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A news show featuring the top headlines of the day from pop culture to politics, which are discussed by a rotating panel of four women and one man. A news show featuring the top headlines of the day from pop culture to politics, which are discussed by a rotating panel of four women and one man. Lets go to doug mcelway, live with the news with a. Great to see you. Brittian had long ago come to the conclusion that russia used a nerf agent to poison the two. It was only yesterday that the State Department officially concurred, promising to impose new sanctions. The sanctions will take effect later this month and are believed to include denying russian licenses for the purposes of exports among other things. The any sanctions follow the Trump Administration order last march to expand 60 russian diplomats, the largest expulsion in history and close the russian consulate in washington. Russia vehemently denied the poisoning. Connecting new sanctions to these events in salisbury is unacceptable and these restrictions as well as those imposed by the american side before are absolutely unlawful. We believe and dont conform to international law. Russia is promising yet unnamed retaliatory sanctions of its own, Ult May Times against russia are useless. It asks the u. S. To make public any evidence that russia is responsible for the poisoning. The u. S. Wont do that, citing classified information. The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee says the sanctions send an important message. The last time we engaged on this was when kim jongun had his own halfbrother assassinated with a nerve agent. If you recall, this law, this 91 law, was used to put additional sanction sanctions on north korea. Those Sanctions Ales with as sanctions passed in congress, and i was the author of that legislation, helped bring north korea to the table. The caselation in tensions follow last months summit in helsinki where the leaders of both countries agreed to work toward better relations. Harris, gak to you. Harris thank you. Governor, i guess its like a clap b. C. Sanctions. Do we use enough russian products, whats that going to look like. It hurts rush kwa a rot more than us. When the russians talk about draconian, whats more draconian than killing somebody on the streets of a foreign country. Thats pretty draconian. Russia is in trouble economically. Its very important this administration has made. I wish the president got more credit for what hes done, to punish russia, hes been virtually brutal to them. Anything but a puppet of them. I dont know why people are not recognizing that his toughness is having an impact on russia. Harris reuters is reporting in just the last few minutes the creme wlin spokesperson is now saying that their Economic Life over there is completely, their finances completely stable according to the kremlin. One way to say it. You know stable . They have a long history of always telling the truth and never exaggerating anything. Take it at face value. They have said the poisoning was a hoax f thats the case explain where the nerve agent same came from. If this is something you are supposed to have such tight lock over, then explain how it got out instead of just trying to dismiss it with this digital propaganda. Theyre doing the same thing with the nonexplanations. Theyre not going to come out and say, yep, we poisoned the guy, we dont like him. And Vladimir Putin has a way of fatally dismissing his political enemies. When Chris Wallace confronted him in the interview here on fox news, he pointed to jfk and Martin Luther king. Harris i remember. Katie, i want to ask you, its the political component of all of this. Democrats of course go after the president for not being tough enough based on the rhetoric that they see. I dont know if theyre choosing passion over policy but the policy wouldnt lead to us believe hes not tough. Again, its interesting how democrats all of a sudden are concerned about russia. Republicans have been concerned about russia consistently since the 1980s. Now that President Trump is in office they seem to be thinking russia is the top concern. Their economy is smaller, half the size of california, its smaller than italy. This will affect 70 of their economy. When it comes to the last couple of months, harris, in terms of the politics here the president has been criticized for being too tough on nato, not standing up to nato, for daring to say that they need to contribute more in order to go after russia. This situation shows that nato is working together with the United States, making this decision to now implement these sanctions. It took a while, they could have done it faster, but the french are with us, the germans, the brigts are with us. This is a coordinated effort to go after russia, the president standing up for nato rather than going after them as hes been accused of doing. Harris further down the road, democrats say the only reason, some of them not all, the only reason the president is doing this he legally has to do this. As you pointed out, theres been a journey to get to this point. In fact its been an aboutface from the obama administration, president obama abandoned those Missile Defense shields that were going in to poland and into the czech republic. He took real action to strengthen and help russia. On the flip side of that, you watch the president follow the exact same path that he did with kim jongun, you remember they also had a nerve agent attack. He retaliated as a result of that, the president doing it with russia. Not to mention he parked at nato about Buying Energy from russia which is how they were going to get money. Putting l and g terminals in russia, rather than have europe dependent on natural gas from russia. He put a ton of economic and social pressure on them when in fact the last administration did very of the opposite. The president talking in detail about the relationship of energy between germany and russia. Im glad you brought up the energy part of this. The ability of the u. S. To be Energy Independent is not only energy, its National Security issue. By us now being at a place where we no longer have to go hat in hand to the saudis or anyone else to get energy, because of Technology Like tracking and because of exploration, we put ourselves in a very strong position where we can put the squeeze on putin, we can really make it difficult for him. The only thing he really has in terms of a great commodity is energy. When we take that away from him, these sanctions, i mean theyre a gut punch to the russians right now. And it doesnt make for noncorrupt regimes. Look at the Energy Producers around the world. What happens there. Look at saudi arabia, russia, venezuela, look at the oilrich countries. I long for the day when we get off that dependency completely. I do think its going to be the United States that leads the way technologically. And it will be the free market. I have one question, i think its odd that i have a great deal of respect for senator rand paul, but i dont understand why hes acting as this mail carrier. I wonder where is John Huntsman . We have so many discussions about russia, and you never hear his name. Lets settle on that for a second, governor, this is a great opportunity to talk with you. Harris you make so many trips around the world to different places. The white house pushed back pretty hard on this idea that senator rand paul had been sent directly to do this. They said no, he came to the white house and said write an introductory letter. I dont know how often thatsnesses. He has traveled all over the world. Do you need introductory letters, Whats Going On there . Its somewhat of a normal procedure to get a letter of introduction. Makes the visit a little more official. It doesnt really mean anything, you dont get a diplomatic passport, you say is that good guy, you might ought to meet with him. Thats all. I think the white house was a little miffed that the senator tried to present it as if hes an envoy, emissary negotiating with putin. He had a courtesy meeting. Where is John Huntsman . We have a very good ambassador in John Huntsman. Secretary pompeo, peoples jobs they are to do this. Harris i was curious, with the governor here probably some peach many, the names people, the names of which we dont have as Household Names the folks that do the back channel stuff, pretty normal in any type of situation that were fating. The bigger picture, this is dealing with the poisoning, on british soil. When it comes to the russians there are high stakes in a larger negotiation. The president talked to president putin about the situation and the United States implementing the sanctions knowing they have to deal with that negotiation in the future which tells you a lot about where we think our leverage is. Harris i started by saying the reverse sanctions on us, they havent hurt, you said no, governor. I didnt think we were buying that much russia stuff. No. Vodka. [laughing] allegedly. No comment. Harris is daca seeing its final days . The legal action brought by the Texas Attorney general that could halt applications and possibly end it for good. Plus, new developments in the showdown between President Trump and Robert Mueller and his Russia Investigation, what the president s legal team reportedly wants off the table and any possible sitdown as they unleash some of the harshest attacks yet. This is an investigation that at its outset has been corrupt. Theres no question about that. It continues every single day. There seems to be a new revelation. No matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. Ill take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. New ensure max protein. In two great flavors. New ensure max protein. Oh oh ozempic® vo people with Type 2 Diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. 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You lined up 100 lawyers, 100 lawyers are going to say dont sit for an interview. This is an investigation that at its outset has been corrupt, no question about that. It continues every single day there seems to be a new revelation. Can it get any worse . What do we need to know, this is a totally illegitimate investigation. Based on a report, a dossier, that was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the democrats. Probably the biggest illegality so far, the biggest collusion so far. Melissa guiliani hitting on the electoral politics, saying now i think the continuance of the investigation would actually help. People are getting tired of it. The president needs something to energize his voters because the democrats look like theyre energized. Nothing would energize republicans more than lets save the president. Katie, what do you think . Katie thats a fair point, you see the president repeatedly and just as we started the Show Tweeting about how Russia Investigation is a witch hunt, hes gone after Robert Mueller directly, republicans do need something to Energize Voters to go into the mid terms, the base to turn out, mid terms are all about turnout. Its true that people are sick of this investigation when it comes to polling, its at the bottom of the list what people are concerned about. Public opinion about the Russia Investigation shows they believe its politically motivated. The president with himself and his team, his personal counsel or the white house counsel, have done a very good job at turning the page on this and making it so people are motivated rather than the other way around. Melissa heres the tweet, this is an illegally brought rigged witch hunt brought by people dontly corrupt or conflicted. Started and paid for by Crooked Hillary and the democrats, phony dossier, so many lying and dishonest people fired, 17 angry dems, stay tuned. Governor . I wish President Trump could be clearer about how he feels. The fact hes lacking the transparency to share his emotions is very troubling. Yes, yes. Two things most americans need to see. One is that the federal agencies were weaponized against the president before he was president. Melissa correct. Nompblts doubt about that. That ought to trouble every american. If the federal government can go after some one running for and becoming president they can go after them. And they will and they will end up winning. Most people dont have the resources of a president. And the second thing, is that what ought to trouble americans is that when the Congress Asks for information and gets stone walled, that is a serious problem, i cant stonewall the fbi if they come after me, why should the fbi or doj or any agency be able to stonewall the Proper Authority to ask questions about this on behalf of the american people. Were a dpochlt of the people and were being run over by Government Agencies supposed to work for us not the other way around. Harris while you make those points senator Lindsay Graham went golfing with the president and the president wanted to talk believed there was some one corrupt within the trump campaign, how do they defend the notion that they didnt warn him, brief limb, tell him brief him, tell him. Rather decided to exploit it, almost seems like, and see how far they can take it. Kennedy this guy had a 5050 shot of running the free world. You would hope that these agencies with their spy poer that was codified by kong gres would forewarn the potential future president he has people inside doing a great deal of damage to his campaign and to the country. But they didnt do. That it wasnt a serious enough problem. We spoke about president obama, and the fact he was so unserious in regards to russia. As he crafted his Foreign Policy over two terms. There is way too much government abuse of power, there is not enough transparency, and as far as the president , i understand his frustration, i agree that this investigation has to end on its own terms. But i think the president should either sit for an interview or wait for a subpoena. If they impeach him, its such a weird presidency, such an intense time, i dont think it politically damages him. Melissa i dont they are. The nailbiter in ohio now an even closer contest with the discovery of Hundreds Of Uncounted votes in the house Special Election race. Hmm. Democrats winning only 2 of the 10 Special Elections since the president took office. But the Democratic Party chairman sounding pretty upbeat. Should he be . Well debate. This gives me optimism, not only about this seat but about other house seats. The u. S. Senate, and governors races. Thats your family. Which is why you didnt grab just any cheese. You picked up new kraft expertly paired mozzarella and parmesan for pizzahyeah kraft. Family greatly. Feeclaritin and Relief Fromwsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. Opponent Danny Oconnor after officials tallied those ballots. Excludeing that ohio race, democrats host 8 of the 10 Special Elections held since President Trump took office. Tom perez says the tight race in ohio only mapgs him more confident in democrats chances in the mid terms. This gives me optimism, not only about this seat but about other house seats. The u. S. Senate, and governors races. Kennedy all right, governor huckabee, nothing should be this tight for democrats f history is the died they should win overwhelmingly in the mid terms. As of now no one knows what is going to happen. Its interesting tom perez is singing happy days are here again. Hes like the guy that jumped off 1900 Story Building and at the 84th floor said so far so good. Thats what we see out of this guy. [laughing] they won the race hes acting like, but they should be winning. Thats the way it historically goes. What are their message . Vote for democrats, well take your crumbs away, your pay will go down, you wont have a bonus, you might not have a job job, and well open the borders and let everybody in. It may just be that they move all over the country. And double your taxes. And we distribute the wealth in the country. Lets go back to bowing down before foreign governments, capitulate to every foreign entity, instead of making them respect america again. They may not like us across the world, we dont care, we want them to respect us and fear us. Thats happened under this administration. Alyssa milano said the Trump White House is involved in this. He said the green party votes are a clear indication that the russians have meddled in ohios 12th congressional district, because the stakes are so high she knows its the russians. The russians send in the 588 bat lots, full ballot boxes they happened to find . I always find it interesting when they find these boxes of ballots in trunks of cars, the back of county building, they always have to get the democrat closer to the republican rather than getting the republican choser to the democrat depending who is behind. Always seems to be the case. Amazing. In florida, bill nelson decided that russia had actually infiltrated the Electronic Voting Systems in several florida counties. When asked where did that information come from, how did he know, i mean, it became thats a serious claim. It is very serious. It is dangerous. Could you support the vote by making that claim moving forward. He apparently pulled it out of a part of his body that normally is not viewed by the public. Thats what happened. Armpit. [laughing] thats what i was thinking. What were you thinking . Thats why im shouting it out. Harris back to the point you were making, katie, about the lastminute find of votes. I dont think its out of the order to do that. But in this instance, Franklin County was one of the first places they counted. Thats why the democrat was ahead for a bit. I just, you know, we have no way of knowing exactly what happened. I put it out there so we have all of the facts to play with. Katie interesting they were adamant about counting Frank Lynn County First but all of a sudden a few days late where they desperately try to match up the vote count and trigger a recount, they find this box of ballots. Melissa it is amaze being didnt learn from the 2016 election that we cant predict what is going on ahead of time. Voters are going to surprise you and they arent going to tell people on the phone or ahead of time or in the exit polls how they voted when they went inside. Both sides are more engaged than theyve ever been before. It feels like in recent memory. Which is a great thing for democracy. Its interesting, you know, i heard Anthony Scaramucci saying as he goes around the country feels like he would like the president to tweet less, there are people a lot of people feel that way. In his corner but uncomfortable with the tweeting. Whether that helps the candidate or not when hes out there stumping for them. Melissa i have found people uncomfortable with the tweeting paying less attention to it. Kennedy and some engaged and defend the president at every single turn. But a lot of voters, i was in indiana last weekend, a lot of my friends i voted for him, i like him, but sometimes this is too exhausting. Melissa definitely true. The problem is, katie, and we have been in those Media Circles where Somebody Kwlil theyll see the president tweet. Harris rather than asking about the news of the day, of say White House Press secretary, they drill down on that immediate tweet that might not have anything to do with policy or anything like. That something that the president expresses and has the word witch hunt it in, they want to navel gaze on what will get that. And paymenting the whole room like that. Kennedy not saying theyre the enemy of the people. A journalist looks at the situation or Press Release or a tweet and find the news worthy value. Katie if the president is tweeting something he said 50 times before its not news worthy. Youre right about people tuning out and saying im exhausted with the cycle, it never ends, these two weeks have been the slowest since the president decided to run for office in 2015. People really look at it and say, enough, i want the result, i know that my paycheck is bigger. But did he get the results . He said he was five for five. It was four for five . He had the math a little bit wrong. Now theres a push to end daca nationwide. That could be drama. Its being made in texas by attorneys there, and the Attorney General, he now wants all new applications halted as the case makes its way through the court. How this will play out legally. On the political stage. We have that next. Napoleon is duping us all around louisiana. Youre a nincompoop phone ping gentlemen, i have just received word the louisiana purchase, is complete instant Purchase Notifications from capital one. 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President obama had no authority to change the law. He admit heed didnt have that authority. We lad a similar case a couple of years we took to the Supreme Court and won. Were going to make the same argument, this is United States constitutional action by the president , president obama, should be vacated and set aside. These are Policy Decisions that need to be vepted with all of our representatives. This needs to be a decision by the entire congress not one person, thats not the way the system was set up. Katie i think the most interesting part of the argument, Dak Kashgs The Ultimate Burden is on the states. As former governor, how do federal Immigration Programs like this really put a burden on to the State Government and affect people locally when they had no say at all . It is very expensive. Let me be fair, im one who believes we ought to do something for these children who came here. Im out there on the fringe from many republicans who say i dont care, what part of illegal do you not understand. Heres what i also understand, these kids didnt break the law, their parents did. You dont give a ticket to the kid in the back seat when dad is speeding. Its not the way it works. I do think theres got to be some allowance. How far, what the Attorney General of texas has done is shrewd, force 24g to a higher court, you have one federal judge who said the president has to carry out daca, which the president can this many his nose at that judge, the judge is out of line. Taxton says were not doing it, that creates a conflict of two federal courts. That bumped it up. President Trump Didnt Just Resend Daca for no reason, he said congress this is yours to deal w they arent dealing with it. Texas is taking it to the judicial system to try and get some results. Since nobody seems to be getting anywhere. And this ruling by fiat is incredibly cruel to the dreamers. As they are called. And its interesting, yes, it was a Split Decision sent to the Supreme Court which at the time there were only eight members. So they basically punted it back to the lower court. Congress needs to act. We need figure out Immigration Policy in this country. So its not confusing when it gets to the state level. We have to figure out the balance between immigration and entitlements. It is confusing. There is an incredible imbalance right now. And i tend on agree with you. Were punishing a group of people who arent breaking the law, they are starting businesses, going to college, they are having families. Thats exactly what you said, the balance between that and entitlements. We cant have open borders and the liberal social welfare. You can have one or the other. I look at it from an economic point of view, its like free healthcare where you have to double everyones taxes in order to pay for it. If you had people coming in, we have to have a system where they are paying taxes, they arent just coming in and disappearing into the state system where its the states burden to carry them. I dont want to send people home or separate families. But the bigger question, you have to stop the bleeding at some point. The daca situation were dealing with is people brought here 20 years ago by their parents and people are still bringing their kids illegally across the border or come to the United States illegally and have children here. Its a separate issue than just dealing with the daca recipients. Its figuring out how do you stop as a magnet so we arent dealing with another daca in ten years. Harris you cant keep the magnet turned on at full force and not secure your borders. Theres a conflict between the laws, state law says you have to educate children f theres a child in the state you have to put them in school. Thats at conflict with saying you cant do something because theyre not legal. You put all of these states in a very, very difficult place. Same thing, you have an injury, what do you do, tell them at the mng room door we wont let you in, of course you treat them and we should. What melissa was saying is really the point. You either control your border or you dont. If you dont youre going to have this issue and youre going to have to deal with it and suck it up and pay for it. Harris you mention congress, im thinking back to schumer shutdown, over this decision of daca, has anything changed since earlier this year with congress and the senator making a strong stand. No, nothing. He wasnt serious about it. It wasnt about the kids, never was about the kids, it was about the political point. I wish people would wake up and see. That we need a good civics lesson to understand you cant have a judge making law. Thats a legislative process that is not a judicial process. This notion of judicial supremacy is killing this country and creating these problems, we need a president and we need the congress to say to the courts if you want to make law take your robe off, run for congress, make law. But you cant do it from the bench. Harris you get last word on that. I do . Wow. Harris yes. Democrats struggling in their push to win over latino voters a host of democrat stratgists telling cnn their candidates arent consolidating hispanic support in key congressional races in california, nevada, arizona, texas, na. This despite President Trumps tough rhetoric on issues like daca and immigration. Were going to continue this topic a little bit. But not all democrat strategists in that report see cause for alarm. Some point to their own surveys showing democrats leading with his panics. Hispanics. That report goes on to say, quote, virtually everyone both sides of this democratic debate agrees on one point, despite all his confrontational rhetoric and policies trump alone appears unlikely to reverse the usual falloff in hispanic turnout. And he may not even widen the typical democratic advantage among them in their vote preferences. All this as we have learned that Hispanic Unloiment hit another record low last month, under President Trump. At 4. 5 . Lets crunch the numbers on that. Melissa this is interesting, to me, echoes the 2016 election where pollsters, or whoever is looking at it, wants to put people mixing in the monolith, all hispanic people are going to vote and feel this way because hes saying these things about immigration. A lot of people who imgreated here legally, who very much support President Trump because theyre furious they waited in line and did it the right way. They think that immigration is the only issue they care about, as opposed to the unemployment number, as opposed to the economy. Person of color, thats so true. There can only be one thing that we would care about, thats ridiculous. We have full lives. I do want to say, this you talk about Legal Immigration and the president now reportedly taking a look at, well, if you ever leaned on Public Service you could lose your promise of being a citizen. What do you think about that . I want to go to melissas point, if you have anyone and any line who breaks the Line Everyone resent it. Thats something the president should begin to use and make that the focal point. This isnt about keeping people out of the country, its about making sure that everyone plays by the same set of rules. One thing americans have an inate sense about, a sense of fairness, equality. Thats where the focus ought to be, not this person, you know, feels bad and they would like to be here. Its whether or not when a person comes they do it legally. That is being missed in the big point of discussion. Harris something in the last 24 hours is giving democrats talking point and a lot of agita to people who came here illegally. Katie Illegal Immigrants and legal immigrants take a lot of welfare. And when, back in the day when my family came over in the early 1900s, they sent one Family Member out of eight kids, my great grandma from croatia, because they would only afford to send one person, she would have to make on it her own with the money that they sent. She didnt rely on the government to make it happen. A lot of people came to america in early 1900s who came and left again because they couldnt cut it. This idea that this is something new is not new at all. When it comes to the political ramifications of this, you were talking about how hispanics arent biting on this idea of the identity politics. When you look at the polling hispanics are interested in all of the other issues just like everyone else. Family, economy, and their jobs, Foreign Policy security, National Security. Its patronizing to talk to them as if they only care about immigration. And Kamala Harrison is wrong when she says we have to talk about identity politics. They are beneficial but President Trump and democrats have to be careful, if thats the only message they have got, its short sighted and offensive to be put into a basket. Harris Chicago Police deploying hundreds of additional officers to the streets following the weekend shootings that weve been reporting on all week. 12 people dead, more than 60 injured in shootings. Growing calls for mayor Rahm Emmanuel to resign over the violence plaguing the city. Remember the role he had, Chief Of Staff for president obama, now they want him out. The causes and solutions, stay close. I dont keep track of regrets. 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And your coverage goes with you, anywhere you travel in the country. We have grandkids out of state. They love our long visits. Not sure about their parents, though. Call unitedhealthcare and ask for your free Decision Guide today. Melissa Chicago Police bracing for the weekend, adding hundreds of officers to the streets. This after last weekends massive wave of gun violence. Police say 66 people shot and 12 killed. Protesters gathered in the city just last week to express outrage over the bloodshed. Some are calling for the resignation of chicago mayor Rahm Emmanuel who had this to say about the weekend shooting. There are too many guns on the street. Too many people with criminal records on the street. And there is a shortage of values about what is right, what is wrong. Can you talk about the weather, but the weather didnt pull the trigger. You can talk about jobs, and they count, but in parts of the city where there arent jobs people did not pull the trigger. Melissa the issue is looming over the upcoming mayoral election, emmanuel facing a tough challenge from former police chief gary mccarthy, also a democrat. Hes been critical of the mayors policies which he says are partly responsible for fuelling the violence. Governor, ill ask you, in that criticism, amazing to hear Rahm Emmanuel say those things, those are hardgely his fault when you look at the play wok that police playbook that Police Chiefs use, it is the mayor who sits down with pastors, reaches out to the community, whats your take on how to solve this problemnd whose fault it is . What an irony, Rahm Emmanuel talks about values. But hes the guy that said that a company like chickfila who values all of its employees had no place in chicago. He wants to blame the weapon not the people behind it. Its not just about jobs. Well if people have jobs and theyre employed and theyre gainfully putting something together for lives, theyre less likely to go around shooting each other. My heart breaks for the people of chicago, its a great city, theyre wonderful people with great traditions and legacy. A shame that the leadership of the chicago city, Rahm Emmanuel, does not wake up and recognize that his lack of leadership, his lack of focusing on criminal control, rather than gun control, is leading and contributing to the problems. How can he say they have too many guns on the street when they have the strictest gun laws. You want to say whose fault is that. Youve outlawed them. Harris you mention the components that will try to help solve this, pastors are in line of that. And i recently interviewed rev. Gregory livingston who has put forth all of the marchs to try to get Rahm Emmanuel out of that seat. I asked him would you consider your ideas coming from some place else other than democrats. He said i want Rahm Emmanuel out, the people marching with me do, they went down Lakeshore Drive last week. He said whoever has the better ideas to help us get into the situation where the local jobs mirror the percentage of local jobs nationwide, in other communities. We are seeing record lows in black unemployment. What hes saying is we want to feel that on the ground. When Rahm Emmanuel says we have other communities where there are no jobs, why does your city look so different from the rest of the United States . Kennedy look what happened to chicago during alcohol prohibition. And right now youre dealing with prohibition on two fronts. Gun prohibition and drug prohibition. And when those things combined, its a perfect storm that is disastrous for communities especially the victims who are wounded and killed. You had an 11yearold and 13yearold killed. Because people are Injim Nantly Firing into proudz. It shouldnt get to the into the crowds. It shouldnt get to the point where you have 400 extra officers on the street, before we ask ourselves structurally why is this happening. Kennedy and the part that nobody is talking about is the Border Control component coming from mexico. There was one of the senior sinaloa cartel members, chicago is run and fueled by the mexican drug cartels, getting in bed with the Gang Members Shooting and killing each other in the street. The prosecutors, theyre prosecuting the criminals and the judges arent putting them in jail. Melissa more in a moment. No matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . Is not a marathon. Its a series of smart choices. And when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. Glucerna. Everyday progress. Im ray and i quit smoking with chantix. I tried to quit smoking for years on my own. I couldnt do it. I needed help. For me, chantix worked. It did. Chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. 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