Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Fa

FOXNEWSW Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner December 5, 2018

Where sorrow and pain are no more. Life everlasting. You only are immortal, the creator and maker of mankind, and we are formed of the earth. To earth we shall return. For, so did you ordain when you created saying, you are dust, and to dust you shall return. All of us go down to the dust, yet, even at the grave, we make our song. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. [responsive reading] in your hands, o merciful savior, we commend your servant, george. Acknowledge, we humbly beseech you as chief of your own fold. A lamb of your own flock. A center of your own redeeming. George into the arms of your mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace. Its of the Glorious Company of the saint and light. Amen. Now, may the god of peace who brought again from the dead our lord jesus christ, the great shepard of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect to do his will. Working in you, that which is wellpleasing in his sight. The blessing of god almighty, the father. Don not, the sun, and the holy spirit. Beyond you, and remain with you, in this world in which we live. This day, and forever more. Amen. Let us go forth in the name of christ. Thanks be to god. The state funeral of the 41st president of the United States, president george h. W. Bush. A service filled with poignant moments, as we expected. Humorous stories, emotion, beautiful music, perhaps most important the eulogy of his son, the 43rd president , who ended catching himself, getting emotional. There was not a dry eye in that cathedral and there wasnt a dry eye on the press a stand here as he said goodbye. It was an absolutely beautiful service. Exactly as the family would have wanted it. They all witnessed it. Lets watch this, as they remove the casket and put [band playing hail to the chief] [drumroll] [band playing] president bush, as he gets in the car, just an incredibly moving ceremony. Two of the usual just today 2 of the you just told the story of being shot down in world war ii , asking later and throughout his life. And legacy of that is what we witness in the National Cathedral today. The many reasons that this man was spared to serve his country, to be the father of the 43rd president of the United States, to leave this legacy of love and humility that goes throughout the generations of his grandchildren, who spoke so eloquently and beautifully in the readings that they did this afternoon. Just an incredible tribute to the man, the gentleman, the president of the United States, George Herbert walker bush. Jon meacham calling bush a 20th century founding father. He said, for lincoln and bush, both called on us to choose the right over the convenience. To help, rather event to fear. To feed not our worst impulses but our best instincts. You heard from the canadian Prime Minister, brian mulroney. He had funny stories from foreign policy, nato meetings, and then alan simpson bringing the humor in his wyoming jimmy stewartstyle delivery that only he could. He said those that travel the high road of humility are not bothered by heavy traffic. [laughter] there were laps in the cathedral. Also saying that george bush never hated anyone. He knew, what his mother and my mother always knew. Hatred corrodes that container its carried in. I will never that quote, as well. It was very moving and very funny, from alan simpson. Everyone was told, in no certain terms by bush 43, the time limits. I think they all went over a little bit. There was not an extra moment in this Amazing Service where everything had its tribute and its reason for being part of it. Bush 43, saying that the brushes that his father had with death made him cherish life. He said he always taught us that failure is part of a full life, but you never allow yourself to be defined by it. A very poignant moment to buy the third president , as he saluted his fathers casket today. It was filled with humor, to too. Stories about his father, saying he had two settings, full throttle and sleep. Saying that the man couldnt stomach vegetables, especially broccoli. Every buddy chuckled about that. But it was really that moment at the end, where the 43rd president said that his father married his sweetheart. He adored her all his life, and he dedicated to her. All he really wanted to do was to hold his moms hand again. He said, after his mom died, that he wanted to be there with her. Thats when he caught himself. He said in our grief, we smile knowing that dad is hugging robin, the 4yearold that died early in the bushs man marriage, and holding robyn ms hand again. He fought his way so strongly with that legacy, it was beautifully delivered by bush 43. He held it together until that very last moment that you described, where he talked about the love of his life, barbara, and his daughter, robin. Being reunited with them in heaven. Also, the pastor from st. Martins episcopal also joked about how mrs. Bush would always tell him great sermon, too long. [laughs] he said that president bush had the same sentiment and wanted everybody to just it was perfect, really, in every way. Its hard to find any moment that was not exactly as this president , this gentleman, this man who served his country in so many ways, would have wanted it. Chris wallace is standing by with some thoughts of the ceremony. It was really the majesty of state, as you talk about today. Chris what was so interesting about it, bret and martha, yes it was a state funeral and had the majesty of the National Cathedral and the singing by the various choirs, and some of the memorable words you talked about. But it was also a death in the family. It was very much a familys funeral, as well. There was a moment just as they were putting bush 41s casket into the hearse, where it is right now. You can see laura bush holding on to president bush 43s arm, and her hand scampered down the arm and held his hand in a moment of consoling. Again, we are not just saying goodbye to a leader. This was a son saying goodbye to his father. There were several moments in bush 43s eulogy that stuck out for me. One die young, as old as possible. And it was so true about George Herbert walker bush. In his 80s, he was still remarkably active. Even in his 90s, when parkinsons began to rub his body. He continued to have a great time. As you know, when he was 90 years old, he jumped out of an airplane. Even when he was confined to a wheelchair, he decided to start wearing those colorful socks because that was something that people could see. His ankles were showing because his feet were in the wheelchair. In fact, he has been buried in a set of socks with airplanes flying in formation. Reminiscent, of course come of the story that all of them told. That seminal event when he was a 20yearold, and was shot down on a bombing raid over japanese territory. Another beautiful line from george w. Bush to us, his was the brightest of a thousand points of light. The contribution that each individual can make, and the extraordinary contributions that George Herbert walker bush made. That, of course, as you say the final couple of lines, after this extraordinary reserve, he broke down. You were saying that there wasnt a dry eye in the cathedral or in the press stand. I can tell you, we caught some of the same disease here at the bureau. [laughter] there were a lot of people reaching for handkerchiefs. The idea he was the best father, son father a son or daughter could have. Lets pray he is in heaven hugging robin and holding moms hand again. There was a beautiful two and half hours. You feel richer in your soul for having it. Bret thats true, chris. As the motorcade leaves, they are heading now to joint base andrews where air force one will again become special mission 41, heading back to houston. There will be another ceremony tomorrow. I was struck, martha, as we wrap up here with our stations, about the music in this event. The irish tenor was an unbelievably powerful version of last full measure of devotion, backed up by the arm forces course and the United States marine orchestra. It really sent goose bumps through everyone listening. He was a friend of the bushes, and saying silent night to president george w. Bush on the last day that he was on earth here. Martha he didnt. He said president bush was mouthing the words to silent night as it was sent to him in his room in houston. So moving, his rendition of that beautiful piece of music. The last full measure of devotion as we take this shot of the towers of the National Cathedral. The hearse has now pulled away. I just want to mention, people are lining the streets. Many of them saluting in this neighborhood surrounding the cathedral, here. As they pay their respects to the 41st president of the United States. Bret please dont ask bret please stay tune for continuing coverage. Im bret baier. Martha and i martha maccallum, in washington. Back your life is our coverage continues, waiting for our colleague, brit hume, who is in the service, to come join us on site and give us his reflections. There you see the motorcade making its way. People just standing on the side of the road. A few people there, many more along the route as they head toward joint base andrews. A couple more things from the ceremony that if i were really interesting. Alan simpson, i think, brought down the house. Also, there were some poignant things he had to say about his dear friend. Obviously, they were very, very close. The former wyoming senator, with president george h. W. Bush. Both wives he told a story about being politically resurrected by the president when he was in dire straits as far as his polls. He said present which was at 93 and he was at. 93 . He has called president george h. W. Bush the most decent and honorable person he has ever met. Saying that he was basically someone who loved and found love in other people. Martha we know, from the list that you read earlier and just from witnessing it throughout his life, he always believed that when your friends were down that was when you had to demonstrate your love for them. And reach out. Here is this enormously popular president at the time, with his most unpolitically popular friend. They went off to camp david for the weekend, in that great show of friendship and support. Bret by the become of this motorcade is just passing the Vice President s residence on massachusetts avenue. Obviously, that is where Vice President bush lived for eight years before taking over residency in the white house at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. Joining us now with his reflections, senior political analyst, brit hume. Britt, that was a moving ceremony. Brit its remarkable that a service could be that long. I never flagged. Of course, a splendid church. Not to talk about myself too much, but i have a lot of experience with this place. I went to school on these grounds, and i spent many hours in that cathedral. In fact, my High School Graduation was in there. I remember running out in great joy that i made it. [laughter] where you just saw the president s hearse move away. The combination that they can bring of music and sights. It was so long, and yet so powerful. For a man that had one term, he had a very consequential presidency. As was remarked. I felt, when i was covering him at the time, that people didnt fully understand what he was able to achieve. In part, because a lot of what he undertook went well. In a way, it was made to look easy. It wasnt. His skill in in hailing the collapse of the soviet union, the reunification of germany, the opening up of europe, and the first gulf war there wera number of other events, as well, the world stage. I think we are finally seeing him more clearly now than perhaps we ever have. Bret Prime Minister mulroney talked about that, and how the thenchancellor of germany said that that reunification could not have happened without george h. W. Bush. Brit it was interesting to me at the time, he was very intent on that as president. From the moment the opportunity became clear. He was very concerned about it, and concerned about it going seamlessly. Which was not guaranteed, bret and martha. It really wasnt. Anything could have happened there when that wall came down. When the empires fall, it often ends in bloodshed. This didnt. A remarkable moment in human history. You heard what Prime Minister mulroney said, the most consequential event of the 20th century. The 20th century was full of controversy. Major consequently events. I was pleased to see that, and i was very moved by the service. By the music, and by the references to his face , which was a part of his life not exactly hidden, but he wasnt front and center about it at the way a lot of people, including hee, had wished it would be. Bret i referenced that on the intro, and talked about our discussion about how he really didnt talk about it a lot. But it was a big part of his life. Brit it was. You may remember, bret, some years ago i kicked up a big controversy when i said, in the midst of tiger woods his personal problems, that it would have been a great thing for him and maybe even a great thing for the world if he had come to christ. All hell literally broke loose. [laughter] i got a lovely note from president bush saying he was proud of me for saying it, and right on, its a great message, and so on. I wasnt worried about the reaction, but it was nice to hear from him about that. I think of how he thought about all that. Martha it so important as a nation that we go through this kind of ceremony, that we remember this life. It is always fascinating to me when you see a gathering of american president s, as we did today. Brit, you covered many of them there in the church today. Your thoughts on that . Brit s this is a real moment. There are few moments when the living president s are gathered in one place. Together, with this distinguished assemblage of other people who served in government, and with him. Not to mention this vast and almost unbelievably large array of friends who were there. What im hoping is that it will generate some interest among the young people of this country who werent alive when these events happen. And who may not fully understand what the fall of communism meant. And what a masterful what a major role the United States play in it. What a masterful job this one particular president did in bringing it about in a peaceful way. Its a teachable moment, i think. I hope. Bret you know, the sermon the eulogies focused on unity. To watch that front row, of president trump, president obama you didnt see the brit is a huge tease, as you know. But there were tv screens all over the place. We saw what you saw as well. We could see from way in the back. Bret a little icy at the beginning, perhaps. As they were sitting next to each other, i was listening to them really focus on bringing it together. It transits in a tough political environment now. Brit maybe it will for a time. Its something to hope for. I would also say that it was remarkable how president bush at this stage, not just because he has just died, but he became a noncontroversial former president. The admiration for his personal qualities, i think, was felt by all. You heard it from president obama, in his comments about him. You heard it from joe biden and others. Thats important. Its important for the people of this country to see that. It makes you hope that maybe it could continue for a while. Martha mulroney spoke a little bit about the importance of being a gentleman on the worlds stage, and leadership. Which may have been sort of the only moment where you felt the presence of the controversy of the current president a little bit. Its something they assiduously wanted to avoid, and it wasnt over the top at all. But it couldnt you couldnt help but think about the current moment. Brit george h. W. Bush, without remarking on the fact that he was, among many other things, and extra near gentleman. He was that. In the oldfashioned style, represented by all be heard in the service today. Bret look at these people lined up its amazing. Obviously, they are going past the world war ii memorial. In tribute to his time as a world war ii veteran. They are, you see the Lincoln Memorial in the background. You love twitter, brit. Ari fleischer tweeted out, every vp since 1977 is that bushs funeral, except one. The only one missing is president reagans. Brit i really thought, as i was listening to george w. Bush deliver that final eulogy, appreciation. Appreciation that that family had been about as well prepared as one could be, but even in the end, it was too much. Jimmy baker jim baker was dissolved. They really that was a very interesting relationship, between hw bush and baker. Baker was a very smart, able guy on his own. He served ragan as chief of staff. Before that, he was president bushs Campaign Manager in the 1980s. But he served as secretary of state under bush. They were dear friends. On some level, they are competitors. They used to dig at each other. In a goodhumored way, but there was a certain level of competition. All that aside, of course, now, in this moment. It was a longtime friendship between two extraordinary men. When we look back on this period, you look at the giants of our time. Public servants who were truly outstanding. Baker, certainly among them, along with the president he served. Bret we are looking live at joint base andrews. That is the former Administration Officials lined up to say goodbye to the 41st president for the last time. He will fly, then, to houston. They will be another ceremony. Shepard smith will take over that coverage tomorrow from houston. Brit, i guess final thoughts, here. Having been here, having covered the bushes, having known the bushes, your final thoughts on this day . Brit well, being in the church was remarkable in the sense that you sensed the vastness of the array of friends he made. People he served with. It was a huge crowd. I saw people hadnt seen in 38 years, since his First Campaign for president in 1980, which ended in the primary season. When he lost it to Ronald Reagan. Its true that a politician, to become present, needs to make a lot of friends pit he needs them. You need your people to be behind you. But i think, in his particular case, it was especially so because he was a master as you may have heard me say of the small gesture. He did so many things are so many people. You had the story about him tearing up in the presence of a child sick w

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