Ak47. I didnt write that bill. Cuba on education. I think really . Really . If we cannot pull this Party Together . If we go to one of those extremes. We take a terrible risk of reelecting donald trump. You said medicare for all will cost 30 trillion. Over 30 years. Can you do the math for us . How many hours do you have . It adds up to four more years of donald trump, Kevin Mccarthy as speaker of the house and the inability to get the senate into democratic hands. Do something for the people of america instead of a bunch of broken promises that sound good on bumper stickers. Steve welcome to the post game show as we watch three days before the South Carolina primary. There was a big debate last night. The democrats needed a good one. They, instead, got a bad one. Ainsley it was a shouting match. Seven democrats on stage. This was their last chance going into the South Carolina primary to actually prove that they should be the front runner. And they talked over each other for two hours. Steve disaster. Brian i will tell you what the cover of the New York Post says party bashers. Pretty clear thats exactly what happened. I understand where they are coming from. A lot of them this is their last gasp. Blown out in South Carolina and smashed on super tuesday march 3rd. This is their last chance. I understand it. I understand too its tough being a moderator in this situation but, having said that moderators had no control and candidates showed no selfcontrol and the people who lost most were the viewers and voters. Steve absolutely. It was a terrible debate. A word to cbs, there is a thing called a volume control. If somebody is talking and they havent been recognized, just turn off their microphone. Lets go to the cover of the New York Post again. Brian pointed out the cover says party oh, i tell you what, they moved the camera. Never mind. We will talk about that later. Ainsley meanwhile go to charleston because griff is live in charleston, South Carolina this morning. Griff good morning. It was messy, it was chaotic. It got down right personal. It was clear from the start that every candidate wanted to take their best shot at bernie. Heres a little bit of how it went down. Watch. Vladimir putin thinks that donald trump should be president of the United States. And thats why russia is helping you get elected. Oh. I think i would make a better president than bernie. If you think the last four years has been chaotic, imagine spending the better part of 2020 with Bernie Sanders vs. Donald trump . Bernie sanders analysis is right. I dont like his solutions. Bernie, in fact, hasnt passed much of anything. It matters if you can actually get things done. Im hearing my name mentioned a little bit tonight. [laughter] i wonder why. Sanders spoke the most and he relished being the frontrunner perceived by all the candidates. Although bloomberg returned and all eyes were on him to see if he could do better than that debacle in nevada. Again, senator warren going after him over women. Listen. At least i didnt have a boss who said to me kill it the way that mayor bloomberg is alleged to have said to one of his come on. We released these women from a nondisclosure agreement. I dont know what else she wants us to do. The trouble is with this senator enough is never enough. Griff other take away, guys, is biden had a strong passionate night but marked with a lot of gaffes like we played in the open mentioning 150 million americans which would be essentially a third the country killed by gun violence since 2007. Obviously not accurate. And actually none of the candidates actually challenged him on that. Biden predicted a win here. Three days we will find out whether or not that comes true. Brian, ainsley, steve. Steve thats right, steve. Ainsley he is not running for president , right . He is running for senate. Steve i heard that yesterday. So going in the dynamic was going to be would Bernie Sanders be unstoppable . And after that performance last night i dont think it changes that much. People thinking a clever Michael Bloomberg going to show up . The best appearance of Michael Bloomberg was his commercials in between. And as for joe biden, well, griff pointed out he did have some gaffes. It was his strongest debate out of the last 10 debates. So, as you look at the polls going into South Carolina, i think biden still wins in South Carolina but ultimately i dont think bernie can be stopped. Ainsley but you know what . Last night if you watched the debate it was more about being heard . They all wanted to talk over each other. They wanted to have that big moment when they had some soundbite that everybody was going to play in the morning. Steve like the last debate. Ainsley what i wanted to learn was about the issues. I want to know, bernie, how do you plan on paying for medicare for all and they questioned him about that. Steve do you have a couple hours . Ainsley they said no, two minutes. Buttigieg says number keeps getting lower and lower change the number constantly. Amy klobuchar said something really interesting. She said this is going to cost three times our economy. Not the federal government. The entire economy. How are you going to pay for this . Brian klobuchar was the one kept knocking him down on that. And also he takes his free time to praise nicaraguas government and cubas government. But lets look at what the trump team thought of the actual debate itself. They obviously are feeling pretty good about it. They tweeted this out. The Democratic Party is a hot mess. And tonights debate is further evidence that not one of these candidates is serious or could even stand to toe with the president of the United States. I dont know how bloomberg did it but he seemed to have a lot of South Carolina support in that audience. The dnc said well we handed out tickets evenly. But i will tell you, Bernie Sanders was thrown by the fact he goes really you . Guys usually cheer this. Why is everyone supporting what Michael Bloomberg said in the other thing to keep in mind i never remember a frontrunner where people on the stage dont say i disagree with you. They tell you you cant win. From Pete Buttigieg to Amy Klobuchar to joe biden. They are looking at Bernie Sanders and say you know if we nominate this guy. You realize if he does win, we all lose . Ainsley they talked about the black vote and bloomberg said i have a lot of black support. Many of them are here in this audience. Steve what was interesting though interesting dynamic with Bernie Sanders was the fact that when he was asked to your point, ainsley, about how much is this going to cost he said do you have a couple hours for me to explain it. People who are going to vote for Bernie Sanders dont care about the cost. They dont care because they have been told that millionaires and billionaires are going to pay for it. Nonetheless, it was super chaotic and you look at some of the headlines politico says dems yell, scold and interrupt intense South Carolina debate. New york post democratic debate turns into school yard screaming match. New york times combative mood at messy forum in South Carolina. To prove it was messy watch this little montage we have snipped together. Bernie i was talking about. [talking at the same time] goal post before. I would like, senator sanders. If you get nominated we will be relitigating this all year. Not do what i ask. First of all. Let me go. We would ask respectfully if you would all please try to keep to the time. Good idea. You got people believing something that is false. Billionaires. New topic. New topic. Senator klobuchar. If you could honor the rules of the debate, thank you. Senator sanders allowed a Quick Response. [talking at the same time . [. Moderator, guys. Senator sanders. Its my turn . Brian total chaos. Steve free for all. Brian tough spot as a moderator you might be looking at the next president of the United States. You cant treat them like school kids looking to get in line. Steve they were breaking the rules. Brian i 100 percent agree with you. Etiquette wise i know its all about time but you are ignoring me and disrespecting the audience that you are trying to win over. One point about Bernie Sanders i was staggered to see even though his popularity was strong in iowa, strong in New Hampshire and overwhelming in nevada, he is not growing the base. The turnout is not greater for Bernie Sanders. What he is doing is holding on to his base and with all these. Steve which is strong. Brian that seems to be enough. If you look at joe biden, it was good for joe biden but he doesnt put together three coherent sentences. I know its better than usual but there is a real concern here that is making no sense over the course two of hours over the last 10 times. Ainsley i like the fact he would say look im not going to stop talking. I still have time. All of you have talked you need to give me my time. He looked strong in a that moment. You cant blame the moderators they knew in in this was the debate that we were all going to watch because they were all going to talk over each other because they are dying to get that nomination. Steve absolutely. At the end. But ultimately the moderators are doing a tv show and we talk over each other its live tv i get it. With a free for all you want the people at home to understand whats going on. As we saw in the montage it was completely unfocused. Somebody would be talking about something. Somebody else would interrupt them and then suddenly the debate became about whatever that person wanted to talk about. It was a disaster. Cbs now stands for chaos on the big stage because it was terrible. Ainsley its hard. Seven people on stage vying for top position. Four moderators. You know when we interview a big crowd of people its hard when you have twominute segment or threeminute segment to get everyone in. They this two hours to get everyone who wants to be the democratic nominee to be heard. They are all yelling over each other. I dont blame the moderators. I think. Steve they lost control. Brian whats crazy is we are talking about socialism as a main focal point for the last two months. And now lately over the last two weeks we have been talking about cuba and the magic of fidel castro who brought back the firing squad. But, instead, and got rid of cars and brought back oxen. Ainsley you work so hard for your business and you say im taking it from you and you are going to be poor now murdered people. Took away healthcare. Doctors so good sold them off to brazil sold them to brazil to bring back more money for the communist government. Bernie sanders keeps doubling and tripling down listen to the big cuba debate. What i said is what barack obama said in terms of cuba. That cuba made progress on education. Yes, i. [boo] really . Really . What barack obama said great progress on education. What you were doing is healthcare. That was barack obama. Excuse me. You did not condemn what they did. Uncategorically true. What did you tell them. I have condemned authoritarianism whether its people in the saudi arabia. How about cuba and nicaragua. Cuba or nicaragua totalitarianism of any stripe is bad. Thats different than saying governments occasionally do things that are good. Oh, come on. Steve he said repeatedly thats what barack obama said. So we will show you what barack obama said in march of 2016. President castro in cuba. I said, look, have you made great progress in educating young people. Every child in cuba gets a basic education. Thats a huge improvement from where it was. The life expeak assistance of cubans is equivalent to the United States despite it being a very poor country because they have access to healthcare. Thats a huge achievement. They should be congratulated. But you drive around havana and this economy is not working. It looks like it did in the 1950s. Brian right. Thats what he wants to emphasize. Bernie did leave that part out at the end. Its also important too when you educate a population you brain wash them to believe that fidel castro will solve all problems and go. Is the answer to all issues and turn in your parents should they ever say anything like lets lace together a raft, honey and try to float to freedom. Its just so insane that we are talking about elements of cubas economy and their mormoreys in order to put them into america. Thats what was on that stage last night. It was in many ways embarrassing and embarrassing for democrats. When you see people like rahm emanuel and James Carville they are panicked the guy in the middle in the precipice of winning believes nothing american about america. Ainsley establishment democrats. Cuba comments going to hurt him in florida, definitely. So many people had to lee cuba had their businesses taken away from them. Relatives murdered by castro. And they will take offense to this. Thats going to hurt him in florida. I think whats going to hurt him around the other parts of the country actually help him is his promises like the kid in second grade that stands up there and he wants to be by the president. Free candy, more drink machines. You know thats not going to happen but second graders dont know this. All these millennials hearing free education, free medicare for all. Healthcare for all and the billionaires are going to pay for it. Rich people are going to pay for it. They hear that message and go to the polls and vote. If you ask them how you are going to fund. This he doesnt have an answer for this. The answer is always different. Steve speaking ainsley about rich people. The richest person on the stage is Michael Bloomberg who is screen left. One other soundbite for you. Dont know if you caught this or not, but when he was talking about how he personally spent 100 million to elect House Democrats in 2018, he seemed to say that he personally bought something. Whats he talking about . Listen to this. Lets just go on the record. They talk about 40 democrats. 21 of those were people that i spent 100 million to help elect. All of the new democrats that came in, put nancy pelosi in charge and gave the congress the ability to control this president i got them. Brian Mike Bloomberg trying to buy an election did they complain then in 2018. Only complaining he is competing against them. He was a democrat. First a republican. Then an independent. Then a democrat. He got a total pass on that. Question of why in 2016 you supported all those republican candidates. And the answer for a democrat would be how are we supposed to know what party you are going to be by the end of your term if you are going to flip flop like you did. Other thing no one has asked him about is this disdain for farmers and mocking what they did. He has a total pass on that. Including about 90 Different Things that he said over the past few years. Not so much the way he ran his company but the things he has done behind the scenes and is on the record of saying. And, also, he got a pass on china. What are the rules that kept bloomberg in china . Did he give up free speech and access in order to access the Chinese Market . They just glossed over that. Steve maybe he got a bunch of passes because all eye were on bernie because bernie was the frontrunner and everybody wanted to derail them because the party elders feel he cant beat donald trump. And meanwhile, you know, Bernie Sanders may praise fidel castro, but he is blasting the leader of israel. Through b. B. Netanyahu, you have a reactionary racist who is now running that country. Steve a reactionary racist . Tony katz calls that disgusting and he is coming up next. Brian why is that okay . President trump back in america. Air force one just landing at joint base andrews. That happened moments ago. Its actually happening right now. So, we will bring you that and thats live. There is a chance we will stay with this right now. Ainsley look how beautiful that plane is they are going to change the colors red, white, and blue i believe. Brian i thought it should be done already. Someone go to earl shibe they can spray it there. Steve do they do airplanes now. Ainsley welcome back, mr. President. Well be right back. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . 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