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On friday next to her beloved husband. All of this, of course, happening. Donald trump winning big. Senator ted cruz with a win in idaho. A terrible night for marco rubio. Next tuesday, winner take all contest. Will it be do or die . Even if he will make it to florida. We will talk about all of that. Pulling off an offset victory. Blocking out the nomination. Can he ride this wave of momentum next tuesday . Getting word on a significant ice is operative. He allegedly is saying that isis has weapon eyes mustard gas and does have plans to use it. We will talk about all of that beard first, back to politics. We wait for it nancy reagan. Out and brought into the reagan library. Joining me on set. Secretary of labor. Chief of staff. Just quickly as we watch this year. Nancy reagan, she stood by him. Very much a partner. And all the things that they did. Not someone that was very white by the establishment, shall we say. Great to see you again. She was the back bone. I want to show the viewers. At least members in the secrets service. They are taking her casket they are. It will be in the center hall area of for people, friends and family. We will be hearing a short prayer there. Not someone liked by the establishment. She really fought back against the establishment in some ways. The convention in detroit. President ford on to president reagan. She had her arm around paul. She lives very serious about fighting the establishment. Back off the copresidency. That was supposed to be jack and paul. George bush senior was to compromise. You really helped the conservative movement. Giving birth to and enthusiasm that lasted decades now. That is the beauty of letting the process work. Ronald reagan would not have been president. Nancy would have been first lady. This is a democracy. Standing down and letting this process work. They are looking at Nancy Reagans body. Being brought into the reagan library. Until friday. Until the actual funeral happens. Calming and paying their respects. A private server coming up. The president of the United States. Not going to be there. Will be at and entertainment, you know, festival. Music festival. What is your reaction to that . Watch what i do, not what i say. His actions here, particularly after school he up. Sort of bombing the nose. He did not like it from day one. Never negotiated with them. Did not talk with them. I really do not care what happens on the other side of the aisle. You know, he came in with so much equity. Hed just had so much power behind it. So much opportunity ahead of him to really unite. He squandered it in many ways. The frustration among both sets of parties. This is an example here. Nancy reagan. Has said he respected beard you would think that he would take this opportunity to come forward and be there as a voice and presence at the funeral. Watch what i do, not what i say. I supported him. I was very upset with the bush administration. I talked about giving him a chance. He missed the opportunity to lead the country into the right direction. He is actually sort of the john the baptist of Bernie Sanders. He has grouped this country into the social free money. Also created a bot of division. You think about the reagans and how they were able to reach across party lines. Ronald reagan was well known for that. That is something that this president had an opportunity to do. Think about senator john greg. In part because he saw this opportunity. Bipartisanship. He walked away from that post. You know, it is a missed opportunity. We are listening to the reverend speak there. Lets listen in for a moment. Perceive all lord your service for she returns to you. Everlasting light. Giver of heavenly. May she hear your word of invitation. May she gaze upon you, lord, face to face. Taste the perfect rest. May it surround her. Into your hands, all lord, we command our sister nancy. Okay. We have been listening to the reference. Washington National Cathedral there. I am joined here on set. The reagan administration. I also want to bring in democrat is strategist and former you know, you are on the other side here. You know the significance that the reagans have had for this country. What do you think of the nancy reagan legacy . Agreeing with al on some of his earlier statements. She was, in many ways, the driving force behind what we now have come to believe as Ronald Reagan status of the Republican Party. I ache, obviously, what i do for a living, a race specific about that. I think what is undeniable is that she revolutionized in many respect the office of the first lady. I think she was the backbone in many respects of that administration president s ability very early on to be able to, not just push back on the establishment, but also to recreate the establishment. Just as a personal know. Just say no campaign. That is a big deal at that time. I think fondly about that. Later years. It did not really help much. I agree with you. I think it made a big impression on young people. That should not be overlooked. That campaign was pretty powerful. That was her that was spearheading the effort. If we talk about politics today, look, there are members of the Republican Party that are trying to equate themselves with the reagans. Interestingly, the antiestablishment type of person, one of the things that helped him succeed. Maybe why we are seeing this rise. A very different kind of politician. Donald trump was tapping into that same undercurrent, that same sort of silent majority that is now coming more and more a majority. I said we are seeing history repeat itself. 1980. What Ronald Reagan did was tap into a Massive Movement of people that were very unhappy with both republican establishment and the government. We are seeing that now on both sides of the aisle. Let the process work. Republican Democrat Party guys standdown. Let the people vote. You will see something come out of this that will be good. Donald has to get to 1237. 400 dirty nine. Say that. 469. Come march 15. Some of these winter take all. The process is working. I think that it is nice to talk about this on tv. A means to an end on some of the candidates. Loving to see that. It gives them leverage. Donald trump would win the nomination. The party needs to let that happen. If the party on the democratic side have gotten involved, probably barack obama would not have gotten the nomination. It was not until the caucuses the party came in and stepped on him was superdelegates. You have reagan on one side. You have obama. The process has to be involved. On the republican side, i certainly agree that it is a process. I think that that is what you are seeing now. Donald trump will be, looks like the beneficiary of leading democracy do what it does and does well. On the democratic side, there has been a lot of conversation about the role that superdelegates have played. What is interesting about this superdelegate ross says is that i named if Bernie Sanders gets to the point where hed outpaces hillary, i think that you see this superdelegate question come back. I think that we may end up revisiting now. Lets back up so people are fully aware. We talk about democracy. It feels as though you are seeing anything but that. Because of the superdelegate system, it you know, what chance, really, legitimately does Bernie Sanders have. What chance does he have when defect airfleet the superdelegates cards are stacked against him. The mac superdelegates are they are to allow grassroots delegates to run on the ground. Most of them, talking about people that are really unpledged. The important point there. They can actually do that. We saw that happened in 2008 when it was hillary and barack. I think that that is what you saw in 2008. As they solve barack obama start to gain ground, you started to see some of them actually change their decision and pledge to support him over hillary. I think that you do actually have the opportunity to help him change minds. Mike huckabee was on the show yesterday. Very outspoken against the establishment. You cannot just discount what millions of people are feeling right now. This is partly him, too. Mitt romney taking down trump. Right. It was an absolute disaster his decision. Wanting to change in this election. He could have done one or two things. He could have gotten into the race himself. I did the math. Scary enough as me doing math is. Stay for stay. Picking the same states from this cycle. Donald trump has about 1 million more votes than mitt romney did do the same exact states. They come out and attack donald trump. You are no longer deriving donald trump. You are disparaging the American People. It looks like an establishment power play here. The American People are too stupid to figure this out. I am coming up on a break. Thank you so much. I will see you back here right after this. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like social media equals antisocial. Hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancee, denise. Hey. Good to meet you dennis. This just got interesting. So why pause to take a pill . And why stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. 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Basically telling them that, you know, we will make the decision for you. Listen, i tell you, that does not sit well with you. They are learning much about individualism. The ability of all of us to make the own decisions to believe in ourselves. This is who you have to take. That one just not go over. They romney and frankly others being totally out of touch. Lets not forget the campaign he ran. He talked about his wealth and try to downplay it in a way that did not sit well with americans. It is like trump is hearing the voices of the people, mitt romney and others. Yes. Look. I agree with most people. I know you did. Making the mistake here. Seeing these voters go for donald trump. Why havent they voted for the guys we like. It is sort of like the analogy that i use, it is like, it would be like cocacola saying what is wrong with these consumers . They will not drink free coke. The civil war breaking out. If donald trump does not get a nomination, strongarming things at the 11th hour, what happens . I cannot imagine people want to go out and vote for ted cruz. They feel like they have somehow gotten something stolen from them. Ted cruz can still win this race fair and square. A lot coming up. Look, if ted cruz wins this thing fair and square, good for him. A4 audi of the delegates. I worry, trish, that that would cause a split in the Republican Party. That would elect hillary clinton. You are right. You are right to worry. I just hope when they have this debate, tomorrow night, how about they talk about issues. Drones in jobs and how to get high wages. That would not be as fun. All right. Steve moore. Thank you. If no republican candidate wins the number of delegates, there is a very real chance that a Republican Convention in july could be contested. What would that really look like . That is next. Trish donald trump has huge victories last night. The big question on everyones mind is who is going to snag the magic number . It is not what the contested convention in the middle. How this could all play out. How might we be in a scenario. The required 1237 delegates needed to clinch the nomination in advance. Needing to win just a little over half. Having to win upwards of 60 of the remaining delegates up for grabs. Donald trump gets to the convention in cleveland. Then we would be, if there will stay as they are right now, you can have a vote on a first ballot. 95 are required to vote for that candidate for whom they are bound. If no one secures the nomination on that first ballot, it has been a very long time since this first happened. Fewer and fewer of those delegates are required. You say that it has been a long time. When exactly was the last time that you saw anything like this . Jimmy carter. There was a first thing that happens at these conventions. The rules are voted upon and adopted. The kennedy forces forced to vote. That robot rule meant that you had to vote as a robot. They try to get that will undone. They narrowly failed. However, in 1976, the republicans had a dose of this. Attempting the income been on gerald r ford. I just want to jump in very quickly. Rubio. How does him being in or not being in this race affect the chances . First of all, we are obliged to pass on, there would not be any such thing as a brokered convention. They have written out of existence the old workers. They prefer the term they used. Contested convention. I have been correct it from here on out. Marco rubio as he goes forward is struggling. His home state of florida. Awarding 99 of them. Should he succeed at that, in the polls do not show him doing that, more of a player at the convention. Having a revolt on their hands. Thank you so much. Trish why some say the year 2016 is the year of the angry white male. These posters are behind both donald trump and Bernie Sanders. 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He is promising to. I do not know if he can. It is an amazing point. Decades now, they have not been able to provide for their families. It does not help a singlefamily plug food in the kids mouth. We talked to countless people on the campaign trail that said i used to have one job. It gave me benefits, healthcare and i was able to provide for my family. Now i have none of those things. The government has structured its that my jobs are shipped overseas. The only person out there striking a chord with people is someone who is a businessman. I have built the economies. I have built buildings. I understand manufacturing. Manufacturing jobs overseas. I want to make one more point. I had a conversation with a journalist. You have to have a really good education to get a good job. It used to not be that way. Trish lets not forget. These are a lot of kids that have graduated from college. They cannot get a job. Very quickly. Donald trump and Bernie Sanders are saying very similar things to different parts of the political spectrum. I would say that donald does it a little bit more. Bernie has a different way of selling it. Trish you are striking this court. Donald trump is sort of the split side of mitt romney. He is really talking to these workers. Coming up, everyone. He is skipping first lady Nancy Reagans funeral on friday. So important that he can show his respect . Up next. Why you know symbolism matters. It matters here. Why the president is missing a big chance. This divisive and ugly political season. We will be right back. Smart devices are up. Cloud is up. Analytics is up. Seems like everything is up except your budget. Introducing comcast Business Enterprise solutions. With a different kind of network that delivers the bandwidth you need without the high cost. Because you cant build the business of tomorrow on the network of yesterday. The access informationlows us to from anywhere. 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Weve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Trish as you know, Nancy Reagans funeral is on friday. President obama is not attending. Instead he will attend the Music Festival sxsw. He did not attend Justice Scalias funeral. Why would we think that you would possibly attend Nancy Reagans funeral . You cannot play golf every weekend. You cannot miss major events like scalia and reagans funerals. Or at least you should not. An opportunity for him to show the country that he can put politics aside. Heat could honor someone. So much stuff for the Republican Party. Avenue we have seen time and time again, this is all about missed opportunities. He got to the oval office. A onetime senator. Imagine that. Inspiring change. They were fed up with partisan politics. Obama promised dust unity. All we got was more politics and more division. More hierarchy than we have ever seen. Today, with this news, we fueled the fire here. Instead of being president ial and doing the right names, he is being selfish. Somehow he believes that his time is better spent headlining a weekend festival then honoring the life and legacy of nancy reagan. That is my intel for today. Coming up, a significant crisis offered to captured by American Special forces. Isis has westernized mustard gas implants to use it. That is next. When you think about success, what does it look like . Is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student . Is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves . Is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the Natural World . Whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. Tiaa. Youre an at t Small Business expert . Sure am. My staff could use your help staying in touch with customers. At t can help you stay connected. Am i seeing double . No maam. 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Trish isis chemical weapons expert. Captured. Telling u. S. Officials. They plan to use mustard gas on american allies. Here with his analysis, retired United States army general. What do you make of this. Isis having access to mustard gas. We are now getting proof of it. They want to use it. We invaded iraq in 2003. We did not find any weapons of mass distraction. We found lots and lots of iraq key scientists and military that have spent their lives researching and developing weapons of mass distraction. Do not take it from me whether or not isis is going to need the expertise on these guys. They are very clear. They are not game changers. The only way they can change the global equation, expand is to detonate a Nuclear Weapon were spread chemical agents in the west. They are serious about it. This is not just a wild dream that they have. They view the use. Trying to achieve. How much time do we have here . Obviously, we have to take them out. Here is the thing. This slowgrowing strategy, creeping offensive, if you will, by the United States and our allies, would be okay. We know that the next step is not land. It is to attack the west with diabolical weapons of mass distraction. Chemical weapons are easy to make. It is increasingly easy for people like isis to choir these. The clock is ticking. They are strategic in. I am afraid horrible things are going to happen. Do you think that this has any real fundamental understanding . Run the clock out. Pass it off to the next president. They say, we have a year holiday to do our diabolical business before the west will get serious with us. They are turning up the heat. Their weapons of mass distraction and their ability to deliver. Trish general, they give so much. Good to have you here. Thank you so much, trish. A big interview with the lead singer of the band. Eagles of death metal. That was a band playing. He said, security may have been in on this attack. Listen. Was there anything about that night that was strange or off . Other than seeing these people. When i first got to the venue , supposed to be the security guards backstage. He did not even look at me. Who is that guy . Some of them are not even here yet. Eventually, i found out six or so. You know, respect for them. I will not make a definite statement. It seems rather obvious that they had a reason not to show up. The rest of kennedys fascinating interview. Stay with me. The conversation doesnt end here, you can go to my face book page, like my personal page or my show page at trish intel and follow me on twitter. Lots of social media out there. Lets send it over to liz liz we have breaking news. Ohio Governor John Kasich has just begun holding at town hall in illinois, trying to rally support ahead of major primaries in illinois and his home state of ohio after Donald Trumps big michigan we in where john kasich came in third place. In the last halfhour jeb bush confirmed he will meet with ted cruz, marco rubio and john kasich and have a florida primary next tuesday night with a winnertakeall event in the race for the white house. Who will jeb support . A political bombshell came out as fox business covered Bernie Sanderss surprise win in michigan. Fox business

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