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Mark hello america, i am mark levin. This is life, Liberty And Levin. We have a fantastic show tonight. I am not hosting. Here is my buddy pete hegseth. One of the liesest nicest and smartest guys i know, every couple of years when i have a book, i say, why not have pete here, who actually will read the book and understand the book and talk to me about the book and make it intriguing and interesting. So, im stepping out of the host mode, and turn the show over to pete. Pete wont steal it, he will conduct the interview, thank you, pete. I couldnt steal if it i wanted to thank you, what an honor. God bless you. I studied this book, i read it cover to cover. It is phenomenal congratulations on a great book. And out the gates here, i want to tell everyone, it is worth getting, reading and giving to everyone you know who cares about the state of our republic. Mark, the last time we were here, we were talking about American Marxism. Talk to us about how this is an extension of that, you can think of marxism over here as a c cultural thing but people see the Democrat Party hates america they think they know the Democrat Party but i dont think t they do. Mark the title of the book, i decided on that title when i finished the book. Same with American Marxism. And that title, describes what is going on in this country today, marxism is an alien ideology, a dangerous ideology, and responsible for death of 100 million people. Because it is a failed ideology. The ideology is inhumane it trying to take the Human Character and reengineer it and built an ideology in society around this reengineered individual. The problem is god creates individuals. Man cant change individuals. We can create an environment. Where we can have Law And Order and have a civil society, where people can flourish if we emphasis liberty and an Economy System that works with liberty, capitalism, if we recognize sovereignty and a culture and assimilation to that culture, they have gone on for a long time. And they worked very well to create the greatest nation mankind has ever known. Since there was mankind. Then there are these forces that seek to destroy it there is always evil and always tyranny, they take advantage of liberty, that is the first book, liberty and tyranny. Were living in a society where nobody talks about liberty, they trash our history. They rewrite our history. That the Democrat Party has essentially i did devoured culture, does not disagree with anything that is takes place, it created it i finished American Marxism, i thought what is next. I watched news and Fox And Friends On Weekend and the week and our Cable Channel and others, i read day in and day out, what are we doing . Were exposing what is happening to the country. And most of it is not good. Why is it happening . It is Mother Nature . No it is mankind. Okay mankind. What does that mean . This party. The Democrat Party. The Democrat Party that defended slavery, responsible for Civil War Party of the Confederacy Party opposed to that pushed segregation and party of racism, segregation. The party that resegregated the military, the party thaty is rece resegregated bureaucracy. I explain the history of the party who is responsible, Woodrow Wilson was an out of the closest racist with ties to the klan. I can give you examples. Wilson required for first time that people apply for federal jobs send in their photos to make sure that blacks were not getting federal jobs, he also when he was president , of princeton university, bragged about the fact that not one black kid was admitadmitted to pr princeton when he was president of that university, he was king of s of censorship, he wanted dmog nothing to do with black community, he was a bigot and a racist. He was a two term democrat president , democrats liked him, he was one of the progressive marxism intellectuals talking about perfecting society, but for the sloppiness of the vote and the republicanism and sloppiness of what goes on, he felt that the judiciary was where we could change america forever. He despised the Declaration Of Independence and wrote about why. Why . Because the socalled Progressives Marxism replace their own ideology. And that is why they attack the family. Because the family has a whole social construct and interrupts their idea ol. I, and faith has a social construct that interrupting and the constitution is set up to protect us from this party, the Democrat Party. People dont realize it. I find it really hilarious and repulsive at same time, democrat today condemn American History, but they dont condemn their own party. We could go so many way that, on issue of Woodrow Wilson, the comment, stalin would be proud. Mark from chapter 3 to chapter 4 about Democrat Party, it is autocratic, not like the Republican Party, the Republican Party is a Political Party. In many ways, it is from default party, they dont want to vote for radicalism of Democrat Party, but people dont know what the Republican Party stands for, the Republican Party doesnt know what it stands for. It say perfect foil for a different kind of party that Democrat Party t that knows what it stands for, and where it wants to take the country, Democrat Party is not a li Political Party but an Autocratic Party that seeks to replace loloyalty to the party to loyal loyalty to the country. Call the them the state party. Mark state run, they devoured our classrooms with the Teachers Unions and do devoured or universities and klemm colle eleccollege. Southern board ser wide open. The Climate Change did not cause that. Mother biden caused that and Democrat Party caused it, no matter how much they squeal in New York City in new york, they will still vote democrat biden knows that, if you understand that Democrat Party you understand that you need to look through the lens of a power hungry Autocratic Party that does not give a damn about the country. The the reason the border is open so they can turn texas blue. When texas is blue, the electoral game is over, the republican is never win the presidency. Same reince tha reason they want to get rid of Electoral College only Populated Areas of nation, big cities, on the coasts, maybe chicago and detroit, they are represented and half the of nation has no representation after, that they want to take california system and super impose it on the nation. This whole voting issue. I know im moving you talk about hr1. Mark they come into office, pelosi and 3 t they try to nationalize the votes system, their p propaganda is we want time to have access to vote. Excuse me. Only people who should vote are the people who have a legal right to vote. It is not everyone gets to vote, ever ever everybody does not get to vote, you need to be a citizen of usa. We had the cleanist election in American History in 2020, think about this. That is what press tells us, we have less voting i. D. Laws than any other time in American History, drop boxes that are not secure, nobody is watching there are no cameras. No signature in several states or the absentee ballots, you have harvesting. That means people are voting, or counting votes, after the election. You have some states where they have elections one month before the election. So the guard rails are blown out. Automatic registration in pennsylvania. Mark pennsylvania, moderate democrat governor there is no moderate democrat governor. What is interesting, we have fraud virtually in every single president at election. The democrats are better than anyone else at this. The least secure election in American History, were told, had no fraud. That is the cleanest election. It is because they took fraud, and they legalized it. They changed the system. They enshrined it. When you go to court and sue say this guy didnt have this or, that so what. In your state that is legal. A great example. Sort of what chapter 4 gets into as well as word and thought control changes. They take something that so self not true. Like, most secure election of alltime, they repeat it. Over and over and over. Until that is what Everyone Needs to say. Why are they so good at that. Mark if you are an Autocratic Party, you know what your mission is. To take control of society. This is what they do. So if you have questions about manmade Climate Change. You are dismissed. You dont get a grant, you get a Scarlet Letter carved in your forehead, you are a d da they repeat it. I read several books, about individuals who suffered through totalitarian regimes, third third reich and stalin and castro, they say the same thing, control the language, lennon said that language needs to be changed to accommodate the party, accommodate the party. Were not even allowed to talk about women and men and what they are. That is what people will love about this book. In chapter 4, you pull out a very unknown doctor who you summarize. Objective verification of ideas is rejected since no reality beyond the dictateiorial opinion exists, this is not something that democrats made up but they are mimicking, in some case its was mimicked. We get into this later on with other auto krcrats it comes back on power. Mark they cannot tolerate different views, they cannot tolerate debate. Because we cant have paradise. We cant have utopia if we have the single individuals or small groups of individuals or free speech, free speech is the enemy, discussion is the enemy. Why that r relevant today, you see word changes, you when you change words you change thought processes and then you change action, democrat partiments is zombies. We have the greatest attack on free speech since the civil war, by the Biden Administration, through censorship. Judges who look at this independently have been shocked at the extents to which Biden Administration used federal power to influence social media and social media platforms on everything from politics and the laptop, to the virus. And vaccines. And everything in between. I just want to be clear about something, as asn anemic as Republican Party is, they do not do that people need continued to, i do need to understand. I take the most iconic democrat in American History, they think sheet they is the greatest president ever. You ask all of the historians, he was a racist, a bigot, he was an antisemite. I mentioned in n 1940, a bill hit his desk, federal outlaw of lynching, he refused to sign it he was running for a third term, he backed his Guy At State Department who blocked jews who were trying to escape the third reich and gas chambers from coming into United States even though they had not the get their not met their quote quota. We were bombing nazi locations 5 miles from the train tracks that were taking jews to auschwitz, he never bombed these train tracks, people say he didnt want to be diverted from the goal, there were 5 miles from the train tracks. You look at his writings when he worked in navy department. About jews, he had his staff through Government Moneys hire an anthropologist, he was curious as president about what we called intermixing of races, this has been part of the platform un unspoken perhaps of the Democrat Party racism, one chapter that i talk about antiblack racism and talk about antiwhite racism. In the very next chapter, i never read any of that about fdr in ohi in my high school textbooks. How is the Democrat Party today deemed racist party. We have more with Mark Levin On Special Edition of life, Liberty And Levin in just a moment. Age is just a number, and mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. 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The Democrat Party never moored to our history, always rewriting it is a tyrannical party that seeks power. So it is happy to be camilian, we have gone from antiblack racism. To now antiwhite racism. Why . To attack the founding. Can 1619 project, and attack the declaration, which is john lock, the most purpose philosopher. To attack t the constitution, most important philosopher of that period, they write about him in Federalist Papers and they attack everything were. Pete capitalism. Mark the whole founding and everything since. Because the Democrat Party does not accept this country. It didnt accept it when it was part of the confederacy. They wanted to tear it to shreds it does not accept it today, neither does the party of American Marxism and marxist movements, you have to switch from opressing minorities to opressing the majority, because of history, they say is one of of a corrupt nation. Now we have have antiwhite racism, you are not allowed to talk about it, you cant write about it i say the hell with these people. Pete that is why you wrote about it. Mark yes, in that chapter, i talk about the rise of what i call civil rightings marxism. Civil rights marxism. Who is leader of Civil Rights Movement, nobody. Because most of the objectives of actual older siscivil rights have been met. Pete you laid out that vote count. Mark overwhelming. The Republican Party has supported every Civil Rights Act since after the civil war until today, huge swaths of Democrat Party have opposed it by key point to get across is that the Civil Rights Movement turned into an Economic Movement to a marxist movement. Which is why the trashing of capitalism, the talking from Kamala Harris and others about equity, we dont all start at the same place. Which is why Bernie Sanders is t t the Ascend Denseys all of the time he is a marxist. You have 10 to 15 of the democratses in the House Of Representatives who are marxists, this is remarkable, my view, im not a politician. I dont live and die by polls, i read history, study the documents, i know what is going on, im going to call 28 it the way it is happening, you have to put the Puzzle Pieces together. What Democrat Party has been projected its own rotten, lousy, rotten, hateful history on to interrupt, incompetent irresponsible Republican Party. The party of who . Mitch mcconnell. Pete i was going to say lincoln. Mark i dont think that lincoln would get the support today of the republicans in the senate. He is too aggressive, lets do something bipartisan. Whatever. I know they didnt support ronald reagan. One of the greatest president s in American History. They opposed ronald reagan, they didnt want him to get the nomination, bush crowd tried to stop him and did. Mcconnell was never a reagan guy, karl rove was never a reagan guy. Everyone chris christie. They are all fordbush guys, they hate the reagan. Because reagan was an originalist. He was an unapologetic capitalism, reagan saw the soviet union as the enemy, he was anticommunist, they said he was stupid. And so they said he couldnt win elections and the rift. Pete what they want is a love the quote, you said, controlled opposition, they want to cripple the opposition without annihilating it, they want other party over there. Mark they have it. They have a Republican Party that is been neutered. It has done so voluntarily. So while the Republican Party does not want to Famfundamentally Transform America it is contributing to it that is what the establishment in Republican Party opposed reagan, there are certain things we need to take a stand because they are right, regardless of politics, you dont see that out of the u. S. Senate on the republican side. What you see now is the foot on the gas pedal, to destroy the st status quo, traditions, the institutions, the civil society, the constitution. This is how they sleep at night thinking about it in their dreams, they wake up in the morning prepared to go at it were on defense because we dont i embrace liberty like we should. Pete w when we come back, they are targeting the Nuclear Family, well talk about that after the break. Elie. Cosentyx works for me. Cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis or psoriasis. Serious allergic reactions, severe Skin Reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. I move so much better because of cosentyx. Ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. Tech cracked windshield on your new car . Bring it to safelite. 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Im jon scott, now back to life, Liberty And Levin. Pete welcome back to Special Edition of life, Liberty And Levin. With the great one, mark levin and his new book, the Democrat Party hates america. Mark, we were talking about preview well talk about Nuclear Family and the war on the family, and it is now getting personal. Mark by the way for people who have a problem with the title, i am waiting for someone to write, the Democrat Party loves america, i would to love know how, what about america does the Democrat Party love. It is always attacking, undermining and it is relentless. Pete you say, not intended to be provocative. Mark i dont care what the reprobates think, new york times, exp and. It is about them, about the democrats, i dont believe that the average democrat feels that way, the activists do, their, elected officials do, i doubt average democrat in the street, some of whom have fought for this country, after reading this book will continue to be democrat. As a for the Nuclear Family, there is nothing more hostile to marxist ideology than a Nuclear Family. Marx even talks about that, said how dare you attack me, and marxism when you are promoting the b. Nuclear family is under attack because to destroy the relationship within a family, a parent to a child, is to destroy the country. Because we as parents, we will do for our children. To substitute the state for the Nuclear Family you need to brain wash, change the social structure, to the Democrat Party controls the state, and State Controls what happens to your family. Oh, this is right wing nut stuff, no this is happening in your classrooms. Right now were turning kids again parents. It has been a dream of Progressive Movement since john dooey went to st Stalin A Russia in 1928. He loved the educational system, he said in every respect no matter what they are teaching, it is the overlay of what is important to the state. And to the party. We must have that in indoctrination. John dooey had more impact on education that is over a hundred years ago, they never changed. The Teachers Union is an appendage of the Democrat Party, they dont give a damn about kids, particularly in poor black neighborhoods, they send their kids to private school. Didit is crucial that Nuclear Family be destroyed. And the the transsexual stuff, what is it it is super imposed in the books that our kids get and lessons they are taught. You cant mirt miss it every day on television, what is that about . About destroying the family. Pete they are always hypocrites about it you mentioned Teachers Union leaders who since their kids to private schools, even karl marx showed preference too his own kids. He was a doting father, while writing thousand destroy the Nuclear Family. Other thing, look at the Biden Administration unleashing fbi, national security, department of justice, against whom . The parents, they did not have jurisdiction, they will protect their Teachers Union, because the union is doing the bidding. We have reached this point, the war on the parents on Nuclear Family, one other footnote, most important demographic, Democrat Party has, most important, more loyal than any ethnic group is young, single women without children. They vote overwhelmingly democrat, they have significant numbers. They are not pa past of this Nuclear Family and they supports overwhelmingly most radical forms of abortion, do you want to know why Democrat Party cant stop talking about abortion that is power. Pete more to come, as mark said, well be right back. Were traveling all across america talking to people about their hearts. Ooh, take this exit. Hows the heart . I feel like its good. You feel like its good . How do you know when its time to check in on your heart . How do you know . Let me show you something. It looks like a credit card, but it is the Kardiamobile Card. 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They talk about how they pretend they are going through real elections, but they weaken the opposition so much they are just going through the motions, they get into these modern techniques that the autocrats use, they focus on russia and china. I said wait a minute this is happening in america today, maybe not to to t the extent but to some extent. I took the break down of front end Freedom House report, a really remarkable report, this is a left of center organization, i applied what the bie Biden Administration is doing and Democrat Party it meets the characteristics of tyrannical, autocratic regimes and parties as set out by Freedom House. That is what is going on here, when you put the Puzzle Pieces together, think it every day what you do news or i do my show or were watching news, average person seeing what is going on. Is there an en an institution or part of the culture that is not being destroyed, not being poisoned . Do we believe in assimilation any more . Into what . We cant teach assimilation in classrooms because we dont believe in American History. Pete you cant even teach it in military. I am cataloging, what institution . I cant think of one. That is not under assault. Mark they destroyed womens sports, you dont hear from feminists any more or the womens groups. They are destroying real free speech. In america. You dont hear from aclu any more about these. They are putting protestors who are protesting against abortion at Abortion Clinics in prison, people in their 70s, they dont commit any actions of v violence. They took one guy in front of a Democrat Party in philadelphia, they found him innocent. But it dud not stop them from sending their s. W. A. T. Teams to get pro life protestors any more than it stops them from try to infiltrate the catholic church. One of the left wing groups tells the fbi that is a rats nest of violent activism. Pete that is run by marxists. Mark as far as im concerned 100 . They are targeting their opponents, today the democrats are criminally investigating the federalists. They are investigating National Rifle association. They are investigating indicting in 100 different kayways leading republican candidate, his lawyers, former staffers, Bankrupting Main of them. And you have judges who are appointed by obama and biden who are violating 6 amendment and fifth amendment, by pretending this Speedy Trial Act apply the to the government, it applied to the individual who can waive it. They want to go through motions of actual trials there is a judge in a robe and a jury and a prosecutor and defense counsel. Just because we have the courtrooms if you will. Does not mean we have justice, we dont. Great point, what is federalist society, the nra and donald trump guilty of being too effective, name of report breaking down democracy. It is worth reading the book to read that as he break its down. See new a moment. start your day with nature made. 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The problem is that at the time they could not eliminate slavery in philadelphia with delegates there making the decisions. I had a few states that were strongly proslavery, particularly South Carolina and georgia. But the constitution is the greatest document ever conceived you of with governance, that is why Democrat Party hates it. Which is why we now have to deal with 1619 project and crt. And these the marxism move. S in this country that are at war with. It prevents centralization of power. There are two tyrannies that framers feared, the mob. That is everyone and anyone could vote and nobody has inalien able rights that is why were not a democracy or centralized power. The constitution protects us from both. They later added the Bill Of Rights that protects us from central government. The individual from central governments, the Bill Of Rights is always under attack by democrats, free speech, sprea freedom of re religion, the right to bear arms, they are all around attack as is 14 amendment, and budget fight they claim that 14 amendment gives power to joe biden. They dont care. They hate people who wrote the constitution, who adopt ed to and ratifyd it the word slavery dud not appear anywhere in the constitution except the importing a of slaves to end by early 1800s, it was ending before the constitution was adopted, they knew slavery was wrong,everr jefferson trying to put language indicating that but he could not get the other states, to agree, they were fighting for their survival. That was not something they could address at that point. Frederick douglas, i dont think Frederick Douglas should take a backseat to any of modern marxist, he escaped slavery, self taught, brilliant scholar. Was an abolitionist. He admired the constitution, he loved the constitution, and defend trk and said, the constitution is not the problem, we need men of virtue in public office. Who follow the constitution and live with the constitution, there is a lot more on this in the book. Pete there is a lot more of that in this fantastic new book, the Democrat Party hates america. A little bit more on theco othemmr side. I recommend sensodyne. Sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. And my patents say you know doc, it really works. Age is just a number, and mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv Charlotte Charl every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, Delicious Fage total yogurt. Polly pratts wore many hats. They came from past jobs in fact. 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Slowly but surely the people get used to it, even vote for it until one day its grip is too tight, then it is too late. This virtually all else it does the democrat parties the loathing of america is boundless. Powerful words, scary to see. I cant thank you enough. God bless you. Thank you folks, see you next time saturday and sunday on life Liberty And Levin

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