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Bream. Good morning shannon. Good morning guys how are you . Will we wanted to dive into one of the most important topics of the woke and possibly over a bigger timeline here for the eyes of america thats happening in new mexico where the governor has teated to declare emergency a Public Health emergency in suspend in essence conceal Open Carry Laws In Albuquerque heres where we want to dive into the deep end with you shannon. Is it the case that in some instances weve certain seen it tried feels like successfully governments can set aside rights and, you know, citizenry, expectations of the way of life in cases of emergency. Does chef any ground whatsoever on which to stand shannon . Will, this is going to be really tough im thinking what Justice Clarence thomas would like a word with the governor based on his jurisprudence based on what the Supreme Court has done i think got there in time it would have a really hard time stay manager practice the thing is like shes only given us a 30day window so will she get rid of it in that time and in the court on time and maybe on Emergency Appeal but the thing is if shes doing this on the basis of a Health Emergency you could name anything people have talked about Climate Change or racism all kinds of Different Things even transgender treatment as Health Emergencies so when you suspend a constitutional right the Supreme Court does not take that lightly and i would imagine this would not succeed there. But my understanding too of this order that shes put out is that it could be use inside ore cities as well so even if you get to the i think of the 30 days and havent got ton the Supreme Court on this, i do think a clever plaintiff would still try to get that will to say if shes done it there could be other orders youve got to draw a line on this like they did during covid. Pete thats why republicans are trying to do including stephany calling for impeachment saying calling on council to begin Impeachment Process against governor. Abhorrent attempt to impose a Progressive Agenda on unwilling populous and put this Emergency Order together and it violates her oath and supposed to be protecting and defend rights of new mexico she cant just raise her hand one day and say i proms to uphold this oath and protect people of new mexico and constitution and then one day decide oh, just kidding. If theyre not able to impeach this does, i mean, it could if it is allowed to happen and stays put, could it set a precedent or do you think this will be roundly dismissed because democrats are saying this is way beyond pay as well. But you have to remember if it was a republican governor who also decided that they didnt like some part of the constitution or it didnt work with what they were trying to accomplish and decided to suspend part for 30 days you have to know that would not sit well with other part of the country but you have to think this through so that Red State Governors dot same thing about topics you dont agree on. I dont think it will survive legal muster if it gets all way through remember, though, i think we know in a common sense, you know, consideration of this, people who are out shooting people are not going to stop carrying guns because theres a 30day pause by this governor and what youre doing essentially is Disarming Law Abidings people who would actually may be be able to intervene in some of these situations so it is novel i dont think shes only governor considering doing some of this stuff but you have to remember on the other side of the aisle and would you be okay and think that was legally valid as well . Thats generally as we seen not been a good enough reason for democrats to not do things. [laughter] but lets listen to this. Because this is interesting we saw David Activist Teen activist now i guess a young man, hes not a teenager anymore. Come out and say yeah this has gone too far an we see ted lieu from california saying i support gun safety laws. However, this order from the governor of new mexico violates a u. S. Constitution, no state in the union can suspend the federal constitution. There is no such thing as a state, Public Health emergency exception to the u. S. Constitution. I would add this shannon i was just on my twitter account and saw a conservative activist doesnt like what she did but i cant necessarily argue she doesnt have the right to do that. Weve been seeing people, you know, use emergency, you know, orders as a way to suspend these rights in the past. So will covid. During covid we saw that a ton and saw so many of these get to the Supreme Court about People Stripping Club Open and liquor store open why taking away any right to worship and theres a strong word from justices saying we cannot throw away the constitution in middle of an emergency yes there are shortterm issues and problems and urgent circumstances war wartime yeah early days of covid but a serious line there and a pushback and we can not the have a repeat of stripping rights away from people indefinitely i think the court would put parameters and brushback on this. You have to think in recent years court there was a a case out of new york that did not allow people to get permits to carry guns outside their homes unless they could mac a special showing that they needed it because of a specific threat. The courts struck that down Supreme Court say no you dont have to have a spcial showing why you need to be able to exercise a constitutional right especially in this case one of selfdefense. Thats why i think if this move by the new mexico governor gets to the current Supreme Court, its probably not going to end well for her and see if it gets that far. Pete one more this is less about the Second Amendment and less about gun control and more about instinct of governess youve said and talked about this morning as well there was a declaration of the state of new york of a State Of Emergency over racism we know theyve declared emergencies over Climate Crisis and covid, you know, people said this is and forced you to mask in public thats where there was mandates to get a vaccine in order to retain your job. These all under banner of a Public Health emergency and what im curious about is because this was gong to be very hard to enforce. I mean, county sheriffs arent ready to go enforce this in new mexico. But what happens in a blue city like this city that were all sitting in or one youre sitting in today when the declare a Public Health emergency and then start Trample Ling Rights a they have the political apparatus behind them to enforce that . You said you think others are looking at this in new mexico going lets see how this plays out im curious how it plays on issues other than guns yeah youre right it could be any number of things covid was such a good example of about that how quickly calculations had to be made and how quickly Emergency Health orders at the state and local levels all over this country a patchwork that Supreme Court did get involved in. I think that when you mentioned the blue cities, and the localities and how this works and wheres the check, its the judicial branch. Now, you know different courts are gong to see this different ways im only making my best educated guess about this new mexico policy at the Supreme Court. But, you know, there is no branch thats without some kind of check on it thats a ideas of checks and balances and i dont think that whether it is a Health Emergency on this or some other issue that the Supreme Court would allow it to go without some serious check on it. Now the governor has smartly made this for 30 days. But the fact is youre still suspended a constitutional right that this court has knowing did it get away in the sight of those who dont think she should be doing this and would she tries again and be on another topic the court if theres the correct Appeal Process done here i think the court could get to this. Pete what else do you give in the future and by the way not a Second Amendment where you are in shannon. Will a long time ago. Rachel normalized so much during code of it is so scary i think even for young people who have known nothing else thats what worries me. I call it the chinaification of america and normalizing things that are nonamerican. Will you have a Special On State of education and Governor Glenn Youngkin what do you got . Test scores have not been good and plummeting before koad and really taken a hit learning loss, families kids teachers all struggling been through a tough couple of years administrators too everybody trying to get this right so weve got Governor Youngkin in fore front of a number of education battles to be with us live and becky president of the National Educators association, shell be us too Largest Labor union in the country who is to blame for where were getting things wrong and right and whats working and not so we talk about to all kinds of students and families public school, homeschool, we did a deep dive on that as well so we try to cover topics and figure out how to make things better. What an amazing show you have planned for us shannon. Rnlings thanks guys well see you then. Youve got it. All right great to see her and move on to one more top egg this morning in california, theres a new bill passed the california Legislator Educatively saying in Child Custody cases, how parents view gender affirming care should be taken into account. Into who gets custody of kids heres a part of the transgender gender diverse and intersects Youth Empowerment act tgi no longer for tgi fridays but Youth Empowerment act that says the Health Safety and welfare of the child includes among other comprehensive factors, a parent affirmation of the childs Gender Identity or gender expression. Attack a listen to the assemblywoman from california who put this act forward and the rational that she usings. Watch. I would like to note that parents affirm their children. They have since the dawn of time although it is called tgi bill, theyre not mentioned anywhere in the law. Whats mentioned in the law is the childs Gender Identity and expression and the parents affirmation of that. Whatever it is because that is our duty as parents to affirm our children. That is our duty that parents affirm our children. That doesnt feel like my duty. No thats not our duty to affirm our children can i tell you when i first heard this and used in custody i can totally see how this can be used to actually make what is already a contentious situation even more sour even more bitter. But then your guest says it doesnt matter if both parents agreed on they said it was ambiguous about whether or not it applies to parents who are married right who have neither of which affirm the gender of their kid could the state step in and say youre unfit to be parents because your child wants to transition neither of you will accept them. Neither of you are fit yeah. I dont know if thats necessarily how it will go or how it will be applied but they said it is not clear enough that it is only in Child Custody cases. Heres Nicole Pearson the lady you interviewed correct all right. Gender confusion especially in this context is a rye for help it is a manifestation of stress, anxiety, depression, a whole host of slew of other psychological mental Emotional Distress these children are suffering, and for them to tell them affirm or lose your child is unconstitutional. It is illegal and actually dangerous because it will force parents to look away and not consider other therapies that child might need. It is dangerous and it is unconstitutional and we will set it aside. Ive got to be honest im buffering like im trying yeah. So shes proposing i dont understand like you have to affirm your child. Like meaning your fitness as a parent is beginning to be judged remember the word you said we shouldnt use anymore is going to be judged by whether or not you affirm and so if if shawn and i, you know Custody Battles or mostly Custody Battles over divorce and who gets to be the primary parent. The parent who affirms is the better parent joe if you affirm that your child is not the gender he claim he is but all of this doesnt take into account what we had last week when we had the parent who actually won the lawsuit against the school that transitioned her child without knowing that child was 11 years old went to her School Counselor to say im feeling depressed and down and they told her you might be another gender and thats how that whole thing started. So lets also think about how these things get imlangted into these kids psyches. What is different about this is men and women out there saying these are my beliefs about sex and gender and im going to lose parenting time with my child or lose my child altogether. Forget beliefs this is reality and i have to accept insanity in order to retain my child. J your child. Yes. It is where we are. Keep buffering, and this is in california, this is now in rhode island this is coming to your state probably very soon. All right turn now to few additional headlines at least 2,000 people confirmed dead following massive earthquake in morocco late friday night Officials Say thousands more are hurt as they continue to search for survivors epicenter of that 6. 8 was 45 miles south. The most severe destruction hit remote villages high in the Atlas Mountains now to Fox News Alert new information on the convicted killer who escaped a pennsylvania prison over a week ago just released. Police saying moments ago hes operating 22 white Ford Transit Van with Pennsylvania Registration Zs218 that van has a Refrigeration Unit and stolen and Law Enforcement has been notified nationwide. New photos also released last night Officials Say hes clean shaven, and wearing a green jacket. At least 400 officer are now involved in the search and you see him showing new the kitchen . You should see it, it is crazy. Told his wife i hear somebody downstairs stay here. He went to the stairwell or whatever, overlooking the kitchen and he flicked light three or four times homeowner did and this guy in the kitchen flicked the lights back at him so he knew something and he said he felt like it was a warning dont come down here. Im he saw the guy walk out of the house. And then he looked at his wife said go call 911. This about loose like it is at the front of a house as well. Yep. Here illegally. Eric adams cutting budget by next spring due to illegal Immigration Crisis adam say agencies will have to slash their budgets with more cuts coming in january and april. This happening just day after adams claim Migrant Cries City would destroy new york city and would not include more playoffs and more details next week. 15 rachel retch ladies of the view said they should all go to other places not new york. Now it tennis u. S. Open womens final happening last night american koco looking to capture first major championship. [cheering] youngest american to win since Serena Williams did it back in 1999 she gave emotional remarks crediting her faith and family for success. Thank you first to my parents today was first time ive ever seen my dad cry [laughter] he doesnt want me to tell yall that but he got caught [laughter] you know, he thinks hes so hard. But you know, its not so thank you guys, i mean, you believed in me from the beginning. Shes the First American male or female to win the u. S. Open in six years. After her historic win she was praying on the court and thanked god in her post match speech and a little girl watching as a spectator celebrating. I saw that telling story about when she happened when she was praying after. She was soaking all in and former nfl coach goes no, no thats called praying. No today theres a lot of our fox view rs are going to stop watching you know, after the show and theyre going to go off to church and soak it all in. Soak it all in. Lots of soaking going on ill go soak it all in after the show as well. Soaking in the holy spirit. Yes. Still ahead, new york city criminals seemingly taking a page from the Classic Novel Directing Young Kids to rob City Businesses for them former nfl player on what this says about the state of americas youths. Meet the future. A chef. A designer. And, ooh, an engineer. All learning to save and spend their money with chase. The chefs cooking up firsts with her new debit card. Hungry . Uhuh. The designers eyeing sequins. Uh no plaid. While mom is eyeing his spending. Nice. And the engineer . Shes taking control with her own account for college. Three futures, all with chase. Freedom for kids. Control for parents. One bank for both. Chase. Make more of whats yours. I need it cool at night. You trying to ice me out of the bed . Baby, only on game nights. You know you are retired right . Am i . Ya the queen sleep number c2 smart bed is now only 999. 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Im starting a Private Equity Fund that specializes in midcap. You do you. Switch to Xfinity Mobile today. Rachel new york city taking cues directing Young Children to steal from City Businesses. Take a look at this Surveillance Footage showing a young child robbing Upper East Side bar Business Owner say in several incidents adults were seen waiting outside for the little thieves. Here to react ceo of the Brewer Foundation and our friend jack brewer, jack so theyll sending these little children in. Theyll steal stuff from peoples purses, theyll harass the owners, theyll do all kinds of stuff theyll cuss at the owners. And the people who work there as theyre leaving punching them in the stomach and one case as it was reported. What do you make of this . What is happening . It is time for swift action in this nation. We dont have a problem with our kids. We have a problem with our parents and our adults. And this should make everyones stomach hurt ridiculous to even think about. You know it is time in this nation to have bold swift policies that hold adults accountable for actions of children. As you know i go in prisons all of the tile so this is criminal behavior in the way that you address criminal behavior is with rehabilitation. And these parents need to be rehab and they need to be held accountable civilly and pay fines if their kids commit crimes like this whoever these childrens parents are are the ones that should be in front of these judges and i think you know about when you look over the history of our nation, parents used to be taught to have the village approach you know look out for the kid next door. Neighbor, i would get spanked by my uncle or aunt if i acted afool now today kids can just go out and run wild you watch the streets and people riding and looting you see Kids Out Acting Afool Cussing Disrespecting parents teachers, police officers, it is time to put this mess to a halt. Rachel, it is getting ridiculous. Rachel yeah. By the way if there are gang members or parents who are organizing these children to go in to commit crimes, to commit sins frankly they should be held accountable thats child abuse in my Point Of View that is just absolutely wrong. We had you on jack our podcast from the Kitchen Table my husband and i because you started seeing thing . Another area of our culture and that is Youth Sports Something that you are passionate about you are a youth sports coach. You care about this sport as well because you know thats the pipeline to the nfl, to the professional leagues. And yet you told me that you recently went to a Football Game a youth Football Game and looked more like a Rap Concert Smelling Marijuana you saw people cussing they were playing rap music with really questionable lyrics in it. What is geng on with youth the Youth Sports Leagues . And what can we do about it . We see the decline of the American Culture all around us but American Culture should not take on sports sports should not embrace culture and Sports Culture Remain sports culture i think thats what you see with the Transgender Crossing Sports now all of a sudden the hiphop rap culture that is meant for old people, adults to be promoting all of this now all of a sudden you make it a cool in the standard and football a place where discipline and respect is supposed to be taught. This is too much. It has gone too far, and i told you rachel, my good friends play in these Youth Leagues theyre gambling ten, 15, 20,000 dollars on game thats where youre seeing shootings three shootings at high school Football Games last week in the United States of america. We should all be embarrassed by that what do other countries think about that . This is ridiculous. Rachel it is. So you on our podcast by the way you said youre thinking about taking this issue of the culture of Youth Football all the way to the nfl. No doubt nfl and professional Sports Leagues need to take this on because it is ruining brand it is ruining the game it is disrespects the game when you have seven and eightyearold kids listening to music talking about strippers and selling drugs, and degrading women thats ridiculous it is too much. Yeah it absolutely is listen i encourage everybody first of all to donate to your foundation which is helping to clean up our culture and help people who young people especially who are in need of that kind of assistance. But also i encourage you to listen to the podcast with a really long conversation with jack brewer about this. About other issues in our culture also we talk about a lot about politics in Aron American vote in this president ial election it is a very a very interesting discussion and as you know jack brewer he just lays it all out there doesnt sugar coat and tell you how he feels and thats why we love him so much jack brewer thank you for joining us this morning. The word of god is my truth. God bless you. Thank you so much. Happy sunday to you. Im sure jack brewer will be soaking all in hes a pastor so hes going to church today. Over the hill as Senior Moments become more common among u. S. Lawmakers one looking to set age limits for members of congress and the white house. Pete and will go off the wall with a look at the growing movement, thats next. Youve worn many hats, from past jobs in fact. Now, you can trade in those hats to help earn your grad cap your past experience can help you earn your degree faster and for less. announcer are you frustrated with your weight and health . 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Pete it is age old debate in washington how old is too old always pushing envelope on that one. Will you bet they are and question the competency of our Aging Politicians and why is the concern raised as pete points out whats being done about it as people point out this is starting to look like a retirement home. Lets go off the wall to find out whats being done and assess entirety of the situation. Its come up with most recently because nancy pelosi announced age of 83 shell once again be seeking reelection. Shes announced im running for reelection at the age of 83. Pete got things to do you know trump could come back so shes got to be a part of the resistance and claims she needs to fix the city of San Francisco which she somehow hasnt fixed in whatever 20 terms already and got to keep the money going right here to ukraine on her lapel pen but again staggering to me i thought maybe when she gave up speakership, okay one more term and then im out because it is obvious that theres another phase of life. But here we go again. Will not solely because of nancy pelosi talk about other instances in wust one moment. But Congressman John Jams introduced a resolution to put an age limit on public service. It would disqualify pete, anyone 7 a and older to run for president , Vice President , or congress. Pete i dont think it is interesting idea it is not going to get a lot of traction right now because you know who would disqualify on both sides of the aisle the sitting president and the front runner on the republican side joe biden and donald trump would not meet the threshold of 75 and a lot of people would not meet as well. Will attack a look at if that were passed and john james were passed 16 of the . Ats and 10 of the house would fail to qualify to serve in congress. Pete have to be an attempt to the constitution so theres a very high threshold for that, and you would have to get a lot of votes including the people who would be disqualified in order to get Something Like that to pass. Thats a Dianne Feinstein a Chuck Grassley who is 89 but a Big Mental Acuity difference between a feinstein and grays lis and Maxine Waters 38, and bernie 82 and Mitch Mcconnell is 81. . Ril so we mentioned it is not just Nancy Pelosis age pete brings up so many others that are at an advanced stage in life. But there are those also showing frailty due to this age heres a couple of most famous examples. Mitch mcconnell republican, Senate Minority leader from kentucky, twice in the last couple of months in the last month has frozen while giving a Press Conference just absolutely i dont Know Glitched zoned out. Pete froze up this comes after a bad fall. The medical fallout of that not completely known because they dont have to necessarily reveal every aspect of what theyre going through in this case seeing it play out in front of us. Will Dianne Feinstein theyre telling her how to vote. Sums up pete able member of her family has a legal conservatorship heres a quick soundbite of a moment when like you said will she was told is this is how youll vote senator. And it funds priorities, submitted yeah just say aye aye. Thank you. It is embarrassing. Insulting. Just president of the United States you know its not, its not your a game america. Not quite. Not quite. What does america think about it and polling say what do voters how do they feel and agree with john james whether it is gong to happen or not this is a poll from august. So last month of a thousand americans 66 say strongly or somewhat favor the idea of the president of the United States being limited to a younger age. Will apply as well heres what americans think about forcing Supreme Court justices retired by a certain age 67 approve and 68 say theyre woke age limit on a run for congress. Pete absolutely. Are you concerned with bidens age 76 say that thats not just a partisan thing and not get to a number of 76 with democrats feeling same way this will be a huge discussion in the general going president ial race. Will this is not something i would support not an age limit on politicians it is what you pointed out earlier you can point to senators who are 89 and then others with Different Levels of acuity and donald trump and joe biden say age doesnt account for everything thats different between the two but i continue to believe what solved this is term limits the one someone keeps getting elected over and over well into their 80s like like nancy pelosi is Name Recognition the voter knows who that person pete Money Everything behind it. I agree with you on the bill wouldnt support that bill either but if you have term limits better have term limits on staff also otherwise they run the entire show the bureaucrats run the entire show. Rachel says amen. I got it. Will i knew she would. Pete coming up must see high stakes matchups weve been craving since Mullet Competition ended. Will oh its what theyre saying is we have been dying for competition without the Mullet Championship so we got it because it is nfl week one on fox weve some of the biggest games and biggest naming hitting gridiron fox sports joining us next to break it all down. [clicking] get fast relief with new tums heartburn sleep support. Love food back and fall asleep faster. Tum, tum tum tum, tums vo in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. woman is that . Oh wow but we got to sell our houses vo dont worry. Sell and buy in one move when you start with opendoor. woman yes vo close in a matter of days. Start with an all cash offer at opendoor Dot Com Rachel were back with your headlines expert soldier accused of terrorism recaptured after being spotted riding bike around london suspect escaped a london prison earlier in the week before being arrested again on saturday. The man is accused of Gathering Information that could be useful to an enemy and planting fake bombs at a British Military base. The government says an official investigation is underway to determine just how he escaped captivity. Ash top kutch and mila kunis now apologize after wreg a letter on behalf of that 70s Danny Masterson before he was sentenced for two Rape Convictions they were writing positive things about his character before he was handed a sentence of 30 years to life. They said they never questioned the conviction just wrote about their long friendship as many other friends and Family Members were asked to do. Kutcher also says the letters were intended for the judge to read and not to undermine the testimony of the victims. And Meghan Markle more unpopular in america than ever before, according to a new survey, newsweek Reports Markle sits at a minus 2 net Approval Rating falling from 23 points back in december while those were probably getting close to joe biden numbers plummeting score comes as she and her husband prince harry work to restore their image in america after multiple failed projects. Sounds like restoring their image is another failed project and those are your headlines lets turn now to chief meteorologist rick for our fox weather forecast, his popularity in the as low as Meghan Markle lets talk a little weather because we have a Big Storm Across The Atlantic you heard about it this week Hurricane Lee strengthens so rapidly show you whats going on also weakened rapidly category 2 storm right now probably will strengthen a little bit in the shortterm. Still just over water not impacting land. If youre bermuda later this week watching this one it is gong to be getting very close. And eventually maybe we get a few showers across parts of far eastern new england very early to watch, in fact, were talking probably 7 to 8 days if theres any impact towards northeast so plenty time to watch. All right, sir on sngd i like to show you what it looks like moisture is coming this week and weve got great moisture coming in across Central Plains kansas, texas places plagued with drought this summer incredible hot temperatures and temperatures will drop and get rain over the next four to five days to help the drought significantly. Out across eastern part of the country few showers across parts of the panhandle of florida and heavier rain this week across parts of the northeast this is what im talking about that drought with darker reds thats where weve got significant drought thats developed and a lot of areas get three to five inches of rain to help maybe cause localized flooding but those temps that have been so incredibly hot all summer long will get a real nice break all right pete sending it toe you inside. Or will even better will finally here. Week one of the nfl season is arrived and not a moment too soon. Weve got 6 must see matchups airing today right here on fox including americas game of the week, the packers and the bears. As well as the Panthers Versus falcons, where you will see our next Guest Reporting live on all of the action. Fox shrine reporter jen hale joins us welcome to happy football day. Good morning. Happy football. Indeed it is back and we cannot wait. By the way, will, 30th Anniversary of the nfl on fox so all sorts of special stuff planned during our broadcast hey lets start with what you mentioned americas game of the week packers at bears keep your eyes on the Quarterbacks Justin Field trying to pick up where he left off last season he was unbelievable with his legs will over 111 yards on the Ground Runningbacks would be happy with those numbers right. Hes going try to refuel Chicago Bears team by the way has never beat the packers in the floor era and speaking of the packers, what do they look like without Aaron Rodgers jordan love and they want to see what packers look like now. And what are your game jen youre Panthers Falcons i believe and weve Got Brice Young Rookie quarterback for the panthers what do you expect there . Debut of the overall pick ill try to beat this panthers franchise quarterback and folks will remember him from college he was a huge star at alabama Heisman Trophy winner 510 so people want to see him in action can he see over that line and hold up and be durable. And then robinson debuted other side for the falcons fantastic running back he can do it all dual threat out of the backfield he can run, he can catch. Will My Number One pick and Anna Long Horn see if he carries it over for atlanta today and finally this should be a good game niners, steelers, everybody, i mean, niners probably along with eagles the popular pick to represent nfc in super bowl steelers very underraided they finished out the season last year really strong so this could be a really good game today. Oh. It is circled very high on my list absolutely so many folks are on this 49ers banding wagon with so many great storylines. Of course, youve got Brock The Cinderella Story from last season he was last pick in the draft mr. Irrelevant looks like huge win and come back from that elbow injury and then will im really curious to see what type of shape nick bosa is nfl highest paid nonquarterback but had to hold out for 44 days away from the squad for over a month. Can he pick up where he left off . Thats a big question mark, and hey you nailed it mike tomlin every in had a losing season in 16 years dont ever count out the steelers. Will what did he get 35 million a year was it that much . Highest paid nonquarterback in nfl history he got paid chaching. Will he did all right theres your lineup of matchups today on fox to start off week one of the nfl. Jen so great to see you thanks for being with us this morning. Thanks for having me will enjoy the games. Will thank you i will and, of course, pete watching vikings ill be watching Cowboys Clapping Upstairs it is time for football now to a Fox News Alert were awaiting a Press Conference from biden in vietnam. Well bring it to you live. Frustrated by skin tags . Dr. Scholls has the breakthrough youve been waiting for. The first fdacleared athome skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. The allnew tempurpedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. So, no more sweating all night. Or blasting the air conditioning. Because the tempurbreeze feels up to 10 cooler, all night long. For a limited time, save up to 700 on select tempurpedic Adjustable Mattress sets. When my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. Breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flareups. Breztri wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. It is not for asthma. 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While were not going to talk about what we were talking about in the break but were going to talk about San Francisco because you know, theres been a bit of a crime crisis there, nancy pelosi stop laughing everybody. Nancy pelosi is famously now running for reelection to try to fix it. What that would entail were not quite sure but we know in the interim, San Francisco is going to try to change its image because theyre hiring a new president of the San Francisco travel association who is going to spin it so that maybe you do want to come visit and be a part of this. Beck said his Bigsest Challenge was a quote this is incoming new directors biggest challenge is the ongoing narrative about San Francisco as a monolithic experience when it is clearly not in particularly he said Media Coverage of whether the city is safe guys it is not 100 accurate. Rachel so this is so interesting so theres a massive Crime Problem hes going say it is not but it is because everybody i know who lives in San Francisco says there is and weve had plenty of Video Footage News Stories coming out of San Francisco businesses that are moving out but the answer, of course, is that we just need to work on the image not actually fix the problem. Yeah. Will narrative. Narrative theres a story. A created story is what that is usually implied when you say a narrative. It is not a narrative that all of those drugstores have left San Francisco. What is it Walgreens Cvs and Corporate Headquarters as well as other high end stores. Yeah. That was all, you know, after it turned into a public toilet. I mean, its been a long time since ive been to San Francisco but even when i was there, i had saw it being used as a public toilet. Rachel yeah or we did a story not long ago kids coming out of school and they have to step over needles and all kinds of things Drug Paraphernalia on their way home. It was terrible. So yes, i mean, the answer is pr. Just change the image and by the way theyre spending i think like 6 million on this which they could have actually put into Law Enforcement. Pete what will ads look like . Will should be a map of the brochure saying it is not all of the city and nancy pelosi says a few areas so we need to have a city map with like red no go zones to explain to us the narrative. Rachel yeah. Will what are you doing . Pete areas you cant go to okay and then weave in here go one store Golden Gate Bridge and then leave. Will there it is. Rachel or go to Nancy Pelosis neighborhood with private security. Pete a fence and no one else can have walls just her. Will now you can tell more about what we were talking about in the commercial break. Earlier under loftier topics than that. More lofty topics for sure. To a Fox News Alert were awaiting a Press Conference from joe biden in vietnam. We will break it to you live when it comes. Thats the United States flag and the communist flag of vietnam. Let newage products transform your garage into an area of your home you can be proud of. Modular steel cabinets let you pick and choose the Storage Solutions to keep your garage organized, with overhead racks and shelving, slat wall, workstations and flooring that let you create a Showroom Garage to call your own. Designed for diy installation. All you need is one weekend to take your garage from unusable to unbelievable. Visit us at newageproducts. Com. How can you sleep on such a firm setting . Gab, mine is almost the same as yours. Almost is just another word for not as good as mine. Save 50 on the sleep Number Limited Edition smart bed. Plus, free Home Delivery when you add an adjustable base. Shop now only at sleep number. Will we begin this hour with a Fox News Alert. Were waiting for President Biden to take the podium at a Press Conference in vietnam. Rachel peter doocy is live in hanoi with the latest. Peter, good morning. Reporter good morning. President bind should be here any minute, but we got some new video of his stop at the communist Party Headquarters here in vietnam. The General Secretary of the Communist Party is really trying to butter up President Biden. He had some compliments for him saying youve nary aged a day and look better than before and added every feature of you, mr. President , is much more complimentary of you of your

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