been aggressive doing his spearheading influence during high periods of energy crisis. that goes from 2008 with georgia, high energy prices, 2014 annexation from crime air and it goes back to soviet invasion '79 in afghanistan and ended in '89 when the prices came back down. and that is playing to the u.k. and come it is not from the oligarchs. it has come from energy and commodity business. when the prices are high, they have money to afford these kind of military adventures. if the west was serious, they would attack that area and sanctioned that area and drive prices down and cause a recession here appear that is what is called to fight suppose that the next hitler. not just to punish citizens where you can't transfer a few hundred dollars to family and friends in russia. and even though they have been in there since the soviet union, i think that was very sad for everybody. our western influence, we saw a movie come out disney, that