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Its a hoax, money making industry. About immigration . Im going to fight for comprehensive Immigration Reform with a pass to citizenship. John well rate the candidates on our liberty meter. Thats our show tonight. John tonight, we score the candidates. This shows Biggest Issue is liberty, the dignity of the individual. Are we the people left free to experiment . Invest . Live how we want . Help other the way we want to . To compare the candidates weve created this liberty meter. Tonights guest will weigh in on which candidates are best and worst for liberty. But that can be hard to figure out. When i ask you on social media, how would you rank the candidates in our liberty meter . I got unhelpful answers because everyone said basically, both candidates deserve a zero. On facebook, dave said put both in the red. Kevin walker tweeted and thats a good point, how do you rate someone who changes position so often . Not just trump, both candidates have flipflopped a lot. Hillary praises gay marriage, when she ran for the senate in a liberal state, she was asked by a liberal viewer. Recognize gay marriage . No. No . Okay. John eight years later said the same thing. I have not supported samesex marriage. I supported civil partnerships. John just three years later, she was for gay marriage. I support marriage for lesbian and gay couples. John of course during the three years Public Opinion did shift, she shifted along with it. I think she supported gay marriage all along, but was afraid it would hurt her chances of winning. Who knows . Hillarys changed position on lots of things. Gun control. The keystone pipeline. Socalled clean coal. Fracking, she was for it before she was against it. Her husbands crime bill, subsidies for ethanol. She was wisely against those until she got to iowa then she was for them. I could go on. You get the point. Whats remarkable is both trump and clinton constantly changed positions and hasnt seemed to hurt them. Trump opposes obamacare. This is unrepublican thing for me to say. Universal health care. I am going to take care of everybody. Who pays are in it . The government will pay for it. John the government will pay for it. Mr. Trump, whats your position on abortion . Im very prochoice. You would not ban it . No. John now hes prolife. He said he would punish women who get abortions, though he walked that one back. I suppose flopping is expected of politicians, but whats different about these two is they dont just flop, they make stuff up. Hillary is the expert at that. Asked why she wouldnt release all the emails on the server. They are too personal, private emails between bill and me. The server contains personal communications from my husband and me. John later, bill revealed he doesnt email. Only time i got on the internet i did two emails. John she just went onto the next lie, her dumbest one is what she said happen when she flew to bosnia. I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at airport, but instead we ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles. You recall hearing gunfire . When we were flying into bosnia, there was no greeting ceremony, and we basically were told to run to our cars. That is what happened. John only after the cbs news video showed what really happened, that there was a greeting ceremony. Here shes doing a photoop with an 8yearold girl. Did hillary stop talking about sniper fire. So when she says something, i dont know if its true, same for donald when it comes to issues since they change positions so much. Hard to tell what they really believe. On some issues, we think we know. And thats why Grover Norquist of americans for tax reform says there are reasons to choose donald over hillary, like what . Taxes are one of the ones john and what they specialize in. We asked not to raise taxes. Hillary clinton in the Campaign Said she wants to raise a trillion dollars in taxes. That shes been clear about. She wants to take away many of your personal deductions, 350 billion dollars. Many business deductions and credits raising business taxes, 275 billion, and 4 to 500 billion in taxing rich people. Whatever she defines as rich. Over a trillion dollars. Then six different kinds of capital gains, doesnt tell us how much that will raise taxes but make life more difficult, exit tax for people in rodeesia for people who try and leave. You have to pay a tax. John i havent heard that. Yes, exit tax. And a tax on stock trades so everybody will buy and sell stock in london and singapore and not new york. These are the six big ones shes talked about. She hasnt been as clever as her husband or obama. They said all during the campaign only to tax rich people. She has already broken down, when they said about what about taxing poor people who buy soda pop. In philadelphia, great idea, she was for that. When her opponent was suggesting he would have a tax on wages, bernie sanders, she said shed sign that, too. So Social Security taxes, wage taxes, for all people. Thats available. So all of these john shes being honest, maybe its refreshing compared to the guys who say they wont and try to. I think she is, shes being entirely honest. There isnt a tax shes run up against she wasnt for. Her husband said only rich people except taxing people who buy gasoline, and the first tax obama put in 16 days after he became president was cigarette smokers, average 40,000 a year plus the 7 taxes in obamacare that hit the middle class and the gasoline or energy tax he wants to put on everybody. When politicians say they want to tax the rich, they havent finished the sentence. Tax the rich first, then you. John hillary was asked if she supported a 25 sales tax for guns. Im all for that. I dont know what else were going to do to get some handle on this violence. John 25 . Gun costs 400 to start with, it would be 500. John i hadnt seen this clip before, you told us about it. It was testimony in 1993. Shes first lady. Being asked by then senator bradley from new jersey and specifically asked is it your opinion, and she says this is my opinion, not the administrations opinion, the white house put out a statement. This was her. This is where she is. We put together a website, high tax hillary. Com. So all of the taxes that video, all of the statements shes made on where she wants to raise taxes, high tax hillary. Com, keep track as the Campaign Goes on. John why are you higher on trump . We dont know what he would do, and hes promised to make the military bigger. Wont cut entitlements, increased spending is a form of a tax. True cost of government is spending whether you borrow or take it in taxes. We had 17 republicans running in the last election, and they all had very good tax reforming moving in the right direction. Trump was more aggressive in a couple of ways. 15 business tax, its 15 on business income. Weve been at the corporate level charging 35 federal, plus average of 4 state. So 39. John and companies hide their if they earn it overseas and want to bring it back, we tax it. We punish them for bringing it back. John so they keep it overseas. And build factories. We damage ourselves when we do that. John we supply siders believe that economy will grow faster with lower taxes, but why would we believe . First why believe trump, and with lower tax rates, if they ever happen, would the money even roll in . You can say under bush, they cut, revenue increased 4 , but clinton increased taxes and revenue went up 43 . Two things happened. Clinton did us a favor, he elected a Republican House and senate. The advantage we have if trump is the president is that he will sit across the table from paul ryan whos a jack kemp supply sider, and Mitch Mcconnell whos a Ronald Reagan tax cutter, and neither of them are going to say lets raise taxes from what you put forward. They may move it around a bit. If he puts tax plan on the table, something very close to it will be able to pass the house, the senate and be signed into law. John and you believe trump, though once he said i want a 14 onetime tax on rich people . Well, several things. He has said a number of things on tariffs and taxes in the past. Since hes focused running for president , hes been consistent on the direction he wants to go on taxes, and again, nothing gets done without the Republican House and the Republican Senate agreeing and most republicans, about 90 signed the Taxpayer Protection pledge. They wouldnt raise taxes for obama with the entire establishment pressuring them to do so. John the Taxpayer Protection pledge is something your group created and now most almost all the republicans promised not to raise taxes. Theyve signed the form. They keep it, and we havent had a net tax pass since 90. John people after them dont follow it. We speak cheerfully and suggest they not raise taxes. The good news is they dont want to raise taxes. When you raise the pledge, it strengthens the back bone, id love to do it, cant help you, sorry. John lets go to the liberty meter, rank clinton first 15 on taxes . Is one the lowest . John yes. Negative 1. John progrowth on the machine . And trump how would you . I would say 4 only because when he talks about tariffs sometimes, tariffs are taxes in american history. We had a revolutionary war on the subject, it was part of the conversation shooting each other in the civil war, hes moving in the right direction and working with the house and senate. Final product will be a 5. John boy, i hope youre right. Im skeptical. Thank you, Grover Norquist. Next, who will bankrupt america faster . Donald or hillary . I suspect its hillary. I will do everything to make i will do everything to make it easier to help you pay for you can fly across welcome town in minutes16, or across the globe in under an hour. Whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. In less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. And if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. Innovative sonicare technology with up to 27 more brush movements versus oral b. Get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. Innovation and you. Philips sonicare. Save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. Kennetthis afternoon closinfor auditions . Whats on that piece of paper . Oh, miss maroney, your forehead should not be doing anything. I just had botox. 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Anthony randazzo thinks he knows whos better, randazzo director of Economic Research foundation. Even though shes going to spend more money, shes not going to bankrupt the country in the process because shes going to tax us all into poverty so the federal government wont go bankrupt. At the same time, Donald Trumps plan is to spend more and tax less, the amount of debt will bankrupt and strangle the economy. John i havent heard him say hes going to spend more, hes going to make the military bigger and cut entitlements. What else . Defense spending and his trade policy is tacitly a spending plan because the tariffs on china . Going to raise unemployment, cause an increase in welfare programs and unemployment insurance, all of that winds up being a net negative and pouring of federal dollars. Tacit spending increases. John trump doesnt say he wants to spend more on college education, free preschool . Hillary clinton is using the government like her own personal hedge fund. She can invest in all the social things she wants. John heres a clinton spending promise you may not have heard. China is investing 180 billion to expand broadband. We cannot be left behind. By 2020 i want 100 of american households to have access to quality, affordable, highspeed internet. John and they applaud people like this. Im going to give you all fast internet, 180 billion. Somebody elses money. But it works. Shes the frontrunner. She wants to invest in energy, in childrens education, all of which can sound great if it is not your money. John internet and broadband is faster in other countries. Sure, if you start from nowhere and put the absolute best technology in the ground, youre in a better place. John we started first. It means a lot of the cable laid isnt as fast. That doesnt mean that the only solution to having everybody well connected is the federal government. John and i just noticed some reporting on countries that did really invest in this. Britains billion pound investment is off to a slow start. In the digital slow lane as a result of red tape. South yorkshire pulled the plug on broadband plan costing 150 million pounds. Government squanders this money. And one of the fastest places you can get internet is kansas city where internet is provided by google. John donald trump does Pay Lip Service to cutting spending. There is so much money to be saved. Were reducing taxes, but at the same time, if i win, if i become president , we will be able to cut so much money. John why are you down on him compared to hillary . I dont believe him. And hes demonstrated he doesnt know what hes talking about. He says were going to cut so much money. Where are you going to cut it from . John waste and abuse. No one thought of that before. Sure. And the departments hes focused on such as cutting waste, fraud and abuse from medicare, less than 1 of what expenses are. John even if it was a little bit more. Its not that waste, fraud and abuse alone is going to cover the 10 trillion in tax cuts he wants to propose. 10 trillion in tax cuts is great. If you cut it that much, it has to be with defense and entitlement spending. Since hes already taken those off the table, when he says im going to cut so much, he is completely full of crap. John all of the big money is in defense and growing entitlements. Any serious candidate that is serious about cutting spending has to start there. John and that is whats going to bankrupt america, medicare, Social Security, trump has promised he wont touch those programs, and when ted cruz responsibly called for partly privatizing Social Security, and raising retirement age for younger workers, trump told voters, ill protect you from this. Im going to save your Social Security, cruz wants to dut in half. John maybe hes running for office, hes a smart guys, knows what hes got to tell voters. Hell be responsible once hes elected. The trouble is hes not saying anything to get elected. The attitude which he approaches it, selfcentered and narcissistic to himself. So incredibly problematic and asinine that i just absolutely refuse to believe he is saying im going to protect everything and walk in and say sure, well cut Social Security by 50 . Not going to happen. John on our liberty meter, rate donald trump. A 1. I find it incredibly problematic, the idea any of candidate that wants to add that much debt to the federal government. No matter how great the tax pledge might be. John and Hillary Clinton . She at the very least is planning to pay for some of the things she wants to spend on. Purely on the issue of spending if we get into the tax issue, purely on the issue of spending, she wants to pay for some of the things shes going to spend on. John number 2 . Maybe a 2. John thank you, anthony randazzo. Next, war. War is the biggest threat to liberty. Leads governments to impose all kinds of limits on individual freedom. On the other hand, if were not safe, were not really free. Who is smarter about keeping us safe. Hillary or donald. Im the only one on the stage that said do not go into stage that said do not go into iraq, do not attack iraq. Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive you stay up. You listen. You laugh. You worry. You do whatever it takes to take care of your family. And when its time to plan for your familys future, were here for you. Were legalzoom, and for over 10 years weve helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. So when youre ready, start with us. Doing the right thing has never been easier. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Intenselyflavored. Colorfullydiverse. Beautifullymisshapen. Cultivated for generations, its the unexpected hero of any dish. When you cook with incredible ingredients. You make incredible meals. Fresh ingredients. 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Im the only one on the stage said that do not go into iraq. Do not attack iraq. Nobody else on the stage said that. I said it loud and strong. John not so loud and strong. He didnt . He didnt. There is no evident he spoke out against the war beforehand, some people did at considerable risk to their career. John we tried too, we couldnt find anything. This is an odd election based on what he says, you have the democrat more of a hawk than the republican. Hillary is often eager to war and always eager to intervene in other countries. Heres what he said when she voted to support the iraq war. Any vote that might lead to war should be hard, but i cast it with conviction. John with conviction. She didnt just vote for it, she spoke for it. Right no, evidence of her being opposed to war whatsoever. I have not found a single instance where Hillary Clinton thought the u. S. Should not be engaged militarily somewhere else around the world. John strange for a democrat getting support for her party . True, it is strange. She is more hawkish than most of the people in her party. John she supported the intervention in the balkans, secretary of state, big advocate. 40,000 more troops to afghanistan. Thats right, th. John also wanted to intervene in libya. She was one of the leaders, i think, can be said in advocating the war in libya at a time when president obama was on the fence. I think in some respects Hillary Clintons support for the war tips her scales in favor of intervention, it was a disaster. John in a bunch of cases shes more eager to go to war than president obama. She wanted to figure out who the moderates are in syria, and send them weapons. The president said no. Now thats how it works. People who work for the president make recommendations and then the president makes the decision. So i think its only fair to look at where we are in syria today, and yes, i do still support a nofly zone. John a nofly zone . That sounds smart. A nofly zone and who are you shooting down . Are you actually helping the people . Russian planes. Means potentially war with russia. Seems rather serious thing. Is the future of syria who rules syria worth going to war with russia over . Not so sure about that, and most americans are skeptical about that. John how about arming the moderates . Right, the moderates we did arm disappeared or were killed and captured. John or maybe went to the other side. Who knows . Thats what happens when you give weapons to people you dont know about. There are a lot of people in syria you can trust to shoot in the direction you want them to shoot in. John lets go to our liberty meter. How do you rank hillary . Again, i think the United States doesnt need to go to war very often to be safe and secure, the reason she wants to i think its a 1. John and donald trump . Like to grade donald trump off the scale. If your little meter went underneath. John why . He says he wants to pull troops out of the rest of the world. Too inconsistent, john, not clear what principles guide him. He will say sensible things and other times he says things i cant make sense of. John we want to spend in the military, were not free if were not safe. True, we have the Strongest Military in the World Without any question and we could to know have a Strong Military without spending as much as we do today. John thank you, chris preble of the cato institute. Next scoring the candidates on immigration. People say donald trump hates immigrants but he says i love everybody. I love everybody. If you have a typical Airline Credit card, you only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. Wait. Is this where you typically shop . You should be getting double miles on every purchase switch. To the capital one venture card. With venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. Not just. dismissively airline purchases. Seriously. 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Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. You know what . Were going to build the wall, and were going to stop it. John it, of course, is illegal immigration. Trumps promised to build that wall, jump start his amazing campaign. He also says hes going to round up and deport 10 million illegals who are already here. Hes going to end birth right citizenship. This enraging some people, and its much of what provoked angry protests like this one where they burn a donald trump flag, because of what he said about immigrants. Many people say hes a racist. Its the racism that donald trump promotes and we are going to defend our people here that are fighting against racism by any means necessary. John im sick of the unhinged antitrump protesters and disgusted by the violent ones. Libertarians dont like what trump says about immigrants. We think most immigrants should be welcomed. On this issue, many of us react as Hillary Clinton once did after hearing trump talk about keeping the criminals out. It just makes my heart sink. We are better than that. Im going to fight for comprehensive Immigration Reform with a pass to citizenship [cheers and applause] a path to citizenship makes sense to me. That makes sense to jacob hornberger, jacob, you would go further than i would. You want open borders. The Free Movement of people that cross borders exercise what Thomas Jefferson called the fundamentals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. John most people in the world are horribly poor and they want to come here to freeload. How can you have open borders. Ironic we have the most powerful government in the world, and among the most frightened people in the world. There is absolutely no reason to fear foreigners. Lot of americans go overseas on vacations and business trips, and they seem to interact with foreigners, walk out on the streets of mexico city or whatever other cities and theyre not afraid of them. Most foreigners love america. They want to come here and work. Most people throughout history are willing to leave their country to better their lives through work, through labor, through mutually beneficial exchanges. Immigrants are a great gift to a society, and we treat them like a burden. Actually they contribute to the Economic Prosperity of the country. One of the many reasons why america had a tremendous upsurge in the standard of living of people throughout the 19th century. When america embraced a policy of open borders. John but then there werent terrorists wanting to murder us. And fine, ill go to mexico and feel safe, i wouldnt feel safe in syria. Of course, not, youve got the u. S. Military, the cia over there dropping bombs on people. Heres where you have two government interventionses coalescing with each other. If you stop the government from intervening in syria, iraq, the rest of the middle east, trying to kill isis, bring all the troops home. The antiamerican terrorism disappears. I wouldnt travel to syria because people hate what the u. S. Government has been doing in the middle east. John i understand why people agree with trump when he says the muslims from the middle east, weve got to stop letting them in. When they come from syria, i want them to be registered. We dont know who they are. John jacob, we dont know who they are. All the young men. If we stop dropping the bombs and forcing people out of syria, there will be less people trying to escape the bombs and save their lives. But the other thing, john, is that the odds of somebody coming over here and doing harm to america in a terrorist attack are so small, even if you open the borders. Most people want to come to a country to save their lives from the bombs or improve their lives. John 10 can do a lot of damage . Look at it domestically. We have open borders here in the United States. Every day, thousands of people or countless people can cross from maryland into virginia and back. When the snipers were coming from maryland into virginia, we didnt close the borders, didnt regulate the borders, we assumed the risk of open borders between maryland and virginia. Used Law Enforcement to finally close in on these guys and they caught him. Did they kill people in the meantime . Yes, but americans took the position of our freedoms more important than the risk of getting killed by those few terrorists. Never should we sacrifice our principle of liberty for the sake of security. John all right, the candidates, trump wants to build a wall across the southern border. Triple the number of immigrations and customs officer, end birth right citizenship. Hillary wants to increase citizenship and how do you score donald trump. Score him a 1. He wants to build walls, wants to isolate the american people. Hes an isolationist. Lets face it. So yeah, i give him a 1. John and hillary . Hillary a 1, too. These democrats talk out of both sides of their mouth. John she says a pathway of citizenship, wants to increase the number of syrian refugees. She and her ilk have been waging this war on immigrants for decades. Her boss president obama is the great deporter in chief. Hes deported more people than any other president. Hes doing what donald trump has promised to do. Trump is honest, hes out there. Clinton is playing both sides of the fence. Let me make one more point here, immigration doesnt equal citizenship. There is absolutely no reason why you cant have a System People are coming into work, visit, tour, invest, and keep their citizenship. Why not just Free Movements of people and people keep citizenship unless they want to apply for citizenship. John that makes sense, thank you, jacob hornberger. Whats the liberty meter score for clinton and trump on Global Warming . Transparency . Will we know what theyre up to . What about guns . Hillary says guns commit crimes. The facts are that most of the guns that end up committing crimes in new york come from out of state. Thousands of people came out today to run the race for retirement. So we asked them. Are you completely prepared for retirement . Okay, mostly prepared . Could you save 1 more of your income . It doesnt sound like much, but saving an additional 1 now, could make a big difference over time. Im going to be even better about saving. You can do it, it helps in the long run. Prudential bring your challenges. One of many pieces in my i havlife. Hma. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. 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See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Announcer enter a world build a mighty fortress. Summon the bravest heroes. And fight for glory forge alliances with other players unite your clan. Send your vikings on a war of conquest. And battle players from around the world play vikings war of clans for free this clean was like pow. Everything well . It felt like i had just gone to the dentist. My teeth are glowing. They are so white. 6x cleaning , 6x whiteninga in the certain spots that i get very sensitive. I really notice a difference. And at two weeks superior sensitivity relief to sensodyne i actually really like the two steps step 1 cleans and relieves sensitivity, step 2 whitens. Its the whole package. No ones done this. Crest healthy, beautiful smiles for life. John we continue scoring the candidates. Now well score them on guns, Global Warming and transparency. Which candidate is more likely to be open . Honest with us . When Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, she said this nobody in any cabinet position has ever been as transparent or open. John no one, ever really . Donald trump says hes been the most transparent candidate. Ive probably given more interviews than anybody, im credited with that. John is that being transparent . Doing interviews . Deroy murdock is watching the candidates closely so i dont have to, strong opinions about the differences. Trump is like the eternal flame, hes always there. Sent out 6,000 messages via twitter on this campaign, and you get a constant stream of thought from him. If theres any negative here, never shuts up. John he hasnt released his taxes. Thats one area hes not been transparent. Apart from, that hes very open, hes happy to be on interviews, on television all the time. Probably more than people want to see him. Versus Hillary Clinton, i think she was with a five or six week period where she refused to give interviews, wouldnt talk to journalists. This goes back to time in the white house. She did hillary care task force. They met in secret. Put the package together without outside input. Kept the doors locked, cooked the thing up in secret. Thats one of the things it failed. When it came out, people saw what a horror it was. John she lies about stuff . Small things to big things. She didnt have to say gee, we were running across the runway in the balkans and getting shot at. John or she was never subpoenaed over the email server. In our liberty meter, rank donald trump . Give donald trump a 4. I would give a higher mark, were waiting to see tax returns, much better to get them out rather than whats in there . Hillary clinton . Shes secretive. I give her a 1. John on the other issues, the activist left is obsessed with Global Warming. Keystone pipeline, good things she once supported. In West Virginia she said ill put a lot of coal miners and companies out of business. Its necessary because Climate Change poses an extraordinary threat. But donald trump says. A lot of it is a hoax, its a money making industry. A lot of it. I want clean air and clean water, but we dont have to destroy our businesses. And by the way, china isnt abiding by anything, theyre buying all of our coal. We cant use coal anymore, theyre buying our coal and using it. John hes right. Shipping stuff overseas and its not going to make difference. Rather than burn the cole here, we send it over to china and they set it on fire and up go the smoke and it blows here anyway. John on the liberty meter otrump you give . A 5. John and hillary . A 1. John finally lets rank the two candidates according to positions on right to bear arms. Debating bernie sanders, Hillary Clinton defended new yorks very restrictive gun laws. The facts are that most of the guns that end up committing crimes in new york come from out of state. They come from the states that dont have the kind of serious efforts to control guns like we do in new york. John guns commit crimes. Amazing, i guess they chase people down and the trigger pulls themselves, right . John this month trump was endorsed by the nra. He supported a ban on assault weapons, longer waiting period to buy a gun after sandy hook. He sent out this tweet supporting president obamas push for gun control. He changed his mind on this because he thought that program or effort didnt work, but he does pack heat or he was roaming. He has a gun, he has a conceal carry permit. When you see him on the campaign trail, he might be packing heat. All of this didnt bother the National Rifle association which endorsed him wholeheartedly, that says a lot. John on the liberty meter, donald trump . I give him a 4. Knock that down because of past statements otherwise he might earn a5. The fact that the nra endorsed him says a lot about the 2nd amendment. John and Hillary Clinton . She spoke in a very positive fashion about what australia did which is basically a cash for clunkers for guns which involved the confiscation for guns and said that is perhaps worthwhile which you might want to try in this country. John thank you. Back to a time when donald trump made lots of sense. Lots of people that dont produce and the producers are carrying those people, and that can only go so long. John only go so long, and then what happens . What happens . And then it all implodes. Innovative sonicare technology what happens . And then it all implodes. With up to 27 more brush movements versus oral b. Get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. Innovation and you. Philips sonicare. Save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Perfect driving record. Perfect. No tickets. No accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. Yup. Now, you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . No. Your insurance rates go through the roof. Your perfect record doesnt get you anything. Anything. Perfect for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claim centers are available to assist you 24 7. For a free quote, call Liberty Mutual at switch to Liberty Mutual and you could save up to 509 call today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. John it got depressing, scoring the candidates tonight. When it comes to liberty, they both score so low. There is, however, a little good news. Donald trump has at least run some businesses. Few politicians have. Also refreshing that he doesnt apologize for his financial success. Im really rich. Ill share that. John he is crass when he talks about, it but at least he doesnt present wealth as if its something he should be ashamed of. All my life. Ive been good making money. Greedy, greedy, greedy. John hes been greedy, thats fine, normal people dont like to say that. Most of us want money for ourselves. In business, such greed is useful because the way to get rich in america is to serve your customers well. And business, unlike government, is voluntary. No wops forced to do business with trump or live in his buildings, unfortunately, now that he wants to be president , hes put a weird twist on his greed. I want to be greedy for the United States, i want to grab all that money. John grab all that money. Like he thinks theres a thick pile of money in the world, and wed be better off if we grab more of it than china does. That part flunks the liberty test. He thinks if china gains, we lose, but thats not true, not a zerosum game. When people are left free, we can prosper together. Trump doesnt understand. That assuming he means what he says. At least trump does get that when it comes to taxes its not a zerosum game. Raising taxes does not mean government will collect more money. Our country has to watch it with taxes because we will lose companies and people. John he said that some years ago when i interviewed him about makers and takers. Lots of people that dont produce and the producers are carrying those people, and they can only go so long. John only go so long and then what happens . Then it all implodes. John he went onto complain democrats want to raise taxes too much. You once proposed a 14 onetime tax on rich people . Well, i think that rich people can afford a certain tax, but once that tax is paid, you cant go above a certain limit. The rich people are going to leave, and other people are going to leave. Youre going to end up with lots of people that dont produce, and then thats the spiral. Thats the end. John he deserves a higher score on the liberty meter for saying that, but now i wonder maybe he was just pandering to his interviewer. Me. He also told me this. Look, theyve got to be careful with the spending. The spending is out of control in this country. John yes, it is. Now on the campaign trail trump says hes going to make the military bigger than anyones seen before and not cut a penny from entitlements. Yikes bankruptcy, here we come. Still, if we score the candidates on liberty, hillary is worse, she wants to micromanage every inch of our lives. Our roads, our bridges, our airports, our rails. Raise the federal minimum wage. Make sure women get equal pay for the work we do. John and so on. Much worse than her husband when. Bill was president , she crafted an early version of obamacare. Hillary care, and she said this. The president believes we want to retain or should want to retain competitive market forces. John bill believed that she said she sounded sad that there would be competitive market forces. And even if that speech, she talked about a Grassroots Movement that would achieve a single payer system. Every day shes president , liberty will die a little. Both candidates are a threat to liberty. On that scale there, i give clinton a 1 and donald trump a 1. The only candidate who i know will honor liberty is the libertarian candidate, maybe this election since the major Party Options are bad, so bad, maybe this time the libertarians have a chance. They sure have my vote. Thats our show. See you next week. I am so sorry, ms. Maroney. This personal essay is way harder than i thought, its just not in my nature to brag on myself. Not even a backdoor brag . Whats a backdoor brag . 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