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Nation. We want the law to be used in a proper manner. Chris well talk with republican senator mitt romney who says the president is inflaming dangerous passions. Plus, Congressional Democrats have a disappointing night, failing to mount a blue wave in the senate and now holding a thin majority in the house. We did not win every battle in the house but we did win the war. Chris well ask our sunday panel about the new balance of pow you wear in power in washington. And our power player of the week, a fascinating look at the u. S. Army through the eyes of its heros. All right now on fox news sunday. Chris and hello again from fox news in washington. Here are the headlines this busy sunday. Joe biden is now projected to win at least 290 electoral votes. More than enough to become the nations 46th president. In a tight race against donald trump, who is challenging the results in a broad legal offensive, claiming fraud and voting irregularities. The president yet to concede. But the Biden Transition Team already hard at work. In a moment, well speak with former mayor pete buttigieg, a number of the biden transition. We begin this hour with fox team coverage. David spunt is at the white house. But lets start with Jacqui Heinrich who is covering the president elect in wilmington, delaware. Jacqui. Reporter chris, joe biden promised throughout his campaign he will be a president for all americans and he dekated a moment dedicated a moment of his victory speech that his work on the issues will begin long before moving into the white house. [cheers and applause] reporter no days off after a hardfought campaign delivered joe biden the offices chased for decades and Kamala Harris a seat at the table, Opening Doors for generations to come. The Transition Team is hard at work over three key goals. Getting a handle on the pandemic, repairing the economy, and beginning justice initiatives already promised by the campaign. The only news will be who is leading each charge. I will name a group of leading scientists and experts as Transition Advisors to help take the Biden Harris Covid plan and convert it into a blueprint. Reporter one face of the covid front, former surgeon general, who has been acting as an add vie advisor to the biden campaign. They will contrast the posture of the trump white house, while securing supply chains and working on a vaccine. Addressing the Public Health crisis will come ahead of many cabinet appointments, which may spread across party lines. Biden sources are reluctant to go on the record, leery that President Trump may do everything in his power to stop an easy transition, chris. Chris Jacqui Heinrich reporting from wilmington, delaware. Jacqui, thank you. Now lets bring in david spunt at the white house. David. Reporter good morning. The president you appears to be having a hard time accepting defeat. Transition talks between team biden and team trump are well underway but this current president is nowhere near conceding. As thousands celebrated in the streets outside the white house on saturday, President Trump with a brief wave returned from a day of golf at his Northern Virginia club. As the president hit the links, his legal team held a new conference in philadelphia where votes are still being counted. You Rudy Giuliani announced legal action related to alleged i reel layer airregularitieses. Its kind of funny that all republicans were rejected here and all republicans were rejected in pittsburgh. Reporter democrats and republicans were allowed inside to monitor ballot counting operations and the president s surrogates have yet to prove fraud. The president himself putting out a brief statement after biden claimed victory. The simple fact is, this election is far from over. In his last tweet before biden clinched the presidency, twitter flagged multiple president ial tweets including this, where the president claims he won the election by a lot. Sources tell fox news the president will ultimately commit to a peaceful transfer of power, that is if his Court Battles end in a dead end. Chris. Chris david spunt reporting from the white house of. David, thank you. Joining us now, former mayor pete buttigieg, a member of the Biden Transition Team. Mayor, congratulations. And welcome back to fox news sunday. Thank you, good to be back with you. Chris so the president elect claims that the American People gave him a, quote, mandate for action. But the fact is that there is still a likelihood that theres going to be a blue rather a Republican Senate, certainly no blue wave in the senate, and House Democrats hold onto an even slimmer majority in the house. So the question is, what mandate . Well, i think he has a mandate to deliver on the Winning Campaign you agenda that the biden harris ticket offered the country. This not only earned the support of the majority of americans who voted for him to be the next president but also we should remember that those who supported him and a remarkable number of President Trump supporters support the agenda that joe biden is going to lead our country forward with. In other words, the idea of getting serious on covid and having a scienceled approach which hes already underway on. The idea of protecting workers, making sure corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes, taking climate seriously, doing something about racial justice. As we look forward, whether we have divided government or not, i know this, what joe biden wants for the country is what most americans believe is right for the country and that i think is where the real pullin pro e propulsion of this administration will be, just like its been the propulsion of the campaign and led to the win. Chris lets talk about his tom priorities of. The president elect said he will announce a new Coronavirus Task force on monday, first aannouncement that he is going to make. Given that we are having a huge serious spike in coronavirus cases around the country, over 100,000 a day, i understand he is the president elect, but he is the head of the democratic party. Will joe biden work with congress, the lame duck session, to try to do something about the coronavirus or will he wait until he is formally sworn in as president in january . Well, hell decide on the right course of action but i think theres a sense of urgency throughout. We know that every day is bringing more loss, more pain and more danger to the American People. And its why hes not waiting until hes taken office to begin immediately assembling people who have the right kind of expertise and planning to actually listen to them. I think that will be guiding throughout this transition period the decisions that he makes. Chris well, lets talk about covid relief. Millions of american as you well know are desperate for that and the Lame Duck Congress is going to take that up. At this point, theyre deadlocked. Will the president elect as his new position, unofficial, and as the head of the democratic party, will he work with congress to try to broker a deal or is he going to wait 10 weeks until january 20th . Well, i think we all want to see something happen. And hell have to make the decision based on what he believes is right, not only for the presidency that he will be building in january, but recognizing that he is now the president elect and already a very important leadership position for the country. I think we all hope that logjam in washington of comes to an end and well be eager to see what progress can be made before and going into the administration. Chris it looks likely, not certain, but likely that republicans are going to hold onto the senate. Its going to come down to two special elections in georgia and republicans will be favored in both. If republicans hold the senate, if the majority leader is Mitch Mcconnell, isnt that really going to hurt some of the boldest parts of the biden agenda, things like a public option for healthcare or raising taxes by 4 trillion . Well, again, first of all, georgia has proven itself to be extraordinarily competitive and so with the two fantastic candidates that we have running, i have every expectation that it will be a competitive race, that we can very well take the majority in the senate. If that doesnt happen, at the end of the day, again, the thing we have going for us is that the American People are with us. Were not just talking about the house of representatives and the white house. Were also talking about the Strong Majority of the American People, Even Stronger majority than the one that brought joe biden to office, when we talk about some of the things you just mentioned, making sure that corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share, making we we expand access t healthcare. So the Republican Caucus in the senate will have to decide whether it wants to continue facing down the American People and standing in the way of what america wants, which i think would be a decision strategically to make the Republican Party a party of minority rule, or is there a willingness to reach across the aisle and get something done. Now, if we know something about president elect biden is that hes somebody that has that instrength of getting things instinct of getting things done an reaching across the aisle. I think that will be so important to getting anything done at all. Chris as you well know, the founders created checks and balances, divided a balanced government, three branches. If youre Mitch Mcconnell who just got elected, if you return i understand its a thought experiment with a republican majority, theyre going to say there was no you agenda. There was no public mandate for public option. There was no mandate for raising taxes 4 trillion. The country allowed us to retain the senate. Yeah, the structure of the senate is such for better or for worse that you can have a Senate Majority that disagrees with the majority of the American People. But then Mitch Mcconnell is going to have a decision to make. Its hisser purpose in washington to his purpose in washington to defy the American People who yo along with the president and the house of representatives will believe in expanding, not taking aware healthcare, ensuring the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes, raising wages, treating Climate Change as real. Mitch mcconnell is going to have to decide whether he wants to help move the country forward and influence progress, or whether he wants to stop progress. If he chooses to do that, im tearful not only that tearful not only that the Republican Party would pay a price politically, but the American People would pay a price we cant afford to pay because we need action. Chris well, lets talk about a much more serious and more immediate conflict. President trump as you know continues to say that this election is stolen, that there was rampant fraud and he intends to pursue legal challenges, he says starting monday, in courts across the country. Here is the president. Historic election interference from big media, big money and big tech. As everybody saw. We won by historic numbers. And the pollsters got it knowingly wrong. Chris how much harder will it be for president elect biden to keep his pledge to bring the country together if President Trump continues to say and to contest the legitimacy of this election . Well, i think its one of the reasons you see the president elect already reaching out to those who didnt vote for him and he didnt just say give me a chance or just say im going to give you a chance. He said lets give each other a chance. Thats an example of you how hes beginning the work of healing the nation right away, not wasting any time to do it. Look, even in these last days of his presidency, the president the current president has a chance to show leadership, to act as the person who loses every president ial election in our history has done, and do his part to help move this country forward and bring us together. Weve not seen that so far. Its unfortunate. Chris i was going to say, and if he doesnt, mayor buttigieg . Well, then it really comes down to his supporters. And look, this is a tough time. Ive been on the losing side of many elections. Especially in a poe of laterized country polarized country like this. I know theres a lot of folks who supported the current president , almost everyone in your neighborhood and your church and your facebook circle of friends feels the same way to where its very hard to believe or accept that hes not popular in the same way that four years ago i had a lot of liberal friends wh couldnt believe, o couldnt believe that donald trump had the support of more than a quarter of the country, let alone almost half as he proved to do. The simple reality is that President Trump has never had the support of the majority of the American People. And this is the reality of where america is and where the Election Results are. You know, in terms of the popular vote it wasnt even close. In terms of the Electoral College vote, the results are clear. And the best thing we have going for us no matter what this president says or does, whether in the last days of this presidency he rises to his responsibility or not. We know this much. Which is there is a strong will among the American People, even those who voted the other way going into this election, to make sure that we come together, tackle covid, make the economy fair, ensure the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes, the agenda that got joe biden and Kamala Harris elected. Chris finally, mayor, ive got about a minute left. Were about to have the first woman in national office, elected by all americans, Vice President Kamala Harris, in a nation that breaks barriers, sometimes taking longer than i suspect some of us would like. How important is this . Its extraordinary. And it sent a message to women, to girls across the country and i think across the world, that you can do anything. And her historic role also is as the first black woman in this role, the first woman of south asian descent and that woman who carried the weight of history throughout the campaign and did so so well, i cant wait to see what her leadership will be like as a partner in change with joe biden and as Vice President of United States. It is easy to overlook with all of the noise thats going on and the excitement around this election. I hope we dont overlook just how extraordinary, how historic and how affirming of progress in this country her historic victory is. Chris mayor, thank you. Thanks for your time. You have been a good guest on this program during this Long Campaign and maybe well see you in washington starting in january. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Chris up next, President Trump says joe biden has won nothing, that this election is being stolen from him. But a few members in the president s own party are pushing back. Well speak with republican senator mitt romney, thats next. 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We cant allow anybody to silence our voters and manufacture results. Chris you say the president has every right to pursue his legal remedies, which of course he does, but that his rhetoric there and in a number of tweets has gone far over the line. How . Well, i think it is appropriate for the president to make sure that the vote count has been done properly, to carry out recounts where its a very close contest, if there are any irregularities alleged to pursue those and follow every legal option he has. Thats what you would expect of a president in a setting like this. At the same time, i think its important to choose ones words carefully, because the eyes of our children are upon us. The eyes of the world are upon us. Every nation in the world is watching what the president of the United States says and theres a battle going on around the world between authoritarianism and free freedd its important for the cause of democracy and a freedom that we dont allege fraud and theft and so forth unless theres very clear evidence of that and at this stage that evidence hasnt been produced. Chris heres part of a tweet that you wrote this week about President Trump and his rhetoric. I want to put it up on the screen. He, the president , is wrong to say that the election was rigged, corrupt and stolen. Doing so damages the cause of freedom here and around the world, weakens the institutions that lie at the foundation of the republic, and recklessly inflames destructive and dangerous passions. Senator, does what the president is saying, does it interfere with the peaceful transfer of power, not just among our leaders, but just among regular americans . Well, i think there will be a peaceful transfer of power if theres a change in leadership, that happens in january. Until then, the Transition Team will be working with the Trump Administration and i think that will go smoothly. But i do believe that its important for the American People to understand that we are a nation of laws, that we ayou how for recounts, that we investigate irregularitieses and that these things go to the courts and the courts make a fair and impartial decision. Thats essential for our nation to have confidence in our institutions and for people as ive indicated around the world to recognize that democracy works. Saying something other than that would only be cheer for the chinese and the russians and those that want to bring down freedom and bring down democracy. So pursue every legal avenue and thats what the president will do. But i think its important for all of us to hold our breath a bit, to calm down a bit and not to use language thats so inflammatory, that it will make people angry and people that are not watching carefully feel that somehow something has been rigged and thats simply theres simply no evidence of that at a this stage and well see whether that is down the road but thats for time to tell. Chris a few, a very few of your republican colleagues have joined you in calling out the president s rhetoric. Heres pat toomey from the hotly contested state of pennsylvania. Take a look. The president s speech last night was very disturbing to me because he made very, very serious allegations without any evidence to support it. Chris but the vast majority of your republican colleagues in the senate have either backed up, supported the president s unsubstantiated allegations of fraud, people like ted cruz of texas, or they have remained silent. Does that disappoint you . I think everybody makes their own assessment as to what their responsibility might be. Frankly, the eyes of history are on us and i believe i have a little bit of a different role, having been the nominee of our party in 2012. I do feel a responsibility to express my views and to represent the small slice of the Republican Party perhaps that still supports me in that regard. And everybody makes that assessment. Pat toomey of course is the republican senator from pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is at the center of controversy. So his remarks i think were wellsuited to the moment. So everybody makes that assessment. And i dont have a point of view on what other senators do. I think we each have to make our own decision, based upon where we are. But look, im of a richard burr senator from North Carolina saying if i spoke out on everything that i disagreed with that the president tweets or says, thats how of i spend all my time. Some feel silence at this stage, particularly with so much uncertainty, is the right way to go. Chris i want to pick up on something that you just said, because you have been in the same situation back in 2012 that President Trump is in now, the networks called barack obama the winner in the 2012 election. You had a team of lawyers ready to fly out to various states, there were all these irregularities in vote counting. You waited 90 minutes, then you called president obama and succeeded victory to him. Two questions. One, why did you decide to go that course . And if you were in the situation now that donald trump is in with widening gaps in pennsylvania and nevada and georgia, would you concede . Well, first of all, President Trump is a different person than i am. Every individual is different. I think one of the things people like about President Trump is that he is different than the typical politicians and people who run for president before. Hes going to keep on fighting. Thats what you expect from President Trump. So hell do what hes going to do. My setting was different. We look at the vote totals. I met with my legal counsel. We talked about irregularitieses. It did not strike me there was a realistic possibility of overturning the result that had been called by the networks and frankly theres something more important than myself and whether i win or lose an election and that is the cause of democracy and freedom. And at some point truth, freedom and democracy have to asend and you step aside and im convinced that that will happen in this case as well, if and whenever avenue is exhausted for the president. But time will tell in that regard. Let me tell you this as well. I think the assessment that somehow that conservatism lost is not accurate. Republicans picked up state houses, republicans picked up seats in congress. I think were going to keep the senate as well. Conservative principles are still on the asens asentencey os country. Americans dont want to get rid of oil and coal and gas or medicare. America is intent on pursuing policies that are more consistent with the republicans that they overwhelmingly elected. Chris i want to pick up on that. Ive got only a minute here, senator, about that. It does look more likely than not that republicans are going to maintain control of the senate. If they do, what is your attitude towards working with President Biden . How much deference do you feel that you will owe him in terms of his choosing the people in his cabinet and some of his policies such as a public option for obamacare or of raising taxes or the environment . I dont think the National Election ill let the pundits make the final analysis on this. I dont think it was so much a matter of signing up for a policy agenda, i think it was much more of a personality matter and character matter. And i dont think you expect elected officials to provide deference to others based upon their point of view because we all got elected and we all have a responsibility. There are places well be able to work together. Healthcare is a mess right now, Prescription Drugs are too expensive, surprise billing shouldnt be going on. Obamacare is not working. Well have to make changes there. If there are flaws in the tax code that let bail billionaires that let billionaires pay no taxes, i think we have to look at that as well. I think youre going to see there are a number of places we have common ground. Look, conservatives like myself are going to continue to fight for conservative principles. And those things are not in the rear view mirror. President elect biden has an you agenda. Well work with him on that agenda. With regards to his cabinet, look, i believe the president will be able to appoint his own cabinet unless theyre really out to lunch. Chris senator romney, well, we dont ever want people who are out to lunch. Thank you, senator. Thanks for your time this week. And always good to talk with you, sir. Thanks so much, chris. Good to be with you. Chris up next, well bring in our sunday panel to discuss the biden transition and what we can expect from President Trump in the days ahead. If youre on medicare, remember, the annual Enrollment Period is here. The time to choose your coverage. Begins october 15th and ends december 7th. So call unitedhealthcare. And take advantage of a wide choice of plans. Including an aarp Medicare Advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. It can combine your hospital and doctor coverage. With part d Prescription Drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan. For a low monthly premium or in some areas, no plan premium at all. Take advantage of 0 copays on all primary care doctor visits, all virtual visits, and all lab tests. 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Enrollment ends december 7th. Call unitedhealthcare or go online today. We make it easy to enroll, too. Its time to take advantage of all the benefits of. The only Medicare Advantage plans with the aarp name. [sfx mnemonic] the people of this nation have spoken. Theyve delivered us a clear victory. A convincing victory. A victory for we, the people. Chris president elect biden starting to lay out of his agenda for the next four years in an address to the nation last night. Its time now for our sunday group. Dana perino, anchor of the daily briefing, gerald seib of the wall street journal and marie harf of serve america pac. Jerry, joe biden formed a Transition Team months ago. How do you expect him to move now in terms of both personnel and policy. Well, you know, its tricky, because you and i both know the oldest cliche in washington, personnel is policy. He will have to pick some people who will satisfy the progressive wing of his party, while keeping the biden flag planted in the center of the ideological spectrum and also maintaining some room to work with republicans who as youve said are likely to be in control of the senate. I think youll see a mix of people, a lot of Traditional Democratic faces, a few surprises and maybe a couple of republicans to show that in this new divided power in washington, joe biden, President Biden realizes hes got to work in the center. Chris marie, we hear that the biden team is going to name white house staff before it names cabinet secretaries. We hear that when it comes to policy, not surprisingly, the Top Priorities at least at first are going to be dealing with the coronavirus pandemic and with the very fragile economy. What can you add to that in terms of what you expect from the biden team in the next weeks . Absolutely. Well, we will get the biden covid plan laid out in much more detail including some personnel on monday. That is obviously the first priority. I also expect that we will hear more about some of these ways that a Biden Administration will almost immediately upon taking office start to roll back much of what they believe is so harmful of the trump presidency. Weve already seen reports about executive orders that will come very early on, doing things like getting the u. S. Back in the paris climate accord, repealing getting rid of the ban on immigration for majority muslim countries and of course an executive order protecting dreamers. I think step one is covid and the economy. Well hear more about that on monday. Step two has to be rolling back what they feel like were some of the most extreme and harmful policies of the Trump Administration. Chris well, speaking of President Trump, dana, there he is. And his continued resistance, rejection of a Biden Victory. Here he is, the president , on Election Night. This is a fraud on the american public. This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election, frankly we did win this election. [cheers and applause] chris dana, what do you expect from President Trump . Do you expect at least in the short term that hes going to continue to deny a Biden Victory and continue with lawsuits . No concession . And if that is the case, do you think hell ever come around to basically acknowledging that he has lost this election . I think they are going to pursue every possible legal avenue that they can find because they do say that they have some problems, they are working on some lawsuits in several different states. Theyre looking at the recount in georgia. They still believe they will ultimately win in arizona. Thats what the trump team says. I think that patience is in order and if the shoe were on the other foot and biden were wanting to pursue some legal challenges here, i think that america should have provided that as well. So a little patience is warranted. Chris, i did note that aside from a couple of tweets yesterday, the president did not speak and he held back and i think that that is something that you could say that is a positive for him, to hold back, take a day, let his lawyers work on it and they were laying the ground work for the legal challenges that begin tomorrow. Chris jerry, what is your sense from talking to your sources of whats going on inside the president s inner circle, family, friends, inside advisors, outside advisors. There seems to be from at least what were hearing a kind of struggle with some people suggesting the president needs to concede and move on, sooner rather than later and other people, kind of bitter enders saying no, we ought to keep fighting. Whats your sense of how thats playing out inside the president s inner circle. I think theres some division as you would expect. Some people who want to fight longer than others of, some people who think i think theyre right about, that the president actually is a president of some consequence. He had you achievements. He changed the Republican Party. He reflected a changed Republican Party. He brought it closer into touch with its working class roots. He changed the way americans look at trade policy, for example. He changed the way americans approach china. And you should not want if youre a trump supporter those kind of you achievements to be taken fished with a bitter end fight here if thats what were looking at. I think some people are arguing that. Others are arguing we need to fight on. We laid out some principles and we need to stick with those. Its hard as dana suggested, its hard to know where the president is. Theres actually been more silence from him and the trump camp in the last 72 hours than there was earlier in the week. I think the struggle is playing out and probably will for a few more days. Chris dana, it would seem to me that republicans on capitol hill have a role to play in this, very few of them have said look, you pursue your Legal Options but damp down the rhetoric, like mitt romney, like pat toomey. There are a lot who are just silent and there are some i mentioned ted cruz, you know, who are like the japanese soldiers who come out 30 years after the end of the war and out of the jungle and say is the fight still going on . What do you expect the mood to be inside Senate Republicans, as they begin to think perhaps their future is no longer so directly tied to donald trump . Well, also remember that Senate Republicans were counted out. It was expected that they would lose many of those competitive races and they did not. And thousand theres two georgia runoffs that basically thats going to be their line, the last line of defense between a Joe Biden America and a divided government. Theyre going to try to fight for those seats very hard down there in georgia. A lot of these senators, someone like senator ted cruz, he might want to run in 2024. Does he want to get cross wise with the president right now. You can be one tweet away from oblivion in the Republican Party right now if you decide to do that. I think the republican of the hour at the moment in the senate is of course Mitch Mcconnell. Hes saying lets have patience here, give him a few days, see how it turns out. Chris all right panel, we have to take a break here. When we return, democrats hang ona narrow majority in the onto a narrow majority in the house and a hold onto hope in the senate, in a cliff hanger that will play out into the new year. Well discuss that, next. Whats up, tom . Heyyyy whats this . Ah, got him. Classic. Your cousin. From boston. It says bad boy in gaelic. I think. Get outta here, debbie high five. I brought sam. Boston lager. Were all friends now. I dont know whether im going to be the majority leader or minority leader. Ive been both. Majority is better. Were you awaiting the judgment of the American People. Chris Senate Majority of leader Mitch Mcconnell waiting along with everyone else until january to see whether republicans will hold onto control of the senate and were back now with the panel. Jerry, it seems to me the tale of the senate this year has been a big bumpy roller coaster. Before the election we were hearing a lot of talk about a blue wave sweeping a lot of new Democratic Senators in. On Election Night it looked like republicans were easily going to hold onto control of the senate. And now it turns out were going to have to wait for these two special elections on january 5th in georgia. So i guess my question is, did the republicans in the senate have a good night Election Night or not . They did. No, i think republicans had a pretty good night overall, a good night in the house, a good night in Senate Elections compared to expectations. Thats been lost with the focus on President Trump. Its worth noting this is you an alignment that looks like its a recipe for gridlock. But it can be an you alignment that works. When power is this closely divided between the two parties and between the two houses, it tends to push everybody toward the center and it can empower mod rests in the senate because moderates in the senate because they have a lot of leverage,ism thinking of joe manchin of West Virginia or Susan Collins of maine. If they find a way, and i believe its possible for them to do that, they can exert a lot of leverage not just only the senate but over congress and even work with a President Biden who as we know was the guy who went to republicans in the senate when there were problems in the obama administration, getting things done and the mitch and joe show is how things got accomplished. Chris dana, where is the Republican Party going to be after trump . How big a mega phone will he have from outside the white house and to what degree do you think Congressional Republicans will continue to follow his marching orders as they did when he was in the oval office . It will be interesting to see. I mean, i think that former president s when they get into their life after the presidency, they have so much at their fingertips. He has a platform. Hes a wealthy man. Hes loved by his family. He did have a tremendous impact on the country with a record that a lot of people thought he couldnt do. He actually governed quite conservatively, which is why he was able to get the support of the Republican Party. The Republican Party is still going you through its political realignment. All of those republicans will be focused on georgia and probably President Trump will be focused there too. Those two Senate Runoffs are so important. Yesterday, senator Chuck Schumer sounded more like don kehote than general sherman when he said next we take georgia and next we take america as if he completely misread the Election Results. America doesnt want a radical left agenda. Thats where i think the republicans will focus for now as the rest of the posttrump world kind of figures itself out. Chris then there are House Democrats who of i think its fair to say had a disappointing Election Night. Instead of picking up a half dozen seats as most predicted, they ended up losing at least a half dozen seats. Having said that, House Speaker nancy pelosi tipped to play it as a continued to play it as a big victory. The most votes ever received by any president ial ticket in history, president elect biden has a strong mandate to lead and hell have a strong Democratic House with him. Chris marie, will nancy pelosi be able to hold onto her speakership and will she be able to control her much slimmer majority in the house, given the fact that centerists and leftists in the House Democratic caucus seem to be sharply split now. Chris, i think the reason that nancy pelosi will remain speaker is actually because of that slimmer majority that you just mentioned. Nancy pelosi has some critics on many issues but one thing most people agree with is she can keep the caucus together. She did it over the last four years when donald trump was president as there were debates between progressives and moderates and with a slimmer majority i do think the democrats in the house will coalesce around her because they know that she can bring everyone together. And yes, i do think democrats are disappointed they didnt pick up more seats but an overwhelming majority of the moderates that won in 2018, the majority mak makers for the democrats won reelection in 2020 even with donald trump on the ballot unlike in 2018. So its a mixed bag in the house right now. Certainly democrats are disappointed in some ways but happy with the majority and ready to help President Biden with his yo agenda. Chris jerry, assuming that republicans do win control of the senate and youve got nancy pelosi with a much slimmer majority in the house, what does this do to the more progressive elements of the biden ayou jen , things like adding a public option to obamacare, raising taxes, elements although he didnt support the whole plan, of the green new deal. Is that just out the window. Certainly going do be held in check. I think in a way that helps a President Biden in some ways. I mean, he doesnt have to keep the more progressive elements of his party which have wanted to push him further left than he wants to go. He doesnt have to hold them in check. He can say look, the republicans in the senate, ive got to deal with them. Theyre the people who are holding us back from fulfilling your Progressive Agenda. Thats beneficial for joe biden, gives him some running room toward the center. So i think that political realities are going to assert themselves and some of the Progressive Agenda that joe biden will push will have a chance but some of its going to be left to the side and i think that thats just the reality that he doesnt have to you assert, that will assert itself in this new alignment. Chris real quickly, marie, about 30 seconds. Do you think joe biden will welcome having a Republican Senate as a check on the far left, the aocs of the world or do you think hes going to have to grit his teeth . Well, im not sure id go so far as welcome it but if theres any democrat who can work with a Republican Senate its joe biden and last night you heard that message in his speech, i will be president of all americans, i will work across the aisle, i will reach out to them. Thats how democrats are feeling today, chris. Chris yeah. And he also said lets give each other a chance and i certainly agree with that, lets give each other a chance, panel. Thank you. See you next sunday. Up next, our power player of the week, a museum about our nations history yo through the eyes of the men and women who helped defend it. [narrator] with the ninja foodi power pitcher, you can crush ice, make smoothies, and do even more. Chop salsas, spoon thick smoothie bowls, even power through dough, and never stall. The ninja foodi power pitcher. Rethink what a blender can do. Chris for 245 years, the u. S. Army has defended our nation. This week, a museum honoring its history of bravery and sacrifice will open just outside washington. And its our power player of the week. We stand on the shoulders of heroes that have gone before us and really what we strive to do is live up to their legacy. Chris general James Mcconville on the long line of soldiers who have served this country. This week youll be able to see see their stories with the opening of the National Museum of the army. What we tried do is capture significant events throughout history. We want the American People to come to the museum to see the accomplishments, the sacrifices, the commitments of our soldiers. Chris visitors enter on the path of remembrance, 8,000 bricks edged with tributes to soldiers and their families. Inside displays showcase soldiers stories, in every campaign the army has waged. Its for the soldier thats have participated in the campaigns. Chris visitors travel back through the armys proud history, highlighted by almost 1400 artifacts, including a flag carried by civil war trailblazers whose story was told in the movie glory. The 54th massachusetts was one of the first africanamerican regiments and during the civil war, the sergeant grabbed the flag and led his fellow soldiers to a key place in the battle and he was one of the first africanamericans awarded the congressional medal of honor. Chris in another gallery, one of the surviving higgins boats, the Landing Craft used to hit the beaches at normandy. You have one of the actual Landing Craft from dday. To visualize thousands of young soldiers storming the beaches and the higgins boats allowed them to get to the beach and to win the war. Chris some items mark victory. Others, such as pow pajamas, speak to soldiers resilience and fighting spirit. People never broke their heroic, and what they did before they were taken prisoners and during that timeframe. Chris how emotional is it for you to go through these galleries and see what youre a part of, the tradition youre a part of. It just makes me very, very proud to be a member of the United States army. Chris mcconville has served our country for almost four decades. Last year, he was named the army chief of staff. I was inspired to serve by my dad. Once i got in the army, i just met some incredible people, inspired by the soldiers that i serve with and decided to make a career out of it. Chris stories like mcconvilles and those of generations of army men and women will now be preserved at the National Museum. What does the army hope to get across to visitors . The armys history is their history. We exist to protect the nation. Thats our job. Thats what we work hard to do every single day and were very proud to serve the American People. Chris the museum of the army opens to the public wednesday which is veterans day. And thats it for today. Have a great week. And well see you next fox news sunday. Maria good sunday morning, everybody. Welcomeda to sunday morning futures. Im maria bartiromo. Afu divided nation. The news media announces joe biden will be the 46th president 046th of theunited sts himself last night. The people of this nation have spoken. Theyve delivered us a clear victory. Ale convincing victory. A victory for we, the people. We won with the most votes ever cast in a president ial ticket in the history of the nation

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