Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace 20170508 02:00:00

one of the architects of obamacare, jonathan gruber. plus, you're the president, but you are turning into a real dictator. >> if your baby is going to die and it doesn't have to, it shouldn't matter how much money you make. >> we will ask about the politics of late-night comedy. our power player of the week, up basketball player boun bonds wir sister and brings her to washington d.c. that's all right now on fox news sunday. hello again from fox news in washington. republicans have finally started making progress on their pledge to overhaul the nation's health care system. president trump held a celebration in the rose garden after they passed repeal and
they are very mature and know what's going on and know the commitments we've made to the american people to repeal and replace a failing program in obamacare. i'm excited about where were at. the president achieved something no one thought he would. i think we were right to give the congress and at a boy in the rose garden. this is just the beginning before let's talk about the commitment you've made. during the campaign, the promise president made to voters about obamacare. here it is. >> i will take care of everybody. i don't care if it cost me votes. everyone will be taking care of much better than their taking care of now. chris: here are some of the features. under obamacare, older people could be charged three times as much as younger people. in the house bill it is five times as much or even more. under obamacare, people with pre-existing conditions couldn't be charged more in the house plan if states opt out,
they would have to pay for. that is just in the house bill. what this tells you is when president trump brought several individuals into his office and said fellas let's work it out and make sure this pre-existing condition is taken care of, he made it happen with should show every american how committed he is to making sure if you have a pre-existing condition he is not going to let you down before you are talking about that narrowly. there are arguments against it. we will talk about that in the next segment. the cbo released an analysis of the last bill. let's put the staff on that. by next year they said 14 million people covered under obamacare will lose their insurance. by 2026, 24 million people will. that's not taking care of everybody as promised. >> we don't buy the cbo score.
everyone instantly won't come off of insurance as the cbo score indicates. we will have more options, the pre-existing conditions -- the high risk pool before the old people will pay five times as much or more. >> that's the old bill. that's also before the senate takes the bill and makes it even better. the point of all of this, go back to the beginning. if we go back to the beginning we have two options, continue down the road we were on with the failing, collapsing system that most people don't think will work, or start the process with a better system, more choices and options, lower prices, keep your doctor. we started the process and got through the house and it's now off to the senate. we'll get this done. we will repeal and replace and
have a better product. before let's talk about another aspect. democrats say the house bill will be a big drag on republicans politically in the 2018 midterms. here is nancy pelosi. >> you have every position of this bill tattooed on your four head. you will glow-in-the-dark on this one. chris: they are facing angry voters at townhall this weekend. the unofficial bible assessing. [inaudible] shifted its assessment by 20 seats now held by republicans in the favor of democrats. you could lose your house majority over this. >> these are the same people who said donald trump wouldn't run and he did and he couldn't win
the primary or the general and he couldn't get healthcare repeal and replace any got it through the house. look, the fact of the matter is, sometimes in life you have to do what's right, not what is politically expedient. we believe it will be a better product and when people see the premiums are lower and it's better service and more options and choices, they will reward the republicans who stood up and said we will not see the obamacare system continue any longer. we will do something better and do our job as legislators to get this done. i think the republican party will be rewarded. chris: let's turn to another subject. a budget was passed to keep the government funded until october. president trump said it was a big win. democrats say they rolled him and the white house. there is no money for construction of thedp8h border . the bill continues funding for planned parenthood in century city's and you did get more
money for defense, you didn't get the big domestic spending cuts you were calling for. didn't they get more out of it than you guys did. >> i don't think the democrats got anything. let's back up. they lost their parity rule which means for every dollar increase in military you have to have a dollar in domestic. i lost it. that's one of the biggest failures that no one is talking about. they lost on military spending. we get to one of the biggest increases in military spending. number two, for the first time in six years our military will get a raise. we have over a billion dollars to do work on on the border including border walls that will go up where fences exist today. we can buy the property we need to continue the wall moving forward. chris: the president talked about a shutdown in october are
they going to be tougher in october. >> i'm not even done yet. they didn't get their csr payment or any money. chris: when you talk about being in the weeds, were in the weeds. >> right but his agenda moves forward in this budget and he would say. as far as what's coming down the pike in september, we will be ready for the fight and make sure his priorities continue. chris: okay. speaking of the budget and his priorities, the president talks about fighting the opioid drug epidemic. in a new budget proposal, he is gut the white house office of the drugs are. funds for the drug is ours office would be cut 95% eliminating its two major programs. and the acting leader said these cuts are heartbreaking.
why, when you say there's an epidemic would you cut the office 95%? >> first of all, that the leaked document and nothing is final in this debate and discussion in regard to this issue. chris: the leader is taking it pretty seriously. >> good for him. he should take it seriously. you've got it all over the place. it's in nhs and secondly, i don't think any president showed more commitment in regard to tackling opioid in the first 100 days. chris: i understand but that's why people are so surprised about the cuts. >> it's a leaked document, nothings finalize, there's work being done at hhs and d.o.j. judge him by his actions, not leaked documents and hypotheticals, and the actual
actions of the president is a total commitment to this epidemic across the country. chris: finally, a new york times had a front-page story yesterday that talks about you and how much you have riding on passing obamacare repeal and replace. i want to put up, i'm sure you will love these quotes. you viewed it as a make or break moment. another big loss on healthcare would have been an unrecoverable low to a weekend mr. previous. other than that is this true? >> know, but remember the last time i was on your show, it was something along the lines that the person that people are pointing to most for the failure of obamacare was reince priebus. i kind of joked at the time, so when it passes in my going to be
the one person who gets all the credit? of course not. the president knows that. one person in the west wing among thousands of people doesn't make a difference. this would have never gotten out of the house, he did it and brought people together and was a leadership we haven't had for eight years previously before the new york times accused you of being a nice guy which only in washington would be a character flaw. how deeply. >> i'm a nice guy but i didn't get here by accident. >> thank you. always good to be here with you. up next to user's guide for repeal and replace. what would it really mean for you and yourt' family? d 26 vita.
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medicaid. what's the problem there. >> for older americans their health insurance is very expensive. under obamacare that's limited how much they can be charged and by having tax credits that limit the percent of income they have to pay for health insurance as well as expanding medicaid to lower income adults. that goes away under the house alternative. the medicaid expansion goes away. for the poor and elderly they don't have access to health insurance. tax credits become flat and not income based so the elderly have to pay much more for health insurance. you have a system that's not as protective. chris: carl, let's talk about both aspects. democrats are saying there isn't as much protection just shy of medicare and their calling that the age tax and the compromise that the house passed does this, it provides states that set up high risk pools with another
$8 billion extra over five years to help people with pre-existing conditions on top of $130 billion to help states with other costs, but democrats say that is still not enough. >> let's take the 3 - 1 band that causes young people under the affordable care act to subsidize people, older people. it has been expanded 5 - 1. why is that done? older people have healthcare costs that are roughly 4.8 times those of younger people. what we have is a system that if you want to call the tax we are taxing virtually everyone under the age of 50 by causing them to pay more for their premiums to subsidize the coverage of people over the age of 54 or 55 to reduce their premiums despite the fact that the older group has higher incomes, higher wealth and less child-rearing
expenses than the people below. before we had the affordable care act, 42 states had set the bandwidth that 5 - 1. three of them had it at a lower level and the rest of them had no standards. the reason was. chris: i got it. now talk about pre-existing conditions because that is the hot button. >> look, the bottom line, there is a lot of trash being tossed about. there is no change in pre-existing conditions for people in the affordable care act and in states that don't have her waiver. if the state asks for a waiver, it can say if you haven't had continuous coverage or you let it lapse for more than 63 days and you have a pre-existing condition, you get a policy but you could be charged up to 30% more than other people your age for one year as it an incentive for you to stay in continuous coverage for there is $8 billion
to pay for people who have extensive illnesses. chris: this is a debate so let me bring professor gruber in. why isn't that enough. >> well, the most important accomplishment of the affordable care act was ending the ability of insurers to say you can't get insurance or your charged more because you have bad genes. americans don't like it. why would you want to introduce this. it opens the law for states to say just because of the genes you are born with you will pay more for health insurance. the law includes funds from high-risk pool. i call it a high-risk puddle. by all the estimates, these are trivial funds compared to what would be needed to actually pay for it. chris: let's move on. >> no-no, first of all, it does not change pre-existing conditions for the vast majority
of people. if your state waves out, all they can do is charge you 30% more for one year. chris: gentlemen, i've done this in a presidential debate so i will do it with you guys but i want to move on to another subject and that is medicaid because more than half of the 20 million people who gained coverage under obamacare gained through the expansion of medicaid which allows more over the next ten years by changing it to a fixed block
grant two states. carl, why is that good. >> it focuses medicaid on who it should be focused on, the vulnerable, the disabled and the young. it says two states, you can put in place work requirements of people who are able to get a job in coverage on their own can do so by removing the incentive to stay on the role. yes it cuts the medicaid over the long haul but it increases the money spent on those with ailments and children and those who have children and are single parents. we should focus this program more on the vulnerable and not people based on their income as a disincentive to work. chris: let me brin professor gr. please respond to that and entitlement reform. we been talking about that for years and years. is this entitlement reform. >> he is absolutely wrong. medicaid does this, two thirds is spent on the elderly and disabled. you can't cut that program by 25% without massively hurting the elderly and disabled in this nation. it's mathematically impossible.
you are talking about a program that takes care of our most vulnerable citizens and cutting it by 25%. why? what does this do? this does nothing to fix our healthcare system. all it does is massively cut funds and have a large tax break. if we want to talk entitlement reform that a legitimate discussion but let's have it in the context of reforming entitlement which doesn't harm our citizens, not cutting up program for the vulnerable by 25%. chris: okay, i want to get into one last subject. the goal is to replace obamacare with something different and i think everyone agrees obamacare has serious problems. here is president trump on obamacare after this passage of the house bill. >> i predicted it a long time ago. i said it's failing. now it's obvious. it's dead.
we don't pay lots of ransom money to the insurance companies it would die immediately. chris: here are some steps. premiums under obamacare went up 24% across the country. the average number of insurers in each marketplace has dropped from 5.9 and 2015 to 3.9 now. in iowa, there is only one insurance company left in all but five counties in iowa and they just announced they are thinking of dropping out so there would be only one insurance company. >> whose fault is the spread before trump was elected there were no counties that didn't have an assure. since he has been elected.
chris: wait, you're going to blame the problems of obamacare on trump. >> we have a situation under obamacare where there was a one time premium freeze last year that made up for the fact that they massively underpriced in the first two years. the problem with fixed is that profits were trending positively and they were saying positive things about the bill succeeding and then you have a president who comes in, undercuts open enrollment, doesn't on of the application and premiums are going up and insurers are exiting. chris: we are running out of time and i'm interrupting both of you equally. carl, your thoughts. >> he blamed it all on the insurers because the government told them to consider that they would get a lot more healthy, younger people than they actually got on any year this programs benefi in effect. trump stopped the ads. the problems of obamacare can be solved with four days worth of
tv ads. really? they also said not to enforce the individual mandate and that caused a disruption in the force. obama delayed the mandate for two years and the employer mandate for a year end finally he talked about cost-sharing payments and that cause distress among the insurance companies. they are getting the cost-sharing payments despite the fact that a judge declared them illegal last year. trump said he would pay them until the issue was resolved. last october doctor gruber said the program was working exactly as designed. it was designed with this to pdd of the american people tilt into the calculations but it is a broken system -. chris: okay i have to give doctor gruber the last 32nd. >> you have a system that was not working perfectly but was very fixable. the question -- it is working as
designed. there's no reason for it to be fixed. >> no, the law could be improved, but instead of improving it, why do you take steps to undercut it and cause 24 million people to lose health insurance. >> that's not true. >> the cbo said people who do not have insurance, that is to say they would not buy insurance. >> now, 24 muller million americans. [inaudible] chris: thank you. we will continue this debate. affect you, not how well will affect the politicians as it makes its way through the sena senate. plus what would you like to ask about the upcoming battle in the senate.
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on the senate to pass republican healthcare. it's time for our sunday group. britt is back from florida. welcome. one williams, jane harman and newt gingrich. we ask you for questions and it's clear democrats are making headway on the argument that the house bill will hit older americans. susan lloyd farrell said on facebook, these are the days that the elderly need medicare coverage. what will happen to us under the plan. speaker gingrich, said folks over 65 are protected under medicaid, but if you're not that old will you pay more under this new plan. >> you may pay more but the fact is that obamacare is collapsing. virginia announced a 58%
increase. there are no plans left in kentucky, in 94 of the 99 counties in iowa there are no plans left. this is a program to try to get it to survive and offer insurance for everybody. chris: first, your reaction and what is your biggest concern about the house bill. >> i was in the house when obamacare past. i voted for it. it passed in a totally partyline vote as this version did. we are just trading bad for bad. when we think about american healthcare, not republican or obamacare. my reaction is reince priebus, who did a very good job on your show and paul ryan is over the goal line but it's gonna be a do over and will look anything like the house bill if it even passes. chris: do you agree with the speaker that obamacare is collapsing. >> i agree there are issues.
part of that is the bill that passed congress didn't resemble what we did in committee on a bipartisan basis and we just repeated the same movie by having a bill that didn't go through committee and isn't scored by cbo and came out just as a leadership press release. chris: let's pivot to the politics of all this. there was a good deal of pushback to the optics. look at this picture of the victory celebration in the rose garden. if that wasn't enough, mitch mcconnell announced his working group and if you notice something all of those people have in common it's 13 white m men. what you think of the pushback and concern about that and
argument that this will be as big a political burden for republicans in 2018 as it was for democrats lost more than 60 seats in the house in 2010. >> first of all this whole health insurance issue is not racial. the second thing is all the claims about the political damage that will be incurred by the republicans are premature. we are about a quarter of the way. the senate will not have to pass a bill. then the differences will have to be composed and then the final product will have to go back to the house and the senate. you can make an argument that we are one fifth of the way. what we ultimately see will be quite different. chris: i understand that. >> but you can't act as if it's already past and making estimates of the number of people who will be hurt by it particularly when the grasp of what's in the bill is te>wñ?ñnut best. this is way too soon. >> remember, next year, 2018, key midterm elections, nobody will act once you get past the end of this year on such a controversial bill.
just think about the advertisements. they will say a republican voted to take 24 million people off health insurance and to increase your, seniors more likely to turn out in midterms, to increase your premiums and cost for health care including prescription drugs. these are devastating ads. it's a little early in the process, but nonetheless, they voted for the bill. it's right in front of us for all of us to see. chris: i want to switch to another political subject and that is we have a french election. they are still voting in france but you've got the far right wing candidate, maureen le pen against the younger candidate. what is at stake for the united states. >> it's a very big election. my guess is that macron will
survive but le pen will be bigger than ever before and she may well win the next election. i think there is a pattern building. chris: let's assume macron wins or le pen wins. what does that mean. >> if le pen wins you have the dick decay and unemployment and explanations of violence as usual but the euro survives. if le pen wins you will have friends cutting loose from germany and brussels. i don't think she will win but i think she will get over 40% of the vote. her father got 12% the first time he was on the ballot. it keeps growing and there's a single fact, if you are a french young person, you are three times as likely to be unemployed as if you are a german young person. right at that border, germans
are figuring out how to make the economy work in french socialism is collapsing. that won't change in the long run with macron. >> i agree with new too. fair and balanced, i'm saying it here. but a couple more points. unemployment in france is 10%. unemployment in french youth is 23%. staggering. whatever happens it will further isolate angela merke merkel whoa stable moderate voice in europe. in addition, a huge data dump. chris: macron's files were hacked on friday. >> and it was released just a half hour before the election. we don't know who did this. it could be the russians and they are probably playing in germany and this is really scary
for the u.s., to have this kind of meltdown in european politics. it does affect us before we have to take a break. when we come back hillary clinton and james comey, round three. late-night talk shows are experiencing a trumpet bump. are the host crossing the line with their commentary? thanks for loading, sweetie. ...oh, burnt-on gravy? ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. new cascade platinum powers through... even burnt-on gravy. nice. cascade.
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private e-mail server played in the 2016 presidential race. we are back with the panel. britt, how much responsibility do you think james comey bears for clinton's defeat, especially his announcement that he was reopening the investigation 11 days before the election. >> i think it had a limited effect. i don't take it was a main factor. look at it this way. the case he laid out that he said was not the basis for prosecution could very well have been, as numerous legal authorities have argued about that. it's possible he could've recommended and indictment which would've been devastated. he didn't do that. a lot of people think he let her off the hook so you could argue it that way as well. obviously the whole investigation did not help, but whose fault was that. it was the person who had the unauthorized system. that was the original matter and
that is what in the end, this was all about. chris: in his congressional testimony comay said he faced to terrible alternatives. >> speaking can still. speak would be really bad. there is an election in 11 days. concealing in my view would be catastrophic. >> the argument he makes is if they had not revealed this, if she had been elected president and then it comes out that there is an investigation going on let alone that she had broken the law that would have badly damage the fbi. >> he had a great chapter in john asked ashford's hospital room when he blocked assigning he thought will's illegal print i thought he was wrong three times last year. the right thing to do was to keep his mouth shut. concealed, no way. what we are talking about was a stash of e-mails on anthony weiner's hard drive which no one had looked at.
to imply, which the announcement did imply that there was something bad there and it turned out there wasn't, i think that was unprofessional. chris: okay we have both sides of the argument. let's turn to the politics of late-night comedy. here was steven colbert with his astonishingly crude attack on donald trump. >> you are the president, but you are turning into a real prick. the only thing your mouth is good for is being vladimir putin. [inaudible] chris: wow. here is jimmy kimmel talking about the terrible news about his newborn son and in the context of the debate this week over obamacare repeal and replace. >> billy was born with a heart disease, something called
tetralogy at below with pulmonary atresia. no parent should have to decide if they can afford to save their child's life. it just shouldn't happen. not here. chris: we should point out that billy, the doctors were able to fix his heart and he will be a healthy little boy. your thoughts about both of those. >> the second -- if you show up with the hospital with a brand-new baby and they have a heart problem, the doctors will do whatever they can to save the baby. they don't they will try to save the babies life after you write a check. they will try to save the baby. that's true across the country. the problem you have with humor in america is that hollywood is so enraged that donald trump that they can be funny. all they've got is pure anger. that's what is coming out the
stuff and they think it's funny because the comedian so they exhibit their anger as a pathology on lakeland night television and you should laugh because the comedians. the eight funny because are too angry to be funny. >> in the case of jimmy, i don't think there's any question that if you're poor in this country your children are at greater risk. & but what were talking about his long term care and well-being of that child. you don't want to be poor in dealing with this healthcare system. trump said australia, scotland, canada has better health systems. i thing it's pretty clear that in this argument the american people clearly believe a child like jimmy kimmel should be able to be guaranteed a healthy life without the parents worrying about insufficient funds before
before we get to the other one, your reaction. >> there are 8000 community health centers. if you're genuinely poor you're on medicaid everywhere in the country. i think it's part of the left's mythology. we do an enormous amount in this country to try to save people. by the way most of people didn't buy obamacare insurance are young people who prefer to pay a tax to buy the insurance so obamacare was not able to coerce them enough to make them by the insurance for that's the largest single block of people who didn't buy the insurance. >> that's true they were the largest block but don't forget obamacare was performing better than had been predicted even with that but you have republicans who intentionally sabotage, remove subsidies and create the system of collapse and make it implode. then you say the system is not working. >> i just want to say i think republicans should have been
working to create a system that works for the american people, rather than engaging the system of trying to destroy obamacare and obstruct improvement. now democrats should rise above it and do something to improve the current system. this really is the original sin to what republicans say, were to stop this the matter what. now everybody says you should have a right as jimmy kimmel's kid should survive. let's go back to colbert for a second. he spoke in crude terms but the suggestion that the fcc should get involved is ridiculous. when should government be a offensive of comedy. cbs should fire them if they feel there's a problem. big government should not be involved. >> i think what colbert said was disgusting. if any other comedian says something like that with regard to barack obama, you can bet that the man or woman would be on unemployment. having said that, i don't think he should be fired, i don't
think the fcc should get involved and i suspect it won't, what i think should happen is people should be repelled by it and tuning out. that will take care the matter. >> the important subject on the show is healthcare. both parties are blaming the other party and gaining the 2018 and 2020 election. what about american healthcare. what only think about how to build up a system that takes care of everybody. chris: it's a nice thought but were so far away from that in this country. obamacare past without a single republican vote and this past without a single democratic vote. >> there's a chance in the senate. >> if you and i can get along -- >> i would love to see any democrat who will stand up tomorrow and say i'm willing to work with mitch mcconnell to produce a better bill. chris: think of one thing. it's being sayin said republicae in dire straits.
think what would have happened if they failed again. what we now have is a situation in the media where there damned if they do and damned if they don't. >> it was seven years, 60 votes. >> inky panel. i'll see you next sunday. up next our power player of the week. a new basketball star in washington on and off the adjus. court. ess so all they feel is love pampers swaddlers
of the wnba. the league's most viable player in 2015. olympic gold medalist in rio. her decision this winter to demand to trade from the chicago to the washington mystics even more dramatic. were you willing to sit out a season in order to force a move. >> i was. chris: league rules make it hard for players to move from one team to another. >> if you truly want to move you have to put your foot down. i truly felt d.c. was the right place for me and i was willing to do whatever it took to get here. chris: that brings us to her older sister lizzie who was born blind and death and with super evil policy. >> she's always been my angel, my guiding light, my role model. she has taught me more than any other person in my life and she's never spoken word.
>> host: the sisters can't skype or text which makes long separations intolerable for alina. >> when i come into a room she grabs my head and pulled me in and just gets my sense and she knows who it is. hopefully that means she has a bright smile, but someday she doesn't. chris: now she is just a short train ride away in delaware. that's only part of her story off the court. in 2008 she contracted lyme disease and it's been a problem on and off over the years. chris: when you have a relapse, how does it feel. what's it like. >> it's always felt like flulike sensymptoms. fatigue, muscle aches, all great things for a professional athlete before she took me to the practice court to give me some pointers on basketball
shooting. i always go to a 90-degree angle and you just lift and flick your riswrist. chris: then she took me to the three-point line which looks a whole lot farther from the basket when you're on the court with a star player. that's when i decided to end the lesson. beyond basketball and family, her other project is her charitable foundation. she is raising money and awareness for lyme disease and families dealing with children who have special needs. it's all part of a remarkable young woman's game plan. >> i have done something with this limelight and i haven't assaulted all in for myself. i've always tried to be a voice for my sister and i feel like i'm doing that to the best of my ability and will continue to do better and better. chris: this isn't the first time alayna has upended her life to be closer to her sister lizzie.

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Passing Obamacare , President , Jonathan Gruber , Architects , Money , Politics , Baby , It Shouldn T , Comedy , Doesnt Have To , Power Player , Dictator , Up Basketball Player Boun Bonds Wir , Sister , Fox News Sunday , Washington Dc , Fox News Sunday Exclusive , Hello Again , Republicans , Repeal , Pledge , Health Care System , Progress , Nation , Celebration , Rose Garden , People , Something , Program , Thought , Commitments , Whats Going On , One , Beginning , Talk , Commitment , Boy , Congress , Chris Wallace , Care , Everyone , Everybody , Voters , Campaign , Promise , House , Conditions , More , Times , Plan , In The House , Opt Out , Features , Under Obamacare , Five , Three , Bill , Trump , White House , Condition , Office , Individuals , Care Of , Cbo , Arguments , Segment , Analysis , Insurance , Score , Staff , 24 Million , 2026 , 14 Million , Options , Risk Pool , Senate , All , Point , System , Process , Road , Failing , Will Work , Two , Doctor , Done , Choices , Prices , Product , Democrats , Midterms , Aspect , Drag , Nancy Pelosi , 2018 , Head , Position , Glow In The Dark , Four , Inaudible , Seats , Bible , Assessment , 20 , Favor , Wouldnt Run , Fact , Life , Couldnt Get Healthcare Repeal , Any , General , Premiums , Job , Obamacare System , Service , Longer , Legislators , Subject , Government , Budget , Win , Funding , Construction , Parenthood , City , Thedp8h Border , Bill One Iota , Didn T , Guys , Anything , Domestic Spending Cuts , Defense , Military , Military Spending , Parity Rule , Failures , Dollar , Dollar Increase , Increases , Domestic , Work , Border , Border Walls , Raise , Property , Wall , Fences , Six , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Shutdown , Weeds , Csr Payment , Agenda , Priorities , Talks , Opioid Drug Epidemic , Pike , Fight , Funds , Drugs , Drug , Budget Proposal , 95 , Cuts , Programs , Acting Leader , Debate , Nothing , Issue , Epidemic , Document , Discussion , Final , Leader , All Over The Place , Opioid , Nhs , 100 , Judge , Actions , Nothings , Documents , Him , Hypotheticals , Hhs , Doj , Country , New York Times , Story , Riding , American Healthcare , Make , Loss , Quotes , Mr , Show , Know , Low , Person , Reince Priebus , Of Obamacare , Pointing , Lines , Thousands , Course , Credit , West Wing , Leadership We Haven T , Difference , Eight , Guy , Character Flaw , Accident , Family , Guide , User , Vita , Yourt , 26 , Aleve , Boost , Protein , Back Pain , Spain , Sleep , Strength , Aid , 12 , Dentist , Crest Pro Health , Go Pro , Dentists , Advice , Crest Pro Health Products , 4 , 5 , Mouth , Level , Elp , Energy , Energy Farmer , Medicaid , Health Insurance , Problem , Elderly , Tax Credits , Income , Poor , Alternative , Percent , Income Adults , Protective , Risk , Need Medicare , Tax , Isn T , Let , Compromise , Protection , Aspects , Calling , Band , Costs , 130 Billion , 3 , 1 , Billion , 8 Billion , 30 Billion , Healthcare Costs , 4 8 , Coverage , Child , Group , Age , Incomes , Wealth , 54 , 55 , 50 , States , Bandwidth , Brest , Expenses , 42 , Lot , Reason , Change , Bottom Line , Hot Button , Standards , Trash , Waiver , State , Americans Don T , 63 , Incentive , Policy , 30 , Gruber In , Illnesses , Law , Insurers , Genes , Ability , Accomplishment , Pool , Puddle , Estimates , Majority , Lets Move On , Half , Expansion , 20 Million , Ten , Block Grant , Place , Role , Strategist Carl And Obamacare , Disabled , On , Vulnerable , Good , Work Requirements , Young , Haul , Children , Parents , Ailments , Disincentive , Entitlement Reform , Me Brin Professor Gr , D25 , 25 , Healthcare System , Citizens , Context , Entitlement , Tax Break , Doesnt Harm , Goal , Problems , On Obamacare , Passage , Obvious , Insurance Companies , Steps , Number , Ransom Money , Lots , 24 , Company , Marketplace , Iowa , 2015 , 5 9 , 3 9 , Counties , Thinking , Fault , Insurance Company , Spread , Situation , Profits , Obamacare On Trump , Things , Doesnt On , Application , Succeeding , Undercuts Open Enrollment , Thoughts , Both , Effect , Ads , Healthy , Programs Benefi , Barack Obama , Employer , Mandate , Tv Ads , Force , Disruption , Cost Sharing Payments , Payments , Distress , Calculations , Pdd , The American , Last October Doctor Gruber , Question , Okay , 32 , Americans , Way , Battle , Politicians , Sena , Facebook , Twitter , Symptoms , Air , Allergens , Relief , Non Drowsy Claritin , 200 , Crest , Hd , Teeth , Everything , Cleans , Whitens , Claritin , Pow , 6x Cleaning , 6x Whitening , Step 1 , 2 , 6 , Hospital , Patient , Stay With Me , Parker , Responders , Network , Power , Teams , Mrs , At T , Plaque Psoriasis , Introducing Otezla , Apremilast , Pill , Injection , Prescribing Information , Requirement , Skin , Cream , Routine Lab Monitoring , 75 , Depression , Weight Loss , Feelings , Weight , Ingredients , History , Oh Will On , Treatment , Called Obamacare , Laws , Its Time , Sunday Group , Britt , Florida , Argument , Questions , Stone Williams , Making Headway , Newt Gingrich , Jane Harman , Ofarrell , Susan Lloyd , Folks , Virginia , 58 , 65 , Increase , Plans , Kentucky , 94 , 99 , Concern , Reaction , Obamacare Past , Vote , Healthcare , Version , His Collapsing , Issues , Goal Line , Speaker , Paul Ryan , Gonna , Basis , Part , Committee , Congress Didn T , Pushback , Optics , Deal , Movie , Pivot , Picture , Didnt Go Through Committee And Isn T , Leadership Press Release , Mitch Mcconnell , Working Group , Victory Celebration , Wasnt Enough , 13 , Men , Thing , Claims , Damage , Biga Political Burden , 2010 , 60 , Differences , Fifth , Nobody , Midterm Elections , Grasp , U2wà , à Nut Best , Advertisements , Seniors , Little , Health Care , Cost , Prescription Drugs , Election , Candidate , Front , Wing , French , Maureen Le , Macron , Pen , Guess , Stake , Wins , Pattern Building , Unemployment , Euro , Violence , Explanations , Dick Decay , Le Pen , Germany , Brussels , Friends Cutting Loose , 40 , Time , Father , Germans , Ballot , German , Collapsing , Economy , Socialism , Wont Change In The Long Run , Points , Youth , Angela Merke , Staggering , Merkel Whoa , 10 , 23 , Voice , Addition , Data Dump , Files , Europe , Friday , Russians , Line , Host , James Comey , Break , Trumpet Bump , European Politics , Meltdown , Round , Talk Shows , Kind , Hillary Clinton , Commentary , Thanks , Loading , Sweetie , Gravy , Dish , Nada , Cascade , Nice , Miralax , Constipation , Stimulant Laxatives , Body , Body Go , Colon , Nerves , Water , Hydrate , Ed , Investigation , Announcement , E Mail Server , Panel , Defeat , Responsibility , Race , Bears , 11 , 2016 , Case , Factor , Prosecution , Indictment , Authorities , Matter , Hook , Alternatives , Speaking , Testimony , View , The End , Comay , Elected , Hospital Room , Fbi , Chapter , Ashford , John , Stash , E Mails , Mouth Shut , Print , Concealed , Anthony Weiner , Hard Drive , Sides , Wasn T , Steven Colbert , Prick , Crude Attack , Jimmy Kimmel , News , Vladimir Putin , Wow , Billy , Heart Disease , Son , Parent , Tetralogy , Pulmonary Atresia , Doctors , Heart , Second , Heart Problem , Check , Babies , Hollywood , Anger , Humor , Comedian , Funny , Comedians , Pathology , Stuff , Lakeland Night Television , Health Systems , Term , Well Being , Dealing , Australia , Canada , Scotland , Everywhere , Left , Mythology , Community Health Centers , 8000 , Amount , Single , Block , Dont Forget Obamacare , Collapse , Sabotage , Subsidies , Implode , Original Sin , Improvement , What , Fcc , Colbert , Terms , Lets Go , Kid , Suggestion , Right , Cbs , Offensive , Woman , Regard , Man , Won T , Parties , Party , Tuning , 2020 , Democratic , Chance , Republicae , Sayin , Dire Straits , Votes , Media , Seven , Basketball Star In Washington On , Inky Panel , Adjus , Court , Love , Ess , Player , Stars , League , Medalist , Decision , Winter , Wnba , Rio , Olympic , Chicago , 2015 Olympic , Move , League Rules , Order , Season , Washington Mystics , Sister Lizzie , Players , Another , Team , Foot , Felt Dc , Role Model , Angel , Super Evil Policy , Death , Spoken Word , Guiding Light , Text , Sisters , Room , Sense , Smile , Alina , Lyme Disease , Train Ride , Delaware , 2008 , Relapse , Flulike Sensymptoms , Athlete , Fatigue , Pointers , Practice , Muscle Aches , Basketball Shooting , Riswrist , Angle , 90 , Star Player , Basket , Basketball , Project , Lesson , Families , Foundation , Special Needs , Awareness , Game Plan , Limelight , Best , This Isnt The First Time Alayna ,

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