You are. Ainsley Governor Andrew Cuomo over 30,000 ventilators for his state the state we are in right now. Thousands will be ships to new york next week. The big headline this morning is we have a deal. If you make less 57,000 or less, you are getting 1,200 in a check there are also big benefits for hospitals, for airlines, its a done deal. House, senate, they have come to an agreement and the president says he will sign it when it hits his desk. Brian yeah. I think its also kind of interesting we are going to go into detail and griff hat has te details. Im a speed reader i dont read that fast. New york has over 50 of the cases as you have heard Governor Cuomo yesterday. Hey, were the canary in the coal mine, we could be coming to a city near you. As much as we want easter, i dont know if easter is possible. On our show today dr. Oz will be with us to talk about the encouraging results from. So therapies that are out. Senator tom cotton will be with us. Dr. Nicole saphier and dr. Will will marc siegel and Stephanie Grisham fresh off her quarantine will be joining us live. Steve thats right, brian. You know, that late night deal, 1 30 in the morning that we are talking about to bring Financial Relief to millions of americans affected by cv 19. Griff jenkins joins us live in washington to break down the compromise. Griff, now yesterday we were talking about the 1,000page nancy pelosi bill that was a nonstarter for so many republicans with Green New Deal and college forgiveness and deals for the Kennedy Center this is a completely different deal and now nancy pelosi is going to have to sell it to her house after the Senate Approves it, right . Griff thats right, steve, brian, and ainsley good morning. Its going to be Nancy Pelosis ball in her court. This is history. The largest rescue package the country has ever put forth. 2 trillion worth of aid for suffering American Workers, Small Businesses and Key Industries and possibly saving the nation from the brink of recession. Its good news for the doctors and nurses and Emergency Rooms around the country who are waiting for more masks and more funding. Its good news for families all across america. At last, we have a deal. We call it Unemployment Compensation on steroids. Every American Worker who is laid off will have their salary remoon rated by the federal government will. Griff the text of the bill needs to be released here are the key components the rush of direct checks to americans, expanding unemployment assistance. Emergency loans to Small Businesses. Stabilizes key National Industries like the airlines and strict oversight for large corporations. That means no stock buy backs for ceos, the actual numbers will come out once its finalized. But expect it to go along these lines. 500 billion for corporate licket at this. 100 billion for hospitals. Plus, what Everyone Wants to know how much direct payments will be. We expect it to be around 1,200 per person for those making up to 75,000 a year with a reduction thereafter until a cap in 99,000. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin who led the negotiations for the white house says the president was pleased and will quote absolutely sign this deal. What Speaker Pelosi does with it, we will have to find out. She has a couple of options, she could do a quick voice vote and pass just what the senate did, thats dangerous because it only takes one member to shoot it down or she could convene the house on thursday or friday and vote on it or she could, as you mentioned, steve, try and move on her own 2. 5 trilliondollar package which has a lot of objections for republicans already. Steve, ainsley, brian . Ainsley all right, thank you, griff. We have been talking all week with the president about that tweet summing it up to say that the cure cant be worse than the problem itself. The problem is coronavirus. People are laying off employees. People are staying at home. They are not out and about. And they are not spending money on the economy. What does this do . It injects nearly 2 trillion of aid into our economy to prevent a recession. Larry kudlow says the stimulus might set us up to rebound this year. This legislation is urgently needed to bolster the economy, provide cash injections and liquidity and stabilize Financial Markets to get us through a difficult period, a difficult and challenging period in the economy facing us right now. But, also, to position us for what i think can be an economic rebound later this year. This package will be the single largest main street Assistance Program in the history of the United States. Brian so one of the things that i look for the details. And as i mentioned, its 1,000 pages. We dont know if that whole jamming those Green New Deal projects and funding for the Kennedy Center and solar panels is in this bill. The one thing democrats will say hey, we gained on this is they expanded Unemployment Insurance, number one, and number two, they got money directly to the states. I think thats important. I cant imagine that not being the republicans didnt mind giving in on. But the big thing, too. Both sides agree in 2008, a lot of money was given out and no governance. Now there is going to be oversight on it that will stick around for a few years to make sure things go to the right people. To make sure corporations give it to their workers. And the Airline Industry and other industries. I expect everyone expects the president to sign today. There is extra money for places like 17 billion, i understand, for things like the cruise industry. Casinos that need to be saved. And the president has already said i want that included. Steve mnuchin seems to have done yeomens work but we are yet to seat details as the day wears on. We will see a vote at noon and possibly a final passage at some time today. I look for the market to skyrocket, guys. Steve well, it looks as if, you know, so there are these two bills floating around. There is Nancy Pelosis bill with the Christmas Tree stuff in it. And then there is the new one from inegotiated by the senate. Thats the one they are talking about. Thats the one that probably has the best changes of passing because so many republicans are against all that other stuff. And, regarding the oversight, it looks as if they are using the tarp program as the model where there will be the republicans have agreed to there will be an Inspector General. There will be a board to go ahead and okay everything. But its important to the president and if you were watching the fox news town hall yesterday, you heard him say that essentially he would like america to reopen the economy by easter. Which is took a lot of people by surprise because, as the number of cases skyrocket here in the new york city area, its like how are we going to do that . Nonetheless, the president feels confident. Watch this. Were opening up this incredible country. Because we have to do that. I would love to have it open by easter. Okay . I would love to have it open by easter. I will tell you that right now. I would love to have that such an important day for other reasons. But i will make it an important day for this, too. I would love to have the country opened up and just raring to go by easter. Ainsley okay, so notice that he said i would love to have the country back up and running by easter. You have so many critics saying hold on a minute, what if we are not ready at easter, then we will reassess. Calm down, everyone. We will reassess then. He hopes that we will be back and running at easter. We all hope that right . Thats two and a half weeks from now. We were so worried about the testing. Surgeon general says the u. S. Has now turned the corner on testing. We were worried about the ventilators. Now have you Companies Making ventilators. Hopefully these hospitals will get exactly what they need. Governor cuomo is requesting 30,000 of them. He got 2,000 yesterday. 2,000 today. Hopefully these companies will quickly make these ventilators and then we will get those to the people. In two and a half weeks, we will be in a totally different place. Just last weekend or two weekend ago. Not this past weekend. Two weekends ago i remember talking to my friends. We were planning a girls dinner on a monday night that was saturday night. Monday rolls around, we are all absolutely not getting together. Thats how quickly things change in a matter of a day or two days. So in two and a half weeks we are going to be in a completely different place, steve. Steve well, the problem though, anxiously, ianxiously, right noe apex in new york. We are not even close to flattening the curve. We are going straight up with the number is doubling, the number of victims or people with it in the new york city area is doubling every three days it. Sounded like what the president was saying is there will be parts of the country that will, you know, still be social distancing and probably will be isolating. But there are other big parts of the country of, brian, that it sounds like the president says, essentially, there are very few cases they know what to do and we should be able to open the country. Brian yeah. Thats a good point. What he is saying is, look, there might be different states and different areas and municipalities that can open up and restaurants with open up and capacity of 100 for a round number, maybe they have 25 and multiple seattle, 25 tables spread out and we start doing it gradually in that way. The other thing to keep in mind, too. We are feeling the hit from two weeks ago. So we probably it takes two weeks to get infected and two weeks to have this and two weeks to show symptoms. Now we are in the middle of it. If you look at 42nd street and around the city we have been dead. There is nobody in the streets. There is nobody in the subway and nobody in the trains. I think we are going to get paid off for that in this coming week for the discipline we have shown over the last few weeks since the crackdown. But as Governor Cuomo said, right now its an emergency, all hands on deck. We have to get 3 m and gm and ford ventilators right into manhattan yesterday. Heres the president talking about what his task force has been doing and thats working hard. We talk to him about that. We say we need to be flexible. He realizes that and accepts that he doesnt want to give up his aspirational goal. Is he flexible enough to say okay, lets look at it on a daybyday basis. The president listens to tony fauciy. He listen to dr. Birx he hreufbs to when i or dr. Carson or dr. Redfield speak up. He also listens to the governors. Well assess at the end of the 14 days and figure out the most important thing to do. And based on my experience in the task force so far, the president will make an appropriate decision based on all the data. Steve and, as we heard from tony fauci yesterday, at the briefing, he said the key Going Forward is flexibility. And, you know, at the end of the 15 did is to flatten the curve essentially they are going to take a look at where the country is. And that is this weekend into monday. Meanwhile, you know, a key focus, brian and ainsley, of the Coronavirus Task force is getting healthcare workers the protective gear that they so desperately need. Listen. A majority of hospitals and a majority of places, it is the nurses that are the front line. They are our first priority. Its why we work so hard to get the protective personal protective equipment out there. Steve well, our next guest is a new york city nurse, registered nurse and first Vice President of new York State Nurses Association anthony champo joins us now. Anthony, you say the United States, all the various places that have spare parts and ventilators and protective gear need to ship them if they can to new york city today. Why . We need to be first off, thank you for reporting on thi important crisis. We need to be lase laser focusen new york city. We are fd center. We need to focus all our resources to stopping this virus in its tracks. That means we need the proper personal protective equipment to take care of ourselves. We need the rent later. My understanding is we are still only getting a fraction of what we need. And we need to make sure that the front line, not only the nurses but the medical personnel that we dont get sick. And right now we are getting sick. Ainsley anthony, the governor says he needs 30,000 vent later for the state of new york. He said the Vice President is giving me 4,000. I said you pick the 26,000 who will die. That really struck all of us. Im sorry, 400. And the Vice President came out and said give them 200 yesterday and 200 today. When i heard him say that i thought gosh. Out of all of those 30,000 though, does everyone need to be on a ventilator . Well, my understanding is it as of yesterday we had about 15,000 cases. At one facility we tested 500 patients. Over half of them had the coronavirus. We are looking at one in four patients approximately that require an icu bed which would need a ventilator. We have never seen anything like this before. We need to be ready yesterday. We are i have a high level of anxiety that we are not going to be not going to have the tools or resources that we need to take care of this. We are ready, willing, and able and certainly have the ability and some of the best medical staff in the world. We just need the tools and the resources to get our job done and stop this in its tracks. Im hoping that this is a wakeup call to the rest of the nation. Because what we have here today we dont want spread anywhere else tomorrow. We need to be laserfocused. Brian anthony, i know you never saw anything like this. Could you walk us through the halls in chief justice seeing. Can you compare here we are wednesday. Could you compare what it was like over the weekend or on monday . Yeah. So, currently we have the resources that we need today. Thats the good news. We are seeing drastic changes in the hospital. Its a mad scramble to prep whats coming in now. We are seeing units completely converted. We are making as much medical space as possible, expanding the icus as much as possible. You know, redeploying nurses. The problem is, you know, we made a reduction in about 75 of our elective cases in the operating room nurses are being deployed to the emergency room. Obviously, the operating room nurses most, you know, those arent within their skill set. So, were, you know, 2 feet behind in the game but, i just want to, you know, tell you that, you know, again. We need these the tools and the resources to do our job. Ppe ventilators. And widespread testing. We need to be tested. I see nurses getting sick. The medical staff have not been sweep tested. Because we are also part of the community, there is likelihood that there is medical workers that are covid positive and we dont know it unless we go see our own personal doctor and that makes no sense to me. From what i understand, that flies in the face of who recommendations. Brian all right. Go ahead. Ainsley. Ainsley ist just saying anthony, you are one of the heroes. The president has tweeted about you. First responders, doctors, nurses. All of you on the front lines. So many of us are all three in different studios we are trying to protect ourselves get the news out and there protect our families. You are right there breathing the same air as these i have. Thank you for everything you are doing to save all of us. Thank you. Thank you. Steve all right, anthony. Good luck to you. Meanwhile, more than 200 new York City PoliceDepartment Employees have tested positive for covid19. Thousands more are calling out sick. How is this affecting their job of keeping the city safe . 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