Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20190527 : vimarsa

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20190527

big announcements or decisions. chief white house correspondence jon roberts traveling the president in the early morning hours of tuesday morning. hi, jon. >> good morning to you. according to u.s. trade representative office, in 2018, trade deficit between the united states and china were 57 billion, something the president trump would definitely like to pair back, which is why trade formed the center piece of bilot ral meetings between president trump and japanese prime minister shinzo abe. abe, safe to say, having kittens over the idea united states may levee a tax on vehicles coming out of japan. the president made a decision last week he would suspend that for 180 days, but abe is under pressure to get something done to avoid tariffs. now the president is confident that they can get a trade deal, he told fox news, as you mentioned, he's going to wait until after the july elections. here is the reason why. shinzo abe is hoping to increase the margin for liberal democratic party in the elections in order to change japan passivist constitution and in so doing so, that extra strength may give him more leeway to cut a deal on trade. here is what the president said yesterday at a press conference. >> pres. trump: the united states and japan are working to improve economic relationship based on fairness and reciprocity. >> pres. trump: i know the prime minister and japan have a good relationship with iran. we'll see what happens. the prime minister already spoken to me about that and i do believe that iran would like to talk and if they'd like to talk, we would like to talk also. we'll see what happens. nobody wants to see terrible things happen, especially me. >> i should correct myself, i said dialogue between u.s. and japan, i meant u.s. and iran. abe may also meet with kim jong-un to get the denuclearization track back on the path the president thought he had it on after they met in singapore. couple more things the president will do before leaving japan, go back to empirial palace to say fare well and thank you to the new emperor naruhito and helicopter 25 miles south of the city to the u.s.s. wasp and commemorate memorial day a day late in japan, but in time to make it in the closing hours of period in the united states. >> coverage of that as it happens, john roberts with the president in tokyo. john, thanks so much, check back soon. >> leland, iraq is offering to act as mediator between u.s. and iran. president trump says he doesn't want regime change in iran and voiced support for the people of iran. >> pres. trump: i think iran has tremendous economic potential. these are great people, has a chance to be a great country with the same leadership. we are not looking for regime change, i want to make that clear. we are looking for no nuclear weapons. >> here is more on the story: >> as you heard, president trump speaking monday in tokyo saying he does believe iran has strong economic potential, but the continued nuclear development within the country could hurt their position on the world state. alongside japanese prime minister, shinzo abe, president trump said he knows many iranians and they are great peep will. his comments about sanctions seem to be aimed at iraqi leadership. rising tension between united states and iran and over the weekend, the country of iraq offered to mediate peaceful resolution bespied protest in baghdad. there is desire to find a solution during a press conference with czarrif. iran does not believe in blockade, increasing sanctions on aircrafts iran president trump touted during his press conference. iran foreign minister made clear his country is prepared for military confrontation. >> we will defend ourselves against any efforts for war against iran, whether it is a military one or an economic one, that would victimize the iranian people. we will face it with strength and resistance. >> those comments from amid news that the united states is preparing for the possibility of conflict with iran. the u.s. will send 900 troops to join 600 in middle east, total of 1500 u.s. forces on the ground to push back against the new iranian tension and pieces of rhetoric out of tehran. >> thank you very much. leland. >> and a fox news alert, there is severe weather slamming the central united states this memorial day. northwest arkansas bracing for what national weather service warns could be dangerous and life-threatening flooding, record flooding in some places. this is elrobbering eno, oklahoma tries to recover from the weather. fox news team coverage of severe wh, jeff paul on the ground as the governor visited maclean up site in el reno. fort smith, arkansas as waters continue to rise. hi, matt. >> leland, you could see the arkansas river is well beyond the banks. here near van buren, there are businesses and semitrailers that are already under water. we've watched this river rise by the hour. it is expected to crest at all-time high of 42 and a half feet in the coming days. here in the fort smith area, 500 homes have been evacuated, according to police and to the south, whereul the water is headed toward russellville, 10,000 sand bags sacked according to the army corps of engineer, national guard is deployd and people have been asked to evacuate. national weather service warning of widespread damage with impact to life and property. >> just use all your assets that are going to keep you safe. you have to have your life vest, any flotation device. i'm praying it doesn't get to that point here, but i know it has up north, so -- >> yeah. >> police tell us this has become a risk management scenario, authorities are forced to flood certain areas, releasing water because of rising river and failing levee. national guard, army corps of engineer, local police tell fox news this will be historic flooding along the arkansas river with flood water expected to hit little rock. we learned of mandatory evacuation in kansas. widespread flooding across the midwest and the south right now. >> looking at the forecast of so many, 100% chance of rain, which is something they do not need there on wednesday, two inches of rain coming. matt has been watching throughout the coming week, thanks so much. >> several tornados touched down across the plain states ef-3 that killed three peep and he will injured 29 other in el rena, oklahoma, saturday night. here is a look at the devastation and the recovery effort, which is important to point out. >> this community was trying to get back after pretty severe flooding over the past few days. there is damage from a powerful tornado. you can see what it did to this used car lot, sending a sign crashing down. [wind blowing] -- this nearby motel -- that tornado hit a mobile home park, officials s say -- 13 people are still in the hospital -- [wind blowin blowing] -- >> all right, we're going to get jeff's sound fixed, this is an important story in el reno, oklahoma, we want to update the devastation and recovery efforts, we'll go back to jeff later. >> the governor was there today, visiting flooding earlier yesterday. overseas still, the president on his trip, not only talking about trade with japan, but playing hardball in trade talks with chien athreatening new round of stiff tariffs, what will it take to get a deal on the table that the chinese will sign. plus, battle over impeachment as nancy pelosi faces growing pressure to move political attack forward, can she hold her caucus together? if you have a garden you know, weeds are lowdown little scoundrels. draw the line with roundup. the sure shot wand extends with a protective shield to target weeds precisely and kill them right down to the root. roundup brand. trusted for over 40 years. itso chantix can help you quit "slow turkey." along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. with chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, you'll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or life-threatening allergic and skin reactions. decrease alcohol use. use caution driving or operating machinery. tell your doctor if you've had mental health problems. the most common side effect is nausea. quit smoking "slow turkey." talk to your doctor about chantix. our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy! whoo-hoo! great-tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein and twenty-six vitamins and minerals. ensure, for strength and energy. and twenty-six vitamins and minerals. hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! 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[crash] what?! haha, it happens. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. so get allstate... and be better protected from mayhem... like me. ♪ >> president trump in japan already tuesday morning there, he's firing back on twitter. democrats maintain city barrage of attacks, including new calls for impeachment, the president tweeting, impeach for what, having created perhaps the greatest economy in our country's history, best job numbers ever and much more, dems are cob instructi-- obstruction. the political fight continues. hi, allison. >> it never stops. handful of democrats urged party leadership to move ahead with proceedings. growing number of lawmakers signalled support of it since release of the special counsel report. none of the lawmakers have been able to convince house speaker nancy pelosi to start impeachment proceedings. representative rashida tlaib had one co-sponsor, al green, gained at least five in april. >> why do you think you can't convince majority of house democrats that it is time to impeach him? >> no, i think it is moving toward that, it will demand it, it already is. >> i think the right thing to do is have proceedings, debate between congress and the american people. that is constitutional duty. >> speaker nancy pelosi said if the facts take them to impeachment, they have no choice but to go down the road. efrsight, congressional investigation are their responsibility as cohesive branch of government. they want to be careful not to overreach. there are no plans or time table for impeachment proceedings, this is happening as president trump ignored that politics while in japan. he is criticized 2020 opponent, democrats and the special counsel. listen here. >> pres. trump: mueller report came out, no obstruction, no collusion, no nothing. it is beautiful report. the democrats cannot understand what happened, they really thought they had people on their side. you know, people doing the investigation were 18 extremy angry democrats, many of whom worked for hillary clinton. >> president trump believes impeachment talk, the investigation, all of it should have gone away after the special counsel released their report. >> noteworthy in terms of talking politics, domestic politics while talking overseas. thanks. here is more. >> i do. for more with republican strategist sill vester smith, communication director for mi me huckabee and robin va iro, former obama campaign regional field director. good to have you both. >> thank you for having us. >> i will start with you, let's talk about speaker nancy pelosi, she played a long game and the president, seems he prefers instant gratification. just those two methods, who is more suited to win this clash of the political titans? >> speaker pelosi has been around a long time, that is because she's effective adversary. she knows what she's doing and how to win a battle. however, president trump is not the type of person she's ever had to face before. he is someone that is assertive, he's aggressive, he knows what he wants to how to make it happen. my concern for democrats, they are falling in trump's hand. americans like what the economy is doing holding china accountable for economic wrongs and like the way that jobs are going and like the fact taxes are going down. speaker pelosi better be careful or she'll play impeachment monopoly and end up with a losing hand. >> point, the president has wind at his back. is there more than war of words when the president said i will not work with these people as long as they are investigating me. however, if they are to meet in the middle for the sake of getting the country business done, what first step should the president take and what should the speaker do at this juncture? >> sort of slow the roll with impeachment talks as she's doing, i would say she's probably going further along maybe impeachment inquiry talks and leave it at that. let the voters decide in 2020. >> and robin, i'll get back to you on this. increase president odds in re-election. the president knows this, nancy pelosi knows this, the house will not get enough support in the republican-led senate to sign off impeachment, that is the end of that, silvester, would you say on a level, the president he seems to be trying to provoke the speaker to impeach him. >> why shouldn't he? one of my favorite songs is -- >> you said, why shouldn't he? >> why shouldn't he encourage them to come after him? one of my favorite songs is turn down for what, here, impeach for what? the federal government spent 25 million, 18 lawyers, dozens of investigators looking into this man and administration, what did they find? something we already knew. the saudi arms deal, hush money payments, the list could go on and on and if the tables were turned, i expect republicans to hold us to the same standards. i just want for americans to do for what is best for americans and right now i do not know that impeachment is. i would encourage an inquiry. >> look at 17 democrats standing with speaker pelosi and her position. impeachment is premature. california, the second most senior member of the house judiciary committee to live through two inquiries, at stafford during the nixon years, elijahcummings, central figure in democratic investigations as chairman of the house oversight house and the party's rank and file, they are watching closely for clues. you have congressman khanna, also california, and jeffries, of new york, caucus chairman, and also sits on judiciary committee, jerry connolly, of virginia, member of oversight committee, katy hill, swing district panel and debbie dingell, of michigan, who helped run the messaging arm. they are on pelosi's side. you have the party calling for impeachment. robin, can speaker pelosi coalesce caucus to stave off impeachment? >> i've been a very cosmic critic of speaker pelosi. she is a masterful legislature to tip her hat to. she can coalesce the party around this and slow the roll on impeachment and maybe direct it toward impeachment inquiry. i think it is the best. let americans decide with their votes in 2020, it makes the most common sense. >> robin, again, this all plays into the president's hand, i mean, the old i guess darned if you do, darned if you don't, if democrats lay back, don't turn up and let things go, that some people have problems with and just perhaps if they turn up, as you say, then the president is back in office. you know, how would you handle it if you were speaker pelosi? >> i'm sorry, i'm going to let the other guy get in. >> yeah, you're good. >> i'd love to get in here. what the speaker ought to do, the only way democrats can win, that is if they work on making america better. lay down the weapons of partisanship, pick up the toops of partnership. here i am in arkansas today where the waters are rising, people's lives are in danger. we should be focusing on building crumbling infrastructure, democrats should be working to secure the border. we are the greatest country in the world and we can't keep people from free roaming. >> are democrats not working with the president to secure the border? >> been a concern for a long time. i've reached out to party players in the d.n.c. about that, i've been saying for two years, i was looking forward to talks on infrastructure, i thought that would be easy win for both parties. here we are at empasse. >> leave it there on memorial day weekend. we are all about americans and we are all americans. thanks to both of you. see you soon. >> thank you. >> take care. >> great conversation. president trump in asia, with tough talk for china. what a trade war means for farmers, most importantly your pocketbook. plus, the president touting his relationship with kim jong-un. even as north korea fires off scathing attack on one of the president's cabinet members. what is the end game? >> pres. trump: with nuclear, that will never happen. only bad can happen, he understands that. he is a smart man, he gets it well. this memorial day, start your summer off right in a new chevrolet. oh, wow!! it's time to upgrade. you guys out did yourselves there. i'm gonna go and get a chevy. an exciting summer begins at your chevy dealer. and now, during the chevy memorial day sales event, get 0% financing for 72 months on these select chevy models. or current gm owners can get twenty seven fifty total cash allowance on this traverse. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. what do all these people have in common, limu?oug [ paper rustling ] exactly, nothing. they're completely different people, that's why they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual. they'll only pay for what they need! [ gargling ] [ coins hitting the desk ] yes, and they could save a ton. you've done it again, limu. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ whoooo. did you know the exact same hotel room... ...can have many different prices? that's why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. your perfect hotel room for the perfect price! i was told to begin my aspirin regimen, blem. and i just didn't listen. until i almost lost my life. my doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. listen to the doctor. take it seriously. >> president trump on his current trip to japan saying he's not personally bothered by north korea recent missile test. breaking with shinzo abe and his own national security advisor john bolton, who both say the tests violate un security council resolution. now north korea is firing back against those claims. here is more. greg. >> the war of words over what many people say is war-like behavior by north korea continues. president trump's national security advisor, john bolton was blasted today by north korea media calling him ignorant hard liner who destroy peace and security after bolton ark certed tests launched by north korea a few weeks back, short-range missiles violated un security council resolution and sanctions should be reinforced. president trump repeated today following his meeting with president shinzo abe he's not concerned by the launches, more concerned by the icbm's north korea was firing that could hit the united states. he says this was simply way for kim jong-un to get attention. the hitch is, the region does remain concerned, both south korea and japan feel short-range missiles could threaten them. his host abe saying speez specific launches violated bans by the united nations. one final note, as john roberts, my colleague in tokyo noted, president trump will meet with sailors aboard a u.s. navy vessel docked in japan. experts tell me it is u.s. service members in japan and south korea who could also be affected by very same short-range missiles. back to you. >> indeed they could be. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> pres. trump: probably wish they made the deal before they tried to renegotiate it and make a deal. we are not ready to make a deal and we're taking in tens of millions of dollars of tariffs and that number could go up substantially. >> president trump sounding off on trade tension with chien a. negotiations stalled and each side blaming each other. president trump, as you heard, is threatening another round of tariffs, coming from the chinese have hurt u.s. farmers. where did this lead everybody? most of us at home in our pocket books, gene marks with us, nice to see you. gene, president mentioned we're pulling in tens of millions of dollars worth of tariffs, that money is essentially coming from the u.s. consumer, we begin to feel the pain yet when they go to walmart or target or the local grocery store? >> not exactly yet. it is good to see you. it is tens of billions of dollars. right now it is estimated the u.s. government in 2019 could pull in 40 to 100 billion dollars in extra revenue related to the tariffs. for a government driving up huge deficit and strapped for cash or something, that is a lot of money. that is one reason the president is not in any rush to come to an agreement with china. are we seeing issues in -- >> you say it like that, seems like tariffs are a great thing for the economy. or -- >> i'm not saying it is a great thing for the economy. i'm telling you this much, i'm telling our clients now, mostly small and medium sized businesses, many not affected by the tariffs. the ones that are, you can expect tariffs to continue, even if we see an agreement coming sometime maybe when the president meets with president xi in the next month or so. i don't expect the president to release tariffs, at least not 10% tariffs any time soon, the biggest reason why is enforcement. he has a lot of opponents and people saying come to a deal with china, how do we know china will live up to that? i think the president will say, we will give it a year, that is what i'm predicting. >> one year? >> tariffs continue. >> i speak to a lot of congressmen and foreign states who say they cannot afford another year of reciprocal tariffs back from china. this is how the merp public look at the condition of the economy. excellent good now 47% that is down two points from january 2018. only fair up two points from january. is there a slip in consumer confidence, do you think? >> i'm not saying it, some other consumer confidence surveys i've seen come out, from the university of michigan, showing continued uptick in confidence. on top of that, look at small business confidence. >> the chinese are stealing intellectual property, depending who you talk to. wage growth, this is something the president has continued to tout, 3.2% ninth straight month of 3% growth. have your business clients yet started to price in the possibility some would say a real possibility, depending what polls you look at, democratic president who is going to have different business views, different regulation and different taxes? >> most of my clients i talk to are not yet, whether or not that is mistake or not, you can consider, the feel democratic challengers are, it is so vast right now, most people waiting to shorten up, wage growth is a big deal. health concern going up cost of labor, like paid time off and time off for new parents and other benefits being offered coupled with the fact if you are a small business, finding good people, it is tough. competing against big government. >> my parents are up in north michigan, the state that flipped president trump. they drove up north this spring, there were signs all over, thousand dollar hiring bonuses and finder bonuses for people, finding employees to work, that in and of itself a danger. >> it is. you know, having said that, i come across so many people running businesses, it hasn't sunk in. if you want to compete, you will have to raise your rates, you are paying your people, that is the only way to do it. does that mean increasing prices? that could happen. for some small businesses, added tariffs from trade, all these challenges, as great as the economy is, i have learned we'll have challenges, never going to be perfect environment, that is what we're looking at. >> that is why they have you to hold their hand. gene, always appreciate it. it is good to have you, as always. >> great seeing you, take care. >> now human interest news on this memorial day. talking about a nonprofit that provides free lodging for families of wounded veterans near medical facilities where their loved ones receive treatment. fisher house is expanding to include two new homes here in new york city, near a va medical center. jackie heinrich is live in the new york city newsroom with more on this incredible story. hi. >> hi. provide free lodging for families of military allowing them to be close to their loved ones at the most stressful time they are receiving medical care. the home was gifted from delta airlines, and enterprise rent-a-car. the project cost $15 million and expected to help 12,000 saving up to $3 million. each house has 16 suites with private bathrooms and bedrooms, families share facilities, a place to find community support from other folks sharing the same struggles. the project manager says the new homes are special because they are tudor-style, inspired by architecture in the bronx. something never done before, intended to feel like home away from home for people receiving medical treatment just a short walk away. >> what this means, instead of going to say a regular army hospital or staying in a va hospital, the families can come here for as long as they need to come. they come as a unit, they have places for their children to play and live. they have kitchens for them. >> the two new homes, fisher house is offering -- operating 84 homes in the u.s., u.k. and germany. five more houses are under construction and list of 19 other places where there is recognized need. since the program began in 1990, 360,000 families have been served. >> what a wonderful story, jackie. thank you so much. it is so important to remember the veterans and their families. the sacrifice is equally profound. >> i spent saturday out on the washington maul, next to the vietnam veterans memorial. one thing striking to talk to folks who come back to remember those lost in the war, versus those who come back and remembering those lost during iraq or afghanistan or other places around the world our soldiers are serving. how different the reception has been, in the 1970's, nothing like this even during world war ii. there are programs to help wounded veterans and this real thought about how to focus on gold-star families and remember them, as well. >> not much in the personal impact, we have gone out of our way to say hello and thank you. >> it is sincere thank you. >> it is. >> something vice president mike pence spent the day doing. the vice president is there, the president is traveling. we'll tell you what president trump will do in japan to honor the military on this holiday. ♪ dad: oh, hey guys! mom (on speakerphone): hi! son (on speakerphone): dad, i scored two goals today! dad: oh, that's great! vo: getting to a comfortable retirement doesn't have to be an uncomfortable thought. see how lincoln can help you retire on your terms at you see clear skin. cosentyx can help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis find clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. how sexy are these elbows? ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. >> on this memorial day, vice president mike pence taking part in the ceremony of laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier at arlington national cemetery as president trump wraps up his visit to japan, where the president is expected to speak to troops aboard the amphibious assault ship u.s.s. wasp later today. we will bring in a captain for the independent son. thank you for being here and thank you for your service. >> my honor on both counts. >> i want to start here, this is something you can help us understand how to fix this difficult situation. we're talking about homelessness, opioid addiction, depression, high suicide rates, plights veterans should not have to battle. far too often, many do. if you could, tell us how the independence fund and veteran affairs are working together to improve veteran health and well being. >> thank you for having us. independence fund partnered with veteran affairs for awe suicide prevention program. bringing together combat units, companies and battalions that experience high casualty rates and are now experiencing high suicide rates when they return to the united states. we've had two of these retreats already, bring together combat unit and unit retreats. va provide resiliency training. rebuild accountability they have as combat unit and camaraderie. make sure they understand they are not alone. senior leadership of the combat units, you know what, it is already to not be all right. it is all right to seek the help you need. since we've done two so far, we've gotten eight guys who started to seek va and department of defense mental health help. >> that is very good. here is a question, captain carey, it will be easier to access services that veteran affairs has to offer? you hear so much talk about the red tape there, is that going to improve? >> this june 6, is when the new requirements need to be in place to allow veterans greater access to private sector care, community care, including behavioral healthcare. if va can't provide behavioral healthcare within 30-minute drive time, 14 days starting next year, the veteran will be able to go to the private sector to get access to that care. >> i want to ask you, we had that whole ball of wax trying to go from, all about navigating, this is where i'm getting here, what advice would you give veterans who can't muster enough energy to go to the va, or whatever private healthcare facility that is available to them, they expect to be put through so many hoops, just to get basic services. they face humiliation, only to walk out empty-handed. what do you say to them? >> i use department of veteran affairs for my health care, as well. it can be difficult at times, overall, things have improved dramatically. i'm seeing that, as well. i'm saying to veterans, get in there and ask for the help. if they near crisis, mental health crisis, va will provide same-day assistance. i will take them at their word right now f. that doesn't work, get in contact with us, www.independence we will help them navigate the system. >> captain bob carey, thank you again, sir, for your help. >> thank you. >> memorial day kicks off unofficial start to summer and it doesn't matter whether you travel by air, train or car, you will see free charging stations everywhere. the new danger to those. we'll be right back. is that net carbs or total?... eh, not enough fiber... chocolate would be good... snacking should be sweet and simple. the delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. glucerna. everyday progress we bwe have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever's best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active-duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now, today, for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you, for me, and for our family. so for us, at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love, it's a noble service, and that's what we're all about. >> doesn't matter where you are these days from coffee shops to airports, there's free charging stations for your phone. mark meredith has more on why you should think twice before plugging in. hi, mark. >> for many people, charging your phone is part of the travel routine. we're seeing more and more of the usb ports popping up. but they could be compromised. ibm is taking a look at this. it's often that the ports for the people that are using them, they have no idea that their data is at risk or may be stolen. they're popping up in airports and train stations, restaurants. we had a chance to speak with charles henderson who says hackers with turning to travel hubs to steal people's data. >> attackers are targeting a wide net. they're targeting everybody. they're setting up fake wi fi points and looking to get as much information as possible. >> if you don't want to use them because you don't want to leave your phone at risk, you can still plug in to a traditional electrical outlet. experts say your data won't be stolen that way. you want to be careful which networks you use, also. >> thanks, mark. we'll be right back. 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[ limu grunts ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> a fox news alert. as the nation pauses to remember our fallen soldiers this memorial day. the president wraps up his official statement to japan where he med with shinzo abe and discussed trade and north korea. welcome. in hello, leland. >> hi, arthel. it's unusual for the president to be overseas or memorial day. he speaks to troops a little later. the president had a very different tune in his own national security adviser when talking about north korea's recent missile tests. the president saying he's not personally bothered. john roberts joins us live were tokyo. already early tuesday morning there. hi, john. >> just turning 3:00 a.m., leland. aport from the pomp and ceremony of the state visit for the president to meet the new emperor, the big headline is exactly what you mentioned, the fact that president trump sees the missile launches different from his national security adviser and japan. john bolton said the missile launches were a clear violations of u.n. resolutions. the president tweeted that the launches don't concern him. referring to them as small weapons and not ballistic missile. you should take note, that that language is very similar to the language being used by south korean officials as well as they try to keep down tensions on the peninsula. there was a sharp contrast at a press conference in tokyo between how the president describes the launches and how abe described them. >> my people think it could have been a violation, as you know. i view it differently. i view it as a man that wants attention and perhaps not. who knows. it doesn't matter. >> on may 9, north korea launched the short range ballistic missile. this is violating the security council resolution. >> in that same tweet about north korean missiles, the president quoted kim jong-un who called 2020 candidate and former vice president joe biden a lower i.q. individual. the president was asked if he was siding with a ruthless dictator over a former vice president. listen to what he said. >> kim jong-un made a statement that joe biden is a low i.q. individual. he probably is based on his record. i think i agree with him on that. joe biden was a disaster. his administration with president obama, they were basically a disaster whether it was economy, military, defense, no matter what it was, they had a lot of problems. i'm not a fan. >> the bulk of the conversations between the president and prime minister abe regarded trade. the president hopes to make a new trade deal with japan since it won't happen until august after japan has elections in the month of july. he says he believes a deal with china is possible. listen here. >> as far as china is concerned, they want to make a deal. i think they probably wish they made the deal that they had on the table before they tried to renegotiate it. i think sometime in the future, china and the united states will absolutely have a great trade deal. >> now, the president does leave japan later on today. he will be back at the end of june in osaka for the g-20 meeting at which he will have a bilateral meeting with chinese president xi jinping and likely meet with shinzo abe again and likely meeting with vladimir putin. when we come back in a month's time, it will be a bigger weekend. >> i was going to say a lot of travels coming up. normandy, london. a lot going on. thanks, john roberts. >> thanks, leland. >> going back to osaka. being in japan has not stopped the president from taking aim at the democrats. the president tweeting impeach for what? having to greatest economy in american history, rebuilding our military, taking care of our vets, judges, best job numbers and more. dems are obstructionists. ellison barber has more. hi, ellison. >> in capitol hill, a little further down from the white house, but same city, the president is ignoring that old adage that politics stops at the water's edge. the president accused democrats of being obstructionists railing against talk of impeachment and what he sees as a democratic obsession with the russia probe and a desire for a do-over. some lawmakers have signalled their support for impeachment. they, all but one, are democrats and not able to convince nancy pelosi to start impeachment proceedings. representative rasheeda talib, an early advocate removing president trump from office, submitted an impeachment resolution in march. it had one co sponsor then. five more signed on in april. >> it's not about that it's about defending the rule of law in america. it's about establishing that there's some things that you cannot do. >> the right thing to do is to have these proceedings, have the debate before congress and the american people. that's our constitutional duty whether it's good politics or not. >> why do you think you can't convince a majority of house democrats that it's time to impeachment? >> it's moving towards that. it's going to demand it. >> speaker pelosi has not ruled out impeachment but is taking a wait and see approach. they have defended the congressional investigations despite criticism from the white house. they say it's their responsibility to conduct oversight and believe the special counsel wanted congress, not the attorney general, to find an answer when it comes to whether or not president trump obstructed justice. the president, of course, very much disagrees with that. arthel? >> thanks, ellison. >> more on the politics of this. we bring in reporter, phillip wegman. as you talk to your sources inside the administration, how are they looking at this politically? there's a good number of republicans think this is better for the president. the more democrats call for impeachment, the better it is? >> right. it seems both sides are getting what they want. the president wants to paint the democrats as obstructionists. democrats, i think to play to their base, they want to be shown that they're tough on the president. nancy pelosi is not ready to get behind impeachment just yet. they want to make the argument to their base in the next november, 18 months from now, that they're holding his feet to the fire. that tweet from president trump on memorial day superintendents it up. the acrimony is so bad, something like infrastructure, something where republicans and democrats should come together and decide to spend other people's money, even that is off the table. >> shocking. in washington they can always agree on spending our money. now they can't agree on that. we put up on the other side of the 2020 race, the 2020 dems that have come out in favor of impeachment. these are people that are in favor of impeachment. warren, harris. those two people would be voting on impeachment. beto o'rourke, seth moulton, castro, swalwell and messum. any idea in terms of the political calculation on this? is it worth it to them to juice the democratic base for whatever it might cost them should they get to the general? >> they want to be seen as if near firing on all cylinders. it's 18 months between now and the november election. when it comes to impeachment, democrats know that republicans control the senate and this will be a very arduous and difficult process. the calculation here is that if you go down the path of impeachment, if you decide this is an investigative congress rather than a legislative one, you won't prove to voters that you can get things done. right now it seems we're so far past that that not a lot is getting done. so why not make the argument that impeachment is necessary. >> as you talk to some of these campaigns, warren, harris, o'rourke, moulton, the top four on that list, have any of them thought what is our message going to 2020 if we came out in favor of impeachment and it doesn't happen? >> i think that -- that's an incredibly interesting question. the broader perspective here is there's so many candidates running for the democratic nomination right now that they're trying to find anything that can differentiate themselves from the others. it's kind of a little bit of a paradox. when you're running for the presidency, running for the democratic nomination. at the same time, while you're saying your argument is you're the one that can defeat him and if we don't, we'll bring for ward impeachment resolutions. it's interesting. right now we're getting to a point -- there's plenty of time. but we're getting to a point that it seems like very little as possible on capitol hill as far as legislation. >> there is an agreement among democrats about continuing the investigative process. don mcgahn said you're not going to tough and he agreed with that request. now the question of hope hicks. "the new york times" said that she faced a big question whether or not to come testify. any reporting on what is happening behind the scenes of the white house talking to hope hicks? >> i think what is interesting right now, this is very similar to what a lot of former alumni of this administration have gone through. the job doesn't stop when you leave the white house campus. now democrats are interested in doing oversight and pushing hard to get former members in there back to testify. i don't have any new information on whether or not she will or won't testify. i think we're getting to a point -- we saw it where you have the acrimony with president trump and nancy pelosi. two people that had a begrudging respect for each other. that has evaporated and nancy pelosi saying she want trump's own family to host an interventi intervention. trump says she's crazy. where we go from here is anybody's guess. >> not only doesn't your service or liabilities end, your legal bills don't end either. phillip, great conversation. good reporting. watch it on real clear >> thank you. >> good to see you. >> you know, we've been through this before with our experience. we have come off a flood the last week. it's been very trying for us and our community. i'm going to tell you, the people of el reno are the strongest people i've meet. >> that's the major of el reno, october october. his community picks up pieces after a deadly tornado tore through the reason -- region saturday. arkansas now getting the worst of it today. matt finn will have more on that later. first we go to jeff paul who is live on the ground. jeff? >> yeah, arthel, this community was trying to pick up the pieces after a bad flood came through. now they have to do with this. damages from what officials say is an ef-3 tornado. that's a motel there. the strong winds from the tornado nearly ripping off the entire second floor. that's where the rv park is where the governor here in oklahoma visited. he was on the ground, seeing the damages. two people died and 13 people are still in the hospital. we asked him about his thoughts. take a listen to what he had to say. >> it's unbelievable that, you know, a tornado can do this type of damage. doesn't do it justice when you see it on tv. you get here, see the damage to the vehicles, you know, the 2 x 4s that are driven through different places. the whole roof is gone. it's unbelievable. anybody can survive. >> during his visit here to the site of where this tornado came through, he also got a call from president donald trump when he was out here. he said the president told him that the federal government is there for him, whatever they need. sounds like according to the governor, they're doing okay right now. they have a strong community and starting to put up power poles. they're preparing for what could be a next few days. more storms hitting the area and more flooding and strong winds. arthel? >> let's hope they get a break soon. thanks, jeff. >> no break for those to the east of oklahoma. they're bracing for more rain to come in arkansas. flooding levels near record levels. the ward getting higher as storms come that way. what they're doing there now. and the first 2020 democratic debate is less than a month away. here we are. so what is the plan for the rest of the pack to catch up with joe biden? hard work leaves a mark. it shows on your clothes. they're branded by sweat, pride, and every stain the job throws at you. for the hardest workers, we've designed the hardest working tide. so you can leave your mark on the world, without the world leaving its mark on your clothes. new tide heavy duty. designed for impossible stains. our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy! whoo-hoo! great-tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein and twenty-six vitamins and minerals. ensure, for strength and energy. and twenty-six vitamins and minerals. ohone day you'll tell yourse grandkids about it. and they'll say, "grandpa just tell us about humpty dumpty". and you'll say, "he broke his pelvis or whatever, now back to my creamy heinz mayonnaise". heinz mayonnaise, unforgettably creamy. dad, it's fine. we have allstate. and with claimrateguard they won't raise your rates just because of a claim. that's why you're my favorite... i know. are you in good hands? 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>> the former vice president has two things going for him. one, his occupying a line that nobody else is occupying. over half of democratic voters are identified as moderate or conservative. so he will do well in iowa, south carolina, nevada, some of the early states. the one thing that unifies all democrats, wanting to make the president a one-term president. he does well in the sense of electability. that's why people are turning to him. >> arthel: given the number of candidates, it's going to dwindle down come the first democratic debate and certainly after that. again, at what point will the democrats need to make a -- maybe vice president make a call to senator harris to discuss an unbeatable ticket. it's early on. so we don't know who will be out front. at some point, you think they'll get together and say this is about winning back the white house? >> i think there's opportunities for disruptions to occur. specifically that debate may shake out a couple of new top tier candidates. i see a situation that this goes to the convention floor. the way the democrats hand out delegates and proportional manner and the fact that there's a lot of people with a lot of money in this campaign. there's going to be some staying power. with that said, i think that if somebody can surprise the campaigns or the country with a better than expected finish in iowa or new hampshire, i think you'll start to see a shake out of a top three to five candidates after the first couple primaries and caucuses. >> arthel: interesting. back to you, chaffin. the president is a fighter. he can pack a political punch against the best of them. so whoever steps in the ring with him has to be strong that said, how much time do you think the democrats have before they can come together meeting of the mind to assess who has the better chance of beating president trump? >> i agree with you. i a see with zach. a lot of candidates have staying power. i don't think anyone will come together and i don't think there will be a meeting of the minds. this is a unique opportunity for democrats running for president. so that's why you see so many people getting in the race. as a republican consultant, joe biden is one of the stronger candidates. i think he will probably wind up being one of the last candidates heading into the convention if he's not the nominee. he's a fighter as well. he's also a fighter. he without try to out-trump trump as elizabeth warren might. people try to out-trump trump but they can't get away with it. biden has the confidence and the record to be able to do that, be able to fight back, punch hard, punch harder than the president without making a fool of himself. he's a dangerous candidate for the republicans. i don't think that's where democratic primary voters are headed, moderate. >> arthel: zach, you get the last word here. it's funny. you think there's going to be a brokered convention and the decision will be made on the floor. i'm reading for colored girls who have considered politics, donna brazile, they're saying the same thing. so you agree with them it seems. >> i do. i think it could be messy. it could be really clean. depends how it works out, a good thing to so many people in the process. as a result, people are invested in their own specific candidate. if biden is the leader going to the floor even though he doesn't have a majority, it's an easy collection. if it's close, we'll see how it plays out. >> thanks, guys. we'll speak to you soon. thank. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> leland: a fox news alert. bill buckner, whose major league baseball spanned 22 years, died today after a long battle with a form of dementia. he played on a number of different teams including 1986 red sox who made to it the world series. he was 69. orlando isn't just the theme park capital of the world, it also has the highest growth in manufacturing jobs in the us. it's a competition for the talent. employees need more than just a paycheck. you definitely want to take advantage of all the benefits you can get. 2/3 of employees said that the workplace is an important source for personal savings and protection solutions. the workplace should be a source of financial security. keeping your people happy is what keeps your people. that's financial wellness. put your employees on a path to financial wellness with prudential. mom, what's for din-ner? 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>> leland: historic look. now you have more rain on the way. another couple of inches perhaps on wednesday. matt finn there. matt, we'll check in with you throughout the week. thanks. >> arthel: president trump talking tough on trade with china as tensions escalate. what could a possible new round of tariffs on chinese goods mean for the u.s. economy? ♪ there goes our first big order. ♪ 44, 45, 46... how many of these did they order? ooh, that's hot. ♪ you know, we could sell these. nah. ♪ we don't bake. ♪ opportunity. what we deliver by delivering. car vending machines and buying a car 100% online.vented now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our techno-wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way-- at carvana. front slams on his the hbrakes out of nowhere. you do, too, but not in time. hey, no big deal. you've got a good record and liberty mutual won't hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? 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nigel farage's new brexit party. his distracters blame him for the political pickle that britain is in. >> now, arthel, despite britain's fate being tba and despite the fact that these traditional parties have actually been really worn thin and lost their grip on power, it's important to point out that the majority of seats are being held by pro european delegates. in terms of what this matters to folks in the united states that are watching, one italian that follows these things closely, the fact that europe and the european project remains intact is a good thing for washington. the european union is united states's biggest trading partner. europe is america's biggest strategic ally. so a euro crisis would not be to the benefit of the united states now. europe is shaken, arthel. possibly some of these disrupters will in fact make the continent a better, stronger place. >> thanks. breaking it down, amy. thanks very much. >> the president's latest comments in tokyo don't exactly give a lot of hope for a quick resolution to the brewing chinese trade wear and the crushing effects on your 401(k). the dow posted their longest weekly losing streaks since 2011. the president says tariffs on chinese goods could rise "very substantially." with that, we bring in emma, our strategist. thanks for joining us on memorial day. has this started to trickle down to affect every day consumers in terms of the prices they pay? >> you know, as of now, any impact on the consumer is negligible. even president trump's statements today, you know, the chinese communist party spoke back and returned to his statements and said that we would actually be equally hurt roughly the same as they would. that's just to be frank laughable. what the the bigger picture is important to see here is that it's not about, you know, short term, a trade deal that we muddle through and back here in the same position six months down the line where china's committing industrial espionage, cyber theft, stealing hundreds -- >> leland: let's listen to what the president had to say. we'll get your thoughts. >> i believe that we will have a very good deal with china sometime into the future. i don't believe that china can continue to pay these really hundreds of billions in tariffs. i don't believe they can do that. i think there's a very good chance that the united states and china will have a very good trade deal. >> leland: the president talks about how he loves the billions that are coming in. how much of that is going to be absorbed by every day americans, how much will be absorbed by the corporations that are paying to import this stuff? >> here's the thing that we have to understand. when most of the goods that we import from china are competitive. they're just manufacturer's goods. suitcases, chairs. they're not -- the top five exports from china to the united states are also exported from mexico to the united states. these trading -- supply chains can be shifted around. yes, it will take time. >> leland: we're already now hearing about different company trying to think about possibly changing their supply chains as a result of this. something that the chinese are worried about. thanks, emma. enjoy the rest of your memorial day in california. >> thanks for having me. >> leland: all the best. >> arthel: north korea not firing off missiles, but only explosive can comments attacking president trump's national security adviser. the president said he's not worried about kim jong-un. >> he gets it well. so i think that he is going to try at some point -- i'm in no rush at all. the sanctions remain. with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. are you in good hands? 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(sigh) ♪ who can say why your heart sighs ♪ kraft. for the win win. >> leland: the president is oversees but he's been down playing the recent missile tests from north korea, an apparent break from john bolton. the president's comments come against the regime's foreign minister slammed bolton as "a war monger." >> we want peace and we want stability. we continue to hope that chairman kim seizes the opportunity to transform his count country through denuclearization. >> leland: this is a true split or a good cop bad cop routine? greg palkot joins us from london. hi, greg. >> as you note, the war of words over activity that some consider war-like by north korea certainly does continue. president trump's national security adviser john bolton was blasted today in north korean state media. they called him an ignorant hardliner that destroys peace and security. this after bolton had asserted that launches earlier by north korean of short range ballistic missile violated the u.n. security resolutions and sanctions should be enforced. today following a meeting with shinzo abe, president trump said again he wasn't too concerned about the launches. more interested in pointing out that there haven't been any intercontinental ballistic missile tests by north korea that could threaten the united states. the hitch is, the region is concerned. both south korea and japan have felt threatened by the short range missiles. trump says pyongyang's launches go against the u.n. one final note. president trump will be meeting the u.s. sailors a board a naval vessel outside of tokyo. ironically, these short range messages by north korea could impact, could put u.s. service members in japan and south korea. so they too could be dangerous. back to you. >> leland: can't forget how many are on the front lines not only in the middle east but around the world today. greg palkot in london. thanks so much. arthel? >> arthel: on this memorial day, we want to also pay tribute to soldiers that return home with life-altering injuries and introduce you to some four-legged friends that are helping them out. that story is next. one standard when it comes to the quality of our cars: the highest. it's why only 1 in 10 cars we look at qualify to sell on our site. if it's been in a reported accident, we won't sell it. and at our state-of-the-art facilities our ase certified mechanics roll up their sleeves and get to it. inspecting, dialing-in, and fine tuning every single car inside and out, bringing all of it up to our high standards. by the time we're done, our cars are beyond "certified." they're carvana certified. so whether you have it delivered or pick it up, we do it all so you can rest easy. we're on the move. hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we're good. we're good. terminix. defenders of home. with options like's new seanew power bowlsnch. starting at nine ninety nine. summer berry... ...or spicy dragon... ...topped with shrimp, salmon, and more! or try endless soup, salad and cheddar bay biscuits for eight ninety nine. it's lunch at red lobster. so hurry in! if you have a garden you know, weeds are lowdown little scoundrels. draw the line with roundup. the sure shot wand extends with a protective shield to target weeds precisely and kill them right down to the root. roundup brand. trusted for over 40 years. it's not the highlight of fatherhood. but i'd rather be here with my little man than anywhere with migraine. 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[ limu grunts ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> arthel: some of our nation's wounded veterans are getting extra help from k-9 companions for independents and nonprofits. they place service dogs with people of disabilities free of charge. they're expanding a pilot program for soldiers with ptsd. >> leland: we have james here with us and maverick, his puppy in training. charlie lindville, a young veteran and amputee and his dog, devin. there's devin. and deb daugherty, the executive director for k-9 for companions. great to have you with us now. charlie, how did this change your life, having devin with you? >> it's a huge change. having a prosthetic limb and having a animal to pick it up for you is everything. you mix the skills with the companionship of a dog helps you reintegrate into society. devin is amazing. >> show us what you do together. >> devin and i have been together six years now. he picks up my leg, opens doors, opening the fridge. i'll demonstrate. devin, get. you can do it. come on. >> arthel: i love him. >> devin. come on. >> arthel: he's on tv, friends. it's different. this is great. we all love dogs, charles. how is you're having devin make you feel spiritually to get through everything? >> yeah, the companionship, especially when you have a tough day. the dogs are there to give you love. if you have a bad day, he will be in your lap to give you love and attention. >> leland: there's a lot of dogs that can get things out of the fridge. the key is he brings it to you rather than eating it himself. give us a sense of how long it takes to get a dog from maverick there, that likes the tape on the floor, to devin that can open the doors? >> we are raising four service dogs right now. we'll raise them between 14 and 18 months and go back for severalized months of k-9 companion. they will be partnered with their veterans or somebody with a disability to make a better quality of life. >> arthel: debbie, tell us how you match the doggie with the right person. >> the dogs are trained two full years after they finish with their volunteer trainer. they come to one of our offices and trained by professional trainers for six months. we get to know them intensely and intimately and get a very thorough understanding of somebody's life needs. >> arthel: you tailor make the dogs, tailor train them? you know -- this is maverick, right? you know he will be working with somebody that has a particular needs. can you train him specifically for that person? >> we can do that. the dogs are trained the system. when we bring people into a class, when they're matched with their dogs is when we do that more personalized training and teach them how to do it at home. >> tell us about your commitment now to this. you start with a little puppy. so easy to fall in love with. maverick lives with you. >> we have four dogs with four employees. pen fed covers the cost of the dogs, the veterinary care. all the employees at the workplace, it's not just the four employees that raise the dog. it's the employees that rally behind them. in the board room, our partners coming to the firm. it's very uplifting. i just want to encourage all ceos to partner with k-9 companions and raising a service dog. how do you enough for our marines or any veteran. >> arthel: and the idea of partnering with a company like yours, there's a cost behind training them. tell us about that. >> we invest at least $50,000 in each match that we make. >> leland: devin is showing us here. maverick -- a puppy for sure. >> we invest a minimum of $50,000 in each dog that we match. we have a follow up program for the working life of the dog and give the dogs away at no cost to all the recipients. all by fund-raising. >> arthel: we want to end on something inspirational from you, charlie and your relationship with devin. >> i can say for me, the darkest hours i've had, devin has been there to pull me out. we talk about veterans transitioning in the workplace. what this animal and what k-9 for companions has given to me is immeasurable. people should go out and support and be there. service dogs really help. >> leland: we talk about how many more have been able to come home from afghanistan and iraq that came home from vietnam and so much help can be given to them. k-9 companions for independent. we'll have the website there below devin's nose where you can go to help out. >> arthel: enjoy the rest of your memorial day holiday and thank you and thank all of you for being such great heros. >> leland: trace is in for shep next. >> on this memorial day, americans are creating a new tribute to thousands of our fallen heros. >> i have 99 friends on that boat that got lost. so emotional. it's a wonderful thing that we did today here. >> and helping the wounded warriors that make it home. face new challenges. we'll talk to a veteran that lost both his legs and the sport that helped him with his recovery. i'm trace gallagher in for shepard smith. that's ahead this hour. we begin with a fox weather alert. a powerful tornado tearing through oklahoma killing two people. it happened in el reno just

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