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Access to military equipment and who have indicated a willingness to die for their cause. This is a manage who appeared in an isis propaganda video on friday. The administration estimates that of the 15,000 foreign fighters who have gone to syria to fight, 4,000 of them have gone to europe. President obama is slated to chair a u. N. Security council meeting. Its only the second time that a u. S. President has done so. The french became the first u. S. Ally to carry out air strikes in iraq, late today an isis Splinter Group in algeria announced the lease of a hostage. The president s entire National Security team advised him three years ago to arm the syrian rebels. I think the president s concern, and i understand it, was that he had a fear that if we started providing weapons, we wouldnt know where those weapons would wind up. My view was you have to begin somewhere. In retrospect now, was not arming the rebels at that time a mistake . I think that would have helped. And i think in part, we paid a price for not doing that in what we see happening with isis. Reporter the socalled Islamic State continues its march capturing 60 iraqi troops in the falluja area, while the debate over boots on the ground continues in the u. S. Secretary of state john kerry tried to explain to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week how nearly 1,200 u. S. Troops in iraq dont constitute combat troops, a marketedly different tone than when kerry appeared in 2001 oppose this country has not been able to see that theres absolutely no difference between a ground troop and a helicopter crew, and yet people have accepted a differentiation fed to them by the administration. What the administration is trying to communicate, is that were not going to send battalions, were not going to send brigades, but there will have to be according to the mission the president has assigned, some american boots on the ground and in harms way. This is the first time the administration has acknowledged some of the American Foreign fighters are now back in the u. S. Up until now the president and senior members of his cabinet said repeat dpli that theres no evidence thats sis poses an immediate threat to the homeland. All along there have been questions about president obamas level of enthusiasm for the isis effort. Tonight senior political analyst brit hume to talk about that. There is an internationally respected case to be made that the United States should do nothing or next to nothing to destroy the terrorist force known as isis. It goes Something Like this. Despite its beheadings and its threats, isis should be seen as a meld any strategy to defeat isis that relies solely on airpower can certainly make things harder for isis fighters, but it takes Ground Troops to dislodge occupies from territory. Their introduction, especially in sere ja would be a throw of the dice against utterly unpredictable odds. In the middle east, a historic upheaval should be permitted to run its course, not because things will turn out well but its unlikely that American Military force can make things turn out better. I dont buy this argument, but it would appear that president obama does. He felt his hand was forced to by the publics outrage and alarm over those videotaped beheadings so he came up with a strategy for isiss eventually defeat, which is not designed to fail. What about the politics of this, even looking forward to 2016, you have these comments now by former defense secretary leon panetta, you have former president bill clinton weighing in as well, what this means political politically . You mean that the president took the wrong course with syria and else where . I dont think the go men are expressing what they thought and feel. What they think of this, particularly when Hillary Clintons doubts are made part of what theyre saying, that this tends to distance her from this policy which is going so badly at the moment and obviously has some political consequences. All right, brit, as always, thank you. You bet. Another fox news alert now. Authorities say a man who breached White House Security over the weekend had something of a portable armory in his vehicle. Peter doocey has details. Hollywood makes it hard to break into the white house, but for Omar Gonzalez, it was easy, because the front door was unlocked. Shortly after entering, gonzalez was arrested with a knife in his pocket, but Court Proceedings revealed there were more than 800 rounds in ammunition, two hatchets and a ma shut te in his car. Gonzalez was found with a hatchet near the south lawn of the white house, but released and in july, following arrest for evading police in south carolina, goerpz gonzalez was found with a sawed off shotgun and a map of the white house. He ask considered a flight risk and a danger to the president. A public defender says gonzalez who was quiet and responsive in court will not per sue an insanity defense and understands the charges against him. President obama says hes thankful for the secret it was. Im grateful for the sacrifices they make on me behalf and on my familys behalf. Now the agency is considering checkpoints several blocks away from the complex to screen tourists and others for guns and bombs before they reach pennsylvania avenue. The secret Service Office of professional responsibility is investigating fridays incident and during that inquiry, Homeland Security secretary jay johnson says, quote, i encourage all of us not to rush to judgment about the event and not second guess the judgment of Security Officers who had only seconds to act until all the facts are in. But ron kesler, who has written books about the secret service, he thinks differently. To say that it was admirable that they showed restraint, isnt that wonderful . Can you imagine if this guy had wmd or a bomb and detonated them in the white house and the president was there . Reporter the white house announced today the door breached by Omar Gonzalez friday night used by tour groups and employees almost every day will now be locked when not in use. Brett . Peter thank you. Up next, the former irs bureaucrat at the center of the scandal says she did nothing wrong. Lets hear what our fox affiliates across the country are covering. A nasa spacecraft began circling the are red plant late last night after a 400 tlourks mile journey. Two women were killed as a tour bus overturned sunday afternoon. Several other passengers were areaed. No cause of that accident has been announced. And this is a live look at detroit from fox 2, the big story there tonight, the city fighting for its right to cut off water to customers who do not pay. About 15,000 customers lost service from april to june this year, critics want the shutoffs stopped and the tap turned back on. Lawyers for the bankrupt city say it cannot operate that way. Thats tonights live look outside the beltway from special report. Well be right back. Want to change the world . Create things that help people. Design safer cars. Faster computers. Smarter grids and smarter phones. Think up new ways to produce energy. Be an engineer. Solve problems the world needs solved. What are you waiting for . Changing the world is part of the job description. Join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring americas future engineers. Energy lives here. There it is. This is where i met your grandpa. Right under this tree. man some things are Worth Holding onto. Theyre hugging the tree. man thats why we got a subaru. Or was it that tree . man introducing the allnew subaru outback. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. You know. Theres a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. Try phillips fiber good gummies. Theyre delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. Mmmm. These are good the tasty side of fiber. From phillips with centurylink visionary cloud a brinfrastructure, and Custom Communications solutions, your business is more reliable, secure, and agile. The former irs bureaucrat at the center of the the conservative targeting scandal has now spoken to the media. Chief washington correspondent james rosen on what else she said. Im affirming my right not to testify. Reporter 15 months after she pleaded the 5th, she has broken her silence. In an interview with politico, learner provides virtually no details about her role in the irs scandal. Instead learner says defiantly she did nothing wrong, adding regardless of whatever else happened, i know i did the best i could under the circumstances, and am not sorry for anything i did. And in answer to a question she planted, back in 2013, she apologized for the inappropriate targeting of these tea party groups. So i dont know how that comports with her saying i have no regret. While learner in a 2012 email called conservatives crazies and used an expletive to describe them further, she told pretty coe, my personal opinions have not affected my work. As for those missing emails, she asks, how would i know two years ahead of time that it would be important for me to destroy emails and if i did know that, why didnt i destroy the others ones they keep releasing. The ensuing article oftens no Inspector General circulated a report highly critical of her office to ask if her internal messages were being saved. Ultimately it was lois learner who violated the law. Republican congressman darrell issa responded to the interview by saying the American People deserve to hear learners testimony under oath, that if she had nothing to hide, she c basic questions about her conduct instead of obstructing congresss investigation. Learner tells politico she now finds herself unemployable and intends her days gardening and doing volunteer work. While her name is synonymous with the irs scandal, and while her and her husband have racked up hundreds of thousands in legalfees. The obama m is taking on the tax saving tactic known as inversion. That is when a company relocated on paper out of the country to try to avoid some tax liability. The Treasury Department says it will eliminate certain money moving Techniques Companies use to access the overseas earnings of foreign subsidiaries. President obama has characterized inversions as unfair. Several republicans have said the administration should instead pass comprehensive Corporate Tax reform. Stocks were down today, the dow lost 107, the s p 500 was off 15, the nasdaq dropped 62. Hundreds of ecoprotesters marched in manhattan, this followed yesterdays massive demonstration in new york. Todays march was to protest the role of corporate and economic institutions in climate change. The u. S. Finds itself in a delicate situation with iran tonight. President obama wants help with isis, but ask reportedly not willing to back down on Irans Nuclear program in order to get that help. Senior White House Foreign Affairs correspondent Wendell Goler has the specific. Reporter pressed by their seizure of territory in syria and iraq and the executions of two americans and a brit tan, u. S. Officials have stressed shiia muslim iran has a stake in the fight too. But the Officials Say theyre not willing to bargain over Irans Nuclear program to get its aid for the terrorist threat. We have made clear both publicly and privately that the conversations in the p5 plus one talks. Irans ayatollah raised the issue by claiming he voretoed a u. S. Request that his country Work Together with Virginia Republican congressman randy forbes agrees. We still have to remember, iran is a major, major concern for many of us around the world if they get a nuclear weapon, its a huge game changer in the middle east. Reporter in Fact Administration officials wont even confirm whether iran has privately sought such a trade and they flatly denied the u. S. Suggested working with iran. Let me suggest that we are not coordinating military operations or sharing intelligence with iran. Reporter the Administration Says it expresses its own concerns about the isis threat and it also supports bashara. And neither of those two have spent much energy going after its skis. Still the u. S. Should be careful about helping iran even if it doesnt vo a nuclear trade off. To be doing anything at all to build them up, to give them sanctuaries, to in effect have them on our side, what does that do to israel . The phrase the enemy of my enemy is my friend is often thought to be a muslim phrase, but it actually predates the profit mohammad by 1,000 years and is often wrong and should not be applied to isis in iran. Ahead, obama care enrollment numbers are going down. Well tell you why. First two massive man hunts, first for the last person seen with a missing Virginia College student and then for a cop killer in pennsylvania. Mise. Ok, how about 10 gigs of data to share, unlimited talk and text, and you can choose from 2 to 10 lines. Wow, sounds like a great deal. So im getting exactly what i want, then . Appears so. Now, um, im not too sure what to do with my arms right now cause this is when i usually start throwing things. Oh, thats terrifying at ts bestever pricing. 210 lines, 10 gigs of truly shareable data, unlimited talk and text, starting at 130 a month. Hello. You can go ahead and have a nice flight. Re. Music plays music plays traveling can feel like one big mystery. Youre never quite sure what is coming your way. But when youve got an entire company who knows that the fewest cancellations and the most ontime flights are nothing if we cant get your things there, too. Its no wonder more People Choose delta than any other airline. Iwith something terrible to admit. I treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. I was an addict. Im recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. Police, airline pilots, bus drivers. Theyre randomly tested for drugs and alcohol. But not us doctors. You can change that vote yes on proposition 46. Your lives are in our hands. Searchers are combing through the dense forest of northeastern pennsylvania tonight looking for the man they believe to be a cop killer. Rick lebenthal is live in prescott, pennsylvania. Reporter police have been telling us theyre closing in on suspect eric freen on saturday. Were hearing that this man hunt could be over very soon. But tonight this suspect is still on the loose, still considered armed and very dangerous, hundreds of local and state police and federal agents are part of this massive search, combing through miles of very thick and rugged woods in the pocono mountains, rough terrain that eric freen is very familiar with, he grew up here and honed his survival skills in these same woods. The governor said today that it appears freen only wants to shoot law enforcement. He had the opportunity to shoot civilians at the Blooming Grove barracks, at the same time that he shot the police officer. So it is our conclusion that he is aimed totally at Police Officers because there were unarmed civilians who were right in the exact same location. During the course of the shooting, and he chose not to shoot at them. And brett, what youre seeing now 100 dreai10i is hundreds of who are combing the area. Theres still a 100,000 reward for information leading to his capture. But he is still on the loose tonight. Now a desperate search is on for a man believed to be the last person to be seen with university of virginia student hanna graham before she disappeared. Lee land vitter is in charlottesville this morning with the latest in this story. Reporter good evening, brett, you dont often see wanted posters for reckless driving. But here it is right here. Police say that Jesse Matthew walked into the Charlottesville Police department, asked for a lawyer and then gave them the slip. Police say it could be tomorrow that they are going to get the states crime lab report back on evidence they have taken from matthews car and house. But so far, at least, they dont have enough to charge him with any part of hanna grahams disappearance. I believe Jesse Matthew was the last person she was seen with before she skrvanished offe face of the earth. Reporter now police have zeroed in on matthews, 62, 270 pounds after he was seen walking in the pedestrian mall in charlottesville just about the same time as hanna graham, and police say after this photo was taken, he led her to a restaurant and bought one drink and then the pair left. Here residents of charlottesville say life is very different here on the street and many say that the innocence of this charming college town has now been shattered. Leland vitter in charlottesville. The three army they were detained at the rainbow bridge in niagra falls, possibly trying to enter can dpa. The three had been participating in the u. S. Central command regional training exercise. The military insists the soldiers pose no threat to the public. Afghanistan has decided on a new president. After signing a power sharing deal with his opponent in the disputed electio Abdullah Abdullah will fill the newly created role of governments chief executive. Next up, a much closer race for governor in a Northwestern State and why obama cares numbers are going backwards. Please log on to my blog, the daily brett. Com, you can also get there from our home page. Know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. Know the right Financial Planning can help you save for college and retirement. Know where you stand with pnc total insight. A new investing and Banking Experience with personalized guidance and online tools. Visit a branch, call or go online today. Vrngs in colorado, a democratic incumbent senator is being challenged in the latest poll. Reporter colorado governor john higen zs looper says that despite popularity in office, things can change on a dime. He now trails former congressman bob opray. Its fair we see in andy a top senator in our state. Were going to have a lot of polls that are going to come up with a lot of different conclusions. Reporter a recent nonpartisan quinnipiac poll has hickenlooper with a deficit. A quinnipiac poll shows that the race is tighter, and say their polls we found that governor hickenlooper is down by 12 points from bob opray. Everything i know about governing, i learned when i was laid off and started a restaurant. Reporter hickenlooper who has a fundraising advantage is sticking to his playbook, avoiding negative ads. Before public office, he made his money in the group hub business. Its a nationalized race. Opray acknowledges benefiting from antiobama attitudes in colorado. So it is a referendum on both on John Hickenlooper and became obama as well. And another example of how this race is kind of a national petry dish. Everybodys got one of those magic 8 balls. I just turn it over and it comes out with a different number. Reporter the colorado secretary of States Office says it expects more than 90 of those voting to take advantage of it, meaning this race could be decided well before election day. Louisiana democratic senator Mary Landrieu is working hard to save her seat and is leaving no stone unturned and is also leaving no voter unturned. Roll call reports landrieu was working the crowd when she was asked to take a stand herself, a keg stand that is, an offer that she declined. Were taking special report on the road thursday, where well talk to senator landrieu and her opponent, republican senator bill cassidy. Obama care could be an issue down there and the enrollment numbers for obama care are going downing. Administration officials admit they are lower than the president s claims and Insurance Experts put them even lower than that. Heres chief National Correspondent jim engel. Reporter president obamas claims about enrollment in obama care are getting a assistant downgrade. The number of americans who have signed up for private insurance in the marketplaces has grown to 8 million people. 8 million people. As of august 15 this year, we have 7. 3 million americans enrolled in the Health Insurance market place coverage and these are individuals who have paid their premiums. Reporter an erosion of 700,000, the key was the reference to those who paid. You do not have to sign up, you have to sign up and pay on a regular basis to be enrolled. And thats why private ins e insurers are saying theyre its competed expectations in some cases. Reporter for instance state officials in florida say their enrollments have fallen 220,000 from some 983,000 in april, a drop of more than 20 , Insurance Companies experienced a similar erosion. I talked to a number of Insurance Companies around the industry and theyre indicating that theyre down as low as 70 . Not the original enrollments they had. In fact the ceo of etna, the nations Third Largest insurer, says his company had 720,000 people sign up as of may 20th, but only 600,000 turned out to be paying customers and he expects the numbers to fall to 500,000 by the end of the year, leaving paid enrollment down 30 from early signup numbers. And analysts think overall enrollments nationwide would be up 20 . The Congressional Budget Office is predicting 15 million total enrollments through february. If we had gotten closer to 6 million enrolled, they would have to enroll more people in 2015 than they did this past year. So hitting this years target would be a much steeper climb. Doctors treating a spanish priest repatriated from west africa after being diagnosed with the ebola virus say there are no samples of the experimental treatment. The manufacturer says it will take months to make even a small supply. Isis terrorists may already be in america according to u. S. Officials. Well talk about that. And the policy with the panel when we come back. Not taking one. The new 6. 4liter hemi v8 ram power wagon. The most capable offroad truck there is. It lets you pick a fight. With the impossible. I have 40,ney do you have in your pocket right now . 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. I dont want to get into the procedures that are now in4sg]ze to assist the countries around the globe are taking advantage of every opportunity they have to monitor the individual who is traveled to syria, and to mitigate the threat that they may pose either to their homeland or to other countries around the globe. White house secretary josh ernest would not talk about it publicly, but privately senior obama m officials telling us about ik here already, believed to be here, some who have gone to syria, some who have tried to go and some who have come back and are under active fbi surveillance. What you go over for might not be what you wind up doing. In other words theyre radicalized over there in this fight. What about this in the broad context of this policy as we hear more and more over the weekend. Columnist with the hill, and steve hayes, writer for the weekly standard. It was a jarring admission to hear this, even privately, george, after all that we have heard that its not a threat to the homeland. A crashed a plane in pennsylvania, 19 is all it took and they were all armed with box cutters and its estimated a quarter Million Dollars in expenditures. This is a big country with 3. World thats demom advertised intercontinental air travel, theres people swarming to our airports and the idea that we can catch them all is a miracle. So were going to have to hope that we catch them and in some cases by luck. Juan . I think Homeland Security has hardened the u. S. Target, we have made air travel, airports more difficult to get through, i think anybody whos been inconvenienced knows that story well. And theres an effort of course now to put in place surveillance, monitoring of those people who have returned, but the facts are as george described them, i mean were a huge country, these people come back, but oftentimes, they do come back to communities that could be communities of people who arevn somalis in minnesota some other ethnic group elsewhere that we know is connected to some of these mideastern countries and to the terrorist activities. And so that gives the fbi and Homeland Security additional opportunities. But theres no certainty here. Steve over the weekend, a lot of focus on leon panetta, former defense secretary and what he said about the syrian effort to ample and train the syrian fighters by the obama administration, that it didnt happen, take a listen. He had a fear that if we started providing weapons, we wouldnt know where those weapons would wind up. My view was, you have to begin somewhere. In retrospect now was not arming the rebels at that time a mistake . I think that would have helped. And i think in part, we paid a price for not doing that in what we see happening with isis. I dont think that even secretary panetta would suggest that a few weapons would have dramatically altered the outcome here. I think the concern is that a significant investment of time and hardware would have been required with the hope, again, not the conclusion, but with the hope that it could alter the outcome. An investment that they are now making. That they are now making, despite the fact that the president not only had misgivings about it two years ago, but as reemtly as a couple of months ago said that it wouldnt actually change the situation on the ground. I think what were seeing play out is what brit hume said in his comments is that the president is very reluctant do do this, he was reluctant two years ago, he was reluctant two months ago and hes are you luckant now. When you look at what our campaign has amounted to so far far, its not a very significant campaign, and when you listen to the rhetoric by the Senior Administration official, that the nature of the threat, you have other administration Officials Saying its not a threat. We have a press release out today saying that the air strikes destroyed two isil vehicles, an isil tank and damaged an isil humvee. Thats not a big campaign, four air strikes, 190 total over the past 134 air strikes her day over 78 days. Now maybe its early, maybe thats coming, maybe the administrations going to do that. But theres a disconnect from what were seeing them do overseas and the way theyre talking about it here. The other thing striking about the panetta interview was about the forces on the ground in iraq, and the status of forces agreement and this whole back and forth about what the president did or could do because the iraqis didnt want the u. S. Troops to say. Take a listen to this montage of sound bites here. Listen, i promise not to have a war in iraq, and i didnt. In 2008, i said i would end the war in iraq, and i did. We ended the war in iraq and brought nearly 150,000 troops overwhelm. You wish you had left a residual force in erairaq, any regrets in 2014. That wasnt a decision made by me, that was a decision made by the iraqi government. I just kind interesting the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up as if this was my decision. So lets just be clear, the reason that we did not have a follow on force in iraq was because the iraqis were, a majority of iraqis did not want u. S. Troops there. George . Well, with regard to who having ended the war in iraq, of course you ended our participation in it. And as or well said, the quickest way to end a war is to lose it, which it appears we have done. It all comes to whether isis can be driven off the land that theyre occupying. The 78 days of bombing in kosovo, they didnt work until there were Credible Threats that we were going to use nato armed forces. On the ground . On the ground, precisely. General scales, a fox news contributor, said at the end of the day, this defeating isis will be on the shoulders of men and women who are willing to kill in close, he doesnt varnish it and those are not going to be americans. The question is will they be anyone else . Juan . I think youre going to have to do something to get those isis fighters out of there. And its going to be difficult. I think if youre asking the question having seen that montage, the president s very clear, that with regard to the status of forces agreement, the make a sufficient effort, maybe he did, maybe he didnt, but it was the iraqi peoples decision, and thats what he said. You hear leon panetta saying over the weekend that they pushed to continue to have this force on the ground and that there was probably more to be done. Im not sure that panetta felt that there was more to be done unless you force the issue, saying you know what . We shed blood and treasure here, and therefore we are going to, you know, violate the very principle we put in place, which is that we want a democratic elected government in place. Were going to overrule that. I just think that would have been hypocritical on our part. Although it might have of course been been stabilizing to the country given what happened consistently. Rl joe biden was briefing Democratic Senators about the administrations decision to withdraw troops before nato announced its decision. The president is trying to be revisionist with history and its not working out. Test test. Test. F test test. Test. F test test. Test. F we do . I took the trash out. I know. And thank you so much for that. I think we should get a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Right now . [ male announcer ] whether youre new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. Its up to you to pay the difference. So think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay and could really save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call now. With a Medicare Supplement plan, youll be able to stay with your doctor. Oh, you know, i love that guy. Mmhmm. 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F i didnt didnt do do anything n she said said in in first firstn interview since since the the sn broke. F im proud proud of of my my carn the job job did did i i for forn country. F as to to had had that that whatn would say say if if she she coun the world world anything anythin reiterated her her innocence inn started to to get get up up to n away from from the the intervief she added added and, and, oh, on thing, im im doing doing justf were back back with with the tf steve, this this is is a a longn but as as far far as as substann the allegations allegations notn there. F it it wasnt wasnt that thad satisfying. F i mean, mean, politico politicon portrays it it a a sympathetic n piece. F they teased teased it it as as n side of of lois lois lerner. Lef one started started the the pien without expecting expecting toon on the the agencies. Agencies. F and we we dont dont know known lois Lerner Lerner or or her hen set any any conditions condition reporter or or whether whether n reporter just just spent spent n lois Lerner Lerner saying sayinn comment, no no comment, commentp comment. F but there there are are so so mn questions that that i i would wn to have have seen seen asked asn request from from her her destrn her computer computer hard hardn it crashing crashing came came n after the the initial initial rn for those those emails. Emails. F so, where where was was that . Tf how would would she she havea xn that question . Question . F what about about her her apologn the aba Aba Convention conventin said she she was was sorry sorrn inappropriately targeting targen conservatives. F didnt do do anything anything f then she she apoll apoll fizzedn apologized for for texts texts f not to to communicate communican another via via email. Email. F what about about the the joke jn shield like like to to work worn Obama Campaign . Campaign . F these are are all all interestin things to to have have asked asn we just just didnt didnt get n to any any of of it. It. F we did, did, however, however, n she rescued katrina. F yeah. Yeah. F a couple couple of of questionsn from twitter. Twitter. F if lois lois learner learner isf why went went she she testify tn question that that keeps keeps n coming up up from from c c pac f joe says says i i think think ln is guilty guilty of of targetinn conservatives should should be n charged or or granted granted in for testimony. Testimony. F obviously the the house house on representatives has has held hen in contempt contempt but but dod seem, juan, juan, that that thin moving forward forward as as fan progress for for her her to to f no, no, i i dont dont thinn is any any grounds grounds in in could force force her her to ton her fifth fifth amendment amendf i dont dont think think thatf other other than than grantin immunity. F nobody nobody wants wants ton havent seen seen any any indicn of that that but but i i think n what we we are are dealing dealn here is is a a situation situatn she feels feels that that she sn a federal federal bureau bureauf that she she was was being beinn irs, when when they they asked n get ahead ahead of of the the in generals report report and andn there and and say say that thatn they were were inappropriate inn of terms terms like like tea ten patriot and and alike alike u un what she she apologized which is is inappropriate inappn wrong. F but when when you you stop stopn about the the idea idea of, of,n for all all this this time. Timf for for all all the the congn hearings, have have we we gotten evidence that that this this won something wrong . Wrong . F answer, no. No. F. F no we we have have emails emailn that she she told told emn where she she tells tells her hn colleagues not not to to n communicate in in email. Email. F that that isnt isnt subjecn you. F subjective subjective she shn want to to communicate communicn she realizes realizes she she hn in. F havent havent done done ann wrong, unlikely unlikely you yon that email. Email. F boy, boy, in in this this gof this government government is ip cover your your butt. Butt. F politico politico passed pasn over the the fact fact that than 20 years years at at the the fen Election Commission. Commissionf a story story from from which wn follows in in 1996, 1996, thn congressman Dick Dick Durbin dun running for for senate. Senate. F democrat from from illinois. Ilf is he he opposed opposed by by f late in in the the campaign camn republican is is hit hit were wn flurriy of of of of campaign can finance charges. Charges. F he calls calls the the enforcemn division of of the the federal n Election Commission commission n i would would like like to to cn up so so i i can can go go on od campaigning. F the person person on on the then of the the phone phone says sayn drop these these charges chargen promise never never again againn for Public Public office officen on the the other other end end n was the the a. A. Political, pon told, lois lois lerner. Lerner. F that story story was was told tn committee by by congressman conn peter Roscoe Roscoe of of illinn fox news news covered covered in else covered covered it. It. F there there is is more more n doesnt seem seem like like itn moving forward. Forward. F does this this go go anywhere . F i think think it it does. Does. F i think think eye eye issn committee can can now now say sn will talk talk to to politico pn talk to to American American pen under oath. Oath. F if she she wont. Wont. F we can can draw draw reasonablen inferences. F do do you you think think itf i i think think its its bef i i think think we we shouldp her to to sit sit in in center n we can can question question hef we we have. Have. F we will will continue continue f lois lerner, lerner, please plen the show. Show. F can you you sit sit right rightn juan. F thats it it for for the the paf stay tuned tuned for for inspirn story about about our our nation story about about our our nation heroes. F you know. Theres a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. Try phillips fiber good gummies. Theyre delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. Mmmm. These are good the tasty side of fiber. From phillips with centurylink visionary cloud a brinfrastructure, and Custom Communications solutions, your business is more reliable, secure, and agile. Is all ready the brand ofstate the year. D Berkshire Hathaway home services. Good to know. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can ease arthritis symptoms but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. Prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, so your body can stay in motion. 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F you are are about about to to hn john bolton, bolton, form form n york city city mayor mayor rudyn giuliani and and allen allen wef they are are all all here here n the recordd first, in in a a facebook facebp former congressman congressman n west writes writes i i really rn who obama obama is is taking tan from. F his isis isis plan plan doesntn snow ball ball chance chance ofn succeeding. F congressman west west joins joif good evening, evening, sir. Sirf good good evening, evening, f how are are you you doing . Doinf im im doing doing very verf who is is the the general genern made that that statement statemn the president s president s plaf that that was

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