Janice lee blainey. Craig michael blass. Richard middle on blood, jr. Michael andrew doccardi. Susan m. Bochino. The Mary Katharine boffa. Nicholas andrew bogdan. Darren christopher bohan. Lawrence francis boisseau. Vincent boland. Alan bondarenko. Andre boneur. Frank bonomo. Yvonne lucia bonomo. Seaon booker. Maryjane booth. Sherry ann bore bow. Jerry j. Bourg. My brother, hero, best friend, sal edward tiery, jr. Your memory and my love for you will last forever. The nation mourns along with the victims of september 11. This day should be a day of reflection and remembrance only. God bless all their souls and god bless america. My father Christopher Michael grady. I love you and miss you so much. Up forever be in my heart. [bell tolls] klaus botta. Jay howard bolton. As we listen to the names as we have heard every year over the course of these 13 years, its an inescapable somberness and sorrow that fills this country as we hear the names of these loved ones and you hear the personal interjections of children who were in many cases babies and toddlers when they lost their parents. Every year you think you are a bit father away but it comes rushing back. When you think about the moment of silence we just object search offed when flight 175 crashed into the south tower. You see the water and reflecting pools there now. So many years this ceremony was around the gaping hole. Now both the museum and the memorial are there for people to go to. It seems 13 years but it seems like not one day has gone by. Quiet defines and anger and sorrow and remembrance and emotion as we all recall where we were on that day, what happened and the threat of terrorism of islamic Jihadist Terrorism that still continues to threaten our country in the western world. Martha you were one of the first people down there, eric. We listen to your voice and play that package of sites and sounds from that awful morning every single year and it stops me in our tracks because we are always on when this was unfolding. We have had the same threat since 1990 when an extremist rabbi was shot to death. That was 1990. 2001 im walking to work at fox news and American Airlines 111 flew off my head. It was a beautiful, crisp september morning and the plane was very loud. I looked up, and your mind thinks, gee, hes really low. But you cant imagine thats actually the case. He flew over and a few of us looked up. He was crabbing a bit, making a right angle heading directly toward the World Trade Center. I thought it was a shuttle or plane coming down from bostons logan. It came around the corner. It was primary day. There were microwave trucks and the guys said the plane just hit the World Trade Center. Just astounding. Im so angry, martha, to this day. I have covered this for all these years. We have known about this threat from 1993 and the bombing of the World Trade Center. The guy who shot kahana was part of the bomb plot of the bombing of the World Trade Center in 95. Since then, on and on from the Embassy Bombings to 9 11 to other attacks. This has continued and as we see the threat today we can only honor and remember and say thank god for these people, for the victims, for their families and for this country that we recall this. We honor this, we remember them and we shall do that for the rest of our lives. Martha our own Rick Leventhal was at ground zero when the tours began to come down. Rick leaven than is with us this morning. Good morning, rick. Reporter i think what strikes me and many of us is time does not heal all wound. None of us in new york that day will ever forget what happened. Coming here every year is one way to relive it and obviously as eric said, a very important time to pay tribute to those who lost their lives and the First Responders who went running into the building and lost their lives trying to save their fellow new yorkers. It was a difficult time for this city and for this nation. I was in eastlake, ohio sunday which is 16 miles northeast of cleveland where they built a 9 11 memorial. There are 1,400 communities that build their own 9 11 memorials. They had a ceremony there to remember the victims of 9 11. And important part of this is these events affected all of this nation, not just new york, not just washington and not just shankville. It touched us all and we are all still dealing with it today. Martha we watched as i said the story unfold over the course of the last hour when it all began. And we heard your voice as you were down there. I not was an incredibly frightening day and one during which you remained steady and reported from the scene throughout all of it. Just a little bit about what that was like for you and how it impacted you. Reporter it was a very uncertain time. We didnt know what was going on. We were four blocks from the north tower when it collapsed. But we couldnt see the tower. We saw that 200300foot wall of smoke roming up Church Street rlg at us. I judgeed into this large satellite truck and everything went black. Right before we got into the luck was a piece of a jet engine federal agents were taking photos of. When we came out of the luck was 3 to 4 to 5 inches of soot covering the aircraft. Talking to all these people who made it out of the buildings but were covered hea head to toe int was the most challenging day of my life. It was just important maintain come poles our because i was there as the eyes and ears of the nation in that situation to try and tell those stories and try to report on what was happening around us. But it definitely put us to the test because it was so horrific. So angering. What i felt was fury that day moving forward, anger at what had happened. In a sense up needed to do of what i could and i think a lot of people felt that way within whatever they could, to respond. To come back and thats one reason i volunteered to go to afghanistan later that year to try to follow up on this story and obviously we are still following up on it today. Martha as we heard from the president last night we still face a very serious threat from islamic radicalism. It continues 13 years later and we listen to those names and we remember each one of those individual as their loved ones do on this day. Rick, thank you very much. Rick said it so well talking about the selflessness of the First Responders to rushed into the buildings into harms way. The businessmen, the workers in the World Trade Center. They live in the district of our next guest. Congress nang pete king represents the district of long island. Hes on the count are Intelligence Committee. This took such a terrible toll in your district. Constituents, friends, people you grew up with. This is real, its here, its now, you are reminded of the people you know. Richs soninlaw was killed. Your thoughts on islamic terrorism and what this day means. I agree with evening you said before. This began in 1990. Maybe on 9 11 we had an excuse, but there is no excuse today. The same people who carried out the attacks on septembe septembe still coming after us today. So much americans put 9 11 in the same category of pearl harbor or gettysburg. But the threat is still alive today. Every american and every member of congress should realize we can never let our guard down and we cant fall into political correctness. The enemy is islam he can jihad and they are as dedicated now as they ever were. Eric you see the fire engines go by, you have got the names on the doors of those who died. You go by the supermarket and the fire hughes. For those who were not here and do not know anyone who was killed that day. What do you say to them to say this continues, this is now and this threat of Islamic Jihad is very real . When you have it in your own neighborhood with your own friend and constituents. 13 years later you still see the traumatic effect it has on these families. They can never have a private grieving. Nobody in any city in america should ever have to go through that. Those of us who are from new york and saw it firsthand, that we stand together and let the rest of the country know this is not a new york issue. This is an american issue. It happened to new york and it could can happen in any major city in america. To the islamists everyone is the enemy. We should never let our guard down and forget the sacrifices made on 9 11. Eric the president said terrorism, terrorists. He said isil is not islamic, its not a state, its a terrorist organization. What do we do about this group thats kills theo van gogh. You cant defeat the enemy unless you identify the enemy. The enemy is a distorted version of islam but it does come from islam. The overwhelming majority of good muslims have to speak out. We cant be politically correct and ignore who the enemy is. Joe lieberman says if you dont identify the enemy you wont be able to defeat the enemy. There were catholics dedicated to killing people, when i as a catholic have a special obligation to denounce them and i would want people to know where they are coming from. I found for instance last night the president went out of his way to say the Islamic State is not really islamic because they couldnt be murderers. Dont be so politically correct. Identify the enemy, go after the enemy. Thinking somehow this is just some Extremist Group that has a grievance. This is a group of vicious, evil, diabolical people who want to destroy everyone who does not share their twisted view of the world. Eric we are watching the vivid and poignant results of that. The human toll these people have suffered and you personally have suffered. Congressman pete king of long island, new york. Thanks for the great job you do in alerting people to this constant danger. Martha the president has left the white house. Hes on his way to the pentagon. 13 years ago today the pentagon was hit, flight 77 went into the side of the pentagon at 9 37 in the morning. A couple minutes before that Vice President cheney and his aide were taken into the cold war bunkerneath the white house. Im joined by liz cheney. Liz, welcome, good to have you here today. As you look back on that day and think about what was happening with your fault are at this moment, what goes through your mind . I think all of us on these days of anniversary are taken immediately back to that day. What you remember in particular is just the tremendous concern and fear that we are going to be hit again. Particularly that morning in was just a real sense of not knowing exactly what was going happen next. Had it not been for those brave passengers on flight 93 who took over the plane in it ended up crashing in shanksville we could well have had the white house and capitol hit as well as the pentagon. The terrorist plot was to do even more than the horrific damage they did. I also remember the resolve. I think thats an important thing to remember on this day. As the congressman was just saying, were still at war with the same enemy and its a war we must win. We need to use this day to rick and say a prayer for all of those victims and their family members. And also to resolve that it wont happen again and we wont surrender and we wont quit fighting. Well do whats necessary to defeat the terrorists. When i listen to the of that morning and even as it was unfolding. The mentions that everyone understood in that moment that there would be retaliation. In what would come a moment and it would come soon when the United States would start to fight back against this enemy. A piece ran in yesterdays wall street journal that says dick cheney is still right about the actions your father and the Bush Administration took at that time. Did you ever think we would still be fating this enemy all these 13 years later and thoughts on your father and his strategy at the time. I think that certainly everyone thought we would be attacked again. If you had said then that 13 years would pass without another successful attack on the homeland i dont think people would have believed it. I think the policies they put in place what they did was understand this wasnt law enforcement, this was war. That meant you had to have a broad strategy. Up had to go on offense militarily. You had to deny the terrorists safe haven. You had to make sure you had the maximum. The fact that we dont capture and intear gaipt terrorists as hampered our ability to go after their networks. And understand whats going on with the terrorists. We have to be moving on all fronts. We cant think we are going to just arrest terrorists within put them on trial in the United States and be safe. Martha the president talked not having a safe haven for terrorists and find them wherever they were. I think those word echoed back to the word we heard george w. Bush said. I wish the president s actions met the rhetoric. In the same speech in the opening paragraph of his speech he reaffirmed his commit to the withdrawing allamerican troops out of afghanistan. Its incom its i am i i am e predenying safe haven is critically important but you cant do that if you are withdrawing from the world as this president is. Martha a lot of people are concerned about what is untold inning in afghanistan as you point out, given what happened in iraq. In terms of learn, the lessons of what happened and going back to that editorial about the strategy that Vice President cheney and president bush had in terms of rooting it out where it was, and denying safe haven as you points out is one thing to say it. But you have to follow through and deny that safe haven as we watch the president as hes pulling up to the pentagon here. I guess im talking about the will to win. Do you believe the president has the will to win . I hope he has. But what he havent seen any evidence of that. It looked to me last night that he announced a strategy thats an improvement over where we were before but it seeps to be the bare minimum he had to undertake. Its good we are not just using air power forehumanitarian purposes. But its not sufficient. You have a situation where in order to use that air power effectively we need spotters on the ground to guide the airstrikes. Back in october of 2001 when we went in and took out the taliban, that was a very successful and effective campaign. It was conducted primarily by cia officers, special operators on the dpronld working with our allies in afghanistan. But for the president to continue to say what we wont do, there is no reason why the world why you would announce to the enemy, here is everything we are going to do, with you dont worry, no boots on the ground. Martha we have 1,500 military advisers. Dont you take that to mean that well have special Operations Forces under one title or another that would be part of those quote advisers on the ground . I hope thats the case. But the president s ambivalence and reluctance to date is very troubling. Its also troubling that he specifically pointed to yemen and somalia as models for action here. I dont understand that. Anybody who is paying attention understands the threat to the United States from al qaeda and the arabian peninsula, from al qaeda in yemen is significant. Its one of the most significant threats we face. For the president to say this is my model is frankly perplexing. Martha liz cheney, thank you very much. Always great to speak with you. We are watching as the president arrived at the pentagon. Flight 77 went into the pentagon at 9 37 a. M. , into the pentagons west facade killing 59 on board the plane and 125 military and civilians inside the pentagon. 100 were injured in the fire afterward. Its a day to remember and go back to as we face this evolving threat as we talked about which when still have in an incredibly potent way now. Once again. Eric you have to realize look at that building at the moment, right now they are planning and repairing for potential airstrikes in syria looking out the window at the reminder of why they are doing it. The result of terrorism in their offices. Where they work. The heart of the military complex of this country that will prepare for whatever type of militari exercise the president of the United States decide to launch against the new threat of isis. March already its interesting to note that the president made that speech last night on the eve of september 11. He goes through the exercises and remembrances. In were indications in the speech last night that the president changed some of his thinking about the strength of america, the use of power that america has access to and we can only wonder whats going through his mind as he reflects and looks at the challenges. Him. There is the president and the first lady as they walk toward this remembrance ceremony. Well have a moment of silence that will happen at 9 37. And the names continue to be read here in new york as we remember those who westerly lost on that day. Its powerful to say the least. Eric the president who has in a sense changed his thinking because of the events on the ground, we are joined by National Security correspondent Jennifer Griffin, but lets have some silence as the president lays the wreath. Snoatwreath. Taps eric officials paying tribute to those killed at the pentagon on this day this morning. National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin is outside of that building, the pentagon at the moment. Jennifer, your thoughts as we see this unfold. Reporter i think its particularly poignant outside this location. I have been here the last 7 years. In the last few minutes alone there have been five planes that have flown over. They are so close you feel like you can reach out and touch them. It takes you back to that moment 9. 9 9 37 00 a. M. The president of the United States has potentially launched a third war in iraq fight can the same islamic extremism, the jihadists who carried out that attack. I think of the youngest member who was killed at the pentagon. Dana was 3 years old. She was on board the flight. Neither are any of those 180 people who were killed when United Airlines flight 77 slammed into the building. Every year its the same trauma for the people planning for what is the continuation of a war tha