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Learned special counsel earlier today off the record concerns about the buzzfeed story and clearly those concerns are serious enough to prop special counsel to go on the record tonights aching, buzzfeeds description of specific statements to the special counsels office and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office regarding michaels congressional testimony are not accurate. That is critical because buzzfeed literally laid this out the door of the special counsel stating special office learned about trumps directive to lie to congress through interviews of multiple witnesses from the d internal company emails, Text Messages and a cache of other documents. One of the other wrote never saw the documents but special counsel is the one who brought this to Michael Cohen, listen. It is hard because they did this to him and asking questions based off of it. Then he acknowledged in the interview, yes, indeed i was directed by the president. Tonight buzzfeed is standing by its reporting and hear the editor in chief on msnbc, look. We describe our resources here. A federal Law Enforcement official involved in the investigation of the matter of the trump tower moscow will. We are not playing games with that and strong sources close to the investigation and involved in the investigation who we spoke after the publication of the story as well as before. Who told us was accurate. Tracy in the meantime Michael Colman is not commenting that really work the Legal Advisor letty davis steering clear of buzzfeed saying cohen had nothing to do with writing or initiating the story. Tonight Rudy Giuliani create tweeted this, the doj must rebuild the leakers of this false buzzfeed story which the press and democrats leaked. And maybe they should wait to investigate and tell the Mueller Report is valuable to. There may be nothing to investigate. And it is notable that buzzfeed does have credibility issues including multiple accusations of plagiarizing and stealing original content. As President Trump reminded the rope minutes ago, remember it was buzzfeed who released the totally discredited dossier paid for by crooked Hillary Clinton and democrats as Opposition Research on which the entire russian probe is based. A very sad day for journalism, but a great day for our country. Jason leopold, the other buzzfeed reporter who wrote the code when pease also mistakenly wrote back in 2006 that then dey chief of staff karl rove had been indicted by a grand jury, here is karl rove. Sensational story and prove problematic but anything Jason Leopolds name on it particularly Anonymous Sources strikes me as something that we ought to wait and make a judgment about later. Tracy even democrats eager to impeach the president had qualified their comments saying, if the information is true, which apparently it is not. And finally, we now know the reason no other News Organization matched buzzfeeds reporting. Shannon. Shannon Trace Gallagher thank you very much. Time for Tonights Panel to begin chief counsel for the house judiciary Julie Epstein and the wall street journal Fox News Contributor jason wiley and hill, sexton, thank you for being with us tonight. Thank you, shannon, thank you for having us. Shannon you know before the show the allegations broke and we get this very rare public response from the special counsels office saying that characterization is not accurate but buzzfeed standing by it so where do we go from here . This is a correction of the buzzfeed story. This is an annihilation of it but the reason the buzzfeed story seem to maybe have some key based on what it was reporting was that there were those there was supposed to be actual evidence, documents text the special counts had to cooperate these two Anonymous Sources. Special counsel coming out to say, no, that is not actually true is essentially a complete and utter destruction of the basics of the peace. Beyond that special counsel to come out and do this, we know that its very rare. I dont think it has ever happened before. Certainly, something that raises a lot of eyebrows in terms of how bad is the media reporting right now and special counsel feels the need to correct it. Once again, some to believe the worst about the president and obviously a double Standard Journal ethics to cover this administration. Previous administration and this is a bad one for buzzfeed. They may should have stuck to shannon entertaining. We actually went back through our records in our brain room team researching trying to look back at the special counsel to make other Public Comments were knocked on other things. We found something from april of last year appeared several months ago. And this is essentially the producer reaching out to the special counsel team and they said, you know, policy we dont come from for reporters whether a story accurate or not but what we tell people many of the stories about the investigation have been inaccurate. Be very cautious about any source that claims to have knowledge about investigation. So, even back then, that was the most we could get from them. To that point, ronan farrow says tonight, i cant speak to buzzfeed forcing but what it is worth i declined to run with parts of a narrative they convey based on a sore central to the story repeatedly disrupting or disputing the idea that trump directly issued ordinance of that kind, julian. Julie , i think this episode, actually shows the responsibility of the news media. And i think most of the major News Organizations did not validate this story and recorded that buzzfeed recorded and they did not validate it but in fact withheld validation until they could confirm. And i think it underscores the fairness of the press but i think the fact that the special counsels office came out so quickly to deny that it was a Stores Source speaks to the fairness of special counsels office but the third point i would add to, nothing changes the overall narrative. This would have been a damaging story for the president for sure but nothing changes that affect the russian broke laws and interfered with the election and nothing changes forensic evidence. Nothing changes that affect the Trump Campaign wanted to get russian dirt. Shannon lets stick to what we have in front of us. Shannon specific allegations that the president perjury and that is something jason, i would beg to differ that there were those who were reserved. Ive heard all night last night and all day today that impeachment, the beginning of the end, its over for the president. I mean, that was the theme of the day. Jason another bombshell that turned out to be a nothing burger is what this was. And we have seen before. The president tweeted this was a sad day for journalism. And he is absolutely right there max. The press today, the mainstream media, the antitrump spent the entire day speculating about unsubstantiated story that was anonymously sourced. Im old enough to remember this story would have never seen the light of day, shannon, and today it is the norm. I think the president is absolutely right. The press is making itself looked very, very badly. Its going to be very difficult for this media to restore any credibility that they once had before. And i think the president is absolutely right on that front. Shannon Rudy Giuliani speaking out now that doj must rebuild the leakers of this false story because they are standing by their sources. Which the present democrats embraced and maybe wait to investigate until filed. Maybe nothing to legitimately investigate. But in a chance that we actually get to leakers . I think it is unlikely and president at that a lot of journalists would even want to in this case and some disagreement with her to out the source. To the broader conduct and what we have been seeing, this is not a first offense, shannon and that is why people have become so exhausted and exasperated with this antitrump mania that we see from some of the biggest news outlets in the country. There are news outlets, cnn, new york times, Washington Post running for source for a long time that are all supposed to take down the president. Some have had to fire their own journalist because of stories that were damaging to the president. When you look how many retractions, corrections, outright falsehoods peddled by major news all damaging to trump in profound ways and have to be walked back, clear and agenda at work. This is not random chance. Julian, does this lend credence to the president s argument there are people who do not actually report on him but they are driven by fake news and out to get him . Do they tend, you know make his back or say we do it right all along and then rally even further . Julian i just disagree. Again, i think it shows the upset. One point small fact, conceivably could be the Southern District of new york which has been investigating cohen again. But i spent the day talking to a lot of reporters at major publications and all of them said they would not run the story and validate it until they could get confirmation of it. The fact that i think they showed restraint totally undermines the point that we just made. I think reporters here try to show balance and then quickly get out in front. The buzzfeed story look like at a lot of problems. I think that is false and i think the overall narrative of the extent of russian interference in the election undisputed. 36 guilty pleas or convictions at this point. Over 100 contacts with the Trump Campaign shannon again, can i want to stay on point. I agree with you julian the major story line has not been contradicted here. Shannon but there have been other stories. Because, there has been no corrections. Julian special counsels office came out within 24 hours and corrected it. Shannon and they are not the ones who started it. Julian most media sources backed off. You will find one example of a News Organization making a mistake and use that as an entire shannon Something Different that i was watching all day because jason, news and radio all day. This is literally what i heard the beginning and the end. Jason yes, a big story dominated the news cycle today. And my fellow guests doesnt seem to have a problem with that. He think that somehow exonerates the media and paints them in a good light. But no, i think just the opposite and we have to stress molars Office Almost never does this. This story was so off the mark that they felt the need to come out and correct the record. Julian the point is when its false, my point is about muellers office comes out right away and said something that is false when its folds. Either of the two codes that just an example of a news story printed with special counsel investigation and that was false but muellers office failed to come jason special counsel have the balls to shannon wait a second. Guys. Guys, what i told you about, we tried to go back and see where they have spoken out before and again this email exchange with executive producer in april of last year, they said we cannot come out and we will not address every story that comes out yes or no, but we will caution you that there are tons of inaccurate reporting done all the way through. And that was, you know im almost a year ago. Jason this was fake news creating a national narrative. The fact that other news outlets didnt run the story doesnt mean they were not running with the story which was going on all day as she pointed out, shannon. This is what has been happening, people really think they got trump and that was a whole new cycle today. They finally got him, hes cornered. If this is true some way to for cooperation and some did not say to wait for their own cooperation but buzzfeed to come anonymous story true. So it was crazy. Shannon we believe that they are, but i think the one thing we can all agree on, very important special counsel stepped up, shut down the story and we have to wait for their report, good or bad for the president. That will be ultimate finder of fact and so we wait. In the meantime, julian, jason, buck thank you for being here to discuss. Thanks, shannon. Partial Government Shutdown neither the president nor the House Speaker showing any signs of actually backing down. Tonight the president is promising a big announcement saturday afternoon about the southern border. Of course, following the latest twist and turns, david. Hey, shannon tomorrow is day number 29. President trump announced he will be making big news about the shutdown from the white house in the afternoon and many wondering if a National Emergency or is it Something Else altogether. This is the longest Government Shutdown in american history. 28 days in next week will mark the second time federal employees miss a paycheck. Now, hundreds of thousands of federal employees are living without that paycheck forcing some to visit food pantries. Since we opened monday, i would probably say a thousand families have come through. Hundreds of miles from washington former president george w. Bush is showing frustration with the shutdown posting a photograph on instagram of him delivering pizza to federal workers living without a paycheck. He wrote its time for leaders on both sides to put politics besides, problems together and in the shutdown and it appears some bipartisanship is taking place. It its not nobody talking but i had a good conversation with two of my republican conch congressmen on the senate floor and by text him by phone back and forth a lot and we will continue to be. With the House Speaker nancy pelosi back and forth culminated with terse letters this week, but it appears a deal as far apart as day one. Two weeks from sunday is the super bowl. House democrat james clyburns concerns about security and Law Enforcement tenants due to the shutdown. We need to have people at their sharpest. We need them concentrating on their job, not on whether they can pay their mortgage payment. But a corridor from georgia where the super bowl will be held is not worried. I have confidence in the Public Safety personnel down in georgia and i feel like they will do their job. We shouldnt have any hiccups at all they are. Homeland security official put out a statement to fox news tonight writing the current lapse in government funding will have no effect on our commitment to ensure a safe and secure event, shannon. Shannon meanwhile we will wait for 3 00 p. M. Announcement tomorrow. And another top story know the wind but not to wear for President Trump and north korean north Korean Leader kim jong un second summit. State rich, to tell us how we got here. Good evening rich. Kim jong un scheduled to meet again late next month and the white house announced the second after the president met this afternoon for an hour and a half with Kim Jong Un Kim young troll, and negotiator and official. He began his day in washington and discussions that secretary of state mike pompeo and met less than an hour in a nearby hotel before traveling to the white house. Two months ago kim was scheduled to meet pompeo in new york, north korea abruptly canceled the meeting. The u. S. And north korean negotiators have been stuck on getting north korea to dismantle its arsenal what kim jong un will get in return and when he will get it. American officials have had a difficult time securing details on americas weapons, where it has or hasnt. Mike pence acknowledge this week that the administration is still waiting for concrete steps from north korea on the dismantling its weapons. Independent analysts say north korea continues working on its programs and facilities. Kim jong un says he wants the u. S. To offer relief from economic sanctions. A request the administration again rejected. United states will continue to keep pressure and sanctions on north korea until we see poli and verify the denuclearization. We had very good steps and in good faith from the north koreans and releasing other moves and so we will continue those conversations. Administration officials have made progress and point to 2017. That is when kim jong un Testing Nuclear weapons and launching missiles over japan and he and President Trump threatening one another. That stopped though and its unclear if the two countries can move beyond this phase. The administration has had a difficult time getting north korean officials to meet with the state departments north korea envoy steve aiken appear at the department announced that beacon will travel this weekend to sweden for talks. Shannon. Shannon thank you very much. Mexican Authorities Say they want to avoid confrontation with the caravan so they let the border k open at a key crossing temporarily. Roughly thousand Central Americans cross new mexico to guatemalan because of that. Stick around a former Border Patrol chief and later part of having to take work call on your day off, well, do not disturb movement has made it to new york city. While what its all about, stay tuned. 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Earlier today growing migrant caravans that started in honduras crossed the border into mexico pushing north towards our southern border. And embedded with the caravan tonight, it seems. Shannon we have been following for caravan Central American migrants that began in honduras come across through guatemala, and now over the border here into mexico. Most of these people attempting to make their way north towards the u. S. mexico border. There was some real chaos early this morning in the predawn hours. That is when mexico, for some reason, threw open the border gates. More than a thousand migrants passed through with no documents being checked. After a short time, the chaos ended and mexican officials began checking documents. They gave out wristbands and ill require a five day wait for a visa. As far as the reception of these migrants go in mexico, it depends on who you ask. This is not the first caravan to pass through and in some cities, there may be fatigue with the strain these crowds are putting on resources of the mexican cities. But as far as the government goes, it has been clear the left, lopez has said he will welcome the migrants with open arms. He will treat them humanely. As for the migrants themselves, some will stay to work in mexico, but most say their goal is to get to the u. S. To work. Like this woman told us. We asked for an opportunity. We just want to work to help our family. Even three years, that is my goal, to do something for my children. My health, my children. This can only be the start of the caravans. Even before this reaches the u. S. Border, there are two more forming right now in honduras. Shannon, back to you. Shannon steve, thank you very much. Though former mark for reaction, mark good to have you with us tonight. Thank you for having me. Open gates in mexico. There has been quite a bit of discussion the fact that u. S. Has to have a partnership with mexico to handle the caravans. What do you make of that . Mark absolutely right in the Current Administration what they have been trying to do in cep what theyve been trying to do for years, not just about the law. So much more with respect to all things immigration. A key element to that is mexico. We have been working with mexico, but they havent been doing what they should be doing. They need to get more scan in the game. I think today, the open gates represents that. They have to step up and they have to do more. We have to work with Central American countries as well to improve their economic status. We need to do it all, including the law. Shannon and you mentioned the Central American countries and i know some of the governments down there have their own problems, but they have expressed concern if they dont get a handle on this, the u. S. , the president talked about revoking aid or cutting it off in some part. Will that work to get their attention or do they have control over these people most of them because in terrible economic situations . Mark history has shown no, not doing a real good job. The aide gone down there over the years has been tremendous. It has not had an impact. Migration from Central American countries to the u. S. Has actually gotten worse. Shannon lets talk about this because this group that came into this make the largest ever asylum seeking group that came as a group. Abc news reports, the agency says 179 of the records, 370 people who crossed and these are people who burrowed through an internal through crossing. They were children including more than 30 unaccompanied minors, under 18 traveling on their own and parents comprise over 80 of the total apprehensions of those crossing. 2,000mile long border with mexico. The majority of them, monday, surrender immediately or seek out Border Patrol agents to begin the asylum process. They are not trying to see ken for presenting themselves knowing that particular makeup, they are not going to face the same situation as years ago but mostly young men crossing the border. Mark that is right, shannon. When we talk about the numbers, they like to talk about the numbers have gone down, but that is not the full story. You have to look at the democrats expand their numbers. Before the numbers increased, we were apprehending and deploying most of those. Since 2014, the demographics has changed mostly family units and they know that they touch football and so will because broken asylum and loopholes and other policies catch and release, they know they put 1 foot on american soil for get to come into the country and never be heard from again. They know that. That is why they are willing to pay cartel, the coyotes thousands of dollars to risk their lives to intentionally and illegally enter our country because they know once they hit the soil, they come in and they know that. Shannon some of those kids and very dangerous situations taking risks. Okay, out of time but the president will make a big announcement 3 00 tomorrow any predictions . Mark i hope what he is going to do, you will find a way with his power that he has under the constitution to find Border Security and open the government. Shannon w we will see comeau standing by, mark morgan, thank. Drawing tens of thousands of the Vice President in person to encourage the crowd. Stand strong. Stamped with that and compassi compassion. Shannon tomorrows womens march and facing a lot of criticism. Stick around, compare and contrast, jana next making simple, smart cash back choices. With quicksilver from capital one. Youre earning unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. 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Fox news contributor former candidate dnc chair, emma greene and james dotson Family Institute jana ellis, welcome you both tonight, good to have you with us, high shannon, thank you shannon, the president spoke from the white house the march for life group and hear the Vice President said he was there in person with the second lady. The conviction of the leaders that you helped elect every level from state houses to the congress to the white house, and ive got to tell you, from my part, i could not be more proud to serve as Vice President to the most prolife president in american history. [applause] president donald trump. Shannon tonight come another dinner with a group they are, but jana come a lot of people not happy that this turned out to be the most prolife president in history . Its certainly as we are headed to the 36th anniversary roe vs. Wade and 7 out of 10 americans support the protections that were given and that decision, it is a very clear sign that we are and prochoice country. And much bigger than the Supreme Court decision. It is a promise to women, two families that no one but themselves can have decisions over their bodies and their lives and when they want to start a family. It certainly is one of the most divisive issues out there. And i know, shannon, when i leave this segment, i will have some of the most hateful things sent to me on twitter and probably even through the u. S. Mail. And we are not going to get anywhere by throwing hate in the way that i think activists on the right have done when it comes to this issue. When basically, prochoice people are singing, we dont want politicians and our Doctors Office. We dont want politicians telling us when we can start a family. Shannon what you are looking at a time lapse, its not on a loop about a one minute time lapse presented by students for life in the crowd today. So people can see because a lot of times, reported on. I think he would say, the last thing you wanted people to to make any kind of threats or disparaging comments but is the right to angry, too threatening when it comes to this issue . Jenna well, i think what people are standing up for and i think we are the most prolife generation certainly millennial my generation and younger, science, the theme of the march today. Prolife really is proscience. We can see that as evangelical christians, we certainly support the president s letter today that says that children and every person has naturalistic value, dignity and rights and why do we celebrate that in this country . Why is that protected in this country just because 7 out of 10 may support proud choice and those are not accurate statistics but even if that is true, it is not a matter of democracy and a matter of majority but of moral truth. It is a matter of our declarations as we hold true to be self evident that all men are created equal and endowed by the dash and a little bowl rights and first and foremost to life. We are obligated and in this country and im so proud to be an american in this country because we recognize our prepolitical rights that our government cannot infringe upon. That is what people are marching for today. Shannon let me talk about this the context of polling. You talk about polling, asked people to self identify prochoice or prolife. It it is interesting because a partisan split, democrats 20 and 75 pro choice, republican 75 prolife and 20 is this completely partisan this conversation . I think they were too many things in this country that has become partisan. But as we look at those numbers, it is important if we are going to be looking at to point out that the majority of americans believe that a womans decision to start a family of something that she should make between herself, her god, her doctor. It has nothing to do with Vice President pence being in the Doctors Office and nothing to do with donald trump who his commitment to this issue has wavered many times in his life. And i think it is because of politicians like donald trump who use it as a wedge issue where we have not been able to move forward in this country in a way that respects the womans right to make decisions about when she will start a family. Shannon jana, final words to wrap this up. Jenna well what about the right of women who are in the uterus . What about the rights of men in the uterus and what about the rights of the unborn children . This is not just between a woman and her doctor but also between a woman and unborn child. That is what right to life every human no matter how small deserves the right to life fundamentally. Speak to the people on the right dont ever take that, how do we see children who are unwanted . And educating them. Emma i dont think that is accurate at all. Take it back, let me take back the everybody. But it is very much stops at when looking at roe v. Wade and prochoice, prolife, what about the rest of the rights of the child . Jenna i think i know so many churches that provide all of these services. Prolife Pregnancy Centers that encourage and right now, trying to prevent prolife adoption agencies from exercising those types of rights. And that stays with families. That is unfortunate. Emma thats another debate that we can have. Shannon i want to say many people and the movement and prochoice who are fostering and adopting kids because they want to take their prolife commitment beyond the womb. Jenna my own family. The ones on the rights are not the ones doing that is the point im making, shannon. The politicians and the activists who use this issue to divide, they dont extend it to the life of a child. Jenna i think that is unfair. But we will leave that they are and i think you all for coming to discuss come a very difficult topic, thank you both very much. Shannon raising eyebrows, the homes have newborns but what about parents saying no thanks . Stick around for that report. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. Its the most wonderful life on earth. That rocking chair would look grahh, new house, eh . E. Well, you should definitely see how geico could help you save on homeowners insurance. Nice tip. Ill give you two bucks for the chair. Two . thats a victorian antique all right, how much for the recliner, then . Wait wait. How did that get out here . That is definitely not for sale is this a yard sale . If its in the yard then its. For sale. Oh, here we go. 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Shannon tonight, packed away in oregons budget a controversial measure water being called universal home visits. Welcome with a proposal to allow inhome visits by Oregon Health officials to all families with newborn babies. 18 lawmakers calling the bill emergency measure arguing it is necessary for preserving Oregon Health and safety but some residents say it straight up big brother. Two of the favorites are here to debate. The defense attorney bob and david bruno, welcome you both. High, shannon. Shannon so let me start with what we have a little bit from the bill. And this is senate bill 526, 2019 act necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace health and safety and emergency declared to exist in 2019 act takes effect on its passage. Which one of you thinks this is an emergency . Either one . Shannon i think they want to move this legislation quickly no pun intended but taking baby steps with this linking counties with a Pilot Program. They have gone slow and steady in a few years that people have been at this point, lets put a community together. It is for the health, safety and welfare of the children. Lets call that an emergency if we can save one child lets do it so you have until the end of the year. Really a legislative tool to get there sooner than later. They have already done this over a year in Lincoln County. Shannon we have Patrick Allen Oregon Health Authority Director saying this, this is not something for people in trouble but this is something all kids need, stop my kids need, david. David what they are requiring come of this will happens before every single child. That is not compatible with United States Supreme Court precedent. It has been found this parental care and custody and control of a child is the oldest and most fundamental liberty interest under the 14th amendment. It is not going to past constitutionally. Every parent to be an end dated on parental interest is not going to happen. Shannon and in an article written about this, pj media government agents monitoring the home of lawabiding parents who have not been accused of a crime without a warrant, is it unconscionable violation not only for the life and individual liberty but trampling of the Fourth Amendment and due process called the constitution, bob. Bob shannon im all about Fourth Amendment due process but they have respect about that article in Lincoln County which has already been beta site, that is not what is happening. They are not busting doors down but providing an opportunity for nurses do prescreening, immunization and primary health care and to help them with any issues they may have on two or three visits. There is nothing that we know of right now that is mandatory. The reason they are upset that that article, because people use the term universal. They say you know what that leads to next. I agree, they go breaking your door down mandate of the, that is a problem. Shannon apparently, they are considering this washington state. The government said universal home visits gives parents the opportunity to get a visit from the nurse the first few weeks back home with their newborn to share Important Information and build confidence. David, that doesnt sound so bad to. David shannon we need to clarify them both of these states, talk about universal is it mandatory . Shannon that is the sticking issue for everybody. David it is a good idea, but you have to offer aid. Who will deny Free Health Care if that is going to be done but how will this be paid for . Who is going to pay for this . The taxpayers and it will come with increase in taxes on they have to generate the revenue to provide the services. I disagree. And i agree with the principal. Bob i tell you what david and shannon, this Pilot Program the governor of the director of health and Human Services bipartisan support with 18 people to sign onto this bill so they must be something there that they like. Shannon well, and big brother. We will leave that they are, david and bob thank you for presenting the arguments and folks at home you are our jury. Ask Shannon Bream or Shannon Bream and the visits of a newborn baby. Or you really able to unplug a new proposal in new york city to guarantee that no communication from your boss after hours. Stick around. I know, its not much, but its home. Right, kids . Kids . Papa, papa [ laughs ] you didnt tell me your friends were coming. Oh, yeah. This one is tiny like a child. Yeah, she is. Oh, but seriously, its good to be surrounded by what matters most a home and auto bundle from progressive. Oh, sweetie, please, play for us. Oh, no, i couldnt. Please. Okay. [ singing in spanish ] and back pain made it hard to sleep and get up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid, plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Shannon a socalled do not disturb movement so big in europe it europe made its way across the pond. A new bill in new york aims to protect employees from being fired if they choose not to answer their bosses once they are off the clock. Of course, Jacqui Heinrich on how the proposal was going over in the big apple. The urge to implode, shut off calls, texts, emails, all of it . What if you could without fearing what your boss would think . A proposed city law could make it happen. The majority of employees want to see this happen. They believe that technology is in the ring of their daily lives. The bill would protect employees from being fired if they choose not to answer in their off time. Employees who feel abused can provide a complaint. If confirmed the employee would pay the city of a fine of 250 and then paid the employee an additional fine of 500. If wrongly fired, it jumps to 2500. But the employment experts argue it just wont work. You cannot legislate the stuff. Kathy weil from new york city says onesizefitsall approach to unplugging is unrealistic. When government steps into a situation in the workplace, it starts to interfere with the relationships that employers and employees have worked out, it only means you will have confusion. Theres a lot to be confused about. What is considered an emergency call . How would this impact countries and multiple time zones . What about the momandpop shops that dont have hr departments and lawyers to handle complaints . They would suffer more than the corporations and Small Businesses make up 98 of employers in new york city. They are working longer hours, and trying to make ends meet in a city that is the highest city for Building Business in the country. City councilman says it is high time waiver laws reflect the reality of the digital age. Too many employees feel unspoken pressure to answer no matter what time email, call or text comes through. People are not billing over time for that. This is the time to have that real conversation of, at what point are our company exploiting workers . The big question whether the governments job to legislate email hours or cultural shift should really come from somewhere else. Shannon. Shannon thank you very much. Tonight midnight hero for the First Responders at south Metro Fire Rescue center in near centennial colorado. A dog named bree fell through the thin ice in a pond and could not get out. One of the members of the rescue team geared up in a wet suit, crawled through the freezing and the rest of the team reeled them back in. Bree so eager for dry ground, check it out, takes up by himself and is safe to the shore. We thank you and i passed responders south Metro Fire Rescue you are tonight midnight hero heroes, most trusted, you spent your evening with us. Good night from washington and have a great weekend. I am Shannon Bream. Test this is a fox news alert. Cimoments ago office of Robert Mueller denied a report running last night in buzzfeed saying President Trump ordered Michael Cohen to lie to congress. This story set off a full day of speculation. That impeachment and indict phept may be inment. Now to repeat the special council is denying the substance ofto that story. Tucker welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. This is moving very fast and we have more on what is happening. Trace. This is the

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