Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 2021

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20210114

last week's riot, dozens of arrests so far and we will show you who they are and where they're from. but we begin with jennifer griffin on capitol hill tonight with a forceful and very visible warning to potential cup troublemakers. good evening jennifer. >> good evening brett. it's starting to look a lot more like fort campbell or fort drum here on capitol hill. vice president pence just showed up to address the troops. earlier today we watched as thousands of additional national guard flowed into the capital today from seven states, bringing with them m for rifles and battle gear and turning the u.s. capital into a military staging ground. vice president mike pence just received a security briefing at fema headquarters on the trip preparations and threats that have led it to the buildup of forces in washington, d.c. >> we are going to ensure that we have a safe inauguration and that president-elect joe biden and vice president president-elect kamala harris are sworn in as the new president and vice president of the united states in a manner consistent with our history and our traditions and in a way that gives honor to the american people and to the united states. >> as the guard arrived an internal secret service memo outlines the threat from armed groups trying to hide behind protests slated for washington, d.c., by at least one group which federal authorities have linked to one group known as the boogaloo's. they infiltrated blm protests with the goal of starting a race war leading to the second civil war. >> we are seeing an extensive amount of concerning online chatter, that's the best way i would describe it, about a number of events surrounded the inauguration. we are concerned about the potential for violence and had multiple protests arranged here in d.c. in the days to come it could bring armed individuals within close proximity to government officials. >> national security officials overseeing the inauguration held a conference call with state governors about the threat they faced as washington, d.c., ramped up security and becomes a harder target. >> we are highly confident but we are always wide-eyed and sober and looking to capitalize. >> right now we have approximately 7,000 soldiers on the ground terms of the agency who are building to 21,000. they are in command and control of william walker, and they are protecting and providing security, communications, logistics and coordination with all supportive agencies. >> and that was national guard that we saw sleeping in the capital dome yesterday. they are no longer sleeping there, they are staying in local hotels and they are well fed. i just saw them inside the library of congress next to us here. >> bret: they moved fast after those pictures. jennifer griffin on capitol hill. the long arm of the law tracking down and arresting the rioters on capitol hill. more suspects from last week's riot in custody and the effort to find the others has intensified. correspondent david spent shows us how from the justice department. >> from generate sixth alone we've already identified over 200 suspects. so we know who you are if you are out there and fbi agents are coming to find you. >> a stark warning from the fbi director is a bureau continues to track suspects from last week's riot. a federal law enforcement source tells fox news kevin siegfried the man identified parading through the hallways of the capital with the confederate flag turned himself in this morning. his son hunter was also arrested. the cleveland mayor made a second appearance before the federal judge and he's accused of coming to washington with the intention to kill house speaker nancy pelosi on live television. authorities say he traveled from colorado with an assault rifle and a 2500 rounds of ammunition. he never made it to the capital and time. retired firefighter robert sanford was arrested outside of philadelphia. authorities say he has seen on video throwing a fair extent which are police officers. sources say at this point is not responsible for throwing the extinguisher at officer brian sick nick who later died from his injuries. two off-duty police officers from rocky mount and virginia, they are charged with illegal entry. the two are captured on camera. olympic swimmer keller standing 6'6" tall towers over the crowd in the capitol rotunda. authorities arrested him and charge him with illegal entry. he was caught on camera wearing a team usa jacket during the chaos. the fbi continues to plaster pictures inside of the u.s. capital hoping to get identifications as soon as possible. dozens of those who came to washington, d.c., word known white supremacists on a terrorist watch list. this as the 18th airborne corps but the united states army posted a picture for a different reason, to honor one of their own. eugene goodman isn't being praised for luring the rioters away from the senate chamber. and authorities are still looking for the people or person responsible for killing officer sit next. they want the public to call 1-800-call-fbi. >> bret: we are the house minority leader say that there is no evidence of antifa. there is a lot of talk about antifa but they haven't seen these arrests. what do the fbi director as they say? >> authorities are saying that there is no link between antifa and will happen last week. there was some chatter around antifa but that tamp down yesterday when the house republic stores said, this is not any specific links at this time. >> bret: and i understand they can use facial recognition and what else? there are lots of facial recognition cameras on capitol hill. >> authorities have much better technology and not only are they using facial recognition they are using gps services from cell phones. a lot of these people, you saw them live streaming on your their cell phone. they were inside the capitol rotunda they were able to track down those people based on those gps tracking services. that's another tool. >> bret: david, thanks. new york's attorney general is suing the new york police department over what she says is the rough treatment of protesters against racial injustice last spring. the demonstrations followed the death of george floyd at the hands of minneapolis police and the new york attorney general said the nypd's response to the protest is part of a long-standing pattern of abuse. at the city's police benevolence association is responding saying the failure is because the city's leadership sent police into the protests with no plan and no support. back in the nation capitals now, there are growing questions about whether there will be an impeachment trial for president trump at all and if so, how that would compete for oxygen and they promised to the ground running on a number of issues. mike emanuel has the story. >> with big plans for his first 100 days including confirming his cabinets and providing more co-pay to relief two of the american people, the president-elect is worried an impeachment trial could slow down his agenda saying i hope that the senate leadership will find a way to deal with their constitutional responsibility is on impeachment while also working on the other urgent business of this nation. leading republicans say a senate trial won't hear heal the country. >> let's focus on turning the page. let's focus on moving on and that's what will happen on the 20th when joe biden is sworn in as president. that will only make matters worse in a country that's deeply divided. >> is an argument that senator richard blumenthal does not buy. >> they want to unify the country. one way to unify the country is a bipartisan vote for conviction. be one by biden supporters but note there is something everyonn do. >> getting kids back to school, >> new york senator cruz kirsten gillibrand is the latest democrat to suggest putting the trial in the back burner. >> may be which delayed the trial for a while so that we can actually get president biden nominees and cabinets running and that we can actually get a covid release package out the door immediately. >> tom cotton and lindsey graham note, impeachment is intended to remove someone from private office. >> that is an unconstitutional attack on the presidency. it will divide the country, it will incite violence. >> as part of getting focus on things that will matter over the next three years i think joe biden will have to at least think about that. >> some have suggested the president-elect should come out of a impeachment allow his team, his agenda in his country to move forward. >> bret: president trump staying out of the public eye today, and also trying to put the finishing touches on the president's final days in office. tonight there is growing interest on who may be on the president's legal team for his defense and who may qualify for the last-minute pardon still yet to come. chief white house correspondent john roberts joins us tonight live on the north lawn. >> good evening. the white house is trying to put together a legal team to represent president trump if and when a trial begins in the senate. we don't know at this point who will be on the team but we can tell you who will not be on the team. people who won't be participating include pat cipollone, patrick philbin who is his deputy during the last impeachment trial, counsel jay sekulow and we are also told that rudy giuliani will not be part of the team. the white house is interested though in tapping alan dershowitz for the trial. on fox across america, dershowitz said he is not yet on the team but what happened to president trump yesterday as a travesty. >> they impeach the president of the united states without a single bit of evidence, lawyer defense. it wasn't any kind of trial, it was just a vote. >> one of the big questions is whether or not it's constitutional to try a president on impeachment charges after he has left office. former appellate court judge jay marco loud egg argued it is not. once trump's term in office ends on january 20th, congress loses it's constitutional in authority to hold impeachment causes. the only power on the constitution is to convince -- convict rather, or not, and incumbent president. he was supposed to present the medal of freedom to patriots bill belichick. in the days of this administration, and you can now count them on one hand, the white house has prepared remarks for the president on a number of accomplishments including rebuilding the military but the president is staying out of the public eye today and released a statement saying, united states troops in afghanistan are at a 19 your low likewise and iraq and syria are also at the lowest point in many years. i will always be committed to stopping the endless wars and it's been a great honor to rebuild our military and support our men and women in uniform. one thing the president has been working on is a slate of pardons to be worked on in the next few days. obviously that's going to come soon because a president has gotten in until noon on wednesday to do it and i would expect if not tomorrow, monday or tuesday of next week. >> bret: watching john roberts live on the north lawn. nikki haley is forming a new political action committee. it is seen by many political watches as possible first step towards a 2024 presidential run. as a spokeswoman says the purpose of the pack is to return conservatives to congress in 2022. up next, so i headed, how much coronavirus help will almost $2 trillion by? and is the media overstepping, not defending free speech enough and a plotting censorship too much? take a look. first, is what some of our flexible he is around the country. box six in mont milwaukee is prosecuting in wisconsin and illinois teen charged with killing two people in kenosha to stay out of bars and away from white supremacist groups. the request comes a week after kyle rittenhouse was seen drinking at a bar in southeastern wisconsin. las vegas sees the death of six redfish bunker. he and partner roy horn, siegfried and roy, dazzled people with delusions of animals. he has suffered from pancreatic cancer and he was 81. and this is a look at new york from an affiliate on fox five. former democratic presidential candidate andrew yang announces his bid for new york city mayor. current mayor bill de blasio cannot run again because of the term limit. he joins a crowded field for the democratic primary in june. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we will be right back. ♪ ♪ eumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including 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judge in seattle deciding whether or not to force amazon to put the social media parler back on its servers. amazon web services pulled the plug on parler citing a wave of violent content. some calling for rate and murder and torture. the events of january 6th change the way we think about the world and took what was merely hypothetical and made it chillingly real. amazon had every right. after that happened with the surgeon content. he denies the platform had anything to do with the capital violence but amazon noted that some participants how are facing federal charges of inciting a riot linked to their post on parler. with 15 million users parler has become the fastest social media growing network in the country. largely catering to those who left twitter. millions of law-abiding americans have had their voices silenced by aid of u.s. ceo john metz he says amazon caved to the pressure from the left. >> this is really a very big kind of attack on small business and up and coming start ups and on speech online. >> the federal judge making the decision is our barbara rothstein. she was the first judge to strike down a federal law that made it a crime to bring the american flag, calling the action protected free speech. twitter's ceo jack dorsey commented for the first time since he banned president trump last week, calling it a dangerous precedent but a matter of public safety. about parler, he defended amazon but said long term it will be disruptive to the ideals of an open internet. about the same time, snapchat became the latest site to ban the president. >> bret: dan springer in seattle, thanks. tonight we look at the media's role in defining, spreading and restricting the truth in some cases. some in congress are expressing a desire to rein in the media and there are increasing concerns about social media censorship, free speech and sometimes outrageous speech. here is fox news media analyst and host of fox news' buzz howard kurtz. >> one of the most prominent house democrats is raising the possibility of an investigative commission to examine whether it media outlets tell the truth. >> i do think that several members of congress and my discussion have brought up media literacy because that is a part of what happened here. and we are going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so that you can't just woo information and misinformation. >> that may raise first amendment concerns. the secretary and congresswoman doesn't say anything like that but she does suggest a federal level in preet, could media accuracy. >> it's another thing entirely to just say things that are false. >> she is a media star with limited congressional clout doesn't mention plans for legislation and she was clearly shaken by the capital c is on the same video that she has said she thought she was going to die. congress held hearings on social media outlets because they enjoy legal immunity for their content which president trump fought to abolish. snapchat has now joined twitter by permanently banning trump's account. facebook hasn't temporary ban. jack dorsey is playing defense thing, he doesn't celebrate or feel pride in the trump band. we made the decision with the best information we had based on threats to physical safety of both on off twitter. dorsey said, we all need to look critically at inconsistencies and import enforcement. if you if there is impeachment and that's a giant through the mainstream media as well. there's extra scrutiny on the democrats because they will be running the show. >> bret: president trump sets to release a $2 trillion relief plan. and forget mickey mouse, the happiest place on earth is becoming quite a different scene these days. >> this mass vaccination and vaccinating our residence symbolizes hope and optimism. >> i feel like i have a future so to speak. ♪ usaa ♪ if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis ♪ usaa ♪ and a high risk for fracture, now might not be the best time to ask yourself, 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able to make changes to the current vaccination plan to quickly get 50 million people two doses of the covid-19 vaccine. the senior transitional official said today, as he we've seen the states are scrambling we are going to do just the opposite. this is the whole of government efforts and it will start by making sure that we get 100 million shots done in the first 100 days. they are leading up to the democratic-controlled senate, to chart the way forward and making time to try to convict trump and pass covid-19 relief. >> recently stand ready to do both at the same time and we can certainly walk and chew gum at the same time but it is a procedural question. >> first a star-studded swing in on the west side of the capital before biden takes the oath. there will be a performance by j.lo and the national anthem singer is an artist who joined biden on the campaign trail, lady gaga. >> i'm jill biden's husband and lady gaga's friend. >> we still don't know when democratic leaders will move to begin an impeachment trial but nancy pelosi and chuck schumer have now reviewed this trillion dollar proposal and in a new statement tonight they are pledging to get right to work to turn biden's vision into legislation that they say will pass both chambers. >> bret: a peter doocy in wilmington, thanks. a down day on wall street, the dow lost 69 of the s&p 500 dropped 14 and the nasdaq fell 16. in california, the sump describe the happiest place on earth is now a super site for immunizations. national correspondent william la jeunesse shows us time for may 9. >> i feel like i've got a future. so to speak. >> it's a shot of a lifetime for a million americans over 65. >> it's wonderful. >> thanks to new guidelines from the cdc, most states are beginning to vaccinate everyone over 65 and super sites like disneyland are attracting thousands of seniors hoping to get a vaccine that's been tough to come by. >> the state vaccine rollout has been a bit disappointing. we need the state to distribute vaccines to the county quickly. >> the surgeon demand crashed websites, and thousands showed up without appointments. messaging from officials hasn't helped. >> we created these phases and these tiers within the phases but we want folks to know that we now have flexibility where we can move into these phases and of these tears. >> some states are administrating their vaccines better than others. the best, west virginia and 69% followed by north dakota, south dakota, connecticut and rhode island at 51%. the worst, torta a 20% followed by alabama, hawaii, idaho and california at 26. where fatalities exceed 500 per day and los angeles officials now estimate one in every three residents is infected with the virus. >> i don't have beds for patients. i don't have more room for those who are deceased. that is not may be, that is is. >> there is good news, one dose vaccine from johnson & johnson is showing promise in early trials. >> you can keep it into the refrigerator for up to three months. >> for the second day in a row the u.s. posted more than 4,000 covid fatalities with arizona leading the nation in per capita infections. >> bret: william la jeunesse, live in anaheim. up next the panel on the impeachment saga and preparations. first in beyond our borders, a team of researchers is in wuhan china tonight to investigate the origins of the coronavirus pandemic. that visit has been shrouded in secrecy with neither china nor the w.h.o. revealing exactly what the team will do, where we will do or what cool it will talk to. and a racing pigeon survives an 8,000-mile pacific ocean crossing from the u.s. to find a new home in australia. but get this. authorities they are consider the bird a quarantine risk and plan to kill it. experts suspect the pigeon, named joe come after the president-elect, it's a ride from a cargo ship. that's just some of the other stories from beyond our borders tonight. we will be right back. entresto is a heart failure medicine 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(judith) our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. need to go musical >> we are seeing an extensive amount of concern in online chatter, that's the best way i can describe it, about a number of events. right now we are tracking for unarmed protests, activity leading up to the inauguration or anyone who plots her attempts violence on the coming weeks should count on a visit. pence is also meeting with national guard's troops and guardsmen up on capitol hill. at this time the video going forward instead of backwards. there is roughly 21,000 national guard troops, the army secretary ryan mccarthy authorizing that and there could be 26,000 in all from 17 states and the district of columbia as the security intensifies not only for the inauguration but also for the impeachment and what could be coming in at trial. one thing the former fbi director told the bbc, maybe there shouldn't be one. >> i obviously think he belongs in jail and i don't think pursuing that is in the best interests of the entire nation. >> do you think you should pardon trump like they did nixon? >> he should consider it as part of healing the country and getting us to a place that we should focus on things that will matter over the next four years. i think joe biden will at least have to think about that. the city when a former fbi director james comey. let's begin our panel, harold ford jr., republican strategists lisa boothe and matthew continetti, founding editor of "the washington free beacon." first, lisa, the prospect of where this is going on the impeachment trial. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell saying he's not calling the vatican earlier in the end of a trial will have to compete with the agenda of the biden administration in the first days of that administration. >> it undercuts and looks like joe biden and his calls for unity is disingenuous, and particularly tweeting out essentially the house and saying they are holding president trump accountable. an imaging president who has a wood london office is only going to inflame the existing tensions that we are seeing today. i also think further in light of reports and concerns that the defense of generally six were premeditated and coordinated and also looking at the fact that there were pipe bombs planted at the rnc and dnc also undercut the narrative that the speech president trump gave on january 6 was directly responsible for the unfolding rate events that we saw that day. further, if the language that we use this directly responsible for inciting violence, many of the democrats and many members of congress who voted to impeach president trump this week would be guilty of inciting violence by the same exact measure. now look. honestly if you look at the rhetoric of president trump or the last four years, certainly he has helped increase tension in the country, increased division and polarization but that's also where we are and politics and america today. that's the same sort of rhetoric. >> bret: matthew, you've written about this and you are pretty firm on it. let me get you to respond to lisa. >> look. i think president trump deserves to be punished for what happened on january 6th. i think that event will go down as one of the darkest days in american history and i think the country is unified. the polls ic estate at 57% and i think impeachment critics to have a point, if we were to delay the trial, then that means that would not only interfere with the president-elect biden's agenda, and that means he will be punished for his actions. he deserves a swift trial. i think we could complete it before his term is up. >> bret: process wise harold, they can move forward with this. impeachment has happened and it has to go over to the senate and they have to make a decision and you can move forward after he leaves office and you can process wise. >> no doubt about it. when the senate received this article, and it's only one article the congress i think thought about making it more. i think it was those who suggested it was in the president's words the other day, the president throughout the campaign said if you lost it was because the election and he went on to call the secretary of state and asked him to find 11,800 votes. all of those things, any other normal person, he would have all been growling behind saying, he should have been put out of office. when i was in congress, i would have joined republicans. i don't think you can hold a trial after president biden has put in office and expects the cabinet members and legislative agenda to be advanced, that argument has a lot of credence. if we punish a man who, if one of those thugs or terrorists had gotten their hands on mitch mcconnell or nancy pelosi, any member of the congress, we wouldn't have had a conversation with him. it would have been of violent interaction. >> bret: i don't want to go down the road of black lives matter and all the protests. and not speaking about the violence there, we talked about that a lot. but what about, what if you were joe biden, and if you need congress to get through, and how it places in your agenda is a new president? >> i'm not doing this because it certainly takes the focus off of anything that is productive for americans. and that's a lockdowns closures that have led to so many losses of jobs and incomes and have put people in a position where they are trying to figure out how they are going to put food on the table. it doesn't accomplish that objective. now i do want to respond because i think that's only fair. i wonder if he has the same sentiment about c speaker pelosi tweeted out and 2017 that the election was hijacked. i wonder if he had the same sentiment about maxine waters who called for people to get up in the faces of trump staffers and let them know they were welcome. there's plenty of blame to go around but to lay all the blame at the feet of one person when there are numerous examples of other people on the other side of the aisle doing the exact same thing, and it's just wrong. it's incredibly unfair and it doesn't move the conversation, that's not productive. looking at some of the rhetoric from the speeches and capitol hill hill, we are not going in that direction. >> bret: i want to move the conversation here. >> i condemn you for raising all of these issues but we've never had a president hold a rally while the congress was ratifying the official results of the presidential race. this is unique and powerful and unprecedented moment in our history and i want to make sure that it never happens again. >> bret: i want to leave more time to talk about this as we head towards tuesday and wednesday. what does that look like and if it does need to be reined in, should congress do it? 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"the story" hosted by martha maccallum starts right now. be >> martha: . it's good to see everybody. americans vote every four years and has had its choice of who leads to the following four. and they supported that losing candidate along with their lives hoping that next time their candidate will prevail. but this time the winning side seems to want to burn down everything touched by the outgoing president. anyone who even served in his administration in any way, anyone who went to any rally for that matter and anyone who buys hats online arouses some suspicion. and certainly anyone who had the audacity to vote for them

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