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Terrible question and the phraseology. I didnt lie when i said we have to be calm here we can be panicked. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. The question, the way you phrased it is such a disgrace. Deadlier than the most strenuous flu and then you said its just like the flu. When i went out and said is very simple. What i went out and said is very i want to show level of confidence and want to show strength as a leader, and i want to show that our country is going to be fine one way or the other. Harris democratic nominee joe biden in a ninja view tape wednesday went after the president s comments to bob woodward, accusing him of failing to protect americans from the virus. Its disgusting. We learn this on the day. Hundred 90,000 americans dead. And he knew this . He waved a white flag. He walked away. He didnt do a damn thing. Think about what he did not do, its almost criminal. The virus isnt his fault but the deaths are his fault because he could have done something about it. Harris we have breaking news and its joe biden. He is at the memorial site right now from flight 93 which crashed on 9 11 in shanksville, pennsylvania. He is laying a wreath as we watch this live. You see the former Vice President and his wife, jill biden. 40 inscribed white marble panels are what they are standing in front of. They honor the passengers and crew from flight 93. At the very end of the black is a dash of the block is a black granite walkway. Its marked by a large boulder exactly where the plane ended up. Trees taken out. They basically left it to look the way it does. The people aboard flight 93 being remembered today wanted to show you joe biden. Weve been showing you all the images with leadership, the president and then you see the democratic nominee for president , joe biden. In some instances showing up at some of the same places at the same time, as we saw Vice President mike pence as well. I want to go now to chief White House Correspondent john roberts. We were watching shanksville, pennsylvania, life, john. Biden has just laid a wreath at the flight 93 national memorial. Yeah, and obviously this is the news dominating the day but there is some breaking news to report coming out of the white house now. Weve had this for a couple hours. We were only able to report it now. That is that the white house and President Trump have announced that there is yet another middle east peace deal. This one between israel and the kingdom of bahrain. You remember about a week ago the white house announced there was a peace deal between israel and the United Arab Emirates. They were establishing the normalizations and relations. Now the president alluded to this the other day that there were probably more countries to follow. Israel is announcing a normalization of relations with bahrain. Bahrain is also a key ally of the united states. Thats where the u. S. Fifth fleet is based. There are about 7,000 u. S. Service members and behind. The president was talking about this. Come in both these are dominoes following one after another. Saudi arabia allowing israel to fly planes. Airlines over Saudi Arabian airspace, as with behind. Laying the groundwork for the normalization and theres a strong suggestion from the white house that countries like saudi arabia could be the next in line. There is a word that arab nations are becoming frustrated with the palestinians and the lack of any progress on a peace deal with israel. They also want to show a united front against iran. Now again the big news this hour, israel and bahrain announcing a normalization of relations. Theres going to be a ceremony here at the white house if everything comes together that will include the israelis, the immoralities, and as well the crown prince here at the white house where they will sign an agreement. Normalizing relations with israel. Its the biggest move in terms of peace in the middle east in a quartercentury. This is really, really big news. We know that earlier in the week the president was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the deal with the uae. Now you can add bahrain on top of that. Harris absolutely. I know that reporters have been asked to report inside the white house right now. We have an opportunity, john. Im going to step away from you. The White House Deputy press secretary Ryan Morgenstern is going to join me and i can begin to ask, and welcome you to the program. This is that moment in which the original deal if you will normalizing relations and looking at the United Arab Emirates and what some of the options work, its now beginning, it looks like grow. Whats causing other countries to say, like bahrain and israel, lets normalize. Lets get into it. Have healthy relationships. Whats driving it . The desire for peace and prosperity. This is an extraordinary achievement. The president made the first major breakthrough. Hes made another one. He ha has two Nobel Peace Prize nominations. In recent days. Its because the president is ending endless wars and hes bringing about peace and prosperity, promoting our ally, israel, normalizing relations with arab states. Tremendous developments and also isolating those who want to do harm and cause violence and dysfunction, isolating actors like iran. These are spectacular developments for the world, spectacular development for our friends in the region who want peace and who want prosperity, and spectacular developments for the American People who want a more Peaceful World into the future. Harris you know, i want to ask a quick followup before we go on to politics. You know everything eventually gets there. There was a ceremony that john roberts was talking about. What can we anticipate seeing at the white house . When would that happen . Will nations come . Who is coming to america about this one issue of peace in that part of the world . I wont get into specifics ahead of any announcements that the president himself will want to make to really explain how this came about and the importance of it. I will say we do expect visitors of the white house to participate and really tout their participation, the accomplishment for the president and what it means for each of their countries and for their region. Bringing about peace and prosperity is really a high priority for the president ending the endless wars and making peace deals in their place. Outstanding development. You can expect more from President Trump and other leaders who will be participating. Harris lets switch gears the campaign. Use President Trump in michigan from yesterday. Remember when they used to say he doesnt act president ial . I used to say michigan from yesterday. It so easy to be president ial. I would only have about ten or 15 people here. Youd be bored. I always say i can be more president ial than any president in our history except for the possibility of Abraham Lincoln when he wears his hat. Harris brian, do you anticipate, people who may be looking to see if President Trump would be where they would want to go, maybe some moderate democrats, do you think that pulls them over . Is he specifically talking to his base and does he only want to talk to his base . No, i think the American People at large want to president whos a cheerleader for our country, who has fun with the job while he tackles really serious issues. The contrast could not be starker between what President Trump is saying come as a cheerleader for our country, versus what the democrats are offering, which is to constantly try to tear our country down. Impugn peoples motives and try to say that we are a bad country or we are racist or otherwise morally corrupt. The American People know thats not true. They know america is a beacon of hope for the world. We are the shining city on a hill. We represent peace and prosperity for our people and our allies around the world. The president obviously loves to have fun with the crowd. He will continue to do that and continued to project a spirit of optimism thats really appealing for people across the political spectrum. Harris one thing we are seeing is a continuation of the president sitting down with different people in the media, whether its journalists or, including my colleague judge Jeanine Pirro and her interview is set to air with the president in full this weekend. The president again suggesting joe biden may have used drugs to improve his debate performance. Want to get your reaction to this. Lets watch together. I think theres probably possibly drugs involved. Thats what i hear. Theres possibly drugs. I dont know how you can go so bad from when you can even get out the sentence. You saw those debates with the large number of people on the stage. I used to say, how is it possible that he can even go forward . Harris is that what you think the American People want to hear . The president accusing his opponent of using drugs . Is that necessary . Harris, i dont know if there were any drugs involved but joe biden seems to be addicted to his teleprompter. He seems to be a teleprompter junkie. He cant even answer questions without having one in front of him. Spokesperson on fox news didnt even answer the question. Frankly its embarrassing. The president will talk to any journalist. He will speak with any audience that wants to hear from him get his thoughts on very serious topics. Hes made it clear that hes not afraid of any tough question because he believes in transparency. His thoughts on every topic are available for the country deceit. He doesnt hide. Thats a stark contrast with what the other side is offering these days. Harris a quick followup before i let you go. If this comes up again, it may be asked this way. Does the president have any proof that joe biden was taking drugs . He is saying that hes hearing it. Do we know where hes hearing it from. Hes basing it off his observations of the Different Levels of performances that Vice President biden has presented. He wants to have a fair contest. He wants debates. He wants to be on stage next to the Vice President to being issues in front of the American People so that they can see the clear choice in front of them, an optimistic, prosperous path forward under President Trump leadership. He wants to make it clear for voters as soon as possible and as often as possible. Harris brian morgenstern, White House Deputy press secretary, joining me today on outnumbered overtime. Appreciate your time. Good to be with you. Harris a new poll suggesting something about trump voters, whether they could be a game changer in the election. Teleprompter dustup. You heard the White House Deputy press secretary talking about this. Sparks flying when a spokesperson was asked about using a teleprompter during live events by my own colleague, bret baier. How voters could react. Has joe biden ever used a teleprompter during local interviews or an answer q a with supporters . We are not going to this is straight from the trump campaign. [narrator] this is ste. He used to have gum problems. Now, he uses therabreath healthy gums oral rinse with clinicallyproven ingredients and his gum problems have vanished. crowd applauding therabreath, its a better mouthwash. At walmart, target and other fine stores. Mortgage payments by 250 ar month its a better mouthwash. 3,000 a year, what would you do with the money . Save for your retirement, update your home, maybe buy a new car . Record low rates have dropped even lower. Use your va streamline refi benefit now. One call to newday is all it takes to save 3,000 every year. Dont say that. I will start to cry and that wont be good for my image. Harris why would he cry . Because Trump Supporters were chanting we love you in michigan last night. 53 days until election day. A new monmouth poll shows joe biden leaving the president by nine points nationally, 51 to 42 . The same poll finds slightly more voters expect the president to win the election, suggesting that some socalled secret trump voters might be keeping their preference to themselves. Mo elleithee, executive director of the institute of politics and Public Service at Georgetown University and fox news contributor. Also former dnc spokesperson. Mole, always great to have you on the program. We saw this last time, people who might not, and we really got bit, everybody in the media, by the exit polls because they were wrong. People want to keep their vote to themselves. Its america. They can do it. Go in the booth and vote how you want to. Should democrats be worried about the socalled secret trump voters, that theres a coalition out there that we wont know about until voting day . Well, yeah. They should be. Democrats should not be acting complacent just because they are leading in the polls. I think a lot of these battleground states, the race is very, very tight. Democrats know that. They are working hard to make sure they can got there. Last time the president was elected based on a surge of people who turned out to vote for him who hadnt necessarily turned out before. Democrats know that this time. Last time they may not have seen it coming, but they see at this time. So thats why you see them so diligently working to turn out folks. There is some evidence that its working where you are seeing democrats getting, enjoying an advantage with voters who sat out 2016. Harris how do you know . Requesting absentee ballots this time. Records are showing [both speaking] harris okay. Right, they are requesting ballots. They didnt vote last time but they are requesting ballots for this time in states like pennsylvania and florida and North Carolina for example. Politico had a big story on it today where democrats are seeing an advantage. Pretty significant one in some places. Both sides are gearing up to try to go after those voters. Harris i want to get to another topic. I have to ask about this because you are a straight shooter when it comes to this stuff. When you hear about joe biden and some of the barbs and i dont know if you caught all of it with bret baier. Asking about teleprompter. What would your messaging be if you are working with biden around that issue . About whether or not he used a teleprompter . Look. Harris or uses one. Answering questions. Right. Joe biden is out there. Donald trump is out there talking to reporters on a regular basis, talking to voters in different ways this time the last time. They are both taking questions. This whole thing of the president is trying to do about it, which is not too subtle, trying to challenge joe bidens mental acuity and whether or not he needs to rely on some of the stuff. Its ridiculous. I think some of the people in the press go too far and how they go after the president and i think this is a case where folks are going too far going after joe biden. Harris thats interesting. I always say, if youre fair. General bill barr, attorney general, giving a full throated criticism of male end. The attorney general says it leaves the door open to security risks. Watch and i will get your reaction. What i have said is it opens the floodgates to potential fraud and coercion and has always been recognized creating no significant risks. A Bipartisan Commission in 2005 pointed to the increased risk of fraud and coercion. Harris your reaction . There is no evidence. There is no sign of it. Theres a recent nonpartisan study that came out that looked at a billion ballots cast between the years 2000 in 2014 and found 31 documented cases out of a billion cast of i attempted Identity Fraud or anything of this work. There is no evidence of it. What worries me is what this is doing to the system. Casting doubt on an election, doubt on the way the election is conducted particularly at a time when we should be trying to simplify voting and opening up opportunities for voting during a pandemic. I worry that the impact, what kind of impact its going to have. Theres going to be a lot of mailin voting, no question. A lot of those votes might take a little while to get tabulated. If we are spending time debating their legitimacy while they are being counted, it could really, really have a negative effect on the country. Harris quickly. The Associated Press article that we talked about says there were some problems, there have been problems with absentee ballots, the ones you said democrats are going to depend on. People requesting. I grew up military so i know how it works. They say when you extrapolate out what they have already seen, it something that will need to watch for as well. Mo elleithee, thank you very much. Appreciate you being on the program. Thanks. Harris a hearing for all four officers charged in the death of george floyd in minneapolis. It has sparked protests. Live reporting from there next. No justice no peace harris protests underway outside the minneapolis courthouse right now. Four former Police Officers are charged in the death of george floyd and are making a court appearance. The judge is hearing arguments on several key issues, including a possible venue change. The judge also considered whether all four defendants should be tried together or separately. Protesters say they wont stop until they receive justice. Watch. I do believe Justice Needs to be served and something should happen to those officers. They went beyond, beyond what they should have done and thats the problem. Its always too much. The whole world is alert to this case and we want justice and were not going to rest until we get it. Harris mike tobin live in minneapolis. Mike. Theres a little bit excitement that boiled up in the last couple minutes. You can see the crowd and there is a vehicle, a pickup truck speeding away in one of the defendants, thomas lane, is in that vehicle along with his attorney, earl gray. Prior to that, i wouldve told you that the numbers here in front of the Hennepin County Family Justice Center were dwindling and the excitement was dwindling today because a big part of the reason people had gathered today was frankly bad information. Bad information that came over social media was the belief that the motion to dismiss the case against the four defendants would be ruled upon today and thats not the case. The other reason that you have demonstrators gathering today is the fact that you had all four defendants gathering in the same courthouse. You have thomas lane who you just saw, j alexander king, derek chauvin. They arrived at the courthouse, all of them arriving separately because three defendants are out on bond. Derek chauvin is being held at the Oak Park Heights prison. What they got into today was not the motion to dismiss. That wont be ruled on today. It will be ruled on in writing at a later date. What they got into was a motion to try all the cases separately for four defendants. The state would like to try them at the same time, arguing its going to be easier on the witnesses and easier on the family members of george floyd. The Defense Attorneys also want to move this case out of Hennepin County, believing they have a better chance of getting a fair trial. That being said, the crowd did form out here today. A friend of george floyd who calls himself George Floyds brother, says the demonstrations are all about justice. I am definitely here to fight for justice for my brother. But the bigger picture, the last time i was here, i saw mothers crying. They had no justice. They have no want to speak up for their sons. I feel its my duty to speak up. Some of these mothers that never had justice and never had a voice. This was just a motions hearing. It wont have an impact on the outcome of the trial. Could have an impact of the structure when it does go to trial. You have a number of demonstrators planned today including a candlelight vigil later this evening. Harris mike tobin, thank you. The Biden Campaign is refusing to say if the former Vice President used a teleprompter on answer questions in a recent interview. Does it even matter to voters . Plus, questions of fitness are coming up on the campaign trail, as each side argues one is the more competent over the other. If biden wins, china wins. If biden wins, the mob wins. I wouldnt worry about it because hes not winning. So they only pay for what they need. False alarm. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Little things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. 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Both leaders express their condolences as well to the American People on this very, very tragic, horrible event that took place on some timber 11th and they very much minted and i want to thank them for that. No more powerful response to the hatred that spawned 9 11 then the agreement we are about to tell you. You will hear something today that i think is very, very important for not only the middle east but for the world. In the spirit of peace and cooperation, both leaders also agree that bahrain will fully normalize its diplomatic relations with israel. They will exchange embassies and ambassadors, begin direct flights between their countries and launch cooperation initiatives across a broad range of sectors including health, business, technology, education, security and agriculture. This is a truly historic day. There have been two Peace Agreements with israel in the last 72 years. This is now the second Peace Agreement that we have announced in the last month and i am very hopeful that there will be more to follow. I can tell you there is tremendous enthusiasm on behalf of other countries to also joint. We think ultimately you have most countries join and youre going to have the palestinians in a very good position. They want to come in, theyre going to want to come in because all their friends are in. We have tremendous enthusiasm for coming into the deal. I want to thank the group of talented people behind me and youre going to hearing from be hearing from them in a second. Historic day, important day and so interesting that its on 9 9 11. Its such a great time. We didnt know this was going to happen in terms of the timing but it did happen and we are very honored. The middle east was in a state of absolute chaos. I have restored trust with our regional partners and together we have eliminated the isis caliphate 100 . Isolated the radicals who pervert islam and so instability today nations across the region and throughout the world are joining together united and determination to build a better. Free from the evils which perpetuate terror and i think you see that. I think you see it happening very, very strongly. I also spoke with the king of saudi arabia and we talked about this and he is a great gentleman. What they have done in terms of fighting terrorism much different than it was before. Before we attained this office. The factors saudi arabia was doing things that theyre not doing anymore. And so are other countries and neighbors. They are doing things that they just would never have done. There are levels and all the things come all the many, many elements of fighting and hate, they seem to be evaporating and well find out very soon but they seem to be evaporating so things are happening in the middle east that nobody thought was even possible to think about and thats whats going on right now. Bahrain has agreed to join israel and the United Arab Emirates and by the layer want to thank mohamed, great leader, truly great leader at the white house on tuesday so theyll be here on tuesday for the signing of the abraham accords. The significance of the signing will be elevated from an already historic breakthrough to one representing a previously unthinkable regional transformation and thats exactly what it is. Its unthinkable that this could happen so fast. As you know, when we did the original signing with which will actually take place in terms of official on tuesday United Arab Emirates, people thought that was amazing. Now theyre hearing this and theyre also hearing from other countries because they understand that other countries want to very much come in. On this occasion, i want to thank the leaders of israel and speed for their vision and courage to forge this historic agreement. Their leadership is proving that the future can be filled with hope and does not need to be predetermined by conflicts of the past. You know all about the conflicts of the past. They are very legendary. There was a lot of problems going on. Weve been able to work things out t to a level nobody thought possible. This is really something. Very special, very, very special. Theres more countries normalizing relationships with israel which will happen quite quickly we believe. The region will become more and more stable, secure, and prosperous. In the meantime we are pulling most of our soldiers out, so were doing at the opposite way. They were doing it with nothing but fighting and blood all over the place. The sand was loaded up with blood. Now you can see that a lot of that sand is going to be boarded up with peace. United states will continue to stand with the people of the region and work with them and felt a brighter and much more hopeful future so we are very proud of this. As time goes by i think youll see more and more why. I think most of you realize how important it is, even the New York Times was very generous in their praise of the original deal in every thought, i think nobody thought puzzle going to happen so quickly after the first but they will both be here on tuesday and theyre going to be signing. Benjamin netanyahu will be here, the prime minister, will be here. Israel. We look forward to that. Just on this deal, because the importance of the deal, we will take some questions. First id like to ask jared to say a few words and mike pence to say a few words and some of the folks. David, id like you to Say Something about it because its so historic and these people have worked so hard and so long on it. This is really the culmination of a long period of time, lets put it that way. I dont want to say how long. So long. Next time. Its a great thing. Jared, please. Thank you, mr. President. Thank you for your leadership on this issue. Your first foreign trip. Soon you see the president and the awful offices joined by treasury secretary steven mnuchin. Jared kushner talking. Vice president mike pence and others there in the oval office. This is the second historic middle east peace dealn you were the president talking about the implications of talking about what it could mean. As more countries normalize relations with israel. There will be stability in the region. The president saying it this way. The sand was loaded up with blood and now you will see it will be loaded up with peace. Talking about the peace, stability in the future helps to see in the region. He did give just a little bit of detail about the ceremony. That will be next tuesday at the white house. We know that the United Arab Emirates, part of that first deal, normalizing relations with israel, that Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly will be there. The uae will have representation. We dont know about the second piece deal today between israel and normalize relations with bahrain. They will send representatives or leadership. We will watch for it and cover it as it happens. As the president announcing this landmark second peace deal in a matter of weeks, concerning israel and other countries in the region. He said specifically that as he works to put peace in the region come hes also pulling out some of our american troops. He is deciding, he says, to do it that way than ways and its been done in the past. All the news as it happens on outnumbered overtime, including this. The nfl season opened last night with a heavy focus on social justice. Why some players say more needs to be done to address the issue. A former Kansas City Chiefs great joins me next. Attention veteran homeowners record low Mortgage Rates have dropped even lower. At newday, veterans can shortcut the refinance process and save 250 a month. 3000 dollars a year. With the va streamline refi at newday, theres no appraisal, no income verification, and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 3000 a year. I got it all from you im always pushing through i know well make it to the finish line i know youre waiting on the other side im like you ondemand glucose monitoring. Because theyre always on. Another lifechanging technology from abbott. So you dont wait for life. You live it. Harris we are mourning the loss of those who died on 9 11 in 2001, ceremonies playing out across the nation. Ation. Vice president mike pencend joe biden were actually among those together at the ground zero or at ground zero in new york city today. Joining other leaders and families of victims in a somber memorial. This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, as you might imagine, the names of those victims played on a recording instead of being read aloud in person. That change prompt of the organization tunnel to towers to hold another ceremony in a nearby park. That event featured a few hundred family members reading the names of victims lost in the attacks on the twin towers. Pentagon officials, victims families, and others gathered there to honor the 184 lives lost one American Airlines flight 77 crashed into the pentagon. President trump spoke at a ceremony in shanksville, pennsylvania, where flight 93 crashed in the field, killing all 40 people aboard. Passengers and crew. President trump praise the heroes on board who gave their lives in defense of our nation. Joe biden, we showed you this of the top of the hour, had just arrived when we came on the air lie with overtime in shanksville, pennsylvania, today after participating in those earlier memorial ceremonies in new york city. He laid a wreath at the wall of names, as its called, in pennsylvania. The nfl season kicked off last night with a focus on social justice. The Kansas City Chiefs and the Houston Texans held a moment of unity with social justice phrases displayed on the scoreboard. The effort was met with scattered boos and cheers from the limited audience. The texans left the field and seated in the locker room for the National Anthem. The chiefs linked arms with just one of the players kneeling from the Kansas City Chiefs. The National Anthem singers also wore tshirts with photos of george floyd and Breonna Taylor on them who were killed during interactions with police, as you know. Meanwhile the miami dolphins, the players and coaches, released a video saying more needs to be done to address the issues. Theres two anthems. Do we kneel . Do we stand . If we could write our wrongs, we wouldnt need two songs. We dont need another publicity parade. Well stay inside until we play the game. Whatever happened to the fun . Harris nick lowery joins me, Kansas City Chiefs hall of famer, kicker. Great to have you on the program. We were texting and talking. Our chiefs won. We will get that out of the way, congratulations, my friend. Lets talk about what we saw on the field ahead of time to get your thoughts on that as a player. These issues have always been there. Athletes have always used their platforms forgetting social justice type issues out there. What makes 2020 different . 2020 is different because we have been cooped up inside for all these months and the level of emotion and isolation, frustration is at an alltime high. People want to do something with his energy. I have to say patrick mahons leadership Patrick Mahomes leadership. It was a wonderful gesture of unity and a way through it and i heard from many chiefs fans that it was not a well coordinated situation where the few fans who were there knew what was going on in the texans were still coming on the field so the billing for the most part was not about doing the show of uni. It was about booing the texans. Unfortunately people as you may have noticed are so hypersensitive that anything that can insult people is sometimes brought to bear. We have to use that sensitivity to do something and what i would like to say just as the dolphin said, its not about protests anymore. Its about doing the work. I met with a sheriff here, his deputy, about doing something and i am excited to work with some of the current cardinals and players here to create engagement and hope. Thats what we have to do as athletes. We have to come as nfl players, use the stage which has never been bigger, to do something productive. Working with Police Departments in poor communities, those that have been brutalized, and create dialogue and engagement, working together people that you often might actually hate initially and create a sense of empathy for each side. Thats how we stop killing each other and thats how police and communities begin to work together. There is legislative changes that will have to happen with regards to taking some of the load off police. I like i dont think that they were booed quite as extensively. Harris interesting to get the facts on the ground. Your home is in arizona now. Roger goodell pushed back against criticism saying leave politics out of football. Lets watch. We have to understand this game is played by human beings. People who are coming from these communities were impacted emotionally, they are frustrated and angered by it. Families are angered by it. You can talk about all these changes. Jackie robinson. Talk about so many things that have happened to help our country get to a better place and sports has been a big, big influence. We are not here to make political statements. We are here to help make our communities better. Harris your Quick Reaction to that. We had a chance to bring communities to do the actual work. We can do it. Its about time we started. Harris i loved what you said. Players working with Police Departments, such a great idea. Always good to see you, my friend. Nick lowery. Lets keep an eye on whats going on out west with all the wildfires. Look at the sky. All the smoke, the particles. They cash in some places. Hundreds of thousands of people forced to leave their homes. Oregons governor says its the worst the fire season has ever been, how fire officials look to make any progress on the days ahead. 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Nearly two dozen people have died, and hundreds of thousands of people in washington, oregon, and california have been evacuated from their homes. In the state of oregon alone, there are a half million evacuees as the fires they are have now burned more than 900,000 acres in the last 72 hours. For context, the amount of land burned across washington, oregon, and california is nearly twice the size of the state of delaware. Jeff paul is in monrovia california just outside of l. A. It is still very smoky here but firefighters finally starting to get some containment. The few fires that are burning in this part of the state however the north part of the state, Northern California the devastation just becoming more widespread. Authorities confirming at least ten people have died and another 16 are still missing an oregon, at least four have died and now learning that Law Enforcement there has opened up an arson investigation surrounding one of those fires. At 500,000 people evacuated an oregon and to give you some context, thats more than 10 of the state population. Everything is just chaos and it just doesnt even feel real. That this is actually happening to us. You see it on the news in california, paradise and all of them and youre like well, i feel for those people, but now its us. Says he can imagine the firefighters throughout these three states weve been focusing on have been working around the clock, not getting much sleep, help is on the way from utah, colorado, and texas. So little bit of good news is we go into the weekend. I want to talk about the air quality. I know covid19 conditions require some masks out there but what you are wearing is bumped up with a filter. You need that here because at times, it almost seems like there are flurries like you would see in the winter but its not snow or a flurry, it is ash floating around and you can see it gathering up on cars, on trees. Is bad for health but one thing it is doing good is keeping the temperature is cooler which is helpful for firefighters and even expecting some humidity in the next week. That will be some welcome relief to get some moisture in the air. Jeff paul from california today, thank you very much. Thanks to all of you for watching out numbered over time. Another historic peace deal in the middle east via the white house. More on that on fox news watch. Im harris. The Daily Briefing starts now. Dana President Trump and former Vice President joe biden on biden honoring those who died 19 years ago today when terrorists attacked our nation. Hello, everyone. Im dana perino and this is the Daily Briefing. The candidates visiting pennsylvania today where flight 93 crashed into a field on september 11th, 2,001. Passengers and crew on board try to take back control of the plane from hijackers giving their lives to save their fellow americans. Kristin fisher is there and a month of the things that is so amazing a

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