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Jessica. Welcome, everybody. Wayne, im going to start with you. How can the president keep america safe and our economy intact when he wont even acknowledge who the enemy is and very importantly what theyre up to . Eric, i have no idea. I mean, the man if he doesnt know a kosher dell can a tissen from a mcdonalds, i mean, does he know what a bagel is as opposed to a doughnut . I mean this is outrageous. The fact that he doesnt understand that this was a targeted thing, that a kosher deli, these were jews on the other side, you have islamic terrorists. Its beyond imagination that he doesnt understand that this is an antisemitic act. What do you think the motive is to be to vague about calling islamic terrorists islamic terrorists. Why do you think he would say random acts when just to b. To everyone theres a specific attack on a jewish deli. I think using the word random is a mistake and i think thats why josh earnest addressed it foorl poorly in the News Conference and then in his tweet. I think its this fear that people will think that hes blanketing all muslims with it. Even though the terrorists call themselves islamic. Absolutely. As i said i think it is a mistake. There are leadsers in the arab world who are calling it what it is and theyre call on all ee mams to call out these people for what theyre doing and this isnt what islam is about. Lets run to what jessica pointed out that sound bite of josh earnest in the Briefing Room after obama called the attack on the paris jewish deli a random act. Here is josh defending him vehemently. The adverb that the president chose was used to indicate that the individuals who were killed in that terrible tragic incident were killed not because of who they were, but because of where they randomly happened to be. They werent killed because they were in a jewish deli, though . They were in a koeshy deli. These individuals were not targeted by name. Wow, they werent targeted by name. Ainsley, lynn to this, just a couple of minutes after that full throated defense of ran tomorrow acts here is josh earn east tweeting our view has not changed, terror attacks at paris kosher market was potus didnt intend to suggest otherwise. After he left the Briefing Room within minutes tweeted a full walk back of everything they had done throughout the day. If you watched that whole exchange with the reporter it was so obvious that he was trying to deny any religious affiliation with isis and i felt like it was almost like the president and his team had been briefing him in the Briefing Room behind the scenes right before this press conference and saying, you know, say this was random, do not admit that it wasnt, it was so obvious to me. So the tweet for him to step back and take it back, i guess he realized the effect it had on everybody. Jonathan, you and i spend a lot of time on twitter to tweet something has far less a reach than standing in the Briefing Room and let the world know what president obama intended. Right. Eric, it wasnt just even this comment, its been the president s whole approach in Foreign Affairs particularly towards islamic terrorism. What youve seen is evasion on a mass scale. To your point these are according to the president these are just isolated incidents, just a couple of folks a few bad apples, hes oblivious to the 30plus years of islamic terrorism. He wont even say islamic, its always isil, isis, aq, aqap. Weve spent billions of millions of dollars on this war. The president cant even get the enemys name out of had his mouth. I will pull up a poll showing that 68 , twothirds of americans think that president obama should be tougher on islamic extremists. Wane, let me tart with you. With twothirds of the country believe it should he listen to twothirds of the country . Does evening 9 11 was a random act . Stand up there and say that and actually think that the American People are going to believe it. Its beyond my comprehension. Beyond. Youre right. Ainsley, random act. Makes a re a tut point 9 11 was no random act. This is a group thats killing children because theyre not denouncing chis yant burr yeeg them alive catching help on fire putting them in cages and watching them burn. I think america you look at that poll america really wants our president to react the way that King Abdullah did, he said i will use every last bullet i have to eared kate isis and we need to hear a response like that from our president. Go ahead, jessica. 68 were not doing enough do you agree. I agree that were not doing enough but the president has taken steps to do more. I think theres another interesting number from that poll 73 of people think that the president doesnt have a clear tree swree. I think this relates to the issue of using the word random that the president needs to be clearer in his language and for transparent with the public about what hes doing. We know hes got a Clear Strategy for climate reduction for global warming. I think the most shocking comments under the president this week were the idea taengs Climate Change is a bigger risk than islamic terrorism. Thats where our tax dollars are going to be go. The president just doesnt look weak on islamic terrorism, he is weak. Maybe if he was less concerned with accuweather and more concerned with accu terror we might be if in a safer place. Final thought on this before we go last thought. Well, as i said eric, i dont know how you can did a president , a president of the United States can stand up and Say Something that is so obvious to the rest of the world and to everybody and to deny it. I mean, thats just its beyond beyond comprehension as i said. I dont know how. Terror denying, how is that . Were climate tee niers they can be terror dee niers. When we launch the the wakeupamerica last week i had no idea how successful that would turn out to be. We shattered all prior records for impressions records we already held college out this graph. Here is how you made the the wakeupamerica the most active hashtag on cable news by a country mile. The hashtag not only beats saturday, we also won all day sunday and we werent even on tv. Now, thats a powerful hashtag. I just tweeted this picture, one is real, one a fake and one is a want to be. Add wakeupamerica ill read a couple of those in the end of the show. Hollywood ee leets making it black and white theyve got to problem with fifty shades of problem but a big problem with american sniper. Is it time to call out these hollywood hypocrites once and for all . Nors. All right. Call it fifty shades of hypocrisy this valentines day hollywood elites showing the love for a flick many say is degrading to women. Ainsley, hypocritical much . 100 . The lens is so foggy here because you have hollywood you have Michael Moore seth row again who were all saul of that about american snyder. It is an awesome movie. If you havent seen it you need to go see it and support our troops. These are people that are fighting for our freedom to Michael Moore can produce movies that he wants to produce. Where are the liberals who are fee depending, everything, the feminists they dont seem to be fighting. Everything is so excited about this movie but not this about this american hero. Where is rosy odonnell, where are whoopi goldberg. These are two completely different movies. One has a very serious message about americas role in the world and also how we treat our troops and our vets and the other for many its lighter fair, i guess. It is exploring an important lifestyle and ive read the books and i will see the movie, but it doesnt feel like theyre really comparable in the same way. The minute the american sniper came out these activists came out and said this is a pro war movie. But they also spashd box office records. So will fifty shades, right, wayne . Fifty shades its going to put up big numbers right . Well we dont know yet. We dont know what the ultimate is going to be. Youve got to remember, i disagree with all of this. I think american sniper is a simple movie in the sense that it is a character study. I happen to know clint personally, i know you cant say, for example, that the picture that he made in fact look at all of his pictures. You know ideology is the enemy of truth and for Michael Moore and those people to come out and rint their ideology on american sniper or for that matter any other picture hollywood is about making money thats all they care about. They care about making money, fifty shades of grey is about making money. Its not a statement, its not anything else. Ive got to say i disagree with the whole premise. Michael moore and seth row again dont speak for hollywood. The public loved smaern sniper so did those hollywood critics they gave it 63 on Rotten Tomatoes and the fifty shades is only getting about 35 . Yes, its about sex i happen to think that sex is good, sex is morale, a sexy movie i want to see some sexy scenes. Sex sells theres no question about that. You dont ba to take the other side of jonathan. Im not going to go see it. I think its about bond annual, i just dont think its healthy. I dont want to see any of this movie because i dont want those thoughts in my mind. Once you see that you cant get those thoughts out of your mind. Take a look at this. Pull up the full screen of that teddy bear. Some Teddy Bear Company did the fifty shades teddy bear equipped with handcuffs some blind folds. Is this getting crazy . If you read the book this is so much tamer than what goes on those thoughts are going to be in your head. Go ahead, john. I lien you guys are unbelievable. You always talk about free speech. Im not a prude. Im going. Forgive me, jonathan, for wanting to protect my marriage. I dont want to see this junk. I think its trach. Dont see it. Hollywood is going to come back and theyre going to make a more american sniper type movies its making them a boat load of money. Hollywood goes where the money is. If american sniper is where the money is. People want to see heroic, stories, pro american stories. Let me throw this out here, too, wayne, you can respond to this. A school in pennsylvania, i believe, this is what weve read, okay, school in pennsylvania had a cross wood puzzle with a theme fifty shades of grey with some provocative words. I have 100 pro free speech but when it starts trickling down to the kids the middle school kids, im not sure. Wayne. Eric youve got to give Something Else here. You know fifty shades of grey was a hot selling book the book preceded the movie by a long shot. All the women read the book. So if its going to have a popular opening week theres no doubt about that and as i said before, this is about making a movie. You all are giving this much more weight than it deserves. You can back to look at east woods picture where he defends the disenfranchised, it is just hollywood gone berserk and you make more about it that happen its really worth. Its about making money. Im not going to go to the movie. I just i went through times square yesterday and theres a huge billboard advertising for this movie and i thought, there are so many distractions in this crazy city already, we dont need this. Our society doesnt need this. Youre right, the teenagers theyre going to watch this and think its okay to do all of this. Coming up an irs shocker how Illegal Immigrants could be getting tax refunds without ever paying a dime in taxes. Is it our insightful strategies that make edward jones one of the countrys biggest Financial Services firms . Or 13,000 Financial Advisors who say thank you . Its why edward jones is the big company that doesnt act that way. Buying my first car was scary, but buying my car on truecar it was the simplest thing i had ever done. I saved 2,400 off my honda civic si, which i turned into a race car. Welcome to the new way to buy a car. Coming up only in america i will legals not paying taxes getting tax refunds. How in the world is it possible . Bless, president obama trying to be funny on the internet again. Hello im Uma Pemmaraju in washington with this fox news you a lert. Day initial media is reports reporting that there have been shots fired at a cafe in denmark and reports of an injured people including a Uniformed Police officer. The cafe hosting a were also following developments at an a iraqi air base that remains on high alert following that suicide attack. Iraqi soldiers were able to depend off that attack against two dozen isis fighters at the base houses us troops that are there to train eye iraqi forces. All this raising questions about strategy to fight. Youll also here reaction from two members of the aus Armed Service committee. All that and much more coming your way in just a few minutes at the top of the hour. Hope youll join us. Think about this for a second as you pay your taxes this year. I will legals could be getting a refund even if theyve never paid a penny in taxes. Dont take my word for it, here is the irs commissioner getting grilled on capitol hill about i will legals cashing if on our dime. You would get the earned income tax credit whether you were working or not. It would be available to everyone who was working even if they didnt file in the previous three years. That is my understanding, yes. And you have no idea how much this is going to cost . I dont know how many people are going to be get Social Security numbers. We do this this all the time. Did the white house not ask you to estimate that . I havent talked to the whau about this at all. Wayne makes my head explode. Yours . Its beyond me. How can you get a tack refund if you have avenue never paid a tax in the first place . I mean, by definition its a tax refund you havent paid the fax it the first place you cant get t this is the federal government totally out of control again. All of those guys ought to go home. They ought to fire everybody and start all over. Its a bad law and bad thing into i can understand if they had paid taxes its and its a credit to the taxes that they have paid or will approve Going Forward. We went to the irs and apparently you can not ever pay a dime this taxes file, get your tax id number, file and get a check back. Its ridiculous. To waynes point hes right, by deaf figures this is not a refund, lets call it what it is, its free money, its knots a refund, you cant get a refund if youve never put into the system. All of us have paid our taxes, i, you know, im hoping for a refund this year because maybe ive paid too much in taxes, these are people who are going to get money back that havent paid a dime. Handout. You point out its not 100 of them arent they. They could fall under the category. We also need to think about the people who have been paying taxes and the American Government has been taking their money and that they should then be able to file for back credit. There are a lot of hard working people in this country who have been granted amnesty under president obamas execution who i think are due some money. Jonathan. Eric, sure, i mean i think the gop conservatives use tax fraud, ebola and terrorism essentially as a red herring against immigration. The problem is not the im grants, the problem is the entitlements and tax system the earned income tax credit is essentially a subsidy for poor people with kids and hoochers foreign and american even before this rule was passed. 25 of the earned income tax credit was fraudulent. 25 . Thats about 15 billion a year. My pro poefl dont get rid of immigrants get rid of redistribution. The way the system works is you can have pay zero taxes and qualify for what jonathan points out the earned income tax credit get the check back. Wayne, they could have outside and said you will get a tax credit towards further taxes you may accrue Going Forward but instead they said, here, i will legals, here is a handout, here is is a check. Yeah its like saying to you, hey, you didnt pay any taxes but you can dip into my taxes and get a retund. Where is this where does this come out . Where is this fair . By the way, you also get a Social Security number out of this and that entitles you to a lot of things. This law is justin sane. Go ahead, john. Well, once again, i would make the point this this this happens both americans as well as foreigners. So the answer isnt to try to restrict or laws to get laws, controls to get controls, just get rid of the distribution get rid of the entitlement and thats the only porl way to approach it. My final thought that i think what we need is more clarity from the administration about what all of these laws actually mean. We need a reform of the tax code but frankly we shouldnt have people testifying on capitol hill and finding out things that we should have known from the getgo. It feels like they dont even know and theyre making this up as they go along. Wake up america why the president creating buzz or buzzfeed is bothering me to no end. Opportunity for an upgrade. Sound good . Great. Because youre not you youre a whole airline. And its not a ticket youre upgrading its your entire operations, from domestic to international. Which means you need help from a whole team of advisors. From workforce strategies to Tech Solutions and a thousand other things. So you call pwc. The right people to get the extraordinary done. What . Yoplait fridge pack. Eight cups, endless snack possibilities. Available at walmart. Make sure youve got your partner behind to watch. Kevin there it is crunch music at Bass Pro Shops spring fishing classic, get a bass pro gift card with purchase of select tracker and nitro boats. I want to say thanks to our cashin in crew for joining us. You can head over to foxnews. Com cashin in to see wayne and jonathans stock picks. Time to wake up america. Being the real president is a tough job, behold our commander in chief playing around with buzzfeed. Mr. President . Can i live . You do you. Look, i get it, he likes to have fun, we all do, its just that we all dont have the luxury to goof off with bloggers and comedians all day, some of us are busting our asses trying to keep stuff from blowing up. We found out once again exactly what president o is good at, buzzfeed, late night talk show appearances, he rocks those, but when it comes to fighting terrorism, securing the border employing americans, not so much. And now we go from the real president to the fake one, house of cards season three is set to drop on netflix february 27th but this week some episodes were temporarily leaked on line for less than an hour wednesday evening you could have sneaked a peak at some ten season 3 episodes. Was it really a leak is this netflix probably leaked those on purpose to begin up some buzz for season three. We started this with the real president when dont to the fake one and now a want to be president. What i said to people what if i ran for president . Its 100 . Guess who my Vice President is . I want to know. Who. My dad. It would have been sheen and sheen in 16. Lets do it. Running on a platform of truth and transparency. Seriously. So what do you think . President obama, president underwood or president sheen . I know who would get my vote. Hit us on facebook or tweeting use the wakeupamerica. Sj bic eye said kevin stacey for sure love underwood. Left to right want to be fake real. Wake up america. Thats harsh. Have a great weekend, everybody. We begin with this fox news alert. Danish media reporting that there have been shots tired at a cafe in denmark and there are reports of injured people, including a Uniformed Police officer. Hello, everyone im Uma Pemmaraju and welcome to americas news headquarters. Im leland vittert. We are just getting images from the scene and the cafe there was hosting event titled art blasphemy and the freedom of expression. That event was hosted by swedish artist who has faced numerous threats for character touring the Prophet Muhammad back in 207. There are a number of photos of wult holes there at that

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