Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye With Tom Shillue 20170305 :

FOXNEWSW Red Eye With Tom Shillue March 5, 2017

Stick around to hear why this is wrong. Tom if she had a reality show, it will be called aint misbehaving. Kristin tate. He won the anticomic award, not for his company but his Pro Wrestling skills. Comedian Harrison Greenbaum. His last name is so two seasons ago. Comedian michael somerville. And he was fired from his job and he decided to compound the problem. Sitting right next to me, host of the Anthony Cumia show on compound media, Anthony Cumia. Okay, lets start the show. President trump has the midas touch. Everything he tweets turns into gold. Yes, trump is great for business, especially if hes mentioning you on twitter. Ever since he won the election, the president has been popping up companies and industries. Mashable. Com notes that everywhere you look, there is the speed to bump. Check it out. The New York Times added a record 276,000 new digital supervisors subscribers in the last quarter. Saturday night live had their highest rated show in six years, february 11th. Its not just media getting a boost. Activism is up since inauguration day. There have been more than two dozen demonstrations around the country, some of them antitrum antitrump. What else . The stock market is up. The dow and nasdaq are in record highs. Even tourism in slovenia, bottom line trump is having an impact around the globe. This week, two giant pandas at a tokyo supinated for the first time in focal years. Congratulations, riri and chenchen. I guess you can call that a trump baby bump. Anthony . Trump fever has taken over the whole country. Everybody wins, even his distractors the tractors. If you are trying to go to slovenia to find a girl like melania, there are no girls like her. Tom you went there . Its like borat. And the other thing, the other day during the speech when he mentioned harley davidson, they were on the house its like insider trader going on as hes talking about stuff. Youve got to be quick daytrading. Tom thats true. Harrison, jobs are being created because japanese have to do with people because what happens when trump mentions you. Everyone he hates get a gigantic boost. I am trying to actively i dont know if hes watching, but its 3 00 a. M. , so shes probably watching on the toilet. Donald trump, you are awful and i dare you to tweet against me. Your tiny baby hands. Tom if he attacks you, you would love it. But its not just what he hates. Actually, michael, it doesnt matter. If he attacks you, it goes up for you. If he detracts if it reminds me of the Chicago Bears in the super bowl shuffle. I think you should do a music video where everything he touches turns to gold. And then say, look, ive got the stock market, New York Times, alec baldwins career. Hes doing a good job of it. Trump bump is his nickname he uses for his penis. Suite at me. Do it tom harrison, you cannot talk the president like that. Does he watch the network . Tom he does. But if he does come at President Trump . Ignore that man. You predict is this. You said watch the market take off, and it did. I said that. Before the show, i saw a study that showed that trump is statistically the most famous person in the world. Everyone around the globe knows who he is been more recognizable than jesus christ. He had said that hes going to be a president for all americans and help all americans, and thats exactly what hes doing. Hes even helping those he disagrees with like the New York Times and saturday night live. Hes even helping protesters. These are folks that didnt have much going on for themselves but they didnt have jobs but now they get to be paid to protest and hold signs hes creating jobs all over the place. I think this is truly a president of the people. Tom it really is amazing. Anthony, i think christmas, too young to remember what happened to john lennon when he said more popular than jesus christ. It all went down after that. [laughter] there are no known photos of jesus. Tom i have an oil painting on my wall. Donald trump and jesus christ are basically the same thing. Tom shes getting in deeper [laughter] tom moving on. Rideshare Services Like uber and lyft arent stopping millennials from buying cars. They are buying cars to work second jobs for those companies. Around 15 of millennial car buyers plan to work for uber or similar service. A market researcher tells the washington post, a lot of millennials have the mindset that they have to have a side. Something like uber to supplement their income. They are starting to buy new cars. Harrison, what is your sight also . The idea of buying a car. Tom protecting the president [laughter] its weird to buy a card in uber, its like getting married order to pimp her out. To its a very nice spin on the fact that my generation inherited under george w. Bush one of the worst economies tom you are going back to bush . We had a terrible economy, i needed to have second and thirds jobs. No, manon deals the reason they cant find highpaying jobs, we have more College Degrees but we get paid less because we are in an army of educated idiots. We get our degrees in subjects that have no demand like gender studies, english, art history. And then millennials are shocked when they cant find a job so they have to drive uber. As a person who was a comedian, i dont agree. Tom you are a harvard guy. I graduated summa cum laude, and i now tell [bleep] jokes. Tom michael, what think you of this . I think we are overlooking the age factor. I like the new car smell. I dont like the smell of a new driver for millennials have been as young as 18 . I dont want to have a kid driving me around. Youve got to get a voting license, a pilot license, it takes hundreds and thousands of actors to make, right . This kid can get a new car and, hey, they can drive you professionally. They dont know where anything is they cant release the gas tank because there is a hidden button on everything. Tom and it will be your fault. [laughter] i am that guy shaking my fist. Get off my lawn. Whether they are driving cars or in there, when i was that age, we had the good enough sense to hitchhike everywhere we went. And someone has the common sense to get horribly murdered while they were hitching. You dont have that kind of dela colling will the herd thing that happened back then culling of the herd that happened back then. I cant wait for the robots to drive us. Maybe they will shut up. I dont want to talk to you uber guys. I dont know why i cant get anything that says dont talk to me. Can i have a silent option on my uber . This is what people want. Is that what happens, drivers talking the whole time . Yes they want to show you their screenplay. Out of work actors tell me about their dreams. He said, how is your day . I thought i got a divorce in 99. I cant believe im being asked that again. Tom they answer that at the hotel, too. You get in the elevator and the hotel is like i dont want to say anything. Are you robbing me . Im paranoid. You guys stay at nice hotels. They dont ask you how you have been on the red roof . Weve gone after the red roof. I apologize, a great place to stay. Moving on. Finally, someone speaking publicly about the threat from moon rocks. This week, one space x announced it would send to people around the moon, game developer brianna wu drew attention to a troubling scenario. Wu tweeted, this is a fun hygiene for rich people. But the idea of a private corporation having access to moon should give you pause. Is that enough of a pause . I wasnt going to call it. Tom moving on the moon is the most technically valuable ground for earth. Rocks dropping from their have the power of 100th of a nuclear bomb. Dropped . Dropped into our giant planetary gravity, that multiplies the kinetic energy. Im reading verbatim. They are or few spec tics out there, there always are. But wu wasnt backing down. You can make fun of that statement, but it will still be true. Wu says if i elected to congress, the government not evil corporations have control of the moon. Kristin tate, control of the moon. Its a big issue facing us, is it not . It really is. Please, miss wu, please run. Its like the fake indian elizabeth warren. Ms. Wu would fit right in. I want her to run to make a big joke of massachusetts. They dont have any republicans or any congressman or senators that are republicans for they are all democrats, so i think we should get the craziest ones to make a big joke out of them. Tom it may seem like a big joke, but harris and she would be elected in massachusetts . I lived in massachusetts for four years. Tom did you live in cambridge . I did. Tom a while back. If you send rich people to the moon, the bigger danger is an allinclusive resort. Can you imagine going to the moon and finding out that alcohol is not involved in the package . Tom it would be terrible. Michael, what was she worrying about exactly . I couldnt determine about these rocks being thrown from the moon. Do you think its a military tactic . Its rudimentary. It sounds like she already got hit by a moon rock. My favorite part is not only her craziness but the people who chose to engage in all of this. If she was shouting that on the Street Corner out here, people would be like, that woman is nuts. Lets cross the street. On line, lets engage for this is a productive thing to do. I think she is nuts. I dont know whos going to be throwing things at us. Its not like she was an actor who ran for president and when he was elected, spent 200 billion on a space laser. Tom reagan . I remember when we spent 200 billion to spend a space laser. You were six i was six. It was beautiful you didnt realize he massachusetts miracle, it came from the defense contracts that came from fdr that was so derogatorily named star wars. Anthony . Yeah . Tom what were we talking about . Look, people would let her go, except for the fact shes running for office. But wasnt there a congress been recently within the past couple of years that said that too many people on iwo jima, it would flip over and capsize . [laughter] i swear to you. Tom there was a congressman that thought one of the islands in the south pacific, i think iwo jima, would tip over. She is wellqualified to be in congress. And also, i like that. Remember the bugs bunny myspace modulator. [mimicking marvin the martian] [mimicking bugs bunny] weve got to take care of this guy. Its a cartoon tom thats what shes remembering, right . How can you criticize her, anthony. Some people on your show, some of your guests to have some theories that some might call alternative. They do. But ive argued and debated with them. Flat earthers, fitting in with a physicist, we discussed it and we got hate mail because people absolutely believe the earth is flat. Anything you put online these days is fact, we know that. Fake news, fake astronomy, fake space travel and everything. Tom on wednesday, alec baldwin sat down with jimmy kimmel, my rival for king of late night. They talked about the possibility [laughter] they talked about the possibility of baldwin playing donald trump at the upcoming correspondence dinner. There is a guy who was on the internet its interesting how there are people now that hes not going to the white house correspondents dinner, there are people who are lobbying to play trumpet at the white hinner. You are not one of those people . Im not lobbying, but people would say, what you do it . There are a couple of guys on the internet, please, im the only man to play trump there is a lot of trump competition. No one will top view on this. They say i suck nobody knows who these people are. I cant say bad words because i gave it up for lent, but [laughter] there is one guy lobbying. It should be whoever the president hates seeing the most, that is undoubtedly you. Tom the guy he is referring to is none other than red eyes johnny d. Why dont you stand up for johnny d by using the hashtag thejohnald2host. Ive got handsome hands, and i use them if you know what i mean. I use them in conversation. [laughter] tom and heres alec baldwin. I want to apologize you on camera for you while to apologize . I asked you a question. Get the [bleep] out of here [laughter] tom this trump is harsher. I dont like that harsh tone. Is a different take. Tom i think its pretty clear who is the better person. Looks, its funny. Hes making fun of people for campaigning for the job, but it looks to me hes campaigning. Campaigning pretty hard. For a guy whos had quite a career, its weird that hes groveling for a job like that. I think things are going pretty well, right . Or i thought they were for a while. Spinning back to harrison. Hes obviously so well known for it on snl, but johnny d is better, is he not . I think alec baldwin is a little cartoonish. Hes also going up against james domi and the guys im friends with. There are a lot of really good trumps out there. They shouldnt be throwing stones against these people. Tom kristin, what about canceling the entire dumb dinner . Let it be known, i am team johnny d. You should totally do it. But, its irrelevant because no one is going to watch the correspondents dinner. They are going to be watching whatever trump is doing. He will probably do something the same night and make all the media cover that instead. Tom hes going to pull something out. Anthony, if would be a mixed blessing if johnny got it. They would make him be very antitrump. They would make him do all the antitrump jokes. Absolutely. Why not just put a heavy bag up there so they can get up and punch it, because thats all they want. Literally, a punching bag. Somebody they are so mad that hes not going to be there. If they want somebody he hates, Chuck Schumer puts away on him and does that. That would be perfect. He is hated by donald trump. Other than that . You are right. Nobody is going to care about this. They are the same, sanctimonious, out of touch, annoying, smug celebrities. They know it and they are starting to melt down. Tom there it is. Support johnny d with the hashtag. When a web site makes you take a test before leaving a comment. It better be in foxnews. Com. Tom remember the old days when you read the news on your morning paper, and you wanted to comment on the story, you are forced to scribble longwinded conspiracy theories along the edge of the paper and then randomly show it to people in the subway car . Thankfully, we can leave comments right on the new sight of our choice and engage responsibly with our friends and the readership community. But as someone famous once said, that reading is the hardest par part. And many of us just want to go right to the ranting. People end up reading just the headlines, which is being specifically written to garner cliques, and then they began yelling at the Comment Section without understanding anything in the story. So norwegian new sight r and rk came up with a solution. About the article, before they are allowed to post a comment. Thats right. You have to pass a test before you get to have an opinion. That is so norway. Who was doing all the commenting . Only 14 of readers report commenting on news stories. And 51 neither read nor post comments. The rest said, no comment. Anthony, do you ever comment on any news stories . Yes. Tom you do . A lot. Tom you are one of the commenters . But if you are not the first or second commenter, the comments have nothing to do with the story anymore anyway. They deteriorate into the lowest common denominator immediately. I like this. I mean, you should be a little educated on something if you actually want to contribute in a lively debate, but i wouldve liked to have Something Like this for, lets just say, twitter, a few years back . [laughter] something that took your Blood Pressure reading at the right level, then you can tweet. Tom you need a test to slow you down before you can do anything on the internet. So many texts and tweets that i wish to go right past. That send button is too much put a safety on there. And you cant delete blood alcohol, breathalyzers l tom do you read them . To see what people are. I read them and i like the idea that you have to show that you have to know something a little before i dont think it should be an internet rule but all over the world, youve got to prove you know something, if you want to come to my super bowl party, youve got to answer ten civil questions about sports. I think we should do this everywhere. Tom kristin. This is going to make the internet suck the Comment Sections are the best part of the internet. I get its really fun. I dont read new stories, tom. Just make everything suck but conservative sites could use this as a tool to fight liberal trolls. Make them answer five questions about the constitution before they are allowed to go on there and rant against trump. It would be sort of useful, i guess. Im not surprised you are against it. If there had to be no information or talk, you wouldnt be allowed to speak. But i feel like we needed an iq test for most of these things like facebook, if i see another hot take from brenda of the dental hygienist on immigration, we dont need any of that. If you have the word cuck or snowflake your comment automatically gets deleted. Tom you have a thing against dental hygienist . You would like a safe space for losing liberals. I wish i had a limousine. That would be amazing. Tom i like reading the stories. Do you know what would annoy me . Video. I dont want to sit through your dumb video because there is a commercial before it, but these sites make you watch the video. I want to go for the text. And i try to scroll past it. They figure that one after you get to go to the end. And then it says, you get another commercial. And for that. [laughter] touche two times. An iq test on twitter so that donald trump would not be allowed to tweet. I said it. Thats right come at me, bro. Im going to try to make them tweet at me. I want to get that bump. Tom coming up. Tom coming up. Tvs andy levy. If you have medicare parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. No enrollment window. No waiting to apply. That means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Medicare doesnt cover everything. 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