Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 2015

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20150129 23:00:00

delicious. don't wave me away, this show isn't over. this is what happens because fish look disgusting. >> okay. >> and that is a great lead in for special report. >> this is the fox news alert. confirming to fox news that one of the five taliban leaders recently released from guantanamo bay for bowe bergdahl has been intercepted making phone calls to other taliban personnel. the five were traded for sergeant bowe bergdahl and supposed to be monitored by the government. so with that, what do we know? joining us now national security correspondent jennifer griffin who is at the pentagon. jennifer this seems like a startleing revelation from all we're hearing over the past couple of days about the taliban. >> well, it's interesting
brett, the pentagon is down playing the story officially. a senior u.s. official tells fox tonight that the u.s. has intercepted phone calls placed by one of the so-called taliban five, they didn't say which one. the pentagon says that all five of the gitmo detainees are accounted for. they remain in qatar, but a u.s. official says they have broached the issue with the qatari officials. we also are learning late tonight, brett, that this information leaked out from a classified briefing on the hill and reports of the concerns about this member of the so-called taliban 5 who were traded of course, for sergeant bowe bergdahl last may, thoughs concerns have come out in recent days. but, again pentagon officials telling us they are not concerned that he has so-called returned to the fight because they have no evidence that he's left qatar. brett? >> yeah, but there are a lot of questions about how much qatar
is monitoring these guys and how this whole trade actually worked. and this comes obviously, in an environment in which jordan is considering trading somebody they have in custody for a hostage that isis has and comes a day after the white house said that the taliban is really an armed insurgency and not a terrorist group. it's been quite something to watch these two days unfold. >> well, even watching the pentagon officially try to split hairs between the afghan taliban and the pakistan taliban and which ones are technically arm an insurgency which ones are technically terrorists it's been a tap dance we've been watching. right now, we have -- i understand we have, have a package, our packages ready. >> fire. >> 13 years of war and billions of taxpayer dollars spent training the afghan army and police. now for the first time since the war began, the inspector general for afghan reconstruction is accusing the u.s. military of
hiding information by classifying details about the size and strength and desertion rates of the afghan military whose training is the corner stone of the obama administration strategy to end the war and leave afghanistan. inspector general john sopko whose audit team delivered the quarterly report to congress today issued the following statement. quote, for the first time ever, we were unable to publicly report to the american taxpayer on the status of a large portion of their over $60 billion investment. i'm deeply concerned with the implications of this sudden classification decision and have raised it with the appropriate officials. a spokesman for general john campbell, the top u.s. commander in afghanistan says the afghans requested last august that the information be classified to avoid helping the taliban. quote, we have a responsibility to protect data that could jeopardize the operational security of our afghan partners to include unnecessarily highlighting possible vulnerabilities and capability
gaps. information that could put lives at risk according to lieutenant colonel pat seber. the u.s. military classifies this kind of information about its own forces for the same reason. the information about the afghan forces will be available to members of congress. >> there's some information that needs to remain classified, particularly where it has to do with the strength of the afghan military and areas of vulnerability. but overall, we should know where the taxpayers' dollars have gone. so we'll be demanding that much of this information be made public. >> today at kabul's national airport showing how dangerous it is for the 9,500 u.s. troops serving in afghanistan, breath. the president who gave us the sequester as a dare wants to
take it back. says he will try to get rid of the mandatory spending cuts and move beyond what he dismisses as manufactured crises that have defined the budget battle. the strategy could prove politically problematic and divisive for republicans. why tonight from the white house. >> as the president prepares to send congress his 2016 budget, one that includes a plan to catapult military spending well past sequestration levels, it's budget conscious republicans that could face a rough ride ahead. >> can't get rid of the sequester unless we find other ways to cut. and so we can't have net new increases in spending. >> the debate forcing the gop to choose between two top priorities. curbing government spending and keeping the military properly funded. >> we'll have to repeal it. yesterday, one of the -- heads of our military said if we don't repeal sequestration, we'll put american lives in danger.
>> lawmakers argue that automatic spending cuts would mean sharp reductions for the pentagon. in manpower, training, delays even cancellations of some deployments. a threat to national security says senator lindsey graham. >> we can't do this by ourselves. we'll need the commander in chief to weigh in and inform the american people that the cuts are unacceptable. >> in his plan to end sequestration, president obama is asking for $38 billion in new spending for the pentagon, plus an additional 50 billion. by strong economic news on the home front with gas prices, unemployment even if federal deficit down. to pay for it, more taxes on wealthy americans. >> the president believes if making the investments that are necessary to protect the national security of the united states means that some of our financial firms on wall street have to pay a little bit more the president believes that's a good policy choice. >> many republicans reject that path. >> some saying at all costs we
ought to raise defense spending because it hits hard. and it does. we have a deficit that's going to grow in the years to come. >> while the white house won't unveil the budget officially until monday, the president tonight will go over finer points with democrats in philadelphia. a little sparring ahead of what promises to be a bruising fight on capitol hill this year. brett? >> kevin, thank you. mitt romney is the clubhouse leader in the republican presidential race. yes, it's early, but it is the conclusion of the latest fox news poll. just out, romney far outpaces a large group headed by mike huckabee, rand paul. for the democrats, it's hillary clinton all the way. she's miles ahead of vice president biden and senator elizabeth warren. we have pieces on both front runners tonight. first, clinton may wait a while before confirming that she is running for president. chief political correspondent
carl cameron tells us the rationale behind the delay. >> hillary clinton's originally planned april target date could be extended three months. aides say she feels no time pressure, polls make it abundantly clear she has no serious oppositions for the democratic nomination. >> she frankly does not need to put herself subjecting herself to typical attacks, slow the pace down. >> reporter: political aides suggesting she might accelerate our timetable to jump in as soon as this or next month. for months, groups having doing opposition research on republicans who attack her and raising and spending millions organizing her supporters. clinton's latest timetable tease features the option of filing with the federal election commission to begin her own fund
raising in april. but doing little else publicly until july. her new thinking emerged the day after learning she will not be able to get her testimony to the select committee investigating benghazi out of the way any time soon. lawmakers say they need more documents from the state department and 30 days to review them and that the state has been stone walling them. in 2011, pentagon officials and congressional democrats worried clinton was too eager for war with lib yap ask took it upon themselves to reach out to the son of then president moammar gadhafi. he said he wanted help to avert further hostilities. the story was first reported by the washington times. >> we need your support and help. >> the newspaper says calls for a fact-finding mission to find a diplomatic solution were quashed by clinton's state department. >> and clipt knows as soon as she gets in the race, she goes from the former secretary of state to a politician making a second run at the white house.
benghazi and other controversies are likely to keep her under a real microscope whether she is campaigning, or not. some of her insiders say it's just as likely she'll go with the original time frame. >> mitt romney's flirtation with possible front run at the top job is producing sharp criticism of mrs. clinton. john roberts has that story tonight from atlanta. >> mitt romney may not have declared himself at candidate yet, but if mississippi state university, he was sure talking like one. >> the president's dismiss sal of real global threats in a state of the union address was naive at best and deceptive at worst. >> in a speech to students romney took aim at his 2012 opponent criticizing president obama's refusal to label recent attacks in canada and france as islamic terrorism. >> i don't know how the president expects to defeat the jihadists if he won't even call them the name they are. >> romney also took aim at his potential opponent should he make a third attempt at the
white house portraying hillary clinton as naive on foreign policy and domestic issues. >> secretary of state hillary clinton cluelessly pressed a reset button for russia. how can secretary clinton provide opportunity for all if she doesn't know where the jobs come from in the first place. >> the speech was barely over before democrats previewed another romney run. >> we don't really need to hear a lecture on where jobs come from on a guy best known for bankrupting companies and profiting off outsourcing. a throwback to the same attacks that democrats launched three years ago. when asked in a question and answer session after the speech what he would do differently a third time out romney told the audience, he worked to establish better communication with minority voters and immigrants. and over barbecue with dan mullen he lamented he wished like a football coach he'd been judged on his record back in 2012. >> be nice for people that run for office their leadership experience and what they've
accomplished in life would be a bigger part of what people focused on. but it's not. mostly it's what you say and what you do is a lot more important than what you say. >> romney also cautioned republicans not to ignore minority voters and immigrants during the primaries and then expect them to be there for the general election. an indication if he does choose to run for a third time, he would certainly run as a conservative, though likely not as far to the right as he shifted back in 2012. brett? >> thank you. south carolina senator lindsay graham says he has set up an exploratory committee for a possible run at the republican presidential nomination. graham says the move will enable him to raise money. he says he'll visit new hampshire and iowa to see if his message resinates. up next, the latest on the hostage drama involving isis terrorists and two innocent victims. some of our affiliates, fox 11, a passenger flight from l.a.x.
to washington was forced to make an emergency landing east of the city. passengers reportedly said there was smoke in the plane's cabin. fox 25 in boston with the start of the murder trial for former patriots' player aaron hernandez. charged with killing a former semipro player. defense attorneys say prosecutors are ignoring evidence that hernandez is in and this is a live look at portland, oregon from our affiliate out there. fox 12. a former oregon state university student under investigation for allegedly filming an adult video inside the campus library. a school spokesman says the 19-year-old female has been charged with misdemeanor public indecency. the 20-minute video has been seen by thousands online. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from special report. we'll be right back. if you don't think beat con men at their own game when you think aarp, you don't know "aarp." the aarp fraud watch network helps everyone protect themselves and their families against scams and identity theft. find more real possibilities
at we'll continue our investigation into the stone wall surrounding the case of sergeant bowe bergdahl colonel peters will throw down a challenge. also, bernie on how the press is covering bergdahl. that and more next "factor."
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we are waiting on word tonight on the fate of two hostages held by the isis terror group. some kind of prisoner swap is being considered. but there are complications. connor powell tells us what they are. >> the international efforts to release goto before he's executed continues. even as a sunset deadline passed tonight without a deal. in an audio recording released just two days ago, goto said jordan must release in exchange for his life by sunset today or he would be killed. al rashawi an iraqi citizen was arrested in 2005 while wearing a suicide vest while attempting to blow up a hotel. despite her ties to al qaeda, jordan's government says it's open to exchanging her. but it also wants the jordanian pilot whose plane crashed over syria last month included in the deal. >> the exchange will happen once
we receive the proof of life that we asked for. then we can proceed with the next step that we announced yesterday. >> jordan's king alabama dullbdullah is under pressure to secure the release. hails from a powerful tribe in southern jordan and his family is demanding he be freed. in japan goto's wife begged for her husband's release. >> -- the japanese government the fate of both men are in their hands. >> isis has failed to provide any evidence the pilot is still alive and the fate of goto is unknown. >> both jordanian officials are remaining tight-lipped. but the would be suicide bomber remains in prison in jordan tonight. >> following hezbollah's
wednesday attack in northern israel that killed two israeli soldiers, tensions appear to have calmed down today. what's keeping the fight between israel or hezbollah, which by the way is a proxy for iran from escalating? >> yeah, that's right. 24 hours ago seemed like hezbollah and israel were poised to go to war. but both sides have really good reasons not to escalate this. hezbollah is involved deeply in syria, back in the assad regime. they don't have the manpower or the equipment to launch a full-on war against israel right now and essentially a second front for that organization. israel, intelligence officials know that essentially hezbollah has a long-range missile that will strike anywhere in israel pretty much any corner and that means ahead of the election. this is not a fight that officials want to get into. >> connor, thanks. still ahead the measles outbreak linked to disney parks in california keeps getting worse. we have an update. first, one news channel refuses
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the republican-controlled senate has approved a bipartisan bill to authorize construction of the keystone xl pipeline. the vote was 62-36 with nine democrats crossing the aisle. but that is not a veto proof margin and the president's top spokesman, again, the president will not sign it. loretta lynch now has her first endorsement from a senate republican in her bid to become the next attorney general. orrin hatch says he thinks lynch is exceptionally well qualified and a good person. today was the second day of lynch's confirmation hearing to replace eric holder.
in a business like journalism, words matter. but sometimes the words you do not use say a lot more about you than the ones you do use. which brings us, tonight, to fox news media analyst and host of fox's media buzz howard kerrs. >> reporter: they've been trying to shed the image of the parent network also funded by the government of qatar as al qaeda sympathizers. but that effort has been undermined by a memo at the sister network, ordering journalists not to use the words "terrorist," "islamist" and "jihad." but are the people who killed the staff of "charlie hebdo" freedom fighters? why use such whitewash terms? the memo obtained by national review even says people like timothy mcveigh should be called militants. the channel calls the criticism
subtle mccarthyism and responded with this video. >> we don't use the label islamist, for example, or extremist. we usually let the group's actions speak for themselves. >> the question of terminology caused a stir at yesterday's white house briefing. when abc's jonathan carl asked about the bowe bergdahl prisoner swap with the taliban. >> the taliban is still conducting terrorist attacks, you can't really say that the war is part their concern. >> well, i'd also point out that the taliban is an armed insurgency. isil is a terrorist group. we don't make concessions to terrorist groups. >> abc didn't cover that exchange on its evening newscast. press secretary josh ernest tried to distinguish it. >> those terror tactics have been focused on afghanistan. al qaeda is a terrorist organization that has aspirations that extend beyond just the border between afghanistan and pakistan. al qaeda and their affiliates
around the globe have sought to carry out terrorist attacks against americans and american interests all around the globe. >> more controversial words when nbc reporter was talking about "american sniper," the film portraying chris kyle and questioned kyle's view of iraqis. >> some of what people have described as his racist tendencies toward iraqis and muslims going on some of these, you know, killing sprees in iraq on assignment. >> wait, killing sprees. chris kyle was going on killing sprees? >> a navy s.e.a.l. doing his duty in iraq should hardly be described as going on a killing spree, any more than a news organization should avoid calling terrorists by their rightful name. senate armed services committee john mccain was extremely unhappy today when the protesters from the anti-war group code pink interrupted an appearance by former secretary of state henry kissinger.
>> henry kissinger -- henry kissinger! >> get out of here, you low life scum. >> talked about it on the show this afternoon. capitol hill police have just issued a mea culpa of sorts. stocks rallied today, the dow gained 225.5. the s&p 500 up 19 nasdaq finished ahead 45. the company that so royally screwed up the obamacare website rollout is back on the job and getting millions of your tax dollars. we'll explain next. in the "grapevine." ♪ welcome to the most social car we've
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to provide i.t. support for the agency's obamacare tax program to the tune of $4.5 million. the irs says cgi will not be running its website. a cable customer who called customer service hoping to lower the bill was shocked to notice another big change on her next bill. instead of being addressed to her husband, ricardo brown, it said a-hole brown with the full first word spelled out. she called comcast to cancel her cable service. they said it would cost her $60. despite what she says was a respectful call, someone at comcast seemed to think that impolite name change was in order. after trying unsuccessfully to fix the problem eliot stepped in and comcast managed to remedy the situation. the correct name was returned to the account comcast agreed to rep fund her entire cable bill for two years she's been a customer.
the employee who made the change will reportedly be fired. and another isis bites the dust. the university of florida has been using the integrated student information system or isis for 18 years. long before the terror group gave that such a negative connotation now. the campus newspaper reports that name is being phased out. that is welcome news to the sophomore whose cousin was beheaded by isis. she said she was reminded of his death every time she logged into that system. the school says it's doing away with isis the computer program as part of a system update. but until that happens, it cannot do anything to change the name. this fall, we told you about the tv show archer dropping isis as the name of the crime fighting team. and despite rumors midway through this season, isis the dog has not been killed off yet. the measles outbreak related to the self-described happiest
place on earth is making people unhappy tonight. senior correspondent adam howsley has an update from los angeles. >> reporter: more than a month after one person infected with measles, the outbreak continues to spread across western states and into mexico. keeping tabs on 1,000 people, including nearly 200 children who could have been exposed at a phoenix-area medical center where an infected girl seeking treatment has forced a health department to scramble. >> the scary thing about measles is that you're infectious about a day before you have any symptoms at all and you're infectious for four days before you develop that typical rash that lets people know hey, this is measles. >> many doctors are speaking out. reminding the public that vaccinations are an essential part of keeping the virus at bay. and the center for disease control says while vaccination rates nationwide are high this outbreak will likely continue to grow due to a decision by many
parents to not get their children immunized. >> if you're not vaccinated against measles and somebody with measles walks into the room 95 out of every 100 people will come down with measles. that's how infectious it is. and so if you're exposed you're very, very likely to get measles if you haven't been vaccinated. >> health officials continue to urge people who may have been exposed to call, rather than show up at doctors offices, emergency rooms or urgent care centers because the virus can linger in the air for two hours. for instance, in fresno, an infected man visited three places while sick, including the labor and delivery area of a local hospital, the community regional medical center. >> right now, crmc is identifying everybody that could possibly have been exposed and taking measures to give them a treatment to keep them from developing the disease or developing a severe disease if they do get it. >> as a precaution, some school
districts in california are telling unvaccinated students not to come to class and have sent dozens of kids home in recent weeks. and even if you have been vaccinated, you could still get the virus, just not as bad. tonight rescuers are digging through the rubble of a mexico city maternity and children's hospital following a gas tank truck explosion. a city spokeswoman says at least one adult and one baby were killed there. the mayor says it's believed the blast was caused by a leak in the hose carrying gas from the truck to the hospital. president obama wants to do away with the sequester and put republicans in a bind. we'll get reaction from the panel after a quick break. know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement. know where you stand with pnc total insight.
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that should be the lesson to all of my colleagues. >> i'm one of those that didn't quite like the billy club approach to it. but it's better than not cutting at all. . we've been able to achieve some savings and discretionary spending we wouldn't have otherwise. and we can't get rid of the sequester unless we find other ways to cut. >> well, the president's getting ready to send his budget up to congress, the 2016 budget monday. it's going to include, we're told, an end to the sequestration. do you remember the sequestration? the across the board cuts kind of like a meat cleaver across different agencies. not popular, especially in the pentagon. let's take a review about the sequester and what the president has said about it. >> first of all the sequester is not something i proposed, it's something that congress has proposed. it will not happen. >> bob is the man who literally wrote the book about the budget battle. whose idea was the sequester?
and did you ever think we'd actually get to this point? >> first, it was the white house. it was obama and jack lew and rob who went to harry reid and said this is the solution. but everyone has their fingerprints on this. >> so just in short, the sequester was supposed to be a backstop so they never got to that point so republicans and democrats could deal. well, they didn't, and they got to it. let's bring in our panel. tucker carlson, host of "fox and friends" weekend. and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. the president says he wants to get rid of the sequester that's popular with the military republicans are split on this, some of them like the cutting, but they don't like the harm to the military. >> the sequester has been replaced before. it's not -- republicans are not going to put an end to it. but it's been replaced with more sensible cuts in the last year and a half. this suggestion that it can be a
thing of the past and eliminated is going to be problematic even though the president has proposed a little bit more relief for the military spending side, which is supposed to lure republicans into agreement. what you're going to see is -- are proposals by the republicans to replace the military spending because it is affecting readiness and senator mccain is right about that. there may be a chance now with the threat of isis that democrats and democrats join in for increasing military spending. but they're going to fight for that nondefense discretionary spending all the way and tax hikes and more spending that busts the caps in president obama's budget are off the table. >> just to put in some perspective, two points. there are no net cuts. federal spending is still growing at hundreds of billions of dollars a year, a. b -- >> it's slowing the growth. >> yeah. >> they cut here in washington. >> hundreds of billions a year. we're spending more every year
in the middle of the sequester. by the way, our society has not collapsed, contrary to the president and the administration's predictions. sequestration was going to make sure our children were ill illiterate. remember all this? >> the lines at airports are going to be -- >> and now they're bragging about the health of the economy. maybe that tells you something. third, of course it's a dumb way to cut spending. nobody disagrees with that. but there's an awful lot of money being spent on defense. i'm for defense spending. we're spending what, $300 million per f-35 fighter. some of them are costing that much. you can't tell me there's not a smarter way to allocate money and troops. we sent 1,400 troops to fight ebola. >> it's interesting the way the president appears to be positioning this to split republicans, and to use to raise taxes and to use that money elsewhere.
meanwhile, he touts deficit reduction, which largely could be pointing to the sequester. >> well, the entire idea he's the big deficit cutter in the history of the galaxy. and what he's done is reduced it to levels from $1.5 trillion it's now a third of that and still the historically highest level of deficit we've ever seen. >> not to mention the national debt that is -- >> which has already exploded and he's added about $5 trillion or $6 trillion. so, you know he's doing a dance in the end zone and you know, he's not even past the 50-yard line on this. but on the issue of where you cut. i think what the republicans ought to do is simply ignore his budget. the tax plans are so absurd the budget is going to be dead on arrival. so when it arrives you toss it
in the waste basket. republicans have control of the house and the senate. offer a bill, pass a bill in the house and the senate that actually removes the sequester on defense, and re-does the priorities to let the president have it on his desk if he vetoes it, you reimpose the sequester. but to give into the president on this issue and to be bribed into supporting the military of which he's commander in chief, you'd think he'd care about the levels of the funding in the defense department. in order to cut a hugely wasteful domestic spending. i think it's something republicans are not acquiesced to. >> you're saying e-mail it, don't print it out. >> is there any prospect for any big deal. the prospect of anything that wraps all of this together. >> well the big package with
the bow is always tax reform. and there are people who are closest and work the hardest on this issue and i've spoken with them. there are high-level republicans talking to members of the administration. there is a lot of happy talk on tax reform and that would balance the books. it would address entitlements, be bipartisan. i just don't know this close already to the presidential election that we're going to see a big deal between a president that just, you know last week in the state of the union was frustrating the republican majority and speaking much to his left is hard to see a huge deal coming together like that. >> we always say, we're one election away from really getting it done. >> we're close. really close. >> he doesn't care about math, come on. >> next up, is hillary clinton already on cruise control? sheila! you see this ball control? you see this right? it's 80% confidence and 64% knee brace. that's more... shh... i know that's more than 100%. but that's what winners give. now
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you may have heard i'm running for president again. i don't miss the adoring press. i -- i don't miss over 300 nights a year in a motel room. as you no doubt heard i'm already rich. i'm thinking about how i could help the country. >> military romney down -- mitt romney down in mississippi talking to a crowd down there. new fox news polls out. it's early obviously. first page of that poll and there you see mitt romney at the top. mike hub be, rand paul, jeb bush. there is another poll without romney and there is how it stacks up. bush huckabee paul, carson 10%. meanwhile there is word that hillary clinton may postpone getting in officially. here is what politico wrote today. a democrat familiar with
clinton's thinking says she doesn't feel under any pressure and may see no big primary challenge on the horizon. if you have the luxury of time, you take it advisors said the big e. reason for the delay is simple. she feels no rush. we're back with the panel. tucker let's start with hillary. how about that? >> well her advisors said she will use the extra time to think through her message. she has been in public life since 1980 thereabouts. if she hasn't thought through her message at this point. it suggests maybe there isn't a message beyond her,you know desire to move to the next thing which would be president. that's an ominous sign. also ominous is the fact that she potentially could get through you this entire primary season without a real primary and without a debated. without having to bump up against an actual opponent, a pier. not some theoretical republican she might run against. if i were backing hillary clinton and i were belgium and furiously writing her check i would advise her to convince elizabeth warren to
run. they have done something to keep her out of the race. this may be their undoing. >> as you look at the fox poll on the democratic side, it's, you know, hillary clinton all the way. joe biden obviously factors in at 17% in there is elizabeth warren? a.b.? >> there is actual a little bit of a dust-up in hillary land this afternoon. reports came out on cnn that there is some disagreement about waiting another three months that maybe april is better than july. if you wait because quote, unquote, there is simply no rush it looks more and more like a coronation and she is not trying to earn it. i think tucker is right. she almost ran in 2004. she has effectively been running since 2006 for president. if she doesn't know at this point, if she is afraid of the press, and unsure of what she has to offer and say and unconfident about going on the record and taking positions, that's not a good qualification for president. >> and we haven't heard from her a lot. she did a speech in canada
last week. but we haven't heard much at all. >> she is working on her message. and her message is hillaryness. [ laughter ] >> offering the nation and the world hillaryness. that's a pretty attractive offer. tucker, ambassador to belgium? guantanamo is a better place than that. >> my neighbors want to go to belgium. i don't know why. >> i think the advice she is getting is right. if you don't have any internal opponents, don't declare. the only argument against it is that is going to look like a coronation. well, it is a coronation. so admit it. >> mitt romney clearly appears like he is running. >> yes. >> positioning like he is. >> it does. if he keeps that posture, he will do well. that's a very appealing side of mitt romney, the self-deprecating, the loose, relaxed mitt romney. hard to keep that up in the middle of an actual race. we will know, i think, you know, based on the other fundraising numbers, whether there is room for him in this. i have got to say he really has pressed pause on this
race though. if he doesn't mean to run for president, this is all just a head fake, you know it comes at some damage to the republican field. >> and donors are looking where to turn it. >> a lot of them former romney voters are going to jeb bush already. it's interesting that tucker saw that and thought it was effective. i thought he flat and the room didn't know what to do to his rich joke. that's what happens when loyal friends tell you to be off the cuff. he is a little bit like hillary. is he trying to come up with a third incarnation of mitt romney. this time it's champagne of the poor and super honest about his faith. and being really laid back and making jokes and i think that he needs to go into hiding like hillary and figure out a message. >> all right. i'm going to turn now because everyone always says we focused too much on 2016 too early. i want to ask you about this taliban thing. one out of five released for bo bergdahl who we are
hearing at least had some contact with the taliban. there is concern about this one out of five. meanwhile the white house has spent the last two days trying to tell us what the taliban is. that it's an armed insurgency and not a terrorist group. >> i'm shocked shocked to discover that one of the taliban terrorist from guantanamo is back in the business. of course they are back in the business is there anybody who thought it would be otherwise? i'm surprised it took them, what, six months or so? the idea that somehow qatar would be the guardian, would be the jailer for these guys, and would prevent any of this activity is preposterous. it was a swap. you gave the guy over. you know he will be in the field. and to pretend otherwise i think is a mistake. you have got to be honest about what the consequences of your actions are. >> armed insurgency. >> almost unbelievable. i think the public has reached a point of sensory overload when there are so many things going on, all of them bad, all of them discrediting to the administration that this stuff doesn't seem to stick.
at lunch the other day someone said this happened in 2008, boy heads would roll who could keep track. we ought to keep a book compiling one after another. >> we are trying. >> that's it for the panel. stay tuned for a lesson in diplomatic etiquette.
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finally tonight president obama caught some flack for chewing gum during a parade with india's prime minister. we showed you that apparently that wasn't his only diplomatic faux pas of the trip. >> mr. obama republic day. >> twirling baton. ornamental umbrellas and a cadre of camels. the president's reaction spoke for itself. [ laughter ] >> he gave the greatest parade in history. >> come on, give him a break. that's it for this "special

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, Sailing , Sailboat , Sailing Ship , Dinghy Sailing , Mast , Dhow , Windsports , Water Sport , Ship , Spring Break , Catamaran , Watercolor Paint , Paint ,

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