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International diplomacy. Rush limbaugh joined us to talk about his memories of bush 41 and schizophrenic coverage of the former president and why president obama might be offended. We begin with breaking developments in Robert Muellers probe with katherine herridge. The special counsel is recommending no jail time for flynn based on his substantial cooperation including 90 interviews and documents and communications he provided. The special counsel since then cooperated on multiple investigations concerning any links of coordination between the russian government, the Trump Campaign and Trump Transition Team so they offer no specifics, also citing sensitive information, ongoing verification sections of the document are heavily blacked out redacted but heres one of the key quotes, the defendant provided information to the government not long after the government first sought cooperation. s early cooperation a reference to flynn was particularly valuable because he was one of the few people with longterm and firsthand insights regarding events and issues under investigation by the special counsel office. Reacting to the flynn sentencing memo the president s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani spoke to fox news and likened the document to the guilty plea of the, quote, spitting on the sidewalk with major repercussions for many. He said there was nothing in the sentencing memo to suggest collusion and denounced muellers team as overzealous media inspired prosecutors. So much of what we got is a mystery because of those huge redacted blackout sections and that leads both sides to claim victory, something he has nothing in this is just a scare tactic, others say this proves something terrible. The heavily redacted portions come in the second part of the filing which is this addendum which talks about the depth and breadth of mike flynns cooperation talks about sections in the context of Ongoing Investigations. Special counsel says the blacked out sections, i have some of them here that it is about an Ongoing Investigation and they dont want to tip their hand to those who may be the subject of this inquiry so i dont think it is wise to speculate on what it relates to but it was sensitive enough not to make public, those are in the president s corner on this point to the fact that the crimes flynn is being prosecuted for our process crimes again, lying, to federal investigators about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador and sarah violations, paperwork issues resolved with an individual or their company, so the public will have to decide for themselves. Doesnt take long to read these documents and i encourage them to do that this evening. I was expecting something more voluminous and after that big piece of information we have to wait on for now. Thank you for that. D into the filings by the mueller team on the power panel. Elizabeth price foley, Richard Fowler and erica, author of the Childrens Book donald drains the swamp, welcome to all of you. I went to start with you and a bit of what we have been able to tell from nonredacted parts of these filings, Michael Flynn had 19 interviews with the mueller team and or the attorneys and several Ongoing Investigations being assisted with investigations to coordination between Trump Campaign and russia and recommend sentencing without incarceration as appropriate unwarranted. What do you make of what we learned tonight . It seems to me from reading this recommendation and addendum that basically mueller is conceding he milked Michael Flynn for all hes worth in the sense that he has got no the information from flynn, flynn has been forthright in showing up for interviewers providing documents required, appearing before any grand jury if that happened and whatever Michael Flynn has given them is over at this point. They are not expecting Michael Flynn to be a witness in any future proceeding or anything like that and so what we cant tell from these reductions in the addendum is whether or not Michael Flynns cooperation on the criminal investigation has anything to do with trump russia collusion. There is a lot of speculation out there, lasix sasquatch rumors. Anytime the word collusion appears people get breathless speculation about it but i dont think we can see whether there is any evidence of that year. This is what we are talking about with sasquatch rumors, that, black lines youre looking at redactions we dont know what special counsel has on those. Charlie kerr, conservative commentator and activist tweeted that if mueller truly had something he wouldnt release these findings about flynn and recommended no jail time. He is desperate and wants to make an example out of flynn, he wants to show the main people investigated that if they comply they wont go to jail. I dont know that is true or not and you dont know until you see behind the reductions but here is the part that was most telling allamericans can agree with. Page 5 of the first document the line reads however, the government leaders should be held to the highest standard. Defendants providing false information to the government as well as governing work performance, something that works for government, democrats or republicans, or ambassadors in the process, they lied to the fbi, we should expect government officials serve at the highest level and above board and shouldnt lie to fbi agents. Shannon you are talking email servers being held in bathrooms your referring to Hillary Clinton. Im saying she was wrong. We should demand all our governments including Michael Flynn be held it should apply to everyone but she didnt get prosecuted. It does not apply to everyone. What we have in this investigation, determining what has less beef than a nothing burger . Nothing. There is nothing. You say show me the collusion, where is the collusion . We are like criminologists trying to read the tea leaves, vacancy the politburo and people figure out from nothing what is going on behind the scene so we looking at redacted pages that have gotten so far into the weeds that we have lost the bigger picture. Some people are so opposed to this president s election they will do anything, include pretend there is a single standard of justice when you have a former secretary of state who has done things, when the spotlight is shown on the Clinton Foundation and behind the scenes, including the warrant that was put together and all this stuff, that is infinitely bigger than anything Flynn Shannon as far as we know. Theres a lot we dont know. As far as what we publicly know this is where i am going to have to stop you. This is what we do know. Donald Trumps Campaign manager is in jail for committing crimes. Shannon not connected to russian collusion. Not to mention the fact you have a National Security adviser as acting attorney general, the obama administration, dont hire this guy. He is not a good boy scout and the acting attorney general said we have information that said this individual would compromise the white house, he did compromise the white house because he lied to the Vice President of the United States and 18 days for him to resign and number 2. He lied to the fbi. Heather i am going to bring elizabeth, gentleman. Elizabeth, i want to bring you back in because as one of our legal eagles, everybody is claiming credit for victory based on what we dont know behind these reductions. Top democrats moving in as the house is taken over by democrats, the recommendation of no jail time for flynn is obvious irony chanting locker up, the timeliness that most details, far more than we or the president may know. Is that how you read this . I dont think that is a fair interpretation. Michael flynn based on criminal history under sentencing guidelines would have gotten 6 months in jail. Given the fact that Andrew Mccabe and jim comey testified fbi agents who anticipated there wasnt any deception involve and keep in mind Michael Flynn, the interview was predicated on an alleged violation which itself is probably unconstitutional and never resulted in conviction of anyone suggest this interview was pretextual to begin with and any prosecutor who looked at Michael Flynns history of service to this country based on an interview that didnt indicate deception would not recommend jail time so frankly mueller is showing some good character here in not recommending jail time for Michael Flynn and it says absolutely nothing about the substance of what Michael Flynn provided to them. It shows he cooperated in good faith and gave them what he had and what he had we dont know. A valuable point that what he did, nothing was wrong with talking to the ambassador. The fact he made it up with problematic. I would like to say i would like to throw in one incendiary thing, that Hillary Clinton has done things so infinitely worse than anything we are discussing today that the odds of her genuinely being locked up our 50 50. We are going to leave it there. Great to have you with us on the power panel. You heard from Rudy Giuliani but no official reaction from the white house to the special counsel filing National Security adviser Michael Flynn. He is focusing on tariffs and china and tributes to former president george w. Bush. Today all of that was put aside when the two families met on the eve of former president George Hw Bushs funeral. Donald trump says he was looking forward to this moment, a chance to offer private condolences to george w. Bush and mrs. Bush. The meeting lasted 23 minutes and signified a fine of tension at least for now as donald trump declared tomorrow federal holiday a national day of mourning. He will be there inside the National Cathedral alongside every other former living president but donald trump will not be delivering a eulogy. Jeb bush explains why. What people want to talk about is why isnt the president giving the eulogy . It is because we have a unique circumstance. My brother was president. The president called george and myself friends. America posits to remember the 41st president Global Markets are reaction in realtime, confusion about Donald Trumps truce and trade war with china and fears of a recession after the us treasury yield curve inverted for the First Time Since 2007. The dow tumbled just short of 800 points, the s p lost 90, nasdaq averaged 283, the worst decline for the markets in eight weeks. Investors are spooked about how real the deal with china may be. Over the weekend after meeting with chinese president xi Jinping Donald trump called it an incredible deal but tonight he tweeted we are going to have a real deal with china or no deal at all. He also tweeted the china agreed to reduce tariffs on imports of us cars but china hasnt confirmed it and today his own chief economic adviser said thats not a done deal. They were at 15 and in retaliation raised it to 40. I think they will go to 0. In my view the presence expects them to go to 0. The tweet of the day was the president s declaration i am a tariff man. A reminder hes prepared to impose more tariffs if a deal cant be reached by the end of this 90 day truce. 90 days with progress on that and premature for people to lose faith in that process. Even if theres still no deal at the end of this 90 day deadline donald trump said he would be open to extending it if china and the us were on the path to making some real progress. Heather thank you very much. Clarity on what is happening in china trade, Donald Trumps policy influencing relations, the author of the 100 year marathon, the secret strategy to replace america as global superpower. Good to have you with us. You had a lengthy conversation with the president before he had into those talks with china. What do you make of his characterization coming out of those talks . 18 years in writing about china. He wrote a book called the america we deserve in the year 2000 laying out a plan changing the chinese Economic System to make it better for us to increase our own growth rate and increase jobs and they are the toughest negotiators in the world and the only way he could win would be to be unpredictable, put them off balance and he succeeded in doing that. He has been saying for two years president xi jinping and his wife, personal chemistry going on and at the same time he is like Good Cop Bad Cop so they come on and say things about china but in the relationship between president xi jinping and donald trump was on display in this meeting. I wasnt there so it is only secondhand what the chinese are saying which is quite different from the what the white house is saying. Shannon the headline was trumps of style tariff man issued china a warning. China has a reputation for making big promises and not fulfilling them. The mixer just china could be using this 90 day window to stall additional tariffs with their slowing economy. It is a possibility. This could be the greatest deal of the century donald trump is working on. The chinese are afraid of him and said several times hes the smartest president they ever dealt with all the way back to president nixon. It is possible donald trump has out negotiated Henry Kissingers talks with the chinese. On the other hand the downside is president xi jinping may face opposition when he gets back home. Member when chairman kim got home from singapore and people started getting killed because they are accused of opening with donald trump. That could be happening in china. Chinese press has been fascinated with these agreements. Theyve not mentioned anything. Todays the headline is about president xi jinping and panama. It is a little like saying this never happened. There was a nice dinner but we didnt make these concessions. They dont come out and say that. The key is donald trump promise out of respect to president bush and his funeral that he would wait for his own press conference to explain what happened after that so as soon as tomorrow afternoon and later this week, we will get Donald Trumps personal view of what happened. We may not get the chinese view for quite some time because they may have made concessions so great to donald trump that they dont want to tell their own people. Shannon we love that you are so dressed up. You look fantastic, thank you for coming in. Praise for George Hw Bush from Rush Limbaugh joining us to talk about his memories of the former president and why he thinks president obama may be offended this week. This isnt just any moving day. 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Last time we talked about a couple headlines including one from the ap that had to be reworked and others with an immediate negative reaction, president bush 41, and in coming days we see a lot of finding and talking about bipartisanship, a different kind of republican. What is that all about . It is phony. They never treated him this way when he was president , they were vicious to him like they are vicious and partisan to every republican. It is just a vehicle to be able to contrast what they think trump is versus the way they are telling us bush was. They never treated george w. Bush this way or George Hw Bush this way. They had just as much animus for bush 41 and bush 43 as they do trump for Different Reasons but since the current objective is to get rid of donald trump however they can do it, driving down Public Opinion or muellers report and impeachment, anything they can do to contrast trump with what they say was the greatness and the way it out to be, every good republican in the medias idea loses. They celebrate bush because did he raise taxes . He was bipartisan. He went against the interests of his own party, that is what made him a good guy and it is phony, nothing but a vehicle for them to contrast this made up image they had of George Hw Bush. What they say now is true. All the class and dignity and sophistication but they never reported on him this way when he was president. Heather you interviewed him many times and spent time with him over the years, what do you make of this idea that he was a great compromiser, there was more bipartisanship than, do you think he works well with democrats . What do you make of his legacy in that respect . I had one of the greatest honors of my life, i was invited to spend the night in the white house during campaign 1992, the lincoln bedroom in the evening featured an hour and a half discussion of the campaign, ross perot was threatening him on the republican side but much the same kind of appeal donald trump as it had in the 2016 campaign and it was june 1992 and there wasnt considerable democrat threat at the time. Wasnt that serious a contender. And kicking the campaign as seriously as they should have. I remember the president saying he could work with tom foley and found him to be a cooperative guy. George missile was the most partisan man in washington but George Hw Bush believed in the idea of service, compromising at the end result was what was important to him and as such he didnt fight back against criticism just like his son didnt and those two facts, the fact that there was more attempted cooperation, no attempt to defend themselves against the most outrageous charges they were faced with led to donald trump, Republican Voters have been frustrated that candidates they elect dont fight back and republican candidates dont fight back and not defending Republican Voters so here comes trump doing what Republican Voters have wished republican candidates would do for 25 or 30 years and it is not a mystery why he won. Shannon we heard so much about the bush family being modest and saying its not about you, dont be writing about your self to the point andrew ferguson, a speechwriter for bush 41 during the 92 campaign lamented this guy was a world war ii hero but now that he was facing a young upstart southern governor they didnt want age to be a factor, he talks about the fact that it was frustrating. He couldnt write those things and speeches until the end. It wasnt something bush 41 was going to talk about. In a wall street journal, the first day he was eligible, his 18th birthday, george bush and listed in the United States navy, not abiding the idea of another man standing in his place, this determination to serve would take him to the most horrific battles in the pacific and back in 92 he wasnt supposed to talk about that. It was a different time in 92, 92 is closer to 42 then 92 is today in terms of definitions of public morality and values and you nailed it. I was raised this way. You do not brag about your self even if you can do it, you dont do it. It is not becoming. It is unseemly to do so. The bushes if anything were that and you are right. They had a believe that the office was bigger than the man. George w. Bush, i routinely asked him why are you not fighting back against some of these insidious personal insults . He said because im not going to sully the office and take it down to where politics is today. I said you are letting down a lot of people that voted for you but that is the way they were raised. Not bragging and not talking about things you had done, i think in those days it was thought that those great achievements and accomplishments would speak for you, that they would be part of how you were publicly known. Against media onslaught to disparage that, to criticize it, to ignore it, the public had no chance that was young enough not to remember world war ii had no recollection of that george bush whatsoever so they were never going to learn it because he wasnt going to tout it. Heather another man in that mode, bob dole himself a hero and a veteran and very special moment today when he stopped by to pay his respects to former president bush 41 and they were great political rivals as you noted. It was a special moment today. I saw that. I was sitting down after coming back from a commercial break and i was glued to it because you are right, they had a tremendous rivalry and it wasnt a widely known rivalry. It was political, not personal. Bob dole always felt slighted next to george w. Bush. Bob dole was a war hero, he lost the use of his arm. George bush was shot out of the sky over the pacific, he was made a gigantic hero. Bob dole was never afforded the same in his view, he never was. There were arguments over the Republican National committee, arguments over whose turn it was to run for president and they were deeply felt and bob dole today, it had me spellbound, the man cannot stand, he literally cannot walk. He glued to his wheelchair and he willed himself to stand up. You can see the determination on his face. He was going to stand. He was going to d5 a impossibility that he cannot do it. Defied the possibility and stood up for the barest of seconds and saluted with his left hand and collapsed back to his wheelchair and in that moment said more about that generation, about respect, about honor, about integrity, that i hope everybody has a chance to see that because bob dole was totally incapable of doing what he did today and yet he did it in these two people were able to bury the hatchet and come together at the end of their lives. I wasnt there but i can rest assured that bob doles one commitment he had since george bush died was to do what he did today and make sure he did it because those are the kinds of things, honoring people you may have been at war with but good times as well. But they were in a lot of fights together. The same objective, fighting for the same cause and they bury the hatchet. It was an amazing thing to see today. Shannon president George Hw Bush bringing out the best in all of us across the spectrum as we honor him this week. Thank you for sharing your insights and memories. If i was barack obama i would be really upset. All this talk about george bushs last days of civility, obama would say what about me . I was civil, i was a nice guy, i was sophisticated . Why are they going back and honoring this guy . If i were obama i would be worried the media is forgetting him. Shannon not so fast, i dont think. I had to get that in. Shannon up next, a couple democratic billionaires in key campaign states, tom stier and Michael Bloomberg stoking rumors of a president ial run. Will voters listen in places like iowa . inspiring music [narrator] this is an urgent message from the International Fellowship of christians and jews. There is an emergency food crisis for elderly Holocaust Survivors in the former soviet union. This is a fight against time. What were dealing with is coming out, meeting someone whos 85, 90 years old, cant get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. And thats where we come in. We are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. [narrator] for just 45, well rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly jewish person for a month. Call the number on your screen right now. In ukraine, theres no support network. They dont have food cards or neighbors that come in to help. Theyre turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. [narrator] you can send a lifeline to them during this high holy season of hanukkah. Please call right now. What i pray is that you wont turn your eyes but you will look at their suffering, and your heart will be changed. [narrator] for just 45, well rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate jewish elderly person for a month. Call right now. [yael] god promises to bless those who bless israel. May you be blessed as you bless his children. Shannon the race for president is heating up already. Billionaires they are testing the waters, what kind of reception is the message getting. They spend millions on the Midterm Elections trying to help democrats regain control of the house and both men are considering building their own campaigns in 2020. Neither has committed to running for president but they have now joined a lengthy list of democrats visiting early voting primary. And bloomberg is at a solar electric Panel Installation company in cedar rapids, and light snow and 26 temperatures, he will do everything to make Climate Change the primary issue for democrats in 2020. He took us weight and Climate Change skeptics. Look. You when the best science there is. To say i dont believe science, we have something the vast majority of scientists think is happening. You have to assume that is right. He was booed by protesters who accused him of turning a blind eye to Climate Change, his may hit some road bumps in places like ohio, pennsylvania and pennsylvania which donald trump won by vowing to protect the coal industry. California liberal toms tire was testing his message in warmer climates of the South Carolina coast, his last trip to the palmetto state was part of his campaign to impeach donald trump. Today at a townhall in charleston he tried to focus on Voting Rights but the crowd was much more interested in impeachment so he accommodated them. I believe americans can in fact walk and chew gum at the same time. We can recognize we have the most corrupt president in American History who is a basic threat to our system and our safety and to the constitution itself and understand we have to act on it. Senators are weighing whether and how to punish saudi arabia, leaving a cia briefing saying they are more convinced the crown prince was directly involved in the gruesome killing of saudi activist jamal khashoggi. Richardson tells us what happens next. Reporter cia director gina haspel is convinced mohammed bin selman is responsible for Jamal Khashoggis murder. I have 0 question in my mind the crown prince ordered the killing, monitor the killing, knew exactly what was happening, planned it in advance, in front of a jury would be convicted. Heather reporter gina haspel brief democrats on National Security committees. Only a strong response by the United States will send a clear and unequivocal message that such actions are not acceptable on the world stage. Reporter senators are considering limiting support for this article is in fighting in human, advancing a measure last week to do just that. Some are requesting more sanctions for cutting arms sales to saudi arabia, pushing to maintain the us saudi relationship, Top Administration officials stress a different take on the cias intelligence. We do not have a smoking gun. For the last 24 hours i have seen all the intelligence we have. We do not have a smoking gun that the crown prince was involved. Reporter the Trump Administration to the us saudi relationship is vital confronting iran. Mike pompeo says the us does not condone Jamal Khashoggis murder, he says the administration will consider further punishment if more facts about the killing surface. Mike pompeo called saudi arabia a powerful force in middle eastern stability at senators are questioning the crown princes judgment. If the saudi government is going to be in the hands of this man for a long time to come, i find it difficult to do business because i think he is crazy. I think he is dangerous. He has put the relationship at risk. Reporter as senators continue a response, some request another briefing from the cia director. To discuss Jamal Khashoggis murder with the full senate. Shannon thank you very much. This is a fox news alert just coming in, Reuters News Agency reported the chinese oil Training Company is planning to resume Us Crude Oil Shipment by march. The development, reuters says, comes after the trump meeting at the g 20 reduce the risk of tariffs on crude imports. Chinas crude imports from the us will help this year amid the trade. A full month after the Midterm Election allegations in North Carolina holding up the result of a house seat. The left so there is no problem with voter fraud so why are they changing their tune now . Chris stierwald tells us. I switched to geico and saved hundreds. Thats a win. But its not the only reason i switched. The geico app makes it easy to manage my policy. I can pay my bill, add a new driver, or even file a claim. Woo, hey now thats a winwin. Thank you switch to geico®. Its a winwin. Get stronger. Get closer. Start listening today to the Worlds Largest selection of audiobooks on audible. And now, get more. For just 14. 95 a month, youll get a credit a month good for any audiobook, plus two Audible Originals exclusive titles you cant find anywhere else. If you dont like a book, you can exchange it any time, no questions asked. Automatically roll your credits over to the next month if you dont use them. With the free audible app, you can listen anytime, and anywhere. Plus for the first time ever, youll get access to exclusive fitness programs a 95 value free with membership. Start a 30day trial today and your first audiobook is free. Cancel anytime and your books are yours to keep forever. Audible. The most inspiring minds. The most compelling stories. Text listen16 to 500500 to start your free trial today. Check this out, North Carolina state law prohibits anyone other than ever, close Family Member legal guardian from dropping off absentee ballots the California Law allows anyone including operatives to collect and return ballot in the golden state. The practice is called ballot harvesting. Democrats accusing republicans of illegal ballot partisan calling in voter fraud. It is parking questions how democrats swept areas like orange county, california. Chris stierwald helps to separate fact from fiction. Allegations in North Carolina are illegal because of state law, it is different. We have voters. What california allows shannon you want to give yourself or someone you trust. If i go to Community Center or Senior Center and say i am a democrat, you want to vote this way i can help you and take them, it doesnt feel squeaky clean and super democratic but that is what that is. I didnt request an absentee ballot. And i sent it in. The race is close within 900 votes. And we are in the south. Not just democrats but bipartisan state Election Commission in North Carolina. Theres some seriously rotten business going on here. What compounds it, this was an odd primary. In the ninth district in northern charlotte stretching to the west, he gets knocked off of the primary narrowly. The same firm that mark harris employed in that election. Did they do the same thing . And then start looking at elections and the same consultant doing the same stuff and you say what is going on here . They may have to revote. Heather this will turn into a different race, it will be nationalized and asset money will pour in, Something Like this they are not your average midterm voters. It is a different kind of election because with public and nominee will have been associated. Heather if he knew about it. His campaign will be affected. I want to make sure i ask about Michael Bloomberg and tom stier, billionaires running on the message of Climate Change in regulations, they will play this like South Carolina and iowa. Michael bloomberg, the idea this very liberal Democratic Party is going to embrace the father of stop and frisk and mister wall street, no. Bloomberg could be a credible independent candidate but that he decided to go to the democratic nomination process, he and john k sick can be president of an imaginary country together. Tom stier is very interesting. He is ready raised a ton of support in his impeach trump thing where a lot of people in the party are. He had millions of signups. And he has been successful in organizing voters on the grassroots level. Stier may be a white dude but he has a shot. Shannon you are a progressive. Thank you. Thanks. More news next. Ews is next. Not long ago, ronda started here. And then, more jobs began to appear. What started with one job spread all around. Because each job in energy creates many more in this town. Lets see. If these packs have the same number of bladder leak pads, i bet you think bigger is better. Actually, its bulkier. Always discreet doesnt need all that bulk to protect. Because its made differently. The super absorbent core quickly turns liquid to gel, for drier protection thats a lot less bulky. Looks like good things really do come in small packages. Always discreet. For bladder leaks. Im 85 years old in a job where. I have to wear a giant hot dog suit. What . Wheres that coming from . I dont know. I started my 401k early, i diversified. Im not a big spender. Sounds like youre doing a lot. But i still feel like im not gonna have enough for retirement. Like theres Something Else i should be doing. With the right conversation, you might find youre doing okay. So, no hot dog suit . Not unless you want to. No. Schedule a complimentary goal Planning Session today with td ameritrade®. Topping the news roundup, president George Hw Bush people file for the us capital to pay their respects. Barbara bush and death in april, a comfort to the former president. After the online news site told readers they should tone down their enthusiasm for the service dog was the headline, dont spend your Emotional Energy on solly hw bush adding he is a service dog who has been with the president for six months, not his lifelong companion. Criticizing him too much smarts for peace. Alexandria ocasiocortez earning four pinocchios from the washington post, she is making false comparisons by suggesting a reported 21 trillion of pentagon accounting errors could fund most of her proposed medicare for all program. The reverend out sharpton selling rights to his life story to his own charity, the National Action network, for 540,000. His organization wanted to create a revenue stream after he sat down over the next year, and the movie deal could triple the investment. Tonights midnight hero is the fedex driver caught on Surveillance Video retrieving an American Flag that had fallen to the ground. Driver, mike king, is a former marine, king was passing in maryland when he noticed the flag and fallen to the ground by high wind in the area so the patriotic Good Samaritan stopped his truck, picked up the flag, elder properly and placed it security on the porch. The video was posted and mike king has become a social media sensation. For serving our country as a marine and stepping in when the flag was down. That Good Samaritan is tonights midnight hero. Mostwatched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from washington, i am shannon bream. Senator bob dole got out of his wheelchair and saluted. That speaks to this powerful moment for our country to come together. Shannon a remarkable moment, it is wednesday, december 5th and this is fox and friends first. Happening at 4 00 on the east coast, fox news alert, that salute now ingrained as one of the most powerful political moments in many of our lifetimes as we are alive as the nation gets ready to say their final

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