Promising results. Human testing actually creating antibodies. We will talk more about it. Also, we will review the Lessons Learned from the successes of florida, texas, the failures of new york, new jersey, pennsylvania, michigan. Plus we will rebuild the countdown of all countdowns. Lets just say it has to do with the ever so forget the joe biden in in his basement. We will have the latest from his campaign and we will also lay new sound from that phony hypocrite barack obama. It will make your blood boil because hes really describing himself. And we start tonight with good news. We are seeing major advancements in the development of a vaccine for covid19. This biotech company, moderna, human trials are yielding extremely positive results this early, but moderna ceos have the initial study could not have been any better appear at the trial vaccine is said to be generally safe and well tolerated among participants who responded to the vaccine by prog a high number of antibodies with a relatively low dose. We will explain. Also a vaccine may not be a long way out, but it is a terrific development from the top scientists. We know they will get us out of this and any other pandemic we have. Other good news, americans have decided that this country is reopening. They are taking matters into their own hands. Look at your screen. This is the american brilliance, ingenuity, creativity at its best. Hair salons reopening with the use of masks and other ppe. Look at this with casinos. They are literally constructing clearcut barriers that enable gamblers with 6 feet difference, social distancing to return to the tables there. They also launch shielding employees and customers with plexiglass and, of course, gloves and masks. In new jersey conducting mandatory temperature checks. This gym with a state lockdown order in new jersey and reopening all the way, but as you are about to see, the state mandates are becoming more and more meaningless for the people not listening. They seem to have made up their own minds. And its not an agreement with the governors that particularly an awful job. Take a look. They are and were. We plan normally you are all in the violation of the executive order. On that note, have a good day. Everybody be safe. [cheers and applause] sean that one gym in new jersey as one of many businesses fighting back against the state lockdown since the state of michigan, yeah you cant cut your lawn for a while. Medical centers, they have now sued Governor Whitmer with her ban on medical services that she deems nonessential. Kentuckys democratic governor sued for restricting church services, even with social distancing and masks. Following a student in the great state of wisconsin, they are Supreme Court struck down its safe at home mandates. By the way, california beginning to face dozens of lawsuits over constitutional infringements. What we are witnessing is the beginning to the end of the state lockdowns. It looks like people watch, they listen, they quarantine come with a shelter in place, and they decided where the risks are. And tonight, we know what it will take. We learned a lot of lessons from states, and a lot of bad lessons from other states. We learn from thick success in florida and texas. They have isolating at risk communities, nursing home longterm care facilities, retirement homes. Look at your screens. These are the stats from florida and texas. The combined population over 50 million residents including a huge elderly population. This to states included for 4,000 total deaths. About 80,000 total cases. Far left of the state of michigan by comparison, you can see the state of new york reported 340,000 cases, approximately 30,000 deaths, some 30 of those coming from Nursing Homes. Because instead of isolating Nursing Homes longterm care facilities like they didnt florida and they did in texas, new york governor issued an executive order purity is was march 25th, forcing these Nursing Homes to admit covid19 positive patients. Around 30 of the death toll is from these facilities. And despite only recently withdrawing this disastrous order, andrew cuomo is totally unapologetic. Imagine if trump said the following. Older people, Vulnerable People are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen. Despite whatever you do, because with all of our progress as a society, we cant keep everyone alive. And despite what everyone you everything you do. An older people are more vulnerable. Sean in spite of what you do, covid19, lets send them into the areas where the people are the sickest and most vulnerable. That was a dumb idea. Imagine if President Trump then said that. Despite whatever you do, well, if you did what florida did and you did what texas did, yeah, they did a lot better. But anyway, despite what you do come okay, like forcing Nursing Homes to take in patients infecd with coronavirus when they were. And the screening on prepared and instead of admitting them to the usns comfort or the javits center, they will lose a thousand of 3,000 beds there and only 182 beds on the hospital ship. Well, guess what they remain largely unused. Governor cuomo, murphy of new jersey. They made the dumbest decisions they did not protect the elderly and the most vulnerable. Florida and texas did appear those executive orders by these four states that failed helped s learn what not to do. New york, california, and now demanding red states also pay off their massive debt. The two states that have the highest income taxes in the entire country, they are somehow drowning in debt. For comparison, florida and texas no income tax and by the way no debt and they managed to balance their budget. Make no mistake, responsible residents who live in red states in no way should you be forced to pay off the unfunded pensions, sync with massive entitlements, reckless wasteful spending on new green deal nonsense, hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars of waste. We will have a lot more on that with Texas Governor abbott and a second. But first we turn to more breaking news from the president who Just Announced he has been taking hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic treatment to prevent covid19 for over a week. Predictably, the mob, the media at the now hyperventilating over those remarks ever since President Trump mention what do you have to lose . Hydroxychloroquine where possible benefits months ago, the mob, the media, they have been waging what is unhinged, nonstop neverending p. R. Campaign against him. They act like the president and his hope and optimism about the drug were some type of mortal sin. They called him reckless and irresponsible. That would be your fellow democratic governors. They screwed up. Trump built the hospitals, manned the hospitals and sent all the medical equipment they needed. The president himself has made a decision along with the doctors to take hydroxychloroquine as a preventative treatment. Of course, this drug is something we have covered extensively on the program. It has been treed to treat malaria, lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis for years and now a potential treatment from a potential prophylactic on coronavirus because so few patients with lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis were Contracting Company they do. One expert probably the worlds expert on hydroxychloroquine is a renowned Board Certified rheumatologist, cedarssinai medical center, his name after 42 years of practice, Daniel Wallace has treated thousands of patients with lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, et cetera since 1985. He issued a letter recently and failed to treatment reading hydroxychloroquine is a very safe drug. It has been given to tens of millions of individuals in the world since its approval in 1955. That is 65 years ago. 42 years of practice, no patient of mine has ever been hospitalized for any complications. And this doctor has offered for peer review of studies and author of textbook on lupus. Doses in a time frame we are talking about as it relates to treatment of covid19. Im not a doctor. Im not advising you to take the drug, but that guy with those credentials, he seems like them best expert in the country. It would take his word for it. You can stay informed, know the risk, consult your doctor and you ultimately decide. Despite what the mob and the democrats believe, americans are smart people. They are tired of the lies, hysteria, conspiracy theories coming from the media every second, minute, hour of every 24hour day. The americans are sick and tired of this b. S. One local reporter from long island captured all of this on his twitter life feed and it did not go particularly well for him. Take a look. Go home you are the enemy of the people. You are the enemy you are confused. Tell the truth, come on [chanting] film xp when i think people are allowed to speak out in america, some people get upset when americans speak out. It is hard to be sympathetic to the Mainstream Media mob considering all of the mob does is think that americans, well, respect them, but after years and years of lies and slander and hoaxes and conspiracy theories on the yeah, their credibility is zero. Remember dozens of President Trumps rallies. Remember the people in the crowd. They were pretty loud and clear with their critiques, but they think of fake news. Take a look. So bad and so pathetic and the ratings are going down. Boo[boos] [chanting] sean cnn socks that was pretty loud. And it happened a number of times. Why . Theyre fake news, they do suck and have a political agenda. Kind of that simple. By the way to that end they will do whatever it takes to defeat President Trump in the fall. Here with the reopening of america Texas Governor greg abbott. Governor, i saw your tweet this weekend. You compared your state. You compared the state of florida. We can learn a lot from you and a lot from the Governor Desantis but we can learn a lot from Governor Cuomo and governor murphy. The governor of pennsylvania and the governor of michigan what not to do because they did the opposite of what you guys did. Sean, let me tell you what many, many outlets will not tell you. And that is on today when texas reopened, even for business may be as open as any state in the country, today also was the lowest number of covid deaths since april 3rd. Yesterday was the lowest number of covert related hospitalization since the middle part of april. Texas has a downward trend over those testing positive for covid19 as a percent of all the people testing positive. All the tests are going good in taxes and texas is opening up for business. Know this as we gather today for the federal reserve, texas has the lowest Unemployment Rate of any large state in america. And we will be adding more jobs by the day. Sean i was skeptical of Governor Kemp and georgia and to his credit, his state did better than a lot of the other states that we can learn not what to do from, but you see for example what they are planning for casinos. 6 feet apart, plexiglass barriers, there are ways to do it because if the people that would manufacture the medical equipment, the people that were involved in every aspect of the food delivery chains of new york, the final part of that being guys in masks and gloves stocking the shelves. New york would have died from starvation and they would not have had the medical equipment to treat anybody. Exactly. So the key point you are making is that, there are safe strategies that businesses can implement while we are waiting for the medical treatments so that business can open up safely. Get people back to work. Let them earn the money to pay their rent and put food on the table and sustain their lives as opposed to being locked down into government forced poverty. And texas is trying to open up the economy so people can get back to work. Sean okay, by the way, both florida saw 15 decrease since they started opening the covid cases. We will have hot spots. We will have rebounds here and there but i think we know better how to deal with it. Same with georgia. What about these blue states that want their unfunded pensions paid for and demands for billions and billions of dollars when they tax their citizens to death and misappropriate funds and new york 750 million on a factory or solar panels, 600 million in a microchip factory and 80 million for a light bulb. Greg abbott did you ever spend money on that . That is white texas is not like the other states because we dont spend money like they do t also that is exactly why leader mcconnell has made it clear. This is a nonstarter with those types of programs. The federal government is not going to bail out the states that have been irresponsible in a way that they have budgeted their states. Texas, florida and other states have done a better job in budgeting and therefore, better able to respond to these challenges. Sean well said, governor, great job down there. We will make adjustments. It will not be perfect. Everybody is doing the best they can. Thank you. Tonight joe biden the ever forgetful one hiding in his basement. Now his former boss barack obama speaking for him over the weekend. He delivered several commencement speeches and per usual barack never misses to lecture us on how terrible our country can be. Take a look. These are normal times. You are being asked to find your way in a world in the middle of a devastating pandemic. And a terrible recession. The timing is not ideal. And lets be honest, a disease like this just spotlights the underlying inequalities in extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country. This pandemic is fully finally torn back the current on the idea so many folks in charge know what they are doing. A lot of them arent even pretending to be in charge. Sean you we know you were in charge eight long years. Barack, what happened . Didnt you promise americans you are so honest that you would keep your plan, your doctor and save less and everybody is paying 200 more . 40 of the country only has one Obamacare Health cooperative option. Because the health care skyrocketed because of you. The handling of h1n1 virus or as joe said h you declared a National Emergency yourself until six month after the outbreak and ultimately 60 million americans contracted the virus and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and the thousands and thousands died and by the way, it was thankfully not as bad as this one by any stretch. By the way commands for division, well, barack you practically wrote the book on divisive politics in america. Maybe you did it sitting in the pews and learning the old friend reverend wright. Maybe you took your cues from unrepentant domestic terrorist who help you start your political career. So barack is worried about the device of claim in the country, why does he rarely ever talk about the horrific violence in his home city of chicago . During his presidency nearly 4,000 people in the windy city were murdered and tens of thousands more were shot. By the way, in a place where his leadership was needed most, his hometown, barack, you were nowhere to be found. You mentioned it only a couple of times. Perhaps you were too busy with the biggest abuse of power Corruption Scandal in history and breaking today, this is important. The attorney general bill barr said joe amber off they may not likely face persecution in the probe as of now, okay. While the media mob is well visibly breathing a sigh of relief, they are actually missing the powerful message from the attorney general. Pay very close attention because the headline of his remarks were missed by most people in the mob. Take a look. Over the past few decades, there have been increasing attempts to use the criminal Justice System as a political weapon. What happened to the president and the 2016 election and throughout the first two years of his administration was abhorrent. It was a grave injustice, and it was unprecedented in american history. We sought to code different standards of justice emerge. One that applies to President Trump and his associates command the other that apply to everybody else. We cant allow this ever to happen again. The durum investigation is trying to get to the bottom of what happened. Sean all right, the attorney generals right right. Those are powerful words if you listen to them. We must never allow this to happen again. Almost be held accountable. The country as we know it, it doesnt exist. Here now, by the way his book is out as of tonight. Dont brent is book. Dave rubin. And also along with this guys book american crusade, or fight to stay free in bookstores tomorrow, our own pete. Pete come i want to read this comment and then get to the covid issue. What happened to this president and ive said it many times in 2016 and throughout the first two years of his administration was abhorrent, a grave injustice, unprecedented in american history, and these words important the Law Enforcement intelligence apparatus of this country were involved in advancing a false, utterly baseless russian collusion narrative against the president. Proper investigative standards and the department of justice were abused and in my view, to reach a particular result. Two different standards of justice emerge. One applied to President Trump and associates command the other applied everybody else. We can never allow this to happen again and then he reiterated that the durum investigation is not a report but a criminal investigation. Those were powerful remarks. Very powerful. We have learned more, sean, in the last three weeks about what Obama Administration did to donald trump then we learned at all. We learned nothing over three years of a witch hunt under bob mueller going after the trump campaign. The reality is in this moment, we live in a place where obama is being exposed. He called himself the least corrupt administration in american history. He will go down as the most corrupt, and i believe john durum and bill barr are going to g