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Next three hours. Last night President Trump made a final pitch for republican candidate Kelly Loeffler and david perdue. He was telling supporters that democrats would push the country toward socialism. A sample of that late last night. President Trump America as you know it will be over and it will never, i believe, be able to come back again. It will be too far gone. Your vote tomorrow could lose and it could be your last chance to save the america that we love. You cannot let them you just cant let them steal the u. S. Senate. You cant let it happen. You cant let it happen. David and kelly are running against the most extreme liberal candidates in the history of your state. Probably in the history of our country, jon ossoff and Raphael Warnock. Sandra so there you have it. Fox Team Coverage for you. Jonathan serrie is standing by in atlanta. We begin with chief White House Correspondent john roberts live from the north lawn this morning. What were with stakes of the president campaigning in georgia last night, john . Glad to see you and bill have a band back together. It is difficult to overstate the significance of what is going to happen in georgia today and why President Trump was down there last night because if republicans hang onto one of those seats it means they maintain control of the senate and act as a check and balance on joe bidens agenda. If they were to lose both seats, it would be much easier for joe biden to get his agenda through. The filibuster is still in place in many cases. In some cases it is not. That was the argument President Trump was making in dalton last night. A large and enthusiastic crowd, his final Campaign Appearance of this election cycle. Listen here. President trump your vote tomorrow will decide which Party Controls the United States senate. The radical democrats are trying to capture Georgias Senate seats so they can wield unchecked and unrestrained absolute power over every aspect of your life. President trump did air his grievances about the november 3 election and ongoing disagreement he is having to the governor and secretary of state in georgia. The vote in congress to certify the Electoral College vote over which mike pence will preside. Listen here. President trump i hope mike pence comes through for us. I have to tell you. He will have a lot to say about it and you know one thing with him, you are going to get straight shots. He is going to call it straight. It is election day in georgia, most votes have already been cast. Absentee or early voting. And if history is any guide, sandra, predominantly those votes would be democratic. It really is up to republicans to get as many people out to the polls today to counter balance what the democrats probably did in the early voting. By all indications it will be a close race. Sandra what is the latest response from the trump team on the recorded phone call with the secretary of state raffensperger who is coming up with us in a moment. It was the president trying to twist the arm of the secretary of state but his attorney said it is not what the call was about at all. It was trying to settle two lawsuits. Hilbert, the attorney for the president saying were disappointed the secretary of state and his staff secretly recorded and released a confidential settlement discussion to settle the two pending lawsuits. While they may think that behavior is appropriate we do not. By the way, there is in washington tomorrow going to be a big rally just south on the white house to protest the certification of the electorate. President trump expected to speak at that. All roads within a block of the white house are closed today. Theyre preparing for Something Big tomorrow. Sandra john roberts live at the white house for us. Thank you. Bill. Bill back here in georgia, smitty. Polls are open after more than 3 million cast an early ballot in the state. Both sides scrambling and one final effort to rally supporters. Jonathan serrie is outside a polling station in atlanta. Turnout so far, how is it been . Turnout has been steady at this particular location in atlantas buck head community. Were in fulton county, much of the city of atlanta which leans in favor of democrats. Jon ossoff plans to meet with voters outside another Polling Center in southwest atlanta while Raphael Warnock rallies Labor Union Members for a final canvassing event in town. Democrats are trying to make the case that republican challenges to georgias elections are all the more reason for their base to go out and vote. We have two senators who think their loyalty is to trump, not georgia. You have two senators who think theyve sworn an oath to donald trump, not to the United States constitution. Later this morning the republican senator Kelly Loeffler plans to rally in the suburb of Sandy Springs and david perdue campaigns under quarantine. Republican state Elections Officials are trying to reassure skeptical trump voters that rumors of Election Fraud are untrue and no reason to skip voting in todays Senate Runoffs. Do not selfsuppress your own vote. Do not make a selffulfilling prophesy out of doing this. Dont let anybody steal your votes that way. The Georgia Bureau of investigation says its aware of specific threats regarding todays election in several unspecified georgia counties saying our agenty is working with federal, state and local partners to investigate to insure a safe election and all voters have access to polling locations. The f. B. I. Is it also aware of potential threats and agents are urging everyday people to be aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious activity to Law Enforcement. Bill, back to you. Bill well follow it and find out whether or not we can make a call tonight. Thank you, Jonathan Serrie in atlanta. Sandra for more on that lets bring in georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger. Sir, thank you for joining us this morning. To that point you think the race will be able to be called tonight . Depends how close it is. Most likely it will probably be tomorrow morning. How many absentee ballots and pushing the counties to do early scanning of the ballots so they can finish the tabulation tonight. Absentee ballots come in today and we expect a strong turnout. Sandra absentee ballots will be key. 3 million early votes, 900,000 of those were sent via absentee ballot. Sir, if you could, can you clarify what changes were made to the no excuse absentee ballot process . You went on the record weeks ago december 23 warning of potential illegal voting, fraud as a result of this no excuse absentee ballot voting. To the point where you pushed Georgia State reps to put an end to it. As of this morning when i look at your website, it is very much still active. You can have no excuse and cast an absentee ballot. Wont that be another question about this election . No. Weve had in place were following state law. That was put into place by sunny perdue when he was governor in 2005 and supported and voted for by the Current Party chair of the Republican Party david shavers. Been in place 15 years ago. We have to follow state law. No excuse absentee voting. What we did is installed and online important tall for absentee ballot applications with a photo i. D. Component. 75 of people have asked for an absentee ballot for the runoff have used that portal. Thats why we made sure we had signature match both for the application and signature match for the ballot itself when it came in. Both envelopes have had signature match. Sandra you said yourself you are concerned about illegal voting as a result of that absentee ballot. I get you are seeing a Republican Legislature put it in place, i get that. It has never been used to the extent it has been during the pandemic. So you looked at the Georgia State elections, these two Runoff Elections and said we have three weeks of early inperson voting. We dont need that absentee no excuse voting to the extent we needed it for the president ial election. Why no changes to it . That would require change in state law. We cant change state law. Were not in session. It is up to the General Assembly to make the laws in the state of georgia. What they do once they make a law, signed into law by the governor we follow the law and the constitution, state of georgia and the u. S. Constitution and follow all laws that are in place. Sandra didnt you say you were concerned about illegal voting as a result of that and the potential for fraud . And thats why we made sure that we have signature match both for the application and also when the ballot comes in the outer envelope is also signature matched and thats why we have photo i. D. We understood many people would be using the absentee ballot process because of concerns with covid. The law is the law. Sandra got it. Do you have any concerns today about that . No, but i do believe that when one party feels so strongly about the issue the end of the day you have to have confidence in the election. So one side says one thing, the other side says the other thing. Perhaps you modify this and do away with that and eventually you want to make sure that everyone has confidence. There has been so much false rumors and disinformation thats been going on it has hurt voter confidence in this election and why President Trump had to come down here and undo the damage that he started. He has people that supported him telling people not to come out to vote. No, we need people to come out to vote. It is very important. Sandra i got that. It would sound to the casual observer that you are getting very political in nature and what appears to be an attack on the president. I will ask you about that leaked phone call now that you had with the president that you have gone on the record with one of my colleagues saying that you thought it was important to leak that phone call. Others might say it was a phone call with the president of the United States. His team is pushing back saying it was a confidential phone call. Why did you decide to leak that . It wasnt a confidential conversation. It was a phone call that i didnt really know what the outline of the meeting was. There was no preset meeting lawyer to lawyer. We had our attorney on this and the Trump Campaign has sued the governor of georgia and also our office about the past election. And then he went on twitter the next morning and divulgeed that we had the discussion. He last night said the same pieces of disinformation and thats why we had a press conference yesterday. He has continued to say over 1,000 dead people voted in georgia. It was only 2. Sandra you have gone on the record saying you believe your numbers will be supported in the court of law. Why did you go to avenue of leaking a phone call with the president . Dont you worry about the precedent that sets . The president said we had a phone call. He made it public. He has 80 million twitter followers. I understand the powers he has behind him. We have 40 thousand. I get all that. He continued to be misled or doesnt want to believe the facts and we have the facts on our side. Sandra why not let it play out in court . Why put into jeopardy our country by leaking a phone call of that nature and not just let your numbers and facts play out in the court of law . I dont understand how truth would jeopardize the country. Were standing on the facts and the truth. We have numbers. Come on by to our office. I have the numbers in front and weve posted them yesterday as part of our press conference. They will be part of our filings for the lawsuits. Sandra what is your final message to the American People and the fairness of this election . You are putting a lot of weight on the absentee voting that has yet to come in. Youll wait to see and watch that. Can you assure the American People that this is going to be a safe, secure, and dependable election that were about to see . Or is it set up in a way it will be questioned afterwards . I can assure you that it will a fair and honest election, safe and dependable. Thats what we had in november. But we had someone that didnt get the number of votes they wanted in georgia and disparaged our Voting System. Our Voting System is safe, its reliable and will you see that today. Right now we really have just a couple precincts that started a little bit late this morning but lines are moving. We dont have long lines. Hopefully well have a great turnout today and hopefully people will have confidence in themselves no matter how it turns out. As a republican i hope our senators win. As secretary of state my job is to make sure we have fair and honest elections and thats what weve done in georgia. Sandra high stakes. We appreciate you joining us. Thank you very much. Thank you. Sandra our live coverage of the allimportant georgia races continue as congressman hice and biggs and pete hegseth is joining us live from americas newsroom and Election Night coverage hosted by bret baier and Martha Maccallum starts at 6 00 p. M. Eastern tonight and theyll join us also later in the show. Keep it here if not only for this guy, bill hemmer. Bill good to be back with you. You know, just listening to that conversation, this whole leaked phone call, you wonder how that will play out . Whether or not its a factor at all . If youre talking about a close race in both these senate seats and if he is right where the absentee ballots will be counted by tomorrow morning likely youll get a call tomorrow morning. It could be a very late night here in atlanta, georgia. Thats where we are. Were sandwiched between the state farm arena, giant Convention Center behind us. Normally you have a convention or two in town and this part of atlanta is largely vacant. A lot of folks in big cities feel the same way about their town. It is a much different atlanta as we come down to cover this. Well find out later. Ill take you to the board in a couple of minutes. Stay tuned for that. Meanwhile you have this republicanled effort to challenge the certification of joe bidens Electoral College win. A whole new twist into the georgia runoffs. Late yesterday we found out senator Kelly Loeffler where she stands on that matter and well tell you about that. A closer look at dalton, georgia. Why the president picked that spot, conservative stronghold. Could be a critical moment in driving turnout today. President trump the only way to combat the democrat fraud is to flood your polling places with a historic tidal wave of Republican Voters tomorrow. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis,. Little things. Can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. 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They claim the visit was peaceful hourlong vigil. Well have more on this a bit later in the show. Bill back here in atlanta now i want to take a look at dalton, georgia where the president held a big rally last night. Talked for an hour and a half trying to rally the faithful. This part of georgia is ruby rich red for republicans. Here is the county thats whittfield county where the president picked up 70 of the vote on november 3. It mirrors the output for david perdue in the same race as well. Here has to be the concern among republicans as to why the state of georgia was even in play in 2020. The upper righthand corner here. Well show this throughout the day and into the evening to show you the change in particular parts of the state based on republican or democratic turnout. The change since 2016 favors democrats in this county by almost three points. Well watch that throughout this state and see how the results come in throughout the night. Charlie hurt is with me now and good day to you. Good morning. Good to see you up so early, bill. I appreciate that. A little bit of coffee. Here is the president making his case for why you should vote today. Watch. President trump they want to turn the democrats do, america into venezuela with no jobs, no prosperity, no rights, no freedom, no future for you and your family. Here is exactly what the radical left will do if they win this Runoff Election, which we cant let them do tomorrow. Bill so what do you think the difference maker is in that appearance the night before the big vote, charlie . I think it could have a tremendous effect on the election and it needs to. Republicans are always at a disadvantage when you are trying to this is more of a protective election for them as opposed to an election where you are promising to do a bunch of things. Here you are saying you have to vote for these people to prevent something from happen. Thats always a harder sell. The magic of donald trump is its not just these rallies. The reason that he got more votes than any sitting president and more votes than any republican and more votes than even barack obama its not because of the number of people that show up to these rallies. Its amazing without a doubt. The people outside of the rallies that dont show up for the rallies who do show up to vote on election day. And the trick is are those voters dialing in now . Donald trump is the only republican out there, i think, who can reach them. I think he did a good job of that last night even though the message is a tough one. At the same time these people are so deeply frustrated. They are frustrated. Thats why they turned to trump in the first place. Theyre doubly frustrated because of their disappointment in the way the last election carried out. Bill i think i heard interesting numbers last night. Republicans say they need more than a million voters today to vote in person to overcome the democratic edge. And then karl rove late yesterday said there were 25,000 republicans statewide who did not vote on november 3 and theyve all been contacted to make sure they go out and vote today. What did you think of those two numerical impressions, charlie . Well look, at this point everybody every voter in georgia knows who they are voting for. And theyve known for a while. They probably knew on november 4th who they would vote for in a scenario like this. The trick is how do you get them to turn out . Karl rove is exactly right. There was a huge number of georgia far larger than we would have expected considering how much interest there was in the general election, but there were a lot of people who didnt show up. Who didnt vote. The trick is how do you get them to come out and who gets more of theirs out . Thats why karl rove, nrsc and republicans are spending so much time in and around dalton in the rural part of north georgia knocking on doors trying to get those people to of course theyve been in the middle of an election now for a year. Theyre sick and tired of all of it. They dont want to hear about it anymore. Theyve voted. Theyre done with it. It is incredible. I talk to people down there and they say im for gridlock. I dont want im in favor of nobody getting anything done. The problem is you have to vote for the republicans if you want gridlock. Bill well see. One more number for you. The rnc in georgia says they have 8,000 poll watchers. Listen to how they react today, tomorrow and thursday as to what they observe throughout the state of georgia. Nice to see you up so early, charlie. Well talk to you real soon. Sandra is the up early thing youre in the morning show or were you up late last night, bill . Bill we were up late and be up late tonight. Sandra we wont miss it. Bill, thank you. Voters heading to the polls across georgia. Democrats look to take over the senate. What would democrats focus on if they gain majority control of congress . Well have that much later in the show for you. But coming up Kelly Loeffler joining a gop Group Challenging the results of the president ial election. How her support could alter both the georgia race and joe bidens Electoral College victory. Thats next. Research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. So to help you remember that Liberty Mutual customizes your Home Insurance, heres one thatll really take you back. Its customized Home Insurance from Liberty Mutual only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base. Claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. 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I have an announcement, georgia. On january 6th i will object to the Electoral College vote. What this president fought for us were fighting for him. Sandra thats Kelly Loeffler joining a group of republicans who will object to the certification of the president ial election on wednesday. Dozens of gop lawmakers raising concerns about the voting process in the president ial election. Our panel joins us now. Sean duffy and harold ford junior. Thank you for being here. She has joined the list, sean. What does it mean for her party and for her today . It means its good politics in georgia. There are a lot of republican supporters for President Trump and i think that base that she needs to come out today and vote want her to stand up and object tomorrow to the electoral results that the senate will address. But i look at what will happen tomorrow, sandra. It is a tough road republicans have to hoe. You need the house and senate to do it. What will be important can the senate and House Republicans push this 10day audit to see if anomalies of different states that republicans are concerned about. Tens of millions of republicans are concerned about the results of six separate states. Sandra harold, sean hannity was making the case its democrats who set the precedent for this. We have major institutional failures with no curiosity whatsoever. Yeah, theyre right. There is plenty of precedent for this challenge. In fact democrats have contested results four times. Now and believe everything they say about integrity of our elections. No, why arent we listening to the whistleblowers . Sandra can you respond to that . Happy new year and thanks for having me on. I think that sean, who i think has made clear where he stands in this race is ignoring a big point. When al gore sat in the chair of the house was a speaker that day the way the constitution called for and asked for democrats the stand down and no senators signed it. I think the real frustration has been articulated on your show already. You had a great show this morning with the secretary of state and even sean has a point. The challenge we have is we have federalism that allows states to set their own rules and laws and regulations around voting. I think we need a uniform system of voting that is a Single Source of funding. I understand why americans dont understand why fedex can deliver documents and we wait three to five days to be an outcome. Those senators raising concerns are jockeying more for 2024. The focus should be on fixing the election system so every two and four years were not waiting five, six, seven days or in some states in the first hours. A uniform set of laws, uniform funding system and single voting card so we can erase any concerns about voter identification. Sandra thats a fair point, sean. For harold to circle back to the secretary of state at the top of the hour i think people need to hear why he doesnt have concerns today but two weeks ago on the record he said it opens the door to potential illegal voting talking about the massive amount of no excuse absentee ballot casting in his state. He referenced this was put in place by Republican Legislature back in 2000 but it has never been used to the capacity that it has until this pandemic. He said with three weeks of early inperson voting there is no need for this no excuse absentee ballot. He pressed his state reps to do away with it, to limit it. That didnt happen. Now he says there is no concern. So i think its fair to say there is some confusion about this for people who hear it. First i agree with harold. We shouldnt have to wait four, five or six days for Election Results. We should be able to count ballots on the day of the election or into the morning of the next day. Harold is right on that. I believe our state legislatures should be able to set election laws. What happened in my state, you had the Electoral Commission change the laws or courts change the laws that were set by the legislature and undermine the system that we have in place. So i agree to the point we have too many mailin ballots. In wisconsin we have voter i. D. If you say because of the pandemic voter i. D. Doesnt exist but we may have dead people or people moved out of the state voting is ripe for fraud. This is a time to sit back and review how are we voting and how can every american have confidence the system is legitimate and fair and whoever gets the most votes actually won with live people only voting one time. Sandra final thoughts, harold. I accept the results. We all should. Time to certify this and lets fix our election system Going Forward. Sandra a big way and big week for this country. Thank you for joining us. Thanks. Sandra thank you. Bill sandra, as you heard dozens of republicans on cap hill planning to challenge state electors on capitol hill tomorrow. Will the fight have an impact on todays runoffs. Georgia congressman jody hice and why he is joining the republican effort. Control of congress hanging in the balance today. How far left will congress go if democrats go 20 in georgia . Whats at stake on the ballot coming up next. Do we really need a sign to live, laugh, and love . Yes. The answer is no. I can help new homeowners not become their parents. Keeonoh. Nope. Coeenoah. No. Joaquin. No. It just takes practice. Give it a shot. [ grunts, exhales deeply ] did you hear that . Yeah. Its a constant battle. Were gonna open a pdf. Whos next . Progressive cant save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. No fussin, no cussin, and no you have cancer. How their world stopped and when they found a way to face it. 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Our balance of government depends upon the will of the people. And this is a government of the people, by the people. The by the people part of this is the voting booth. And for the elected officials not to do everything within their power to insure that that sacred trust is fair and that it is protected is unamerican. Thats our duty to protect the voice of the people. The allegations in this past elections are enormous. There is no question of widespread fraud and i can speak specifically for the state of georgia. I joined many state senators who have reached out to us and to the administration in a letter urging them not to certify the electoral votes from georgia. We have to get to the bottom of this. This is the sacred trust of the American People and it must be defended at all costs. Bill fully respect your opinion on this. Many are calling for an election audit. I dont think that happens before the 20th of january and you would admit to that as well i think. What does your level of resistance on this what do you think the effect of that could have, however, on todays big senate races here in your state . Its a huge race today obviously in georgia. I was at the rally last night. And ive been on the trail for weeks now. Weeks and weeks. Ive spoken with hundreds of people and i tell you the Biggest Issue in my opinion that is keeping people away from voting is the unwillingness of their elected officials to stand up and fight for their right to vote and do so fairly. So when senator loeffler came out saying she would be among those in the senate to stand up and defend their rights to vote fairly the applause was enormous. It is that type of thing that energizes people and gives trust back to the people to get out and vote because they know that they have representatives who will defend that right at all costs. So i think the lack of willingness from individuals both within our state and otherwise to take a stand for free and fair elections, that has been the cause that has caused many people to say ill stay home. Bill but will that position discourage georgians from voting for your republican candidates today . No, i think it is just the opposite. What im saying what keeps people home is a candidate who will not stand for the freedom of their vote to count. And so the applause was enormous when senator loeffler made that comment last night. It is a critical vote. A lot of people have opinions one way or the other. But we have a constitutional duty to defend the right of the people to express their opinions at the voting booth. That is a sacred trust and it must be defended at all costs and everyone who has stood for that principle has been enormously received as well they should be by the people of america. Bill will it be an interesting thing to watch on the floor of the house and senate tomorrow. You have a big district east of atlanta runs to the South Carolina border. A mix of red and blue. We call you balanced, sir. Well see how it goes tomorrow. Thank you. Back to sandra. Sandra the balance of power in washington now in the hands of georgia voters so what will democrats do if they win control of both the house and the senate . And with polls closing in georgia tonight download the fox bet super 6 app and play the Georgia Senate runoff game for a chance to win 10,000. Pick six possible outcomes and watch fox news to see how it unfolds. Download now to get started. Get ready our most popular battery is now even more powerful. The stronger, lastslonger energizer max. Thats why i get up in the morning i have a secret method for remembering all my hr passwords. My boss doesnt remember approving my time off. Lets just. Find that email. The old way of doing business slows everyone down. 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I took at what would happen with the Senate Committees and new chairman if ossoff and warnock prevail tonight. Basically youll looking across the 10 major committees some Musical Chairs who takes over which committee as things might look now you will have pretty far left democrats taking over and the overall American Conservative Union average rating for these chairman will go from about 87. 4 given who republicans what it will be if republicans hang on down to 5. 7 across these committees among the chairman. An enormous jump to the left and the issue agenda will be like if we have that kind of change in personnel running these committees. One thing you wont see is investigations. If youre concerned about things like Election Fraud being investigated, hunter biden, his Fishy Business deals and any benefits that joe biden might have seen, the origins of the russia gate scandal and how it evolved. No investigations and those will be buried on capitol hill and never seen again. Sandra the Senate Candidates clearly for weeks been laying out what they see is at stake down in georgia and for the country. Here is david perdue. This is the last line of defense against this radical socialist agenda. You heard joe biden just today say that this is a generational election. What does he mean by that . Exactly what Chuck Schumer said. Take georgia and change america. Aoc said we want to win those two seats because we dont want to negotiate. They want the Green New Deal, bret, without compromise. Sandra those words from Chuck Schumer lived throughout these campaigns. Take georgia, change the country. And youve heard it repeated throughout. Thats absolutely right. To give you a couple examples what this would do from the committee standpoint. Imagine having the next federal budget written by Lindsey Graham with a 79. 6 acu rating. It will be Bernie Sanders if the democrats take over. If this bothers or scares you and you live in georgia, turn out and vote today for Kelly Loeffler and for david perdue. Also speak for this sort of advice to the gop poll watchers, election observers and so on. Part of the reason this trouble happened in november when they were bullied, harassed and blocked a lot left quietly. They need to make a lot of noise. I suggest everybody is a poll observer walk with a whistle like this. If you see anything inappropriate and bullied or harassed make noise and it will attract attention and i think the bullies will back down. These ought to be whistleblowers watching the polls and making sure counting is done honestly and transparently tonight. Sandra the secretary of state was on earlier saying it will be safe and secure and dependable. We appreciate you coming on with us, deroy. Good to see you. Great seeing you. Bill fox news alert now. Frightening scene outside the home of a republican senator. Check this out. Under attack, what do we do . We fight back. Bill those are protestors surrounding the home of senator josh hawley. He says they were making threats with his wife and newborn baby inside. He says antifa was behind it. Well check that out when we continue in a moment live in atlanta and new york coming up. My Psoriatic Arthritis pain . I had enough its not getting in my way. Joint pain, swelling, tenderness. Much better. My psoriasis, clearer. Cosentyx works on all of this. Four years and counting. So watch out. I got this watch me. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis look and feel better with cosentyx. Cosentyx works fast for results that can last. It treats the multiple symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis, like joint pain and tenderness, back pain, and helps stop further joint damage. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if youve had a vaccine, or plan to. Serious allergic reactions may occur. I just look and feel better. I got real relief with cosentyx. Watch me feel real relief. Ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. Research shows people remember so to help you remember that Liberty Mutual customizes your Home Insurance, heres one thatll really take you back. Its customized Home Insurance from Liberty Mutual only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Bill fox news alert from england british. Strict new lockdowns as a new and more contagious strain of covid spreads across that country. Benjamin hall is live in london for whats happening there. Big news, hello. Absolutely. Many people did not see this coming. Six weeks ago Boris Johnson said he thought things would be back to normal by christmas. Two days ago he said he believed schools were safe and children should go back to them. Here we are. New strain has meant britain enters its Third National lockdown. Streets across the country are empty. Nonessential shops closed and so are schools. People are required to stay at home. Not meet anyone else unless they have an essential reason to do so. The government says hospital are close to being overwhelmed. Monday there were 50,000 new covid cases and the seven day average of deaths has risen to 618 a day. Boris johnson what has been widely criticized for his handling of the covid crisis urged people to pull together. I want to say to everyone right across the u. K. That i know how tough this is. And i know how frustrated you are. And i know youve had more than enough of government guidance about dee feeting this virus. The u. K. Is pinning its hopes on the vaccine. Hope to get the major categories done by mid february. Bill. Bill wow. Got a ways to go. Good luck, okay. Thank you, sir. See you real soon. Democracy is under attack. What do we do . We fight back. Stand up and fight back. Sandra a group of activists targeting josh hawley gathering outside his family home. He says the group terrorized his wife and newborn daughter inside at the time. The demonstrators were protesting his plan to object to the Electoral College vote. Local Police Responding to that scene but no arrests were made. Well have a lot more on that coming up in just moments. Today is the day georgia voters returning to the polls to decide the outcome of the two Senate Runoff races. Polling locations across the state closing less than nine hours from now. The countdown is on and stakes could not be higher with control of the u. S. Senate hanging in the balance. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom. Im sandra smith. Im here in the fox news World Headquarters in new york city and bill hemmer is in georgia. Bill hello there. Great to be back. We thought it was over, right, two months ago . Now ive been waiting for this day. First week of january. Got a beautiful blue sky morning in southeastern part of the u. S. , atlanta, georgia. Chilly breeze. Winds from the north. We call it a winter wind. Sandra somebody get him a jacket. Bill we have a heater. Thats good. Sandra, polls are open as you pointed out. They go for another nine hours. In the 7 00 eastern time zone hour tonight when were on the air here in atlanta well get the first sense from various precincts and counties to give us an idea how the state is breaking in the Critical Senate matchups. Its quite apparent over everyone you talk to and the way you examine this state that these these are so close, these two races that polling operations havent even chosen to do polling here over the last 60 days. It is really a coin flip and that is where the drama lies here now in the year 2021. 3 million votes cast already. Ballotss in georgia today. Last minute scramble to get out the votes. Republican candidate david perdue urging his supporters to get to the polls saying the very future of the republic is at stake today. I believe republicans will show up today but i want to make this plea. If you voted in november, whatever you feel about the efficacy of this election process in georgia, and it does have some problems and we will get that fixed, we cant do much until after this election unfortunately. If you voted in november, please, get out and vote. Your children, grandchildren are going to look back on this day and remember how we handled ourselves today. Sandra Griff Jenkins covering todays big election live from dalton, georgia this morning. Hey, griff. How are you . Its been a fairly steady stream of voters coming into the Dalton City Hall polling location behind me. The precinct manager tells me it could be as busy as the president ial election. Here in north georgia the republicans are hoping for a big turnout and thats why the president was here last night for a long rally making a strong case of why they should turn out for loeffler and perdue, watch. President trump your vote tomorrow could lose and it could be your last chance to save the america that we love. Thats why im here. I dont want to do rallies for other people, i told you. Im here because of that. Because of david and kelly. Complicateing that message is the president s feud with the governor and secretary of state casting doubt on Election Integrity. President elect biden was down in atlanta trying to shore up support for warnock and ossoff saying that the future lies in the peach state voters hands. The power is literally in your hands unlike any time in my career. One state, one state can chart the course not just for the next four years but for the next generation. Unfortunately cameras not allowed inside the polling location here. We were able to talk to some voters when they came out about why and who they voted for. A sampling of what they said. I think having the house and senate and the white house all aligned will be whats beneficial for seeing things move forward in our country. Im hopeful important the candidates. The officials here say inside theyre confident about the integrity of todays election and they expect at the end of the day to have accurate and honest results, although as bill pointed out the races are so close we may not know them by the end of today or even tomorrow morning. It could take longer. Sandra. Sandra Griff Jenkins, thank you. Be sure to tune into special coverage tonight of these critical Runoff Elections hosted by bret baier and Martha Maccallum at 6 00 p. M. Eastern time and full coverage throughout the day here as well all right here on the fox news channel. Its an attack on our democracy. We wont let people hold our country hostage and infringe on our rights. Every ballot has been counted. It is over. It was democracy. What do we do . Democracy is under attack. Bill what you are watching there is protestors rallying out josh hawleys home overnight to reject tomorrows certification of electoral votes for joe biden. Senator hawley was the first senator announced his intention to object. Interesting scene that starts at 1 00 wednesday afternoon. Mike emanuel good morning. Whats the controversy over what happened at hawleys home first. Start there. Difference of opinion. Activists say it was a peaceful vigil to object to the electoral vote tomorrow. Senator josh hawley. Tonight while i was in missouri antifa scum bags came to our place and threatened my wife and newborn daughter who cant travel. They vandalized and tried to pound open our door. Let me be clear. We wont be intimidated by left wing violence. More video from the scene. Take a look. How dare you allow [inaudible] we will occupy this space. Show me what democracy looks like. Senator hawley is one of the leading voices expected to object when it is congresss turn to certify Election Results. His constituents expect him to raise the concerns about the fairness of the election. This is the forum that the constitution and the statutes provide and they also want action. They want an investigation into these irregularities. They want new election laws to make sure our elections are secure Going Forward. This is my chance to stand up and speak for them. The protests at hawleys home comes with controversy over newly elected house member wanting to carry a firearm for protection here in washington there is an absolute uproar over people wanting to defend myself. Im 5 foot and 100 pounds in one of the most dangerous cities in america. I dont go to work in an armored vehicle. Im my own security and my basic right is the right to defend myself. Tensions are up in washington ahead of the battle over election certification on capitol hill tomorrow. Bill well be watching it. Big coverage tomorrow throughout the day. Mike emanuel in washington, thank you. Sandra even more tension in the nations capitol. Protestors planning to take to the streets ahead of the certification of the Electoral College votes when a joint session of congress will convene and it could get heated. A number of senators and representatives plan to challenge the results of the 2020 election and some of those key battleground states. One of the lawmakers joins us now, andy biggs of arizona. Good morning to you. Why do you plan to object to the certification of the 2020 election . I think number one it is our opportunity to contest the election in congress. But there are a couple of things in arizona and some of the other states and i would say there is constitutional issues that need to be resolved because the states have the authority to designate time, place and manner but in arizona, for instance, we had a judiciary step in and basically arbitrarily go over a state statute that they said was constitutional and appropriate and yet they decided to ash traorely extend times of registering. 150,000 voters registered who otherwise should not have voted. Thats a violation of the constitution. Then you have all kinds of issues where the courts have prevented people from who said we have an affidavit there is something wrong here, we want to investigate and want discovery and courts have said we wont let you do that. So there are issues both on the constitutional side as well as on the fraudulent side that need to be looked at very closely. This is an opportunity for americans to hear that debate and i think thats very important to understand in a Constitutional Republic where we have a representative form of government. Sandra have you spoken with the secretary of state in arizona about this and shared your concerns . No, not with katie hobbs who i have known for a long time. She has taken the position that if you support trump you are she used some rather inflammatory language lets put it that way. No need to talk with her really. The real issue for me is trying to reach out to the governor, reach out to the state legislators. Sandra let me tell you what katie hobbs said. She is the top Elections Official in your state. She is a democrat as you mentioned. She is saying these republican congressmen have not raised these concerns with her and finds it concerns. None of these folks including you she names you as well as others have reached out specifically to my office to address real concerns they may have which tells me they arent interested in a productive conversation. To that you say what . Well, two or three thing. Ive known katie for a long time. When she refers to Trump Supporters at nazis it loses the flavor of lets sit down and have a productive discussion. The second thing is i have a very experienced elections law former elections law official in arizona who has reached out and talked to staff for katie hobbs. The third thing is she is actually the only thing that she is doing is preventing the state legislature from getting access to the machines and the ballots that they want to cause for an independent audit. So she is irrelevant in some respects other than she is kind of holding up the audit that the state legislature has indicated it wants. Sandra i have a final question. Not all of your republican colleagues agree with objecting to the results of the 2020 election. Senator tom cotton threw a twist in this thing. He will not object. He said objecting to certified electoral votes will not give him, trump, a second term. It will only embolden the democrats who want to erode our system of constitutional government. So address his concerns and his decision to not get in the way of the results. When you have constitutional violations on the front end in arizona with time, place and manner, to say we arent going to object because that will erode Election Integrity, i am trying to assert Election Integrity. If you think allowing fraud and constitutional violations is going to somehow assure that we have Election Integrity in the future, i have to just beg to differ with senator cotton. Sandra final thought. Whats the endgame . People see you are doing this. You are passionate about doing this. Well see what happens tomorrow. But is your endgame to overturn the results of the election or to change things for the next election . Well, the first thing is to provide Election Integrity and raise the issue of Election Integrity. Going forward you have to do that. The second thing is you have to have the debate. Weve never been able to have the debate on the constitutional issues that i mentioned as well as the fraudulent issues that have been out there. We havent had that debate. We have to have that opportunity. The third thing is this is a process that whether we like it or not its statutorily been in place and it is there to use and so were going to use that process. And im a big believer, sandra, i told this to the president , i think you fight until there is no more air in the coffin. Thats really the endgame here is we have to keep fighting this thing through and the odds are strongly against this, i think i know that and people know that but we have got to continue to fight for what we believe is the constitutional form of government that is our way of life. Thats really what this is about. Sandra congressman andy biggs, great to have you on this morning. Thank you for your time. Bill so it is dday. Decision day in georgia. Two Senate Runoffs determining control of the senate. President trump last night. Big rally in northern georgia to turn out the republican vote. How did that go . Fox friends cohost pete hegseth is with me in a moment live. President trump there is no place like a trump rally. You know what . This is a kelly and david rally. I wouldnt do it unless i loved them both. Keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. You need to hire. I need indeed indeed you do. 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Money for security today, money for retirement tomorrow. Refiplus. Its only for veterans and its only from newday usa. President trump the radical democrats are trying to capture Georgias Senate seats so they can wield unchecked, unrestrained, absolute power over every aspect of your life. Bill President Trump at a big rally last night in dalton, georgia, calling on voters to keep republicans in charge of the senate in todays big Runoff Election. Two big races today warning that democrats can do a lot of damage if they control the white house and both houses of congress. Meanwhile, todays cover of the New York Post reads this way. War and peach. About napoleons invasion of russias book war and peace. It is pete hegseth in atlanta. Great to be on set with you. Bill early today, the winter winds blowing in. What do you think about the rally last night . What was your gauge on his message . It served the purpose the president wanted. Listen, he had two missions and delivered on both of them last night. He said one was kind of a head mind mission. Another was the heart. You could tell in his heart he is still, you know, totally laser focused on what happened on november 3. What is going to happen on wednesday in the house of representatives and senate really matters to him. The challenging of the count and where his gut and heart is. His mind like the voters going to the ballot say you cant discount these votes. They need a huge turnout election day. Bill you are thinking a million plus in person today. They know Stacey Abrams and the democrats have built a machine here focused on trying to turn the state purple or blue. They know they have to overcome that. They know they have to overcome the legitimate skepticism of Republican Voters who feel like their vote wasnt counted as much as it should have. Lets block this radical left agenda that would be in the senate should they get the gavel. Bill two things here. Kelly loeffler on the streets Sandy Springs, georgia. For a long time said the unincorporated sand asprings north of the city of atlanta. A lot of blue votes for the democrats come from that part of the state. Back to the New York Post. Headline i showed you. Here is what they say. Georgias duty stop the far left from dominating congress. Advance it one time. Regulation will increase, a jobkilling Green New Deal becomes a real possibility. Court packing and socialized medicine to say nothing of the way United Democratic front will impose identity politics of the nation and cancel offenders any way they can. Absolutely. First they are correct. Look at the people. You have a Bernie Sanders socialist in charge of the budget committee. Who controlled the judiciary, across each gavel you go from someone who is America First to someone who has a very different perspective. Then you look at the overarching things they would want to change from packing the court. Getting rid of the filibuster, adding states. Things that are significant structurally. At that point then they seek to ram the entire agenda of the left that they want which is why when you hear Chuck Schumer say when we win georgia you change americans and the message of republicans saying we want to save america. It is all at stake. Dont get me wrong. For a lot of supporters of the president the election on november 3 is still what they are most focused on but realize whether or not it can be changed or not but realize the vote in the senate is critical to saving the republic. Bill that schumer clip has been played a million times and gop can play it two million times. It revealed in two months we would be in atlanta, georgia waiting for the vote. Well see you in washington tomorrow. It will be a day. Well be there. Sandra a more contagious strain of covid showing up in four states already. What you need to know about that. Plus Georgia Voting underway, the key counties to watch when the counting begins and the path to victory. Man whats my safelite story . My truck. Is my livelihood. So when my windshield cracked. The experts at Safelite Autoglass came right to me. With service i could trust. Right, girl . Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Itthe new sleep numberst pric360 smart bed. On on what if i sleep hot . Or cold . No problem, with temperature balancing you can sleep better together. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with mom . You got this. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now during the lowest prices of the season, save up to 1000 on new sleep number 360 smart beds. Only for a limited time. To learn more, go to sleepnumber. Com. Some things are good to know. 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Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Ask your doctor about eliquis. And if your ability to afford your medication has changed, we want to help. Bill we have about nine hours to go before you start to get results in. On the map behind me this is what happened november 3. A squieker of a race between joe biden and donald trump. Where do democrats go for votes in the state . Pick up a few here in this county. This is macon. Joe biden 2 to 1 winner. Democrats pick up votes in Chatham County savannah, 60 for joe biden back in november. Then they come right here into the Metro Atlanta area. Nine counties that are guaranteed to go blue and republicans need to respond not just in those nine counties but in the 29 counties that surround the atlanta area. Then they need to go to the rural areas of northern georgia and southern georgia and really run up the numbers. That will give them an opportunity to keep this race just competitive but possibly victorious later tonight. What do i look at right now on the map . Look at some of the republican areas north of atlanta. This is cherokee county, georgia. You see the change in the vote from 2016. Seven points in favor of democrats. It shows you some good evidence why the state of georgia is changing. Ill pop over here to forsythe county as well. A pretty good population. A lot of votes in both these counties. Look at the change in democrats from 2016, 8 1 2 points. So you have traditionally reliable republican parts of the state that are trending toward the blue team. Thats pretty evident here. Point to one more here. I talked about macon. This is the difference plus 5 1 2 for democrats. A lot of republican votes in these parts of the state and thats what theyre trying to do today. Get the message out to get out and vote. Well see whether or not the message is effective. Sandra how did you get the board there . Do you have a suitcase he brings it everywhere he goes. Bill we have a big suitcase. Sandra good stuff. Highly contagious strain of the coronavirus first spotted in the u. K. Identified in four states. New york confirming the states first known case of the mutant strain in saratoga, county. A man in his 60s with no history of recent travel suggesting it is already spreading in the community. Dr. Marc siegel and fox news contributor. I think this is the last thing we need to hear about. Your book on the covid, politics of fear and the power of science as if we need one more thing to fear. Tell us what we need to know about this new strain now in new york state. Youve pointed out first thing. It is not necessarily linked to travel in all of these cases. Which absolutely implies that it is embedded in these communities and there are more cases than were hearing. There are still isolated cases. The concern is it has a survival advantage. Multiple mutations. I dont want anybody to be scared. These viruses are mutating all the time and always changing. This particular strain, though, is more contagious. It does not make you sicker. It does not make you more likely to die from it. It looks like the vaccines cover it very well. But it has an advantage in terms of spread. So over the spring not before the spring but over the spring it may very well become a predominant strain the way it did in the united kingdom. The race between getting everybody vaccinated and the emergence of this strain. Sandra tell us about that. So many people are wondering why this vaccination process isnt happening faster. From your view should more people be vaccinated by now considering the large numbers of Vaccines Available and being distributed . Its especially since weve seen 5 Million People accept it without much side effects. It really shows how safe this vaccine is. So yes, it really needs to be ramped up and the fact that the pharmacy chains are now involved, cvs, walgreens and costco should help. Two issues. One as the general said, the distribution has not been what we want in terms of operation warp speed. We needed more millions of doses but really the administration problem at the state level has varied from state sto state. In florida today you see seniors lining up overnight trying to get a vaccine. In wisconsin you see healthcare workers say they dont know where to go. In new york there is over regulation and the governor saying he will fine hospitals at the same time that he wants verification that hospital workers really are entitled to the vaccine. I think the answer is more clinics and more staffing, more 24 hour sites available so that we really take seriously constant administration of this vaccine. Sandra have you gotten your second shot . I did great with the first. I get the second shot in a week. One week. I actually cant wait. I feel like i have a growing immunity here to protect my patients and me and very excited about it. Next shot next week. Ill report on it. Sandra thank you. Bill thank you, sandra. The divide over the Electoral College within the republican ranks. One of President Trumps biggest allies in the senate saying he has nothing to gain from objecting to the vote count. What does it mean for the party . All eyes on georgia. Its dday as in decision day. The president holding dueling rallies on the eve of the crucial Senate Runoffs. Will they play a role in todays ultimate outcome in well check that out coming up next. President trump you are going to show up at the polls in record numbers. You have to swamp them. Together well defeat the democrat extremists. Its a new n homeowners with va loans. With Mortgage Rates at record lows just one call to newday can lower your payment and save you 3000 a year. Thats me. The va streamline refi is a benefit you earned with your service. And at newday, theres no Income Verification, and no appraisal. Thats me. The va streamline refi from newday usa. Get the savings you deserve. President trump you cannot let them, you just cant let them steal the u. S. Senate. You cant let it happen. You cant let it happen. David and kelly are running against the most extreme liberal candidates in the history of your state. You will be sending two senators who will fight for you, who will put georgia first, who will put you first. You dont have that now. You have two senators now who think they dont work for you, they work for trump. Bill so you had an afternoon rally with joe biden and an evening rally with President Trump both holding rallies before the day of the big vote. It will decide who will control the senate and national agenda. Molly hemingway, welcome to the program. Good morning to you. What did you think of the closing arguments that we heard yesterday . Its interesting that both men felt the need to go to georgia. It is a National Race even though it is a state race for senators. Everybody is paying attention because. National implications. Interesting also to compare the two rallies. Joe biden did an afternoon rally, spoke for a few short minutes compared to Donald Trumps signature rallies that are massive and full of energy. It is a very weird year. Usually you would expect the person who won the presidency to have huge coattails and to be an important contest like that. Barely an afterthought compared to trump who everybody understands is needed for the Republican Party to get his voters to help out other republicans and vote today. And it is not something that you would normally see that the excitement and energy and enthusiasm would be with the losing candidate. But it is thats the case and shows how donald trump will be important to the Republican Party in the days to come. Bill bill mcgurn was writing about that point in the wall street journals. An interesting point. Well see how it falls in georgia throughout the day. Tomorrow with the Electoral College debate on the floor of the senate 1 00 in the afternoon this could be walltowall coverage. What is your expectation for tomorrow and what well likely hear from about a dozen republican senators or so . Well, right, this is the considered the last chance to really make the case for Republican Voters who are frustrated at how sloppy this election was. The circumstances of the year plus a lot of litigation made it so that we had expansive mailin balloting, less scrutiny of the mailin ballots and frustration of all the irregularities that came with it. A few senators standing up and saying something about it. Im surprised how many it is. It shows the resonance of this topic among Republican Voters who are livid and frustrated about more isnt being done to secure elections and also a strong issue Going Forward and people are seeing what people are willing to do in terms of advocacy for the Republican Voters who feel very strongly that this was no way to run an election. Bill so make sense of those two nights ago tom cotton said he wont object. Previously he suggested he might do that. Then we get a tweet from the president. Here it is. How can you certify an election when the numbers being certified are verifyably wrong . Youll see the real numbers tonight during my speech but especially january 6, tomorrow. Senator tom cotton, pluses an minuses. One thing is sure they never forget in all caps. Whats going on there . Well, i think that you are seeing pressure on republicans to do something tomorrow. I think that people can in good faith have different ideas about how to handle all the problems were seeing in this election. Tom cotton is making a case for why he doesnt think there is a role for him to play. Other people like hawley have made other cases that the role they can play in defending Republican Voters and the american electoral system. More important Going Forward is for voters is do they see these senators as doing things on behalf of the voters or caring about the voters and the republic itself. Tom cotton, there is a dispute right now, will fare all right in the calculus in the days to come. Bill debate will be interesting tomorrow when it goes down. Thank you, molly, nice to see you. Sandra fox news alert now. Republican senator outraged after protestors showed up at his home overnight. [shouting] sandra senator josh hawley accusing antifabacked protestors of threatening his wife and newborn child who were inside that home at the time. Have these protestors gone too far . Plus its election day in the Georgia Senate runoffs with more than 3 million early votes already cast. Why our next guest says why minority voters will be critical to todays outcome. Thats speaker newt gingrich. He will join us live next. New advil dual action with acetaminophen fights pain in two ways. Advil targets pain at the source. While acetaminophen blocks pain signals. The future of pain relief is here. New advil dual action. Inflammation in your eye might be to blame. Ck, looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes overthecounter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. Ha these drops probably wont touch me. Xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. What is that . Xiidra, noooo it can provide lasting relief. Xiidra is the only fda approved treatment specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. One drop in each eye, twice a day. 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At least 3 Million People are already casting early votes that could help democrats, of course. Republicans could pull off a victory with a strong turnout today. Newt gingrich joins us. Speaker, great to have you here this morning. You offer unique and interesting perspective in the state you know so well. Why are you writing about the minority showing and how that could really swing things in favor of the republicans come the election outcome . I think what weve seen, for example, with the latino vote has been substantial shift towards the republicans. And as you know, President Trump did better with minority voters of all kinds, africanamerican, asian american, latino better than any republican has in 60 years. So i think the great bulk of the vote that will elect senator loeffler and senator perdue is going to be traditional classic white republicans but the party has begun to make genuine inroads into other communities and that marginal difference may be the margin that decides the election. Thats what beat stacy abrams in 2018. She lost a substantial number of africanamerican males particularly in rural georgia who thought she was too liberal and urban. Same thing happened in florida where Governor Desantis got 19 of the black female vote against an africanamerican candidate because of the issue of school choice. So i think that at the margins were doing better in those areas. I also have been checking with friends all morning and it looks like we have a pretty good turnout almost everywhere. If that happens today, we have over 8,000 precinct workers out there as poll watchers and i think it will be a much more honest count than it was on november 3 and a carefully studied count and i feel pretty good well keep both seats. Sandra did you ever think we would be at this point . Here we are january 5th and in particular, mr. Speaker, when you look at some of these districts that bill is pointing out on the board throughout the morning that were republican strongholds for so long that are now up for grabs. We saw it in the president ial election and now today so close in these senate races. Did you ever imagine . No, but then i think its impossible to imagine the trump revolution until youve lived it. If you said to me in 2015 i would have said it was impossible. It is eye ron i can in terms of the classic democratic party. Whats happening is blue collar workers, people who earn a living, have been coming to the Republican Party and upper middle class intellectuals and welleducated suburbanites are drifting toward the democratic party. You see dramatic changes and i think the president carried 17 out of 19 bellwether counties across the country that are no longer bellwethers its because amazingly strong as he is pretty weak in the center of atlanta or the center of savannah. Sandra all good points. Do you want to offer any predictions, mr. Speaker, on election day . Look, im an optimist. I think it would be 51 49 or slightly better for both loeffler and perdue. I think people will vote for their team. I think the president was very effective last night in building up momentum on his base. I think biden did about as well as biden can do. Very different personalities and have very different kinds of strengths. There is no biden army. There is a trump army. It got 74 million votes. And i think you will see trump be a force in american politics for a very long time. Sandra interesting. Great to have you here this morning. Bill. Bill interesting. Thank you, sandra. Do as i say not as i do. New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo accused of hypocrisy concerning covid deaths inside of Nursing Homes in new york. Critics are calling him out on that next. Refiplus from newday it lets you refinance at todays record low rates plus get cash. With Mortgage Rates low and home values high refiplus can help you lower your rate plus turn your home equity into an average of 50,000. Money for security today. Money for retirement tomorrow. Refiplus from newday usa. Bill here is a cruel twist. New york state fining Nursing Homes missing deadlines in reporting covid19 deaths in their facilities only if they are a minute late. The state does not feel any urgency to report its own data. The New York Post columnist and former Lieutenant Governor of new york. Whats the story here . The story is once again andrew cuomo is showing a callous disregard for human life. Last spring he ordered Nursing Homes to take in seniors and other patients with covid as they were discharged from hospitals even though it would mean that the infection would rage through those Nursing Homes. We know it cost about 12,000 deaths. And now now he is showing the same disregard for human life again, the cdc centers for Disease Control and prevention asked new york to present a plan how will you distribute the lifesaving vaccine . New york sent 87 pages. He didnt bother to plan. He criticize the vaccine because it was coming from trump administration. Who is bearing the brunt . Seniors and Cancer Patients. Seniors particularly age 65 and 74 pushed to the back of the line in new york along with Cancer Patients. In florida and texas seniors can register and get in line for a vaccine. They may have to wait a while but in new york they find themselves totally in the dark hearing it may take months before they are even eligible for a vaccine. It is all about politics, bill. In fact, cuomo recently appointed a task force on vaccine equity. It included all the unions that support him in election time. The immigration groups, the civil rights groups, was there one cancer doctor on this task force . No. We know that Cancer Patients who should be at the front of the line are most likely to get this infection, twice as likely to need hospitalization and three times as likely to die from it. Bill its the first week of january. Can new york city or new york state catch up on the vaccination front . What should be done . What they should do is set up mass vaccination sites, call in the National Guard like other states are doing. In 1947 new york city was hit with smallpox. Believe it or not a traveler unknowingly brought it to new york. As soon as that traveler was diagnosed with smallpox the city swung into action and vaccinated 6 Million People in a month. First come, first serve. Line up and get your vaccine. In addition to paying attention to specific groups they should be doing that again. Bill not a moment too soon. Betsy mccoy from the New York Post. Thank you for your commentary. Thank you, betsy. Sandra meanwhile georgia on the minds of many as voters head to the polls in two highstake Senate Elections with huge implications for the entire country. Welcome to a new hour of americas newsroom. Im sandra smith. Great to have you this morning, bill. Bill good morning. I expect a lot when im back in new york. Im bill hemmer. Good morning from atlanta. The big day, sandra, big guns from both parties making final pitches. President trump, president elect biden campaigning for their partys candidates in georgia. A lot of power on the line as republicans fight to keep the senate letting them have a check on the Biden Administration. New york post cover sums up the battle down here, the war and peach. Republican david perdue saying the economy is also on the ballot today. This is the greatest economic turn around in u. S. History before covid in the last four years. After eight years of the lowest economic output under the biden obama administration. We forget that. We pulled back on regulations. Passed a tax bill that helped the people in poverty. Nothing the man does is he going to get fairly treated by the liberal press. He came to georgia last night because he knows the future of the country is on the line here. Bill want us to forget about the economy precovid. Peter doocy live in georgia. Good morning. Good morning. And the Democratic Candidates continue to update their closing arguments to talk about that released audio of President Trump pressuring the georgia secretary of state to find 11,000 votes for him to reverse bidens win in this state as they try to make loeffler and perdue seem as cozy as possible with the president. What you really ought to be concerned about is that you have two sitting United States senators who are not standing up for the voters of georgia and saying when the voters speak we ought to respect what the voters say even if we dont like the outcome. But the republicans here are not distancing themselves from trump. Kelly loeffler joined the president s effort to object to the Electoral College and she shared the stage to get in a few shots at her opponent. My opponent radical liberal Raphael Warnock attacks yeah, he attacked our police, our military. He spoke out against israel, evangelicals, small businesses, georgia, we have to hold the line. Were at a polling place in atlanta right now. You can see there is not a huge line to get in. There were plenty more press than voters here a few minutes ago. Jon ossoff dropped in. I asked him a question about something his republican opponents have been trying to associate him with, a comment a few weeks ago from Chuck Schumer now we take georgia and then we change america. I asked ossoff if he thinks thats see you. Peter doocy in atlanta. Sandra the Biden Transition Team reportedly planning two different paths forward depending on the outcome in georgia. A loss in senate seats biden would be forced to scale back his legislative agenda. Bret baier is the anchor of special report. This is what its all about, right . Good morning. Thats what this is all about. A controlled u. S. Senate changes the calculation for the legislative agenda for biden. Not the things theyre pushing for. Covid and stimulus will drive the day. But the scale of those priorities would change dramatically if they win two senate seats here or if they lose one of them and Mitch Mcconnell is still the head of the senate. Privately democrats say it is an uphill battle in georgia because of the numbers of where georgia is. If you look at the november 3 numbers, david perdue wins by 88,000. If you look at the loeffler race who also had doug collins in it. Kind of a lot of different characters in there. If you put the republican vote together they beat Raphael Warnock by 636,000. It changed because of the challenges President Trump made a couple of things difficult for these candidates but there is still this thought inside democratic circles that it would be a big uphill battle and some people say a miracle to pull off two wins here. Well see. Sandra you mentioned the president making some things difficult on these candidates. Some even republicans calling his recent actions a distraction. Marsha blackburn on fox this week saying that it wasnt helpful what we heard on that leaked phone call from the president talking to the georgia secretary of state. I asked the georgia secretary of state raffensperger this morning, bret, about that while many republicans have acknowledged obviously they didnt approve of the contents of that call in the efforts of the president. Still i asked did he need to leak that video and here is how he responded. I dont understand how truth will jeopardize the country. Come to our office. Come on by. I have the numbers if front and weve posted them yesterday as part of our press conference. They will be part of our filings for the lawsuits. Sandra thats how he plans to respond to the Trump Legal Team taking him on over that leaked call, bret. Yeah. The secretary of state has been under fire. The governor has been under fire by the president. I will say that the split of the speech last night was beneficial, i think, to the two republican candidates here. He did spend a significant amount of time talking about Kelly Loeffler and david perdue. He did talk in the speech about what it means to have control of the senate. But as we predicted, a lot of the speech was about fighting back, pushing back on what he says was a stolen election. Thats not going to go away. It will only increase tomorrow as we see what happens in washington here in georgia, there is a feeling that it is not going to prevent people from coming out but if it even diminishes north georgia number for republicans that could be an issue. Sandra meanwhile on confidence in this election here was more from raffensperger earlier. You want to make sure that everyone has confidence. There has been so many false ruminations and disinformation that has been going on that it has hurt voter confidence in this election and why President Trump had to come and undo the damage that he started. He had people that supported him telling people not to come out to vote. No, we need people to come out to vote. It is very important. Sandra bret, can you tell us from what weve heard from our reporters on the ground, across the state this morning, what were seeing so far as that as far as the inperson voter turnout on election day . Just anecdotally from fox 5 and other sources we hear the lines are long at polling places around the state. It is a gorgeous day here. Bill hemmer may be a little cold. It is like 55 and sunny. And i think its it bodes well for republicans. They have to hit 63 , its very possible. They were at 65 election day on november 3. It will be close. Were probably we should get our head around this. We probably wont know winners tonight and its possible we may not know tomorrow. It took georgia 10 days in the general election in november. Sandra you will be covering every minute of it. That bill hemmer. I have a list, i have to send him a jacket, turn up the heat, send him a latte. Hard to keep up with him. Bill i got nothing for christmas. Sandra well see you tonight. Bill thank you, bret, speak for yourself. Democrats upping the ante hoping to drive a huge turnout at the polls. One state can chart the course not just of the next four years, but for the next generation. By electing jon and the reverend you can make an immediate difference in your own lives. The lives of the people across this country. Because their election will put an end to the block in washington for 2,000 stimulus checks. Bill lets bring in georgia congressman buddy carter. Will you object to the certification, sir, tomorrow . Yes, i will be objecting to the certification and a number of my colleagues in the georgia delegation. Bill and your objection could influence the turnout today for republicans how do you believe, sir . No, i do not believe my rejection will influence it. I believe it will influence it in a positive manner. Look, we understand the implications of this. The most important federal race in georgia and one of the most important weve ever had in this country. People understand whats at risk here and understand the balance of power lies in the state of georgia and these two elections today and this runoff. They understand the house will be under democratic control and understand there is a possibility that the white house will be under democratic control and because of that, they understand how important it is for us to elect these two republican senators to the United States senate so that we have a back stop here, so that we have a way that if indeed the white house is under democratic control, that we have a back stop and we can control this. Bill here is President Trump from last night. He is making a similar point to what you are making here. Specific question about this. President trump i want a great country, i want these two very special people to be elected. If you dont go and vote, the socialists, the marxists, will be in charge of our country. If you dont fight to save your country with everything you have, youre not going to have a country left. Bill i was looking at your Congressional District in the southeastern corner of the state. You cover savannah that is blue and a lot of red counties. When im poking around on that map and look at the vote difference between 2016 and 2020 i find a lot of these counties have an uptick of democratic turnout as opposed to republican. Can you explain to our audience whats happening in georgia . Why is that . It is easy to understand. Weve had decades of Republican Leadership and therefore we have a great state. We have a state with a high quality of life, a state that is creating jobs, we have a state that people want to move to. What is happening is these people from the blue states much like texas and much like the other red states that have controlled their taxes and have maintained the high quality of life and that have created jobs, people are moving in from the blue states and i bringing their politics with them. It is not hard to understand whats happening in the state of georgia. Bill very interesting. So the trend is not your friend, then, is that what i hear . Hopefully they will understand and learn that look, we welcome them but we dont welcome their politics. They need to understand that its because of Republican Leadership that we have built the state that we have built and it is because of Republican Leadership that they are wanting to come to this state. They are wanting the move here. Weve created jobs. Georgia has been seven or eight years in a row the most businessfriendly state in the country under Republican Leadership. It is important for people to keep that in mind. What are you moving away from . Why are you leaving california and illinois and new york state, why are you coming here . Bill buddy carter, thank you for your time and well see how it goes tonight if we get results tonight. Nice to see you from washington from our friends at fox bet download to win the senate game. Pick six possible outcomes and see how it unfolds. Download the app now to get started. I have think ill do that, sandra and take you on, my lady and well see who wins. Sandra we keep our wagers to a buck, dont you remember . I always win. Missouri senator josh hawley saying antifa threatened his family at their home. When democracy is under attack what do we do . Stand up and fight back. Sandra that group of protestors claims their demonstration there was peaceful. Plus progressive democrats want to see more than a trillion dollars in student debt wiped out when the Biden Administration take over. How would that work . Money man Charles Payne will join us to take us through the numbers. I didnt know why my body was moving on its own. It turns out i have tardive dyskinesia, a condition that may be related to important medications i take from my bipolar disorder. Tardive dyskinesia can affect different parts of the body. It may also affect people who take medication for depression and schizophrenia. [narrator] in todays trying times, were here to help you manage td. Visit talkabouttd. Com for a doctor discussion guide to prep for your next appointment in person, over the phone or online. Its a relief to know there are treatments for td. Democracy is under attack. What do we do . Stand up. What do we do . Stand up and fight back. Bill disturbing scene outside the home of sen for josh hawley in Northern Virginia saying protestors were threatening his wife and newborn child. Tension ahead of washington ahead of the election certification. Rich edson, a big day tomorrow starting early in the morning, rich. Good morning today. Good morning there, bill. What weve got is protestors beginning to show up here in washington that scene that you saw in front of josh hawleys house is mostly thar getting him because he is the republican senator to say he would object to some of those states results when the Congress Tomorrow begins counting the results of the Electoral College. Those proceedings on capitol hill were a mile from where we are now is the reason this scene is now gathering here. This is what is going to be the beginning of a mass demonstration here in washington, d. C. The City Government is preparing for these protests and events. They are also preparing for the possibility they might turn violent again. D. C. Is mobilizing the National Guard. The mayor said the National Guard will not carry firearms but help with crowd control and road closings. Washington has also closed off much of downtown to traffic from today until thursday and warned that firearms are not allowed in the city for these protests. Thousands of President Trump supporters are expected here. They have tens of thousands a couple of months ago. The National Park service said it approved a permit for what it is calling a rally for revival to begin in an hour and a half scheduled to run 8 30. D. C. Has had protests like this before. You had the protests in november and last month. They are peaceful during the day. You have marches and signs and speakers. The problem is later in the evening you have the far right groups and far left groups. They find each other where youve had a couple of stabbings in the last couple of months, fighting, assaults. Thats what officials are looking out for here in washington, d. C. Today. Back to you guys. Bill keep it safe. Nice to see you rich edson in washington sandra has more. Sandra more on the rising tensions lets bring in our politics editor at the washington journal. Thats the scene in washington should we expect more of it . There are fears in the Washington Area about violence or clashes between antifa and right wing Trump Supporters. So a lot of the local jurisdictions around washington their elected officials have said dont go to washington or go into the city. There is a real fear of violence and volatility in the next couple days. Sandra as far as images weve seen in recent days of Mitch Mcconnells house getting vandalized, the front door, images of Nancy Pelosis house. Weve seen these images in recent days. Now the story about senator josh hawley as a result of him saying he will object to the certification of the election. Your thoughts on that. Look, its unacceptable and frankly obscene behavior for anyone any group of protestors to threaten or intimidate a lawmaker at his own home. The tactic of confronting elected officials at home is outrageous and its not a partisan issue. It should be condemned across the aisle. It underscores both the stories the biggest divide right now in our politics isnt necessarily a left versus right divide but a divide between classical liberalism and authoritarianism. You are hearing fears in washington of Trump Supporters engaging in violence and vandalism. You have seen what you saw at josh hawleys home in virginia just last night. This is unacceptable behavior and stuff that should be condemned on all sides. Too many people and partisans are excusing and silent about this behavior. Sandra and it is because he said this. This was him laying out his plan to object to certification of the Electoral College tomorrow. This is the forum that the constitution and the statutes provide and they also want action. They want an investigation into these irregularities. They want new election laws to make sure our elections are secure Going Forward. This is my chance to stand up and speak for them and somebody has got to take their concerns seriously and speak up and thats what im going to do. Sandra were left wondering how it will play out tomorrow having Kelly Loeffler ahead of todays election going on the record supporting the objection as well. Buckle up, sandra, it will be a long 24 hours on wednesday and probably going into thursday. Look, there is a clear political imperative. Hawley said what he is doing is to represent Trump Supporters who believe the election was stolen from the president. Kelly loeffler who last night for the first time declared she would join in that protest is trying to rally the trump base ahead of todays election in georgia. It is all politics. A lot of it is theater. They are clearly trying to court favor with the president even as a growing number of republicans are actually going the other direction and rejecting those tactics. Sandra thanks for joining us. Thanks. Bill back here in atlanta now l. A. County reaching a crisis point at covid cases skyrocket. Ambulance drivers told not to take dying people to the hospital . Theyre running out of room . Well check in on that. Also as joe bidens victory in georgia a fluke or a sign the peach state is turning blue . My next guest knows about that. Former congressman tom price here in atlanta will talk to me next. [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. 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Sandra top headlines at the bottom of the hour. Los angeles now so overwhelmed by the spread of the coronavirus that emergency crews are being told to bring the most serious not to bring the most seriously ill patients to hospital to save limited oxygen supplies for the patients will the best chance of surviving. Bill f. B. I. Warning hackers are targeting classrooms as a lot of kids return to distance learnings. Cyberattacks on schools are up 30 . They range from getting money to disrupting classrooms with offensive language. Sandra c. I. A. Unveiling a new website. The recruiting site designed to attract top talent from all backgrounds and representing all of america. Women lead all five divisions of the c. I. A. And a woman is now its director. It still lags the rest of the federal workforce in minority hires. Recorded record numbers in november. Your voices were heard and votes counted. We need you to vote again in record numbers. Make your voices heard again and to change georgia, to change america again. Bill there it is. The message democrats hope for backtoback wins in georgia today. With the recent surge of support in the longtime republican stronghold does it have staying power . Or was november just a fluke . Tom price knows the state as well as anyone. Former georgia congressman and former hhs secretary. Thank you for your time. Are you in atlanta as well. You represented the 6th district just north of atlanta for a long time. Speaking with a member of the delegation a short time ago buddy carter he says democrats are moving in from other states. I dont know if thats the case or not. Im poking around the map and look at the difference in the vote between 2016 and 2020, there are so many places where democrats just performed better this year. How come . And they did. Some of it is folks moving in no doubt. They forget they moved away from a democrat state for a reason and they bring their politics with them. But it is also a changing environment here especially in the suburban area. Weve seen this for a number of cycles now. It is not a surprise. Georgia is a swing state now. Bill early vote here it is. The numbers total early vote more than 3 million. Back in november that number was well over 4 million. Then you have 966,000 absentee mailin votes cast. Republicans say they need a million votes in line today. Can they get there . I think a million would be a comfortable margin for republicans. It is more in the range of 800,000. If 800,000 folks go to the polls today it is likely republicans will pull the two seats out. If they dont, then it is more likely the democrats take both of those seats. It is an either or. I dont think there will be many split ballots cast in this election. The democrats have done a very good job in getting the early vote and absentee vote out. This is something new for our state in terms of the numbers. Republicans usually vote more on the actual election day and that will be true today as well. The question is as you say what are the numbers going to be . How many folks will turn out . The more the better for republicans. Bill 800,000. You are 20 below what some of the other projections were. Well see who is right in the end. There you go. Your board will tell us. Bill yes, we will in realtime. Scotland went into a lockdown. England followed yesterday. Is that where were headed do you think . What do you make of this . I dont think so because of the varied nature of our nation. And obviously the states are in control of the Public Health apparatus. So i think thats unlikely. There may be certain areas that do so depending on the incidence of transmission and the rate of transmission of the disease and whether or not how pervasive this new mutant strain is of covid that is more transmissible but not more deadly but more trance missible, the incidence will likely tick up. Bill what is your view of the vaccination process so far . It seems to be a little stubborn. What do you make of that . I think its important for us to step back and recognize what it is that weve done. That is that we brought online in this nation and the world here two different vaccines for a novel virus, a new disease within the span of one year. Never been done before. It is important we appreciate how difficult this challenge was and what has been accomplished. The challenge is getting it in peoples arms and the infrastructure process we have in the nation. Its at the state level for the administration of these vaccines. It has been a little slow so far. I think it will pick up. Well see new vaccines come online. One or two more vaccines i think within the next 30 to 60 days and it will help in terms of the numbers needed in order to get folks vaccinated and folks in the meantime need to recognize that washing their hands, wearing a facemask, social distancing, staying home if you are sick. All those Public Health measures are so important and remain so. Bill indeed. Thanks, good message. Prediction on today. What happens . I think it will be very close. I think it is unpredictable what will occur. If you follow the numbers the turnout is the key. Runoffs are about turnouts. If there are more than 800,000 republicans within. Less democrats win. Bill tom price, nice to get your input on this. Thank you very much. Sandra all right. New york congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez talking about wiping out Student Loan Debt. The move to be an ineffective stimulus measure. A response from aoc herself. We have to push the Biden Administration hard. This whole thing we cant cancel Student Loan Debt is not going to fly. Charles payne is the host of making money with Charles Payne on fox business, he joins us now. Charles, weve been talking about these calls by some progressive democrats for years. We remember Bernie Sanders starting this push. That policy group that looked into it says this. Eliminating 1. 5 trillion in loans would translate to just 90 billion or less in cash available to spend in 2021 and 450 billion over the next five years. So they are saying this is ineffective as far as a stimulus for the American People. You say what . Right. There is a distinct difference when people think about stimulus, the debate over the stimulus check. Going out to your mailbox and money there versus someone saying you dont have to pay for a bill that many are arguing they didnt have the money to pay for already. If you couldnt pay for the student loan doesnt mean money will magically materialize in your pocket so you can buy an automobile. This thing has been chopped down every which way possible. More importantly the part about this being something to help the disadvantaged, to help blacks and hispanics. If you look at the data closely, you look at where most of these loans are, folks with masters degrees, ph. D. S, people who make 2 million or 3 million over the course of their life more than a high school graduate. A bailout for rich white folks to be frank. It is despicable they try to sell it any other way. Its the elitist progressive notion that they deserve more than everyone else even if its a cab driver who didnt go to college paying his taxes to pay their college debt. It has been pushed back on every level possible and she wont let it go. I hope people continue to wake up to what it really is. Sandra that Group Committee for a responsible federal budget to your point did break it down by income bracket who is paying the highest in these monthly Student Loan Debt payments and you can see how it breaks down into all the way the highest bracket 39 of those loans, charles, to your point. Ill finish off by saying this. Joe biden is the one who is really calling this into question now, right . He said in an interview in december its arguable whether the president has the power to forget student loan without the approval of congress. He went as far as to say ill get in trouble for saying this. What do we know about his intentions to honor those progressive calls to do this . He has tried to appears he has tried to extend an olive branch by saying well get rid of 10,000 worth. This is what well focus on rather than larger numbers like 50,000 and those kind of sums. Thats the olive branch he extended to them. Well oh he see what happens. They want it all. Its hard to argue to people go to college and you will change your life. Go to college and you will change the lives of your children. Go to college and well get the taxpayers to pay because college isnt worth it. It doesnt work, right . Either its worth it or it is not. As long as the government is involved the price of college will continue to out pace inflation. That was the big mistake we made under president obama. Too much government involvement. Too much of a guarantee these loans will be paid off. Rising tuitions in a world where wages arent matching it. Not for those degrees. Sandra all right, charles. Thank you for that and thanks for joining us. Happy new year. Sandra well see you later fox business at 2 00 p. M. And next week you hold the virtual town hall. The money man will answer your questions on the economy, investing. Everything you need to know in the new year next thursday, january 13th. Well be watching, charles. Bill looking forward to that. The money man will give you the answers. In a moment legendary host larry king battling covid. There are new developments, though, on his condition. Well update you on that in a moment. Republicans call for investigations into voter fraud there is a warning nancy pelosi could unseat an elected republican. How could that happen . Ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. And nutrients to with home values high andn Mortgage Rates at all time lows. Great news for veterans who need money for their family. Thats me. Refiplus from newday usa lets you refinance at record low rates plus get an average of 50,000. Thats me. Thats money for security today or retirement tomorrow. Thats me. Refiplus. Sandra this just into our newsroom. Larry king the veteran tv host battling coronavirus and was also in the intensive care unit hospital for more than a week. Theyve put out a statement saying he has been moved out of the icu and he is breathing on his own. Thank goodness for that. He is getting better. Bill good news. Larry strong man there. Well get him back to health very soon. With democrats outraged at republican efforts to challenge the Election Results the wall street Journal Editorial Board claims democrats have the best shot at actually overturning an election. Articles headline reading pelosi keeps her gun powder dry. They reserve the right to overturn an iowa house election. Martha maccallum with me now. Nice to see you here in atlanta. This is a race that separates the republican from the democrat by six total votes. Hasnt been called. This is debated. Miller meeks is the republican in the Second District of iowa. People in iowa have been watching this race closely. Republicans did surprisingly well in the lower ticket races across the country nancy pelosi has dug in on this one and not willing to call miller meeks the representative from that division but provisional as she gets sworn in. Rita hart, the democrat in the district lost by six votes. No one other than the extremely wellknown and very successful democrat attorney for election policy, he really should be credited with winning these cases across the country that set much of the tone and a lot of things President Trump and republicans are angry about is very deeply involved in this. He says he has found 24 ballots that would make rita hart the winner. The democrat in that district. This is a drama and so much going on. This little drama without Everything Else would have gotten a lot more attention. Bill we have had a couple of really close races back in new york and now this one in iowa. Rodney davis is a republican from illinois. No matter how many times democrats say she is a provisional member there is no status for being a member of congress that is provisional. If she is provisional were all provisional and the speaker is provisional, too, because she didnt get 218 votes yesterday, meaning earlier in the week. Bill he may be right about that. The thing is in most of these cases congress has gone along with the findings at the state level and not intervened to try to change the outcome with their own policy and override what happens in the state. So this is one to watch and nancy pelosi is going to need every single vote she can get in the house because she lost a lot of seats. There is a lot of new incoming thembers. Bill it shows us what party is on which end of the stick here. In this case republicans are in the lead. What is your sense about today, what are you picking up on . Anecdotally . Weve talked about it a lot but a point worth making. The republicans as i watched your interview with tom price former hhs secretary from georgia, a million votes would provide a good cushion for the republican senators to continue in these seats. He thinks it could be 800,000, he said. And were all watching these polling places to see how big the lines are today. And see what kind of enthusiastic turnout there is. President trump last night was encouraging voters to get out there today and vote, which republicans do on election day. He also tempered that with a lot of skepticism about the election on november 3 and i think thats a crosscurrent that is potentially going to dampen some of the enthusiasm in georgia. Well watch it all and see what happens as the votes continue to go in today. Bill seven hours 14 minutes to go for the polling here. Many suggest we wont make a call tonight. Its possible. If you really think both these elections are a coin flip well be well into this most of these stories tomorrow. It is worth remembering everyone has to place their votes by 7 00 p. M. Tonight. The military ballots need to be in the mail by tonight but they can be counted until friday. That is true with some of the absentee ballots as well as long as theyre in the mail by tonight at 7 00 some of those can be counted until friday as well. It is a very fair judgment to say it could be unlikely to be called tonight. Bill we have a couple hours to warm up. Thank you, martha. Be sure to tune in later tonight special coverage of the runoffs begin hosted by bret and martha at 6 00 eastern time and live coverage throughout the evening and throughout the day right here on the fox news channel. We shall see what we get when we get it. Thank you, martha. Sandra i think thats accurate. Hi to martha as welling. Warnings in georgia, threats against election polling sites under investigation. What officials are doing on the ground to keep voters safe. Heres huge news for veteran homeowners. Introducing refiplus from newday usa. Refiplus lets you refinance at record low rates to save money every month plus you could get an average of 50,000 cash. Thats money for security today and money for retirement tomorrow. Refiplus, its only for veterans and its only from newday usa. State of the Art Technology makes it brilliant. The visionary lexus nx, lease the 2021 nx 300 for 359 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. The sleep number 360 smart bed. Prices of the season on lease the 2021 nx 300 for 359 a month for 36 months. Can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. No problem. And done. And now during the lowest prices of the season, the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is only 899. Only for a limited time. Sandra as good voters head to the polls to cast their ballots polling locations across the state are on alert as authorities investigate specific threats in several counties there. Jonathan serrie live in atlanta for us. Whats the nature of these threats . Hi there. They came in the form of email threats to county employees in nearly a dozen locations throughout the state of georgia. The Georgia Bureau of investigation says our agency is working with federal, state and local partners to investigate to insure a safe election and that all voters have access to polling locations. We anticipate there could be any number of potential threats out there that could be attempting to encourage or discourage turnout. We encourage everybody to please turn out and be safe. Be smart. And dont let anybody get in the way of you casting your vote. State officials are concerned disinformation about widespread Election Fraud will prevent some georgians from voting. Theyre accusing senators of pandering to unsupported thoughts. They insist measures must be taken to insure elections are safe and accurate. We have to hold those accountable that committed fraud in these elections and we have to fix the system where those fixes need to be applied. But right now my main focus is that people get out and vote. Well lose the country if we dont win this election. Bill there are some issues in Columbia County outside augusta. A programming error required voters to use emergency backup ballots until Law Enforcement authorities could deliver reprogrammed Security Keys to those voting sites. Back to you. Sandra well keep watching. Thank you. Good georgia voters casting ballots at the moments in two elections to decide the balance of power in washington more coverage from atlanta when we continue in a moment. Did you know you can go to libertymutual. Com to customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Really . I didnt aah ok. Im on vibrate. Aaah only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Sandra there you have it. Three hours. Bill hemmer, glad to have you with us. Bill listen, youve got to take it easy on me tomorrow. Were going to go late into the night. I dont know how late. Maybe we make a call. Maybe we dont. Maybe were in the same situation tomorrow with two races that are still up in the air. Sandra of course, a big day tomorrow for many reasons, with the certification of the Electoral College. Youve got many republicans stepping in objecting to that. So its going to be a big day tomorrow. Youll come back. Bill i will be with you. You got a rally in d. C. At 9 30 and then the senate convenes at 1 00 p. M. Well be watching all of it. See you tomorrow morning. Sandra see you tomorrow morning. Outnumbered starts right now. Harris we begin with this fox news alert where voters are now headed to the polls across the state of georgia. Its whats being called the most important Runoff Election in american history. Those two senate races in georgia will determine which party will control the u. S. Senate and the nations agenda. President trump was in georgia last night speaking at a rally for Republican Senate candidate david perdue and senator Kelly Loeffler. He warned a Democratic Senate victory would lead to socialism. They want to turn, the democrats do, turn america into

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