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Here. Everybody said you couldnt get that. Theyve been trying to get that passed for 40 years. We have great legislation. Have you heard the liars when they say trump didnt have legislation. I think we have more in the past seven months, i think we have more than even Harry Trueman o who , people treating their veterans badly or not harry truman. We can fire people who are doing their job badly or arent doing a good job. We also obtained historic increase in Defense Spending to prevent and deter conflict. We believe in peace through strength. Were building up our military like never before. Thousand and thousand of Brave Americans have paid for our freedom and now its time to preserve and protect their legacy. Last night i laid out a vision for an honorable and enduring outcome in a tough place. A place where our country has failed, afghanistan. This is a place where terrorists are trained. You have people that are not exactly United States fans. Can i say that . I will tell you what were going to do with our incredible military, theyre going to make unbelievable sacrifices and theyve already made in some cases the ultimate sacrifice. Were fighting for them and the trust they need to fight and win. You see as we going on in north korea. All of a sudden, who knows. I can tell you what i said, thats not strong enough. Some people said it was too strong. Its not strong enoughso i but jongun i respect the fact that hes starting to respect that fact very much. And maybe probably not, but maybe something positive can come about. They wont tell you that but maybe something positive can come about. Every american deserve as a country that protects them and fights for them and defends them. And speaking of that you have three congressman in the audience and your governor who pet inside. He said i met me at the plane and said i want to spend my time outside and i said thats a good idea governor. And hes a great governor, governor ducey and congressman andy biggs. Get up here. Re for us, okay. The same failed Voice Ins Washington who oppose our movement are the same people who gave us one terrible trade deale after another. Who gave us one Foreign Policy disaster after another. Who sacrificed our sovereignty, our wealth and our jobs. We dont need advice from the washington, d. C. Swamp. We need right now to drain the swamp. Thats whats happening to, believe me. Too, believe me. Washington is full of people only looking out for themselves but i Dont Come To Washington ive had a great life. Ive had great success. Ive enjoyed my life. Most people think im crazy to have done this. Agenda. We accomplished historic amounts in a short period of time. We signed more than 50 pieces of legislation. They said we signed none. We signed 50. Appointed Justice Gorsuch and nominated 31 new federal judges with many more on the way. We have canceled jobkilling regulation and creating American Energy like weve never unleashed before. Wea e weve ended the war on clean coal and a second coal mine where theyll take out clean coal its opening in the state of pennsylvania. The second one. And the state of West Virginia which wasin way behind and laggg was now in terms of gdp increase second last quarter to the state of texas. How about that . West virginia. The governor just quit the democrats and joined the Republican Party. In the proud tradition of our great leaders, George Washington please dont take his statue down. Please. From lincoln to teddy roosevelt. They want to take him down too. Theyre trying to figure out why. They dont know. Theyre trying to take away our culture and history and our weak leaders do it overnight. These things have been there for 150 years, 100 years. You go back to a university and its gone. Weak, weak people. We are going to protect american industry. We are going to protect the american worker. No longer will we allow other countries to close our factories, steal our jobs and drain our wealth. We are building our future with american hands, american labor, american iron, aluminum and steel. We will buy americans and hire americans. I immediately withdrew the United States from the disastrous transpacific partnership. Would have been a disaster. You know one of the worst deals anybody in history has ever entered into. We have begun formal renegotiation with mexico and canada on nafta. I have been talking about nafta for a long time and im sorry it took so long. We have to give notice and then you have to wait and then wait a long time. Anyway, we started two days ago. Personally i dont think we can make a deal because weve been so badly taken advantage of. Theyve made such great deals. Most of the country but in particular mexico, i dont think we can make a deal. I think well end up terminating nafta at some point probably. But i told you from the first day we will renegotiate nafta or terminate nafta. I dont think you can make a deal without it but well see what happens. Youre in good hands i can tell you. We are unleashing American Energy and i withdrew the United States from the jobkilling paris climate accord. People have no idea how bad it was for this country. Great for other countries. We were like the lap dog. Our country was so behind. Ic since took the oath of office we added more than 1 million jobs. Unemployment is at almost a 17year low. Wages are rising. The stock market is at the alltime high in history and Economic Growth has surged to 2. 6 . Remember, everybody said you wont bring it up to 1 . You wont bring it up to 1. 2 . And we just started. Thee regulations we got rid of and we got rid of regulation but it will be sensible. Theyree unleashing our economy. We have a gdp two weeks ago was announced for the quarter 2. 6 . I said wed try to hit 3 . Maybe ill have to increase any offer. So many people, the economic count council said well take a pass and people are now calling me. Ow people that were like, well take a pass. Don, Lets Get Together for lunch. Can we do it privately instead of through a council. They dont get it. Theyre calling and saying how about getting together privately. Why should they be on a council . Thats the way it is, folks. To bring more jobs and industry to our shores we are commit to passingsi the first major tax reform in over 30 years. We need the help of congress. Were giving you the biggest tax cut in the history of our country. The democrats will find a way to obstruct. If they do, remember they are stomp you from getting a massive tax cut. Just remember that, okay. Americas Crushing Business Tax is a massive selfinflicted economic wound. We have one of the highest Business Tax Rates anywhere in the world pushing jobs and wealth out of our country. Thats why were going to lower the tax on American Business to bring back those Companies Bring them back to our country and we want more product stamped with made in the usa. We also want Everyday Americans to be able to keep more of ther own money. So for the Democratic Senators especially the ones where i won their states by 20 and 30 points, i really hope youre going to come over to our side because when you have 52 republicans, if you lose two thats the end. As good as something is its hard to get 51 out of 52. I hope some of the democrats that will lose their election will come over and give everybody a Big Beautiful Tax Cutan which is going to be grea for the economy. Its time to pass a tax cut for middleclass families. Well make america the best place to hire, grow and start a business again. We want to lift our people from welfare to work. From dependence to independence and from poverty to prosperity. Were going to do an Infrastructure Bill and build highways, railways, waterways across our land. Our greatest creations, our most incredible buildings and works of art are waiting to be brought to life. American hands will build this future. American energy will power this future. We have become an Energy Exporter for the first time just recently. American workers will bring this to light. We are the nation that dug out the panama canal and put a Man On The Moon and defeated communism. We can do anything and build anything. Its time to remember what our brave soldiers never forgot, americans share one flag, one home and one glorious destiny. We live according to the same law, raise our children by the same values and we are all made by the same almighty god. As long as we remember this and have enough strength and courage in ourselves, there is no challenge too great, no task too large, no dream beyond our reach. We are americans and the future belongs to us. The future belongs to all of you. This is our moment. This is our chance. This is our opportunity to recapture our dynasty like never before. To rebuild our future. To deliver justice for every forgotten man, woman and child in america. Freedom will prevail. Our values will endure. Our citizens will prosper. Arizona will thrive and our beloved nation will succeed like never ever before. So to americans young and old near and far and cities small and large, we say these words again tonight, we will make America Strong again. We will make America Wealthy again. We will make america proud again. We will make america safe again. And we will make America Great again. Thank you, arizona. God bless you. Thank you. Thank you. President donald j. Trump the 45th president of the United States speaking for about an hour and 15 minutes in front of a friendly crowd in arizona. The president spent about 30 minutes castigating the media for the coverage Of Charlottesville, virginia and his remarks about that. Relitigating his statements to prove how many times he spoke out against racism, bigotry and neonazis and the kkk and the marching. He opened the speech with a long ticktock of his own words. The president did not mention the two arizona sitting senators by name and criticized them nonetheless and the vote that preventing Repealing Obamacare and referred to senator flake but not by name. His administration labelled some successes but some things stoods out tonight. T. On his southern border wall, said, quote, if we have to close down our government, well build that wall. An interesting comment for the coming weeks. On trade as nafta is being renegotiated he said, quote, well probably end up terminating nafta and ended with Praising Theor troops saying wel make America Strong and safe and great again. With that lets get analysis from our panel. Fox News White House correspondent and matt schlapp the contributor with the hill. Thats as good as anything ive heard on the Campaign Trail and he is relitigating charlottesville. Clearly he had something he wanted to get off his chest and we were discussing this. The president had i think a clear win last fight with his speech with the new policy in afghanistan. Some people complaineded about lack of detail but that was deliberate on the part of the president and now hes changed the subject again and what youll see is when he was recounting what he said about charlottesville he left out the part that was the most controversial that got him in so much trouble even with members of his own party saying theres blame to go around on both sides and theres fine people on both sides of that argument as well. I thought it was interesting a couple things. He made policy tonight saying hell shut down government if need be in order to get the wall built. I think we also saw a nod towards the midterm elections where he said if the democrats dont give you tax reform they have stood in the way of giving you a tax cut. Thats an argument for the state of california because the democrats are trying to win back what they need to take back the house. Already theyre laying the groundwork for that. For his supporters this is catnip. Its been Candidate Trump and its trump being trump. However, for people in the administration as the some concern they could have had the speech last night last a few days at least before over taking it by an event like this. This is how President Trump likes to strum the cords of driving the message. Chords of driving the message. If have you a good speech and youre getting good feedback on an importantin issue you want i to play a couple days. Thats just not the way he plays the game. Whats really interesting, ive noticed the last couple of several days, were not talking about a special council and russia and interesting he keeps flooding the zone with interesting News Coverage and this will do that again tonight. Its a Campaign Rally but i think its his attempt at unity by going in front of a major audience and knew people would be watching. I think his staff is probably not happy he went back to the charlottesville rhetoric and commentary but he felt he needed to defend his words and himself and more importantly something i felt was important he said personally theyre attacking my supporters as if theyre racist and theyre not. Whether youre a trump supporter or not are tired of the left accusing them for racism for simply disagreeing with them. If you disagree with taking down a confederate statue youre a racist. In terms of him getting his message out hell get the last word whether its a distraction to his agenda or not and thats what we saw tonight. Ive said on the panel before sometimes washington and new york and l. A. Sees it through a different prism and does the scorecard differently and perhaps Middle America and arizona. What did you see tonight and does this walk for him . It does and it doesnt. He played all his Greatest Hits from the campaign to his presidency. The crowd waited outside for hours and placed 1900 people. The base is still there and want to see him and he puts on a she and theye wanted to see the sh. He started with a unifying theme and he had some of that in his beach last night then went off track and relitigated charlottesville. If hes going to recover ground and be seen as the president of all americans and a healer im not sure he made it up tonight. At the end it looked like he was talking to his base and supporters about his agenda. I dont know he was bringing anybody back to him or converting anybody. Does the Media Bashing work . Yeah, it always has for him. We saw this on the Campaign Trail. On a couple occasions he went so far as to almost become dangerous and as a responsible leader he went far and almost did tonight. I thought he was going to call an audible and i saw john kelly in the back going he started winding up on joe arpaio and basically said, dont worry. You can plan to have a nice christmas. You wont be in jail because a pardon is coming. Lets listen to that. Was sheriff joe convicted of doing his job . He should have had a jury. But ill make a prediction. I think hell be just fine. I wont do it tonight because i dont want to cause any controversy. Sheriff joe can feel good. Hes essentially saying the predictions coming true. The checks in the mail. I think we can expect it in the next if you days. The mayor said please dont do it. Its not appropriate. People were saying to pardon him at a political rally would be the wrong thing for a president to do. The sheriff was convicted of corruption in a court as far as criminal contempt. Its a Misdemeanor Charge but he can be fined or spend time in jail. The president all but said dont worry, joe. Ive giving you a get out of jail free card. The president mentioned he doesnt want to cause controversy. Theres been talk on a National Level about the pardon but he was the sheriff for 27 years in the county and was wildly popular until a couple months ago and they feel the government singled him out for enforcing the Immigration Law and as the president ed pointed out today, illegal immigration affects every sector of the arizona economy, how people live, the job market, the community safety. For him to say it there of course hes going to get applause. He is still respected there for the job he did as sheriff. Its a Classic Trump moments. There were moments where he was trolling his own staff. I dont want to name names. He had a couple moments. He thrives on this sort of thing thumbing his nose at bi conventions. He even joked at one point saying, well, they say its not being president ial. He knows its not president ial and its trump doing what trump does and well see if it gets him anywhere. Like when he said they told me not to say it but James Mad Dog Mattis will be my secretary of defense. Dont mention any names. So i wont. I wont. One vote away. Int will not mention any names. Very president ial. Nobody wants me to talk about your other center who is weak on borders, weak on crime so i wont talk about him. Nobody wants me to talk about him. Nobody knows who he is. Thats senator flake who the center Mitch Mcconnell supports. The committee has laws that governs what it does and supports incumbents. What donald trump does is he supports people who support his agenda and goes after people who dont. I will tell you as a strong republican but a conservative first what john mccain did on health care is one of the worst acts of political cowardice and hes a brave man but a lot of us are sick of him being in the senate. As we look outside the hall theres some tear gas thats been fired by the authority. The police putting on their gas masks. The protests at the beginning of the rally were tame. Heard the president mention that. Small numbers. We dont know the numbers out there now but we know Jonathan Hunt our Chief Correspondent is out there and can paint a picture for us, jonathan. This has suddenly turned into a different scene. There were thousand of protesters on the streets directly outside the Convention Center. It had been extremely peaceful. It is now. Where youre looking is opposite the Convention Center. Theyre Firing Smoke Canisters to disperse the crowd. The trouble where it appeared to begin was with a group of antifa activists earlier clad in the black uniforms and their masks. I do not know thats the particular group the police dispersed. The smoke now billowing across the street in front of the Convention Center here and i assume for the moment, bret, all those who were attending the rally inside will be held for the moment. We have not seen large numbers coming out. A lot of the protesters i can tell you are dispersing now. Those who did indeed come here for peaceful protests and as the smoke thickens it is hard to see what is going on in the epicenter. The police have gone in with the rifles and Smoke Canisters drawn and fireds. Them on at least i would say four or five occasions i have heard. This has turned into a very different scene for the moment than what we saw for many hours earlier when it was an entirely peaceful protest by thousand of antitrump activist. We want to be response in what the scene is and what authorities are doing but sometimes in these events the focus on it fuels some of the reaction to it. It seems like jonathan they were prepared for something big. There was a lot of authority and Police Presence on the streets already . Absolutely, bret. The Phoenix Police Department Number has all officers on duty or on call not far from the streets. It was a large crowd. Difficult to estimate without an aerial view but it was certainly in the thousand. The capacity is 19,000 and that was close to capacity with Trump Supporters but there were many thousand out on The Street Protesting Donald Trump as well. The protests were organized largely by social media. The police were able to monitor that. 4,000 said they were attending one of the rallies according to thet organizers facebook page. The police were here in numbers and fully equipped. Every police force around the country has learned from the president ial campaign and the kind of protests we saw then. I would say this say larger crowd was a larger crowd than any protest crowd i saw on the Campaign Trail and we attended many protests particularly out in the west. This has been the largest crowd. Its thinned out very rapidly as you can probably see now. We are down i would estimate to not much more than 100. It would be fair to say the vast majority of protesters were peaceful in nature and got out as soon as it became a little bit ugly with the Smoke Canisters fired by the police for whatever reason. Again, iad can into the say wha sparked that move by the police but it was in the area wed previous previously saw antifa. We have our Chief Correspondent john roberts. The president is out of the area. So many times on the Campaign Trail youd have protesters outside of whatever facility the president was about to speak at and there were words exchanged between protesters and the rally but after the rally is when you saw trouble. We saw that in chicago at the rally the president canceled when people started filing out and protesters gave them trouble. We saw it notably in san jose where some protesters violently attacked people trying to leave the trump rally and go back to their cars. It seems in this particular case the crowd remaining is smaller than some on the Campaign Trail. This is always the biggest probleml. For police. When the two sides meet after coming out of a charged rally and peopleed have been standing outside particularly in the heat voicing their opposition to whats going on inside is when tempers get heated and these things can happen. Ge police according to social media are Warning Protesters to leave or get tear gassed, if you will. They have been taking some people throwing things at police officers. Were getting from the local affiliate. We just saw a local affiliate reporter with his own gas mask on preparing to cover this. Lets keep talking about this event. One thing the president did hear is in the only the Media Bashing and we heard that before and deployed his own political success but went after and mentioned some groups like antifa. At one point he screamed antifa and said they were coming after his supporters. No question. I think first on the question of the media its sensitive for everybody because obviously we interact with the media who are involved in politics and trying to talk about these issues. But for decades, conservatives tried to explain there was a liberal tilt and didnt feel they had a fair case. If you look at the harvard study on the coverage of donald trump its overwhelmingly negative. Theres been nothing like this. Leave it to donald trump who is a Marketing Genius to turn it into the concept of the fake news and weve tried to win that concept for 50 years. Hes winning the idea that you dont always get a fair shake with every reporter and every news outlet. A fair shake is one thing but enemy of the people is another. I didnt hear enemy of the people tonight. I heard it before. I think its too far and t we le to say the media. Its not monolithic. Its incredibly diverse. Ot i dont think Katie Pavlich is part of the liberal bent media and thank god in 21st Century America theres a great diversity in media and the american people have the ability to choose what they want to listen to and moving from The Great Old names of media. Its their own fault for that. We are looking live in phoenix outside the area where President Trump just spoke to friendly reporters to not so friendly protesters. Lets listen into the Media Sound Bite from the president and bringte in a couple other folks. The very Dishonest Media these people up there with the cameras, they dont want to report that i spoke out forcefully against hatred, bigotry and violence and strongly condemned the neonazis the White Supremacists and kkk. One day, he didnt say it fast enough. He didnt do it on time. Why did it take a day . He must be a racist. Lets bring in howard kurtz. The 30 minute ex coriation may have shattered reports and many are critical of the charlottesville remark. What surprised me is two things. Its fine for him to say that the media have distorted his message after the violence in charlottesville but when he said his words were ignored. Thats not true. Many phrases he read were reported and played on television. More importantly he got a lot of praise to Mainstream Media from the afghanistan. This extends the life Of Charlottesville which was starting to fade a little bit so i was surprised the president was relitigating it. I know his supporters love that but the afghanistan story and immigration in arizona seem to be a stronger card right now than going back to charlottesville. Doctor, your thoughts . You want to unite the country, bash the old media. Everybody sitting there tonight felt the same. They dont like it and they love to say finally we have a voice for all these years. Conservatives have complained and people feel they have a voice in this president and why he dedicated so much time to that. Theres a psychological component in play. He says in almost a vailed way, those who notice how barred the media are, youre onto something. Youre smart. The other message is if youre smart, you should lookk at the media. This m antifa attack right afterwards looks like the president was clairvoyant the whole time. Youre not saying Ration Tensions are based on the media . They have stirred it up and not been straightforward in a lot of cases. Conservatives contend they havent gotten the real story on the violence were seeing before our eyes now. Conservatives see this and want somebody to call these people out. They feel thats what the president did in all likelihood. Its not tear gas, its Smoke Canisters were being told by police in phoenix. Theyre dealing with a smaller crowd. As we continue to monitor this and see what comes out of the speech theres another development that seems to be in the president s wheelhouse and may not have known about it as he took the stage but you have espn removing this announcer, robert lee from a game in virginia because his name is robert slee. Hes an asian american. Espn putting out a statement we made a decision to remove him because coincidence. We regret that who calls the playbyplay for a Football Game has become an issue. Bret, it almost seems like a bret, it almost seems like a parody. Its idiocy and journalistic ridiculous overreaction. You can play football for years without a helmet would anybody a think hes an des charlotte. The University Of Virginia game hes the president talked about the statues. They didnt reference this but he did hit on the Political Correctness theme. When i first saw the story about the naming of this guy because his name was robert lee and then my Second Thought was after i realized it wasnt a joke they still teach history enough that people even know who that was in our History Books . The Monument Argument is so far out of control and the only people paying attention are on the coast, on the bubble. Middle america is watching shaking their head. Case in point, maybe the straw that broke The Camels Back this particular story to say this narrative that has taken over the russia collusion story. This is the new one. Its out of control. Americas not paying attention to this or taking it seriously. Thank you very much. Well continue to look at live pictures here out of phoenix. Were getting word that the crowd is dispersing. So far it seems to be calm. Well get a wrapup. Its much calmer than 20 minutes or so ago. There are Hardcore Protesters i would say. The number in a couple hundred. I can see from our vantage point and what youre looking at i think theyre being pushed back by the police. Theyre being pushed west of the Convention Center away from it. A line of police in riot gear. Weve seen time and time again when these incidents happen they form a line and push them slowly back, yard by yard, bit by bit until they get further and further from the site. What we saw earlier was flash bangs and smoke being fired by the police to aid in the dispersal of the crowd. They did not at any point use tear gas. Id been entire gas too many times and as the just smoke. They havent gone to the heavier measures at their disposal. They have that option to use tear gas if they want to. They have not gone to that at this point and for the moment looks calmer. Bret, i would say theres a Hardcore Group i saw about 50 of the Antifa Activists clad in their black uniforms, black masks and the v for Vendetta Style masks youve seen them wear. Theyre hardcore. Its in that region where the major Police Action has been happening. As i sayay right now it looks a though things have calmed down. It can always flare up again but certainly police at the moment in phoenix seem to have p a gri on this thing and the crowd has thinned out from several thousand to a couple hundred at this point. Jonathan, thank you. Keep us abreast of the situation. Well get off these pictures as it disperse theres and get final thoughts with the panel. Matt, watching twitter and social media obviously people come down on both sides based on where they were going in to this night. Some people saying uniting the country and the base are not the same thing. Others saying this speaks to something they havent heard in this country which is a plainspoken president. Lets make something really clear which is Donald Trumps presidency is a lot of about what happened during eight years of the runaway rule of barack obama. We never saw a president certainly not a president in my life time use his executive authority, some say unconstitutionally to cut out congress and do things unilaterally and ill give him credit andhi he got in his agen by hook or by crook with the pen and because theret was no bipartisan consensus this was a massive reaction in the country. Theres a big swath of the country, they want to fight. I dont want to see it turn violent. I hate seeing video like weve just been watching but theres no question its legitimate for that swath of the country to say now we want our agenda. That will help most the country. President trump on the agenda. Im here tonight to send a message, we are fully and totally committed to fighting for our agenda and we will not stop until the job is done. John, that is what the president says and what he said to the crowd but the New York Times head lane locked in an agenda seems like a different battle. I was talk a source in the administration tonight and i asked about that and asked about the fight between the president and Mitch Mcconnel and i was told theres an ebb and flow in all relationship. Theyre not heading for divorce court. They expect the relationship will begin to turn around. The president is frustrated. He wanted obamacare done in the worst way and it wasnt so much about health care but the pot of 1 trillion he wants to allocate. It was about the last 40 years. Hes changed the ph balance of the Republican Party on trade and Foreign Policy and thats where the divide is in the country and were seeing exacerbated by small groups and fueled by the media. Most the country didnt associate with either group. As the battle for the Republican Party goes forward. They need to realize the voters will blame them. They wont blame President Trump. You look at mish mcconnels numbers and senator flake and voters are fed up with washington, d. C. They have been Election Cycle after Election Cycle. They voted President Trump in and if they arent going to get anything through, republican senators and House Senators will be theub ones paying for it not the white house. Well see. Thank you for sticking around. Finally tonight one of our favorites, one of the original hires here at fox news announced today he is retiring and were going to miss him. If youve ever seen Campaign Coverage ever on Fox News Channel you knew him. Carl cameron, fox news. Travelling with the president in cancun. Where are we . Buford. They sent him everywhere. He was one of fncs original come from wmur in new hampshire. Fox had him covering capitol hill. He was chief White House Correspondent but best known by two words, Campaign Carl. Covering all aspects of campaigns across the country. Breaking big stories. George w. Bush sat down for g h final Network Interview before the president ial election. Getting big interviews. And being in the fire. I often travel to the same places on Campaign Trails and worked along side carl for 20 years at state fairs with bad food and add conventions with falling balloons. He is a really nice guy who wrote us all an email today saying after nearly 22 amazing, challenging, wonderful years im retiring from fox news. Ill always be immensely grateful for the relationships and experiences and many lessons over the last two decades and foxs president of News Jay Wallace said he has been the heart and soul of our journal i am for the existence of fox news. Were sad to see him go but understand his desire to retire and e embark on a new chapter oa storied and stellar career. From all of us, Campaign Carl well miss you. Good luck. We salute you. Enjoy your retirement. Dont be a stranger. Thank you for inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for this latenight edition of special report. Join us at 6 00 p. M. Eastern

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