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Do two jobs. You are done. No longer. We need one more. Thats it for us. This is a fox news alert. Im bret baier in washington. President obama says he wants to show the world that america is united in its fight against isis terrorists. But in asking a divided congress for a use of force authorization the president was much more definitive about what he does not want to do, send Ground Troops, establish a time table get in a prolonged conflict than what he does, use air support and if necessary special forces. In a poll taken before todays announcement almost three out of four people say the president does not have a Clear Strategy for defeating isis. All of this comes as one of the self proclaimed Success Stories descends into more chaos as the u. S. Embassy closed down fighters have driven vehicles abandoned by the staff. President obama making his pitch for a new authorization for military force with what can only be dubbed the obama doctrine. Isil is going to lose. Bold declarations coupled with vague language about how to get there. On one hand ruling out enduring Ground Forces while leaving the ground ajar. I would be prepared to order our special forces to take action because i will not allow these terrorists to have a safe haven. So we need flexibility but we also have to be careful. Republicans say the mix of caution and aggression leaves them wondering if there is a plan to win. The president s point is he wants to dismantle isis. I havent seen a strategy yet. Exhibit a may be yemen, the country where the president touted the fight against al qaeda as a success but it is now in shambles. The u. S. Embassy was closed. In a scene reminiscent of militants taking over a u. S. Compound in libya, rebels in yemen today seized more than 25 u. S. Embassy vehicles and had u. S. Marines hand over their weapons while at the white house tried to change the definition of success to pressuring al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. Because of willingness to order u. S. Military operations in that region we have succeeded in applying significant pressure to the aqap leadership operating in yemen. Reporter the hint of the president stopping but not defeating al qaeda which may explain the poll showing 68 saying he should be tougher on islamic extremists. As for defeating isis 60 believe it will require Ground Troops. 23 say air strikes alone. 17 are unsure. The president made clear again he wants Ground Troops supplied by partners like jordan and caps the u. S. Air campaign at three years. It is not reauthorization of another ground war like afghanistan or iraq. Reporter as he claimed al kidae al qaeda was on the run he said isis is being pounded. Earnest said yes . Intentionally so. His point was it is vague enough to give the commander in chief flexibility but democrats are complaining that leaves the door open. Republicans are complaining that this ties the hands of the president and the next president on Ground Troops. That is why the president doesnt have votes on either side yet. Live on the north lawn. The isis threat has the president reconsidering his exit strategy for afghanistan. Chief washington correspondent james rosen has that story tonight. He campaigned on it and finally last december seemed as though president obama was delivering on his promise. This month americas war in afghanistan will come to a responsible end. Reporter now senior aides have confirmed at the request of the Afghan Government the president is rethinking his plans for withdrawing the 10,000 u. S. Troops still in afghanistan. The present time table calls for only 5,500 to remain in theater by years end. The president throughout that time has preserved for himself the flexibility to respond to security situation on the ground. Reporter over 13 years the u. S. Has lost 2,200 troops in the afghan war. The Security Force has complete responsibility for safe guarding the country. Those americans who stay will conduct Counter Terrorism operations and train, advise and assist afghan forces. While casualty rates are high there is no doubt about the afghan willingness to fight and die for their country. Reporter at the Senate Armed Services Committee Top former officials warned about the perils of withdrawal. My sense is that in 2016 is too soon to assume that the Afghan National Security Forces will be capable enough, that we can afford to withdraw all of our forces from the field. To draw down to a certain number and then to draw down to basically after office in an embassy tells our adversaries how long they have to hold out before they have to field to themselves. Lawmakers emphasize the u. S. Mission in afghanistan has by no means been a failure noting the number of School Children have surged and girls accounting for 40 of the students and women compromising 40 of the countrys teachers. Joining us to discuss this further is house arms Services Committee chairman. Lets start with the aumf. As it is now will this pass . I dont think so but our job is to hold hearings and dig down and understand it. I think there is a lot of concern, though, that it is crafted more to thread a political needle rather than really win and get a job done. What is the biggest problem . The biggest problem are the restrictions it places. There are all these words enduring offensive Ground Combat operations which cannot be done. So if you are a troop in the field with all of the bullets flying you got to have your lawyers next to you to figure out is this offensive or not . Is this enduring or not . Is this Ground Combat or not . It ties the hands of our troops which is what im more concerned about than tying hands of future president s. There is a three year sunset provision as you mentioned that prohibits enduring combat operations. It authorizes this force against isil or associated persons and takes the place of the 2002 aumf. It repeals that in iraq and leaves the other authorization. You are saying enduring grounds operation part is the biggest part for you. How would that work in the field . If by contrast they are going after the front next door in syria then they dont have this restriction. If somebody said this is really rather than a brigade of troops going after t more like a brigade of lawyers going after our troops. From the democrats point of view there is no appetite to put Ground Troops in a combat operation in another country in the middle east. And you look at polls around the country, thats what it says. This doesnt prevent them from using specialops forces on the ground with indigenous forces . I think that is true. Again, what it does prevent is offensive versus defensive that is kind of hard to tell when you are in the middle of a fire fight what is Ground Combat operations. The white house lawyers admit none of the terms have precedent. This is completely new ground that will have to be broken to figure out what is proper and what is allowed and what is not. I worry about putting our troops in that position when they are risking their lives. When they say it is purposely fuzzy and flexible do you think the administration will be flexible with how it is phrased as you try to move this across the finish line in congress . Its a great question. I mentioned they are trying to thread a political needle. If there are alternative ways to accomplish it or other versions will they be willing or are they insisting on their wording . We dont know the answer. What we are going to do is we are going to have hearings and talk to lawyers and military people. We are going to thoroughly dig into all of the issues including the ones you mentioned whether there is really a strategy to accomplish any of this or not. We will see what the result of that is. As u. S. Personnel are being moved out of yemen you have talked about this a few weeks ago about the concerns there. Your assessment of what is happening there and the fallout . Bottom line is increased danger to the United States homeland because over the past several years the most serious threats to our homeland have come from al qaeda in yemen. And now a substantial amount of our presence is gone. There is less pressure on them. That makes it easier for them to plot and plan against us. We dont have an embassy in libya and somalia and syria . In each of those places they are a hot bed of terrorism that is growing and fermenting and there is not a plan to get back. Remember yemen was president obamas success story. It doesnt look good. If you were to bet how long this is going to take to get the aumf through what would you say . I dont know. We have been in combat operations for months before the president ever set this up. We are going to be deliberate about it. I think it is going to take a matter of weeks to have some hearings to fully explore it. Then depending on what we figure out the votes would come after that. Thanks for the time. Thanks for having me. Three, two, one, zero. And lift off. The falcon takes flight propelling to deep space. Moments ago the launch of the privately funded spacex rocket. It will be on its journey to a point about a million miles from earth. From there it will monitor solar outbursts. The solar powered discover satellite is about the size of a refrigerator. It weighs about 1,300 pounds. Its great to watch. Up next, is president obama trying to tax and regulate your internet . Well explain. First here is what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering. In raleigh trying to determine whether the death of three muslims was a hate crime. Police say three were shot to death by a neighbor following a long running dispute about parking. A Facebook Page apparently belonging to suspect craig hix describes him as a supporter of the trial of the man accused of killing chris kyle and his friend. Defense Attorney Says shortly before he was killed kyle texted his friend this dude is straight up nuts. Kyle was the subject of the book and movie american sniper. This is a live look at chicago from fox 32. The big story there tonight Little League international has stripped Jackie Robinson west of its national title. An investigation said to have reviewed the chicago team had falsified boundaries to get ineligible players. Thats tonights live look outside the beltway from special report. Well be right back. You cant predict the market. But at t. 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Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. House Speaker Boehner did not react well to Mitch Mcconnells report that legislation restrict the president S Immigration changes is stuck in the u. S. Senate and that the next move is up to the house. The house has done its job. The Senate Democrats are not going to do something other than to vote no. A spokesman for harry reid says cursing is not going to resolve the squabbling among republicans that led to this impasse. Like tonight Homeland Security secretary johnson said he is worried that the house and senate are pointing at each other. The house has passed the Senate Version of legislation authorizing construction of the keystone xl pipeline and sets up what would be president obamas first veto of the congressional session. As of now the republicans do not have the votes in either chamber to override a veto. Uncle sam apparently wants you to let him regulate and possibly tax the internet. Correspondent Shannon Bream tells us you might have absolutely no say. I dont think the American People realize what is coming. Reporter the public wont have access to hundreds of pages of new regulations until after federal Communications Commission votes on them. President obama has publicly urged the agency to expand its reach over the internet and your ability to access it. Chairman wheeler says without Government Intervention broad band providers cant be trusted to do what is best for consumers. Broad band providers have both the economic incentive and the technological capability to abuse their gate keeper position. Reporter wheeler, the administration and those who support increased government control of the internet say the new regulations are all about insuring equal access to the west. But commissioner says that is not what he is finding in the plan that clocks in at more than 300 pages and claims the opposite is true and predicts slower more expensive broad band for all americans. The very fact that we have differing views proves my point that we should be transparent and release the plan to the public. You can read it and make up your own mind. Reporter lawmakers have been working on a legislative solution something they say will accomplish the goal without giving unfettered power and claim democrats were working with them until the white house actively encouraged them not to. It completely contradicts what the president said, not only do i want to listen to your ideas but work with you on the ideas. We are asking you to not only listen but work with us. As with all proposed regulations Public Comments are part of the process. In this case set a new record for the fcc with roughly four million weighing in easily destroying the previous record of 1. 4 million. The irs is apologizing for seizing Bank Accounts for people and Small Businesses who structure their transactions to avoid federal reporting requirements. It gave the tax Agency Authority to seize and hold Bank Accounts for years without bringing charges. The irs chief says the agency is changing the policy. Stocks were mixed today. The dow lost 7. Nasdaq gained 13. 5. Operators of 29 west coast sea ports which handle billions of dollars of goods say the facilities will mostly be closed four out of the next five days. Negotiations for a new contract with dock workers were to resume today but were cancelled. Employers now say they will not hire crews to load or unload ships thursday, saturday, sunday or monday. Still ahead the south aims to rise again. Importance during the president ial primary season. The rising tide of iranian weapons smuggling in the middle east. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. Hey, girl. Is it crazy that your soccer trophy is talking to you right now . It kinda is. Its as crazy as you not rolling over your old 401k. Cue the horns. Just harness the confidence it took you to win me and call td ameritrades rollover consultants. Theyll help with the hassle by guiding you through the whole process step by step. And theyll even call your old provider. Its easy. Even she could do it. Whatever, janet. For all the confidence you need td ameritrade. You got this. Female announcer get 36 months interestfree financing, and save up to 300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Even get three years interestfree financing on tempurpedic. And of course, free sameday delivery. But only through president s day at sleep train. The u. S. Will send 600 paratroopers to train ukrainian soldiers. Thats an announcement that comes as leaders of Ukraine Russia germany and france are said to be talking right now late into the night to discuss their options. Russias ambassador told the Associated Press that some progress has been made. There is new concern about irans role in supplying weapons to some of the worst of the bad actors throughout the middle east. National security correspondent Jennifer Griffith has the latest. Reporter the explosions rocked in october of 2012. This video from that night shows the factory where iran stored the weapons. Apparently that was a compound that was properly used as a shipment point. Reporter to send weapons through egypt to gaza eight israeli fighter jets reportedly bombed the stock pile in sedan that night. Now after an investigation tracing air, land and sea routes to move weapons to hezbollah hamas fox news learned the name of the key man in unit 190 the cell responsible for arms smuggling across middle east and north africa. Unit 190 is made up of about two dozen employees including this senior figure born in 1968 in nest iran. When turkey intercepted containers filled with mortar shells and explosives destined for hezbollah in may 2007 the bill had his signature on it. According to western intelligence sources he runs a network. This hangar in the civilian section of the International Airport in tehran reportedly serves as a warehouse. The u. S. Treasury has sanctioned Front Companies such as liner transport quiche used by unit 190 to transport weapons. Many times you see the United States government importing sanctions on socalled commercial businesses in iran it is the workf trying to sanction. Reporter in january 2013 the u. S. Navy and military intercepted 40 tons of antitank and antiaircraft missiles on board a boat, weapons that western intelligence Officials Say were destined for the very rebels who just took control of yemens capital forcing the evacuation of the u. S. Embassy. We know there is a relationship between and we have been clear on multiple occasions about our concerns about the technicals that iran has throughout the region. Senior western intelligence sources tell fox that the unit 190 is in the process of preparing another shipment of weapons for distribution to its proxys as we speak. Live at the pentagon thank you. President obama says all but 100 american troops will return from west africa by the end of april. They have been fighting the ebola outbreak. Liberias president says his country reported four confirmed cases a week ago. At the height of the epidemic it was 300 cases a week. The grapevine is next and why president ial candidates could be cruising down south a little early next year. People with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. If you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. Its a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. Along with diet and exercise farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. With one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. And, although its not a weightloss or bloodpressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower Blood Pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. Do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling or difficulty breathing or swallowing. If you have any of these symptoms, stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. 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You can leave if you choose. I told you what i think about texas. I would not live there for all the tea in china. Congressman called on the democrat to apologize. Hasting said he would have to wait until hell freezes over. We were surprised to learn hastings had deep seeded connections to the lone star state. He is an honorary texan. The inscription says he was commissioned to that title 15 years ago. We are working on getting the back story behind this honor bestowed on the congressman. So far we have yet to hear back. A montana lawmaker who wants to tighten the states indecent exposure laws says yoga pants should be illegal in public. Republican state representative introduced the bill to expand current indecent exposure statutes to include nipple exposure including in men and any clothing item that gives the appearance of or simulates genital genitals buttock or pelvic area. He says beige clothing would be included and believes yoga pants should be outlawed but stopped short of including that in a bill which came about with a bike ride in mu zula where people were nude. We will follow this one. Finally parents of middle School Students in pennsylvania are turning 50 shades of red over a word search handed out at school. The puzzle was based on the erotic novel and movie and had middle School Students searching for such words as these are some of the less offensive words, spanking, submissive, bondage and leather cuffs. The School Superintendent says she is investigating. If some politicians get their way the south will rise again in the president ial primary season. John roberts reports from lant lanon an atlanta. Reporter when it comes to picking a president Everyone Wants to feel important. The states of the old south are no different. Can you really have an impact on the nominating process . I think we definitely will. Reporter brian kemp is georgias secretary of state. Todays National Meeting in washington he is pushing a plan to create a southern super tuesday on march 1, 2016. The south is growing. There is a lot of people moving here. We should be involved in the process of deciding who the nominees will be. Reporter the plan is to follow closely early contests in iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina with a block of states across the south. Such a huge pool of voters would attract money, influence and most importantly the candidates. We think the next president of the United States ought to come to the south and stand in your door and your business and discuss the issues you think are important. Reporter democrats tried to idea in 1988 in hopes a moderate might sweep the south. Jesse jackson played spoiler. The plan back fired and michael became nominee. There are concerns from republicans that it could elevate too far to the right. It could be that some of the candidates could get a boost if they are able to persuade voters in the republican primary that they are really president ial material. Georgias secretary of state says moderates may prevail and any moderate who can win in the south will have instant credibility with conservatives across the rest of the country. We now know what Brian Williams punishment will be for telling tall tales about his involvement in news stories at nbc. Fox news media analyst joins us now. Good evening. What are you hearing . Nbc executives felt they had to hit Brian Williams with a sixmonth suspension and describe his false story by coming under fire in iraq as inexcusable. No final decision can be made on his fate because internal inquiry isnt done and expanding to other embellishments. I am hearing that the nbc branch does envision giving williams a Second Chance but sources say most people at nbc dont expect to see him back in the anchor chair. What has the reaction been inside nbc news to losing really its biggest star . Williams didnt do much to cultivate internal allies which is why you are not seeing even anonymous quotes. His friends are torn about the affection and concerned about the damage he has done. As far as Brian Williams he is described as devastated, determined to fight for his job. Finally, wanting to apologize again and again. Nbc wont allow that to happen im told until this internal inquiry is finished. One other media note john stewart is leaving the daily show. Stewart told his stunned audience last night. Stewart has been hosting the show for 16 years. President obama asked congress for permission to go to war with isis. Well get reaction from the panel after a quick timeout. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like mute buttons equal danger. That sound good . Not being on this phone call sounds good. Its not muted. Was that you jason . It was geoffrey it was jason. It couldve been brenda. Our coalition is on the offensive. Isil is on the defensive and will lose. The resolution we submitted does not call for deployment of u. S. Ground combat forces to iraq or syria. It is not reauthorization of another ground war like afghanistan or iraq. Im convinced that the United States should not get dragged back into another prolonged ground war in the middle east. That is not in our National Security interest and not necessary for us to defeat isil. President Obama Asking Congress to move quickly on authorization for use of military force against isis as new fox polls come out including this one does the president have a Clear Strategy against defeating isis . 73 of those polled say he does not. And then how about the job the government is doing in reducing the threat of terrorism from islamic extremists . You can see 67 only fair or poor. With that lets bring in our panel. Senior editor of national review. Columnist with the hill and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. What do you think of this . I think he said it pretty much right he is trying to thread a political needle and not a strategic needle. A proper authorization of military force would say we authorize the president to do anything he deems necessary to defeat isis. That is not what this thing is. He is asking for these Political Considerations no enduring Ground Troops strikes me as utterly bizarre unless you take into account that he is very concerned about another crusade. Maybe to put limits so that doesnt declare retaking of holy lands. The one area where the president is supposed to have maximum latitude. If he doesnt want to have a prolonged ground war dont have a prolonged ground war. Why put yourself in handcuffs over this particularly at a moment where he is freaking out about congress doing its duty about the iran negotiations and talking about sanctions. By all means create this political document that constrains what i can do to fight an enemy of the United States. Republicans as you heard the chairman say have a problem with the way it is structured in limiting the attack against isis. Democrats so far have said it is too open ended and too fuzzy. It seems like it is going to have a tough time going across the finish line in congress. To me this serves congresss interests. They never want to say here is a license to go and fight a war. They are very reluctant to do that democrats and republicans. Im a little surprised at jonah saying the president should have a blank check. I think there are a lot of people especially democrats who say we are not giving a blank check to fight this war. And some republicans. Speaker boehner says i havent seen a strategy. I am quoting the speaker. I havent seen a strategy. He is not a soldier or commander in chief. You would think if he was living up to the standards you would think i will give you that authority. I think you get into a situation here where congress has been reluctant to give authority to any president republicans or democrats and yet they yell and scream. The idea of a blank check, the way the constitution is written, its exactly what the constitution envisions as powers. Congress declares war. It gives a blank check and the president is commander in chief executes the war. That is the only way to run a war. This is the equivalent of a declaration of war. Yes, the president constrains it in ways which is sort of a reflection of the way he has done all of his socalled offensive operations. He said in his speech at the beginning we are on the offensive. Isil is on the defensive. Then he proposes here a strategy although of course there are no details in which he announces this is going to be for three years. He doesnt have to withdraw in three years but what is the purpose of putting a time limit on it in any way . It is exactly the way he announced the surge in afghanistan where the sentence after he announced the surge he announced a date of americas withdrawal. He advanced that date as the election of 2012 approached. What you do is you say we are going to fight the war if you want an end date on it until isis is defeated. I think there are some republicans who dont have a problem with the sunset clause because they would have to renew the authorization and in this proposal the president has to come to congress or his administration does every six months to update it. But jonah i think the question is, does this tie the hands of the military . As it is written now . As a political document it seems to. Basically we dont know. Some of the phrases have as the congressman said earlier have no basis. They are fuzzy political terms. What is an enduring offensive engagement or whatever these phrases are . It basically sends the signal. A declaration of war is not a strategy document. I agree with john boehner president obama needs a strategy. If the strategy is bad congress can hold funding for this or that. If you believe isis should be destroyed he should have authorization to try to destroy it. He is still commander in chief. If he doesnt want to engage he doesnt have to. I want to put up these two quotes before we go to break. We are going to continue this discussion on the second panel. The president is in new york talking about isis. The analogy used around here sometimes is if a jv team puts on a lakers uniform that doesnt make them kobe bryant and said i think there is a distinction against a reach versus jihaddests engaged in local power and disputes talking that week about those areas that were going down to isis in iraq. In the aumf it is worded this way. Whereas the terrorist organization referred as the Islamic State of iraq and various other names refer to isil poses a grave threat to the people and territorial integrity of iraq and syria, regional stability and National Security interests of the United States allies and partners. We have come a long way in one year and one month of this president s assessment of isis. I dont think there is any question. They are not al qaeda. I will say that but i do agree that they pose a threat. The question is it a perspective threat in terms of their capacity to grow and become a threat to American National interests. Grave here. More on this after a short break. Ah come on lets hide in the attic. No. In the basement. Why cant we just get in the running car . Are you crazy . Lets hide behind the chainsaws. Smart. Yeah. Ok. If youre in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. Its what you do. This was a good idea. Shhhh. Be quiet. Im being quiet. Youre breathing on me if you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance you switch to geico. Its what you do. Head for the cemetery theres only one egg that just tastes better. Fresher. More flavorful. Delicious. Only one egg with better nutrition. Like more vitamins d, e, and omega 3s. And 25 less saturated fat. Only one egg good enough for my family. Because why have ordinary when you can have the best. Egglands best. The only egg that gives you so much more better taste. Better nutrition. Better eggs. The United States and our allies are increasingly concerned with the more than 20,000 foreign fighters we assess have traveled to syria from over 90 Different Countries of origin. We assess that at least 3400 of these fighters are from western countries. And that number includes also over 150 u. S. Persons who have either traveled to the conflict zone or who attempted to do so. The foreign fighters increasing director of National Terrorism center with that. Meantime, in yemen, a situation that is devolving the u. S. Embassy in there is now closed. We are getting reports that the Embassy Personnel left and they left their vehicles and they have been taken over by the rebels there on the ground. Were back with the panel. Charles, you heard chairman thorn berry talking about his concern about yemen as just one of the hot spots. Look, what just happened in yemen is on the one hand its sort of humiliating. It wasnt quite like the evacuation of saigon, but it was not it was a kind of withdrawal that was done very quickly weapons left behind and the rebels come in and take the marine side arms. Not exactly a pleasant scene. But the real problem is less psychological than whats happening on the ground often two fronts devastating set back. Makes access to attacking aqap. Al qaeda in iraq. The most active of al qaeda cells in the world makes access hitting them difficult. This is what is overlooked in the analysis. It is that it is now going to become an ally of iran. The ones who took over the state are closely supported by iran an iran has spoken of turning yemen into hezbollah. Irans way of operating in lebanon. This is the way it once operated in yemen. As you showed on the map, you have got iran now dominating the three arab capitals in the north. Baghdad, damascus, beirut, and now with yemen in the lower lefthand corner, you have got a surrounding of all the proamerican states, jordan, and the gulf states by iranian clients. This is a big set back. And it scares the gulf states to death. Juan . I think what charles just laid out is the reason why you would hope that muslim countries like jordan also engage in the fight also the saudis would themselves put some skin in the game. Get active instead of always relying on the United States to come in and serve their interest clearly they are afraid of raven too. They are afraid where dominate the region. Yet they always rely on the United States. Sure, its under the umbrella of the u. S. Negotiating with iran on this nuclear deal. And what they perceive is a pull back and leaving a vacuum in the middle east by the u. S. That certainly hasnt happened yet. They are all fearful and i think especially israel is fearful that the iranian deal will concede too much. And thats a concern. What what we are talking about in the moment in dealing with isil and dealing with this takeover in yemen which essentially it was local politics. It was the rebels against, not against the United States, i mean, there is no analogy to saigon. Sure. This is again, damaging to our ability to the ability of the muslim world as iran gains strength. In the region though no more u. S. Embassy in yemen. In libya, closed down. Somalia, syria, obviously havent had one in iran for quite some time. Right. And this not to go too much back to the amuf this raises another problem with the amuf. When you put a three year limit on it, it really signals to a lot of people in the region how unreliable the United States may be and how uncommitted seeing this through. Obama end wars not to start them. We have two years left with obama. He does not seem like a guy who wants to fully engage in this fight no matter what facet of it there is he said in that interview with vox. Com which you talked about last night that he sees terrorism as the way, a big city mayor views street crime. Street criminals dont take over our embassy and dont declare they are going to create a global caliphate. More on this continue this in the online show. If you havent been there join. In enjoy highlights from our most recent online show. Nobody cares. Sorry. [ laughter ] i just wanted a. J. Says steve has great hair tonight. Tonight . Its debbie the makeup artist. Good job

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