting to get information from the bombe suspects. Dagen new yorkers are not scaredy cats, but i find it repugnant he was down the street from the bombing site, and new yorkers want somebody to step up and say, im here, im with you. Did they get that. Maria and cuomo did that. Dagen he said i said it was terrorism and he did say it was terrorism. Maria thanks for being here. Varney Company Begins now. Stuart, take it away. Stuart thank you very much indeed. Bring them in, says president obama, keep them out, says donald trump. Tough vetting, says Hillary Clinton. Good morning, everyone, terror and muslim immigration now front and center in this campaign and less than 24 hours after the arrest of the alleged new york bomber it its donald trump who appears to be outfront. Before in overflow crowd in florida, trump said immigration security, enemies and combatants are coming into our country. Extreme vetting is required. Go after them over there. Knock the hell out of them. Tough trump on full display. Hillary clinton offered reassurance, go about your

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