Supposed to be a nail biter and instead a blow out for republicans. applause yeah, everyone seems to so the election is what president obama said it was. A referundum on his policies. Everybody saw that except for president obama who in a press conference on wednesday sounded more like president olivious. Maybe he reverted to the chum game and took off for colorado for highoctane weed and he blamed the blow out on twothirds of the voters that didnt show up. That is the point. Your voters were disspirited they didnt show up and some of those who voted for you. Notably young people and moirnities and women voted already and voted for their brains and rejected the failed Economic Program and weak policy. And lack of governing skills and you and your amtower hour not ready for prime time team represents. In what one hopes would be more than mere symbolism, the president had i meeting with incoming majority leader Mitch Mcconnell. It was so long, he had to goggle who mcconnell was. And my team of crack investigative reports hacked in nsa computers and showed the meeting between senator mcconnell and the president. You might not want small children or deszy waszer man shut watch this. The president has no intention of signing the legislation cent to me by republicans. None shall pass. What . None shall pass. Yes, that was his message. It was an intense argument and that resulted in a violent outbreak. We asked why the secret Service Allowed that activity. They were hung over from a night in the Colombia Hotel and in this exclusive video senator mcconnell shoes his determination to get past the president s road blocks. Now stand aside worthy advirsorry. Not a scratch. Victrow is mine. None has to hand it to the president. Even after being disarmed by the elections. Yes. That was bad. He still maintained that he was not weakened at all by the outcome. Come on then, what . Youre indeed brazen but the fight is mine. Not enough . You have no arms let. It is just a flesh wood. Stop. That chicken, chicken. Yes, just a flesh wound. As the president would say. Let me be clear. Let me be clear. Shellacking or beat down or Old Fashioned but the kicking. The democrats have been sent to the glue factory. And here is a word of warning to my republicans, you didnt win because you were brilliant and presented superior2< went to the Democratic Committee where they were cleaning up after the lekdze9pynuct elec watch parties. Bring out today. applause m and many conservative suggested that republicans shouldnt bother appealing to hispanichg m jt uaq they will not get the vote anyway. In texas, gop candidates for senatec]i y governor got close half of the latino vote. Joining us is political commentator ann wv coulter. applause hi, ann. How are i have never been happier. I hope so. Did you enjoy my monte python take off there. You should do it every o ] couldnt think of anything that deticketed the cluelessness. He so manies to be president oblivious that the democrats didnt just get boat by a squeaker. It was a 8 ;repudiation of his policies. Yes, yes it was and everyone keeps saying, particularly on wn and now the republicans better not blow it. I think Mitch Mcconnell is smart about this. But i warn the tea partiers do not expect the complete repeal oflxd obama care. They should send up small piece and overwhelmingly popular with the groups you mentioned when and if obama vetoes it. The newspaper are going to have to report what obama vetoed. And illegal aliens ar÷h unearned income tax benefits. Send tdfl we have to be chlor to america that the Supreme Court may end up taking care of obama care if they take up the case of to on the subsitedies and if it is the law, it guts obama care. Fast. Trick with repealing obama care. Taking out a post on a porcc5g you have to be right there to put a post under it. You cant just repeal it. It is delicate and thepadnn dems say what is your plan. Go on the internet. Mccain had a fantastic plan and romney and kato and republicans repeatedly said what the plan is. It is something ik6bcn like to the free market. And lets talk about the hispanic vote. That was a shocker to all of us especially in states like texas. If you took a small message on enforcing the law. Dan patrick and Senate Governor candidate and the strongest candidate a1pg got a higher vot than george bush got in 46. And greg abbot got for. To the latino voters. Dont suck up on ÷jh and a wonderful new republican senator said something i consider a suck up and i dont want to attack a republican i love. It was attacking udoll for not attacking amnesty enough. After i said it was stupid, he came out with what republicans should be doing. Vx mom no said. We are t the party that offered freedom from regoulgz and well not pass stupid bills that pay for di abortions and the next red, that totally worked and maybe well get the vote and maybe we wont. But it is the democratic party. They do the suck up us and well give you amnesty and special separate group. Republicans never have been the party. This is what it stands for and we think you will like. It one other thing he was right andy8z q on the fence. And this idea that recent hispanic immigrants would thept to drive the wages down. Democrats are trying tor . [n pee the republicans to fall for this. So they get more voters. Obama talked about obama care. The president said a lot of people didnt go vote. It is a good thing that they the wrong way. But the ones whomz hn did voted a way that will make america proud and well so you again soon. Well see you. The party of republicans is not the party of no. It is the party of go. Go, standing for great opportunity. I like that. And i told him i would steal it and i did. The republicanqu;x wave knoc democrats on their rear. Now the gop has control of both chambers of congress, what will they do first . Well talk to[u langford. He will be with usi ht after this. Now the republicans have control of the sxaent how quickly will they get the ball rolling. Oklahoma congressman and one retiring tom coburns seat with 68 percent of the vote on tuesday. I folk to him earlier. Heres that conversation. The victory in oklahoma and becoming the next senator from there. How surprised were you that the races in the races were blow outs. It was good to so. Even if the republicans win it is not really a wave. It is so large in so many states and arkansas is Mitch Mcconnells race in four minutes after the1ta÷ polls clo urace he would lose and multiple races turned rapidly and they would lol q the polls and say this is the direction to go. And the president didnt fully understand what happened l thought. What was your assessment list listing to president obama. He will not listen to one third of america. He wants to listen to the twothirds that didnt vote. That was a jars disenfranchisement of the voters. It was i they dont count. I am just going to Pay Attention to the ones who didnt vote. Elections have consequences and suddenly he looked at these. Unless i dont want them to have consequences i ignore the results. Well legislate and bring it and his job is to be the president and well try to do that. One of the c republicans have the house and senate. Right. And i think a lot of people are wondering if there will be an aggressive legislative agenda. And this is a classic, the dog chased the car and now you caught it,z6 it . H[jv i would like to start wit the bills that i was part of in the house of representative and senate over to the senate that the senate never debated. Environmental issues and obama care issues and all sorts of freedom issues and Business Issues and tax issues. And many of them had democrat support as well. And we passed them in the house and the senate doesnt debate them. We know the house can pass them and stack things up on the president s desk and those things he has to explain to the mesh people. Why so many people want it and he willwdsv have to veto it. I dont think he will. You are not saying one he is part of the legislative process and the house and senate has the responsibility to write the law. And heoi the final decision. Whether he wants to veto or not. Key stone pipeline and multiple others and overwhelmingly the American People cannot done. Harry reid will not allow a debate. And now it is ta up. And bill clinton vetoed twice welfare reformqcc sign it. Because people say we want to reform the welfare system. ]ain the Supreme Court said he will take up the obama. And how. It actually would. Lets walk through why that is a big issue. And it moans that congress doesnt have to deal with the repeal7 jn of the obamaj2d÷ bu would repeal itself. It would collapse on itself. And the system cant be sustained. My attorney general in our state, virginia and other states as well said we dont want to take the obama care requirements that are coming down. When we rejected it, a federal subsidy was placed in our state and the federal government had oversight of. That well notf x take that an is itzn a state run exchange program. And the clear writing of the law, you cant do. That federal government cant do penalties and subsidies. That may be technical. Wuit is a porly written bad policy law, then that is the way it is set up. And the 32 other ] cc states do have to be under the obama care subsidies and penalty and the other states do. Like california and new york. That is not going to work half of the couznbkn doing it and haf not. The complexity of it is, the Supreme Court has to decide, does the lawo6 sq say what it sr what the president wants it to say . We say the law says what it says. The president cant just change it to the way he wants it to be. A lot of people say the election will make it easier for the republicans in 2016. I am of the opinion that if the republicans dont do something with the power they were just handed, it will not make it easier. F i love to get youre9s . Z thou and people didnt just not]5 millio people say it is a s hzpbetter f idea. We want local choice and state control. And dont want the federal government reaching in the epan and families and businesses and tweaking the tax laws. Away. And that is a better set ofnufg of legislo 9 and begin to implement the if i los foe that millions of americans agree with. And the problems in w turnon the authority back to the states and local leadership and families and churches. It will take off. That is important in the days ahead. Congressman, congratulations on the election to the senate and i hope you get rest. You deserve a little time off. I if we get that. Do now that that the Job Interview is over. Once a strong hold for democrats, the south has turned beat red. Are southern democrats becoming extinct . My name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. Its progressive pain. First that feeling of numbness. Then hot pins. Almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. So my doctor prescribed lyrica. The pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] its known that diabetes damages nerves. Lyrica is fdaapproved to treat diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. [ karen ] having less pain, that means everything to me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. Its specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. Im almost done. [ male announcer ] now you can pay your bill. Manage your appointments. [ dog barks ]. And check your connection status. Anytime, anywhere. [ dog growls ] oh. So youre protesting . Okay. [ male announcer ] introducing xfinity my account. Available on any device. Incumbent democrat senator mark pryer was drug down in the tuesday midelection. He lost to republican tom cotton. Yks as a result for the first time in 141 years in my home state, there will be nothing but republican representation in no÷ washington. Oh, my, would i have loved to have been there when that was a sign of things to come, formerv an senator lincol lost. And why the one time democratic strong hold in the south shifted so drastically. It is it a tough week forfnaom democrats, senator, is there a place for the demdeps and midwest anymore . Oh, yeah. Times. But what has to happen, the democrats have to understand moderates do matter. Both sides have to understand that. Democrats and republicans. And the democrats need to know that the moderates and Middle America and rural areas are critical to everybodys party. You cant just depend on new england, chicago and iqcalifo. You know that is great in a b 0president ial, but in term congress, it doesnt work. And you have got tobm on i think consensus moderation. C2 worked on a lot ofx fn things ie senate. We had a great relationship didnt always agree. But you were no where like the National Democrats that were far and left for the arkansas people. Is it hard to be what is a blue dog democrat anymore . Is that tough and becoming an endangered species. It iscnin extinct. What do you mean 5yendangered. We lost our last blue dog in john baro. It is tough. It is tough. It is tough for anybody. I had great republicans in the senate that i worked with that were moderates as well as in the house. But that is where the people are. And the problem is, when you get to the extreme, fknunfortunately doesnt work. Ti becomes extreme. And that result comes froman consensus. I work so hard with republican colleagues and had a great rapport with them. Scombh when president obama was in the white p bqthere is a group of moderate democrats and we were a natural to fit in with republicans. And Common Ground where we were. It seems like the president has noth yz talked. And i dont hear democrats saying we have a great relationship with the e3 npresi. We are called over and chat and build a how much of that hurt the ability of washington to function . I think that is hurting the ability of washington to work for a while. Andwagg forcing the administrat to it work with congress was a part of the last administration. And the problem is, you are right. Congress now and he is to help find that oqxconsensous. And it doesnt need to come through executive orders and obviously my hope and prayers that. Come up with good ideas where they start and try to find consensus on things like immigration. That is where you can start to look at. The senatee2n passed bipartisan immigration bill and there are people out there that want to find the consensus and where we take the steps forward and the great thing about that. When you fiibf2t a place where are together it builds respect. And when you build respect for one another on the different sides of the isle you are able to do more together president n ; hc you know, the republicans gained majority. And they have to beey u able t govern and to lead. Great to have you here, thank you for joining us. And we get ready to honor our troops on veterans day. Well show youif÷c heroes to he and helps veterans heal by taking them on a journey to israel. Well show you. So i can reach ally bank 24 7, but there are no branches . 24 7 its just im a little reluctant to try new things. Whats wrong with trying new things . Feel that in your muscles . Yeah. I do. Try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. Top africanamerican women to hold the post. Now back it headlines. He was the hero for saving my life and kids life. On the day you thought of suicide. Heroes to hero you ended up in israel and got baptized in the jordan river . Yes, sir. It is truly amazing. And that was Sergeant Harrison on our show last november and how theuh program heroes tomxp heroes, changed j life. Puc it allows u. S. Vet raps to travel to the history and connect with Israeli Soldiers. I was able to join heroes to heroes on part of the journey. And we have a time to spend time fighter a with me was sergeant gretter who served in iraq and afghanistan and has become a team coach on the heroes to heroes trip. Thank you for your service. A lot of people dont understand why we a1qdo. It these guys want you to know that freedom is what we are thankful and outside of israel people want you and take care and get well soon. Joining me3 and founder of heroes to heroes. Greg, i am going to start wu. When we were in that hospital back in september,nj n visitinh those Israeli Soldiers wounded in the by conflict with hamas in gaza, it was emotional for me, i saw you guys, i saw tearsx and i saw deep emotion from your part and from your israeli counterparts. Tell me about that visit when you first walked in there and kx Israeli Soldiers laying in the it brought back memories o those who didnt have a combat award and it struck me and we need to do something for them and i thought it would be good for the guys to get there and sv share. We have separation anxiety and we miss the troops and share with those guys especially in the political mood where it is now. Grunt on the ground and triggern pullers. Us trigger pullers care. And we arejrhn fighting the sa goals and we believe in them. Ngreg, that is one of the things that becamee[xapparent. I over heard the ideas you guys had. You were c recognizing and th people you are fighting in iraq and afghanistan andhft radical jiowa haddist. Thats who the israelisxqn are fighting. Was there a common economy you are working with. We showed up to play and they did as well. And nice to see them and the . They lit up. And someone cares what we are doing. They hear the same information and we care. We are here. And it was important. You mentioned tha5 them to have Something Like you guys did. You get a purple heart ifcw yo get wounded in battle and the israelis dont have a purple heart. We took the challenge, didnt you . Yes, sir, we took the purple heart on one side and heroes to heroes on the other and presented each soldier with one of them. I know when you didc] could sense onh;pon the part of Israeli Soldiers and i was