Transcripts For FBC The Intelligence Report With Trish Regan

Transcripts For FBC The Intelligence Report With Trish Regan 20170623

fbi investigated the alleged communication. we're on it for you. plus four republican senators say they can not support the bill in it is current form, the health care bill that is, here is the thing. no bill you know will ever be perfect. no bill can possibly undo the damage down by obamacare to the health care and an our health care system. it is only getting worse. will republican lawmakers work out their differences? we'll talk about it. president trump expressing serious concerns over the makeup of special counsel robert mueller's team. here on "the intelligence report" we've been saying this all along. we've been raising concerns. i've been concerned. i don't know why mueller can't go out to find impartial people for this investigation? do you need to have a guy who is buddies with james comey? does he need a team that basically has a bunch of people that have donated to democratic campaigns and hillary clinton supporters? we'll talk about all of this. first i want to go to adam shapiro with this breaking loretta lynch story. fill us in, adam. reporter: right. i will read to you that the letter that the judiciary committee sent to loretta lynch. detailing what you talked about. did she at the same time to stifle the investigation of the clinton campaign and email scandal that erupted. first part of the letter this say specifically, the fbi is reported to obtained an. mail, memo, written by a democratic operative who expressed confidence miss lynch would keep the clinton investigation from going too far. it goes on to talk about james comey, former fbi director's testimony in congress, talking about matters he could not discuss but when we learned that loretta lynch had told him to refer to this as a matter, the already then goes on to get specific these contacts between lynch and the dnc and the clinton campaign. i am going to read to you what it says. more specifically the russian intelligence document reportedly quote, referred to an email supposedly written about it then chair of the democratic national committee, representative shults debbie wasserman schultz and sent to leonard bernardo, according to article appeared in the "new york times." because merman shults claimed lynch had been in a private conversation with a senior steveer named amanda renteria during the campaign. the document indicated that lynch told renteria she would not let the fbi investigation into the clinton go too far. the committee ask as series of questions, such as anyone from the fbi, discuss or mention to you, emails, memos or reports such as described to those in the media reports? to the best of your knowledge have you communicated with amanda ren it rea? if so when did you discuss the clinton investigation. if you did, please provide all communications rooted to them. there are several questions the committee wants answers. loretta lynch has not yet responded. they say thank you for this prompt attention to this matter. trish: trish: wow, adam, thanks for bringing that to us. the senate is launching an investigation into loretta lynch, exactly what she may have known what she didn't know, what she may have tried to influence. joining us for more analysis, fox news contributor deroy in murdoch. what do you think of this. >> hi time, high time. i think this hillary clinton investigation stunk to high 11 all along. we have to look at business, calling matter as opposed to investigation. coincides with the clinton campaign rhetoric. hillary clinton came in -- trish: good question. >> that was not done under oath. you have massive investigation. she goes in to talk to the fbi. they don't put her hand on the bible to tell the truth, whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help her god. no grand jury was convened. you had immunity agreements fbi gave to clinton campaign. you got immunity and hand us your laptop and we'll destroy the laptop for you. trish: she said in the letter or correspondence there was apparently a clinton aide had touch with debbie wasserman schultz and the clinton aide was told by wasserman schultz that lynch said she wouldn't let it go too far? >> that's correct. trish: too far meaning? >> politically embarrassing. might derail the presidential campaign. we had james comey testify before the senate intelligence committee i think just last week n private testimony he said he had a document or some communication indicating that loretta lynch said look, don't worry. no matter where the evidence goes we're not going to indict hillary clinton in so many words. that was behind closed doors. who knows if that report was exactly correct. would coincide what we've seen, fbi, department of justice going through basically sham investigation of hillary clinton. they did provide information ultimately embarrassing to her. putting her in handcuffs which should have happened, that never took place. trish: where is this going to go, this kind of investigation? will loretta lynch be brought in to testify? will hillary clinton be brought in to testify? will james comey be back? >> absolutely should happen. congress is supposed to do a couple things. religion late and repeal obamacare, cut our tax, et cetera. another thing congress is supposed to do provide oversight of the fed ral government. that includes oversight of corruption. this looks like corruption. appropriate oversight committees bring in loretta lynch, james comey, hillary clinton. special counsel investigating. trish: devil's advocate, there is sort of a path we often see new administrations, particularly when they're in a different party give old administrations because the fear always is, you increasingly find yourself looking like a banana republic frankly we're looking like right now, given all -- >> a lot of bananas out there. trish: all the inwend he dough. but you run that risk. is this sort of pot calling the kettle black? do we run risk of trump basically and his team turning around doing exact same thing that he is being subjected to by democrats right now? >> there is difference between criminalizing political differences. we don't like hillary clinton's ideas and throwing her in jail. there is difference what she has done, multiple violation of espionage act, witness tampering, destruction of evidence, destroying e-mails. difference between not liking somebody's political views and persecuting and people breaking federal law over and over again ultimately paying a price. this country is based on idea of equal justice under law, ifwe don't prosecute people breaking the law we have a banana republic with people making different levels of justice. trish: you bring up an important point. in the case of hillary clinton, you can count out exactly that incidents that were wrong. >> yes. trish: whether you're destroying evidence. >> felonious. i use the word felonious. trish: whether you are engaged in what appears pay-to-play type scandal. >> exactly, correct. trish: you get access basically to the secretary of state of the united states by giving money to a charity. so there are specific examples you can point to. in the case of donald trump, they have been, they have been chewing at this now for months. >> before he was sworn in. before donald trump had any opportunity to do anything wrong they were already talking about impeachment before he was sworn in. trish: so there is distinction. >> hillary clinton for example the uranium one deal, gave a permission for company called uranium one, turn over 20% to the uranium supply, russian government, vladmir putin, exchange of $145 million of donations to the clinton foundation based on investor in uranium one. nobody talks about that. nobody investigating that. this is looks like case of bribery in exchange for security information and this -- trish: is this obstruction of justice type thing or refusal to investigate something for political reasons? >> i think at least dragging feet if not some type of obstruction of justice, politicization of department of justice. we have to get to the bottom of this or otherwise we're a bana florida republic. trish: deroy, thank you. president trump admitting he has no tapes of his conversations with fbi director james comey. in a interview, exclusive interview with fox and friends this morning, he explains why he ever suggested there hay be any tapes. you watch here. >> when he found out there may be tapes out there, whether it is governmental tapes or anything else, and who knows, i think his story may have changed. i mean you will have to take a look at that because then he has to tell what actually took place at the events, and my story didn't change. my story was always a straight story. my story was always the truth. trish: so it was a tactic to make sure comey tells the truth? and it may have worked, right? comey finally admitted he told the president three times that he was never under investigation. meanwhile president trump also expressing some concerns over the makeup of special counsel robert mueller's team. watch him here. >> it is very, very good friends with comey, which is very bothersome. i can say that the people that have been hired are all are all hillary clinton supporters. some of them worked for hillary clinton. the whole thing is ridiculous if you want to know the truth from that standpoint. trish: is this not what i said yesterday?!. joining me with his thoughts, fox news anchor and former defense attorney gregg jarrett. >> you did say yesterday. trish: i have been saying for a while. i don't get it. if i were him, i would sure as heck, and he doesn't like the idea that robert mueller is buds with james comey. james comey of all the people he goes out to hire, he can't find people that haven't donated to democratic campaigns? >> the whole thing kind of stinks, doesn't it? here is the deal, if mueller is looking at obstruction of justice, there is star witness and only one, it is mull letter's good close, long time personal and professional friend, james comey. you can't be sitting judgment of the president when the only witness against the president is your good close personal friend. that is a conflict of interest. it is in the special counsel statute that says you must disqualify yourself and step aside, get somebody who is fair and impartial instead. but you know, mueller hasn't done that. so it invites the question, maybe there is no obstruction investigation of the president. the alternative, is there ulterior motive nefarious? are comey and mueller acting in concert to retaliate against the president for the firing of comey and trying to -- trish: but the fact we're even going there, right, tells you this is bad. you shouldn't have to be even questioning these kinds of things because everyone that is involved in this should be above reproach. i don't care what you think of donald trump. you may think he is the worst president we ever had but this particular set of circumstances, this should not sit right with anyone, regardless of what political side they're on, gregg. >> kind of makes you wonder, are comey and mueller colluding to a create a false case of obstruction, one they could never he prove in a court of law, for the sole purpose to try to trigger an impeachment debate in congress? you know the constitution in article 1, section 3, you can't indict or prosecute a sitting president. what is mueller actually investigating? well, you can investigate and level a meritless accusation against the president, triggering a an impeachment. that is what happened against bill clinton. the case ken starr put together for obstruction against the president was totally without merit, in fact, i can prove it because after clinton left office, he was never indicted and prosecuted. trish: let me go back to sort of the origins of all of this. they have been around this whole russia thing as we were saying with deroy murdoch for about a year, right? >> right. trish: basically since donald trump was campaigning, there were allegationses being made that he was in cahoots, some kind of a "manchurian candidate." none of this is prove zen out. >> right. trish: james comey who may have been doing some digging. james comey hadn't found anything. he was sitting there basically in that position at the pleasure of the president. the president has the right to fire him. what does he do? he is worried he is going to get fired. he starts taking all these memos. he does get fired. after the fact, i get fired i go and now want a special counsel to investigate the whole thing? >> you know james comey has a lot to answer for. for example, why did he sit on that information about loretta lynch that happened a year ago? never uttered a word to anybody. why was he concealing this memo apparently that he presented to senators behind closed doors that further implicates lynch beyond what he testified to in public? i mean, concealing that kind of information is actually a crime. trish: now it's, it's crazy to me if he really believed that there was some kind of obstruction of justice going on. >> sure. trish: whether it be with donald trump or whether it be with barack obama's administration, via loretta lynch, it was his duty to say something. this is a guy who just stood by and went with the flow so to speak until, until push came to shove and he was out. >> and the law i mentioned, comey's possible crime, the law imposes a duty on a government official to disclose this information. if you can't go to doj, you take it to congress. failure to do that is it is called misprism of felony. a crime punishable behind three years behind bars. i can't understand comey's justification for with holding this information. trish: everybody check out your column. >> go on to the opinion section. thanks. trish: gregg, thanks so much. nancy pelosi finding is surprising backer as fellow democrats turn her fury on her. president trump is her new backer. she said, quote, it would be sad for republicans if she decided to leave. what do you think? we asked you in a poll about this. i want to get your last minute responses. we'll share it with you after we come back from commercial. go to my twitter page at trish underscore reagan. we have the reports right after this. i use what's already inside me to reach my goals. so i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it's supposed to do release its own insulin. trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. i take it once a week, and it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. trulicity is not insulin. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take trulicity if you or a family member has had medullary thyroid cancer, if you've had multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to trulicity. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms such as itching, rash, or trouble breathing; a lump or swelling in your neck; or severe pain in your stomach area. serious side effects may include pancreatitis, which can be fatal. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may make existing kidney problems worse. with trulicity, i click to activate what's within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a non-insulin option, click to activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. with a non-insulin option, click to activate your within. [ no[ laughing ] an ] it's driving me crazy come on. [ spitting from tongue ] time for my secret weapon. sports, movies, tv, ah, show me music to distract a minion. [ voice remote click ] oh! [ pharrell starts to play ] [ minion so happy to see screen ] ahh! i'm pretty smart. ahhh! [ lots of minions ] [ mooing sound ] show me unicorns. [ click noise for tv ] ahhh! that works too. find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. see despicable me 3. in theaters in june. trish: do republicans benefit as long as house minority leader nancy pelosi stays in power? watch them here. >> i hope she doesn't step down. i think it would be a very, very sad day for republicans if she steps down. i would be very, very disappointed if she did. i would like to keep her right where she is. our record is, extrordinary against her. we'll see what happens. there has been a lot of talk about her stepping down. we'll see what happens. trish: in other words he is no fool, right? comes amid calls from some within her own part for her to step down, make room for new leadership. the democrats certainly in disarray following a string of special election losses. of course hillary clinton's loss and learning their anti-trump message isn't enough. and you at home, well, you got mixed views on this. some of you disagree with the president. 2/3 of say, get rid of her. time for her to go. they need new leadership there. 34% of you agree she should stay put. american majority ceo ned ryan joining me now, along with syndicated radio host chris hahn. sending to the democrat first here with chris hahn. it has to be frustrates for you guys. you lost a big election. you've lost the special elections. i think you have come to realize sort of this anti-trump message, at least you personally, chris hahn, has not resonated. that is what nancy pelosi stands for. nancy pelosi embraces and represents these liberal west coast values. you're shaking your head no. but she is not doing you any favors. doesn't she need to help make room for the new? >> you know, you sound a whole lot like emperor palpatine before the ewoks took down the shield and they destroyed the death star. it is always darkest before the dawn. pendulums have funny way swinging back and forth. as for nancy pelosi, she is good leader. she has been there a long time. party needs to talk about succession talks. and you will start seeing that. trish: that is important qualification what you said i think that was a "star wars" analogy, right? >> of course! come on. trish: not really liking the princess leia costume. full disclosure, i don't always get those analogies i had a feeling where you were going. nancy pelosi, ned ryan, she is really seems to represent what the party has become. and that's, that's not booed frankly for them the i was just making the point to someone earlier. i grew up in a big irish catholic family. >> right. trish: my father, family of eight kids, you were a democrat like you were irish like you were catholic. this is part of your identity. >> right. trish: everybody was working class, union members. >> that is no longer the party. trish: no longer the party. it is the party of hollywood, the party of nancy pelosi, the party of elites that care more about transgender rights, ..001% of the population than rights of everyday americans. >> i wrote op set called them the coastal regional party because you look at the map, look at a third of house democrat caucus, they're from four states, california, new york, illinois, massachusetts. under nancy pelosi's leadership i voted in your poll. i voted no. i want nancy to stick around. since 2010 democrats have lost almost 1100 seats at state and federal level. republicans have 33 governorships, the most any party had in our history. the look at what democrats doing post-2016, you would have thought learned their lesson, hey we abandoned working class, they abandoned us, no they have gone further left. the problem with some of their message, basically this, sum it up very basic, we'll resist a legitimate government and duly elected president without a shred of evidence and one policy point. come join us. that doesn't resonate with independent voters and moderate voters and working class. trish: they need food on the table. >> pay mortgage. trish: chris he is giving you, giving left good advice here. can't you agree with that? >> look, ned, first -- >> come on, chris agree with me, just once. >> it is democratic party. not the democrat party. i know you don't like science, grammar, we should agree on democratic. >> i say democrat to bug you guys. >> here is the thing, where i do agree, ned. the party needs to connect with washington and going on locally. if the party fails to do that will continue to lose elections like one they lost in georgia. >> that's right. >> you have to say policies happening in washington we disagree with are affecting you locally. they have not been able to do that. the party is too washington concentric with consultant class and there are not many local consultants in the weeds, in the districts actually working these races. you will start to see a shift all conversations going on. >> oh, i don't know. >> best thing that could have happened to the democratic party was for them to loose georgia 6. it was run like every other base. >> you have a real problem. donor base, grassroots, far left are literally eating democrat party from within. >> democratic. >> with money and grassroots forcing candidates to win party, forcing the party left. until the donor class and grassroots understand their candidates are not winning proposition in general elections you guys will still have problems. trish: final thought. >> as for the party forcing candidates left. i said same thing about tea party. i was dead wrong. i think you're wrong too. jon ossoff was not extreme, jon ossoff was not extreme left candidate. he was pretty much a centrist candidate. >> who didn't live in the district. >> he lost because he had no message. trish: you need the message and you need working class on your side for sure. thanks so much, guys. we're back with more after this. ♪ here comes the fun with sea-doo ♪ sea-doo has the most affordable watercraft on the market starting at just $5,299 and up to $500 rebate visit today looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. it can provide what we call an unlock: a realization that often reveals a better path forward. at wells fargo, it's our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and wealth management firms in the country. discover how we can help find your unlock. trish: qatar airways announcing plans to buy a 10% stake in american airlines. they will purchase 17 million shares of american airlines stock worth around $808 million. american ceo doug parker says he is not so happy about this one, quote, not happy about the move, calls it, quote puzzling an strange. the two airlines have been at odds for years. qatar airways being accused of taking illegal subsidies from its government, a government now being accused of sponsoring terrorism. so why is this middle-eastern airline so eager to buy its way into the united states with american airlines? joining me right now, bullseye brief founder adam johnson. what i found it so intriguing about this, reminds me of big issue dubay ports. >> yes. trish: remember dubai tried to buy stake in our ports. >> 2006. trish: that didn't fly with anyone. became very political. >> right. trish: similar way, perhaps even bigger way, talking about airlines and talking about a country known to sponsor terrorism -- >> sure. trish: for them to buy a 10% stake in american airlines, will they get a ton of pushback on this. >> they will get huge pushback, so much so they will never come close to buying a 10% stake and i will tell you why. a couple different regulations take in, even if they buy $81 million worth of stock, a small potatoes, a third of a percent, they will come under review by u.s. government. if you get to 5%, american aligns have to approve it. if you get in 10% you have mem goes to front of cfius where members of the cabinet take a look. it will never get there. this is desperate people look doing desperate thing. trish: why they attempting this here? >> i have a they're. we're seeing economic nationalism front and center. qatar is desperate, right? saudi arabia basically said you're on the outs with the rest of the arab community. maybe that was the result of president trump going over to saudi arabia, putting together some sort of a sidebar view we never hear about. it is interesting it happened right after he got home. now all of a sudden can't fill its planes because you can't put a laptop on the plane. no one wants to be on 18-hour flight without a laptop because that is security threat. it is desperate. wants into the u.s. market. doesn't know how to get there. you know what, we'll go around the rules we'll buy a u.s. airline but there are rules to prevent that. trish: doug parker doesn't like this at all. >> right. trish: the ceo says he doesn't understand why they are trying to do it. is this in part because of rules that would prevent them? >> exactly. he knows as much as qatar wants to buy 10% of his airline, mayor shoulders will have to approve this at 5%. whole thing is april fool's in june. if this is april fool's we would be saying come on, this is not real but it is real. trish: as a passenger, as an airline passenger, do you think american would be reluctant if qatar did own 10% of american airlines? if you have a choice between american airlines, delta, all things being equal? >> sad as this is to say, trish, remember the whole united airlines thing when the korean doctor was thrown off the plane, all of sudden so bad for united? the stock went down 3%. it was back up the next week. at the end of the day people need a bargain. they want a bargain. flight travel is expensive. whether qatar owns 10% or not, if american is offering cheap fares you will go to american, i hate to say it. trish: that being said there will be political obstacles. >> this deal is not going to happen. they're doing sloppiest purchase of all. trying to go on the open market to buy stock. are you kidding me? as a guy who traded stock many years that is not a smart way to buy a company. trish: american airlines is down. founder of bull's-eye brief. >> thank you very much. trish: the left can't seem to stop with attacks and threats on republicans. actor johnny depp joining in at a festival saying quote, when was the last time an actor assassinate ad president? that supposed to be a joke? really? i mean the shooting of steve scalise happening? steve scalise and fellow republicans? that was just a week ago. john you any dep is out there saying this? this all as new report shows just how serious this is. since may more than two dozen republican lawmakers have been threatened or attacked. we have the intel on all of this. the violence that is growing next. this is judy. judy is 63 years old. her mortgage payment is $728 a month. that's almost 9 thousand dollars a year. now judy doesn't think that she'll be able to retire until her mortgage is fully paid off. this is mike. mike is also 63 years old. his mortgage payment was $728 a month. mike thought he would have to work for another 12 years until his mortgage was paid off... and then mike heard about a reverse mortgage and how that might help him. he called one reverse mortgage to get the details. mike retired immediately after getting his one reverse mortgage loan. maybe you too can benefit from a reverse mortgage. call one reverse mortgage now and find out if you qualify. they'll send you an information kit that includes all the details and the stories of mike and others. a reverse mortgage... is a mortgage with no required monthly payments. it was created for homeowners 62 or older so they can continue to afford and own the home they love. many one reverse mortgage clients find they can retire sooner, do more the things they love, or simply put more money in the bank. a reverse mortgage could change your retirement, and your life. i examined my finances and i said, there is no reason why i shouldn't retire today. 10, 12 years earlier than i had anticipated. in the first year, mike's cash flow savings totaled $8,736. after 5 years, it will be over $40,000. it really is worth a call to find out if a reverse mortgage can help you too. call one reverse mortgage now and ask for your free information kit. trish: we have markets hugging the flat line this friday afternoon, slightly higher. tech is doing okay. nasdaq composite up 27, almost half a percent. sears meanwhile closing 20 more stores in the united states of america, on top of 245 announced earlier this year. the store closures will make up for decline in sales the company says after reporting a 20% drop in revenue for the last quarter. more than 1000 uber employees signed a petition asking the board to give recently ousted ceo an active role in the company. the petition says, quote, he worked day and night in creating this company to what it is today. travis kalanick was forced to resign earlier into this week after investigation into sexual harrassment claims led to a series of firings. attacks from the left, they're getting vicious. i would say they're getting increasingly scary. actor johnny depp apologizing moments ago coming out about a joke he made regarding assassinating our president. listen. >> when is the last time an actor assassinate ad president? [cheering] it has been a while. and maybe it's time. trish: this comes weeks after that horrific kathy griffin photo, and that weird "julius caesar" adaptation, where julius caesar looking like trump with all the brood on stage. for whatever reason the left can not stop when it comes to donald trump. it is not just our commander-in-chief, according to the "washington free beacon" more than two dozen members of congress have been attacked or threatened since may. most threats come in the voice mails including one in the office of out thaw's jason chaffetz. >> we're going to hunt your [bleep] down and hang you from a lamppost! trish: ned ryan, chris hahn are back with me. why is it in your view, ned, that things have gotten so bad? politics is always been politics. there always has been a negative aspect to this, but i don't think we've ever seen anything so bad as what we're seeing right now. >> right. trish: why is that? >> no. i mean it has gotten to the point where rhetoric really gotten even more heated -- my dad was in congress. he was in congress for 10 years. you would get crank calls, obviously not on level of that, get angry calls from people saying terrible things. part of it is in politics. vitriol gone through the roof. i think the thing, struck by, first of all there is a couple things as you look at the rhetoric look what is taking place of the first of all the left sneads to start repudiating, we will not tolerate this. we will not allow this to happen. we will not endorse it. the thing that is starting to scare me and shock this, when you have hosts of other in the works actually insinuating scalise was getting what he deserved. this is irresponsible at best. but -- trish: i did a thing on this the other day. >> the other thing i want to say, on one level democrats on the left see how political rhetoric plays with independent and moderate voters. it is turning them off. at the next level it is encouraging violence, it is encouraging violent behavior. the think about it, there is more in common, this is not how we is differences as americans. settle at the ballot box. see the movement, far left, violence intimidation all those things has more in common with fascism than american values. trish: chris, you will get a chance to respond. let me ask you, i think for whatever reason it has become okay, whether you're a member of media as in the anchor, "cbs evening news.," scott pelley, i did a big thing on this on fox news the other day, unacceptable when he lays any of the blame at scalise's feet for what happened there while, poor congressman scalise is still in the hospital. you have this on the part of the media. you have got this on the part of everyday average american that feels it is okay to take shots in a way that has way more venom than anything we've ever seen. that never would have been acceptable before but somehow you can roll your eyes and laugh and say what johnny depp did? >> look, i don't want to go tit-for-tat who is worse but i remember like a year ago ted nugent talking about obama sucking on his machine gun. then appearing on "hannity" later that night. i said that to sean on his show earlier this week. i stand by it. it is all wrong. wrong when done by people don't support this president. it was wrong done by people don't support the other president. no one side has a monopoly on crazy. there are crazies on both sides, trish. i think it is wrong for conservatives in the media to paint this as some sort of mainstream progressive thing. johnny depp is actor, aloof, does stupid things. kathy griffin is not representative of this party, of the democratic party or just as ted nugent is not -- trish: you live in the new york metropolitan area, chris? >> i do. trish: anywhere you go in the new york metropolitan area, you can say if you're republican, you can not say that because you will be scorned, and that i don't think, i've seen -- >> not true. trish: i don't i have seen that -- >> it is true. trish: you can't wear make america great hat, walking down you know, madison avenue. >> they're kind of funny looking hat for new york fashion. >> come on. >> chris you would never wear one of those hats. trish: let me emphasize, i'm an independent. by the way, i criticized donald trump plenty, absolutely. and so i would never wear that hat because i don't want, that suggestion out there, i'm telling you even if you you do want to wear one, chris, you can't. >> there are parts of texas you can't wear a democratic party pin. give me a break. it is what it. >> is when you have hillary clinton and eric holder saying we are becoming members of the resistance, embracing the resistance, which is essentially antifah, is troubling sign. they are advocating intimidation, violence, destruction of personal property. it is un-american. when you see major leaders like hillary clinton and eric holder we're becoming part of the resistance they should repudiating it. >> they are resisting policies. >> resisting legitimate government and duly elected president of the united states. >> the tea party, named itself after revolutionary movement. give me a break. >> very successful for independence. >> god bless america. trish: i will leave you with this, you know, i don't think democrats need hollywood doing all that it is trying to do. they could do without johnny depp. they could do without kathy griffin right now. americans could see the cheapest gas prices of the year this weekend. how do you like that? bucking the typical summertime trend the why? our own jeff flock is at citgo refinery in illinois and he has the answer. we'll see you here next. trish: oil closing out for the day, closing out for the week at $40 a barrel, up 2 cents. crude ticked slightly up. down for the fifth straight week in a row. with gaits lien has fallen every day for the past three weeks. jeff flock from a citgo refinery in illinois. jeff, it is a little weird now, sum are driving season is about to begin. summer driving season so how come gas is so cheap? reporter: summer blends cost more to produce but why? we are glutted with oil. behind me, trish, this is the citgo refinery, all systems go because oil is so cheap, refiners refining into gasoline but demand isn't there. look at prices right now. 2.2for the national average. that is down, well about 6% i think it is since two months ago. then production, u.s. crude production is going through the roof. it is up 8% in the last six months. we're over nine million barrels per day of production. it's crazy right now. and i'll tell you, the demand is the other piece of this, demand hasn't been good. look at the merrill lynch bank of america note that came out today. they said with u.s. and asia economic activity moving sideways or already turning south, we now doubt that demand growth will accelerate. to me that is a headline. u.s. economic activity, sideways or going down? that is kind of a surprise to me. however you want to cut it, if the economy is not doing well, at least you get cheap gas. places like south carolina you get cheapest gas. they're well under two dollars for the average. oklahoma is under two dollars. one area of south carolina, i believe it's around columbia, under 1.90 a gallon. bottom line, trish, enjoy it while you can. trish: jeff, i will live it up. walmart could get into a bidding war with amazon over whole foods. critics and market-watchers is starting to ask is amazon getting too big? we raised that question month ago with you. i think there is something to this. this company is so big it will control everything, including food markets but are there any antitrust or monopoly issues at play? maybe monopoly. maybe not so antitrust? we're on it. we'll explain what it means for the future of allison next. the -- amazon next. ♪ hey, i'm the internet! i know a bunch of people who would love that. the internet loves what you're doing... build a better website in under an hour with... ...gocentral from godaddy. the internet is waiting. start for free today at godaddy. your insurance on time. tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? 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everything including groceries purchased through amazon? >> they haven't violated any antitrust laws yet. they are definitely getting bigger. however it's a free market. this is my belief. i this i they should -- i mean all we need more now in this country is more regulation, being facetious there. we don't need more regulation on companies. as we sit there and put more regulation on this company that just interferes on other business growth, then you're going to see other small businesses trying to get as big, and it will be a -- effect. trish: one of the things, if you're to bring an antitrust suit forward, the concern of course is always the consumer. the consumer is losing out. the consumer has to pay more as a result of one company having a monopoly. we have not seen that. if anything the consumer benefited from amazon, because it meant much lower prices. >> and that -- trish: you wonder at one point if they're controlling that much, including the grocery business, if they control that much, at what point does the consumer maybe not have as much power as they once did? meantime, what about all those mom an pop retailers that now basically have been overtaken, not just mom-and-pop if we're talking macy's, big department stores as well, overtaken by amazon? >> i do, i would agree with you there probably isn't going to be a lot of off-line choice, brick-and-mortar choice as we go online. amazon does a lot of third party distribution. they do partner with smaller shops and smaller vendors in order to get their stuff out. it may seem like juggernaut amazon is taking over but they have partnerships. trish: quickly, walmart, jpmorgan, saying walmart may get into this. your thoughts on that? >> i spoke to walmart. they released a statement. they don't comment on speculation. they're focusing on e-commerce. their e-commerce grown 67%. they're focusing more on that and pricing for walmart. they're not focused necessarily trying to acquire whole foods. trish: they have to figure out how to do it themselves. >> only represents two% of the grocery buy, whole foods. trish: we have a hard break. i have to leave you there. we'll be back with more after this. so i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me with once-weekly trulicity. release its own insulin. trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. i take it once a week, and it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. trulicity is not insulin. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take trulicity if you or a family member has had medullary thyroid cancer, . . . e symptoms such as itching, rash, or trouble breathing; a lump or swelling in your neck; or severe pain in your stomach area. serious side effects may include pancreatitis, which can be fatal. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may make existing kidney problems worse. with trulicity, i click to activate what's within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a non-insulin option, click to activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. with a non-insulin option, click to activate your within. at crowne plaza we know business travel isn't just business. there's this. 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