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Materials they need to break it florida, texas, a couple of other places. Up. Rioters set fire to a police union building, the fed using i think what we are going to do tear gas to disperse them. Is ill get involved in will the president today, again taking aim at portland and other start doing it. Its a great way to get information out to the public as to where we are with the big cities run by democrats. Vaccines, with the therapeuticge we are sending law enforcement. Portland was totally out of control. Are. They were ripping down, 51 days, harris hears with the president told Chris Wallace about coronavirus on ripping down that city. Fox news sunday. Destroying the city, losing it. I said, its going to they really have done a disappear. Ill say it again, its going to fantastic job in a very short disappear. And ill be right. Period of time. No problem. I dont think so. These are anarchists, these are you know why . Because i have been right probably more than anybody else. Not protesters. People say protesters, these people are anarchists. These are people that hate our harris kayleigh, theres one more thing i want to pull country. We are not going to let it go into the conversation, and its that polling a mention. Forward. Harris however, some top fox news polling showing coronavirus and ill ask my democrats in a letter to dhs and team to pull it up is the most important issue right now the Justice Department are warning citizens are concerned to people polled facing the that the administration has deployed a secret police force country. 29 of people are saying it, so nearly a third, that it leads not to investigate crimes but to ahead of the economy, race intimidate individuals. If used as clinical adversaries. Relations. It speaks to where we are. And that these of these tactics will proliferate throughout the the president acknowledging that things are popping right now, country. This, as portlands democratic but also saying that its going to go away. Mayor, ted wheeler, is now whats the latest out of the tripling down on calling for federal agents to get out. White house today, knowing that it is so key with the american whats happening here is we people . Secretary mcenany the one thing i would point out is we have dozens, if not hundreds of are in a much different phase of this virus, where we do have federal troops descending upon our city, and what they are therapeutics, where we are fast at work on a vaccine, where we doing is they are sharply are identifying cases in the escalating the situation. Their presence here is actually communities rather than in the leading to more violence and hospitals. We have done 46 million tests. More vandalism, and its not we are in a different phase of helping the situation of all. This virus where we have a they are not wanted here, we fatality rate in here in the havent asked them here. United states below the in fact, we want them to leave. European union, below the rest of the world. Once the american harris however, acting customs and Border Protection people the present once the american commissioner mark morgan has people to know, he wants to talk this to say. Its really just its about remdesivir and convalescent plasma and these actually a stupid statement innovative therapeutics only thats not based in reality or made possible by President Trump fact. The reality here is this tearing down barriers. That is the point, to give reassurance to the American People that we are in a place violence began in his city well where we see these cases arising before we deployed additional as we increase testing, notably, resources they are. These individuals we are talking but we are in a place where we about are not protesters. Are treating people in a better they are criminals. Every night they are willfully fashion because of the therapeutics developed under this president. Coordinating, organizing, and planning to intentionally attack harris real quickly, the and destroy federal property and everything i want to talk about his mask wearing. Harm federal agents and office the president now has said that officers. Harris lets get to more he is fine with where the science is in wearing it but he of this. Wants people to have the freedom in seattle yesterday a protest to make their own decision. Downtown turned violent when police say a separate group of the Surgeon General put it more rioters came in and began emphatically than that. Lets watch. Smashing windows and injuring Police Officers, and then tried it relies on the individual to light to the east Police People of america doing the precinct on fire. Right thing, and that is why i am pleading with the viewers, the same precinct abandoned by im begging you. Please understand we are not officers during the protests trying to take away your autonomous zone occupation that freedoms when we say where a face covering. We are not trying to take away was set up a while ago, at least your ability to go out when we two people were arrested yesterday and dozens of police see keep restaurant capacity officers were hurt. Under 50 . We are saying if we do these joining me now, white house things we can actually open and press secretary kayleigh mcenany. Kayleigh, great to have you on stay open. The program this morning. Harris thats a lot of secretary mcenany good to passion around that one issue. Join you, here is. Harris i wish this news where is the president on this were taking a different tone and today . By the way, the science now has texture, but it is now butting up against with the president wants to do later today. Florida with 350,000 plus cases, tell me about what he is only 36,000 by california, which planning. Secretary mcenany yes, the is obviously a bigger state, and president has been unmistakably clear that there is no place for the age breakout, kayleigh . Violence in our streets that we the average in florida, under are seeing in democrat cities. 40. I will leave it to doj and dhs secretary mcenany we know you are much less likely to succumb to this horrible disease to announce with those details will look like, but the when you are in that age range. President has been clear. He wrote a letter to the mayor harris right, but you can spread it. Of chicago saying it is time for secretary mcenany well, you to fix the problems in your what id say with regard to the mask wearing is this. Cities. The president said he would wear he has been clear that if they dont step up and get to work he a mask if he couldnt will be there to protect the appropriately socially distance. He did that when he visited American People. Walter reed just a week and a its a drop of democratic half ago. Governors and mayors to protect but it is a freedom their cities. They have the police power, but harris before the american this president wants to stand up people. Secretary mcenany there to the violence weve seen. Were pictures of that moment at walter reed. But the cdc has recommended but multiple children have lost their lives, in tragic episodes not required, so dr. Adams even in the cities. Said this morning lets socialize the idea of wearing a harris today at 5 00 p. M. Eastern when we see this rolled mask rather than having a National Mandate. Out, will the president to questions . Secretary mcenany i will harris kayleigh mcenany, leave it to the president to thank you very much. Good to see you today, and we make that decision as to when hell take questions, but he did will be watching and carrying announced today that going the president later. Forward he will be doing secretary mcenany thank you thank you. Harris President Trump 5 00 p. M. Briefings. Again attacking joe bidens you will hear from him tomorrow at 5 00 p. M. But i will leave it mental fitness. To the president to decide as to challenging him to take the same cognitive test the president what the day looks like. Harris okay. Says he himself took, whether one of my top questions would be this is an Effective Campaign just to speak to the federal strategy. Agents who are on the ground in plus, the president is promising to respond to a spike in crime, portland, oregon, where the plaguing some of americas leadership there, democrat biggest cities. We were just talking about this leadership, as the president has with the white house pointed out, is calling for some pull back from those federal press secretary. Agents. What can you tell me about who this is worse than is on the ground with regard to afghanistan, by fire. This is worse than anything what the white house is hoping to achieve . Anyones ever seen. Secretary mcenany thats a great question. Let me point out that there are harris former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee joins me two models here, harris. Next with his take on a federal first you have the cooperative response. Stay with me. Model, what we are seeing in kansas city, where the doj announced operation legend. That was named after a 4yearold boy who lost his life, he was shot while sleeping in his sleep. The governor there was cooperative and said, i need the help of federal authorities. The doj has been there to help and assist. The doj, the fbi, and other entities. Thats the cooperative model. We seen in portland is a governor unwilling to admit he has lost control of his city. Saying that he does need the help of federal law enforcement. You have these writers trying to burn alike. We see you. Doing your part by looking out. For all of us. And though you may have lost sight of your own wellbeing, aetna never did. 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Look at whats going on. All run by democrats, all run by very liberal democrats. This is worse than afghanistan, by far. This is worse than anything anyones ever seen. Harris the president criticizing Democratic Leaders of cities such as chicago and his hometown of new york, amid a troubling spike in crime. Violent crime. Today, just today, the president also said the administration will be sending federal officers into more cities. Just with my conversation with kaylee mack and an income we learned about the two models they are looking at to address this problem. More details on that to win from the president later today. Over the weekend, the nypd reported 22 shooting incidents and 24 shooting victims. That is a 340 increase in shootings, a 380 increase in victims compared with the same time last year. However, new york city mayor bill de blasio says he believes the situation is improving. I do think we saw some progress this weekend. Weve got a lot more we have to do, but we are beginning to see progress in the combination of putting officers out in the places where they will have the biggest impact in a pinpointed way. And the growing presence of Community Members working with nypd to stop the violence. Harris meanwhile, another brutal weekend in chicago. Police say 67 people were shot, 11 killed. I want to bring in now former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, also fox news contributor. Governor, thanks for being with me today. As i look at this, this is a unifying issue. I want to get your topline thoughts, and then i have some information to share with everybody. First of all, i dont know how bill de blasio could possibly say that things are getting better. Do you have 350 increase in violent crimes, when places like chicago and new york are more dangerous now than in somalia or syria in the midst of a civil war. I dont know where they come up with the idea that there cities are okay. Theyre not okay. I want to remind your audience that new york and chicago have some of the most strict gun control laws in the world. Its very difficult for private citizens to own a firearm in those cities, and yet the prevalence of firearms among the criminals makes it very clear that somebody has decided they are just not going to follow the law. Harris, why should they . Nobodys going to enforce it. Theyre not going to be held accountable for breaking the law. The criminals are running wild, and its just a tragedy for great cities of our country to be turned into absolute the criminals are running wild, hell holes harris we been talking about how the perpetrators are not Peaceful Protesters there. Basically insurgents on the ground mixing it up and becoming deadly. For those who might think that this is split along the lines of race for instance, if youre a person of color you see this differently pop up this statistic, i asked my team. Fox news poll and, how serious is the problem of lack of law and order and how . Very or somewhat . White americans 80 . Black americans 81 . Governor, that seems significant to me. We are in a political year. Theres this political football of compartmentalized politics. How important is it that people may actually see this regardless of race or culture, the same w way . I think it reminds us that people, whether they are white or black or red or yellow or brown, they want to live in peace. They dont want to have their children shot while theyre in the stroller in the middle of a major american city. It doesnt matter what color you are, this has nothing to do with race. Interesting to me, harris, some of the people who are claiming they are out there protesting racism are white people. They pretend they know more about racism than black people. Some of the people who are standing up for the Police Officers are black people, because they want a sense of order and civility in their neighborhoods, and the poll results you just showed i think are indicative of the fact that this quit being about race weeks ago. At first it was about george floyd. This is no longer about him. The people who did that have been arrested. They are being charged with murder. Take yes for an answer. If you want to say, we want justice for whats happening to him, its happening. These are people who are charged. What isnt happening is these folks were out there Burning Police cars, looting stores, destroying livelihoods of a lot of innocent americans. They are the ones who are not being held accountable. There are the ones whose lawlessness has to be brought under control. Harris the other place for this tipped off, and i did a prime time special last night, this was part of what was going on. It had just been reported by the hill and others that democrats are looking at waiting until 2021 to address Police Reform. The everything we were looking about as a nation and after george floyd, agreeing at how egregious that it was and a mark on our soul as americans, and lets push for change, the place we were was to enact that change. Governor, when you hear that one political party, specifically democrats, want to wait until theyre in the majority again before they address that issue, you see things breaking apart in the specifically democrat led cities, what do you think . Thats why democrats shouldnt be allowed to be in control. The president laid Police Reform on the table. Tim scott, africanamerican senator from South Carolina and a great guy but a very solid bill together and said, heres a starting point. The democrats walked away. The president put doc on the table. That was one of the things that they were supposed to really care about, but he put more on the table then they asked for. They walked away. Infrastructure. He said, this will get people back to work. The things that are contributing to billet. Roads, bridges, sewers, airports, things that matter to everybody regardless of who they are and where they live. And the democrats once again caught up from the table and walked away. They are not interested in solutions, they are interested only in election outcomes, and thats why they shouldnt be elected. Harris a governor huckabee, thanks for being with me today. Thank you, harris. Harris President Trump hinting that he may not accept the Election Results if he loses in a fiery reaction from the Biden Campaign. The power panel weighs in next. Plus, the president again hammers joe biden on his mental fitness, challenging him to take a cognitive test. Are those jobs landing with voters . You know i wont lose . Because the country, in the end, theyre not going to have a man who is shot. He is mentally shot. And now you can save 3000 a year. Veterans can shortcut the process with newdays va streamline refi. Theres no appraisal, no income verification, and not a single dollar out of pocket. Rates are at the lowest theyve been in our lifetimes. One call can save you 3000 a year. Biden cant put two sentences together. They wheel him out, he goes up, he read the teleprompter, and then he goes back into his basement. Joe doesnt know hes alive, okay . He does know hes alive. Let biden sit through an interview like this, hell be underground crying for mommy. He will say, mommy, mommy, please, take me home. Harris President Trump there in a sit down with Chris Wallace, again going after joe biden on his mental fitness, during the former vp to do tough interviews and again challenging him to take the same cognitive test the president took. The Biden Campaign response says, the president s smears are not landing with voters. The power panel now, matt schlapp, chairman of the american conservative union. Wendy osefo, a professor at john hopkins university. Great to see both of you. Matt, is this working for the president . Matt yeah, i think some people are equating these polls that show biden in the lead and are saying, the president strategy clearly isnt working. I think this is exactly the right strategy. I have been involved in many president ial campaigns, including one from the white house and one in 2000 as a staffer. I think running for president is the hardest thing a politician could ever consider doing. It is emotionally grueling and physically grueling. The problem with the election of this year is that joe biden is essentially trying to duck and cover, not have a full campaign, hang out in his house, and none of us are able to really see what hes got. I think with the president said in terms of sitting down with Chris Wallace, which is no easy interview, harris, were sitting down with them like you, he ought to take an answer dominic hour and answer the tough questions. He ought to release his schedule every day. It shows hes busy all day long with events. Instead we see a speech here or there, he does interviews, he did an interview with a rap star and he couldnt even get through that without a big foible, you aint black. The problem is that joe biden is not running a fully energetic, real campaign. For the first time in modern times, which is unconstitutional because our constitution says we have to do this every four yea years. Harris wendy osefo, i want to get your response to this. Right after i will pop up a poll that shows where voters put the mental soundness of each man. Your response . Wendy i think this is not landing. I think donald trump needs to realize and take the temperature of the room and realize that americans dont want to hear personal attacks between two candidates. What we want to hear his facts. What are you going to do for those individuals who have lost family members due to the pandemic . What are you going to do to ensure that we do not have another issue like george floyd within our Police Department . That is what is landing. Thats what we want to hear. Thamatt schlapp talk about how biden is hiding in his house. No, he is being cautious and holding events, but hes doing it while he is socially distancing. Theyve been covered on National News network. When biden made the comment about africanamericans, that was not a rap star, that was a nationally syndicate radio host, charlemagne god. Hes a black man so you might think is a rapper, but hes not. Thats where that was made. Americans need to refocus here and personal tax another way to go. Harris all right, go quickly, joe biden has 47 on mental soundness with voters polled, or people polled. President trump gets a 43 , the margin of error on this is three points. It conceivably could be closer or farther apart. I just point that out as always so people can see it for themselves. Meanwhile, President Trump says mailin voting could rig the election, and hints that he may not accept the Election Results if he loses. Watch this. Can you give a direct answer . You will accept the election . I have to see. Im not going to just say yes. And i didnt last time, either. Harris matt, when i sat down with the president not long ago, just a few weeks ago, he said that he would go if you werent elected again. Now he is saying he wants to take a look. What has changed . Matt in every single piece of legislation that is being considered in the congress, nancy pelosi and Charles Schumer are trying to push in hr one, which would essentially take away the Constitutional Authority from states and localities over elections and nationalize it and allow congress to determine many of these rules. What the democrats are doing and a lot of these blue states and jurisdictions is they are mailing every conceivable ballot they can, even when they know their voting lists are aged and not accurate. So their goal is, unfortunately, too many of these blue states, to get ballots out there and peoples hands. As you know, and california and other states, there are laws that allow for ballot harvesting where its very easy to illegally and corruptly vote for others. What republicans are saying is we shouldnt use the pandemic as a reason to upend our constitutional tradition on how people vote. If you can go to target and buy your groceries and be safe, if joe biden can you give a speech and you say hes being socially distanced, we can vote in the safe manner. Unless you want to vote absentee. That should grow like normally where you have to have an excuse for not voting on election day. Harris some people matt and fine with that, too. Harris let me get this in real quickly. The Biden Campaign has fired back saying that the American People will decide this election and the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the white house. What do you say about that, wendy . Wendy one thing i would like to say is not mentioned about people voting absentee, but 16 of the Trump Administration officials voted absentee, including trump himself. Matt i have no problem with absentee voting. Wendy i do believe the American People should decide who is going to reside at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. Its a critical time for our nation. We are at the brink, whether its health, social issues, and i do believe the American People should decide this. Im being completely honest here. Whether its trump, whether its biden, whoever it is, they need to lead this nation out of where we currently are. Right now we are at a turning point, and that needs to change. Harris all right. I know one thing, im going to turn a point and see you guys in a few minutes again. [laughter] thank you very much. Wendy thank you. Harris white house chief of staff mark meadows has made his most subjectiv subjective ct on the durham investigation on why the russia probe began. What he says its time for people to go to jail. Youre going to see a couple other documents come out in thet act tada did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Given my unique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Harris white house chief of staff mark meadows says it is time for people to go to jail john durhams investigation into fbi misconduct. This comes as we learned jennifer boone, a senior fbi official, who oversaw the flawed probe into former trump advisor carter page, has received a major promotion to lead a field office. The bureau has yet to say why that is. Earlier this year, attorney general bill barr told fox news durhams findings have been very troubling, and that familiar names are currently being investigated. However, meadows suggests the indictments are imminent. I expect indictments based on the evidence im seeing. Lindsey graham did a good job in getting that out. We know that they not only knew there wasnt a case, but they continued to investigate and spy. Harris joining me now, former u. S. Attorney guy lewis. Always great to have it on the program. When you hear words like imminent, and we know over the last couple of weeks or so that some republicans have been pushing for this to wrap up before the election, what does that tell you . Harris, i think we will see in the next 30 days federal criminal indictments coming out of the durham investigation. I think itll be an overarching conspiracy that charges obstruction of justice, it charges submitting false information to the fisa court, false information during the course of the investigation, and, frankly, i think you are going to see, as has been suggested by the attorney general, charges relating to illegal spying during the course of the trump campaign. Harris and the American People see this how . Or at least how should we see it in terms of whats at stake he here . Frankly, i think you are going to say in my experience, having done this almost 20 years as a prosecutor and now almost 20 years as a defense lawyer, ive never seen anything like it. Truly. And i have been participating in one of the largest espionage investigations here in the country when we did in south florida a few years ago as i was u. S. Attorney. This is going to be something we have never seen before. Harris again, it is a president ial year. When you look at this through the litmus of, well, does this meet kind of the standard for what people should be focused on before an election . Why try and get this done before that point . Or do you just let it go . What informs the facts . What makes it a case that matters most . To rush into this . Maybe its not even rushing. You tell me. Thats a great question. The investigation has been going on for about two years. We have seen both Michael Horowitz investigate internally the employees within the department, and he issued a scathing report about the fbi and their conduct. And then we have seen the attorney general turn this over to durham and a team of u. S. Attorneys and prosecutors, and they have been given grand jury power, subpoena power, and, frankly, other than coming out and disagreeing with horowitzs conclusion that, hey, russia investigation was started appropriately, he disagreed with that, which tells us a lot. Other than that, we have not heard a peep about this, so we are looking at the evidence relating to the horowitz report, the mueller report, the people who have testified in front of congress, and the transcripts have been released recently that were sealed. Harris real quickly before i have to let you go, attorney general bill barr has said that not expect any charges, anything criminally against biden or obama, how high could this go . I think its going to go to at least peter strzok. Frankly, i think you will see some intelligence officials, maybe even the former director of the cia, involved in this criminal prosecution. I think we are also going to see individuals that were overseas that were supplying the information that they knew was false. I know for sure that the lawyer at the fbi who was altering documents during the course of presenting the fisa information to the court. Harris we will see it when it drops, but my money is always on what you like to call an educated guess. You are usually right. Guy lewis, thank you very much for your time and expertise. Controversy is raging over whether there should be a federal mandate to wear a mask. Coronavirus cases spiking in many states. You heard me talking about this with the White House Press secretary atop the hour. More with the president s comments now that he is weighing in. I dont agree with the statements that if everybody wore a mask everything disappears. At philadelphia, we know what makes the perfect schmear of cream cheese. The recipe we invented over 145 years ago and me. The worlds best, and possibly only, schmelier. Philadelphia. Schmear perfection. I tat newdayusa thats whatany vet thatwere doing. Lutely. We put our arm around the veterans. When i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase, we can help them and provide that Financial Solution for they and their families. Its a great rewarding feeling. Everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. Harris as covid19 cases are surging in many states, a growing debate is raging over whether they should be a National Mandate to wear a mask. President trump weighed in on that and then interview. Watch. I want people to have a certain freedom, and i dont believe in that. No. And i dont agree statement that if everybody wore a mask everything disappears. With that being said, im a believer in masks. I leave it up to the governors. Harris new fox poll and shows the majority of americans, 71 , say they supported National Mask wearing order for indoor spaces. Chad pergram is live now with one that. Tonic more on that. You go to new york city where the pandemic really had an impact, you see a lot of people in masks they are. Some governors continue to be resistant. Mississippi governor tate reeves said he thinks it helps but he wont impose a mask mandate. Listen. Theres a statewide mask mandate all around me. If i believed that was the best way to save lives in my state, i would have done it a long time ago. Republican Georgia Governor Brian Kemp imposed an executive order im sorry, issued an executive order banning cities and counties for making masks mandatory. Republican Ohio Governor mike dewine has imposed it in multiple counties in his state but stop short of a statewide mandate for masks. Democratic Colorado Governor Jared Polis is 1 of 28 states where they are imposing masks. I think whats important for people is to know this is not ideological, its not partisan. It is sciencebased. Masks are a ticket to more freedom. It makes it less likely that businesses will be shuttered. It makes it less likely that people will die. It makes it more likely school will return. At the federal level, federico wilson, congressman from florida, she wants to see a mask imposed nationwide. Dianne feinstein, the senator from california, she would like to withhold money from states which do not impose a mask mandate. Harris, back to you. Harris chad, thank you very much. President trump is suggesting he may veto a defense bill over a provision that would rename military bases which honor confederate generals. By the president is pushing back against the pentagon brass. If your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, inflammation in your eye might be to blame. 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When you begin to build memorials and put them in a place where people admire and think about it, it will give opportunities for those who do not agree to argue. Many things happened during the confederacy that were absolutely horrible. That is why i would love to see a statue of harriet tubman. Harris that is all vida king, the niece of Martin Luther king jr. Winging on the controversy during my special last night. This is President Trump, the threat to name to change named after confederate generals. He told Chris Wallace, its his decision to make. Watch. You go i dont care what the military says, im supposed to make the decision. Fort bragg was a big deal. We won two world wars. We won two world wars. Go to the community where it is come a great state come i love that state. Go to the community and say, how do you like the idea of renaming fort bragg . Harris the power panel no now. First of all, your response to all of this controversy and what you just heard from the president . You know, the confederacy is rooted in slavery. We have issues as a nation with being able to understand history, but also moving past history. That is what we have to do here. It is offensive. It is offensive to black people. It is offensive to people who feel as though this monument is speaking directly against them and their own heritage. I just think as a nation we have to come to grips with the Confederate Flag and its meaning and symbolism, and then say we can no longer have this narrative within our country. Speak to you if you will allow me, i do have a response. My parents were stationed at fort bragg more than once, my dad served. Naming something after a general is different, as i understand that a flag. Maybe im wrong about that. Abraham lincoln is my favorite president. One of the reasons why love him is because he brought us back together as a union. At a time when were so disunited, were also mad at each other. Democrats and republicans, the cancel culture, destroying each other off politics. Lincoln said we have to heal our wounds and come back together. Part of our history is disgusting. Part of our history is wonderful. We should learn it all. As we move forward we ought to honor the virtuous and criticize the file. Part of that is talking about who are the people in america like Martin Luther king jr. , people talking about ways to honor harriet tubman. To simply somehow eliminate parts of our history, take down all the statues, destroy all the monuments, because somebody had really vile characteristics and i think upholding slavery was vile. Its a birth defect in our country. We have to absorb it and learn it. Make sure our kids understand it so we dont repeat it. When fascist on the left try to shut us all down on the right and cancel our point of view and you try to say having a political view should be illegal, we are back down this road that we should never go back on. Harris okay. I apologize for cutting the shortbread we have just gotten some breaking news. Fox news alert. Brandnew video. Lets watch it together. Coming into fox now, showing an orchestrated ambush on Police Officers during a protest on friday nights. At least 18 Police Officers were hurt. Just getting this video. You can take a look. Over the weekend as you know from our reporting 67 people were shot in that city. As you look at this, law and order, something people are talking about, irrespective of their politics. 81 saying they are concerned about what theyre seeing, and they are in agreement that this is something that needs immediate attention. Your response . Absolutely. I agree. I always say this when im on air, on the sister of a Police Officer and the granddaughter of a retired police chief. My heart goes out to all Police Officers were protecting our country. I think we have to do better as far as our law and order system is concerned. We cannot have people attacking our Police Officers and we cant have Police Officers who are rooted in systemic racism. I would like our candidates to start discussing this. We dont need to have personally attacks, we need to have, you know, real discourse around law and order. What are your plans for this not to happen . What are your plans to protect Police Officers . Harris let me come at you one last time. Forgive me. When you read from the hill and all there is, 2021 is the target date for democrats to deal with Police Reform and to deal with what has happened in the wake of george floyd. They want to wait until they are a majority. Your response to that . The conversation should start now. The conversation should start immediately. We have two cocreate a plan. It cannot wait for 2021. Beets you call those democrats on the hill. Let them know. Matt schlapp, great to see you, wendy, you too. Thank you, everybody, for watching outnumbered overtime. A big news day. Keep it writes where its tuned. The Daily Briefing starts right now. We begin with a fox news alert. President trump calling out leaders after another weekend of violent protests in portland, oregon, and seattle. Im Trace Gallagher and for dana perino and this is the Daily Briefing. They grab them, a lot of people in jail. These are anarchists, these are not protesters. These people are anarchists. These are people that hate our country. We are not going to let it go forward. Ill tell you what, the governor and the

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