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Bret, good evening. Confident the special counsel investigation by Robert Mueller will show no evidence of wrongdoing by the Trump Campaign with russian collusion with the interference of the u. S. Election. With a major document central to that investigation now shown to be nothing more than political opposition, the white house believes it has a wind at its back. After revelations that the Clinton Campaign and dnc paid for the now infamous, unverified dossier, President Trump today took sharp came at the Mueller Investigation on twitter. It is now commonly agreed, the president wrote, after many months of costly looking there is no collusion between russia and trump, was collusion with hc. Details will be vague, but it will give americans a clear idea on how much in taxpayer money mueller is bending. The president suggested that the mueller special investigation is a waste of money . I think the president has been pretty clear what his positions throughout this process, i thought the only investigation thats only taken place, congress spent a great deal of time on this. All the news organizations have spent a lot of money on this as well, which we would consider probably a pretty big waste. The white house is also trying to turn the tables on democratic critics after three congressional committees opened investigations into the iranian which resulted into a Russian Company claiming one fifth of the and reserves. We know its Hillary Clinton who was secretary of state when russians were trying to infiltrate the United States to take an advantage on what ended up being 20 of the uranium going to a russian interest. I just think its not difficult for americans to connect the dots. The tugofwar over tax reform between the white house and congress continued today after fox news asked the president wednesday about ways and Means Committee kevin brady saying 401 k contributions were on the table. Brady said today he has since heard from the president. I talked to the president twice this week. We want to increase the amount you can give to your 401 k or ira for 401 k s up to 21,000. There is a catch to the idea of increasing contributions to 401 k s. The before tax allowance may be reduced. The rest of the balance will be after tax contributions that grow tax free, like a traditional ira. The white house wouldnt say if the president supports the idea. The president wants to continue to fight and push for protection of americans retirement, that hasnt changed. But im not going to negotiate any deals beyond that. The white house was on the defensive day over questions over a Small Montana company rebuilding the electrical grid in puerto rico puerto rico. Whitefish energy had only two employees before winning a 300 Million Contract for hurricane recovery. Whitefish is from the same town interior secretary ryan zinke grew up entering the white house insist officials in puerto rico awarded the contract. But in an Oval Office Meeting today, President Trump asked zinke about it. He did ask secretary zinke, just for clarification purposes. And he reiterated once again that we have no role, the federal government, specifically he had no role. Zinke has not responded in a statement late this afternoon saying, i had absolutely nothing to do with Whitefish Energy receiving a contract in puerto rico. Neither myself or anyone in my office has advocated for this company and get away. After the initial contract was awarded, i received a single email from the company in which i took no action. All records, which are being made available, will prove no involvement. Strong pushback, brad, from the interior secretary. Bret john, thank you. Lets take some time to fill in some of the background on the front dossier story from the beginning. Here is chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge with the timeline. They say it began with republicans. I think i would know, but i wont say. This letter from Clinton Campaign council the opposition Trump Research was originally reported stomach funded by one or more clients during the republican primary. Media reports suggest that the client was a wealthy republican donor and the project went on september 2015. Marco rubio publicly denies involvement. If i had anything against donald trump that was relevant, credible, politically damaging . I wouldve used it. I didnt have it. They force a disclosure that opposition reresearch firm approached 2016 and a month later a deal was struck by the Clinton Campaign and the dnc. British Court Records obtained by fox news shows fusion gps led by former wall street journal reporter Glenn Simpson and peter frisch then hired former British Intelligence officer christopher steele, a longtime contact. No charges appropriated in this place. By summer, the same time fbi director james comey record as candidate trump secure the nomination, two of steeles memos were in fbi fans hands. Fusion gps instructed steele to bring five American Media updates. After no stories were published, fusion told steele to do a second briefing. Yahoo news appeared to be the first reference to the dossier allegations, and mother mother jones followed. After President Trump fired him, comey did not explain whether the fbi relied on the unverified dossier to explain surveillance warrants on trauma Trump Campaign. Couldnt talk when i was the head of the fbi. A former british investor told fox to verify the dash 3 weeks before the inauguration, he pulled the president elect aside to discuss. On january 10, buzzfeed publish the allegations in full. But speed is facing multiple defamation suits. President trump has consistently denied the allegations. Bret . Bret catherine, thank you. The president and his party may come down on opposite sides of her in a law allowing Intelligent Services to track internet communications. Correspondent kevin corke looks at both sides tonight from the white house. From the attorney general and director of National Intelligence to a Homeland Security advisor, even a letter to congress signed by more than a dozen former intelligence officials sweeping support to renew Internet Surveillance Program the trump the ministrations that is needed to keep americans safe. This is a section of law that is a seminal, key piece of authority in our National Tool chest to keep americans safe since 9 11. Thats why its so important. Not that the United States government is doing nothing abusive. Hes talking about section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Service act, or fisa. For foreign and intelligence purposes. It set to admire expire unless renewed by congress. The debate threatens to pick the president against members of his own party in part because of the administrations effort to end a sunset provision in the law which forces it to be renewed periodically. Wisconsin republican congressman Jim Sensenbrenner called that a gamble that america cannot afford to take, and kentucky senator rand paul has cosponsored a bill which would narrow the scope of 702. The aclu argues that 702 should not be reauthorized because of the governments ability to collect calls and email between americans and foreign nationals without a court order to be used as a backdoor to the citizen. An example of that loophole, the electronic surveillance and collection of information of at least one member of the Trauma Campaign before, during, and after the 2016 election. Bret . Kevin corke in the White House Briefing room. Kevin, thank you. Lets talk about the fisa issue and other topics. Talking is here at the department of justice, attorney general Jeff Sessions. Thank you, bret. Its good to have you in our courtyard. Great building, great history. I work every day to be worthy of this great tradition to this department. Let me talk about the piece we just saw and that issue about fisa. There are concerns about capitol hill, a number of law makers link their need to be changes. What is your take, what is the administrations take . My view, and ive had it really embedded in me since ive been here in this department is that this is a really important issue. We have to protect the fundamentals of 702. I really think, if people understood it, they wouldnt think any change it needs to be made. But congress is working at it, giving intensive review of it. We welcome that. We welcome the discussion. But we have to have this. We have to have this reauthorized. We are able to surveilled terrorists around the globe. There is never been a need for a warrant to surveilled a terrorist, a nonamerican in a foreign country who might pose a threat to the United States. Never been a warrant for that. Weve got to be careful that we do not inhibit our investigators from protecting this country. Bret rand paul and others say theyre have to be changes. The American People deserve better from our own government than to have their Internet Activity swept up in warrant list unlimited searches that ignore the Fourth Amendment, the new bill, the building are pushing, institutes member reforms that prove we can still respect our contribution down the constitution. Pretty good to a lot of people concerned about privacy issues. When you surveilled a person abroad, you do not have to have a warrant to do so. In fact, theyve never been a suspect. They do not have First Amendment protections they do not have the Fourth Amendment protections. If they are terrorists, we really want to know who they are talking to. Maybe they are plotting an attack on the United States. Whenever you have a lawful warrant to listen on someones phone, you are forced to listen to who they talk to. You do not need a warrant because they might be talking to an american citizen. That is not the history of the Fourth Amendment and the courts have upheld the consistently poor this program is over cited in half a dozen different ways. Judges oversight on the intent. We are watching it closely. If we can work with congress, well do something. Bret youre concerned about the votes . I think we are going to have the votes. Im confident we will. I think a vast majority of senators will see it this way. We voted on it before. Weve executed it in a written way and its critical all National Security. Bret your department listed the gag order on on thii informant tied to uranium one investigation. Now congress is involved in that investigation very john roberts has sources saying that the president was involved in the discussion and pushed for that decision. Is that true . Well, i havent talked to him about that. What i will say is that senator grassley having been direct with us for some time. We worked with senator grassley and are very happy to be able to improving his testimony before the Senate Judiciary. Bret donned again, white House Counsel or deputies tell you or your people to say the president really wants this to happen . I have not talked to him about that, but i think its a good thing that is worked out and we are very pleased about it. Bret here is a former attorney general a former u. S. Attorney who has concerns if this in fact happened. Take a listen. What causes people not to have faith, even if it was otherwise a right decision, for this d. A. To be lifted, it causes people to question whether or not the president influenced the decision. You cannot have in this country, i think, if you want to have faith in how the laws are executed and enforced, that a president is calling out my name specific actions and specific directions in a criminal investigation. Bret so you are saying he didnt do that . Im not aware of any such communications. I dont believe there was any orders driven on delivery. But what i do know is weve been talking with the Senate Judiciary committee for some time. I have never understood, really, why there would be a problem and im glad its been worked out. Bret okay. I know you cannot talk about the specifics on the Russian Investigation because you recuse yourself. On the investigation thats not going on about this dossier, can you dismiss reports that the dossier was used to obtain surveillance warrants on the trump team . I dont know anything about that. Im not able to comment on that. I would just say that the system seems to be working and its a matter that im just glad people have looked at. Bret there was some frustration, House Speaker and others, that its taken a long time for your fbi to kind of produce the documents around this. They have been, you know, concerns about that, theyve been pressured for that. There are reasons why. The fbi should not provide details of their investigation in the middle of investigation. However, in this situation, i think its appropriate. Im glad theyve accepted the request. Bret speaking of taking time, big story today. These jfk papers. The president says he wants to put them out. Then they come out redacted because of concerns from the cia and fbi. Theres a lot of people saying that after all these years, werent you ready for this day . Its time to get it done, bret. Ive talked with the fbi. Weve talked with our staff here. I think the president s right to say, lets get these materials out. They are moving today very quickly. Some of documents have already been produced today. They will be moving faster, there will not be, i believe, any significant redaction. Very some people alive may not need their names or their current address is revealed. Lot of it is extraneous entirely. Bret you are trying to expedite it . We are working this weekend. We are going to be working every way possible to expedite the production of these documents as completely as possible and they will be virtually, completely revealed from the fbi files. Bret a lot of historians i think happy about that. Another issue, that jane doe case. This is this illegal immigrant who came into the u. S. And wanted an approach in abortion with federal fun. It happened. Prolife critics out there that your department dropped the ball on this. You had the chance to file on time that would prevent the aclu from moving the process along and she actually had the abortion. How do you respond to that . She was determined to do that. The lawyers that were representing her were determined to have that abortion. They were able to file, have the abortion at 4 30 in the morning before we were filing our brief the next morning. My lawyers tell me that they were told by their lawyers that that would not happen. This is a total surprise and it really a breach of the kind of providence that lawyers should be able to have with one another. We are very upset about it. I think its a serious problem. It should not have happened. And we are disturbed about it, ive got to tell you. Bret do you think this issue is going to come up again and go all the way up to the federal government about these federal dollars being used . I dont believe that we should be using taxpayers dollars to fund abortions. I think in this case, certainly ones not justified. Weve resisted it steadfastly. Im very disappointed that these lawyers are able to take that time. Time to avoid a Court Hearing to see what you are filing. Bret how was your relationship with President Trump now . A little bit rocky there now. Weve had the president really clear about when hes happy with somebody or when hes not happy with somebody. But i feel real good about it. We had a good visit yesterday. I had a speech he gave. He consummated us on our work. We had other visits in the last week or so. Its improving. I am excited about his latest shift on this opioid issue. This is a tremendously big issue for america. The first lady, melania trump, spoke yesterday. So he did. This morning, i went to new york to this huge Postal Center where 70 of the mail abroad comes where fentanyl is coming in. Its such a deathdealing drug. The whole government has heard from the president. We are reacting and we are going to be doing some thing about opioids. Ive got to tell you. Hes a strong leader. Weve got the message, something weve been working on here in this department for months. We are going to step it up even more. Bret bret less than qui. I asked this to a lot of officials and National Security positions. What keeps you up at night . Weve got the National Security threat is always there. And i am proud of the fbi. Im amazed how many people theyve identified in early stages who can be charged and arrested and stopped from plans that were developing to attack america. That is a big thing. But the murder rate in america is going up. We had a 20 increase in homicide in just two years. The largest increase since 1968. Fentanyl death rate went from 52,000 in 2015, huge. Weve never seen anything like that. It went up to 64,000 in 2016. It is more than accidents. It is more than the aids at the peak of the epidemic. Those things threaten the very peace and safety of americans. This team in the department of Justice Works every day to deal with it. Bret mr. Attorney general, we appreciate your time. Thank you. Bret a couple of cliffhangers in the kennedy assassination files. We will take a look. Some of the big stories to come out of those documents, we just talked about it. We come back. Ent in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children she had to buy lots of groceries. While she was shopping for organic fruits and veggies, burglars broke into her shoe. They stole her kids Mountain Bikes and tablets along with her new juice press. Luckily the Geico Insurance agency had helped her with Homeowners Insurance. She got full replacement on the stolen goods and started a Mountain Bike juice delivery service. Call geico and see how affordable Homeowners Insurance can be. Im in the kitchen. I need my blood sugar to stay in control. I need to shave my a1c im always on call. An insulin that fits my schedule is key. Tresiba® ready announcer tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. 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We are alive tonight from the courtyard inside the department of justice to talk to the attorney general. People just like you, along with the story, and consider history an end spears if there theorist poring over thousands of released documents about the jfk investigation. You heard from the attorney general, there is a effort to speed that up. Kirsten fisher has highlights of what we learned tonight. For everyone hoping these files would at once and for all put to rest or prove the many conspiracy theories surrounding jfks death, they are going to be pretty disappointing. In many ways, these files a few of the even more. For instance, a document from the deposition from the deputy cia director under kennedy. He was asked by an attorney, is there any information involved with the assassination of president kennedy which in any way shows that Lee Harvey Oswald was in some way a cia agent . A fascinating question. But we dont get an answer because thats where the document ends. Another cliffhanger . An anonymous call made to a reporter in london just 25 minutes before jfk was shot. According to one of the files released, the caller said only that the cambridge new supporters should call the american missing in london for some big news. And then hung up again, 25 minutes before jfk was shot. Listen to how one president ial historian described the 2800 records just released. This is a treasure trove for students of history. This blows my mind. Im like a kid at christmas. Ive got papers scattered all over my living rooms in different piles and trying to sort through very interesting, compelling things. But dont forget. There are still hundreds of more records still under wraps. Last night, President Trump said, i have no choice today but to accept those actions whether than allow potentially irreversible harm to our our n for the fbi and cia have six more months to make their case, the most sensitive documents that need to be kept secret forever, but as the president said, they will be made public by april. Bret . Bret we will follow it all. The only american citizen to be convicted by an american jury of successively joining isis overseas has been sentenced to 20 years in prison. 28 year old my homage and mahatma jamaal price was found guilty on terrorism charges. He found life they are distasteful and escaped after a few months. Spain the prosperous government has voted to take control of the breakaway catalonia region prelawmakers in madrid and barcelona made their moves today, setting them on a collision course there. The u. S. Has already taken a side. Correspondent rich admin tells us which one tonight from the state department. They have taken down the spanish flag and replaced it with their own. We are catalogued at last we can be ourselves she ends thousands of other supporters celebrated in barcelona after catalonias Regional Parliament voted to establish a government independent from spain. Despite the celebration, there is still opposition in catalonia to independence. What we saw from the nuppercaseletter parliament was shameful. We are entering into an unknown dimension. Catalonia will cease being part of spain because the Spanish Government will act immediately to reestablish institutional normalcy. Thats exactly what it did. Spain said it granted the Government Authority to establish direct rollover catalonia. The spanish Prime Minister said hes firing catalonias government. The Spanish Prosecutors Office says it will pursue rebellion charges against the catalonian leaders responsible for the independence vote. The catalonia the parliament has improved something in a big opinion of people that only goes against the law but is a criminal act. Speak with a wealthy northeastern spanish region complains it sends more to the National Government than it receives, among other grievances. No other country has recognized catalonia as an independent state. The u. S. State Department Says catalonia is an integral part of spain and the United States supports the Spanish Governments constitutional measures to keep spain strong and united. European leaders are also backing the Spanish Government against the independence unit. Prime minister rajoy spain will vote bret rich, thank you. Up next, will Social Security still be there when you need it . We are alive at the Justice Department we are live at the Justice Department. They took forever to pay you, right . No, i got paid right away, but. At the very end of it all, my agent. Wouldnt even call you back, right . No, she called to see if i was happy. But if i wasnt happy with my claim experience for any reason, theyd give me my money back, no questions asked. Can you believe that . No. The claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. Switching to allstate is worth it. Only from allstate. Youve probably seen me running all over the country in search of our big idaho potato truck. But not any more. I am done with that. Ooh, ooh hot just gonna stay home on the farm, eat a beautiful idaho potato, and watch tv with my dog. Tv anncr the big idaho potato truck pulled into town today and its really a sight to see. Oh man. Lets go. distant you comin, boy . Sfx dog gulp woof. Bret we are live at the courtyard in the Justice Department tonight. Special report. We just talked to the attorney general. You have heard of before and will hear it again. Social security is in real trouble. With more baby boomers facing retirement, the system could be at a breaking point. Correspondent Doug Mckelway looks at the numbers and what they mean. This Social Security measure gives at least some protection to 30 millions of our citizens. 82 years after president roosevelt signed into law, the Social Security act has hit an ominous milestone. A sum so huge, spending a Million Dollars today since the birth of jesus christ wouldnt get you there. Its future spending that most worries economists. Social security reform is urgent and necessary. The longer we wait, the more painful and drastic cuts will have to be. The milestone is no surprise. Its the result of the baby boom generation reaching retirement years, often described as an economic pig in a python. That analogy is flawed because it suggests that things will improve once the pig is passed. It doesnt. We have a smaller set of workers supporting a permanently larger set of retirees. Social securitys unfunded liabilities now surpassed 34 trillion. On present course, it will become insolvent by 2034. Only a few politicians, House Speaker paul ryan, chief of them, have sounded the alarm. To suggest fixes is to incur the wrath of retirees and special interests, and to such these socalled third rail of politics, no way to get elected. And you say that by making the United States, but making this rich again, by taking on the money thats being lost. Economist saying among the actions and need to be taken, increase the age to 67 and reduce the benefits to seniors already comfortable in retirement. If nothing is done, higher payroll taxes and lower benefits surely await. Bret . Bret doug, thank you. Despite two devastating hurricanes, the u. S. Economy grew at a solid 3 annual rate in the third quarter. Its the first time in three years the economy has put together two consecutive quarters with 3 growth or better. Stocks were up today. They like that. The dow gained 33. The s p 500 jumped 21. The nasdaq surged 44. 5. The dow gained a half percentage point for the s p 500 was up at a. Nasdaq jumped a little over one. This weekend is the fifth anniversary of super storm sandy. The system killed more than 500 people and estimated in an expected 65 billion of damage. In tonights whatever happened to segment, we go back to some of the hardest hit areas and see what they look like that. Senior correspondent Rick Leventhal reports from point pleasant, new jersey. And super storm sandy slammed the jersey shore october 29th, 2012, and ravaged miles of coastline through the ocean swallowed the beach, swallow neighborhoods that typically didnt flood, leaving vehicles under water and boats on dry land, cutting some houses right in half. Sandias unrelenting winds and storm surge destroyed casino here in seaside heights, stomping the jet side roller coaster in the atlantic ocean. Five years later, the boardwalk and peer have been dealt with new thrill lights construction continues up and down the coast. With the new jersey Governors Office reporting roughly one in five home owners are still building and some continue the struggle with insurance claims. This is the exact footprint of the original house. Josette and her husband ed moved into the rebuilt home months ago, five years after the bayfield the first floor. I didnt think it would take five years to fully get back in the house. Had i known that, i probably wouldve left. The couple had no Flood Insurance and spent 80,000 fixing up the original structure and found out it still could not be insured, so they raised it and build a new higher house to coat with help from a federal grant and another quarter million out of pocket. Every time i see a hurricane on the news, my heart goes out to those people. Its horrible. I feel so sad for them. Because they dont know whats ahead of them. Now its over. But her husband, retired firefighter turned carpenter, because it a blessing. I built the house. I actually think its unbelievable. Im happy that the house is beautiful. For me, is an opportunity to have what we wanted. Sandys park fires, including this massive blaze and breezy point, new york. Ironically, a favorite retirement spot for former new york city cops and firefighters. More than 100 houses burned to the ground, and flooding damaged or destroyed hundreds more. Too much out here in september and october. Charlie mcglothlin spent summers and breezy point for nearly four decades. It was here when sandy wrote a short escaping to his daughters house nearby watching helplessly as his neighborhood burned to the ground. You must of had about 50 fire trucks coming in here. They were always back up in the neighborhood all the way down. They couldnt get in before the search. This is 38 caliber. My god. You can see the trigger mechanism here. Charlies 2inch call off to the revolver was the only thing he could salvage from the rubble. He rebuilt the house in part because of his nine kids and 27 grandchildren. Kids come up, up at seven in the morning, they go to bed the same way. The Insurance Industries is nearly 98 of sandy related claims have been paid out, but that means some are still waiting. Far too many have not had coverage in the first place. One of the big issues from sandy was there were a lot of people who needed Flood Insurance who did not have it. Even if you are seen as being in a low risk area, that doesnt mean no risk. Thats a lesson that folks learned here the hard way, that low risk does not risk. While the improvements and new construction are impressive, there is still a surprising number of empty lots and boarded up homes serving as grim reminders of how devastating a storm sandy was. Bret . Bret Rick Leventhal in point pleasant, new jersey. Rick, thanks. President trump tried to turn the page on the russia collusion investigations. The attorney general weighs in on the fbi informant. We will ask the panel, we will have it all when we come back. The president wants to see this completed. Theres still no evidence of collusion between the president and anyone. If any collusion took place it would be between the dnc and the clinton dz. I think were now starting to see that all of the things the democrats had accused this president of doing they were actually guilty of themselves. Its a completely commit cal undertaking designed to get people to talk about the only thing that un identifies the republican today which is hating Hillary Clinton. Well the president , the administration making the case that the Russian Investigation should be about collusion with the Clinton Campaign and Hillary Clinton. The president tweeting it is now commonly agreed after many months of costly looking that there was no collusion between russia and trump, was collusion with Hillary Clinton. One of those investigations is the uranium one investigation where that fbi informant, the gag order was just lifted. I asked the attorney general about that and how it came to be. John roberts has sources saying the president was involved in the discussion and pushed for that decision. Is that true . Well i havent talked to him about that. What i would say is senator grassly has been direct with us, for some time. We work with senator grassly and are very happy to be able to approve his testimony before the Senate Judiciary committee. Did his white House Counsel or deputy sis call you . I am not talking to him about that. But i think its a good thing that if worked out im very pleased about it. So lets bring in our panel from the washington bureau. Charles hurt, opinion editor for the washington times, julie pace and eli lake column any of the for bloomberg view. Julie you heard the attorney general there on that one piece of the investigation. Your thoughts . Well its not surprising that the president would want this informant to be freed from a gag order t certainly raises questions, any time the president is getting involved with Justice Department business. I think thats why you saw sessions trying to sidestep that question. Broadly if you look at this week this is a week where the Trump White House feels like they finally are able to go on the offense on the russia investigation. They feel like this revelation that democrats, the Clinton Campaign and the dnc were involved in funding a section of this dossier after a republican had started this off, puts them on stocker footing. I think its really the important for people to remember that the reason the Russian Investigations exist in the first place isnt because there was a dossier that was funded by opponents of donald trump. It exists because there was russian interference in the election. And the special counsel investigation is there in part because of what we saw transpire around the comey firing and the fact that you had to have Jeff Sessions recuse himself. The dossier is important in the sense that it got a lot of attention and its something that the fbi felt strongly enough about to bring to donald trump and the to barack obama but its not the reason the investigations exist. Which areally the one thing we dont know is whether the dossier was used for the fisa court or for the surveillance on the Trump Campaign. And thats an absolute crucial question. Of course julie is right. The dossier is not the reason for these investigations. But, it does explain, i think, all of the politics that were seeing today. Try to imagine that first meeting between donald trump and his an in coming president and his fbi director where the fbi director pushes across the table this dossier and says, listen, we have this, we know this about you. We have this information on good authority. And the president of the United States is looking at the guy going oh my goodness, this is my fbi director . Thats where their relationship began. When you go back to the fact that comey is ultimately fired its amazing that he lasted as long as he did last. How he wasnt fired upon taking office is puzzling to me. So i think that this dossier and all of the new information thats coming out about it really does has flipped all of the scripts in washington. Everything that the democrats are saying now, the republicans were saying last week. And vice versa. But clearly there is a lot more that needs to be found out. The most important thing to me is was it the basis for using governments power feel spying capabilities to spy on a political opponent . Yeah i always say in these panels we dont know what we dont know. I think its important in the following sense that the big thing that bob mueller and just its department will be looking at is did anyone in trumps orbit work with the russians add to, distributor use these stolen emails during the elections . And thats a serious matter. One of the other matters thats become a political story, may be something investigated are the meeting that donald trump jr. Had with the russian lawyer, efforts from republicans who are close, who were in the sort of trump orbit to find Hillary Clintons deleted emails. Well listen, its a very simple question. If its not okay for them to do it, then why is it okay for democrats to work with a former br british spy to pay for information from senior russian officials thats damaging for trump . One is reminded of the old expression about gees and granders. Really the important, this comes on the day that the administration is starting to move forward on russian sanctions. It looks like theyre moving forward. It sometimes doesnt help themselves when it comes to the question about russia. There was delay on sanctions where you saw republicans led by bob corker trying to push for the administration to follow through on what we saw congress implement earlier this summer. The administration has now done that. Congress is quite pleased theyre moving forward. Some of these delays create the question where the administration could have helped themselves more on the handling of these issues. Panel, stand by. A very quick friday lightning round, coming up next. We are working this weekend. Were going to be working every way possible to expedite the production of these documents as completely as possible. They will be virtually completely revealed from the fbi. The attorney general on the release of those jfk files. A lot of historians and others upset that they are going to be coming out with redactions, one thought. But the attorney general says theyre moving full speed ahead to put them out as much as they can. Eli . Well on the jfk breaking, oswald still killed kennedy. [ laughter ] and you know ive been trying to get as much as i can. Theres very interesting just on J Edgar Hoover but the basic narrative reof mains. Julie . Well yeah. There werent major bombshells in the documents released. Its great to see people interested in American History and trying to get answers to questions that have remained for so long. I think its actually a really great thing to have transparency, even if it comes decades later. You know, if the government often makes this decision that somehow letting out less information is going to tam down conspiracy theories and this is one of the cases where it presents its not the right way to tam down conspiracy theories. Theyve had a bit of time to deal with it. Lets go win percent and losers. My winner is the Tea Party Groups who were vindicated with the irs apologizing to them for clearly targeting them. They were awarded a certain amount of money we dont know, we know it was generous. It puts to lie the notion that somehow lois lerner was not involved. Loser is Christ Church in alexandria virginia. My colleague at the washington times, is reporting that the vestry has decided to remove the memorial mark early inside the church because of slavery. These people are not worthy of the history that they inherited. Jewelry win and er and loser. Winner is senator running out in arizona. She is going to be in a tough race no matter who the republican is. Right now the its kelly ward who is an outlier. People dont think she stands a chance of winning. Theres a push for more moderates to get another face in that race. My loser is spain. Look theres a lot that needs to be sorted out between spain and catalonia with the independence push but spain has been heavy handed in its crack down on catalonia as it pushed toward independence, hasnt been a great look for spain over the last several weeks. Eli. Winner is House Intelligence Community chairman devin nunes whos investigation is relevant and important again. And i think the loser this week is the Kurdish People because even though theres a temporary crease fire today they lost a city and their leadership is possibly irrelevant represent probably divided. Panel thank you very much. A little shorter because of the attorney generals interview. Appreciate it. Have a great weekend. When we come back, this weeks notable quote ables. You know who likes to be in control . This guy. Check it out selfappendectomy oh, thats really attached. Thats why i rent from national. Where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. Which makes me one smooth operator. Ah still a little tender. vo go national. Go like a pro. You may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia, that can take you out of the game for weeks, even if youre healthy. Pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that in severe cases can lead to hospitalization. It may hit quickly, without warning, causing you to miss out on the things you enjoy most. Prevnar 13® is not a treatment for pneumococcal pneumonia. Its a vaccine you can get to help protect against it. Prevnar 13® is approved for adults to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. You should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. If you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. The most common side effects were pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. Help protect yourself against pneumococcal pneumonia. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13®. [ music playing ] the Senate Minority leader smells a rat. The president and the secretary of state share their feelings. Here is this weeks notable quotables. President trump i call it a love fest. You would think he would aspire to be the president of the United States. It was almost a love fest. So mr. President i will not be complies i or silence. President trump maybe it was a love fest. Twitter this and that, forget about it. President trump the tweeting is like a typewriter. Theyre well crafted. The dossier, who paid for it . President trump i actually think thats water the gate modern age. In 1986 Martha Maccallum was rocking out to walk like an egyptian. I continue to think well get it done. Americans get wealthier, the rich get richer, the poor get richer but so does the american government. You the dont have to be a partisan nose to smell a rat but i tell you this plan sneaks. This is more like a People Magazine saga. There are pieces of the puzzle that will fill in the picture. Drug addiction can take your friend, neighbor or economy. No state has been spared. These were my guys and by god they werent gonna expire on my watch. Two groups is unusual. Three is very, very unusual. Go astros. Let the best team win. Play ball. Sometimes i feel like i need to do that. Throw out the ball . President trump politics is a rough business, no question abou about it you have the weight problems, theres no question about it. Thanks for letting us into your home this week. Our thanks to attorney general Jeff Sessions and his staff for hosting us here. We had many more things we could have chatted about. We appreciate the time. I think this is the first show broadcast live from the department of justice. The story hosted by my colleague Martha Maccallum starts in just seconds. Make it a great weekend. Well be back monday for more special report. [ music playing ] we have some breaking news for you tonight. Moments ago byron york reporting that we are now learning some more about who funded some of the early Opposition Research against republicans and that was handled by fusion gps. Lawyers for the conservative publicligation the washington freebee condition informed the House Intelligence Committee friday that some of that funding came from the beacon. Well have more on that in just a moment. Lets go back now. You remember of course that fusion gps took the fifth when they were questioned by congress about their funding and their clients. We know that the latter the part of the research steve cishek, which resulted in the hiring of former

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