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States two largest democratic counties there. Kristin fisher is following it from the white house this morning. Kristin, what is the chance that were going to see the president today . Good morning. Good morning. As of now, there are no Public Events on his calendar. Thats the 12th time, the 12th day this has happened since the election. But it does sound like were going to hear from the president s legal team. The president tweeted about an hour ago that quote an Important News Conference Today by lawyers on a very clear and viable path to victory. The fact remains that his legal team has yet to provide evidence of voter fraud or irregularities to overturn the election. In wisconsin the Trump Campaign has paid about 3 million for recounts in two counties in that state. Then in wisconsin michigan youve got two republicans on an election board in wayne county who now want to take back their votes which certified the results of the november 3 election. The woman you heard from in the introclaims she was threatened. You have William Hartman who put out a Statement Last night that reads i was enticed to agree to certify based on the premise an audit would take place. I wouldnt have agreed to the certification if not for the promise of an audit. Michigans secretary of state responded to their initial complaints late tuesday night before those statements that i just read to you came out. Listen here. I was very disappointed but sadly given the partisan rancor i was not surprised. We have seen multiple attempts to try to disenfranchise and undermine the will of our voters throughout the election cycle since the American People have spoken, we still see these attempts to misinform or confuse about the validity of the results. It is an extension of that. The Trump Campaigns legal challenges overall have largely fallen by the wayside. In pennsylvania you may remember the state Supreme Court ruled that the city of philadelphia did not break the law in terms of how close those poll observers were allowed to get to ballots. In arizona last week you had one of the Trump Campaigns own attorneys essentially saying that the fraud out there was that they were claiming was not fraud but goodfaith errors. It remains to be seen what types of evidence may be presented at this press conference at noon today, sandra. But so far what has been presented to this point not enough to overturn the outcome of the election. Sandra well see whats presented at the News Conference at noon eastern time today. Kristin fisher at the white house, thank you. Trace the recount, the hand recount in georgia is now finished. The audit discovering a total nearly 6,000 ballots that were not counted. Discrepancies cropping up in four counties. Slightly narrowing president elect bidens margin of victory but not expected to change the outcome. We expect the final results later today. More on this coming up with georgias top election official gabriel sterling. Sandra we look forward to that. Top House Republicans are demanding an investigation into the integrity of the 2020 election. Ranking member jim jar done and house oversite Ranking Member James Company march calling for immediate hearings. Why dont democrats want to get to the bottom of all the irregularities and problems we saw . We first called for an investigation today. Sent a letter to mr. Nadler and chairwoman maloney. Why dont you guys investigate . The fundamental question. Sandra he also says oversight is needed to insure americans have faith in the voting system. The Top Democrats on the judiciary and oversight committees jerry nadler and Carolyn Maloney did not immediately respond to a request from fox news for comment. Trace now to another major story. The nations Largest School system goes fully remote today because of a rise in covid cases. Mayor bill deblasio made the announcement to close new York City Schools moments after Governor Cuomo got into a shouting match with reporters about the issue. What are you talking . What are you talking about . You are now going to override we did it already thats the law. Orange zone and a red zone. Follow the facts. Im so confused. Then you are confused. I tell you what you need. Parents are still confused as well. They arent confused, youre confused. , no i think parents are confused as well. Read the law and you wont be confused. The front page of todays New York Post reads no class. David lee miller is following this for us live in new york and david lee, good morning to you. How are parents adapting to this . Trace, there is both confusion and a great deal of anger over the decision to close new York City Schools. This as the governor meanwhile is saying there is the possibility that there could be what he termed a spike in the number of cases. The decision to close schools was based on city, not state metrics, which have slightly different infection rates. Announcement came late in the day leaving many parents unprepared for what to do with their kids. We should point out up until today there was hybrid learning taking place meaning many kids learned in the classroom, many also learned online. Today, though, all schools are shut. Later this morning parents will try to present the mayor with a petition calling on schools to remain open. Meanwhile the governor warned as cases increase that new york city could be branded an orange zone, more restrictions in place. More than a quarter million americans have died from the virus. More than 11 million are testing positive. Minnesota starting tomorrow bars and restaurants close, hospitals are struggling to cope with the number of Covid Patients. This is a day and at a point in this pandemic we hoped would never happen but we prepared for it. In kentucky new Health Measures go into effect. No more private dining and private gatherings will be limited to eight people. In kansas the democratic governor there laura kelly at odds with republican lawmakers say a mask mandate will take effect. It gives local communities a week to come up with a local ordinance. Another vaccine could soon be on the way. Latest test results show that a serum being developed in the u. K. By astrazeneca is especially effective in treating older people and they are among those who are most vulnerable to the virus. Trace. Trace there is a bit of good news. David lee in new york. Sandra joining us for more on the School Shutdown in new york city miranda devine. The cover of the New York Post. Here it is, no class is the headline this morning. Clueless cuomo and deblasio close schools hurting kids and parents. You watched that News Conference yesterday, miranda and you see the governor and the way he responded to fair questions coming from that wall street journal reporter, parents are confused. What is happening here, miranda . Well, unfortunately new york is saddled with two extremely bad leaders. We put the dunce cap on both of theme and they deserve it. The way theyve handled this pandemic from the beginning has been appalling. The nursing home deaths that the governor presided over are a terrible blight on this state. Now to be closing schools based on no science, it is just at a 3 case rate, not positive rate, not death rate, 3 case rate when even the World Health Organization says you dont have to do anything until 5 is simply caving into the Teachers Unions because when the schools initially opened late, that was the deal that was struck with the Teachers Union by the city. And they said as soon as the case rate goes to 3 what are parents meant to do and children meant to do . The harm to children is incall cue able. The risk to them is minuscule. Absolutely tiny. We know the numbers now. We know the numbers better than we did at the beginning of the pandemic back in march. We know that children are damaged by not going to school. Why do this to them again . It is so cruel. The poor parents who just the ones who have to go out and work, what are they meant to do . Sandra not to mention science has to involve the American Pediatric Association who has not only pointed out the risks of covid19, but the risks of kids continuing to be out of school. The risk of isolation, lack of socialization. They call it a travesty. Travesty, ridiculous and cruel. Cruel to the students and their parents. Cruel to the citizenry, school is a safe place for kids and they will now be denied it. Parents, think of the parents having to scramble tomorrow. Here we are prethank giving. What are they going to do . Sandra i want to be clear. The announcement that deblasio made and how he made it. Here is the tweet. Clearly how he explained this to new York City Public School families. New york city has reached the 3 testing positive seven day average threshold. This means Public School buildings will be closed as of tomorrow, thursday, november 19th. Out of an abundance of caution. We must fight back the second wave of covid19. We should be clear nobody is questioning that there is a spike happening right now. We acknowledge there is a surge in cases happening across the country. We acknowledge the need to be safe, to social distance, wear a mask, wash your hands. Where is the evidence that kids are spreading this virus when they are in School Wearing a mask, sitting behind plexiglas, social distanced . There is no evidence. Other countries in the world children are going to school even when they have a higher case rate. Catholic children in new york, they get to go to school. They get to do inperson classes. Were not seeing a problem with that. It is pure and simple a cave to the power of the Teachers Union. You can see who is in charge of new York City Schools. It is not mayor deblasio or Governor Cuomo, it is the teacher unions which are militant. Which didnt want to open up and do their job in the beginning. And it shows that their care is not for the children that they supposedly are looking after and teaching. Their care is simply for themselves and for exerting power to get what they want. And you know, you see that Governor Cuomo during the pandemic he paid more attention to the lobbyists for the hospitals than he did for concern for the people of new york. I think this is going to be the last straw. I dont know how parents cope. It really is im glad i dont have School Age Children at school at the moment. Sandra it is tough. This is the American Pediatric Association on the risks, as i mentioned, of kids not being in school. They have a multipage form you can print out yourself. I did this morning and dig through. The warnings that they have for keeping kids out of the classroom. Included is lack of Computer Internet connection. School meals and Food Security for families at risk. Very important for new york city. Students may face difficulty reentry once they get back in skoo. And they point to the growing gap of systemic racial inequity. Very important. Pew Research Says School Age Children lacking the connectivity to get schoolwork done is more with black households. Cuomo blames people. If you socially distanced and wore a mask and you were smart none of this would be a problem. It is all selfimposed. It is all selfimposed. If you didnt eat the cheesecake you wouldnt have a weight problem. Sandra i have the leave it here. Thats a tough one to hear right now. City speak, really is. Sandra appreciate your time. Trace a fine dining debacle forcing california Governor Newsom to do a bit of damage control. The spirit of what im preaching all the time was contradicted and i have to own that. I want to apologize to you. Trace he was caught breaking his own coronavirus rules. Not the only public official doing it. Mike huckabee is here to react on that next. After the president ial recount turned up thousands of uncounted ballots will georgia be ready for the Senate Runoffs . Youre not verifying signatures . If you are following the rules of Stacey Abrams . How good is your recount. Since pioneering the suv in 1935, the chevy suburban has carried many things. Nothing more important than family. Introducing the most versatile and advanced chevy suburban and tahoe ever. If youre not verifying signatures and following the rules of Stacey Abrams, who refused to concede, who still thinks she is the governor of georgia, how good is your recount . A recount which as you noted found three tron muchs of ballots undiscovered that happened to favor Donald Trumps chances and increase his vote total . How good is that recount has the president has noted . Sandra georgia still under scrutiny after two more counties found uncounted ballots in the final hours of audit. The state prepares for two runoff elections that will determine control of the u. S. Senate. Here to talk about it is gabriel sterling, election implementation manager for the state of georgia. Weve seen you a lot throughout this process speaking on behalf of the secretary of state. Held News Conferences and giving updates. What the update from you this morning in that state . Right now were still looking good on meeting our goal of having the report out of the audit. Almost all the counties got done at 10 30 last night. They found a batch they hadnt counted in cobb county that theyll count this morning. Most of the things were very tight on it. The good part was the audit did its job and found the votes. The last bit of votes we found went the other way, 28 more votes for former President Biden 12,781 by our tally is the count now. Sandra there is another batch of votes found in cobb county overnight is what you are reporting. Not exactly. They had more to audit. Not new ballots. Ballots that werent reported yet. Sandra got it. Kayleigh mcenany you would say what, how good is that recount as the president has noted . How do you respond . The recount is going great. It is tracking exactly right. What they are focusing on is something we have no evidence of, something about signature match. There is a wild mischaracterization. The Settlement Agreement we reached to stop that what we did in this state we won every lawsuit that democrats tried to do to weaken the election time. Extension of allowing absentee ballots a lower court did that like it did in pennsylvania. We won the 11th circuit. This office was doing everything we could to follow our laws in the state. As it looks right now we have two senators in a runoff and President Trump may have come up short. We dont want to say that until were done with the audit. It looks like it is going that way. There is confusion and we understand people are upset who cant believe this happened. Our job is to follow the law and follow the process. As ive said over and over this is about process, process, process. Sandra one of those outraged is senator Lindsey Graham. You heard from him a moment ago. Here he is and ill get you to respond. This is a big deal. Liberals dont want me talking about it. Nobody wants me to ask about. They are trying to shut me down. They are trying to get trump to concede. They dont want any court cases. When Stacey Abrams challenged the results of georgia she was an american hero, when donald trump is going to court, he is a dictator. Im tired of this crap. Were going to fight back in georgia and fight back everywhere. Sandra you hear the outrage from him based on what you are seeing and based on the ongoing recount, is he along with other republicans supporting the president and the president when himself still within their rights and is it still realistic that they continue to push and challenge the outcome of the results in your state . As we have said were a nation of laws, not of men and what specifically this office has said if you have a specific challenge, you have the courts available to you. There is one case left, a hearing at 3 00 today on some of the things in that question. Bring the evidence forward and let the Due Process Rights be gone through. After its certified do an election challenge. After we do the hand tally it looks like the president will be within the right percentage point they can call for a full recounts. Were all about the process and law. They have every right to look out for the 73 million americans would supported donald trump. I understand there are people who its why were doing a hand tally to show the machines counted what they counted and what the ballots say. Having this voter artifact for the first time in 20 years in georgia should give people the level of conference no matter what side of the aisle. When Stacey Abrams didnt concede it jubds mind the system. If donald trump comes up short in georgia hopefully he will see the result is the result. The question from either side undermines democracy. One side loses and wins they accept it. It is more polarized. Sandra do you expect any issues with the Senate Runoffs . You know how important and crucial these are to what happens in the country. Do you expect any issues or challenges . The main problem were seeing now is democrats trying to encourage people to take advantage of a federal loophole and register to vote here. Move from other states to vote in our elections. Were working to defend against that right now. Theyre doing everything they can to take the senate. Following the rules. Lets focus on the senate races. Im a republican and have a job to do here but follow the law. I want to make sure we want to hold on for the sake of the republic here in georgia. Sandra thanks for your time this morning. Thank you all. Sandra trace. Trace do as i say, not as i do. That appears to be the message from some lawmakers caught breaking their own coronavirus rules. Former governor Mike Huckabee is here to talk about the pandemic, politics and hypocrisy angry parents in new york city after the mayor shuts down schools again. Does the science on Coronavirus Support the decision . It is super unfortunate these kids will be denied an education. We can go eat inside a restaurant. It makes no sense. It makes no sense. My Psoriatic Arthritis pain . I had enough its not getting in my way. Joint pain, swelling, tenderness. Much better. My psoriasis, clearer. Cosentyx works on all of this. 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The ninja foodi air fry oven, the oven that crisps and flips away. Balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. Sandra a look at your top stories half past the hour. Coronavirus has now killed more than 250,000 people in the u. S. , the highest death toll in the world. 50,000 of those deaths happened in just the last two months. Trace new weekly jobless numbers showing more than 740,000 americans applied for Unemployment Benefits last week. That number rising for the first time in more than a month as the surge in covid cases takes a toll on the economy. Sandra crews battling an out of control wildfire in central california. The Mountain View fire scorching nearly 30,000 acres blamed for at left one death. This is not conventional hypocrisy. This is lets stop lying, an act of hostility against the population of the country. They despise you, they are flaunting it. This is how people who dont like you behave. They force you to do one thing, they do another, they get caught. They arent embarrassed and keep forcing to you do the thing theyre not doing. Trace Tucker Carlson ripping into politicians who dont follow their own coronavirus restrictions like Governor Newsom caught at a Birthday Party not wearing a mask and not socially distanced. Not the only elected official bending the rules. Philadelphia mayor jim kenny was seen at a bar before announcing a ban on all Indoor Dining. D. C. Mayor browser traveled to delaware to attend joe bidens victory speech ignoring her own travel restrictions. She says it was essential travel. Chicago mayor lori light foot attended a massive street party after she announced a stay at home advisory for the entire city. With us now governor Mike Huckabee. Always good to see you. The reason this gavin newsom thing is getting so much attention. He didnt just break the rules, he blew up the rules. We mentioned it was a large gathering, more than a dozen people. No social distancing, no masks and they said it was outdoors but actually indoors because they had to close the sliding glass doors because it was so loud and the cdc repeatedly says loud events where all you have the droplets are coming out of your mouth can be super spreader events, this thing broke every rule you can have. I think you are being a little harsh on him trace. He didnt sing or chant or didnt worship. Those things would have been dangerous. Simply going and not wearing a max and yelling with his friends, thats okay. Look, he is phoneier than a vegan at a steakhouse and proved it. That video just undid him. There is a fix to all this whether its Lori Lightfoot or newsom or the mayor of d. C. Simple fix. If you are a Government Official and you shut other peoples businesses down, you dont get paid. If they lose their paycheck and you are the one responsible, you dont get your paycheck. Lets see how that goes. Im not being facetious about it. There is no skin in the game of these Government Officials. They are making Big Decisions about the peasants like us who have to live by the rules. They dont live by them and they have no consequence. They dont lose a dime of their salary. They get taxpayer money and it never goes away. Let it go away and let them suffer consequences financially and youll see this change. Trace you talk about peasants. California Committee Woman republican saying eating with a bunch of lobbyists at an expensive restaurants at the same time you put half of california out of work. Add up drinks and appetizers, their meal per person was more than the monthly unemployment check. Of course, people dont know the French Laundry average tab about 1,000. Yeah, this is not a place where people get their clothes cleaned. Their wallets are cleaned out because it is that expensive. The average minimum Dining Experience is 350 per person. Minimum. Think about how many people could even conceive of spending that for a meal. California legislators going to hawaii. This is hypocrisy. They need to read and find what hap whens the peasants get it up to hear with that kind of stuff. Trace you get water and a toothpick for 350. The lawmakers going to hawaii. Put this on the screen. You have these excuses, right . Assembly member jordan cunningham on the trip to hawaii said the following. In this event promotes intelligent Public Policy in our state. Were here discussing ways we can safely reopen our society. And save our Small Businesses, workers and kids. No better place to work on coronavirus than the fairmont waialae. Its amazing. One says the trip was essential. Well, the restaurant wasnt in pennsylvania proper. The excuses are almost as annoying as the actual acts themselves. Your final thoughts. They truly are. To be in an airplane for eight hours in a small aluminum tube. Thats perfectly safe. To get to hawaii, thats fine. Im sure all the Little People, all the Little People understand how valuable it was to them for their Public Officials on the taxpayers dime to go to hawaii and back when they cant even go to church or go and have thanksgiving with their own families. Sure, that makes sense. Trace governor Mike Huckabee good to hear you, sir. Thank you. Thank you, trace. Trace well have more on those west coast politicians who flew the hawaii. The group who fronted the conference was good reason to hold that conference in person, thats next hour on american newsroom. Sandra far left activists out with new demands for president elect biden. Why they want him to remake the economy with or without the help of congress. And more on those coronavirus on the coronavirus crackdown backlash. When michigan Governor Whitmer is now facing calls for her impeachment. It has to be dealt with from both sides of the coin. Our state unfortunately deals from one side of the coin. The political side, i believe. [ engine rumbling ] [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] uh, you know theres a 30minute limit, right . Tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. [ beeping ] tech every customer has their own safelite story. This couple was on a camping trip. When their windshield got a chip. They drove to safelite for a sameday repair. And with their insurance, it was no cost to them. Woman really . Tech thats service you can trust. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Its time sleep numbermate sleep360 smart bed. On the can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. No problem, and done. And now, during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50 on the sleep number 360® limited Edition Smart bed. Only for a limited time. Trace Matthew Mcconaughey said he could be interested in a future run for governor of texas, sharing his thoughts on a show. Will you ever run for anything . I dont know. That would be up to the people more than it would me. Politics seems to be a broken business to me right now. When politics redefines its purpose, i could be a hell of a lot more interested. Trace the star saying he is interested in getting behind personal values to rebind our social contracts with each other. Sandra new York City Public Schools going all remote as of today. Mayor bill deblasio announcing the decision less than 24 hours ago after the citys coronavirus Positivity Rate hit 3 . Dr. Janet works in emergency and family medicine. Almost every time we speak someone who has personally treated Covid Patients you are so intimately involved in this pandemic on so many levels. But as a parent we see what is happening in this city and we see what is happening with these families now forced to have their kids sent back home, virtual learning. What do you believe is the impact on these families as a result of this . Thats exactly the point, sandra. What is the impact on our children . The future of our country . It is very important to understand the physical, the mental, emotional and the educational impact that being out of school can have on our children. Not to mention what about our children who are homeless . We have homeless students and students with disabilities, students with learning and educational and also language barriers. We have students that also dont have access to hot meals that are suffering from abuse at home. School is such a critical, vital part of their lives. Thats really important to take that into consideration as we make these decisions for lockdowns and shutdowns. I can understand that the percent Positivity Rate is going up. Maybe targeted pauses temporary pauses. But not a blanket shutdown. Look at florida what theyre doing. They have hybrid options, they have remote learning. They have the options you can go part in school in person, part at home. So we need to have more options for parents because this is really having a huge impact on not only children and their learning and their education but also for parents and in addition to that the economy. When a parent cant take their children to school, what are they going to do when they have to go to work . What about their job . It affects the entire family. We have to look at the big picture. Even though new york has here in new york we have the Largest School district and system in the country, traditionally transmission of this virus isnt shown to be a huge vector among children in school. It can happen but when you take that into consideration. Sandra such an important point. Were running the statistics on the side of the screen. You cant ignore the fact there is a huge spike happening and the number of reported cases in this country right now, hospitalization rate is at a record high and the number of people in icus is going up. These are all important to acknowledge. But we cant forget about the kids, doctor, and to your point is there any evidence after reading through what appears to be 30some pages of the American Pediatrics Association this morning, when they are talking about the effect that kids have on this virus and the effect the virus has on the kids it does not point to anywhere where kids are spreading this in the schools especially with all the precautions, the plexiglas, masks and distancing. The latest data that we have according to the cdc the positive Percentage Rate in schools is 0. 19 . That is less than 1 . So thats incredible information. We need to use that data, use that science, as we make these decisions that have longterm impacts on our children. So thats really important. We have the tools and the necessities and information to prevent the spread of this virus. It is a matter of putting them into place and looking to see where will the best precautions be put to best use at the same time. Sandra there is great concern when you read through this from the American Academy of pediatrics about just how behind these kids will be once they get back to full learning. And the comparison of some of the poorer sections of new york city to those who get private school educations, Catholic School educations where theyre fully back into the classroom at this point. It will be something to watch and we wish the best for those families. Doctor, thank you. Trace a group of progressives with ties to congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez have new demands for joe biden. What they want the president elect to do with or without the help of the senate. Plus caught on camera a car goes airborne off a california highway. What happened seconds before, next. We made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. When a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa ive been involved in. Communications in the media usaa. What youre made of, were made for. For 45 years. Ive been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. For me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. And i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. It has helped me an awful lot. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. With priceline, you can get up to 60 off amazing hotels. And when you get a big deal. You feel like a big deal. Priceline. Every trip is a big deal. Heart monitors that let your doctor watch over you, just like you watch over your best friend. Another lifechanging technology from abbott, so you dont wait for life. You live it. Sandra a drive in california loses control taking an exit near modesto but missed the turn. It goes flying as you can see on the screen. The driver just was not paying attention. Luckily the driver only suffered minor injuries. Trace a Progressive Group with ties to alexandria ocasiocortez is pushing president elect joe biden to issue executive orders to enact liberal policies. A seven page memo is suggesting he can revive the economy and move the Green New Deal forward without congress. Mo elleithee is a Fox News Contributor. Matt gorman is a communications director. We thank you for coming on. Mo, to you first . If you read the seven page proposal it talks about investing trillions of dollars in businesses and projects. You read deeper, all these businesses and projects are transitioning away from fossil fuels. So essentially the plan here is to fund the Green New Deal by executive order. Your thoughts. Well look, Progressive Groups sent a memo to Incoming Democratic president with their priorities isnt anything in and of itself. I think what president elect biden has made it clear from the beginning that he does support investment in clean energy. Thats something that the Democratic Party has been pushing for quite some time believing that not only is it good for the environment but creates new jobs. I wouldnt be surprised if thats something that president that once he takes office President Biden looks at. Whether or not he does that through executive action or through legislation remains to be seen. I think his instinct will be to try to work with congress whomever is in charge of the senate. Work with the Democratic House to try to make investments in critical infrastructure, in energy and in jobs and try to find some bipartisan consensus. There is something he will be able to do with the power of the pen. I think he will want to work with congress as much as possible. Trace fair enough during the Campaign Joe Biden made the mistake some say made the mistake in saying he wanted to transition away from fossil fuels, matt. This is playing into that where now this group is saying look, you can transition away from fossil fuels without congress. I want take read this quoting. While we hope biden is able to use every tool in his disposal to lead this country out of crisis we aim to help the Biden Administration get to work on plan b which is what this is, should he have a noncooperative senate. If the senate is controlled by republicans, matt, well, there is a plan b. Your thoughts. Yeah, it is quite a plan b. First of all, it is illegal. If biden would try Something Like this he would not only get held up by the courts and likely struck down by the courts. To mos point infrastructure the real folly is i could see republicans coming to the table on Something Like infrastructure. If republicans keep the senate, a lot of republicans have a very tough senate map in 2022. There is also a host of new republicans coming into the house. A lot of them from swing zirkts. Theyll want to show voters they can get something done in washington i think it might behoove both parties to come to the table on infrastructure. Certainly energy, banning fracking, transitioning away from oil is a nonstarter. Infrastructure probably wont be. Trace gentlemen, apologies for the abridgeed version of our interview. Thank you for joining us. Sandra republicans now slamming california Governor Newsom after he went to a Birthday Party at a swanky restaurant will there be more fallout from that . This is stop lying, an act of hostility against the population of the country. Still a father. But now a friend. Still an electric car. Just more electrifying. Still a night out. But everything fits in. Still hard work. Just a little easier. Still a legend. Just more legendary. Chevrolet. Making lifes journey, just better. Meet omnipod it delivers insulin through a tubeless pod. 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Messaging conceals some differences biden team doesnt want to alienate progressives but saw what voters said at the polls. Yes, majorities apose Violent Police tactics but equally upset at violence and looting. Sentiments in june following the Police Killing of george floyd changed after voters saw rising crime in many cities. Compare the rhetoric of aoc then to Bernie Sanders now. Defunding schools has become more has been seen as a matter of course but defunding the police in order to fund other areas is, you know, has people going apocalyptic. Nobody i know running for office talks about Defunding Police. We talk about making Police Officers accountable. Making sure that Police Departments do what they can do best. In june Congressional Democrats proposed police reforms. Adopting body cameras and Police Oversight commission to set new standards on use of force. They have to be held accountable and what ill do as president of the United States is call a together an entire group of people at the white house everything from the civil Rights Groups to the Police Officers, Police Chiefs and well work this out. Biden does not support Defunding Police but make federal grant money on tactical reforms. Cities not the federal government decide Police Policy and budgets. Trace. Trace william la jeunesse live in los angeles. Thank you. Sandra and a fox news alert out of michigan at this hour. As articles of impeachment are introduced against Governor Gretchen Whitmer there over the states plan to enforce more virusrelated restrictions. Brandnew hour here on americas newsroom. Welcome im sandra smith. Hi, trace. Trace good morning again. Good morning. Ifm owe Trace Gallagher. Three michigan House Republicans filing the resolution arguing her new limits on gatherings violate the Constitutional Rights of michigan citizens among other things. The articles also accuse her of corruption. The Governors Office has dismissed the impeachment effort saying, quote, Governor Whitmer doesnt have any time for partisan politics or people who dont wear masks, dont believe in science and dont have a plan to fight this virus. Sandra mike tobin live in chicago on this developing story. Its important to note right off the top although there is a great deal of opposition to Governor Whitmer and handling of the pandemic this does not have support of all the republicans. Lee chatfield speaker of the house told our fox affiliate the resolution is a distraction from what needs to be done in the state. The Senate Majority leader says he hasnt signed onto the resolution. Three republicans in the house introduced the resolution arguing that Governor Whitmer should be removed from office for corrupt conduct, crimes and miss demeanors. Part of the Resolution Says she has exceeded her constitutional authority. Violated the constitutional right to people of michigan. Issued orders not in the best interest of the people of the state and used the pandemic to award political all lies and banned free exercise of religion. Big contracts to political allies. Whitmer has come under fire for the harsh and arbitrary nature of the lockdowns in michigan. They just extended the shut down for three weeks. Whitmer used the word pause. One of the authors of the resolution reportedly said that was the tipping point. Michigan has seen a 29 increase in coronavirus cases over the past week. Sandra. Sandra mike tobin, thank you. Trace democratic california Governor Newsom is taking serious flak after he was caught dining out during the pandemic bending the rules he himself put in place. I look at that picture and to me that looks like a nice thanksgiving dinner. He would have gotten away with spinning this and with pretending like he didnt do anything wrong. That to me is the highest level of hypocrisy. It should be called out. Trace Jonathan Hunt live in los angeles. Jonathan, good morning to you. Republicans are turning up the heat on the governor. They are. Politicians few of them faultless are rarely ones to let an opposition mistake slide by. So republicans are piling on Governor Newsom for his admitted mistake attending a Restaurant Party unmasked with a dozen people from other households seated closely together while telling the people of california they should do none of those things. Even as thanksgiving as we he battle the coronavirus pandemic. The pictures of newsom doing exactly what he is telling people not to do prompted one republican Committee Woman to like en his actions during the french queen. The entire night out had a Marie Antoinette feel to it. Newsom has apologized and acknowledged it was simply wrong. Instead of sitting down, i should have stood up and walked back, got in my car and drove back to my house. It didnt help his cause that the restaurant in question is one of the most expensive in california with a menu that runs around 350 per person. The fact that prompted republican state senator Shannon Grove to ask retoreically via tweet in california, 350 is equal to a, one weeks unemployment check for millions of california workers, b, the cost of Gavin Newsoms at the French Laundry restaurant or c, both of the above. Newsom said during his apology press conference that covid fatigue is exhausting although it is perhaps slightly less so when one is fueled by nova scotia and farm lamb, some of the dishes on last nights tasting menu at the lovely French Laundry. Trace the 350 doesnt include wine. Thank you. Sandra for more on this lets bring in former White House Press secretary Ari Fleischer and donna brazile. We take in what happened in california. Obviously it continues to get headlines as so many face tough restrictions across the country. They want to hold politicians preaching it but not living by it accountable. Ari, i bring this up to you as well. San francisco Mental Health officials are warning about teen suicide, anxiety, depression. It is on the rise. Kids have hit a wall says a San Francisco psychologist quoted in an abc article this morning. Direct impact of covid and related shutdowns and kids not being in school. This is serious and to have that sort of hypocrisy at the highest level its tough to swallow. Not just Governor Newsom. Governor phil murphy in new jersey violated his own guidelines last spring. Chris cuomo did something similar. The fact of the matter is we have a society that needs to do two things. A tragic balancing act. We have got to live our lives and be sensible about covid. We cannot shut down america. If you shut down america well make everything worse. So people individually have to be sensible. Yes, they should wear masks even if the evidence some people quarrel with. They should socially distance. Why put yourself in a crowd, any crowd on any street anywhere . But we cannot hurt especially the Blue Collar Workers in america, the backbone of america, the landscapers, waiters, waitresses, construction workers, theyre the ones keeping the economy going. We dont want them to all be on unemployment. We need to be sensible without shutting down. Sandra donna. First of all, i think this is much bigger than just criticizing a handful of governors. This is really about the safety of all americans and i for one believe that the doctors and all of those medical workers, healthcare workers, nurses, i have people in my own family just exhausted. The rapid rise that weve seen over the last two weeks. This is serious. As you well know governors are trying to Work Together. Theyre trying to urge people to do what is safe and what is sensible. Welcome to not just my home, sandra, this is also my classroom. This is how ive been teaching my students at two great universities from march until now. I miss the classroom, i miss going to bars and restaurants and god knows i miss going home to new orleans to see the saints but look, we have to do what is right. We have to minimize the spread of this disease and we have to insure that we provide safety to those who are out there right now as ari said risking their lives trying to keep the economy going. But at the same time we know this virus is still serious. Sandra ari, donna makes the point that she is able to do what she is doing from the comfort of her home. You live close to the new york city area. Not all these kids have comfortable homes to go home to. You heard from a doctor a moment ago talking about parents with addictions. The parents are forced in these tiny and small proximity. Not learning. Dont have internet connection. Not getting the warm meal they would normally get when they are physically in the classroom and in the school. This is a huge problem. And when these leaders announce these restrictions or they shut the doors to the schools in the case of new york city, where is the concern, where is the adaptation to that home environment and the follow up on those kids being safe and continuing the learn process there . It feels like theyre forgotten. There wont be any follow up. They fall through cracks. We all know that. In new york city the decision to shut down the schools is hotly contested by people in new york Citys Department of health. The threshold in new york city is 3 . If 3 test positive in Greater Society you shut down the schools. The testing among people in School Age Children is far lower and 3 threshold is low, too. A lot of fighting whether it should be shut down. Mayor deblasio ignored many of his health experts. But sandra, the real issue here two types of groups in america. There are people like you and me, donna, can work with our fingers. We can sit at home and use a keyboard and do what we do for a living and get paid. Then there are people who work with their hands. There is Assembly Line workers, construction workers, the blue call or workers that Governor Cuomos airport that he allows to go on the construction site. There are people who cant work from home. There are poor people who dont have internet and thats what this is exposing. And thats why we cannot shut things down again. It is a terribly unfair for the feem who work with their hands while the people who work with their fingers on a keyboard will always be able to work. Sandra i lean on the american pediatrics, the homework gap they point to in pew resedge. Its more pronounced for black, hispanic and lower income households and why theyre talking about the growing gap of racial inequity as a result of these shutdowns. Where is that discussion, donna . Its happening everywhere. It is happening here in the District Of Columbia and back home in louisiana, happening everywhere. Rural areas are that are suffering. This virus has no borders. It is very impactful. That is why we must follow those Health Guidelines and insure that every american have what they need to keep themselves protected from this virus. We also know that those who are on the front lines, the grocery workers, many, many more americans they too must be protected. So this should be were all in this together approach and not trying to pit one american against the other american because the last time i checked coronavirus is spreading everywhere and not just in blue homes or red homes, it is spreading everywhere. Sandra it is. We want to stop that spread but somebody has to worry about the kids. This is ongoing. I will read this to you as i leave it off. Policymakers and School Administrators should acknowledge that covid19 policies are intended to mitigate, not eliminate risk. Donna, there is no evidence that these kids are spreading when theyre inside of those classrooms. Thats where they are distanced and safe and where theyre wearing masks. Its time we need to make sure im an educator. I know about whats happening. Not just at the College Level but the grade school level because not only do i have nieces and nephews in Public Schools i also know family members here not just in d. C. , everywhere. Lets make sure the schools have what they need in terms of sanitizing, disinfect ant making sure all the workers. My niece today celebrating her 40th birthday in a school down in louisiana along with my nephew and they must make sure every day the schools are clean, disinfected. They need supplies each and every day to insure the health and safety of those kids. So its were all in this together approach. I dont want to pit people against each other. I know the pain and suffering but i also ow that we have a cure, at least a vaccine around the corner. Lets Work Together so we can all get back on our feet and make sure we can survive this. You ask parents to step in and help with those efforts im sure to keep their kids in the school theyre willing to do it. I totally agree. Sandra thank you. Trace two antiabortion groups are suing d. C. Mayor bowser saying they used defacement law. It violated the groups First Amendment rights when members were arresting trying to write a prolife message outside of planned parenthood. They argue while they were given defacement ordinances for our actions others who wrote anticop messages and black lives matter were not. Sandra brandnew details emerging out of seattle showing how city officials relied on other leaders. Fire chief asked the chop zone security head for help saying razz, i just got word that four people just broke the door at spd and entered the building. A way to keep spd out of the space is to secure that building during the protest. Can you guys work with us on that . There were several shootings and robberies in the weeks before seattle poll it regained control youll remember of that area. Trace critics have been going after lawmakers from several states for that trip to hawaii. They live in a different world than we do. They like to pass on the rules but not live by the rules. Trace why the organizer of the inperson retreat is still defending the event. He will join us later in the hour. Plus new York City Schools closed today because of the covid19 surge and the announcement came just minutes after Governor Cuomo said it would not happen. How he and mayor deblasio got their wires crossed. What are you talking about . You are now going to override . We did it already. Thats the law. An orange zone and a red zone. Follow the facts. Three thousand dollars. Three thousand dollars thats how much veteran homeowners can save every year by using their va benefits to refinance at newday. Record low rates have dropped to new all time lows. With the va streamline refi theres no appraisal, no income verification, and no money out of pocket. One call can save you 3000 a year. Bqpxg p ozn ou [anthat can leave cleaning gaps and wrap hair. So shark replaced them with flexible power fins to directly engage floors and dig deep into carpets. Pick up more on every pass with no hair wrap. Shark vertex with duoclean power fins. New projects means you need to hire. Gers. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. Claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at indeed. Com home. Tech every customer has their own safelite story. This couple was on a camping trip. When their windshield got a chip. They drove to safelite for a sameday repair. And with their insurance, it was no cost to them. Woman really . Tech thats service you can trust. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Ifm owe so confused. Youre confused. I tell you what you need. Parents are still confused as well. They arent confused. You are confused. Parents are confused as well. Read the law and you wont be confused. The schools are open by state law. The question, i think he is correct in asking that question. It isnt obnoxious at all. I dont really care what you think. Trace Governor Cuomo getting it into with reporters after closing new York City Schools as covid19 cases rise. The governor denied that city schools were closing in his briefing only to have the mayor announce closures minutes later. All the mixed messaging leading the New York Post to run this headline. No class, Fox News Contributor joe concha joins us now. I was kind of stunned by the whole News Conference, the back and forth, joe. Im sure you were, too. There is more. Here is more of the governor talking about coronavirus and other stuff. Watch. If you socially distance and you wore a mask and you were smart none of this would be a problem. Its all selfimposed. Its all selfimposed. If you didnt eat the cheesecake, you wouldnt have a weight problem. Trace a little virus shaming, a little fat shaming, a little of everything in the Governors Press conference there, joe. A lot of change from a governor on an extended book tour doing an end zone dance how he defeated the pandemic in new york city. Doesnt look like its defeated to me and to blame its residence saying its selfimposed. His brother who hosts a show on a Cable News Network broke his own quarantine. Proceeded to get into verbal confrontation with a 60 something year old man on a bike saying what are you doing here and why are you out outside and wearing a mask. The man had to file a Police Report against that particular anchor. So i dont remember Governor Cuomo ever reprimanding his own brother all this. Keeping up with the cuomos is an exhausting experience because of the patent hypocrisy. Weve seen Governor Cuomo outside in close quarters with other people without masks as well. Stunning the hypocrisy here trace. Trace not just conservative ier. Friendlier use outlets pushed back hard on the governor. For someone who presided over so many deaths, so many avoidable deaths in nursing home Governor Cuomo should be a little less overconfident, a little less mocking and a little less aggressive. Buzz feed writes. Cuomo is being incredibly condescending and rude for someone who wrote a book about how well he managed the pandemic before it was over. Joe. He sounds like more thin skinned than alec baldwin. If the shoe were on the other foot we know whose foot were talking about in President Trump. It would be called an inprovoked attack against the free and fair press and a good reporter trying to do his job and we ask almost every day. Will there be School Tomorrow or next week . Will there be school between thanksgiving or christmas and punt on this . The most laughable part of the press conference Governor Cuomo accused the reporter being confused and not long after because these guys dont talk very well. Mayor deblasio then canceled school for today because we have a Positivity Rate in new York City Schools. The Largest School system in the nation of 0. 91 . Virtually nonexistent. Trace he went after the reporter from the wall street journal and later told deblasio told the schools and he said oh thats how it is. A congressman went after the fact the governor has for a long time said all we do is follow the science. As usual talking about here is what he said. Watch. The reaction from everyone should be extremely extremely angry. The party that constantly lectures us on following the science has decided with this issue to abandon all the science and close schools and let children get the irreparable harm by not having themselves in front of a live teacher in school. Trace doesnt appear to be driven by science. I would love to hear Governor Cuomos message to the single mom who has to go to work and has to have her kid in school so she can go to work. She is home today taking care of her child in the one bedroom apartment with no income. Love to hear Governor Cuomo talk to that mom and tell her it will be okay based on the science, trace. Trace good to see you as always. Thank you, sir. All right. Sir, have a good one. Sandra two republican officials in michigan taking back their vote to certify the Election Results. Why they say they were bullied into their previous vote next. Vile smears leveled against the two gop members on wayne countys board of canvassers and this kind of vitriol is not unique to detroit. All over the country, the democrats, allies, their mob upset with republicans trying to verify the Election Results. Still your best friend. And now your copilot. Still a father. But now a friend. Still an electric car. Just more electrifying. Still a night out. But everything fits in. 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I prefer you didnt xiidra. Not today, dry eye. Sandra fox news alert. Trump campaign say theyre dropping a lawsuit in michigan. The at the statement reads. Were before residents can be assured every legal vote has been counted and every illegal vote has not been counted. All of this of course after they sought to stop the certification of the Election Results there in wayne county. The a. P. Writes those two republican canvassers first balked at certifying the vote. That was the big news. They won praise from President Trump. Reversed course after widespread condemnation. A person familiar with the matter said the president reached out to those canvassers on tuesday evening after the revised vote to express gratitude for their support. Well continue to follow that story for you. Trace meantime bottom of the hour time for top stories. According to the latest data from Johns Hopkins university the coronavirus claimed more than a quarter million lives. More deaths from the virus than any other country in the world. Sandra and republicans are ramping up their efforts to raise money for the Crucial Senate runoff races in georgia. Now revealing they have key gop leaders helping fundraise across all 50 states. The january runoff will determine whether republicans maintain control of the senate. Trace as sandra just mentioned two michigan republicans on the wayne county board of canvassers have taken back their votes to certify the Election Results. Claiming they were bullied and threatened into siding with their democratic counterparts. Sandra lawmakers from four states under fire for attending an annual retreat at a resort in hawaii despite Coronavirus Travel warnings. The chairman of the organization that hosts the conference every year is arguing it followed strict safety protocols. Dan howle is the director of the independent voter project. How do you explain this. Youve seen the outrage over it. Good morning. Thanks for having me on. The independent voter project has conducted this conference for 15 years. Its a Public Policy conference, bipartisan conference and its a vehicle that we use at the independent voter project to try to bring people together to find solutions to Serious Problems that were facing in this country. We had a very hard decision to make earlier this year in july when the hotel and the entire economy in hawaii was virtually shut down. We could have taken the easy road out and canceled this event and waited until next year. In my mind it would have been just giving up. And so we made a decision to move forward. We contacted the hotel, we worked very diligently for three months putting together a set of protocols at the hotel that would allow us to conduct this meeting safely. We waited then for governor to put together and issue the Hawaii Safe Travel Program, a very strict program, but a very efficient and userfriendly program that requires all travelers to hawaii to have a negative covid19 test, register with the state of hawaii safe travel website, the hotel sandra you understand how it looks back how were all urged to engage in nonessential travel especially with the holidays and were trying to do the right thing. You see lawmakers gathering at obviously a spot they could have done this anywhere within your own state. So do you get the outrage . Do you understand why people would say and cry hypocrisy . I understand the outrage but the fact of the matter is were doing this for 15 years. Sandra a lot of things weve been doing for decades canceled because of a pandemic, sir. But if you just cancel everything and hunker down and go home well never find the solutions to these problems. The fact of the matter is washington, d. C. Is not going to solve this problem. The problems will be solved at the local government level, state and local governments. Here in hawaii the governor has done a tremendous job putting together a program where travelers can come to hawaii now and feel safe and secure. Sure, the optics are bad in a certain way because were in hawaii. But the fact of the matter is the independent voter project relies on this conference every year and the donations that are made to this conference every year to fund our independent news site. A news site that is rated as one of the most neutral and fair and balanced news sites. Sandra is it fair to say you arent offering an apology for this at this time . Absolutely not. There is nothing to apologize more. Were here to find solutions to problems. Sandra let me get this persons words in. A professor on this maui trip and how he saw it. Watch. Gathering of legislators and lobbyists from various states doesnt seem to fit the category of essential travel during a pandemic. It is likely to impact the trust that voters place in the elected legislators at the time of their election. Sandra its my understanding that part of why this gathering happened was to discuss how to safely reopen, how to get the economy going again. How to help Small Businesses. Isnt that a missed opportunity to stay on the ground in your own state and talk to those Small Businesses that are struggling so badly right now because of these restrictions . I dont think so. I think that its important for people particularly legislators to meet with representatives of Public Employee unions, the Hospitality Industry and retailers and talk about solutions for these problems. One thing i would like to correct is the fact that there are no public funds involved in putting this conference on. In spite of what has been reported. What were trying to do here is were trying to forge solutions and give people an opportunity. We thought it was really important for legislators from different states to experience the Hawaii Safe Travel Program and use that as a model across the country where venues such as disneyland or professional football and create a process where people can start to go out and take advantage of those things. The Hospitality Industry has been virtually destroyed by this pandemic and this is the governor in hawaii has created a system here. Sandra it is tough. Were doing this story after were talking about kids that cant even leave their house to go into a classroom right now. Businesses that cant serve a meal in their own restaurant and then to see lawmakers get on planes, go to hawaii, stay in a lavish hotel against recommendations that anybody travel for nonessential reasons. It is tough to see. I think you are acknowledging at least that. I have to leave it there. Final thoughts. Well, the travel restrictions that you are discussing were not imposed until after everyone had left the main land and headed to hawaii. Its unfair to say we traveled after there were travel restrictions. Sandra i didnt say that. Its an optics thing. You acknowledged that. Youre right. Its an optic thing. But if you will let optics get in the way of finding solutions were never going to solve the problems. Sandra thank you for coming on. Trace far left group that helped create the Green New Deal calling on president elect joe biden to remake the economy with the power of the pen. Plus the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree arriving in new york city a little worse for wear. Did you see this tree . One side of it was missing all together. If you havent seen it, well show it to you. Very cute stowaway on board that tree that youve got to see. Attention veteran homeowners record low Mortgage Rates have dropped even lower. At newday, veterans can shortcut the refinance process and save 250 a month. 3000 dollars a year. With the va streamline refi at newday, theres no appraisal, no income verification, and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 3000 a year. Wake up in a winter slumberland with a cozy casper mattress and pillows, soft percale sheets, even glow, our magical light for better sleep how did you know . Mom. That was taken at the farm. It was in this small little village. In connemara . Right connemara it is. Honestly, we went there oh, oh look at that look at that. Its beginning to look a lot like christmas trace christmas is right around the corner and the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree could use holiday cheer. The 75 foot norway spruce arrived in new york city yesterday and appeared to be missing a number of limbs while leaning to one side. Charlie brown feels bad for this tree. The Rockefeller Center responding to online comments it is normal for the tree to look like that at first. It even had an owl inside of it when it was cut down in Central New York state. The bird made the entire 200 mile journey by flatbed truck. Folks online calling the trees appearance the perfect metaphor for 2020. Sandra a Progressive Group linked to congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez urging president elect joe biden to reshape the economy through executive orders. He talked about being the fdr of our generation, like fdr biden is tasked with leading a nation in crisis. He is inheriting a nation that appears divided and weakened and like fdr president elect biden has the tools at his disposal to prove america is capable of accomplishing greatness in leading the world in a positive direction. Here to talk about that is charles payne. So what are you thinking, charles . Good morning. Ive been watching this develop for about three years now so a lot of these schemes if you will have been able to sort of hijack the covid crisis to sort of hasten or add a greater sense of you are againz. I will say this. The tools theyre talking about whether executive orders or memos can provide some financial leverage. President trump was able to use executive memo on august 6 to keep funding people who were unemployed. That extra 300 a week in addition to the states kicking in. You can find ways in the government to get this money. The central part of their scheme, if you will, is to use the Federal Reserve. Why not . Its the ultimate money making, money printing machine. They can make money and print money out of thin air. In fact, you remember this. You go back to july of 2008 when the Federal Reserve had less than 900 billion on its balance sheet. Back then they said it cant go higher. Business december 2. 3 billion. November 2014, 4. 5 billion. Now its 7 billion. Every one is saying what could i do if i had a magic machine to print money out of nowhere. Dont look at this as something that could not happen. A President Biden would have the opportunity to put in a new Federal Reserve chief. Some have talked about a thoughtful man out of atlanta. He has said among other things that racism is the main yoke on our economy. Jay powell has become a social justice warrior. People arent paying attention and not listening to the Federal Reserve. Theyre not listening to jay powell. So this is not something that may not happen. The thing is do you print money, this kind of money forever without ultimately destroying our economy . Take a look at zimbabwe and venezuela if you want cash cautionary tales. Sandra were watching the runoffs in january crucial for republicans to hold on to power in the senate. It writes if President Biden is able to rise to this moment he can create millions of good highway jobs in every Community Across the country bringing this country out of the current economic depression to be better and stronger than ever before and does not need the senate to do it. They make the case he doesnt need congress. Final thoughts. Obviously he does. For 99 of the things on their wish list. Again he can use executive orders but they have limits. The idea of hijacking the Federal Reserve is the most intriguing one to me. Its dangerous. Everyone should be paying attention. Dont write it off. Sandra see you at 2 00 on fbn. Trace comedian Whitney Cummings is calling out her peers for dismissing americans that support President Trump and why she says hollywood is getting it wrong next. At tmobile, we believe you should get more. Thats why weve merged with sprint. Now its about to get even better. 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I got it all from you im always pushing through i know well make it to the finish line i know youre waiting on the other side im like you ondemand glucose monitoring. Because theyre always on. Another lifechanging technology from abbott. So you dont wait for life. You live it. Trace comedian Whitney Cummings saying in a new interview it is so weird to me in molly wood where writers are you are a writer, you are supposed to want the empathize with characters you dont necessarily agree with because you have to write them. Carley shimkus from fox News Headlines 24 7 joins us now. Good to see you. One more quote from her. She says quoting here i think its very selfrighteous or sanctimonious to just dismiss people who disagree without trying to understand why they believe what they believe. I dont get it. On that a lot of people dont get it, carley. Well, it is needless to say very rare for somebody in hollywood to say Something Like that. She is a standup comedian. They the end to really value the First Amendment. They hate cancel culture and think its crazy and probably where she is coming from and said something about why President Trump was elected in 2016. She said he really appealed to americans who felt like they didnt have a voice. That is so true. He after years of the media and hollywood telling conservatives they shouldnt want strong borders, shouldnt be for the Second Amendment or prolife, he gave a big booming voice to the voiceless and he also as opposed to president obama defended the United States on the world stage. Whitney cummings is a democrat but clear that she cares enough to want to try to understand the other side and like i said at the top it is not something you see every day. Trace you talk about that dismissing half the country. Its always been a wonder why entertainers especially and singers and all these people who suddenly just want half the country to go away, those are half of your fans. Those are people who are paying you to do what you do. I know. Its so true. And im reminded during this conversation about the time when meryl streep gave her golden globe speech and she said that Marshall Arts isnt really hearts and criticized trump and Trump Supporters in a room filled with people who agree with her decked out in ball gowns and tuxedos trying to give her vision of what real america should be like. I think that the smartest people are the ones who take the time to try to understand the other side and it seems like that is happening less and less. Either people dont really care or theyre so dug in. Trace about cancel culture Whitney Cummings was talking about roseanne and said this. She was fired because of some racial comments she made. When people are like roseanne why do you follow her . You are the one listening and responding and just ignore her. The whole cancel culture thing when people freak out. You am ply file it and legitimize it by being outraged. She was the executive producer of the reboot of roseanne and why she was asked that question. The people who do cancel culture they masquerade trying to create change. It is about silencing people. People on the left and right do this and it is a problem in the Democratic Party. Have you heard of a liberal celebrity apologized for saying something wrong. You cant keep up with the rules and narrow vision that the left tends to subscribe to. Trace people who will tolerate everything except for a different political opinion. Good to see you. Sandra and those astronauts that took off on that historic Spacex Mission over the weekend holding a News Conference on the International Space station. What they are describing as a once in a lifetime feeling next. Veterans, newdays zero down va purchase loan lets you buy a home with no down payment. And with Mortgage Rates at alltime lows, your payments will be low, too. Nows the time to buy. Ga . 5 if keeping your oysters busihas you swamped. 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Fascinating right now, the News Conference is going on and to see them floating around up there in space and talking about their journey. Just absolutely fascinating. It is the first time by the way in the space stations 20year history that there will be a Long Duration crew of seven astronauts on board working at one time. The spacex rocket as you see there left florida on sunday just before 7 30 p. M. Eastern time carrying four astronauts. Get this, 27 hours later, 11 01 p. M. Eastern the following day it arrived at the International Space station. They had a 24hour quarantine and yesterday they emerged from their spacecraft and joined the other team members on board the iss. There was already another american astronaut and two russian cosmonauts that have been there since midoctober. Yesterday they already helped assist on a six hour 48 minute Russian Space walk to prepare the russian segment to receive a new module. The 47th Russian Space walk. The 8th this year and the 232nd overall. Nasa says that with this joint partnership now between spacex and the program known as whats called the commercial cruise system they are able to get astronauts, one of six missions certified to get astronauts to space and this one so far appears to be a success, sandra. Sandra out of this world. What a story. Thank you. 11 00 a. M. On the east coast as we await the Trump Legal Team. Set to hold a News Conference less than one hour from now on the heels of a stunning reversal in a key battleground state as a hand recount nears an end in another. Welcome back to americas newsroom, im sand are smith. Good morning. Trace hello, im Trace Gallagher President Trump giving a preview of his lawyers upcoming News Conference. Outline a clear and viable path to victory. Meantime georgia discovering even more uncounted ballots as the recount wraps up in that state. Gabriel sterling, georgias election implementation manager on americas newsroom earlier. There is confusion and we understand people are upset who cant believe this happened. Our job is to follow the law and follow the process. As ive said over and over its about process, process, process. Sandra Kristin Fisher is live at the white house with the latest from there. Good morning. Good morning, sandra. Trump Campaign Official efs are saying to think of this upcoming News Conference as an update on where things stand in the six states where the campaign is continuing to mount these legal challenges. We know Rudy Giuliani will be the primary speaker here and he is expected to do his best to make the case backing up the president s claim from this morning that there is still a clear and viable path to victory even though objectively speaking there is not one and in fact just 45 minutes ago Rudy Giuliani himself put out a statement saying that the campaign was withdrawing our lawsuit in michigan as a direct result of achieving the relief we sought to stop the election in wayne county from being certified before residents can be assured that every legal vote has been counted and every illegal vote has not been counted. Those results were certified on tuesday though two republican canvassers are now asking for their votes to certify to be rescinded. The big picture. This is the latest legal failure by the Trump Campaign to challenge president elect joe bidens projected electoral victory. The fight does continue in some states especially wisconsin where yesterday the Trump Campaign shelled out 3 million for a partial recount in two key counties. We filed the recount petition and in it we allege that we need to see the absentee voter applications because it is an important aspect of wisconsin law. They werent doing these applications. They were just giving people ballots. Sandra the democratic mayor is calling the recouldnt effort futile. It is not surprising after a failed presidency and campaign that the Trump Campaign would now seek to have a what will soon be failed recount effort. In fact, its a very futile attempt to try to disrupt democracy in the most democratic counties in the state of wisconsin. As for President Trump, once again there are no plans to see him in person today. That could always change at the last minute. As you know, sandra. There is nothing on his public schedule as it has been for quite a few days now. But Vice President mike pence is going to be holding a briefing in the situation room with the Coronavirus Task force as the death toll here in the United States passes 250,000. Sandra well see what comes from that as well as the legal team News Conference at the top of the next hour. Kristin, thank you. Trace fox news alert. The coronavirus spikes coast to coast in some states clamped down with new restrictions. Backlash over the rules in michigan with republicans there pushing to impeach Governor Whitmer over her response. The tension was on display in new york when Governor Andrew Cuomo snapped at a reporter over schools closing. What are you talking about . What are you talking about . You are now going to override . We did it already. Thats the law. An orange zone and a red zone. Follow the facts. Im confused and parents are still confused as well. Theyre not confused. You are confused. No, i think parents are confused as well. Read the law and you wont be confused. Trace David Lee Miller is following it all from new york. David lee. Trace, many new york city parents are outraged that new york city has now closed down all inperson classroom instruction. This move affects some roughly 300,000 students taking part in hybrid teaching. A combination of online and in person instruction. The announcement to shut schools came late in the day yesterday and it left many parents unprepared. A group of those parents this morning is presenting a petition to the mayor demanding that schools reopen. They were outside city hall this morning. The parents say the statistical closure threshold is arbitrary and outdated. The city and state use a different set of metrics to determine if the threshold has been reached. Shutdown will remain through thanksgiving. Depending on the infection rate possibly longer. Moments ago bill deblasio started his Daily Briefing after speaking with the governor the city will likely be designated an orange zone which will result in more shutdowns. Im sorry to tell you that for the sake of those Business Owners and everyone who loves those gyms and loves Indoor Dining it is just a matter of time. It is very likely to be in the next week or two. And i think you will see that across the board that there will have to be a lot of tough choices. An increasing number of states are also imposing new restrictions. In kentucky starting on monday schools will halt all inperson instruction there. The earliest some could reopen is december 7th. Indoor dining will be halted. Maryland starting tomorrow all bars and restaurants must close at 10 00 p. M. And most hospital visits are going to be suspended. Across the country as you pointed out the virus continues to rage. More than a quarter million americans have now died from the virus since the pandemic got underway more than 11 1 2 million americans have at one time or another been infected, trace. Trace grim numbers. David lee miller live in new york. Thank you. Sandra this from todays editorial in the wall street journal. Bars may be closed but too many governors are drunk with power. The Editorial Board taking aim at michigans governor over her states restrictions blasting the rules as arbitrary and direct threat to the constitution. Gretchen whitmer strikes again. Restaurants sue over michigans rule by emergency edict. We have Dan Henninger with us. Good morning, some of this is tough to take in. You see whats happening in kansas. The governor there is calling for a mask mandate. This is her second attempt at it. Here she is in her own words. We are giving some flexibility and autonomy to our local elected officials to put in place what works for them. Do they need to have a Face Covering protocol in place . Absolutely. Weve seen what weve learned over the last nine months is that one size does not fit all. Sandra your message this morning, dan . Well, i basically would agree with the governor of kansas. One size does not fit all. I watched her interview at length on fox yesterday evening and i would say the democratic governor of kansas compared to Governor Whitmer in michigan or cuomo in new york, she looks like the voice of reason. She is trying to find a balance between fighting the virus and allowing the kansas economy to function. That i think is the reality that is being lost in so many other places. Im going to be blunt about this, sandra. I think a lot of these politicians are afraid that history will blame them for deaths from coronavirus but they know that history is not going to blame them for bankruptsy being caused by policies and heading into a thanksgiving and holiday period where it looks as though mayor deblasio was threatening that a lot of businesses could be closed again for the next two months. Sandra i want to make sure i get this in. The Editorial Board at the journal this morning. Americans have peaceably accepted coercive limits on daily life they couldnt have go imagined nine months ago. The bars may be closed but too many governors are drunk on power. Perhaps federal courts can sober them up. That being said, that picture of Governor Newsom from california still making the rounds, that infamous picture of him in the context of strict restrictions. No mask wearing indoors, although they made the case it was outside. You can see the closures, we were told the door was shut. This continues to make its rounds. California republicans rip newsoms hypocrisy for high brow dining excursion. It had a Marie Antoinette feel to it. Let them eat cake, dan. Yeah. And i think what is going on there is that Governor Newsom and the political authorities are losing credibility. We invest these political leaders with a lot of authority and a lot of power. We expect them to execute it responsibly and clearly Governor Newsom is not doing that. And we just heard the report about what is going on in new york which is a complete fiasco of governance between mayor deblasio and andrew cuomo. Nobody has any idea of exactly what the rules are and what they are supposed to comply with. When you see even the governor of california not complying with his own rules what message does that send to people who in good faith are trying to get through this virus, trying to protect the lives of the elderly and their loved ones, at the same time trying to protect their businesses . It is a difficult path and it is made difficult or impossible if you have your Political Leadership like Governor Newsom violating his own rules or the Political Leadership in new york not being able to agree on what the rules are. Sandra not to mention a very expensive meal at that, right . Here is the former chair of the Republican Party in california. Eating with a bunch of lobbyists in an expensive astronaut e restaurant and put people out of work. Their check was more than an unemployment check for a month. If youre a Government Official and you shut other peoples businesses down, you dont get paid. If they lose their paycheck and youre the one responsible. You dont get your paycheck. Lets see how that goes. Im not being facetious about it. No skin of the game of these Government Officials. Sandra this hypocrisy is not going away any time soon, thats for sure. Final thoughts. I think the next time he has dinner Governor Newsom should think about going to dinner in a diner with his wife and leaving it at that. Sandra appreciate your time this morning. Thank you. Trace were awaiting a News Conference with President Trumps election lawyers after the president tweeted that his legal team found a clear path to victory. Fox will have it live at the top of the hour. But first how much is a vote worth . 25, a tshirt, maybe a cookie . According to a new report those are just some of the things a probiden group traded for peoples votes. This report says the proof is easy to find because it is on facebook. Well talk to the reporter who wrote about it next. Rates have dropped even lower. And now you can save 3000 a year. Veterans can shortcut the process with newdays va streamline refi. Theres no appraisal, no income verification, and not a single dollar out of pocket. Rates are at the lowest theyve been in our lifetimes. One call can save you 3000 a year. Trace a conservative news site reports evidence of voter fraud in nevada. The federalist groups in tribal areas handing out cash cards and other gifts to get out the vote for joe biden. John Daniel Davidson is Political Editor at the federalist. John, great to see you. You say in your article forget about all the unsolicited ballots sent out to tens of thousands of people in nevada. There is a more consequential scandal and you write the following. Under the guise of none profit get out the votes campaign native American Voter advocacy groups in nevada handed out gift cards, clothing and other items to voters in tribal areas documenting the exchange of ballots for prizes on their own facebook pages. Sometimes even while wearing official Joe Biden Campaign gear. You make the allegation and you also say you have the proof. Talk about that. Well the proof is out there. I didnt have to have any secret sources or off the record meetings or anything like that. They documented it themselves on their facebook pages. There are dozens of instances of this, photos, video, all over nevada this happened. Most of it connected to a group called the nevada native vote project and this happened in other states as well but yeah, its up there, its documented. Them posting videos saying come on down to the raffle. Enter the raffle. Hand us your absentee ballot and enter to win prizes. Trace i want to put this up for clarity so Everybody Knows this. This is federal election law and says the following. Whoever solicits, accepts or receives any such consideration of his vote or the withholding of his vote shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year or both. The violation was willful shall be fined under this title or imprisoned more than two years. This is illegal. Are there any lawsuits being taken in this case . None that i know of. No Media Outlets pursued it either. The Mainstream Media doesnt want to report. It runs against the narrative that the election was pure as the driven snow, there was no fraud at all. Which is clearly not true. Trace it is interesting. The Las Vegas Review journal i used to live there and worked in the town early in my career, theyve been pretty good about getting to both sides of this. Is there any understanding that they might be pursuing this story in las vegas . I hope so. I hope that they will now that weve reported on it. Its out there for anyone to report on. Like i said it is documented by the groups themselves. They put this stuff up on facebook pages and it is still up. Trace interesting, john, you raise another important question and you say quoting here all this raises some fairly obvious questions, where did all these gift cards and prizes come from . Who paid for them . How much free stuff was given away . Who is really behind this socalled gotv effort . Thats a great question. Where do they get all this stuff . This is part in nevada is part of a Larger Initiative called native vote. In turn part of an Organization Called the National Congress for American Indians and they get their money from a bunch of sources, charitable foundations, large corporations and millions of dollars from the federal government every year. Now its unclear who actually paid for the gift cards but this is where the money is coming from. It is coming from the ncai, which helps fund these efforts. Not just in nevada but there is evidence of the same thing happening in south dakota, michigan, wisconsin, texas, more than a half dozen other states. Trace do you know in nevada specifically, do you know the population of these reservations roughly how many people voted out there and how many votes we might be talking about . Your last response. Its about 60,000 members of tribal organizations in nevada. Its about 3 of the population. So its a substantial number especially when the election is as close as it is in some of these states. Trace it is a substantial number and well stay on it. Others might as well. John Daniel Davidson, good to see you, sir, thank you. Thank you. Sandra there is word democrats dont like their odds in georgia where two runoff races will decide which Party Controls the senate. Ahead why the left reportedly fears that they have lost their edge. Also out of georgia the results of the recount could come in any moment now and some republicans in congress say if that recount shows the vote was compromised it puts the entire election into question. Stacey abrams challenged the results in georgia she was an american hero. When donald trump is going to court he is a dictator. Im tired of this crap. If your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, inflammation in your eye might be to blame. 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But everything fits in. Still hard work. Just a little easier. Still a legend. Just more legendary. Chevrolet. Making lifes journey, just better. Sandra top stories making headlines at the bottom of the hour. Police in colorado searching for a possible serial killer known by the nickname psycho connected to at least three deaths in a small town near the new mexico border. He is extremely dangerous and they need help to find him fast. Trace the number of americans asking for Unemployment Benefits jumped by 30,000 people last week to more than 740,000. It is a setback after four straight weeks of declining numbers. Every week in the past seven months has broken the record jobless numbers set in 1982. Sandra one holiday tradition that will not change this year. A Charlie Brown christmas will air for free on tv after all. Hundreds of thousands of people signed a petition to bring it to pbs after apple bought the sole rights for the holiday classic. Trace now to a fox news alert. Less than a half hour from a News Conference by the Trump Legal Team. One the president tweets will show a very clear and viable path to victory as the state of georgia gets ready to release the results of its hand recount that led to the discovery of thousands of previously uncounted ballots. Matt finn live in atlanta. Matt. Also about a half hour from now georgia secretary of States Office is expected to release its report detailing the findings of its audit here. Joe biden is expected to come out on top heading into georgias hand count here, joe biden was ahead by 14,000 votes. But georgias audit revealed that thousands of ballots were not tallied in multiple counties. The secretary of States Office says the ballots were human error, calling for one county election director to resign. The president and his team have insisted the georgias signature verification process is too weak but georgias republican secretary of States Office insists the republicans entered into an agreement in georgia that strengthened voting signature verifications and the states audit helped the president s numbers. The main thing is were going to continue to follow the law and processes. And the irony of the fraudulent votes have been found he gained in the finding of those votes. So the system is working the way its intended. Georgia is set to verify its vote tomorrow and once that is complete, the president s campaign has 48 hours to request a recount which it is allowed to do, trace. Trace matt finn live in atlanta. Thank you. Sandra the president s allies making the case the voting irregularities in georgia are a small part of a larger problem with the 2020 election. Here is congressman matt gaetz. If we can flip georgia showing there is not accurate counting it pulls back the whole veneer the media and others that they tried to put on the ballots. Sandra Jessica Tarlov and robby soave. Trump all aisles are making the claim and making the case there are much bigger issues. Sure. They have the right to do that. However, i think their broader claim certainly were finding disturbing irregularities and errors, usually human error, innocent mistakes, not intentional. Mistakes of a couple hundred or a few thousand votes. Not enough that weve seen thus far. Maybe they have Something Big to reveal. But so far it doesnt seem to me like there is a path to you would need to have the 1,000 error vote discovered for President Trump, you would have to have that happen a ton of times to just flip georgia and even that doesnt steal the election. I understand the campaign should pursue every means available to them to make sure we know exactly how many votes, which both parties got. That is important to do regardless of the outcome. We need to know. I still dont know it will matter in the end. Sandra i want to get jessica in here. The challenge is poking holes in the system. Based on these challenges and discoveries perhaps it can improve the system. Oh, i would love to improve the system. I think both sides should be working towards that. I hope this will bring democrats and republicans together to work towards safer and fairer elections as we move forward. That was a goal of democrats going into this election in terms of foreign interference. I hope thats absolutely the outcome. Robby is right. This is not florida in 2000 where 537 votes will decide who gets elected or not. When you see republicans chasing around saying the republicans should have won georgia, you know you are in trouble if the blue wall remains intact, which it will and we havent seen irregularities like we did with the human error in georgia and Rudy Giuliani getting laughed out of Court Earlier this week when he had to admit he wasnt actually alleging fraud you know the president is throwing things at the wall and see what sticks and maintain democratic norms and start this transition. Sandra you heard an emotional plea from Lindsey Graham to look into the issues. We spoke to mr. Sterling this morning. Were all about the process and the law. They have absolutely right to look for the 73 million americans. I understand there are people that dont we want the prove and show machines counted what the machines counted. Thats what the ballots say. Sandra robby, i want to move on now because in that same interview i asked him do you expect any problems when it comes to the Senate Runoffs in january because of this headline in the new york times. Saying with Senate Control hanging in the balance crazy town cash floods georgia. Waves of negative ads have begun. Roughly 130 million has already been booked in television spreading. The biggest spenders havent reserved time beyond the next week. Miss loeffler has 40 million reserved mostly attacking her opponent. So are there signs that democrats are growing more concerned about these georgia runoffs . I think the democrats are very concerned and rightly concerned. These two runoffs are huge. It is impossible to overstate how important they are. This will decide whether joe biden really has a blank check assuming he does take the presidency, which again i think is virtually guaranteed. That he will take the presidency. But under very different circumstances if the republicans hold onto the senate and they have a viable path to do in the two runoffs. It is sort of important if we continue to look too much at the largely decided president ial race, republicans risk losing focus here because it is so, so important, maybe even to tell their voters that we dont have the white house so if you want there to be any check on the democrats, you need to turn out and show up for our candidates in the runoffs. Thats a very clear message that might be confused if you are still kind of contesting or fighting on the losing battle with the president ial race. Sandra will you get the same energized vote to turn out for democrats when it isnt trump on the ballot that we saw on november 3 . Well, i would imagine there will be depressed turnout from a president ial election with such a polarizing figure at the top of the ticket. We know folks turned out to vote for and against him. How many people on the democratic side or republicans and independent joe biden voted for republicans down ballot. There is a strong mandate for divided government going forward. Democrats will do whatever we can to win the seats. Historically red state. Uphill battle. Money will continue to flow in. But without trump on the ballot there is certainly concern that people especially in the suburbs white women who live in the suburbs so motivated to come out against trump will sit this one out. Sandra all eyes will be on the races for sure. Jessica and robby, thank you. Trace updating the breaking news out of michigan and the uproar out of restrictions from Governor Whitmer in response to covid19. One of the legislators who wants to boot her out of office joins us next. One call to newday can save you 3000 a year. With newdays va streamline refi theres no income verification, no home appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Its the quickest and easiest refi theyve ever offered. Call newday now. Meet omnipod it delivers insulin through a tubeless pod. Just one small pod replaces up to 14 injections and today you can get started with a free 30day omnipod dash trial at omnipod. Com. No more daily injections. Its gamechanging get started with a free 30day omnipod dash trial today. Go to omnipod. Com for risk information, instructions for use and free trial terms and conditions. Consult your Healthcare Provider before starting on omnipod. Simplify diabetes. Simplify life. Omnipod. Trace out of michigan, a group of republican state law makesers are introducing a resolution of impeachment against the democratic Governor Whitmer accusing her of corruption arguing her limits on gatherings violate the Constitutional Rights of michigan citizens. With us now is one of the republican lawmakers behind the resolution, Michigan State representative boe la vaifsh. Thank you for joining us. You write the following quoting here. This is absolutely the last thing i want to do but i would be betraying my conscience and oath of office to defend the michigan constitution by ignoring such blatant misconduct. Sir, without getting into the legalness of all this. Tell me what misconduct are you talking about . First of all thank you so much for having me. The miss conduct im speaking of in particular is a nobid contract the government tried to award to a Political Strategy Group attempting to do contact. The governor didnt have a bid, just decided to give it to her friends. As soon as the press found out about it, it was revoked. That was clearly corruption. Trace my colleagues and i are not looking to tlo ef away all of our governors ideas or replace them with our own. Collaborate. Provide input on behalf of our constituents and receive chairable information to increase communication without our communities. In other words, you think that needs she needs to get some back and forth with the people she is representing and the lawmakers who are representing those constituents as well. Yes, thats correct. There are 148 representatives and senators in michigan. None of them have had a seat at the table for nine months now. Ive used a ninemonth timeline showing exactly what happened. The long and short of it is we dont have a seat at the table. The governor is creating laws, which is the legislatures job and it is a violation of the separation of powers for her to create law. It cannot be accepted. Trace you know this is a long shot and you know even some of your gop colleagues, one of your gop colleagues, the House Speaker in michigan said the following about impeachment. I thought it was shameful what the democrats did to President Trump last year and i would assume any attempt by republicans right now with the current set of facts that we have to impeach the governor would be on the same level. So its a long shot. Some of your own colleagues in the house do not agree with you. Is there another motive . Are you trying to kind of force the governors hand to at least comply with some type of cooperation . My problem is that ive tried every other alternative. I tried calling the governor, i tried working with the governor, tried passing bills that the governor vetoed. I went to the Supreme Court and i won. The House Republicans and Senate Republicans went to the Supreme Court over her executive orders and won. After that we got a petition, signed by half a Million People of michigan that the secretary of state refuses to certify. Im out of options. This is the only option i have left. Trace lastly the Governors Office wrote in pretty short says the governor doesnt have any time for partisan politics or people who do not wear masks. Your response to that finally. The problem is the governor hasnt had time for the Michigan House of representatives, the senators or the 10 Million People that are trying to live through this virus. We need to continue to socially distance. We need to continue to wear masks and continue to do those type of things. We also need a Representative Democracy again. Trace michigan representative boe lafave. Thank you for joining us. We appreciate it. Sandra its been awhile since we heard about amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. With joe biden as president some republicans are already talking about striking an immigration deal with democrats. One big named senator says that means socalled amnesty could be right around the corner. A former acting ice director will join us live next. 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Evolve your home security. Get the peace of mind, safety and convenience of xfinity home. And dont forget to catch the croods, a new age in theaters thanksgiving. Rated pg. Trace joe bidens president ial win reigniting Immigration Reform talks. Others worry any amnesty plan to enrage the gop base. Tom homan, former acting ice director. The gop senators john cornyn and Lindsey Graham are amenable to working with democrats about illegal immigration to which Tucker Carlson said this. Watch and ill get your response. Lindsey graham who just wo rn reelection in the state of South Carolina conservatives voted for him. On the issues that matter Lindsey Graham ran away from the ideas he claimed to support and said he will be happy to sell out his voters with an amnesty deal within hours of the election. Trace what do you make of working across the aisle to get an immigration plan . I think tucker is right on the money. Look, you can keep bailing water out of that boat or you can plug the hole. So the talk of amnesty should be set aside and lets secure the border first. Congress needs to do their job and close the loopholes that cause hundreds of thousands of people that came across the border illegally. Look at what joe biden has already said and promised. He have will put a moratorium on deportations, limit ice detention. He is going to stop work site enforcement operations, supports sanctuary cities. Then give free healthcare. You dont have to be a Border Expert to realize if joe biden becomes president the border will be an unprecedented surge. If you add to this amnesty on top of that, thats the perfect storm. Wefm owe see an unprecedented surge like weve never seen before. Trace the big issue is daca. Protection for the dreamers. Thoefs who came with parents. Ted cruz said the following. The democrats want to see a massive amnesty plan, a serious mistake but you look at the history and there is a long history of democrats and republicans trying to Work Together to get some kind of answer for these socalled dreamers. Look, again, when they approved daca deferred action childhood arrivals what happened in 13, 14, 15. Unprecedented number. Families were streaming across the border. Mothers were dragging children into the United States. This country has shown over and over again if you come to this country illegally and hideout long enough well give you something. There shouldnt be a clean daca fix without border security. Plug the hole and stop the flow of illegal immigration, then address who is here. But the priorities are messed up. Ive seen it for 35 years. We have to stop rewarding illegal behavior. It doesnt work. Trace some immigration activists dont think theyll need congress and think they can do it without. A lot of people are deciding too early to throw in the towel on congress to let Mitch Mcconnell off the hook. Im unwilling 100 unwilling to do that in this moment. The theme being we think maybe Mitch Mcconnell and some of the others will work with us. I have 15 seconds for you, tom. I think the taxpayers should pay attention. When you start paying taxes to provide healthcare to those in the country illegally. When they start replacing american workers. Millions are out of work now because of covid. We have a right to be a sovereign nation and control the border. Trace good to see you, sir. Thank you. Sandra businesses across america gearing up for more covid restrictions as cases surge nationwide. Some cities now introducing curfews and capacity restrictions to stop the spread. But the negative effects of those lockdowns go far beyond the store front. Grady trimble is live on the ground in chicago for us this morning. Chicago tried the curfew approach last month. Officials say it didnt do enough to control the virus. Tomorrow across the state new restrictions will be in place. Museums like the field museum will have to close as will casinos and movie theaters. Retailers gearing up for the busy Holiday Season will be at 25 capacity. The same goes for gyms and salons. Bars and restaurants have been closed for Indoor Dining for weeks in illinois. That will continue. Governor of illinois says he hasnt ruled out another lockdown but some states and cities are trying a different approach. The curfews they say are a middle ground. New york has been under a curfew for a week now. Ohios 10 00 curfew starts tonight and l. A. County will be introducing a curfew tomorrow. That affects restaurants and bars the most. Some bars and restaurants in new york city are saying their sales are down 30 since that curfew went into effect. It also has a trickledown effect. Think about the ride share drivers who are used to late night rides. Those go away. On the flip side, as more restrictions are put in place in cities and states across the country, we are expecting to see another increase like we did earlier this year in food and delivery services. Sandra. Sandra tough for everyone. Grady in chicago. Thanks. Trace the live look from the Nations Capital and headquarters of the rnc. The president tweeted his lawyers plan to lay out a clear path to victory. Were told his attorney, Rudy Giuliani just arrived on site. Well have live coverage of that next. Id like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. One of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan which lets you buy a home with no down payment. Now theres no reason to rent when you can own. Helping veterans buy homes. Thats newday usa. X 0iq e du [anthat can leave cleaning gaps and wrap hair. 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In a few moments we will hear from the president s legal team about what he calls the clear path to victory all this happening as president elect biden gets ready to talk to the nations governors. Peter doosey in delaware. Peter the president elect said that republicans in congress have reached out to him since the election but he wont tell us. The governors include hogan of maryland, baker of massachusetts and hutchison of arkansas. Theyre going to be on a Conference Call with democrats including two v. P. Short listers. Including andrew cuomo of new york. We are not expecting today any cabinet announcements but we are going to hear from progressives in congress including alexandria ocasiocortez and they expect biden to pack his cabinet. Assuring the Transition Team that if hes picked the republican governor of vermont wont replace him with a republican. The republican governor has indicated that he would appoint somebody who would caucus with the democrats and progressives who would caucus with the democrats. I think Something Like secretary of labor would be a very reactive position. Peter the Vice President elect Kamala Harris is in washington. We expect to hear from her and president elect joe biden. That does it are for us. We await joe biden. The meeting with the governors. And the Trump Legal Team should be stepping up to the microphone any moment now. If you look at the legal chessboard they have filed roughly 26 lawsuits in these states. They are contesting. Most of those lawsuits have failed. They say that just a few of them or one or two might make the difference. Well hear im sure more about that coming up. Well keep watching for that. That does it for us here from americas newsroom. Outnumbered starts now. Harris breaking news this hour. We are awaiting a News Conference to start. Harris the president has tweeted they will discuss a very clear and viable path to victory. This as some of the top House Republicans on the hill are now calling for hearings in their chamber on the integrity of the 2020 election. House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member jim jordan says the irregularities and improprietys must be examined. Why dont

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