Transcripts For FBC The Intelligence Report With Trish Regan

FBC The Intelligence Report With Trish Regan December 22, 2016

Spicer. Said to be close to Reince Priebus. There were a lot of rumorses or a lot of rumors swirling, this is sean spicer. Blake sean spicer will be the next press secretary for the incoming administration. This seems to have the integration of top rnc brass now amongst the trumadministration as over at the rnc before donald trump was elected the next president of the United States and really even before that he got the nomination. It was riens reincepriebus. Now you have Reince Priebus and Charles Spicer in the Administration Day in and day out to give messages. Speaking of announcements, there was another major one earlier today, another trump loyalist, one that was there from the beginning that being kellyanne conway, she was given the position of counselor to the president and in fact, on this network, ms. Conway said that she had turned down the press secretary job, she wanted something a little bit more. She spoke with Maria Bartiromo and put aside any fears of joining the white house as a mother, listen to this exchange here. Yes, we were talking with juan williams. Kellyanne has four kids, how is he going to do it, he got cremed creamed on twitter. I would say that i dont play golf and i dont have a mistress so i have a lot of time that the other men dont. Blake there you go. Incoming council to the president and sean spicer will be the face of all the messaging, trish. Trish i hope that wasnt a direct dig at juan. Shes going to be working very hard as she has throughout. Lets get to the other top story. Ceo in chief donald trump cutting deals all across the country and hes not even in office yet. This after the president elect blasted boeing and blasted Lockheed Martin on twitter for crazy out of control costs, really crazy on government projects, trump invited the ceos to his palm beach resort. Guess what, the costs for all of these things are getting slashed. No one is ever bothered to treat american taxpayer money with with respect, nobody in government bothers, maybe thats about to change. We hope, trump is a businessman, trump politician, i have to tell you, no selfrespected businessman pays one more dime than he has to. No different here. He slammed boeing and Lockheed Martin for outrageous costs particularly air force and f35 fighter yet which was going to cost 400 billion. 400billion. Half of obamas stimulus program. Watch. We are all focused on the same thing. We are going to make sure that we give the best capability in the world and we do it in a way thats affordable for taxpayers and business head set around that is excellent. It was a terrific conversation and we have a lot of respect for him. Hes a good man and hes doing the right thing. Trish funny how this all works. I want to go to peter barnes with more on the story. Hey, peter. Peter a big surprise, one of the reasons donald trump said to elect him was because he was a very good negotiator, hes out there doing it. As you mentioned, this all started in twitter in the last couple of weeks in the two, two new air force ones, first which will delivered in 2018. Boeing is building air force one for futures president s and costs are out of control, more than 4 billion, cancel order. He tweeted about a week later, if35 Program Control is out of control. Welcome to the trump party, government contractors. Its a dance. Its a little bit of a dance but we are going to get the costs down and we are going to get it done. These are great people. They are amazing people. Peter transition aides are giving more color into the meetings yesterday between president elect and contractors ceos and denise and marilyn houston were there simply to discuss costs relating to the government projects and military readiness, they say neither were there for job interviews and a lot folks visiting the president elect in maralago have been there for job interviews. Mr. Trump has tapped two ceos, Rex Tillerson and andy for highprofile posts but transition aides stressing this morning that wont be the case for leaders of boeing and Lockheed Martin. Trish i have to say its a little refreshing. All the stories years ago about the thousands of dollars the government would pay for a toilet. Peter and a hammer. I started covering the f345 fighter jet story 25 years ago when i first got to washington, 2 million each. Now they are billions each. Trish 400 billion. Thats a lot of money. Peter barnes, thank you so much. Well, ellis, can you give him a little credit for this, we shouldnt be paying more than we have to for anything . Absolutely not. I love the sound, the rhetoric is great. I appreciate the enthusiasm. Maybe one small note of caution, guys, remember a couple of weeks we heard about a great deal that was struck by carrier and we got into the details and turned out it was a whole lot fewer jobs than we hoped. Trish im going to jump in. This conversation is not about carrier but i would point out that he saved 800 jobs. For those 800 families, ellis, thats a big deal. If i can urge trish a good feeling as you go into the holiday season. Anyway, we are talking about boeing and Lockheed Martin. The point that im making if i might get through it trish let him finish his point. I want to hear, go ahead, ellis. Enthusiasm about this, let us be cautious since we have had fresh experience with these things being overhyped. Im trying to protect you guys from embarrassing things in the future. Trish i tell you whats embarrassing, 400 billion. Thats an obscene amount of money and im glad somebody is calling them on it. Theres a new sheriff in town and his jim is donald j. Trump. Hes bringing a cando attitude. Let me be honest with you, hes telling us right now that nothing is off limits, not sacred cows like defense contractors and let me tell you something else, hes sending a strong message to the congress, and guess what, start thinking outside the box, dont tell me we cant do it because we have to get jobs and Economic Growth going. Whats most amazing, youre able to do this without a press conference or great directive but a couple of tweets. Hes giving folks like me how we can get things done. Trish by the way, you might actually, if youre twitter want to thank donald trump because he may have singled handily helped save your company by using it as a communication flat form, but anyway, youre totally right. Here is the thing, ellis, what is always frustrating with so many americans, americans who have financial responsibilities, Small Business owners, they look at washington and see that theres absolutely no accountability. Its easy when its somebody elses money and you can spend, spend. Now you have somebody with business sensibility in there that knows what it means in dollar and cents that can actually frank do some addition which i dont know that every politician can. So that sets a different tone and i know you dont want to get too excited about it. You know, thats partly who you are when it comes to donald trump. But isnt this the way we should be talking and the way we should be thinking about everything we doing . Absolutely. We tried to count our pennies, im just saying that we do have some history with this guy and i know you guys dont like looking at it and we have things vastly overhyped and a week from now two weeks from now look different. I extend the holiday system the cautionary note to all of my friends out there. Trish you also said the guy couldnt win. He didnt have hope and a prayer of winning this thing and guess what, you were wrong and we were right. Trish, if we are going to have the debate on my side of the equation because i dont think he thought he was going to win. Lets be honest. Ellis, i think we are missing a larger picture here. Donald j. Trump is trying to set a tone and lay a foundation. You said a lot of tone, thats for sure. Trish ellis. The problem with defense spend asking not how much we spend but how we actually spend it and you to realize that boeing and Lockheed Martin and United Technologies had been just raping the american taxpayer. Absolutely, we agree on that. Trish all right. The fact that this is leading the show and we are talking about it as a news stories, financial accountability in washington, this is good. Good to see you guys. Thank you so much. Lets turn to the massive search underway for this islamic refugee. Take a look at him here wanted in connection to the terrorist attack in berlin. Even the family of the 24yearold suspect is urging that he turn himself in. His own brother saying, he deserves every condommation. Greg is live in berlin, germany with the latest on the search for the terrorist. We are at reopened Christmas Market in berlin which was the scene of the terror attack as the investigation certainly goes into high gear and that means as you noted, searching for the tanasian man, 24yearold believed to have been responsible for this carnage, officials saying today they have pretty good certainty that that is the man who did it. They have found fingerprints on the cab of the truck that killed and injured the people here. Local media, however, are saying they are not sure yet but the police really have the proper clues despite what happened here in germany and theres also a lot of reports, trish, that say this suspect, tanasian man on anis had been on the radar many months. He was arrested and detained and he was even monitored, reportedly was on u. S. Terror radar as well. He was on a nofly terror list and officials in the United States did their own monitoring apparently of him looking at websites, how to build a bomb, also communicating with terror figures, trish. If we can go back on camera here, i will explain to you a littlele bit of what happened because we are at the very location where exactly three nights ago this truck hit, 245 25ton weighing truck. You can see its crowded now. It was crowded then. It went right through at 40 miles an hour. Top speed in between the two lines of stalls killing people, injuring people, smashing into the stalls, ending up about 200 feet down there. We talked to one eyewitness. He said it was terrible. We talked to another eyewitness. All that carnage, all the bloodshed in just seven seconds. Hard to believe. People are here, a sign that they want to make sure that berlin does not go away. Here is a couple of quotes that we got today from people at the market. Take a listen. Yeah, with our values we will survive. Its just to terrible what happened and life goes on here. Life goes on. Berlin berlin lives on. One more sad note, trish, we spoke to a u. S. Embassy official and he told me that two, two americans were hurt in this attack. One has been released from the hospital, one the latest information is that person is still in the hospital, no the only other information that we know about 12 people are in serious condition, back to you. Trish real strategy. Greg, thank you very much. Turning back to politics. Take a listen here, everyone. I want you to hear this Hillary Clinton supporter. [shouting] you dont deserve to be in america. This is my america. This is my america. Shame shame this is my america. Trish its her america. Can you imagine if that had been a trump supporter, the media would be going crazy on this one . We have more on the crazy womans rant. Ivanka trump apparently harassed on jet blue flight because they were related to donald trump. We have all the details. Stay with me. I will see you back here in two family road trip fun check engine. Not fun but, youve got hum. Thats like driving with this guy. All you do is press this, and in plain english, coolant, youll know whats wrong. If you do need a mechanic, just press this. Thank you for calling hum. And if you really need help, help can find you, automatically, 24 7. Because you put this, in here. Hum by verizon. The technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. Put some smarts in your car. Votes are ten votes donald j. Trump. [shouting] you dont deserve to be in america. Shame, shame this is my america. This is my america. Maam. Put me out. This is my america. Trish thats a wisconsin woman losing control during her state electorals college vote which, of course, went to donald trump. She screamed at electors. You see there accusing them of selling out and saying they dont deserve to be in america. Its her america, my america. This is my america. Trish there he is. Can you imagine if it was a donald trump supporter saying this is my america . Well, you know, the media would be ripping that supporter apart. Meanwhile you have groups right now like moveon. Org that are warning more protests are coming specially for the inauguration. And why cant those on the left just come to terms with reality . Why cant they just move on . Why cant they start focusing on the future . Ford, ellis, back with me. Ellis, if that had been a trump supporter people would going wild. Fact that she said this is my america. I mean, look, its everyones america. You want to change it, you get out and change it. You encourage Hillary Clinton to go campaign there and maybe you get a shot. For them to be blaming anyone else other than themselves and for them to express this kind of sour grapes, i question it. First of all, get the lady a valium, okay. She needs help, clearly. Theres crazy people in the political system. For instance, do you believe, trish, that all reasonable dialogues among Trump Supporters and the crazy people are all democrats, thats not really the year that i noticed. Trish so, you know, im trying to hear you out. I think the problem that this country has faced right now, ellis and ford can elaborate on this, many on the right feel that they have been shut out, they are not allowed to have an opinion because people like that woman that you just saw, they are doing all the talking for everyone else and they are refusing to entertain or allow any other thoughts in their head. Its certainly been happening at universities all across the country. Its as though the left will not tolerate any kind of discussion that does not fall in line with their train of thought, ford. Where have you all been, my god. Really . This is how liberals are conditioned to act when they dont get their way. They basically kick and scream. I have to Say Something n this particular situation where the wisconsin electors, i see something for more sinister here. This is a situation of the peaceful transfer of power and democrats always find it curious that every now and then when they wake up every four years and find out that the Electoral College actually control who is the next president of the United States is. Not only does she volume, she needs a lesson in high school civics. Trish well put. Well put. People are talking about changing the electoral system. I dont know where you come out on this, ellis. Im a small town girl from New Hampshire. We have four lousy electoral votes but we get candidates that actually come to the state of New Hampshire to campaign because we have four votes. Well, i will tell you trish popular system, id be sitting here in new york city, we get all the candidates and New Hampshire gets no one. I will advance a wild theory that ought americans ought to have the same vote. We shouldnt fend what state you live, rural, conservative, liberal. We all trish tyranny of the majority, is that what it is . New york, la, they get all the say and everybody else, good luck. Crazy idea. Trish, to give you an example ellis, hold on. Hillary clinton won 489, basically democrats want to marginalize the vote and they want to basically keep it in the town where is they control the government and use trappings to keep them and keep the government going by the way they want it. Crazy. If you think that a rural county in montana ought to have the same votes as new york city, you guys have a very trish absolutely. We have two senators from every state. This is why it was set up this day. Twelfth amendment, ellis. Trish ellis, diversity. Arent you talking about a diversity as opinion . Dont you want diversity in the white house . The only way you get it is if everybody has a fair shot of having their opinion be heard . I see. What about one person, one vote. Are you guyed opposed to that . [inaudible] trish silly conversation frankly to be having. Theres a reason the system was set up the way it was and its something that we should be proud of as americans and to try the change that, the irony, of course, in it all is amazing. We will be right back with more. I will see you here trish donald trump tapping Peter Navarro to run the brand new council, china trade critic lets trump fulfill promise, get tough on china. Take a listen in the campaign trail. What china has dont to our country is the biggest theft and the greatest theft in the history of the world. This is the one i didnt want to hear. Give me china. Give me china. China, do you ever see china, china, china, china. We dont win anymore. When was the last time we won . We lose to china. [laughter] trish i like hearing him say china. Here peter, peter, the other peter, Peter Navarro is known to be pretty protectionist and very concerned about the world role china has been playing and as he sees it he they have taken bad advantage of us and this is a viewpoint that donald trump believes as well, so how does it start to change . Well, my feeling is that peter has got it right. I was a referee for the last promotion i want you to know and we were longtime friends and colleagues. We have to hit china hard where it hurts on economic issues. 45 tariff is a great idea. Trish whoa, 45 . You think its a great idea . On china, yeah. Trish i dont know if its a good idea to actually get there but i like the ability of saying, hey, china, we have to play fair. When i was 6 years old i was the smallest kid in the class and the biggest one picked on me. Be prepared to use it if youre going to vanish him. My feel asking we need to impose the tariff to bring china to the table. We might start to 10 then 20. We have to bring them to the table and supplement them with other issue like South China Sea and we have to push back on investment, you know, a Chine

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