Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX News Primetime 20210120 : vimar

FOXNEWSW FOX News Primetime January 20, 2021

Going through, the struggle and everything on the other side of the pandemic. Even he gets emotional, tough guy like him. My full interview coming up part one, part two will be tomorrow. Joe biden is set to take over the white house tomorrow and its historic. At a time when americans could not be more divided, his First Priority and biggest challenge is turning down the temperature and restoring my soul. My soul as well which to be honest, didnt realize it is missing. The first time encouraged by comments like these. I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify. Who doesnt see red states or blue states, only sees the United States. Its time to put away the harsh rhetoric and lower the temperature. See each other again, listen to each other again and to make progress and stop being treated as products of our enemies. Brian i love it. They are taking his calls for unity to heart. Most of the members of the House Republican conference three main parts of team tradition. How are we going to deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of trump. They were deceptively recruited by an authoritarian political cults. All of America Needs deprogramming because we have all been negatively influenced by donald trump. Brian are they really railing around that knock your stomach inaugural message . So who are we to believe. The Democratic Party is bent on punishing conservatives or anybody with a r next name. The party is prepared to steamroll joe but dont worry america, the party can only do so much through executive orders. They still need ten votes in the senate to get anything big down because senator joe manchin has assured us that the filibuster is not going away. We are all going to be okay, right joe . My job right now being a position that i am, doing everything in my power to bring this country together to heal the country and to work in a bipartisan fashion which is the reason we have the senate. Thats a job ive always done, and we need to bring this country together. Ive always liked joe manchin, when he was governor, he was great. But i become pretty cynical. Joe manchin announces uncooperative republicans have forced him to vote for the illumination of the filibuster and nail a simple majority will pass everything joe biden wants because from what wed seen the left side is interested in compromise, they have a different c word in mind. Its called canceling. Especially if you fought with or for donald trump. Now that was a focal point of the president s national dress. President trump the key lies in sustaining and instilling our shared national identity. Only if we forgot who we are and how we got here could we ever allow political censorship and blacklisting to take place in america. Its not even thinkable. Shutting down free and open debate violates our core values and most enduring traditions. That is not who we are and it will never be who we are. Brian but yes, its where we are. Great speech. Its not just politicians taking aim at fellow congressmen and senators, its a private sector and higher education, case in point my next guest of a rising republican star by all accounts who worked her way into harvard. Now harvard is walking away from her. Joining me now is Elise Stefanik of new york. Her story is phenomenal, i read all of bill mcgurns column today in the wall street journal and he went to bat for you because he has seen you in action. They sell plywood in upstate new york and you would excel to the point where you get into harvard. The Bush Administration draft to you, and they come back a 30year congresswoman. Why is harvard taking your degree . This is cancel culture that you are seeing. Thats what you are hearing with democrats and from the left. If they want anyone from the conservative movement or anyone that supported president trump, arvid asked me to resign twice from the Senior Advisory Committee on the institute of politics. I refused to resign because i will not be canceled just because of political correctness. Ive been involved with the bipartisan politics since i was a freshman at harvard and again, im a firstgeneration College Graduate in my family. Im very proud of my values and how i was raised but this is an example of the American Dream and what is so disappointing is now the entire board of the institute of politics is made up of 100 joe biden voters. That was not reflective of america and we are seeing more and more of this cancel culture from corporation and communities in higher education. Its not reflective of reality and not of americans. Brian heres what arvid said in a letter to you. Alisa made assertions about voter fraud that have no basis in evidence that shes made public statements about Court Actions related to the election that are incorrect. Moreover there are assertions and statements do not reflect policy disagreements but they are on the foundation of electoral process through which this countrys leaders are chosen. Thats why they want your degree back. Your response . My response is the reason why they voted me into the board of politics is because what was covered in the wall street journal today by bill mcgurn was when i was a student one of the Board Members was Jesse Jackson jr. Who objected twice in 2001 and 2005 to the electors of florida in the case of a one and ohio in the case of 2005. He didnt kicked get kicked off the board so now they are taking it a step forward and wanting to revoke degrees, degrees that have been earned in four years of studying hard and passing my classes, writing a thesis and doing well and excelling, they cannot take that away, they will face legal action. And they are trying to do it to any republican, even dan crenshaw who voted differently than i did that when it came to the electoral college. This is shameful and the people it hurts the most are the students. We want to make sure that students are exposed to a diversity of opinions and perspective and not just a onesided view because its not reflective of reality when they graduate. Brian the students petition because i didnt like your approach. Dan crenshaw and Kayleigh Mcenany under the same kind of fire. So you are not going to take it back, i know Alan Dershowitz that he will represent you for free so we will see where that goes. People are looking at you as a leader even though you are in your 30s and got there in 2014. Some are worried about the Republican Party despite how will he did outside of the presidency in this last election. Are you . Im not worried about the future of the Republican Party because i see it at a local level. The republicans are energized and very excited about the outcome in the house and a historic number of republican women who we elected. We have a very diverse class and our message of standing up for the working people in this country for Economic Opportunity against Big Government that we see in the state of new york with the shutdowns on the struggles for Small Businesses, i also think that while president elect to get bite and is talking about unifying has policy proposals are far left policy proposals and we are seeing that in his first covid relief pin where he didnt even reach out to republicans. You can actually have your voice heard with such a slight minority status, about ten seats, depending on how once he goes, either way. Is there any sector on the Democratic Party that you feel you could work with . Of course. I work with democrats on the issues all the time and where we can find Common Ground. Im combating the Opioid Epidemic and human trafficking, getting covid relief and vaccines to the states that need it. So of course we will look for Common Ground but we need to see that from the biden administration, more than just rhetoric and in the house and democratic senate. Brian a little bit of hope because moderates were pressuring nancy pelosi over the summer. She didnt listen and thats what caused the deficit in the house. Continue the fight, thanks so much. Im so glad i wasnt close to having the grapes to get into harvard because im embarrassed by the way they are acting now. Thank you congresswoman. Here now, fox news Senior Analyst brit hume. The cancel culture. I know its not new but have you ever seen it like this . Seven Companies Walking away from donald trump, and all those other social Media Outlets saying go somewhere else . Never. The country is as divided as ive ever seen it, more divided than ive ever seen it in my lifetime and more divided than it was in vietnam in the late 60s when things were pretty intense. This is deeper and more bitter, this is worse. Brian at you like engaging on twitter, and i think you are as aggressive and lucid as anyone on twitter. Max boot was a military expert who used to be republican and now is antitrump full time, i dont know how that pay is. He tweeted, biden needs to reinvigorate the sec to slow the right wing vision from fox end of rightwing broadcasters, or the terrorism we saw on jeannie rhee six will only be the beginning rather than the end against the plot against america. Your answer to max online and on television . I just pointed out to the sec, that does not regulate or have any Regulatory Authority over cable news. I was a little surprised he didnt seem to know that. Brian in the big picture the message is clear. What it surprise you on all of the anger after social media platforms will be at fox soon . People have been angry at us forever. We had a choice when we started back in the day, you were there and i was there and that was a week we were liked by people or we could be first. We chose the latter. It was the right call and over time, there are ways to suppress these voices like ours. The people who complain about us clearly never watch us and they make all kinds of claims about what we say and dont say. Its a big place, fox news channel. Lots of different voices. You can find quotes from our channel saying just about anything, we are pretty wide open here. Brian you very true and you were there from day one. From that you are a founding father. Lets talk about somebody who never stops, and hillary clinton. She never accepted the result of the 2016 election, never stop complaining and never stopped blaming comic blaming the russians. Listen to this when it came to the riots . Historically we will find out who he is beholden to, who pulls his strings. I would love to see his phone records to see whether he was talking to putin the day that the insurgents invaded our capital. Brian so the proud boys visit the proud boys or putin . Im confused. Is that this information . Its wild speculation for which he has no evidentiary basis and its a little striking, this is stuff shes just saying at this late stage of the game and he did the unthinkable and her eyes. He beat her. When nobody thought he could. And in that sense i think she felt utterly humiliated. He got the office she thought she was destined to hold and she remains on the sidelines of public life i think angry and frustrated and bitter. Brian you can either get a podcast or a therapist but i prefers to get a therapist that would be better for america. It seems she shows a podcast. May i just add she was talking to the speaker of the house. Thank you so much, always great to see you. You will, to, brian. Brian team bidens pleas to stay back and now they use those words against him, getting closer by the day. The prompter. In the first 100 days of my administration, no one, no one will be deported at all. From that point on the only deportations that will take place are commissions of felonies in the United States of america. Brian not only did we hear that but guess who else heard it . These lovely people from honduras, guatemala and el salvador. Joe biden won the election, its official, i dont know if you hurry to come and know they are based, guided toward the border based on joe bidens to be promise. Listen to this. What i want for my people, i just want all the rest, hes given us a hundred days to get to the u. S. And give us legal aid to pay for so we can get a better life for our family. Brian theres just a way to get there. And he knows that the former Vice President knows what his words would do especially if he won. So tom, he is not surprised. No hes not. I wrote an oped in july of last years saying if he became president we lose the border. Thats why and 1415 we had a border search. I went to the white house numerous times to brief on what was causing the surgeon how we stopped at. What was deterrence and consequence. They gave us many more detention beds and we detained them but he gives all these getaways and these enticements of no deportations, i want to stop ice from detaining people are doing on enforcement operations at wo. When you get those types of promises, they are going to come. And he knows that because weve been down this road before. Instead of responding with consequences in deterrence, he gets rid of the detention. He knows that 89 of them, thats based on Immigration Court stats. So i strongly believe and im insulted that he sold out to the left and he is more concerned about winning the election then securing our country. He put himself first and i found that just disgusting. Brian 78 of the American People and asked in the middle of the pandemic about our border were for supporting the closing of the border. Kids cant go to school, we cant go to restaurants, we cant eat indoors if we can go to restaurants but this is supposed to be considered a safe thing with the americas best interest in mind . Nothing of against south americans at all but this is what joe biden put pen to paper and announced tomorrow in hopes to pass. Eight years pass to citizenship with People Living here illegally, thats to the tune of 30 million. Dreamers and essential workers have a shorter past eligibility and restore daca for kids who came there through no fault of their own, by their parents. What i have a problem with is we are in the middle of the pandemic and what joe biden has said and promises is to call for a surge weve never seen before. What do we do when people come across the border and have coded . More people have the capability of fast tests, so what do you do if a group of 150 families and five have covid19 . Do you take them to the Border Patrol station and affect everybody else . Do you take them to the i. C. E. Beds . We dont have those. Do you really sum to the American Public . Thats a scary thing. He said the worst thing at the west time, this is a perfect storm coming and again American People hold him accountable. We need to demand that they secure the border. We need congress to fix the loopholes that are causing the stuff to begin with. Before they change any amnesty or immigration reform, secure the border. Close the loopholes. President trump has done a great job of that and the lowest level its been in decades. Lets build upon the success and have the first secured a border in our lifetime. Is he going to tear down of spite . Even though he voted for the walls in 2006 along with hillary clinton, barack obama and Chuck Schumer . Why does the what works . Every place theyve built a wall has rick resulted in decreased so whats the downside on a secure border . Whats the downside against illegal drugs, saving lives, cartels not making millions of dollars a day. The same cartels that have killed our agents. There is no sense to his plan on the border. Brian i understand the way this contract was signed theres money therefore many more miles and if you break the contract we have to pay almost the same amount anyway because of the way the thing was written up. Joe biden can say, sorry, this is the deal i was given. Still keep his left placated and build that wall which he knows on every level will be effective, not the cure all but be effective and then start to put pressure on republicans to come aboard on this compromise. What is wrong with the scenario i painted . He needs to look at the data. Before he makes the decision to stop making the wall or take away the money from the wall, his dog is clear. His job is to protect america, protect our sovereignty and save lives. Border patrol saves lives. Border patrol agents have been begging this for decades and this is the Border Patrol agents while in america as well. Joe biden needs to do the right thing for his citizens and needs to do the right thing for his country and secure that border. A simple look at the data rarely shows that. Brian we could do a whole segment, a whole hour on things that both sides agree on, on the need for a ride workers to allow the students to stay in Silicon Valley in certain situations. There are lots of things that both sides agree on if we can get over the first initial hurdle. I was just hoping at the age of 78 with everything hes been through that he was willing to come to the table with a deal that maybe Mitch Mcconnell couldnt refuse. Tom, thanks for your work and we appreciate your insight. Thanks for having me, brian. Up next, bidens pick for secretary of education sparking controversy over what some would consider radical views when it comes to race. In my exclusive issue with our schools boyds founder and president dave portnoy has taken it upon himself to save Small Businesses that politicians and covid19 restrictions have crossed. You hear over and over from Small Business owners, nobody is talking to us. There is no plan. We are bending over backwards to try to make it work. And no one seems to care. Family and hom

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