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Your home. We apologize to the viewers of the five. Greta has you covered right now. This is a fox news alert. The israelis andnd palestinians are still talking, indirect negotiations in cairo and the fragile ceasefire is Still Holding at least for now. How long . Rick in gaza city with the very latest. Rick. Reporter we are right in the middle, the longest quiet in gaza in the past 30 days. The question is how long will it last . Israel said its willing to extend the ceasefire agreement past 72 hours, past the friday morning cutoff. There is less indication hamas is willing to keep its finger off the trigger. There are reports hamas said unless there are significant advancements of the negotiations this week they will let rockets fly at 8 00 a. M. Friday morning when the ceasefire ends at 8 00 a. M. Thats tough talk to any who has seen the extensive damages in the gaza strip. There is extensive devastation, houses flattened and the death toll approaching 2,000. We visit add home right next door to the tunnel hamas used to ambush and kill three Israeli Soldiers last friday morning. That broke the last 72 hour Peace Agreement 90 minutes after it started. The family that lived in a house there said it left the home days earlier when the first rockets started flying and when they came back yesterday found their home virtually destroyed. This is what the israeli Prime Minister is saying is happening across gaza, innocent civilians are being used as shields and homes being destroyed on purpose and the Prime Minister said because hamas wants to use them as a pr tool to drum up support for hamas and criticism. It is an unlikely scenario israel would allow hamas to have the freedoms it wants based on all the things we are hearing and seeing in gaza tonight. It is extraordinary. We just heard from the president of the United States who said he has no sympathy for hamas. It is a terrorist organization. I would expect he would say that. The fact israel is willing to consider extending that 8 00 a. M. Ceasefire and hamas isnt, theyre getting pummeled by israel, who is making decisions and what and why for hamas . Reporter the hamas leadership apparently wants this message to continue to resonate around the world. It wants people to see its civilians being killed in gaza. It wants the an mossmo moss animosity and opposition to get israel to lift the blockade and open the borders to give more freedom, allow the people of gaza to come and go and make this, as they call it, a free country. Israel has its hands tied. I doesnt want to allow more arms into gaza because of what hamas is doing and the president has supported israel and says israel has a right to defend itself and understands why it wouldnt want to give these kinds of freedoms to hamas but at the same time the president and many others support the Palestinian People and feel theyre being victimized and should have some freedom. I is a very difficult situation and unclear how it should play out. It is. Hamas should see the writing on the wall. The only friend they have is the u. N. Right now. Things are very bleak looking at those pictures youre reporting. Thank you. Reporter youre welcome. As talks are going on in cairo, Prime Minister netanyahu addressed the world over the civilian deaths in gaza. The goal of this operation was to protect our people from the threat of terror tunnels built to send death squads into israel, to commit terrorist atrocities against israels civilians, to kidnap and to kill. Israel deeply regrets every civilian casualty, every single one. We do not target them. We do not seek them. The people of gaza are not our enemy. Our enemy is hamas, our inmy are the other terrorist organizations trying to kill our people. The tragedy of gaza is they are ruled by hamas, a fanatical terror group that relishing civilian casualties. They want civilian casualties and use them as pr fodder. This is the issue that stands not only before the International Community regarding israel and stands before the International Community with a wave of radical terrorists now seizing vast cities, civilian population and doing exactly the tack ttic ham is doing. Thats exactly what others are doing. 90 , a full 90 of the fatalities in this conflict could have been avoided had hamas not rejected then the ceasefire that it accepts now. Hamas must be held accountable for the tragic loss of life. It must be ostracized from the family of nations for its callous abuse of civilians and hamas must be prevented from rearming, as part of gazas general demilitarization. Every civilian casualty is a tragedy, a tragedy of hamas own making. My colleague, sean hannity is in israel and will interview tomorrow Prime Minister netanyahu. Good evening, sean. Hi, greta. Im listening to that again. You know what was interesting about that press conference the Prime Minister held, to me, he was challenging the World Community and the media all at the same time saying, okay, what would you do, 3,000 rockets . What would you do if three kids are kidnapped because of a Tunnel Network we have now spent the better part of a month destroying, in terms of infrastructure of terror with hamas, three weeks ago, hamas, think about this, three weeks ago, hamas had a Tunnel Network, 32 of those elaborate well engineered, very expensive tunnels, at least 32 have been destroyed, their rockets and infrastructure has been destroyed and a lot of leadership been killed and three weeks ago they were offered the same ceasefire they now took and tells me they only agreed to it because of the idea. And we will see if it sticks and learn more about what the Prime Minister has to say when you sit down with him. Im curious. You talk about the three teenagers murdered that was the catalyst of this. I understand you spoke to at least one Family Member of the three teenagers . I did. I spoke with Michelle Franco and her 16yearold son was one of of the three. He also had dual u. S. Citizenship and for 18 agonizing days they were kidnapped and killed almost immediately but the people of israel didnt know that. For 18 agonizing days she was hoping and praying her son would be found andnd found healthy an found alive. Her hopes were evaporated when she heard about this. This is the real life challenge of the people of israel. The thing that on the ground you learn more than anything else, greta, is that this is their everyday existence. The reason that the Prime Minister is so outspoken and talks about and challenges the world to ostracize terror groups is because theyve had 3500 rockets fired at them in the last month and what they live with every day and every week and every year. Its a very different challen challenging existence. Unless you have been here i find those that criticize israel so quickly, i wonder if they would send their kids to a border town near gaza and liver there for a week or month, i tend to doubt it. Its a very different reality on the ground. I guess i think to myself, what would i do . What are israels options . Weve been through this drill so many times, three wars in six years. What was Prime Minister netanyahus option . Yeah. I dont really think if there 3,000 rockets being fired at your country, i dont see many options, when the people doing the firing. I spent a lot of time on my Radio Program going over hamas charter, what it says. It wants to obliterate israel. It wants to destroy the jews. It even suggests trees and inanimate objects will speak out and call out if the jews are hiding behind them so they can be killed by those righteous. It is a sick twisted perverted ideology, a religion hijacked by radicals and manifests itself in different forms. Muslim brotherhood, islamic jihad, isis, al qaeda, and we actually go into the history tonight. 10 00 p. M. Tonight, hannity will be aired from israel. Tomorrow night is the night were all looking forward to seeing the interview with Prime Minister netanyahu. 10 00 tonight and dont miss tomorrow night. Thank you, sean. Great work, greta. Great work last night. I was watching what youre doing. Nothing like what youre doing. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it. Joining us from new york is am b ambassador in new york. Good evening. What is the impact of whats going on . You have the secretary general, ban kimoon saying israel is guilty of war crimes in gaza. Put those two issues together for me and tell me where you stand on all that. The United Nations should be united standing behind israel because israel is standing on the front line and encountering phenomenas the western democracy has yet to encounter. We are encountering jihad iist d you see algeria, isis, hamas, terrorist organizations day in and day out bring death and destruction to everyone around them. In the United Nations in the general assembly, we have the worst human rights abusers stand up and criticize israel standing up because what iael is fighting terrorists today, people will find that tomorrow terror on the doorsteps if they dont stand with us today. Guess i had a hard time understanding that the u. N. Seems virulently against israel. At least in this round, it seems, it was started by hamas with the kidnapping of those three and the murder, thats where this all began. We have israel agreeing to several ceasefires and willing to agree to extension and hamas getting pummeled like crazy and nothing is left and they still want to fight on. I dont get what hamas gets out of this other than the pr of the United Nations behind them. Thats aolutely right. People forget the following. Look, greta. Israel wants peace. We disengage completely out of gaza never to look back into gaza. We left gaza and gave them greenhouses which they burnt to the core and opened gaza from our point of view. The view was to have gaza flourishing. Its an amazing place. And if its going to be quiet in israel it will be quiet in gaza. And hamas wants to destroy the state of israel. This looks very simple, we have a right to defend ourselves. If rockets fly over to major cities in israel you dont have to have an iq of rocket scientists to understand if rockets fall on your head, youre allowed to defend yourself. Im curious in the u. N. , when you run into secretary general ban kimoon and said your country is committing war crimes. When you run into the hallway, whats the exchange like . Do you look at each other or have a casual exchange . Yes. We talk to each other. The secretary general is a respect handball gorespectable good person. You have 22 countries of arab league and 57 islamic countries and the nonalignment movement. They can practically get every resolution through with mere numbers. For example, they can decide terrorist tunnels are just Irrigation Systems and rockets flying into israel are shooting stars. This is absolutely absurd. We have in that organization, at the United Nations, abusing human rights, pointing fingers at israel. But in watching this, today, watching this, even if theres a resolution condemning israel or whatever im trying to think what does it even mean . Is it just talk . Even if you jump across the pond to the International Criminal court they have gotten indictments for genocide for the president of sudan and nothing happens. It seems like theres this whole International Discussion of talk that doesnt mean a lot and what really matters is whats happening on the ground and hamas is getting pummeled and so are the civilians and i dont know why they wont come to the table at this point. Hamas is to blame for everything that takes place there. Hamas is committing a double war crime, using people as human shields and shooting missiles into civilian areas, not just kindergartens, schools, mosques, terror tunnels, their whole purpose is to maim, kidnap and murder israelis. At the end of the day, israel, all we want is to have peace with our neighbors. Weve shown that in the past with anwar sadat in egypt, a serious partner in jordan. Israel is willing to make peace but we cannot make peace with an organization that has a Clear Mission to obliterate israel. In the sense we in israel feel today we are on the front line, like we did 45 yea 25 years a we began checking people at airports and people said how can you do that . Human rights, privacy . And look at today understanding those terrorists are doing everything they can to deroy the values we all cherish. We are standing up, the state of israel and the people of israel not just to defend ourselves but to defend the values that we as western communities really cherish and have fought for, for many years. I want to take the last word out harking back to what Prime Minister netanyahu said that the ceasefire of hamas accepted friday morning, that had they accepted that ceasefire earlier, 90 of the deaths wouldnt have occurred, stunning and all terribly distressing. I am getting the last word on that. Hope you come back. Thank you. News on the ebola outbreak, the cdc declaring a level 1 activation of its emergency activation center. Jonathan. Reporter hi, greta. This is the highest level of activation something the cdc has not done since the 2009 h1n1 pandemic. A Spokesman Says this is largely an all hands on deck call for africa and not increased threat in the u. S. Where modern quarantine and hygiene procedures are in place. Here, hospital patients and International Travelers are screened and if need be, isolated. The cdc has a number of quarantine rooms and we got a picture of one such room at the airport in newark, a person suspected of having ebola can be isolated or cleared and sent to a hospital. Hospitals are screening patients with recent travel to africa who have gastrointestinal problems and a person at mount sinai hospital has tested negative. And the patient continued to improve. H at Auburn University it appears to stop the effects in animals but wont be available until the future. And another drug administered to two american missionaryies for ebola and took it before they left africa and say its too early to tell whether z map has played a role of improving in their isolated conditions. They are currently improving in the hospital and wrightbols son said mom is tired but continues to fight the virus and strengthen her faith in her redeemer, jesus and we were able to spend a few minutes with her to encourage her and be encouraged by her condition. The people in africa will travel to europe and other countries. Are they containing it in africa . Do they make sense of that . It continues to spread in africa and theyre trying to attack it at its source. If they can stop its spread in africa they can protect the rest of the world. Modern containment and hygiene procedures are in place in many european countries. Theyre not worried about a substantial outbreak in the western world but its all about containing it in africa because until they do, hundreds of more lives could be lost, greta. No kidding, if we dont contain it in africa, it will not be contained elsewhere. We have to look at that quickly and seriously. Thank you. Certainly. 76 of adults say they are very worried. Why . Former governor johnson here next and man caught between a train and platform. What happens next . Caught on camera. You will see it coming up. Phillips Digestive Health support is a duoprobiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. Im doubly impressed phillips Digestive Health. A daily probiotic. Thats why i always choose the fastest intern. R slow. The fastest printer. The fastest lunch. Turkey club. The fastest pencil sharpener. The fastest elevator. The fastest speed dial. The Fastest Office plant. So why wouldnt i choose the fastest wifi . I would. Switch to comcast Business Internet and get the fastest wifi included. Comcast business. Built for business. You might want to sit down before you hear this. , are you sitting . Here it is. 76 of American Adults lack confidence that their childrens generation will have a better life than they do. That is according to the latest wall street j journal, nbc ne poll and former New Hampshire governor johnson who joins us. 76 . And 71 of the country thinks were on the wrong track look, these have been tough years for the american family. The parents and the grandparents are understanding it. The amazing thing is theres an increase in the same number that young people are beginning to understand that this administration has done them no favors. Has cost them job opportunities, taken 2 to 3,000 a year out of their pocket with obamacare and created a tax burden on them they will have to pay the rest of their life because of the 7 trillion new dollars in debt. Theyre beginning to understand that. It is a shame this administration doesnt seem to want to acknowledge a, their responsibility for that and b, make any effort to change. It you say administration. Do you mean president obama zbl. President obama. Do you get the sense that he its an ideology or he doesnt know how to do this or that the republicans are opposing him, which happens with every president , you get opposing political party. What is this . There are two things. One, i dont think he has a sense how serious the problem is. Believe it or not, there is an isolation that occurs in the white house and he doesnt know whats happening. B, what he does know about, he has absolutely no idea how to deal with it. If you look at this press conference he had tonight and one he had on vacation a year and a half ago, he acts to me like he lacks he doesnt have a fire in the belly for it. I think the fire in the belly would be important to inspire the american people. It inspires business and makes people think we can fix things. You hear these numbers like 76 lack confidence, the next generation, 71 say were on the wrong track, you feel like, well, its over. I think he came into the presidency thinking all he had to do was enunciate grand goals and it would be done. Unfortunately, the presidency demands more. It demands interaction with congress that he has not done. Why hasnt he done that . I dont know. He came out of the senate. He was sort of aloof while he was there. If you talk to his colleagues, both parties theyll say he didnt even interact with them as part of the senate. Now, as president youve got to work hard talking first of all to your own democratic leadership and then youve got to bring the republicans down and talk to them loot. You cant have a meeting with them and then abuse them in the next news conference. Theres an art form to working with them. Bill clinton knew how to do it. Lyndon johnson knew how to do it. George Herbert Walker bush actually knew how to do it. This president doesnt like doing it, so he doesnt. Do you think he even likes the job . He likes the perks of the job but he doesnt like the responsibilities of the job. I think hes just found it to be a very different job than he ever wanted, what i think. I think he discovered its work he never counted on doing. The numbers are blink. Thank y are bleak. Nice to see you, sir. Thanks for having me. Off the record, hollywood upheaval, two stars. Have jer and Penelope Cruz stepping up, not each other but a pen to politics, talking about genocide and other actresses signed onto their bombshell letter and fired it off and kaboom and accusing israel of genocide disgusting many including john voigt. They retreated fast and p Penelope Cruz confessing on the topic of israel shes not an expert. That was obvious. And another problem erupted one hollywood never thought it would see again. Bar del and cruz are allegedly being blacklisted by some in hollywood. And thats where john voigt stepped back in as much as he hate what they said, he does, he said about blacklisting, dont go there, dont create a blacklist. Good for him, john voigt, he stands up for free speech, even free speech he doesnt like. Thats big. If you think theres something we should know about, go to greta wear. Com and tell us about it. A Border Patrol agent murdered in front of his wife and children and parents. Ost with joint shieldâ„¢ nurtures and helps defend your joints so you can keep doing what you love. Whatd you guys do today . The usual the usual [ male announcer ] osteo biflex, ready for action. [ male announcer ] osteo biflex, we fill our freshly baked flnflat flavors. Like taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean. So you always get flavor thats anything but flat. New flatbread sandwiches, try one today. 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Boast mexican illegals in the country when this happened. The 30yearold, the man you see on your left, has been arrested at least four other times for entering the United States illegally but obviously kept coming right back over. 40yearold hernandez, the man on the right has been deported at least twice. They tried robbing the offduty Border Patrol agent and his family at gunpoint, when agent javier vega junior fought back and was shot to death. He had been a Border Patrol agent more than six years. He knew the area he was killed in quite well, the rio grand valley area we have been hearing so much about the humanitarian crisis and the sector he worked. We have since found the 36yearold really lived a life of service. Prior to becoming an agent he served this country by being a member of the u. S. Marine corps and survived by his parents, wife and three young children. It is hard to imagine they witnessed that murder. Absolutely horrible, casey. Thank you. Obviously, our border in crisis. Is any doing anything about it . The national news, jim garrity and washington news, Betsy Woodruff and rick klein. What will it take . First a humanitarian crisis they all claim is so devastating, i agree with that. Now we have a gunned down Border Patrol agent in front of his wife, kids and parents. You cant cast a story more tragically to have two men six times arrested for crossing illegally and still here, just adds fuel to the fire. This is the debate were having for now. Forget the children for the momenta humanitarian crisis, say the border situation is involved, still a very porous problematic border. For a lot of people the concerns stereotype of who is coming over the border. This is a vast minority but when it happens, tragic. Politicians are gone. They created this problem and they have gone. Dont they give a damn . I would think if they cared they would be trying to work on this. Given the things they havent given a damn about so far it makes sense. This isnt just politicians, federal agencies. The documents that came out recently showed immigrations and customs enforcement officials released 68,000 Illegal Immigrants who could have been de ported after they were charged with crimes. This shouldnt happen. I know the whole thing about in washington you cant get people to agree. Every single day of the week divorce lawyers put warring spouses something and they work out an agreement and the spouses hate each other or labor and management and picketing with signs d they work it out. Here, theyre all gone. They dont even try. For a lot of people in washington the problem of an unsecure border is entirely theoretica theoretical. The president wouldnt go there to look at them. Theyre not shown them sneaking into camp david and the president wont run into any at mahas vineyard. You say the administration likes to brag about the number of deportations they have. It doesnt mean anything if you throw them out and they come back over that same uncured border. Does any know whether in this shooting a fast and furious gun was used . I do not. The president , his demeanor seemed engaged or disengaged, tell me what you thought. Maybe were close to vacation mode with all of this. The president , i dont think he had a strong message this is what im delivering tonight. A lot of different issues covered tonight. Talked about aids conference and ebola and i thought an interesting answer he crafted trying to dance on what he can do for immigration. Right now, all of washington is pretty close to summer mode. For some reason, im scandalized by that id be so ashamed if i said im on vacation mode and have an ebola problem. Unbelievable. Ebola is not in marthas vineyard. At least theres that. Its cartoonish. The most shocking is this is very much the norm. This is the way washington d. C. Work works. I actually criticized the media. The media should be all over these people and the politicians and all over president obama. Thats the way washington works, we let them go off on vacation with incomplete jobs. Clearly this president doesnt care. The house when they didnt pass something on thursday last week stuck around on friday. We can argue what that bill says. At least they realize if we leave town and nothing gets done we will get pilloried and throwing rotten fruit on us. You say theyre only voting for political reasons not to get pilloried . Thats not flattering. Its not flattering but at least get something passed and something on paper. The Senate Passed a bill a year ago. Why couldnt they send a senate bill. Why couldnt senator harry reid stay in town and send his bill . Theyre vastly different bills. So . Thats more than theyre doing now. If you want to talk about rotten fruit getting thrown, the House Republicans would have been pitching the produce. You have to do something. Last week, said the immigration bill was going through. Theyre doing this for purely political reasons. Nobody was under illusions legislation would get passed. They almost left town without doing it and then had to get it done even though doing it didnt get attributed to anything. I think there is something in the president s style, frustrating. Thats how he is. He has a very low resting heart rate. Wouldnt mind if he was completely laid back and had everything if we didnt have a border crisis and have all these other problems around the world, i dont care if they go on vacation if they get their jobs done, i have no problem at all. My problem is there are all these problems and they go. There are always problems and this has been a problematic summer. The other thing to bear in mind when we look at this humanitarian crisis on the border, its a crisis and crisis implies temporary. This could become the new normal. There have been 73 are sfwau a there have bee no knew policy changes to discourage these kids from crossing the border and make sure it doesnt become a crisis. Whatever. Its a problematic summer, our new slogan. Maybe i take this way too seriously, i think its way disgraceful. I take it way too seriously. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. And ambassador john bolton saying america is disskinneding into chaos. A commuter trapped between the train and the tracks. See what happens next. Incredible. Im lisa and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way of hosting my book club. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. Oncedaily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. And breo helps reduce symptom flareups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. Breo is not for asthma. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. 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You can see it with isis destroying the border between syria and iraq and states breaking down. In ukraine were facing a circumstance where Vladimir Putin appears to be seriously considering another use of military force to come to the aid of the separatists. The point here is knot that chaos itself arrives tomorrow, much farther away, but people should begin to understand and consider the implications of the failure of america to act in its own interests internationally and how the consequences of that failure impact us here at home. That, i lay at obamas door. I once had a conversation with former senator evan bayh about how we cant solve these problems. He said we cant solve them, the most we can do is manage them. Were not managing them, unbelievable whats going on around the world. With all due respected to evan bayh, thats a very european way to look at things. A lot better than where were at now. Thats true. But the american way is to make sure we solve the problem or make sure it doesnt affect our interest. In case after case were not doing anything. Are we managing them . One other quote we will go into anarchy if the u. S. Continues to pull back internationally. What minimal order and stability there is in the world and it is pretty minimal is supplied by the United States, by its presence, by its system of alliances, its inherent economic military and political strength. When we pull back from the rest of the world, the underpinnings of that minimal stability are going to disappear. The International Economic trade and communication, travel, didnt appear by accident, it was because there was enough stability to allow it to happen. When the United States doesnt provide that stability a lot of people free ride on it and dont pay their share, when we pull back, we risk collapse. We see it now and not just within the obama white house, we see it inside the republican party, too. Let me ask you a quick question about the u. N. And israel. Secretary general ban kimoon says israel is committing war crimes within gaza. Does that mean anything . I think thats the single worst statement of his entire career of secretary general, the kind of conclusion that leads people quite reasonably to believe the u. N. Is hopelessly biased against israel and against the United States. It was bad enough when the commissioner said it. For ban kimoon to say it is a mistake on his part. It wont do anything in the real world, wont change anything but i think it is another stain on the u. N. s reputation. Thank you. Thank you. Trapped on the train tracks, could it get any mortifying . An incredible scene. You have to see this next. When folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. 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So a few options left, the passengers all jumping into action, dozens of people swarming the train pushing it out of the way and the man finally getting enough space to pull his leg out. Men, women, children pushed the train back to help someone who is in a bit of trouble. The man amazingly not hurt at all. Its really heartwarming to find an incident like this where everyone pitches in. And after he was freed, the man even caught the next train. What a great story. Catch me if you can with police and the woman gets caught after she sneaked on board a Southwest Airlines flight without a ticket. Come fly with me lets fly away youve seen it in the movies. Its been a while since ive done this. Which one is the jump seat again . But this time its real life. Police say a San Francisco woman managed to board southwest flight 3785 to los angeles and get through this tsa security checkpoint without a ticket. Marilyn hartman somehow flying from san jose, california, to los angeles with no ticket. The 62yearold woman sneaking through security as tsa was screening another family. One Single Person able to do Something Like that raises the hackles on the back of the neck. This is not her first time. She has become a frequent flier of ticketless travel. Just this year she tried to fly without a ticket six times and at least twice slipping right past securityheckpoints unchecked. That is concerning because i mean that means anyone could just get on a plane. This time hartman making it to her destination but after landing southwest counting the passengers on board and realizing there were move passengers than tickets. She was caught in the act. In terms of the overall safety factor, it does it makes me wonder a little bit. Police arrested hartman at the airport and she is charged with trespassing. And coming up the search for a missing 6yearold girl intensifies. The very latest is next. Theres a gap out there. Thats keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. At humana, we believe the gap will close when healthcare gets simpler. When frustration and paperwork decrease. When grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. So lets do it. Lets simplify healthcare. Lets close the gap between people and care. Yobut you may notds. Knowere a family. 12 brands. More hotels than anyone else in the world. Like days inn, where you can do everything under the sun. Save up to 15 percent and earn bonus points when you book at wyndhamrewards. Com get ready to speed read your way through the news. An army general assassinated in afghanistan will arrive in Dover Air Force tomorrow. Harold greene was murdered by an afghan soldier during the generals visit to a military academy yesterday. General greene was a key figure in the coalitions training of afghan troops. And the fbi joining the search for a missing 6yearold girl in washington state. Jenise wright was last seen by her parents in her home saturday night. Her parents did not report her missing until sunday night. They say she often wanders off. Police are searching the Mobile Home Park where she lives and nearby woods but so far no sign of her. Caught on camera. A utah family watches their house collapse and a landslide forces other neighbors to evacuate. Luckily no one was hurt. And a mystery in mexico. Two lions found abandoned in a large cage. Authorities say they may have been left behind by a circus. It set up the show but could not get a permit and just left and left them behind. Police rescued them and took them to a zoo. A kansas city detective vowing revenge on a fellow cop. They played a birthday prank on him on his 50th birthday they found his patrol car covered in 4,000 postit notes and thats tonights speed read. Well see you tomorrow night at

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