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Some democrats urged joe biden to pick a woman of color as running mate. We will talk with Biden Campaign Senior Adviser Symone Sanders and get reaction from trump Campaign Senior adviser Mercedes Schlapp. Plus a look at the barrage of accusations in john boltons tellall book about the trump white house. We will ask our sunday panel what impact the former National Security advisers claims will have on the 2020 campaign. All right now on Fox News Sunday. Chris hello, again and happy fathers day from fox news in washington. President trump is back holding rallies for the First Time Since the coronavirus pandemic ripped our nation and how the world and the race for the white house have changed in the last few months. Joe biden has become the Presumptive Democratic nominee for president. The virus has claimed the lives of at least 120,000 americans as well as millions of jobs and the countrys underlying racial divisions have boiled over into protests and riots. We will drill down on all of that this hour, but first Mark Meredith with the latest from tulsa on coronavirus hot spot where Trump Supporters gathered last night. Thank you, oklahoma. Mark President Trumps First Campaign rally in more than 3 months brought autothousands out thousands of supporters but far fewer than expected and some wore masks and some shrugged catching coronavirus. Black lives matter demonstrators came face to face with demonstrators in tulsa streets, but overall the situation remained relatively calm and Campaign Organizers canceled appearance by the president in an outdoor overflow venue because of sparse attendance. Inside the bank of Oklahoma Center supporters filled twothirds of the arena with many empty seats in the upper deck. The president telling them coronavirus testing was making his record look bad. So i said to my people, slow the testing down, please. They test and they test. Mark the president even suggested lawmakers punish people who burn the flag. We ought to come up with legislation that if you burn the american flag, you go to jail for one year. With the november election fast approaching the president focused on attacking joe biden. Joe biden surrendered to his party and to the leftwing mob. He has no control. Mark saturdays rally may be a preview of what lies ahead later on this summer. The Trump Campaign insists more rallies are in the works even as the number of states are dealing with increase in coronavirus cases. Chris. Chris Mark Meredith reporting from tulsa, mark, thank you. Joining us from baltimore, dr. Tom inglesby, director of the center for Health Security at Johnson Hopkins university. Doctor, i know you watched the rally last night from a public standpoint if not a political one, the good news is there wasnt a big crowd as expected, but as an epidemiologist watching the rally last night, what did you see . Doctor yeah, i thought that the rally was concerning in terms of Public Health risk. Cdcs recent guidance was that the highest risk gatherings are those that are large indoors where people cant stay apart from each other more than 6 feet and where people travel from out of town and this rally met all of those criteria and what i saw was that people were sitting quite close to each other, didnt see very many people Wearing Masks. There were some people handshaking without hand sanitizer, lots of shouting, all of those things will increase the risk of spread. Chris given all of that, does the president s rally in tulsa have the potential to be a super spreader of the virus . Doctor we have seen in the past few months around the world that indoor gatherings have been the source of most super spreading events and those are events where one person can give it to give the virus to many people. Its an opportunity for much more spread in a short period of time, so i am worried about that. I know that many people in the Public Health community are word about the potential for a big spreading event. Chris i want to pick up on that because a number of conservatives point out that a lot of the media and even some Public Health experts, not you, but some of your colleagues didnt express the same concerns when there were tens of thousands of people taking to the streets in protest over the death of george floyd, many of them not Wearing Masks. Is is there some hypocrisy where Public Health concerns depend upon the politics of the gathering thats being held . Doctor they shouldnt fend depend on the gathering thats being health. The principles have the same for one purpose or another. I certainly sympathize with the demonstrations that are going on across the country but i do worry that they are an opportunity for spread. I think its a little bit more than a little bit different than having indoor gathering. We know that outdoor risks are less than indoor risks and if people can maintain their space, then that will help, but certainly i think there is a risk with largescale protesting as well for increase spread. Chris let me ask you about that because has been some testing of protesters after the big events in minneapolis and new york and at least so far, i understand the incubation period, there has not been any clear spike detected as a result of those. Is it possible that Public Health experts are exaggerating the risk from these bigpublic gatherings . Doctor i dont think they are exaggerating the risks. I do think, again, we know from what we have seen so far in the last few months that outdoors is less of a risk than indoors and that mask use has major impact. So to the extent that people are Wearing Masks in a particular gathering, that will help a lot and it is too soon to say whether or not the protests have led to increased cases although i am very glad to say that the initial studies do show that there doesnt seem to be an increase rate of spread. Its quite different in an indoor setting where people are sitting shoulder to shoulder for long period of time and really in close corridors like that. Chris every time you come on i ask you where are we with the coronavirus cases and i want to put up a map that shows the fact that while there are significant decreases in a lot of the places that were hit earliest and hardest, there are 21 states in the west and in the south that are seeing at least a 25 increase in new cases. Dr. Inglesby, how much of that is the fact that we are testing more people, how much of that do you think is the fact that that maybe we are reopening too soon and how much of that is that there is, in fact, a spread, a spike in the virus in some of the states where there has been reopening . Doctor i think its a combination of more testing and a real important spike in many cases, in many states across the country and you can distinguish what is more testing from what is more serious disease from looking at hospitalization rates, icu rate and percent positivity of the overall tests in a given state and in many states and the ones you just showed, particularly arizona, texas, the carolinas, florida, what we are seeing is increased positivity in testing and in many cases increased hospitalizations so serious illness happening. Thats not just because we are doing more testing in the state, thats because theres more serious disease in the state. So thats chris do you think some of those states, doctor, should pull back in reopening, should, you know, if they are in phase 2; go back to phase 1 or lockdowns . Doctor i dont think we should go into lockdown. I think each state has a different story and each state has reopening process and they are all slightly different. I do think that governors should be guiding their public to avoid large gatherings where we see the greatest potential risk. They should also be really strongly encouraging people, leaders should be encouraging people to use the tools that we know work. We should be encouraging people to wear mace coverings, stay at a distance a void large gatherings and those are the things that we know work and leaders should double down in communicating that across the country. Those are the things that we have seen work and will work. Chris President Trump talked this week about the virus, the spread of the virus and also about medical treatments. Here he is on that. Were very close to a vaccine and we are very close to therapeutics, really good therapeutics, but even without that, i dont like to talk about that because its fading away, its going to fade away. Chris is the coronavirus fading away, are we close, very close to a vaccine, and the World Health Organization said this week that we are in a let me get it right, a new and dangerous phase of covid19, best case, best case, how long are we going to be living and dealing with this virus . Doctor well, first thing to say its not fading away. The u. S. Has more cases than its had in many, many weeks. If you compare us to other parts of the world, our numbers are on the rise. The European Union, last week we had 25,000 cases in a particular day and European Union had 4,000 cases, so its not fading away in the u. S. Its not fading away in the world. Theres something 70 or 80 countries where the virus is on the rise. Its a serious, serious pandemic and as w. H. O. Said we are in a new phase of intensity in many parts of the world. Vaccine development is going as quickly as its ever gone for any vaccine in the world and there are a couple of vaccine trials that are ramping up in the next month. Thats all good news but we dont know yet whether and when that vaccine will work. We hope we will have vaccine by the end of this year but i dont think we can count on it yet. I think people really need to focus on what they can do to decrease transmission while we wait for a vaccine and continue to do the things that we know work in terms of preventing spread. Chris dr. Inglesby, thank you, thanks for your time on fathers day, always good to talk with you, sir. Up next we will discuss joe bidens widening lead in the polls and who is on the vp short list with biden Senior Adviser Symone Sanders. As you get older, are you worried about staying sharp and alert . Forebrain, from the harvardeducated experts at force factor, contains key ingredients to help boost memory, learning, clarity, focus, and more rush to walmart and find forebrain, our 1 brain booster, in the vitamin aisle. Chris joe biden has largely stayed off the campaign trail since the outbreak of the coronavirus but instead of the former Vice President s low profiling hurting him hes seeing a growing lead over President Trump in the polls. Joining us now Symone Sanders, Senior Adviser for the Biden Campaign, symone, what do you make of the relatively small crowd at the president s rally last night and the fact that that so many of the thousands that were there were not Wearing Masks . Symone well, thank you for having me, chris, happy fathers day. Look, Donald Trumps debacle of a rally last night will long be remembered. Lets not forget the president s campaign required that folks who were attending rally sign a waiver so that if they were to get sick with the coronavirus, that the campaign would not be held liable, but i think the most damning thing from the rally last night, chris, was in fact, the president s admission that he, quote, unquote, said to his people to slow down the testing. This is an appalling attempt to lesson the numbers only to make him look good and so i think thats what we will remember long after last nights debacle of a rally, the admission of the president that hes slowtesting for his political benefit and its not for the American People. Chris well, let me just point out they say that it was a joke and it didnt seem particularly well, let me just point out thats what they said. I want to pick up, though, on this whole question of a Public Health of the mass gatherings, symome, when there were tens of thousands of people protesting and quite rightly for the death of george floyd and issues of Police Brutality, there were so many of them, not maybe most but many of them were not Wearing Masks. At that time the president the Vice President joe biden called those rallies right and necessary with no mention of Public Health. I guess the question is, why the double standard where the protests were okay but this rally was dangerous . Symone chris, theres no double standard here. Protesting is an american right, the American People have the right to go out and raise their voices. The difference here is, chris, we are talking about the president of the United States whose Vice President by the way had Coronavirus White House Task force holding a rally not following their own precautions that his own Public Health officials have put out. Look, the president has to lead, chris, and President Trump has demonstrated so many times in every sense of the world that hes unable to do so. The difference between people protesting Police Brutality and the president planning a rally, aware of six staffers is as clear as day, again, chris, this is about Public Health, no one is saying, we want the economy to reopen, we want folks to get back to work. More than 20 million americans are still out of work. Almost 120,000 people have died due to covid19. Those job those deaths did not have to happen. We have to do what is necessary in order to protect the American People and months ago chris i guess what im asking, if i may, symone, why didnt the Vice President because whether it was indoors or outdoors, whatever the reason for the gathering there were thousands of people in the streets in these protests, why didnt Vice President biden say, look, i understand the concern but these may be potential super spreaders . Symone listen to your last segment where the doctor noted that theres no evidence that the protests are what have spiked the coronavirus cases across the country so im not sure what youre asking or what youre suggesting. Look, Vice President biden has exhibited leadership on this issue. We have been out campaigning and i have heard you that we havent been on the campaign trail. We have been on the campaign trail since march. We have been campaigning virtually but you have seen Vice President biden go back out to campaign trail and our events are safe, they are socially distant; they adhere with the cdc guidelines, Vice President biden wears a mask, people participating wear a mask because its about being safe, chris, this is ensuring the safety of everyone involved and what President Trump has demonstrated yesterday is that he actually is not concerned with the Public Health. Hes concerned with his ability to hold a rally and i just like to note the folks who were out there, chris, they should be able to go get a coronavirus test. Chris symone, you have to let me get in here. I dont want to get into a fight with you but you have to let me ask the question. Symone, here is the question i will ask you, joe biden you talk about him being in the campaign trail but i think most people have been struck that he stayed in his delaware home mostly and in large parts since march hes held a few sociallydistanced events but by the large part he has not been on the campaign trail and he could have held certainly more sociallydistanced events and perhaps more important he has not held a News Conference either in person or online for 80 days, almost 3 months. Why not . Symone well, chris, to be clear, Vice President biden takes the interviews, take questions from the press regularly and, yes, in march we were we have adjusted to this new normal like most people in america. We have been campaigning virtually but just because we are campaigning virtually because not mean we are meeting actual voters across the country. Vice President Biden has campaigned in michigan, in florida, dr. Biden has campaigned in colorado in texas, so the reality is what we have been doing is following cdc guidelines, chris. What we have been doing is ensuring chris why hasnt he held a News Conference in 80 days . Symone as many of you in National Press are well aware we take pride in prioritizing local media until the Vice President is doing local media interviews, hes taking questions from reporters. Chris President Trump says that one of the reasons that biden is held up in his basement is because hes not up to campaigning. Here was the president on that this week. Hes not running his campaign. People are running his campaign. I see quotes all of the time that he said this, he said that about me, and long beautiful flowing sentences, i said, joe didnt make that statement and joe doesnt even know that it was made. Chris does the former Vice President contribute to the president being able to make that argument by being out of public view so often . Symone this is just despicable, chris, it truly is. The fact that folks are parity. Joe biden will tell you he within the wait to see donald trump and cant wait to campaign with him. I find it interesting that folks continue to pair it and its just bleak to clear themselves out of the coronavirus. Chris we reported on that too as you know, symome. I want to put up fox polls which i think you will like. The latest fox poll shows that biden is leading President Trump 50 to 38 but when asked why they backed their candidate, 31 of biden supporters say is because its because of enthusiasm for him and 63 because they fear mr. Trump. Its almost exactly the reverse. Symone, a lead is a lead but lack of enthusiasm for biden even among biden supporters, what you might call enthusiasm gap, is that a potential problem . Symone no, chris, it is not. We heard enthusiasm, who could and who could not turn out voters and what we saw in the primaries is that Vice President biden in context contest after contest turned out virginia voters in primary. In georgia primary, 1. 1 million voters voted early and so we are confident in our strategy, chris, we think voters are excited and i think the numbers spell trouble for President Trump that this is a referendum, the election will be referendum of presidency, lack of leadership and how his actions have directed affected the American People. Chris symone, we will have to leave it there, thanks for joining us, please come back. Symone thank you. Chris up next we will turn to Trump Campaign and discuss strategy to the president s return to the campaign trail. Chris President Trump is back in full swing returning to the campaign trail and planning more rallies. Joining us now is Mercedes Schlapp Senior Adviser for the Trump Campaign. Mercedes, the Trump Campaign said that more than a Million People wanted tickets for the rally but we all saw the pictures last night, the arena was no more than twothirds full and the outdoor rally for overflow crowd was canceled because there was no overflow crowd. Question, what happened . Mercedes first of all, happy fathers day to you. When understanding how rallies work its firstcome firstserve basis. 1 million rspvps include opportunity for us to get data, get information obviously so the key here is that its important is to understand and i had this with my own personal family who lives not far away from tulsa, that there were concerns, factors involved and concerned about protestors coming in and protestors who blocked and we saw that have impact in terms of people coming to the rally but what was amazing, chris, was the fact that over 5. 3 Million People watched it on all of our Digital Media channels and so the reach was far and wide and that doesnt even include the tv numbers. We also did a prerally show and that was over 1 million views, so, you know, we are living in a virtual time as well. Chris mercedes, mercedes, if i can, the fact that the president talks about the attendance at his events as we all know, he made a big issue of the attendance at his inauguration, he talks about how he can fill an arena joe biden cant, he didnt fill an arena last night let me if i may finish and you guys were so far off that you had planned outdoor rally and there wasnt overflow crowd and watching the coverage and talking to Mark Meredith in the ground today, protestors did not stop people from coming to the rally. Mercedes absolutely they did. Im telling you there were people and family that couldnt bring their children because of concerns of the protestors. Let me make this clear, i mean, joe biden has an event with empty folded chairs and painted circles on the floor. Id love to see a joe biden rally. Lets bring it on. The phenomena of the rally came because of President Trump. The people came out and wanted to be there physically present with the president was they joined us and they are familyoriented individuals who wanted to come out and be with us but here we go because we are now in a virtual time we are going chris mercedes, please mercedes, please dont filibuster. We are showing pictures here and it shows big empty areas, frankly makes you guys look silly when you deny the reality of what happened and as far as, you know, the social mercedes i dont know why youre saying that. Chris there are empty seats there. A third if not a half of the rally the arena was empty. Mercedes i will say this again. Chris you cant deny it. Mercedes the president went out to talk to the American People and talked about the failed record of joe biden. The fact that joe biden has been a career politician that has done nothing but only supported failed institutions, this is in contrast with President Trump who has a strong record and is focused on rebuilding this economy. I mean, i have to tell you, you want to make a comparison. Theres no such thing as a joe biden rally. Chris has nothing to do with the attendance of the rally. Lets talk about lets talk about the polls, and we did talk about the enthusiasm gap, mercedes, with symone, now let me ask you about polls as we pointed out the president is trailing joe biden in the latest fox poll by 12 points, 50 to 38, but i want to point to some things inside the poll because i know one to have arguments as well, thats just a national poll. If you look at swing states, biden leads in 5 of them and basically tied in the sixth, north carolina, and one to have big reasons for the president s recent drop appears to be 31 approve of response to protests after George Floyds death and 56 disapprove. Mercedes, by wide margins people in fox poll people think that joe biden respects racial minorities and President Trump does not. Mercedes i dont know how thats even possible. You want to see the record of joe biden, its one in which proudly embrace segregationist. Even colleagues like senators Kamala Harris basically accused him of being a racist. Hes the one that gave eulogy at senator robert byrds funeral. We can go down the list. He did not provide any significant change for the black community. In fact, he supported mass incarceration when it came to supporting the 1994 crime bill. This is in complete contrast to President Trump who has been focused on uplifting the black community. Just this week he signed executive order on Police Reform where in essence hes ensuring that these Police Departments implement these best practices and you know how he did it, Law Enforcement and Community Leaders. Chris but let me ask you about the president s record when it comes to race. Lets take the case of Mary Elizabeth taylor who was an assistant secretary of state and one to have highest ranking African Americans in the trump administration. She was a member of the administration until she quit this week and she issued this statement that i want to put on the screen. The president s comments and actions surrounding Racial Injustice in black americans caught sharply against my core values and convictions. Mercedes, this is a committed republican saying she doesnt want to be part of a trump administration. Mercedes well i wished that Mary Elizabeth would listen to the president s speech following the tragedy of George Floyds death where he said healing, not chaos, he called for justice, where he brought in Community Leaders from the black community to to speak with them and listen to them. Just yesterday i was with our coalition, our black voices coalition, these men and women who stand with President Trump because of what he has done to help the black community. I will give you an example, one angel mom, her son brandon died, killed by illegal immigrant and she said to me, she said, all black lives matter, but what about my son. Al sharpton didnt show up, Jesse Jackson didnt show up. Guess what, when they went over to president obama and Vice President joe biden, they did nothing, but when this angel mom went to President Trump hes the one chris i have to tell you, mercedes, you have to answer my questions and stop making campaign speeches. I want to ask you about boltons new book which a federal said wont stop from being released. Here is the president s former National Security adviser on President Trump. I dont think hes fit for office. I dont think he has the competence to carry out the job. There really isnt any guiding principle that i was able to discern other than whats good for Donald Trumps reelection. Chris but its not just john bolton, he joins a list including Rex Tillerson, jim mattis and john kelly, how do you explain the top officials not only breaking with the president but questioning his fitness for office . Mercedes look, i worked with john bolton while at the white house chris im asking you about all four of them, mercedes. Mercedes look, at the end of the day john bolton is disgruntled because of the fact that President Trump did not follow his direction. John bolton lacks credibility just like president george bush chris what about john kelly . Mercedes these are individuals that didnt agree with the president s policy when it came to Foreign Policy in general. So at the end to have day its not Rex Tillerson or john kelly or secretary mattis who make these decisions, its President Trump and President Trump is going to listen to his advisers at the end of the day, but hes the ultimate decisionmaker when it comes to Foreign Policy. Guess what, because of President Trump we have ended the endless wars. Hes the one thats been able to work on trade deals with china. You talked to secretary pompeo, you talked to robert obrian, you talked to secretary esper, these are individuals who know that the president is keeping america safe and ensuringsuringt we keep working with our allies in all the areas of Foreign Policy whether itd be north korea, middle east and being tough on iran, contrast that to joe biden which basically their administration gave cash to the iranian regime. We are being tough on iran, we are being tough on cuba. Lets be real. When it comes to joe biden, hes going back to the Obama Policies on cuba which we know would benefit and uplift the communist dictatorships. Chris mercedes, thank you, thanks for coming in today. Always good to talk with you. Up next, we will bring in sunday group to discuss john boltons new tell all book and judges ruling onto release to the public and what role would the book play in the campaign. I got an oriole here. Eh. Common bird. Ooh look over here something much better. There it is. Peacock, included with xfinity x1. Remarkable. Fascinating. Very. It streams tons of your favorite shows and movies, plus the latest in sports news and. Huh run the newest streaming app has landed on xfinity x1. Now thats. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity x1 just got even better with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. Just say peacock into your voice remote to start watching today. I think putin thinks he can play him like a fiddle. I dont think hes worried about donald trump. That becomes even worse if he lies about the conversation. Chris former National Security adviser john bolton charging his former boss is not fit for the office and President Trump arguing boltons book is both false and reveals classified information. And its time now for our sunday group, guy benson of fox news radio, townhall. Com editor Katie Pavlich and juan williams. The federal judge in the bolton case ruled yesterday that the book can be released on tuesday but he didnt let john bolton off the hook. I want to put up a little bit of his ruling. Judge wrote, defendant bolton gambled with National Security to have United States, he has exposed his country to harm and himself to civil and potentially criminal liability, but these facts do not control the motion before the court. The government has failed to establish that an injunction would prevent harm. Kate doesnt seem like bolton is out of the woods yet when it comes to legal side of this. The government side against him based on allegation theres classified information in the book could still proceed based on the merits and if you look at what the attorneys for bolton were arguing is because they had leaked the book to a number of news rooms, therefore, its already out there and you cant take it back and therefore they should be able to proceed, but in terms of the politics here and whether this will matter, you know, john bolton has put himself in the same category as james comey, he has done no service with the judge as you displayed in quote, he cant find friends on capitol hill whether republicans or democrats. He certainly doesnt have friends in the white house and limiting credibility because he did not say the things when the house was going through impeachment inquiry process. He praised the president for Foreign Policy decisions and said that he was having positive impact on the world, and so for john bolton, he was fired because he was all about john bolton and the media reviews from places like to New York Times show that that reasoning is backed up by what he says in the book. Chris juan, i want to pick up on one of katies point, im struck by the fact that bolton in the abc interview thats on tonight makes a very dramatic charge of the former National Security adviser, he says that donald trump is not fit to be president , and yet he refused to testify during the house impeachment hearings. How do you square those two . Juan i dont think you can, chris. As a matter of principle and patriotism if you love the country, its clear that john bolton should have testified before the house hearings on impeachment, so you got to keep in mind, though, that he did agree to testify in the senate trial on impeachment and it was republican senators who blocked john bolton from testifying and in some cases were quite explicit that it was for political reasons that his testimony would make it harder to excuse or to and then eventually acquit the president , but lets look forward for a second. Given what john bolton claims about the president seeking political assistance not only from ukrainians but the chinese, if their future investigations, he should pledge to participate, to give testimony now. Thats so important. Chris guy, who do you think that john bolton has damaged more in this book and the rollout of it, the president or john bolton and how much of a role do you think itll play in the 2020 campaign . Guy probably a little bit of both to the first question. Im not going to down play and say its not news worthy that you have only bolton but as you mention today question to mercedes in last segment; a whole group of top officials in the administration, trumps administration, former secretary of state, former secretary of defense, former National Security adviser, former white house chief of staff all saying or questioning the president s fitness in office. That means something and and you get to a point where its about the principle, not about one; you know, lone disgruntled person. But in terms of the controversy broadly the book, this feel like a dc story overall. Im sure they are popping campaign corks because there was legal fight over the book, it will probably help them sell books. The average voters, the notion that this will move people one way or the other, john boltons book by the time november rolls around, im very skeptical of that. Im also skeptical that if bolton had lets say testified during the whole impeachment trial and that whole saga, im not sure that would have changed a single vote in the senate either, so its news worthy, but i think its a dc story. Chris well, lets turn to a tulsa story and the rally there last night. Here was President Trump in action last night. I stand before you today to declare the silent majority is stronger than ever before. [cheers and applause] chris katie, i want to get all of you in here, so lets move it along. For all the concern about Public Health before the rally, the big story ended up being the crowd or more specifically the lack of a crowd, at least a third of that arena was empty for a president who talks so much about drawing a crowd and the campaign talked about a Million People wanted to get in, there was a lot of empty space in the arena and the overflow of that had to be canceled because there was no overflow. Kate well, there was a lot more empty space that joe biden socalled Campaign Rally last week where individuals were selected by the campaign to show up there, so if we want to compare and contrast which elections thats what they are about. President trump still has the upper hand on that. When it comes to what you talked about and the details he went after joe biden on, when you look at the news cycle and the things going on around the country, President Trump talked about not bending a knee to the mob, when you have rioters burning down neighborhoods and destroying the livelihoods of americans, the most vulnerable in our cities, that message i think will resinate especially while joe biden refuses to get out on the campaign trail and President Trump is making that effort. Chris juan, maybe im making too much of this. I would like your reaction, but, you know, the president was billing this as the reopening to america, the transition to greatness and im getting back and he said he was starting his campaign, in fact, he started it before the coronavirus, but it was certainly a restart of his campaign. Do you think the fact that a relatively small crowd showed up is an issue . Juan well, its an issue because hes made crowd an issue so people are just holding him to his own standard, but, i mean, this, the larger point to me is this was less a reset for the president , he went to a deep red state to draw an energy and instead of a reset, largely was a flop. It was a repeat. I mean, the whole theme about protests, anarchists, violent, communist, at some point you say americans have a right to protest and overwhelmingly the protests had been not only peaceful, they have been impressive, but the president is on a rant here. He wants to present himself as mr. Law and order. Hes going to correct this. Hes going to, you know, put everything back in order. Joe biden is just a puppet to the left and i heard things before and doesnt have the same power not only in 2016 but a few months ago. It seems empty at this point, like a hollow bell. Chris guy, your thoughts about last nights rally and about where this shows and also put in the polls in that because there was some considerable weakness for both candidates in the polls, vulnerabilities . Guy factors that played in smaller than expected crowd, including the fact that you tell people that theres a Million People that show up. Some people say maybe that doesnt excite to go me. Im just going wait and watch from home, of course, i think the virus is a huge part of this. People ultimately when push came to shove; im going to hold off on this and there were lots of people watching at home. I do think thats a significant number. In terms of the polling its clear why President Trump is trying to goat Vice President out of the basement to go into a campaign because they are betting in the Trump Campaign the more people see from joe biden the less impressed theyll be. That might be a pretty good bet. Chris well, theyll be more rallies and, you know, hopefully we will see joe biden out in more public situations if not those big mass rallies. Thank you, panel, see you next sunday. Up next our power player of the week. Country music toby keith on his career and critics and staying true to the red, white and blue. Guys, times are tough. But force factors test x180 can help us man up, america, by boosting total testosterone. Build muscle, fuel desire, and improve performance. Get test x180 from force factor, the 1 fastestgrowing mens health brand at walmart. Chris he started out working the oil fields of oklahoma but as we first told you last november, hes been filling arena with devoted fans for decades now. Here is our power player of the week. It changes your life, you go from you go from making 2 or 300 a week to making 15, 20,000 a night, overnight. Chris toby keith is talking about when he broke out as a Country Music star a quarter century ago and how he stayed on top ever since. I might not be as good, i might not able to outsing everybody. I dont know. Chris fair to say that over the years, the two big themes for toby king have been patriotism and partying . Well, the partying thing went all the way through but the patriotism thing we will always stand up in salute. Chris keith wrote courtesy of red, white and blue minutes after 911. Chris first time he plaid it was for marines shipping out to afghanistan. Chris natalie of dixie chicks called the song ignorant. Johnny cash think about the flag and i cant think of them to send to war and come back and do a good job and right there i went im going to be that guy. In october they were in bankruptcy threatening to sue me over the song, in february they sold for almost 2 billion with a b. Chris youre can king of red solo. They didnt write me a check. They didnt even give me a tshirt. Chris in 2013 Forbes Magazine called him countrys 500 milliondollar music man. Did you really make half a billion dollars . I did. I made more than that. Chris keith got into more controversy when other performers refuse today play at trump inaugural, he did. Going to a president s inauguration no matter who it is, its an honor to make history and do that. Chris at age 58toby keith has slowed down, instead of 200 shows a year he now does 50 and he says his music is not what sells now. Its more of a hiphop country. I hope the kids make half a billion end up on forbes. Ive made mine but im not going to write that stuff. Chris but if our staff at Fox News Sunday any sign he still has his fans and his music, well that will last forever. We will raise up our glasses against evil forces, whiskey for my men, beer for my [laughter] give me a guitar and we will do a whole show. Chris i would love it. During the pandemic toby has used his down time to release series of performances, dont let the old man in, a song about not letting father time have his way. As you may have heard, i have a new book thats been out for almost 2 weeks now, i want to thank all of you for making countdown 1945 the best selling hardcover book in america, fiction or nonfiction. Please go to foxnewssunday. Com to learn more. Have a great week. Happy fathers day to all dads out there and to all sons and daughters especially mine give your old man a call today and we will see you next Fox News Sunday. Liberty levin. Good evening everyone and welcome to the next revolution this is the home of positive population. Prowork, profamily, procommunity, and especially proamerica. Well, the 2020 campaign is back on a vote for republican is about for better schools, better jobs, safer families and stronger communities for all americans with your help we will lift millions of our citizens from welfare to work, dependence to independence and poverty to prosperity. That was the president

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