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Its about patriotism. Whats interesting the president is not going to build his wall. This wall is already being built. Jon stewart pushing correct me if i am wrong to stop the 9 11 Victims Compensation fund. The trump justifiable department is doing an excellent job so now its congress job to fund it properly. Coming to your city. Play our guitars and sing you a country song. Brian if we could get a house band they would probably be my first choice. Ainsley really big and rich. Brian show up every day and be in a good mod. Every song is upbeat and optimistic. Pete hard workers. Ainsley they have a bar in nashville. Brian john rich does. And it is the redneck rivera. Its right by the water. Its unbelievable. It only opened a few months ago. Pete ainsley i are in your city every day. You will. Brian usual. Pete is in for steve. Makeup note he needs more time than steve. My schedule now to your schedule. Right to a fox news alert. President trump is set to land in hanoi for a matter of hours for his big summit with kim jong un. Ainsley the president gearing up for summit 2. 0 with the north Korean Leader. Pete our own ed henry is live in hanoi with what we can expect. Ed, good morning. Good to see you all. Its interesting because kim jong un is on the ground here in hanoi. Took him three days that train ride from pyongyang to here in hanoi. He got a red carpet welcome as you noted. That train car is armored. Concerned about his grip on power, this dictator gets the red carpet welcome. His security detail was very aggressive about trying to not let the u. S. Media and others to get photos of him and whatnot. His goal is to try and rebuild his shattered economy. He want to lift u. S. Economic sanctions that were imposed on north korea because of its nuclear program. President trump though, of course, doesnt want to lift those u. S. Sanctions until kim jong un actually follows through on the promises made on round 1 in terms of their summit tri which was back in singapore last june where they signed a document that was a framework that he, kim jong un, was eventually going to move towards denuclearization. Dismantling his nuclear program. He has stopped the nuclear testing. We dont see rockets flying over japan and elsewhere for now. That is a positive step for the president in terms of pushing back on kim jong un and trying to give diplomacy a chance. President trump by the way still aboard air force one at this hour on hills way here to hanoi. We expect him to land in the next couple hours. We see him there at joint base andrews. Two refueling stops to get here. Just a long journey of 18 hours or so. Bottom line before we left the president expressed optimism about what they can accomplish. I think we can have a very good a very good summit. I think we have a very tremendous summit. We want denuclearization. Going to have a signing summit which is even better. So hopefully we can get that completed. But we are getting very, very close. You have seen some Media Outlets suggesting a nightmare scenario in their words would be the president giving in to kim jong un. Nightmare scenario would be a nuclear war. Something that the president has pushed back on and is actually saying to the world lets give peace a chance, guys. Pete ed, thank you very much. We appreciate it. Ainsley they will sit down tomorrow the president is supposed to arrive at 9 15. A little delay. Brian he wanted his train to go 37 Miles Per Hour because the president s plane goes a little faster. Pete maximum speed air force one 631 Miles Per Hour. Ainsley National Security purposes. Pete dictator afraid to fly. Remember the stakes of this. Ainsley i heard ed say yesterday he has to bring his own potty on when he gets scared when he goes to the bathroom that they will get his d. N. A. fascinated so so terrified people are going to do something to them because they are dictators. Brian other thing to point out talking about incremental steps. Lay out a road map. So type of gradual denuclearization. Are they going to talk about any type of liaisons between the two countries without setting up embassies . Are they going to talk about ending the war or looking for remains . There are three things they could do kind of easily. The fourth thick about dismanhattan links a plutonium manufacturing plant. That would be even bigger are they ready for that . Ainsley thats going to take some time. You cant expect too much. This is the second meeting and a lot farther than we have been in the past. They havent tested any missiles lib. Brian saw what libya did. Three years had it all out. All those missiles were sitting in North Carolina. We see what ukraine did after the fall of the berlin wall and the eastern block. They said we dont want Nuclear Weapons. Come get them. South africa cans something very similar. Thats not going to happen here. It has been done before. Ainsley continuing to build. Pete watch this closely. The president scheduled to land about 9 30. The United States a little bit late. We will follow. This any new developments we will bring it to you. Important piece of legislation yesterday voted on in the u. S. Senate. Called the born alive act. What it would mean is a doctor is obligated to ensure that a newborn infant in any sort of procedure if born alive is protected as a result. Pretty common sense piece of prolife legislation. Well, ultimately it came to a vote and it did not pass. It needed 60 vote threshold here are the list of democrats who ultimately voted against the born alive act. Again, an infants born alive should be kept alive. Its out premise of this build. Kamala harris, amy klobuchar, cory booker. Sherrod brown. Kristin gillibrand. Senator Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders it is orthodoxy on the left in the Democratic Party you dont vote against anything that planned parenthood doesnt want you to vote against. Ainsley this bill ensures if a woman is trying to have an abortion and baby is born alive the doctor would have to admit that child into the hospital. What is the alternative. These democrats are okay with letting the child die in the mother gets to decide . Is this what the governor was talking about when he said we would make the child comfortable and have a discussion what to do with this child . Brian those people you mentioned 44 democrats who voted against it the list you went through are all people running for president or almost virtually consider running for president in the case of Sherrod Brown and the rest have basically declared. The democrats who voted for the born alive act casey manchin and doug jones. If you want to note mindset of democrats, senator Tammy Duckworth says this is an attempt to bully doctors out of giving reproductive care. We know the partisan extremist playbook comes out of one base not in in fact but in fiction steeped in ignorance and misogyny. Senator ben sass says are you kidding me . I proposed this. If a baby is born they should do everything to keep that baby alive. Pete kind of side where no side wants to give an inch u as a result common sense goes out the window. Ainsley interesting so many of those individuals care about the children and the women down on the border but yet when it comes to our own babies being bocial alive they want to make the decision not to allow that child to survive . Its just unheard of. The president was tweeting about it. He said this will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of congress. If there is one thing we should all agree on its protecting the lives of innocent babies. There was another tweet he put out, too. The democratic position on abortion is now so extreme that they dont mind executing babies after birth. Brian listen to this. A survey just put out by marist 80 of americans support abortion being limited to the first three months of pregnancy. Increase of 5 Percentage Points since last month. Things are changing on the prolife, prochoice debate in this country. And a lot of people say its down to 3d imaging that comes down ains hearing the heart beat. Pete special interest powerful. Maintain a grip on the issue. Ainsley 08 are fine with it in the first three months. Brian basically a dead heat. Prolife 48 of americans identify as prolife. 47 as prochoice. Pete all about the first trimester, second trimester, third trimester. This is the fourth trimester they are talking about. Brian the Green New Deal. Put out. Dick durbin so confusing read it three times the democrat from illinois. He says he doesnt even know what it means. Most other democrats, especially those running for president are going along with this Green New Deal. Cost to it its going to cost 93 trillion. Thats 600,000. All of you are responsible for. But we have no choice. The world will end in 10 years. Ainsley thats according to a nonpartisan group. When you hear the story it seems like democrats dont care about babies born in america and do plan about the planet. Aoc is even wondering if people should just stop having children. Listen to this. Our planet is going to disaster if we dont turn this ship around. So its basically like there is Scientific Consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult. And it does lead, i think young people, to have a legitimate question, you know, should is it okay to still have children . Pete this is an unvarnished perspective of the new left. The orthodoxy of the left. Take this to the bank. Is the religion of Climate Change. They truly believe its world war ii. The world is going to end in 10 years. Our economy is 20 trillion annually. They want to spend 93 trillion to do the radical control of our entire economy and its because they believe. I mean, at some level they believe this is the most important issue. Ainsley if its 600,000 per family, per household. Kamala harris said its not about the cost but rather the return on investment. Brian Food Security for every living person 1. 5 billion. Guaranteed greenhouse 1. 6 and 1. 2 trillion. 5. 4 trillion zero emission means grounding of flights and building up of high speed trains which has gone so well out in california. Ainsley you forgot the best part of it people unwilling to work. Brian they now admit that was a mistake on their website. Pete we will be kim jong un riding on trains. Brian why do democrats kowtow to a 29yearold or 28yearold when they know that this is not plausible . Listen. She just keep doing this stuff. There is nobody to tell her no. There isnt a Single Person in the Democratic Party to tell her no. Regardless of cortezs ignorance and her just blatantly being wrong about practically everything she is passionate about there is nobody on the side of reason who can combat her ideas. Im talking about in electoral politics. Her ideas take off because there is nobody willing to say you dont know what you are talking about. Be quiet, come back when you grow up. Brian Mike Bloomberg did and Howard Schultz did two grownups. Pete Dianne Feinstein tried. Walked it back. Its like your kids spew nonsense at you. Quiet, quiet. Learn something before you come back to me. They let her keep going. Ainsley she normally is on the side of the democrats. Brian meanwhile straight ahead. Speaking of Climate Change, Bernie Sanders has sounded the alarm. Climate change is a global crisis. Its existential threat to our country and the entire planet. Brian how does he explain spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to fly on private jets . Ainsley plus, a 7yearold girl brings the house down with the national anthem. The performance going viral this morning. Red glare the bursting 3in1 copd trea. Trelegy. The power of 123 trelegy 123 trelegy with trelegy and the power of 123, im breathing better. Trelegy works 3 ways to. Open airways,. Keep them open. And reduce inflammation. For 24 hours of better breathing. Trelegy wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Trelegy is not for asthma. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Do not take trelegy more than prescribed. Trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling,. Problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Think your copd medicine is doing enough . Maybe you should think again. Ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy and the power of 123. Trelegy 123 save at trelegy. Com. Is a global crisis. Climate change is real. Is existential threat to our country and the entire planet. We have got to transform our Energy System away from fossil fuel to sustainable energy. Pete thats bernie. Turns out senator Bernie Sanders is so concerned about Climate Change that he reportedly demanded. Demanded private jets while campaigning for Hillary Clinton in 2016. According to the. If ec, federal election commission, sanders spent over 300,000 on private flights in the two years following the election. Here to react is marc morano, the executive director of climate depot. Com and the author of the politically incorrect guide to Climate Change. Mark, thanks for being here. Walk us into the mindset that is im the cheerleader against Climate Change yet, i demand private jets . Yeah. This is amazing. You have got beyonce, jayz, katy perry and bernie. What do they all have in common the Hillary Clinton campaign all paid them fly around and campaign for her in private jets. Bernie sanders has made his career out of what they say keeping fossil fuels in the ground. The probable is he cant keep from using them lavishly in the air. This is rank hypocrisy on the level to could compete. Outside of al gore electoral politics bernie was the guy as the number one climate guru and here he is just cant keep himself out of these private jets. He could have flown commercial. Pete we just played what Bernie Sanders said in the past. This is new sound. Listen. When i talk about human rights. Do you know what that also means . It means that our kids and grandchildren have the human right to grow up in a planet that is healthy and habitable. Climate change is real and caused by human activity. Pete is this the religion of the left . In fact the u. N. Climate chief has said when he stepped down quote Global Warming is my religion, unquote. For bernie to do this and have this kind of hypocrisy, this has a corrosive effect. The public doesnt buy what they are selling when they do. This bernie is only shooting himself. Whats ironic is the hillary campaign, they are eating themselves here. You rarely ever see climate activist on the left pointing fingers and going after each other for hypocrisy. This is a rare moment to see this. Usually climate skeptics and others pointing out the hypocrisy. Pete they are all trying to climb on top of the heap together. Marc morano the book is the politically incorrect guide to Climate Change. If you have ever driven across the country it takes a long time. Its not fun. I would rather take a flight. Mark. Thank you. Thank you. Pete second summit with kim jong un high stakes. What needs to happen to make sure north korea gets rid of its nukes . A panel is here to discuss. They are going to talk to brian. My teeth have always been a very sore spot for me, emotionally, socially. 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Just say teach me more into your voice remote and see how you can have an even better x1 experience. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Jillian good morning to you. Back with quick headlines now. Univision jorge ramos has been freed. Interview with disputed Nikolas Maduro came to a head after showing him a video maduro didnt like. Shows venezuelaingens picking food off garbage truck. Ramos and six others were detained for two hours. Meanwhile Vice President pence met with Opposition Leader juan guaido in colombia where he announced four sanctions against four maduro associates. An american held captive in yemen is free after 18 months. In a statement, President Trump thanked the United Arab Emirates for playing a role in bringing danny burch home. He added dannys recovery reflects the best of what the United States and his partners can accomplish. The texas oil worker was living in yemen and married to Yemeni National when he was reportedly kidnapped by rebel fighters in 2017. A look at your headlines. Brian send to to you. Brian here we go. A fox news alert. In just a matter of hours President Trump set to arrive in hanoi for summit 2. 0 or super summit number two. Kim jong un the denuclearization talks is what we are hoping for. We dont know exactly what he is hoping for. Here to weigh is our panel prognosticators playing the role of lisa booth lisa booth. Also young republicans outreach joseph pinion playing the middle seat. Row chilly richirow chilly rich. What do you. I hope is he able to get them to denuclearization. Im not confident. This is a regime made promises before in the past. Under the Clinton Administration they had promised to freeze their Nuclear Weapons program only for the Bush Administration to find out they were use ago loophole to continue to make these products. So im really not too confident not to say that the president does not have the ability to do, this its just to simply say that i think he should dial back the fact on twitter he said, you know, north korea is no longer a nuclear threat. Well, thats not really true. I think this is going to be a stepbystep process to get us to that point. Im hoping is he successful. Brian do you have an incream meant step, joe that works. You have to get at the very least some type of Ronald Reaganesque trust but verify stepbystep process toward denuclearization. Brian you want to see a framframework with a chart with date. Meaningful claw backs because, again, realistically, obviously just giving north korea the silent treatment was not working. There has to be some type of way where we as a nation can have framework to see whats going to happen. Brian joe silent treatment is not right. Patience. Dont give me the silent treatment. Brian lets have International Experts hunt for remains for the 1950, 1953 war. And then maybe a third pillar we talk about inspectors. What do you see . Look, i think we are still pretty early in the talks, right . I dont know if we are going to get that much concrete steps out of this meeting right now. Brian thats a problem though. I know we are holding the meeting in vietnam to basically show north korea what could be in the sense that we were once at war with vietnam. Now their economy is getting stronger. That being said. If having nukes is if having nukes means stability for kim jong un and power, why would he want to give those up even for economic stacket. And also the concern here is there is a lot of challenges in deal with north korea. You look at the fact that china is key to north korea regarding trade. You look at there has been a study out in 2017. 52 country were found in violation of u. N. Sanction. Also military options arent great given the proximity of seoul in south korea and the amount of deaths and ghiz that could lead to. Brian ultimate back stop in china. If they give up the Nuclear Weapons. You know south korei got your bo invaded. Some type of monitors there. In comes the aid and possible investment. Meanwhile, lets change gears just a little bit. A new democratic candidate and somebody else speaking out. Senator gillibrand speaking out yesterday about Climate Change. Listen to how she quantifies it. Lets just take what the Green New Deal is. Global Climate Change, Severe Weather is the greatest threat to humanity we have. Scientists have just reached the conclusion its happening far quicker than we know. What new yorkers and people across this country knows when Severe Weather hits people die. It destroys communities. Brian if she want to approach this like nasas race to the moon, what do you think rochelle . I watched this interview and i wasnt pleased with her performance or answers at all. She didnt really answer the question u im still not really sure exactly where her stance is as far as paying for things such as the Green New Deal. The idea of Climate Change, yes, Climate Change, obviously is, a very serious issue; however, how we address Climate Change, we have to have sensible solutions. And i dont think that necessarily imposing a tax on billionaires is the way to go about it. Brian pretending that every rainstorm is the world coming to an end. That was also very strange to me. Brian listen to this. I was fascinated by this poll. What matters most to you . It is number one the economy. Number two, healthcare, again by the way, number three education, number 4 terrorism, number 5 social security. Oclock at Climate Change. Whats going on . Reality is always going to be thto be its the economy, stupid america is finding out what new york everywheres have known for a long time about kirsten gillibrand. We have patrol car that tim and tunism and kristin gillibrand. She wants to be the farmer want daughter. When im. Brian this is what i stand for vote for me or not. She is not that person. None of it is true. In politics you have political tunism and thats what defines gillibrand. This is someone who when she ran as maybe congress she joined the Blue Dog Coalition and a rating from the nra and now an f rating. Talked about the need for decrease deportation. Now she wants to get rid of ice. This is someone who promised voters that she would carry out her term for senate just recently in the last election and now is running for president. So she is a complete and utter fraud and that is going to be the biggest thing that prevents her from ever getting in the white house. Brian democrats will be her regulator and governor. They will be interacting before they even get to the president. Guys, great debate. We need another hour. Im sure you could put it in a word, right . Get some more time. Producers . Brian not even the robot cameras. Coming up straight ahead. Michael cohen reportedly called President Trump a criminal during his public testimony on capitol hill. Probably do it behind closed doors today. How far will we know he is telling the truth . A judge will weigh in. And, should lakes have the same rights as people in that question is on the ballot today and we are serious. Snoite burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. Even rooftop parking. Strange forces at work . Only if youre referring to gravityand we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum the communal feast. Potluck. This parade of dishes will soon be yours to scrub. And theyre not even. Yours. 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Steve receiving a red carpet welcome upon arriving for summit 2. 0 is what they are calling it the talks are expected to begin over a private dinner. Lets bring in ed henry our fox news chief National Correspondent live in vietnam for us. Ed, how are you doing . Great to see you are, fantastic. Brian lets talk about what to expect. We know the president arrives in a couple of hours today. We know he is going to meet with vietnamese leaders, but do you sense that there is a direct game plan or is the president going to see what he has got when he looks across the table . I think its the latter because the president signaled way back last june when we were in singapore covering the first round of this summit that he likes to get a read on someone. And go with it if terms of what he has long called the art of the deal. In fact, i think it was at the News Conference at the end of the singapore summit where the president said within five seconds of being with someone in a room he can get a read on whether or not is he going to get a deal or not which way they are headed. This is someone who he has lavished praise on. They have exchanged letters. President obviously has to be careful about that because kim jong un is somebody who has got a litany of human rights abuses on his ledger. Who has murdered people. At one point has an awful human rights record. Somebody who is now at the peace table saying that maybe he will give up his Nuclear Arsenal if the u. S. Will lift the boot off the throat in terms of economic sanctions. So the president clearly has a gut feeling that there may be a deal here to be had. So there is a lot of naysayers trying to talk this down. But you have got to give the president credit for trying to make it work. Ainsley we saw him arrive in the armored train and then he got in a limo and there were body guards surrounding him. Apparently some running alongside the lim limo . Yeah. Thats pretty standard. This is someone, a dictator, who is concerned about his grip on power. He does not often leave his home turf of pyongyang. There is a reason for that remember, he is ordered the killing of a brother. Other relatives. Political rivals in north korea. And there, you know, Newt Gingrich said here on the program yesterday, there is only so many summits that kim jong un is going to do out of a fear that when he leaves this country it might be hard to come back at some point if the military in north korea turns on him. Thats another screw this president has to turn, which is that time is going to run out for kim jong un eventually whether its his grip on power back home or a imings of that with combination of that with the economy. Is he very cash poor because of these u. S. Sanctions. So the pressure is on kim jong un even though you hear a lot of democrats and those in the Mainstream Media who say the pressure is on President Trump. President trump is the one at the table trying to get a deal here. Pete ed, you are over there giving this summit a fair shake. What will happen . What will we get . Sure. A lot of the media here on democrats same thing. Already throwing cold water on the summit. Listen to them. Just as he is meeting with kim jong un,. Mike calicoen is on capitol hill how could that impact the negotiations we see in north korea . What could we see the president give away. He felt like he got a good press after the last one. And he figures another photo op. Might do that. You can get President Trump will want to have a News Conference to get attention for any progress he makes. The timing of the Michael Cohen stuff. Oh gosh the president of the United States wants to have a positive News Conference photo op. I covered a lot of president s, democrats and republicans. Get a deal here. If this president can do a number of things, one thing that might be on the table is a formally i understanding the korean war there was an arm tis decades ago but they did not formally end the war. If thats on the table here and they get that done and kim jong un feels like he gets that out of the way. And gives him some room to then start cutting deals denuclearization. And, by the way. They move for denuclearization and avoid a nuclear war, that would be a pretty darn good thing for any president. So, why focus on quote, unquote, positive press . How about focus on avoiding a nuclear war. Brian thats a good thing and allies love the fact we are doing. This says a lot. South korea and japan said i love what you are doing to the region and even having these talks. Ed as does china they dont want a nuclear war. Pete thank you. Ainsley jillian has headlines. Jillian we continue to follow this story out of colorado. Investigators start searching a landfill today in hopes of finding the remains of a missing california mom. Kelsey berreth disappeared on thanksgiving day and her body yet to be found. Her fiance Patrick Frazee was arrested and charged in her murder. Frazees girlfriend said he beat her to death before burning her body it could take months to find her reiss mains. Today voters in ohio will decide if lake erie should have the same rights as a human being. The lake erie bill of rights would allow people to sue on the lakes behalf over environmental issues. Supporters say its necessary to protect the lake. Years after it was contaminated with toxic algae. Critics say the move would poorly effect industrial job growth in toledo. A 7yearold brings down the house. Watch the national anthem. Listen to it. Perilous fight oer the ramp parts we watched jillian they are telling me to talk but i wanted to keep listening to her. Going viral for her performance at ucla basketball game. The former American Idol contestant has done this before dominating a performance at a soccer game last fall. That is a voice you could just listen to all day long. Ainsley i love she uses the hand, too. Its adorable. Brian someone else who uses her hands when she gives the weather janice dean. Am i right . Japan january yes. Look at these wonderful people. Cynthia, Corpus Christi texas. And. Janey from apock can a, florida. You are with her. Absolutely. Janice happy retirement, my girlfriend. I cant wait to be you some day. Its cold. Its not florida. I might come with you. Zero in minneapolis. Cold air coming in from canada. Wind chills across zero across the Northern Plains and you were midwest. A little bit of lakeeffect snow over the great lakes and the Northern Plains. Then we are dealing with this big storm system moving into california. Heavy rainfall for the bay area and we could see upwards of three to four feet of snow. So thats your forecast as we head through the next 48 hours. All right. Wave to steve, ainsley and brian in the studio where theyre all warm. Brian and pete. Pete i will play steve any day. Janice big round of applause for pete hegseth in for steve doocy. Pete thanks. Transgender athletes running back into the headlines in one state after two runners win a girls qualifying race. One runner who lost to them says its not quite fair. She will join us. This is a real headline live. Plus, Michael Cohen will reportedly call President Trump a criminal during his public testimony on capitol hill tomorrow. How will we know that he is telling the truth . The judge here to weigh in under pressure oh oh ozempic® announcer people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. 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Brian here to weigh in fox news senior judicial analyst and host of liberty file judge Andrew Napolitano. Judge, Michael Cohen comes to the table behind closed doors today and tomorrow in public with 8 federal crimes. Tax evasion, making false crimes to congress and one count of lying to congress. Why should we believe him tomorrow . We shouldnt believe him unless there is something to corroborate what he is going to say. This dynamite piece that the wall street journal broke a few hours ago says he is going to testify that President Trump committed crimes while in office. Now, this is entirely new. And it doesnt say the wall street journal source wouldnt say exactly what these alleged crimes are. But, no prosecutor would put Michael Cohen on the stand. No lawyer, prosecutor or defense counsel would put Michael Cohen on the stand and assert that he is credible without a mountain of corroborating evidence to support him. Are we going to get that . Probably not. This is not a legal hearing. By the way theyre one today we are not going to see and thursday we will not see. Brian in front of the Senate Judiciary committee. Judge thursday all bells and whistles. Brian congressional oversight. Judge does he have corroborating evidence or is he just going to try to ruin the president s trim to vietnam. Ainsley how he s. Lieud to d how is heallowed to do tha . Crime fraud exception. I would imagine this is what they are going to say that Michael Cohen and the president engaged in criminal acts. That is a high bar over which to jump but they are going to have to do it. Brian they will say he inflighted or deflated his personal worth and business worth to avoid paying property taxes. They will also point out. This and you probably think this is important they are going to say the cfo allen wifnberg who limited immunity was a part of all of this. Could that be the corroboration . It could be. Mr. Wisenburg has an agreement with the prosecutors here in new york city not to be prosecuted for his participation in these events if he truthfully reveals them. Is mr. Weisselberg going to testify . I dont know. This is not a courtroom where you put a witness on the stand and corroborate them. This is a political gathering. They dont care about corroboration. Pete this is all about the quick clip they can get to play on cable news. Judge headline from vietnam. From the president s behavior in vietnam. Brian push back look at his credibility. Why did you fire your attorney . Who is paying your legal fees. Question his personal conduct with or without donald trump. There is going to be push back on the right. Theyre will be famous prosecution were you lying then or are you lying now. Or are you just a liar . Thats the question. Brian thats before they colorized movies. Thats a long time ago. Pete thanks, appreciate it. Have you heard democrats say before there is a crisis at the border. There is not a Border Security crisis because manufactured one. Manufactured by the trump administration. Pete okay, thanks. Guess what just happened at the border to prove nancy pelosi and her party wrong . Ainsley Transgender Athletes running back into the headlines in one state an two runners won a girls qualifying race. One of the runners who lost to them said its not fair and she will join us live. Kno i work hard to protect this tookus. To take care of any messy situations. And put irritation in its place. And if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected. You can get comfortable doing the same with yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Ainsley the debate over Transgender Athletes is reigniting thanks to the connecticut state track championship this past weekend. Carrie miller and andrea both Transgender High School sprinters to female. They took first and second. Next guest failed to qualify for regionals by two spots. And she think if the competition were fair she would be heading to the next race. She is leading the charge to try to change the states policy on high school Transgender Athletes. High School Runner selena joins us now. Thanks for being with us. Thank you for having me. You are welcome. So you are friends with these two individuals and you are proud of them, you say, for wanting to be themselves and true this themselves. But you have a problem with them running in the female matches . Yes. It is unfair to have someone who is a biologically a male run with the girls who have notunder gone anything in terms of hormone therapy. Ainsley what would you like to see the solution . I know there is seven states that say they do have restrictions for this. Transgender athletes they have to compete under their birth gender. Is that what you think would be fair . I dont think that would be fair. To to be competing against them. Ainsley what would be fair to you . I would think it would be fair is to either implement the same policies that the ncaa and the International Olympic committee have or have them run as an exhibition type event. Ainsley what do the olympics do . They require your who are hormone levels to be under a certain level. Ainsley how does this personally effect you . It personally effects me because i missed out on qualifying for further meets and showing off what i can do in front of College Coaches and furthering my career in track. Ainsley have you thought about transferring schools . No. They are not in my school. Ainsley oh this is a state okay. So you are at the state level. Yes. Ainsley and then you told our producers that you are missing regionals because of this. Explain that. So, the top six spots qualify for the new england meet. And i came in 8th place. And the two Transgender Athletes came one and two. So if they werent there, then my friend and i from another school would have been in those two spots and would have qualified. Ainsley are you in a tough position because you see these individuals you compete against them . Yes. Ainsley all right. Well, so lena thank you go ahead, sorry. Its frustrating and in a way demoralizing when you are at the start line of a race and you know what the outcome of the race before it even happens. Ainsley more fox friends right after the break. Thank you. As the number one choice of hospitals pampers swaddlers is two times softer and wraps your baby in our most premium protection. Because everything that touches your baby should be this comforting. Pampers. The 1 choice of hospitals, nurses parents. Brian President Trump set to land in hanoi in a number of hours for big summit with kim jong un. A nightmare scenario in their words would be the president giving in to kim jong un. Actually the nightmare scenario would be a nuclear war. Jillian today the house will vote on a measure to block President Trumps National Emergency. We had ha wall would save a fortune. You have it you are not going to have borders and a country. Brian yesterday voted on u. S. Senate doctors voted on tone sure a infant, if born alive is protected and did not pass. Here are the list of democrats who ultimately voted against the born alive act. 7yearold girl brings the house down with national anthem. Performance going viral this morning and the rockets red glare life about joy its all about pete the will to walk away. Those lyrics could be prophetic in what we are dealing with in vietnam. Walk away, walk in. Brian Ronald Reagan walked away from that gorbachev deal. He said goodbye. Pete i want my star wars initiative. Shoot down missiles. Ainsley kim jong un took armored train going 37 Miles Per Hour for three days. Pete only goes 35 Miles Per Hour. Brian must have been in the sleeper car. Pete he probably was. Ainsley our president is on his way there. Supposed to arrive 9 15. Brian 10 05 the motorcade will arrive at the hotel. He will spend today a meeting with the vawsms president and talk about what a Success Story that is and what kind of insight he might be able to give to the region and now vietnam views north korea. They have had a huge riff between those two countries even though vietnam was one of the first to recognize north korea in the 1950s when the peninsula actually divided. Since then they have been a little separate as vietnam is very separate from china, too. We have a real ally there. Pete we sure do. We didnt but we do now. The president before he left the white house had this to say about the high stakes vietnam summit. Listen. I think we can have a very good a very good summit. We have a tremendous summit. We want denuclearization. And i think they will have a country that will set a lot of records for speed in terms of an economy. Pete brian, as you talked about, when the president famously when he walked into these rooms, he said im going to read the room. Im going to read my opponent and determine whats possible and see where it goes from there. That sends a lot of people into a tizzy because they dont see a template. But, ultimately this president has done things, negotiated things others have not. The establishment doesnt love it. But its a wait and see moment right now. Ainsley just think about the fact that they are not testing any missiles right now and they havent for the last two years since President Trump has been in office which is pretty phenomenal. They are still building them, of course, hard to tell a country to not build missiles to protects themselves. For them not to test them says a lot. Brian liaison offices between the two shouldnt be hard to set up. Liaisons, a wave communicating. So far the low level talks have not yielded anything since the last summit. Thats a bit of a problem. However, indications from south korea that north korea is willing to deal about denuclearization. What is concerning to some is south korea is too compliant with north korea. In fact, they said they would be looking for a pledge to denuclearize without inspectors on the ground which is a nonstarter obviously from our side. I think the next thing would be name a site. A site that matters a lot and dismantle it. And thats this complex of 390 buildings. Thats the major source of plutonium thats been in existence since 1986. Can we get some inspectors and begin to take it apart . They have done other things in terms of bombmaking that is slowing down. That we have picked up. We also know we would like that dash filled in between 20 and 60 bombs. We would like to know what is actually accurate. We also have a great idea of what they are building and where it is. We would like to know when they declare it is it the same list . Ainsley kim jong un wants to have a Good Relationship it appears and wants to have communications, open dialogue with our president. He also has to consider his military and what his individuals want in his country and has to please them as well. Pete his grip on power is what he cares about. He has been willing to trample all over his people for decades. Ainsley doesnt want to look weak. If you appear weak you lose your job. We know they have developed the technology to miniaturize a nuclear bomb and missiles that could reach our shores. We have to care about south korea but we care about our security even more. We cant live under a Nuclear Umbrella where they can threaten us no matter what. These why these talks are important. Thats why everyone in the Meeting Needs to chill out and give this president an opportunity to see what happens. Brian look at japan. Mr. President we will put you up for a Nobel Peace Prize and look at south korea we cant believe the progress and how donald trump has engineered us to this point. It makes you wonder what the rest of the world thinks of us or what do we think the rest of the world thinks of us . I was surprised by these numbers . Ainsley according to a gallup poll the u. S. Believes looks somewhat favorable in the worlds eye. The reason this seems like surprising number overwhelming mountain of coverage this president gets is negative. Especially here at home and internationally. The europeans and others. We have been told that they dont like this president. Yet, americans see through that and they ultimately say, listen, if we are putting America First and we are strong, our economy is good. Our military is big. We see that as favorable in the world because there is a reservoir the patriotism in this country that never gets accounted for in these polls ever. Brian thats interesting. I think the european when we had that meeting over in munich last week. Senator living room mentioned never seen such negativity towards america how down they were about americas going it alone strategy if you listen, its not going it alone. America first doesnt mean america alone. Pete maybe you should build a military. Maybe you should have actual troops and you could have a say at the table. Brian he is talking to all of europe. I know you are watching. Pete yeah, thats right. Ainsley lets go down to d. C. Because today the house is going to vote on a measure to block President Trumps National Emergency on southern border. Brian not much going on today. Sorry about this. First ever vote by congress to stop an emergency declaration. Pete Griff Jenkins joins us more from d. C. 59 declarations in history. 31 still in effect. Today will be a first. Speaker pelosi explains why. This is not about partisanship. Its about patriotism. We would be delinquent in our duties if we did not fight back and to overturn the president s declaration. Kevin mccarthy says the president is doing what is necessary. The president is going to get the full 200 miles that the experts said we need on these barriers to protect us. To have the border secure. And thats what the president said he would do. And he has a responsibility as a president. Should have done it the first 100 days. Speaker pelosi just visited. They closed a bridge. They busted more than 2 million in cocaine and marijuana. As for that resolution, it will go to the senate next if it passes the house some republican Notice Senate already supporting it north korea senator thom tillis becoming the second along with alaskas Lisa Murkowski that say they will vote to block the president. Guys . Pete thanks, thom tillis. Im sure North Koreans will love that choice. Thats the reality. Right now we are debating. Talk to Border Patrol agents or not whether there actually is an emergency at the border. Ainsley a lot of conservatives say there is they call it a crisis. Our president calls it a crisis. A lot of the media say its manufactured. Watch this. There is no security crisis at the border. President trump must stop Holding American people hostage. Must stop manufacturing a crisis. The only real crises that is at the border, which is not a Border Security crisis because humanitarian one. This is a manufactured crisis and a crisis that manufactured by the trump administration. Brian it is not true it is chaos at our border. And thats why and its been that case for 20 years. Thats why george bush got 500 miles of fencing. Thats why barack obama got 133. And thats why this president wants to finish the job. He has the prototypes. The 22 miles has already been financed. Its already well underway. Here is the president talking about why for the millionth time he says we need it. If you dont have it, you are not going to have borders and not going to have a country pretty soon. If we had a wall it would save a fortune. Save it on not just not having to pay military. If we didnt have that wall it would be impossible even for the military to stop. Unlike other countries, we dont let people get shot, you know. We dont have people standing there with the most sophisticated machine guns in the world and use them. Many countries do. Many countries do. We cant do that we cant do that. This country cant do that but the barrier does it very simply. Brian i just laugh about those 58 National Security officials who weighed in say saying there is no crisis at the border and we shouldnt do the declaration. Those people are the people who voted for president obama and republicans who hate trump. George bush know what is chuck hagel is live. He turned on him the second the war. Ainsley republicans could do the same thing and get a list of people who thinks its a crisis. Pete guy like thom tillis a conservative in North Carolina. A tossup state but a lot of Trump Supporters in North Carolina to vote to block the resolution on it i dont feel like thats a great move for him. Brian you need 20 to overcome the president s veto at the are not close. Ainsley i do want to hear from you guys friends foxnews. Com. Pete brian is going to try an awkward tease. Brian that couldnt have been more awkward. Off to a great start. Pete jillian, over to you. Jillian leave them up to brian. Pete why do i supply. Brian if you want a lack of chemistry nonstop shopping. Jillian terrible bizarre story happening right now. Amtrak train with 183 passengers is stranded and has been for more than 36 hours at this point. The train from seattle to los angeles was forced to stop in oregon sunday night for a tree on the tracks. Riders say they are running low on supplies. They just did an announcement that they are making diapers for some of the kids that are on the train. Amtrak says its giving people food and water and trying to bring in a new train. The problem is, the conditions are terrible right now. Heavy snow and downed trees all throughout the area are blocking the tracks. And closing roads in that area. So, we will stay on top of that and keep you posted. Today Michael Cohen will testify before the Senate Intelligence committee. President trumps former attorney expected to be grilled on several topics in a hearing that could last more than 10 hours. A public hearing in front of the House Oversight committee is scheduled for tomorrow. According to the wall street journal, he is expected to testify that President Trump engaged in criminal conduct while in office. Also today, voters in chicago hit the polls new mayor in historic race. There are 14 candidates, the most the city has ever seen vying to defeat rahm emanuel. Emanuel announced last year he would not seek a third term. Election Officials Say these three democrats are leading the pack and are neck in neck. In no someone secures 50 of the vote today the top two candidates will go to a runoff in april. Congressman Eric Swalwell admits he was rightfully roasted for this selfie. We telling you about. This the california democrat posted a picture its snowing in new york, i need coffee. The closest cafe is inside trump tower. This is me walking to an alternative. His post quickly went viral. I was rightfully skilled about that on twitter. Thats why i love twitter sometimes its just a cathartic place to go. We can dish it out and you better be able to take it. Jillian critics pointed out there actually were plenty of other coffee shops swalwell could have gone. To say. Brian finally someone said i screwed up. 13 minutes after the hour. Ainsley Senate Democrats block a bill that could have saved babies. Brian inspiring story behind this wing that will have you smiling all morning like the fourth of july baby. Were open just pass the ball no, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Yea. [quartet singing] shoot the j shoot, shoot, shoot the jaaaaaay. Believe it geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Believe it geico could save you fifteen percent but in my mind im still 35. Thats why i take osteo biflex to keep me moving the way i was made to. It nourishes and strengthens my joints for the longterm. Osteo biflex because im made to move. Welcome to fowler, indiana. One of the windiest places in america. And home to three bp wind farms. In the offchance the wind ever stops blowing here. The lights can keep on shining. Thanks to our natural gas. A smart partner to renewable energy. Its always ready when needed. Or. Not. At bp, we see possibilities everywhere. To help the world keep advancing. 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If we dont prognosticate then we dont have a job. Let me give you my opinion what i think could happen. I think we will see a number of incremental steps here. I see this as a trust building summit. I dont think that you are going to see some sort of major, you know, end of Nuclear Weapons throughout the world. But a couple of things that most north korea watchers will be looking for. One, does the president bum on economic sanctions . So far he has expressed that he is willing to build a more trusting relationship between the two parties. But not willing to move on those sanctions and that is clearly important to kim jong un. The other is do we come out of this with tom sort of piece declaration. We have talked many times on your program, brian. That is something that the North Koreans desperately want. The South Koreans are supportive of. That is a very, very big carrot to give them. We will need something in return for that. Brian one thing we did do much to the chagrin of many in centcom. Costly show of trust there thats one thing kim jong un can say they actually got. He also gets recognition by seeing again what the worlds most powerful leader that helps and also have a friendly news there. We also understand that almost everything in that country has been cleansed. Any antiamerican propaganda written on walls or signs has been taken down and nobody speaks ill of President Trump. Is that showing the culture of antiamericanism is beginning to be erased . Good points, brian. A couple things. One things is dealing with this theater. To the larger point here what do we have to deal with coming in . President obamas National Security team said whenever the president had to deal with north korea that was going to be the greatest challenge on the world stage. So we are seeing a real pivot, finally a real pivot to asia by this administration. I think the North Koreans, and the iranians and others are playing a game of chess try fog figure out if they can wait out the president or not. China doesnt have same luxury. China something hurt greatly by trade sanctions. We are see very two high stakes negotiations with the North Koreans and with the chinese happening at the same time. So the fact that were not listen, in 2017, we were geared up for a war. Both sides were. And we had gone through decades with working with the North Koreans again and again and again and ways that did not work. So thats why this summit is so important because we were prepared for war. Go back to that same war footing but that would be bad for the world thats where we are. Brian while china might want to wait out this president , north korea likes this president and thinks maybe this is their best shot of normalcy. We will see how they play it they are not stupid people. They will have a game plan. Morgan, thanks so much. Thanks, brian. Brian straight ahead, Senate Democrats block a bill that would protect babies being born after failed abortions. A woman who survived an abortion reacts next. ll glow to if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com if ywhen you brush or floss, you dont have to choose between healthy gums and strong teeth. Complete protection from parodontax has 8 designed benefits for healthy gums and strong teeth. Complete protection from parodontax. Want more from your entejust say teach me more. Into your xfinice remote to discover all sorts of tips and tricks in x1. Can i find my wifi password . Just ask. [ ding ] show me my wifi password. Hey now [ ding ] you can even troubleshoot, learn new voice commands and much more. Clean my daughters room. [ ding ] oh, it wont do that. Welp, someone should. Just say teach me more into your voice remote and see how you can have an even better x1 experience. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Pete welcome back. Time for news by the numbers. First, 100 years. Thats how long its been since the grand canyon became a national park. President Woodrow Wilson signed the bill into law to preserve the land for future generation. Celebrations scheduled throughout the day at the grand canyon. Next, 20 feet. Thats how tall this serious game of jiang go got setting a world record. The ca Caterpillar Company using 600pound facility in illinois. The game lasted for 28 hour hours. 540 thats how many this man spent. Paid the trips. And told the girls to get out of the cold. I passed one of those stands in minnesota. I should have done the same thing. Thats on the bucket list. Ainsley can you send Girl Scout Cookies to the troops on their website. A bill designed to protect newborns against infanticide defeated on the senate floor last night. Senate democrats blocked the born alive abortion survivors protection act which would have required doctors to treat infants born after failed abortions. Melissa oden is an abortion survivor herself and a founder of the Abortion Survivors Network and she joins us now. Good to see you again, melissa, thanks for being here. Thank you, ainsley. Ainsley you are here today because you survived an abortion. Tell us your story. I am 41 years old. I survived a failed saline infusion abortion back in 1977 that was meant to poison and scald me to death from the outside in. I actually endured that procedure over a five day period. On the fifth day my biological mothers labor was induced with the intent of me being expelled from the womb as a deceased child and accidentally i was born alive. Ainsley how did you find out this story . I was actually 14. Im adopted. My parents were told, of course, about what i had survived and that the doctors had a poor prognosis for my future. And so they knew that when they adopted me. But, you know, lovingly took me into their hearts and their home yeah, i was 14 when the truth came tumbling out through unplanned circumstances im the first person to admit, ainsley, it was absolutely devastating. Ainsley im sure. You spent your lifes work now making sure this doesnt happen to other babies. Democrats blocked the republican bill. What was your reaction to that . Yeah, i was there right outside chambers last night when they voted. And i was disappointed. I still am today. But im certainly not surprised. I think the democrats who voted last night against this bill really showed us sacrifice lives like mine to keep abortion on demand right there. Ainsley this is unbelievable. In your case you being born your mom and her doctors could have decided not provide you medical care. That has to hit really hard. And the democrats continue to say things like, right . Like this sun necessary. Im living proof that this is necessary. And im actually going to be meeting a nurse later today in minnesota who was there in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit when another nurse rushed me in. In her words she said she just gasping for breath and i couldnt just leave heir there to die. Ainsley tell us about your life sense. You have your own children. You are a mom. Generations are affected. They are. You know, i have two little girls 10 and 4. You know, i look upon their lives every single day and know that they never would have lived if that nurse, that day, wouldnt have been willing to rush me off to the nicu. No child should have their hands left in the hands of their abortionists or a medical professional to somehow decide to provide them medical care. This bill not only to ensure would have provided medical care but that there is penalty when there is failure to do so. Ainsley are you somewhat thankful for this conversation . I know many of us were appalled when we heard the governor of virginia say what he said about a baby being born at the very end and making the decision not to allow that child to survive. And we were all, most of us, many of us were horrified especially those of us who are mothers. Are you glad this conversation is out there so that we can have a dialogue . Absolutely. Yeah. Its really unfortunate that we are seeing this legislation sweep across the nation and the democrats blocked this bill. But you are right, ainsley. Its a great opportunity to have a really indepth conversation about late term abortion, about infants who survive abortions. This is just the beginning. Thats what i was talking to the republicans about last night outside chambers, right . We are going to continue to have this conversation and continue to see bills like this introduced. And, you know, i have great hope because we have great republican legislators who are committed to life. The president is so committed to life. And really our nation is full of people who identify as being prolife and are wanting to do something about it. Ainsley melissa thank you so much for your time. Thank you. Ainsley you are welcome. Coming up she is a fugitive cop killer hiding in cuba. Why did one airline honor her for black History Month . Governor Mike Huckabee democrats blocking the born alive bill. Sean hannity goes for a wild ride through the streets of vietnam. The story behind that video coming up next. I want to rock i want to rock o uh uh im the one who delivers the news around here. Liberty mutual has Just Announced that they can customize your Car Insurance so that you only pay for what you need. This is phoebe buckley, on location. Uh. Thanks, phoebe. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. What mahearthealthyle salad the california walnuts. Ver . The best simple veggie dish ever . California walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . 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Ainsley he jumped on that scooter bumper to bumper to get to that show last night. He made it just in time for air time thanks to that driver weaving in and out of traffic. Where is his helmet though . Pete no helmets needed in vietnam no one ever falls. Pete showing this video showing how chaotic the streets are in downtown hanoi. Has anyone. Ainsley there are no lines and no lights. I love no lines do your things. Survival of the fittist. Ainsley what in the world . Pete no traffic lines you just make your way. Ainsley i have been there before all this unrest it was like that too. Bring in governor huckabee now he used to be in arkansas where they do have lines when he goes to drive he is a Fox News Contributor author of mayor, medium and done well. Make the most of your life. You are taking your life in your own hands if you are driving over there have you been there. One of the places i have not been. I will tel tell you guys are dead wrong about sean hannity and the scooter. It was not to get to his show on time. Sean has now bought in on the Green New Deal and he is trying to just decrease his Carbon Footprint so he was riding a scooter rather than taking one of those big cars like Bernie Sanders would take. Brian right. Only problem is. You have got to get it right. Brian he might consider grounding one of his planes. I dont think is he going to go that crazy. Lets talk about what sean is doing there. The touches down 9 00 a. M. Eastern time today. Heading towards denuclearization and number two is im not in a rush. Where is what can we hope for knowing the president is of two minds . I have said this many times this whole situation with north korea is not an event. Its not going to happen at one great meeting that everything sort of comes together. Tapping process. Because have you two countries, one of which for 70 years has lived in isolation the likes of which we have not seen in the modern world. You have a president who, in less than two years, has accomplished more than others have accomplished in the combined 70 years in getting them to the table. Having them sit down and open the possibility of denuclearizing. This is a significant level of progress. Will it all be finalized this week . Probably not. But i think its another huge step the president has made and he ought to be given credit for it. Pete why cant our media here understand that very fact that it is a process . Its not just about a photo op. What reagan did, brian, as you pointed out on the show with the soviets took time, it took credibility it took walking away and then come back. Why cant we get arms around that in the 21st century . Its real simple they hate donald trump. They just hate him. They cant stand that he is successful. They cant stand the employment numbers. They cannot stand the fact that we are strong in the world. That we are rebuilding not just overall jobs but manufacturing jobs that the Previous Administration said would never come back. They have come back. They are just blowing up over the fact that he is succeeding and they cant understand why. Get it because is he doing things differently than has been done before. And thank god he is. Because we are seeing our country come back to life. Ainsley i know as a baptist minister you have spoken out against abortion. You are prolife. We just interviewed a lady who has been on our show before. She is an abortion survivor. And she was on reacting to the democrats blocking that republican bill. Listen to what she had to say on our show just a few minutes ago. I have two little girls 10 and 4. And, you know, i look upon their lives every single day and know that they never would have lived if that nurse, that day, wouldnt have been willing to rush me off to the nicu. No child should have their hands left in the hands of their abortionist or a medical professional to somehow decide to provide them medical care. We need this bill not only to ensure we are provided medical care but that there is penalty when there is failure to do so. Ainsley governor, her mother went in for an abortion. It took three days of saline injections and then she was induced and delivered a child that had survived all of that miraculously. And that was the lady we just interviewed. Whats your reaction . I wish all of those 44 democrats would look her in the eye and tell her they wish she was never born. Thats basically what they are saying with voting against this bill. Let me be very clear. Even if i was not a christian. If i didnt have spiritual and biblical convictions about life, my gosh, im a human being. I would like to think that we are a civilized enough people that we are not going to go the way of the canaanites. I think if the democrats continue on this path, they should rename their party the canaanite party and give credit to the canaanites of ancient days. They murdered babies and thought they were doing in religious superstition. They had some more noble purpose in their mind than just their own convenience and wanted to get rid of an unwanted child that maybe someone else would have wanted. I find this so appalling. If the democrats are going to base their 2020 election on the killing of a fully developed child, then i say let the games begin and there are a lot of democrats in this country, a lot of them who do not share those convictions. And are appalled by this new venture into infanticide. Brian just so you know tammy buck worth on the push back say this bill is an attempt to bully doctors out of giving reproductive care. We know the partisan extremist playbook comes out of this. One based not in fact but in fiction. Steeped in ignorance and my a subjecmisogyny. Bully doctors you out of giving care. That was her take on what ben sasse actually introduced. Brian, there is nothing reproductive about killing a baby. Thats where they have taken language and destroyed it its not reproductive. Its counter productive to reproduction. When you kill the thing thats being reproduced. I mean, that is on its face ridiculous for her to Say Something like that. And its ridiculous for these democrats to defend infant side. God help them for doing so. Pete they love talking about being on the wrong on right side of his industry. We know where theyre on this one. Thank you very much for being here. We appreciate it. Ainsley hand it over to jillian who has headlines. Lets start with this. Jetblue is apologizing for honoring a cop killer during black History Month. Look at that the Airlines Says crew members put up the display at jfk airport in new york. It included a poster of joanne chez march with facts about her life. One reads she became the first woman to be placed on the fbis most wanted list after escaping to cuba from prison where she was serving a life sentence for the 1973 murder of a police officer. Jetblue has removed the poster. Listen to the crowds reaction when a circus stunt goes terribly wrong. Jillian a young baseball player with one arm is off to a great start this season. 7yearold hitting a home run in Florida Youth league. He has become an inspiration and somewhat of a celebrity known for his other sport which is golf. He credited the st. Louis cardinals for his baseball skills after spending time with the team at spring training. Awesome, right . Ainsley cute. Pete very, very cool. Brian we minds me of jim abbot. Janice dean is outside with the wind. Janice have a crew you are from the south except chicago over here. Right . How are you doing . Three and a half weeks until springtime. Awesome. [cheers] janice take a look at the maps real quick and i will show you how cold it is here in new york city. Thats the wind chill. It feels like 13. Feels like minus 15 in minneapolis. We have wind chill advisories across the Northern Plains and you were midwest. As well as as a chance for a little bit of snow flurry activity. Gulf coast seeing showers and thunderstorms. And big old system moved into the west coast. Going to bring heavy rainfall and feet of snow across the sierra, nevada mountains in towards the rockies. Say hi to people at home. Hey, my grandson nolan, miles and my granddaughter liza. Ainsley say hi to brian, ainsley and pete inside. [cheers] pete a lot of spirit. Ainsley a lot of spirit . Pete where is your spirit, brian . Brian still there. Got it. Im really looking forward to going to this tease. Pete i will do it now. Vice president pence slaps brand new sanctions on venezuela as he visits colombia. Next guest was born in venezuela and says its time for a military response. Brian one comic book website taking aim at the man of steel does superman always have to be white . Dean cain superman himself is here to respond. I came to help. Thats still how i feel. Feeling unsure . What if you had some help . Introducing the new 2019 ford edge with the confidence of ford copilot360™ technology. The most available Driver Assist techonology in its class. The new 2019 ford edge pete welcome back. Vice president mike pence meeting with vendzen opposition later juan guaido as u. S. Increases pressure on maduro, the dictator to step down. U. S. Announced new sanctions against the maduro regime. They say their opposition, oppression over freedom will not win. Listen. I truly do believe that despite the brutality of this last weekend, where five innocent civilians were murdered. Where truck loads of medicine and food were burned, that the mow men stomach is on the side of freedom. Debbie was born in vendz. Wife of dinesh. Thank you for joining us, deny. Give us your take. You understand country in a way that most of us do not. Where are we right now . So, the situation in venezuela has reached a culminating point of no return, really. On the ground. As you mentioned mike pence was n colombia to talk to the lima group about the situation in venezuela and while sanctions are great. Maduro will not step down the sanctions. I believe we have to help the south american countries with a coalition of perhaps military intervention to boot the man out. Remember, is he a tyrant. Of course. Americans watching have heard terms Like Coalition to get rid of despots to introduce freedom before that havent ended as well as we had hoped. How do you make sure a freedom here is an outcome. Phil, right now the situation is really bad. Not only in the region, but i think many people dont understand that the situation in venezuela is a National Security threat to america. Hezbollah has Training Camps there. Iran has their sights on the uranium in venezuela. We all know what they want their uranium for. So, you know, instability in the region is not good for anybody. People are trying to immigrate to colombia and brazil causing a lot of turmoil in those countries. I believe that with planning, perhaps, you know, having maybe not boots on the ground but maybe arms to these coalitions will help. I dont think that things are going to end well, unfortunately. But, maduro has the military on his side. Many of these military people are they are called these were actual criminals in prison and let out by maduro in 2013 so they could be his thugs. They took arms away from people. They disarmed the citizens. Pete yep. They dont have any way to defend themselves. Its really, really bad. Pete it is very bad. Debbie, what do you say to Democratic Candidates flirting with the idea of a similar system, call it democratic socialism. Collectism, whatever you want, command economy. What why is it so dangerous, briefly. Its dangerous because you take the ability of people to make a decent living and you have the elite government running the entire country. You create, you know, you create shortages of food which people in vendz do not have anymore. You create shortages of medicine. No medicine. Its not a glamorous lifestyle. People dont understand that people are equally miserable not equally welloff. So, socialism is not what people paint it to be. Pete yeah. Yet have you got candidates like Bernie Sanders saying bread lines are a good thing. Limits the ability for humans to flourish and prosper. Absolutely. Pete thank you. Migrant caravans marching toward our southern border for months. One colleges guest speaker compares them to jews fleeing the nazis, the outrage growing on campus this morning. Plus, on this program, we have got congressman Steve Scalise and Texas Governor greg abbott all here live on this tuesday edition. Stay with us. Restoring your awesome. Daily. Feed your cells with centrum® micronutrients today. Feed your cells with well, heres to first dates you look amazing. And you look amazingly comfortable. When your vneck looks more like a uneck. Thats when you know, its halfwashed. Try downy fabric conditioner. Unlike detergent alone, downy helps prevent stretching by conditioning and smoothing fibers, so clothes look newer, longer. Downy and its done. Brian Migrant Caravans are marching toward our southern border. Some members even vowed to cross illegally. But the way its being described university of wisconsin guest lecture today may surprise you. Ainsley according to the events description it will explain that migrants are in many cases refugees protected by International Law as were jews during the nazi era or bosnians during the ball can war. Pete joining us now to react is campus reform media director cabot phillips. Cabot, if you would, explain this lecture and the view of history that it has. The idea certainly is to say that our country must be compassionate and let them in if we dont let them in then we are now on the side of nazis and being antibigoted and xenophobia. In this case of course there is a room for a debate on migration. Very complex one. Its not a historical to claim that the polit plight migrant and offensive to jews around the country and the world. This is also kind of the new par for the course on the left. Where if you dont like an idea or person, you compare them to hitler. If you dont like a Certain Group of people. You say oh, they are on the side of nazis in this case and sad to see and it stifles real debate. Pete yeah it, does. Ainsley its so political though, this is a public institution. Wouldnt it be better to have a debate instead of just one view . It absolutely would. I think on many College Campuses and around the country Many Americans are afraid of getting involved in these controversial debates because some times on the left they are accuse of being these horrible people and accused of being nazis for having differing opinions. The immigration issue has been you are with us or you are antiimmigrant and in this case you are with us you are on the historical side. Brian invite speakers with a wide range of views to lecture on current events, Jacobo Garcia International Commentator on war and disaster and conflict. Who will speak on the parallels between the Central American caravans and previous mass migrations during the ball can and nazi era germany. When you start with that kind of rhetoric, when thats the starting point a lot of people are afraid to bring up questions for fear of being labeled that many students im sure asking questions about the Migrant Caravan saying look, im reading caravans that show that the caravan can be used to smuggle in drugs and sex trafficking and other horrible things like that. They are afraid of being associated with this kind of rhetoric. Detracts we are a country of laws. When you start at this point you ignore the rule of law and we are a country based on borders and walls. Pete universities almost never put up statements like that in defense of conservative speech. Always a liberal point of view. Ainsley let us know how it goes if it does happen. Im sure there will be protests. Brian thanks, cabot. Ainsley President Trump arriving in vietnam in an hour from now. Our Live Team Coverage continues next. Brian plus jeopardy fans arent happy with the new all star games and one of those all stars is firing back. I should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call. Get your usaa Auto Insurance quote today. Whoooo. Did you know the exact same hotel room. Can have many different prices . Thats why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. Your Perfect Hotel room for the perfect price raquen. Rakutahn. Rakooten. Rakuten oh is this my money . Whoaaah haha rakuten ahhh rakuten theres brushing. And theres oralb power brushing. Oralb just cleans better. Even my hygienist said going electric could lead to way cleaner teeth. And unlike sonicare, oralb is the First Electric toothbrush brand accepted by the ada. Oralb. Brush like a pro. President trump is heading to hanoi, vietnam, as he gears up for summit 2. 0. Were seeing two very highstakes negotiations with the North Koreans and with the chinese happening at the same time. Ainsley Senate Democrats block a bill that would protect babies born alive after failed abortions. The democrats, they showed us theyre willing to sacrifice lives like mine to keep abortion on demand. Democrats will base their 2020 election on the killing of a fullydeveloped child. Then i say let the games begin. Brian this Green New Deal will cost 93 trillion. Our planet is going to be a disaster. Is it okay to still have children . She just keeps spewing this stuff. There is nobody to tell her know. Brian Michael Cohen reportedly called President Trump a criminal during his testimony on capitol hill. This they have corroborating evidence or will he try to ruin the president s trip to vietnam. Brian how do we do that every day. I feel like im walking through the glass. Im right here, materializing on the second floor, somehow through the glass. Ainsley were glad to have you here, pete. Pete appreciate it. That is why i have only two days. Im out tomorrow. Brian i want other shows to accept the challenge. We use the entire studio. We use upstairs, downstairs, in between. We actually use the stairs. Ainsley we have different names for everything. The fishbowl downstairs. We have the demo area. We have the living room. This is the curvy couch. Brian weather stand. Ainsley weather stand, rail stand. Brian read fox news alerts. Ainsley try it out. Brian President Trump is set to land in hanoi in just about an hour. Highstakeses talks with kim jongun. Ainsley president gearing up for summit 2. 0 with the north Korean Leader. Pete ed henry live in annoy. Reporter only one spot here, we call it the hanoi set i suppose. Bottom line, kim jongun joined us here in the capital city of vietnam. He arrived last couple hours. Its a long train ride. Three days or so, couple thousand miles from pongyang to hanoi. He is going through the second round of summit that begins hours from now. His goal is to try to get the u. S. Boot, if you will, off his throat. Those tough economic sanctions. I would like to see them lifted. President trumps position, is he wants to see steps towards denuclearization which was promised in singapore before providing some of that economic relief. What is interesting is, with the president due to arrive just over an hour or so from now, air force one has been in the air for a long time. Two refueling stops along the way, to give you an idea of the distance. You have democrats back home in the United States talking down this summit before it has even started while the president has an optimistic tone. Listen, i want the president to succeed but i am deeply skeptical that the president based upon his first summit with kim jongun is headed in the wrong direction. I think we can have a very good summit. I think well have a very tremendous summit. We want denuclearization. Reporter we have gotten to the point maybe you never would have expected where you have President Trump saying, give peace a chance. Guys . Brian yeah, i mean lets keep our fingers crossed. I thought we could be on the same page with this. It is amazing, ed. Ainsley ed, doesnt that say how important it is to kim jongun to ride for three days on a train, 35 miles an hour to get here to do that . Reporter absolutely. Some say that it may have to do, sort of a family thing because his grandfather took some train trips to here in vietnam from north korea decades ago and traveled by train. Maybe he wanted to retrace the steps there. Lets also remember, he is very paranoid, kim jongun, about his personal security because of his perhaps precarious hold on power back home. And so that was an armored train of course he was traveling in, guys. Pete unclear whether they upgraded the train since his grandfather took it many years ago. Thank you, ed. Brian i wonder when cushion was invented. Im not sure edison had a role. Ainsley i think i prefer air force one. Brian absolutely. I heard they had to evacuate the entire press hotel, looks like they thought wrong when it came to what north korea wanted. Ainsley traffic jam was unprecedented. They blocked off the highway for 105mile stretch so he would feel safe. Pete to your point, vietnam didnt have as much time as other locations to prepare for this. They are catching up to provide security. Brian we heard vietnam was the site before christmas. I dont know how much time they needed. So the big debate on the left this socalled green deal. If you listen to dick durbin late last week a democrat, not even a moderate, i read it three times, it makes no sense. I asked senator markey the cosponsor what it actually mean . That didnt stop senators gillibrand, harris, Bernie Sanders, cory booker from endorsing it right off the bat. Ainsley it will be extremely expensive but some of the democrats said this is the cost you have to pay to keep our country safe. Theyre so worried about the environment and theyre even worried about people who are not willing to work. If you dont care about getting a job, sit at home on your tail, well pay for it. Pete we learned about a new cost, it is kids, you shouldnt have them. Alexandria ocasiocortez she likes to put out videos on the internet while cooking she talks stream of consciousness, this is good way to find out how people really feel. This is her yesterday talking about Climate Change and your kids. Listen. Our planet is going to be a disaster if we dont urn turn this ship around. Basically there is Scientific Consensus the lives of children will be very difficult and it does lead, i this young people to have a legitimate question, you know, should, is it okay to still have children . Brian we did some math what we can make of this document. It turns out the cost would be roughly, shave a billion or a trillion, 93 trillion, or 600,000 per household. That includes the, some of the things include in there resolution jobs guaranty which will cost 6. 8 trillion f you want a job you can get a job. Approximately 49,000 per household that will cost. Universal health character, that was listed that is 3trillion on its own. The cost of 10year transition to make every single building low carbon electricity grid, that will be 5. 4 trillion. Guaranteed green housing 1. 6 to 2. 2 trillion and secured food for every individual. 1. 5. Ainsley basically costs you 65,000 as a family every single year. That is where you get the 600,000 per household, because over the course of 10 years. Pete considering our economy is 20 trillion, what theyre attempting to do would bankrupt it. She says dont have kids because it will hurt our country. If you dont believe in kids, families and the flag, youre effectively admitting to civilizational suicide. She is saying dont have kids, it is world war ii, well not be around in 10 years. When you stop believing in your own country, your own values, free Market Economics you give up what made you special in the first place. She is the clear view of what the left believes today. Brian understand something, this is an anvil in the Democratic Party. It is beginning to blow up the Democratic Party because no one can rationalize this. Kamala harris has no answer for it over the weekend because it doesnt make any sense. As i mentioned, dick durbin, senator feinstein gets berated by bunch of children that the world ends in 10 years. Gets screamed that. Had to get them out of her office. No mains, no cattle, no electric power, no foss till fuel, we cant have children, wow, she has us up for a bright future. Ainsley this is from rob, people stop having children aoc describes where will the taxpayers be found to finance her idea. Brian we should have kids to pay for something. Pete great idea. She wants people to end one of the most fulfilling roles in life because of be substantiated claim. What does she think, china, russia, india, all the middle east will do about the fossil fuels. Brian same exact thing. Because it makes so much sense. Pete were all good. Brian Bernie Sanders sat down for a town hall yesterday. Woe not answer the question are we a socialist nation, are we going to be socialist. But he did kind of talk what he would do as president . Democratic Socialism Means to me is having in a Civilized Society the understanding that we can make sure that all of our people live in security and in dignity. We have got to, as a right, end the kinds of discrimination, racism, sexism and homophobia that exists. So to me when i talk about democratic socialism what i talk about are human rights. Pete should not be lost on us, potentially the leading figure in the Democratic Party is defending and advancing socialism. We get used to it because we hear it every day. This is the United States of america. That is why the line as the president had well never be a socialist country resonates with some people. It is at our doorstep were debating it right now. Ainsley see what is happening in venezuela, i had been there before, i had been there years ago, just to watch a country, look at this, this is what socialism looks like. Pete when elites say they have it all covered, they will command everything, that is what you get. Brian he would not answer the question is maduro a dictator. He wouldnt answer it. He went on to say humanitarian aid should be let in. You think so . When people try to give your people food because theyre eating out of dump trucks you think you should bring food in . Is that type of international leadership. He is looking past the others in Democratic Party. He is i will bring a liedetector test to the debates. Ainsley numbers youre reading out from American Action forum. Get over to jillian with headlines for us. Jillian extreme weather causing travel nightmares. In oregon 183 passengers still trapped on a train for nearly 40 hours after a tree falls on its tracks in snowy conditions. One woman says an inbegin finally arrived, but crews still need to clear the tracks before they get the train out of there, and get stranded passengers to safety. Amtrak is getting passengers food and water and Union Pacific to solve the problem. Strong winds stop a norwegian cruise ship from being doing in new york city. The ship is expected to arrive this morning. Michael cohen will testify before the Senate Intelligence committee. Fox news senior judicial analyst, judge Andrew Napolitano joined us earlier with a preview. No lawyer, prosecutor or defense counsel would put Michael Cohen on the stand assert he is credible without a mountain of corroborating evidence to support him. Are we going to get that . Probably not. Jillian according to the wall street journal cohen is expected to testify President Trump engaged in criminal construct while in office. U. S. Border patrol close as port of entry in laredo, texas. A Hearing Group of migrants walked across a bridge into the u. S. After getting impatient in shelter in mexico. The migrants asked how to apply for asylum before turned away. Cpb reopened bridge. Jeopardy champion is slamming critics of the allstar series. Austin rogers who won 12 straight games in 2018. If you dont like it, watch the other jeopardy episode for the other 94 weeks a year, you losers. They have critiqued the allstar format which competes teams of three with each other. I havent seen the allstar jeopardy. There you have it. Brian if anything can get that thing, break even, most popular show in america for 500 years, that is a great story. Ainsley are you good at it . Do you and your family do it . Brian i find myself to be borderline genius. [buzzer] pete what was jeopardy like in 1650 . Brian only played during the day. Everyone had black and white tvs. 13 minutes after the hour. House democrats vote on new gun control law. Congressman Steve Scalise survived a assassination attempt. Democrats blocked from hearing his testimony. He will talk about it here next. Pete Anthony Weiner just got out of prison. I know youre thrilled. He may have found his next career. Nondrowsy claritin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. The best simple salad ever . D great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Feeling unsure . What if you had some help . Introducing the new 2019 ford edge with the confidence of ford copilot360™ technology. The most available Driver Assist techonology in its class. 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Brian nearly shot to death during a congressional baseball practice back in 2017 but now our next guest is calling out democrats for refusing to hear his testimony as they vote on the most highprofile gun control legislation in years. Here to explain, House Minority whip Steve Scalise. So, steve, what are they proposing you wanted to put your point of view in . Well, good morning, brian. First of all they have a number, two different gun control bills theyre bringing this week under speaker pelosis new majority and one of the bills will make it very hard for you to loan a gun to a friend. For example, lets say your neighbor has been beaten by her boyfriend. She has a temporary restraining order against him, she knows you have a gun. Can i borrow the gun tonight, i think he will come hurt me, if you do that you could go to federal prison for a year, have 100,000dollar fine. Those are the kind of things in this bill. It is dangerous, anybody that has firearms that, you know maybe has a friend wants to borrow their gun to try it out to see if they will buy one. You can go to federal prison doing something that pace i basic. Brian why would they want to bar your testimony . Legislation looking at all sides, why stop all sides . I think that answer its own question because they didnt want to hear all sides. They just wanted to hear the side of people who are promoting gun control. They didnt want to hear the side of people, my case, it was guns, people who used guns properly that saved my life and everybody else on that ballfield t happens all the time in america. Where people actually use a gun to defend themselves. By the way, that is what the Founding Fathers intended when they believed it is not just the governments right that tells you can have a gun, it is your own personal life to be able to protect yourself. Brian steve, from their perspective, lets say i go to gun show, do a background check, cant get a gun, have problems with the background, go to neighbor, i have extra gun, buys from him, sells it to him, isnt that problem, wouldnt that legislation stop that . If neighbor knew you had a problem he couldnt make the transfer legally. There is already a system in place. If they ban to make the system better there are ways to do it. A lot of cases by gun crimes, brian, we found out federal agencies not doing their job. Maybe local Law Enforcement not doing their job. In the parkland shooting they had the kids name in database where he said i will be a school shooter, they let him go. Who is held accountable . Why not have a hearing with the fbi agents who touched the case and ultimately let him go and ultimately became a school shooter. We have people accountable to do their job. Dont put more laws on the books that make you felon. Brian travesty that nadler and company wont let you speak. That shows theyre insecure about their legislation. Great being back with you. Brian straight ahead, one comic book website taking aim at man of steel, superman. Why does he need to always be white . Dean cain, superman himself, is here to respond going over his background. Shes treated both my children since they were born. Bridgette i feel that my np cares about me as a person and not just if im sick or not. Molly and i really love my Nurse Practitioner because we have such a strong connection. I know that whenever i call, shell be there for me. My name is molly and we choose nps. Np consider an np. When patients choose, patients win. driver relax, its just a bug. Thats not a bug, thats not a bug burke hit and drone. Seen it, covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum the cold and flu fightings. Machine. You put in your machine. Press the button to brew up powerful relief. 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As rumors swirled in hollywood who will be the next superman, a comic book website wants to know does superman need to be white. Ainsley they seem to be forgetting one of the most famous supermans to hit the small screens, star dean cain, who is part japanese. Pete he sent the website a cheeky reminder. Youre about 25 years too late. He joins us to react. Dean, thank you for being here. Good morning, thank you. Pete great response. When you first saw the article what went through your mind . I laughed obviously, pete. That is kind of ridiculous, when i was first cast as superman, we first started doing the role, the internet was in its infancy, people were posting things. Somebody posted Something Like, we wanted superman, not sushi man. Those sorts of things were going crazy, things like that obviously my given name is tanaka i am a mixed race person. Clearly superman doesnt have to be white. The fact they completely omitted me from the article to begin with was kind of comical. I thought it was pretty funny. So much has to be about race and gender and identity politics these days, they need to do a Little Research first. Ainsley did you hear back from the person that wrote the article. Did they make the changes . Yeah they updated the article to include me, called me of japanese descent. Idea about the article, could superman be a person of color. Of course superman could be a color. Superman is ideal, more than a race or a color. Superman is about the, you know, truth, justice, and the american way. I believe that about fairness, about equality of opportunity, not outcome. About you know the integrity of the family unit. Sanctity of life. That is the kind of stuff that superman always stood for, always will. Brian not based on a true story i dont think, according to sources. So we dont have comic book resources updates the article. The purpose of the article was to raise a question about fans would react to person of color playing superman today, not to suggest it had been done before as dean cain is actor of japanese descent. We acknowledge the original article should have mentioned him. There would be no controversy, do you agree . I dont think there would be any controversy whatsoever. Pete none at all. I dont think when henry cabot was asked to play superman i remember a lot of questions, coming in could a british guy play superman . Is that weird. He is kryptonian. There was talk of michael b jordan. I know really well. He is a great guy. Has all qualities and characteristics to play the character, play him wonderfully well. I wouldnt have blinked if michael played the character, make it about that doesnt make any sense. Ainsley what was reaction on twitter . The twitter reaction was, when i first heard of it. I didnt see the original article. Someone, somebody who follows me or Something Like that posted it. Twitter is pretty toxic and awful. Sometimes little gems and jewels come across. Someone posted it. I had seen that it brought me to my attention. Go back to find the article. I thought it was funny. Goes back to sushi man comment. It is kind of ridiculous. Im glad they updated the article, it should have never been out there to begin with. Pete i share your anger. We make everything about race. The color of someones skin. If you go to the logical conclusion, should i ask the question, can the black panther be played by a white guy . Is that where we to with the conversations . That is what it sounds like. It doesnt make any sense. Even own my twitter banner, Martin Luther king, jr. , i have a dream that one day little children in this nation will be judged not by the color of their skin but on the content of their character. I believed that i always believed that i dont see race, color, creed. I dont see that when i consider work and jobs things of that nature. I dont see it at all. So that is because youre white. Im not exactly 100 white. I have, i have encountered it in my life. It is something that exists. I dont think we should make anything about that. Black panther could be white, green, orange yellow. Brian i want superman that can have two fulltime jobs as avenger and works as a reporter. Is that too much to ask . I dont care. Get both done. Kilmeade, brian, rip it open, show the s. Brian dont have time. I dont have that yet. Thank you very much. Ainsley thank you. Pete President Trump set to land in vietnam any minute for highstakes summit with kim jongun. Bill hemmer live in hanoi. Well check this with him. Ainsley remember activists and kids confronted Dianne Feinstein about the Green New Deal. I have been doing this for 30 years. I know what im doing. Ainsley the group is back for more. This time police made some arrests. 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Pete the north Korean Leader receiving a red carpet welcome with summit 2. 0 what worry calling it. The talks are sit to begin over dinner. Bill hemmer is america newss room host is live. What did you expect as the summit unfolds. It is nighttime here, about 8 34 in the evening. Good evening from hanoi. Its a fascinating thing to be here in vietnam. If you go up and down every street, you see three flags aligned with each other. It is north korean flag. The vietnamese flag and United States of america flag. I dont know, brian, ainsley, when last time you thought about that concept in the same frame but this is where we are under a Trump Presidency and i was talking to Lindsey Graham last week before i left out of new york, i said what is your expectation, what should we be geared up for this week . He said bill, it is like a 12step program youre probably on step two right now. I think, guys, that is the easiest way to understand this. Of the singapore was step one, in all likelihood, hanoi is step two. There will likely be a summit after that. Mike pompeo referred many times with his interview with Chris Wallace on fox fund sunday there will likely another summit. My question to mike pompeo last week, what if you dont get what youre looking for . I think the fallback answer is, the sanctions have worked. They can crank them up even more and if theyre unable to move the ball forward here in hanoi, that would be the likely route the u. S. Government takes. Now what do we get tomorrow . What do we get thursday . I think you get another step in this process but, my feeling right now is that you will not get a giant leap forward in this nuclear, nonnuclear struggle, guys. Ainsley like you said, step two. What about security . Kim jongun arrived on the train, got into a limo, security guards running along theside of limo. Theyre not announcing which hotel he is staying in for security purposes. Can you talk about that a little . A great point, ainsley. Were trying to get an official word where the meetings will happen. Just a half an hour ago we got information where the vietnamese president and President Trump will meet tomorrow. Nothing with regard to thursday. The reason for that, they are super concerned the vietnamese government about security. They want to make sure things stay safe. We have no reason things will not go that way but theyre being extra cautious. About the train ride, what a thing it is in 2019, leader of tens of millions of people who feels compelled to take a train ride through china . Change trains at border, fin get in a car, finish the route 110 miles to south in hanoi. His grandfather did similar tour in 1968, in 1964. There is precedent for that. I want you guys to understand, the audience to understand this, part of the main reason President Trump wants to have the summit in hanoi, he wants to show president kim what the country has done. You think after the wars between the chinese, japanese, french and americans here in vietnam that the communist rule for last 40 years they have done enough reforms to keep the economy cooking along. Man they have been moving for the past 15 years one could argue and it worked they want to impress that could chairman kim he can do the same thing in his country if he makes his choice to go denuclearization. Brian vietnam is still communist. They put in market principles. They look at china as adversary rather than ally. North korea used to be tight. They had a rift. Maybe this will mend. Are you prepared to work with sandra smith again . Yeah, indeed we sell. I call it a saggy form of communism, brian. They allowed it to grow and expand, take their economy wit, keep their people happy, the party being happy. See President Trump land in 40 minutes. You will see that live. Michael anton, danielle hoffman, cost of thousands coming to you live 9 00 top of the hour. Ainsley well be watching. Brian hemmer has the resources. He has a huge budget. Pete he could do it. Brian jillian mele, talk about a big budget. Jillian massive. Whatever it takes. Congresswoman ilhan omar deletes controversial tweets that triggered major bab lash. One accused them of a lobbying group paying members of congress to israel. An organization is defending omars comments. Cair does not feel there is antisemitic meaning in tweets, due the to the brevity some took the as much. She will be at a cair event next month. When diane fine stain said this to a group of kids. You come in here, say it has to be my way or the highway. I dont respond to that. Jillian 39 members of activist group behind the incident are under arrest. They have bombarded majority leader Mitch Mcconnells office on capitol hill. The Sunrise Movement is a group that supports the Green New Deal. How about this . A texas man plans to spend his golden years at the holiday inn, after a thorough cost comparison, Kerry Robinson writes on facebook, in part, quote, no nursing home for us. Well be checking into a holiday inn. You see, he did some research, says a nursing home would cost about 188 a day while a Longterm Hotel stay costs about 55 bucks a night. Comes with free breakfast, free shuttles, a pool and other amenities. Brian turn down the bed every day. Fantastic. Pete im a huge fan of holiday inn. Ainsley wouldnt you need a nurse . What if you need a nurse . Jillian you dont live in what if, ainsley. Ainsley nursing home provides nurses. That is what youre paying for. Brian you plan on retiring to four seasons . Pete no, holiday inn. Adjoining doors actually. Moving on, ice tsunami spurs evacuations around lake erie. Ainsley incredible video of 30foot high chunks of ice pushing up against the road. Brian janice dean is not seeing video for first time but to respond. Janice not a tsunami but ice dam. What is your name . Carol, from wisconsin, burnett medical center. High to all the residents. We love fox news. Pray for you daily. Janice fantastic. Jared andrews from jacksonville, florida. Hi, dad. Janice how do you like the weather . It is great. Janice glad youre dressed appropriately. No ice jams here in new york city. 26 in new york, with windchill feels colder than that. Zero in minneapolis. Winter hanging on in the Northern Plains. Thunderstorms and show us across the gulf coast. Cold across the northeast and great lakes. The storm system moves into the west coast bringing he have had rain for bay area, potential for feet of snow in mountains across california and the northwest. There is the forecast today. Wave to pete, ainsley and brian. Hello, pete, ainsley and brian. Hello fox friends. We love you. Brian okay. Janice fantastic. Brian give them a hug, janice. Ainsley thank you for the prayers. Pete love it. She said that she prays for us every day. Pete super nice. That is great. Brian 18 minutes before the top. Hour. Disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner just got out of prison. He may have found his next career already. Ainsley scared to ask what that might be. High taxes, liberal policies are driving people out of blue states like new york. Texas Governor Greg Abbott says new yorkers are welcome in the Lone Star State and he joins us live next. After months of wearing only a tiger costume, were finally going on the trip ive been promising. Because with expedia, i saved when i added a hotel to our flight. So even when she outgrows her costume, well never outgrow the memory of our adventure together. Unlock savings when you add select hotels to your existing trip. Only when you book with expedia. To take care of yourself. But natures bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and wellrested. Because hey, tomorrows coming up fast. Natures bounty. Because youre better off healthy. Jillian welcome back, quick headlines now. 9,000 pot related convictions go up in smoke. Prosecutors in San Francisco erasing or redoings the crimes going back to 1975. The nonprofit code for america helped identify eligible convictions after california legalized marijuana. Convicted sex offender Anthony Weiner is reportedly ditching politics for pot. According to the daily mail the former democratic congressman met with a potential Business Partner for a marijuana project. Weiner was released from jail this month for sending Inappropriate Text Messages to a minor. Brian. Brian thanks, jillian. The house set to vote today to block President Trumps National Emergency declaration but is this vote even about the border crisis to democrats . This isnt about the border. This is about the constitution of the United States. This is not about politics. It is not about partisanship. It is about patriotism. We would be delinquent in our duties if we did not resist, did not fight back to overturn the president s declaration. Ainsley Texas Democrat congressman Joaquin Castro led the house effort but the governor of the great state of texas says there has been an emergency on the border for decades. Pete we welcome him now. Texas Governor Greg Abbott joins us in studio. Honor to be here. Pete got bigger when texas shows up. Everything is bigger in texas. Pete indeed. Talk to us about this. Is there a crisis and democrats denying it . Kilmeade was. There we had thousands of people gathered just across the texas border in eagle pass texas, there is no fence, there is no wall. We had to deploy Texas Department of Public Safety troopers as well as National Guard to make sure this caravan did not come across the border. Understand this, there are more than 300,000 people coming across the border every year into the state of texas. Remember the drug busts that have taken place. Couple weeks ago there was a massive meth drug bust that took place. Last month remember there was more fentanyl, very dangerous opioid, that was found coming across the border that could have killed every man, woman, child in texas, new mexico and arizona. So this is serious. The president has authorized by laws that already exist to, build fencing on the wall to prevent people from coming in and bringing drugs in. Understand this, also brian beto orourke says pull off the fence that is there. We dont need it. This is a joke. It doesnt matter. Weve seen fencing work. Remember when the caravan came to california, it was the fence in california that prevented the caravan coming across the border, point one. Point two, i have seen the fencing work in texas. Fencing has been there more than a decade in the state of texas. It has done a good job making sure we address the people coming across the border illegally. Brian just so you know, i thought we were on firstname basis until now. You did a great job on the special in san antonio. We have Something Else to talk about. Ainsley tell us why youre here in new york . I am here because i was invited by financiers here in new york to make a present take to them, why it is so much more profitable for them to leave new york an come to the state of texas. We have a growing and thriving finance industry in the state of texas. Much lower costs. And while new york is imposing more taxes on them, in texas, this session were working on cutting taxes in texas. Ainsley these are Big Companies want to leave the state of the new york because it is so expensive to live here. These are brand names everybody on wall street will know very well. People across the country will no very well. I will not give you any names right now, but i tell you some. Biggest names on wall street are thinking about coming to the state of texas. Brian amazon is looking for another home because we kicked them out because they would be too profitable. Real quick, are you concerned about the red state turning blue with all these californians and new yorkers going there . You know, very interestingly, exit polls were done in the last election up this past november and what we found is, almost 60 of the people who have moved to the state of texas from other states voted for me in the election. And so it is republicans who are leaving california, new york, and places like this. Like what is happening right now. People fed up with taxes in new york are coming to texas. Brian they vote to raise taxes and leave us with them. If they come into texas they better remember why it is they left new york or left california and leave those bad policies behind. Brian put that in your pitch. Governor, always great to see you. Brian, good to see you. Brian see you on radio in a little while. Sounds great. Brian straight ahead, live pictures out of hanoi where President Trump is about to arrive with the second summit with president couple. He will be there in 12 minutes. Book now and enjoy free unlimited open bar, free airfare and more. Norwegian cruise line. Feel free. Mental health. Hiv. Patients with serious diseases are being targeted for cuts to their medicare drug coverage. New government restrictions would allow Insurance Companies to come between doctor and patient. And deny access to individualized therapies millions depend on. Call and tell congress. Protect medicare patients. Stop cuts to part d drug coverage. Pete we are back with a fox news alert. President trump moments away from landing in vietnam for summit 2. 0 with kim jongun. The denuke talks set to begin tomorrow so what can we expect . Ainsley harry kazanis, director of korean studies at center for national interest. Thanks for being with us. What can we expect today and tomorrow . I think two words, peace declaration. I think what the president is trying to do, really restart the negotiations with the North Koreans. If were trying to get them to give up the Nuclear Weapons what can the United States do to incent them to do that . What can we do to make kim feel like he can actually give up the ultimate weapon . If trump goes to hanoi, look im willing to end the korean war, im willing to prove that the United States is not a threat, that is the best thing we can do. Considering we see reports to that effect i think it will happen. Brian do you think exchanging envoys, by the Way Air Force one is landing. Harry, splitting the screen with them. The president is supposed suppoo disembark in 26 minutes. He is right on time after the long flight. As the president lands here, how much do you believe that having, exchanging envoys would matter . Having semipermanent office in both countries . I think its a big deal. I go back to 2017, officials would tell me it would take sometimes days to get messages to the North Koreans. If youre in crisis, think about the cuban missile crisis, at least with the soviets we had embassies. We could talk with one another. It may be over primitive Communications Like we have internet but at least you could talk with the adversaries. If you cant talk to the North Koreans, maybe if some day they test missiles again we would be a crisis moment. That is not a concession. That is reality. Pete harry, were watching landing area here in hanoi, these developments how much closer do they bring us, how do they prevent war . How much closer do they bring us to peace . If we have a peace declaration, i think that sets the tone for us to really test kim jonguns intention. If he told the people, he told u. S. Negotiators, he told the South Koreans he wants to denuclearization. If we set up peace declaration, we set the conditions, were not at war anymore, well be able to say to kim, look, were not fighting anymore. Are you really serious about doing this . If at that point he still wont give up the Nuclear Weapons, we know the game is up. Brian harry knows this as well as anybody. Studied it for years. Been up close and personal. Thanks so much for joining us today. It will be exciting couple days. Thanks, guys. Ainsley President Trump just arrived in vietnam. Mores fox friends moments away. All mask, no mess. Olay hydrating facial mist. For hydration on the go. And our breakthrough brightening eye cream. Boosted with vitamin c. Get your new beauty fix. Only by olay. Air force one just touched down in hanoi, vietnam. They are its 9 00 at night there. The president is set to meet with kim jongun and start the summit tomorrow. Well be covering it all. Bill thank you, guys, as you mentioned, President Trump on the ground in hanoi, vietnam. Getting ready for his second summit in eight months with k im k ifm. The north Korean Leader arrived a bit earlier and received a red carpet welcome as the world watches to see what will come out of another round of meetings regarding the highest stakes on the planet. Nuclear weapons. Good evening and good morning from vietnam. Im bill hemmer. Sandra, great to see you. Well be here throughout most of the week watching the history play out for us. Hello, sandra. Sandra looking forward to your coverage. Im sandra smith. The stage is set

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