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Agent peter strzok was fired. Friday afternoon and that tweet from the president reads in part, just fired agent strzok of formerly of the fbi who was in charge of the cricket Hillary Clinton investigation. He was a totally fraud on the American Public and should be properly redone we also got a statement from his attorney and he makes a number of allegations of that statement. He says that strzok was fired by the fbi Deputy Director who he says overruled the recommendation of the fbis internal disciplinary board. The thought that strzok should be demoted and have a 60 day suspension. His lawyer also makes a point that there was no evidence showing that his political views at a direct impact on decisions in the investigation. That reads in part a lengthy investigation and multiple rounds of congressional testimony failed to produce a single shred of evidence that his personal views ever affected his work. Like many people, i had and expressed personal opinions during an extraordinary president ial election. But let me be clear, unequivocally and under oath, not once in my 26 years of defending our nation did my personal opinions impact any official action i took. Dana as as you recall, af oversight committees were not buying what he was saying during his testimony especially about the meaning of some of these antitrump texts, specifically the one in august 2015. But he says, its important to note that since strzok testimony there has been closed for testimony and based on what we know, there is a lot of daylight between his interpretation of those texts and peter strzok. Dana in the meantime, what are we seeing in the matter for trial today . Im seeing that closing arguments could have been as soon as tomorrow . Reporter we are about an hour into reconvening with some housekeeping issues, and we will hear from at least one more witness from the prosecution. And they will tell us and its really sort of the moment of truth for the defense. We also heard from a witness from the federal savings bank, the bank you for testimony about at the end of last week and the 60 million loan that Paul Manafort was able to secure her. Prosecution has asked the witness James Brennan who was testifying with the grant of immunity and brennan testified that there were inconsistencies in the paperwork and that would certainly go to the character of the borrower. And if they had known about those inconsistencies the bank have might have taken a different attack on the granting of the loan. For more on this, i have Michael Moore. If i could start with peter strzok, it was just a month ago on july 12th that peter strzok testified in front of congress. We pointed out that lisa page, she has testified behind closed doors and that leaks out of that set her testimony was different than what peter strzok had said. Regardless of that when it comes to the fbi and figuring out who should be hired and fired, do you think that the fbi got it right here one month later after that testimony . Its hard to know all the facts and whats going on behind closed doors, but theres typically a process in doj branch for hiring and firing people, certainly termination of individuals and in this case there were apparently was some decision by a career person at the fbi that suggested a suspension and a demotion. Obviously the higherups have to make a decision whether they accept that or not. I dont know what it was that push them to the point that they would make a decision where they would be terminated or except that recommendation. He will have certain appeal rights and may have already exercised of those depending on who was state child and who was the deciding official. And, those people out there are not unsullied or without opinions. In this case there is apparently some belief that he could not do that. It was not great judgment of that kind of text out there certainly during those investigations as hes making preference statements about the election. Thats probably the most part. Dana this comes as this morning Rudy Giuliani was on camera talking about how the special counsel probe is illegal. Take a listen. Right now it should be investigation of the whole group. An investigation on the investigation . Absolutely. It begins with a funny dossier, strzok and the horowitz report, then those transformed to the counterintelligence investigation. It never produces a darn thing. Im now convinced that the initiation was totally illegal. There is no crime as alleged. Dana a federal judge daphne friedrich a said it was legal, but how do you make up for the fact that mueller is never on camera, is he at risk of losing in a court of Public Opinion or to somebody like bob mueller not have to worry about that and just finish the investigation when it finishes . I think bob mueller planted just right, keep his head down and move forward with the investigation. There is generally a role in the doj policy that says we dont come out and talk about things before we make a decision working for somebody somebody is charged. You hear giuliani, i have Great Respect for him during 9 11, and hes made statements now whether conversations that have been admitted took place, or they didnt take place. Im not sure tomorrow if he said the sun didnt come out in the east, i would go check. They are using peter strzok which is not surprising to attack the investigation. They attack the lawyers and they attack mueller and try to bring discredit upon the public. Dana it was the ig report that led to the firing. And as i understand that the ig is now doing an investigation about the Clinton Emails and possibly other things so its not unusual to have an investigation about an investigation about an investigation, about investigation. Its not but its a circular argument to suggest that in the middle of the russia investigation or the mueller investigation, we look at each individual person who is involved. Weve seen the tweets about the 13 angry democrats, we heard all this stuff, and at the end of the day, remember that the federal judges, and a number of individual citizens who are grantors determined that there was meddling in the selection and that russia was hacking, and thats a problem. That this time they can play in the court of Public Opinion and they are losing all the courts of law. So they can come to the court of Public Opinion and try to spin it away to bring discredit on it. There is a true belief and a sincere belief that the report that comes out will not be good for the president or members of his in administration and his family. Dana of course, if there is a report that says that, it will be discredited. I guess thats why we are actually talking about this in the first place. President trump set to speak of fort drum as he signs a military spending bill. We will have that for you live. Plus, the president firing back at omarosa after she releases another secretly recorded a conversation. This time with him. I will ask for a star well about all that, next. Its not acceptable for for men to take a woman into the room, lock the door and tell her to wait and that she cant leave. Its also not acceptable to not allow her to have her lawyer or her counsel. At the moment i said id like to leave and they said i cant go, it became false imprisonment. Dana fox news alert, President Trump lashing out at omarosa and i called newman after she secretly released a conversation of President Trump after her firing. She also released another tape of chief of staff john kelly firing her. Trump tweeted when general john kelly came on board he said shes nothing but a loser and nothing but problems and i told him to work it out if possible because she only said great things about me tell she was fired. So the drama in the white house as we saw over the weekend. Im shocked at someone who had the privilege of working in the white house, that anyone would ever take a recording device, not because not just because of how selfish she was about her but the damage it could do to our new National Security. Thats what really gets to me. And of course we would assume that hostile foreign actress took a keen interest in her telephone and what they could get off of it, and all that jazz. So this is a huge breach, a giant departure from the norms of decency, et cetera. But also, i kind of have to say, i was surprised here . Who is shocked here . I think a lot of this response to the story, a lot of it is playing out nonpartisan and fractional minds. No one thought she was competent or qualified to be in the white house. Dana presumably someone data. One person did come of the president of the United States did. But id say he learned his lesson about that. Dana but you could say those decisions are so important to make a mistake sometimes. This one was a bad one. I think the president will be fine, but i do wonder about, talking about Hillary Clinton and how irresponsible it was compulsively illegal, to have a private server and where foreign actress could have possibly gotten into her server. We talked about this for three years, how important it was to safeguard our National Security. We do find out that a lot of peoples outrage is partly situational. At the sauce for the goose isnt the sauce for the gander and people dont want to do what harms their own political party. Thats because washington is washington and people are people. We have seen this movie before and we have seen it with this administration. There is a breathless tell all and everyone freaks out about it but in this case we are not moving the ball anywhere and we dont know anything different than we knew before. This is all inside the same framework that we started with when we first met this cast of characters. Shes really trying to smear the president. Listen to what she had to say on the today show. He doesnt even know whats happening in the white house. General john kelly is running the white house and donald trump has no clue whats being on companies being profited which is very dangerous for the nation. Dana i get from that is when general kelley came in to provide some order in the white house, she was mad because that included her, she then had to go through the chief of staff and thats how the white house works, thats what the president needed and has benefited the president having a chief of staff like this. It also benefits possible deniability. Oh, my gosh, i had no idea. I dont love that you are leaving, i dont not love that you are living, whatever it was. It gives president s possible thing deniability. Unfortunately, these adults here say that you can work here anymore and it gives the president room to maneuver and Everybody Needs that. She got fired because you are an at will employee when you are a political appointee of the white house. We just did a story and interview with Catherine Herridge and Michael Moore talking about peter strzok of the fbi and he has now been fired. It was a long investigation, and in the last two months in june, President Trump had put forward an executive order to try to help problems at the va, the veterans administration, and they had let go over 700 employees who are not performing on behalf of their veterans. How did they give life with this general decision . You have to go slow when youre talking about the Justice Department, you have to go slow when youre talking about the fbi. Theres a reason because what you dont want is a situation where the director can force people out because they are coming upon facts that are inconvenient, politically inconvenient for the party in power. So what they did with peter strzok was essentially park him, give him a desk job, put him behind the desk sitting somewhere biding his time. And im sure that the president s defenders would have wanted this dealt with more quickly or him shot out of a howitzer over the tidal basin, i dont know. But the Justice Department was probably okay to go a little more slowly so you can let these processes work their way out over a couple of months. Dana it just occurred to me, that if he is no longer there, it loses a little bit of its punch. They will find somebody else. When you are desperate enough, when you are urgently in need enough of a narrative, one will present itself. Dana all right chris. Thank you and you can check out an oped i wrote about omarosa and her brook where i said in part that she showed galling, despicable behavior and even if omarosa didnt think the president of the United States, the one who had given her the opportunity to try to achieve great things doesnt deserve better from her, i believe the citizens of this country do. You can read up the whole article online at foxnews. Com. Now, is alive look at fort drum new york where President Trump is expected to speak and sign the 2019 defense spending bill. We will bring out to you as soon as it begins. And minnesota voters and heading to the polls tomorrow. Republican candidate Karen Housley will join me to discuss hers, next. Managing blood sugar is not a marathon. Its a series of smart choices. And when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. Glucerna. Everyday progress. This wifi is fast. I know i know i know i know when did brian move back in . Brians back . He doesnt get my room. Hes only going to be here for like a week. Like a month, tops. Oh boy. Wifi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. Dana minnesota voters heading to the polls tomorrow is a state holds primaries. Republicans will choose a nominee for the senate seat now held by democrat tina smith. G. O. P. Candidate Karen Housley joins me know, glad to have you with us here today. Tell me about why you decided to run. Thanks so much for having me, dana. Ive been in the Minnesota Senate for the last six years and ive had the opportunity to work with Lieutenant Governor tina smith, who took the seat. This was al frankens vacated seat. To see the real failures of the tina Smith Administration from adding another layer of bureaucracy on top of obamacare to our licensing bureau, and then what i really specialized in and the Minnesota Senate was taking care of our seniors. They really failed to keep our seniors safe in our nursing home when i have to run against that one, she does not represent minnesota. The one she benefits from having a broader name i. D. Than you do because she took over the al franken seat. So shes been there, and incumbent of course thats been there for only about nine months. The emerson poll shows that you are trailing, tina smith at 49 , and you Karen Housley, but the primary is tomorrow and have the possibility of taking her own in the general election. Republicans always think they can win big in minnesota, is there something thats the Tipping Point this year . I think actually a poll that came out this year, it had me down at four. The one i might have got that wrong. Its okay, its good. Minnesota, President Trump almost one Minnesota Company lost by 40,000 votes. We had Evan Mcmullen on the ballot here and he took 54,000 votes, so that a long President Trump we have one. Minnesota we have a congressional seats, three of them are strongly republican, and both are iron range district in the southern minnesota district that are served by representative rick nolan and tim walz. Both of those will be flipping republican, and thats the last little outlier. It is possible. In that emerson poll, and i might have the wrong one. But the president down, his Approval Rating is about 35 . But cory bliss of the congressional leadership group, he said that minnesota will be ground zero for control of the house as you just mentioned so perhaps that will help your candidates. You just received of the endorsement of the Police Association there in minnesota, how did you get that over tina smith . You know thats just for the Democrat Party has gone there in minnesota. Tina smith and governor dayton got the endorsement four years ago but they have done absolutely nothing to support those who do what they can to keep us safe. And i was honored to get their endorsement. Karen housley, thank you so much. Thank you. Housley for senate. Com if you want to check it out. Dana we are waiting to hear from President Trump in fort drum, new york, or his signing a defense spending bill. Primary voting gets underway tomorrow in four states. What was he a big blue wave, red one, or maybe even purple. We see that the parties in power usually suffer, but can you tell me its going to be the 63 63 housley lost that obama suffered and clinton suffered . No one is predicting that now. If youre turning 65, youre probably learning about medicare and supplemental insurance. Medicare is great, but it doesnt cover everything only about 80 of your part b medicare costs, which means you may have to pay for the rest. 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Two republicans waging an expensive primary battle to face senator Tammy Baldwin in september. She is running against a u. S. Marine veteran. Joining me now, Communications Director for senator marco rubi rubio, and former Communications Director for the fox news contributor. Shes running for the g. O. P. s seat in the u. S. Senate in minnesota and cory bliss on the house side. He says that minnesota is ground zero for republicans in the house this year but could that also be the case for republicans . Absolutely. Minnesota as you know it is my home state. Thats why i asked [laughs] its a state thats trending what read it. Donald trump also won it last year and republicans control the house there, we have a great governor running for governor again come to an poll in team running for a third term. Then the state and the u. S. House, we have the opportunity to pick up two states and defend a couple others so the state is numbly trending writer. Think if we will keep control of the house then we have to do well in minnesota and we are poised to do so. When i looked at some of the candidates that were running both in minnesota and wisconsin, i will keep vermont out of this for a moment, but the democrats are poised to elect a very rightwing democrat which could possibly mean more bluecollar workers who decided to vote for President Trump in the last election might be thinking it would be better to vote republican this time around. I dont know if i agree that you get the lefty has to candidates are going to end in days primaries. And our nominating candidates that actually fit the district. Thats how you get an alexandria ocasiocortez in new york and you get paid, or lame in a state like pennsylvania. That trend looks like it is as of right now going to continue particularly in the house races. Dana i do wonder about the statewide races, and here we have the president at fort drum. Weve been waiting for him to arrive. This is not something we were planning, he is there getting a little bit of a tour. There are 20,000 troops that are active duty military there are fort drum. It is the largest employer in northern new york. Elise stepanek, the congresswoman for that district, invited the president up there to to signed the Defense Authorization act, actually called the john s. Mccain national Defense Authorization act. The defense bill contains a 2. 1 pay raise for troops. They are doing there now is showing the president and air exercise with Chinook Helicopters. These said to be there to not only sign the bill but give remarks soon. The defense bill contains a 2. 1 pay raise for our troops. And there are some specific provisions in there, including a formal asked for the pentagon for the Missile Interceptor sit site. President trump is watching this practice with the Chinook Helicopters right behind him. As i mentioned, this is the largest employer in northern new york. The annual Economic Impact of a 1. 5 million. Im sorry, 1. 5 billion, got to get that right. Here the exercise continues with the the troops. Something very interesting about the space, since the september 11 attacks, the fort drum based tenth Mountain Division has been the most actively deployed division to iraq and afghanistan and the u. S. Army. That is, the most actively deployed. It. Its missions have included active component units assigned to the installation. They do logistical and administrative support. They provide all the support and services and training, a plan and support for mobilization, and training for almost 80,000 troops annually. They are correcting me. Those are black hawk helicopters, not chinook. I apologize for that because that is an important distinction. That error exercise a going on as a president arrives there, not aware the president was going to be doing this. The president about to sign the john s. Mccain authorization act, the troops something the president has talked about and thats a 2. 1 pay raise for the troops coming out a good time for the troops as they are still deployed around the world. I think it is a huge win in. I our record on defense, and thats exactly what President Trump had promised reversing some of the cuts under president obama. Thats an asset for us for the election, and we remind people how good of the republicans in congress have been for the military over the last two years. The one we were just talking before we were surprised by this exercise of the president is watching they are at fort drum. We were speaking about the democrats, they are Getting National media attention. Alexandria ocasiocortez is certainly one of them, and one of the things she sent an interview on the daily show is that our military doesnt need any more money, but it didnt even ask for which is not exactly true. What do you make of that tension within the Democratic Party, is it rail or do you think its more individualistic depending on the candidates . I dont think thats a majority view of democrats in congress or around the country. I think if there are individual candidates out there that take some unique positions and that is certainly one. I think its a minority position, and i think most democrats out there to support the military. My party and alexs party may disagree at times on how to do that but i dont think you would find very Many Democrats i believe we should be taking money away from the military. The question is, how do we make sure we are investing at home as well and that i think is where you see consensus in the democratic part of the party. Are there any other surprises that you expect tomorrow from minnesota, wisconsin, vermont and connecticut . The Democratic Party is in free fall and obviously we have two senate races in minnesota, al franken had to resign because of the me, to movement. Hes also being hit with old charges of sexual abuse by a former girlfriend of his, so the Democratic Party of minnesota makes me more bullish and in wisconsin, she is running for the senate there. She stood sidebyside with Governor Walker during some really tough fights that conservatives want and wisconsin. Thats part of why they are winning that trending writer. Thats another key primary tomorrow night. Id Tammy Baldwin is now well aligned and much too liberal for the state. Dana alex, if i can stop you there. The president is having conversations with these trips. Ive been to fort bragg, ive been to italy and i quickly joined these guys over and afghanistan. Honestly sir, its a chance for us to really go out and get after the enemy. And i can tell you theyve made all the difference in the world. [indistinct question] server, honestly i think weve been doing a great job. Dana it will continue to try to listen to the president there. We werent expecting this practice to be shown to the president , but it certainly was and it looked like one that was a chance for them to show off for the president , all the hard work that they do in the stuff they can do in the field to protect our troops. Exactly right. If president is in his element right now, he tweeted just moments ago, but this national Defense Authorization act named after senator john mccain, i think its important to note that it includes a couple of big things. One of them is actually modernizing our military and pretty profound ways. They will be putting more research dollars, 600 million into things like hypersonics and artificial intelligence, and other things as well like those stealth f35 fighter jets. Also talking about some 13 new battleships and again, that 2. 6 raise for all of our troops. Its also important to realize this is a big strategic shift for the defense department, an act that outlines that we are princes pushing our military, and this act really is tough on china in a number of ways, which includes more money for missile defenses that will be sent to taiwan which neighbors china. Taiwan has their own selfgovernment, also china believes it is their territory. All of this is about positioning the United States to counter what china has been doing with their military activities in the south china sea. They also know that this act with joint military exercises, and that will tie and National Security reveals that these Chinese Companies have to go through right now if they want to work with companies here in the United States. That is all being put in place, day and i come in an effort to stop corporate espionage and decide tactics that weve been hearing all along. And its not just china. This national Defense Authorization act also includes a lot of things when it comes to russia. We are talking about new sanctions against russias arms industry as well as a full note that says that we will no longer it prohibits u. S. And Russian Military it prohibits both nations from working together militarily. I will also note this, there are tens of millions of dollars that are also going to be sent to crimea, so yes, a big deal in terms of modernizing our military. Dana brian, we are glad you are there. We are going to go to a break, we are waiting to hear from President Trump at fort drum, waiting to sign a military defense bill joni think id give up showing these guys how its done . Please. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis are changing the way they fight it. Theyre moving forward with cosentyx. Its a different kind of targeted biologic. Its proven to help people find less joint pain and clearer skin. Dont use if you are allergic to cosentyx. 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But i caucus decides, they decide which name they will send to the floor then and only then after the election well i ask people for their support. Dana do you think nancy pelosi is becoming a liability enough that the democrats need to think about possibly signaling a change before the election in november . I dont think its actually liability. I think theres a debate in the caucus about whether or not theres time for new leadership and i dont think thats a and illegitimate debate. But when you look across the country, there are more democratic democrats that support her than oppose her. She probably would have the votes to win reelection out should she run but i actually think what shes saying here is actually the right thing. So lets get through where this plays out, and thats a tremendous amount of latitude to do what they need to do. Dana Vice President pence is introducing President Trump for his remarks. Alex, i have a chance to ask you about nancy pelosi, and, just shes still generate as Much Technology for republicans . Not just republicans but i think independents and moderates. We will have a new House Speaker one way or the other, paul ryan is not running again. But, for most americans, republicans and independents alike, the answer to that is no. Absolutely, unifying for republicans is motivating for us and its a way for us to reach out to independents and it really divides the democrats. And i think for the good of her party, its not my job to give democrats advice but for the good of her party the answer to her question this weekend should have been that shes not teaching reelection as speaker. But shes going to run again, and she will be elected if she wins. I was going to say, as a healthy discussion, one of the Republican Party is going through as well and i actually think the race between Kevin Mccarthy and perhaps jim jordan or another Freedom Caucus candidate on the republican side will be more contentious for the republican leader and both parties are going through i think healthy introspection. And, she will be the one they want to go with. Do you think the democrats will be feeling the same sort of need which is to buck the establishment and try something new . Ultimately, this is the biggest parlor game here in washington. People are looking for new or old or establishment is champion and whoever can invest, define and come across as a champion whether its in leadership as a congress or in the upcoming democratic president ial nomination process, thats what people are hungry for because they dont feel like all institutions are any institutions really have their back these days. So thats going to be to me the ultimate question and we will see how that plays out. We are keeping an eye on this event here, Vice President pence wrapping up his remarks about President Trump. Any moment now we could see the president at fort drum, hes going to sign the military spending bill. In the meantime alex, well brought up the republican speaker race. Jim jordan right before the recess said, im going to throw my hat into the ring. Could probably bring 40 members. Kevin mccarthy the majority leader might not have the votes wrapped up for the speakership. I dont know that he does have the votes wrapped up today but at the end of the day the republicans will have to elect the leader after this election and Kevin Mccarthy is the favor. He wont be speakers of the house, if he wants to run for speaker to raise his profile or raise money or whatever, he will gain Political Capital from their exercise, but Kevin Mccarthy is likely to be the speaker. The Freedom Caucus has certainly been a force to reckon with in some ways, mold, either trying to stop things from happening or push things. But the democrats end up with a type of Freedom Caucus with of their own . They may not be mighty in number but, if you look at who is winning nominations across the country, you find more on the center left than the ultraleft than the democratic spectrum or winning the majority of these. So i think its that you have a strong progressive caucus but i dont think you will have the same kind of obstinate caucus that you have seen coming out from our friends on the Freedom Caucus. We are waiting for President Trump to give his remarks here at fort drum, nearly 20,000 active military and i think its worth repeating that this place ever sense that september 11 attack, the fort drum based temp division has been the most actively deployed division in iraq and afghanistan for the u. S. Army. They have done many, many tours of duty. Vice president pence finishing up his introduction out of President Trump. President trump they are not only to speak to the troops but he will also be signing the john s. Mccain national Defense Authorization act. You see all the troops get their phones up because i want to record this moment when there commanderinchief comes to speak to them. Its always a big deal. Well bring it to you live as soon as the president start speaking. Eye of course will be quiet. But he works the crowd a little bit to say hello and to thank them. Here is the president of the United States. President trump thank you, everybody. This is a great place, ive been here before. We love this location, we love the space and most particularly the people that are working so hard here and so effectively. I want to start by saying at ease, just relax. Do you have seats . You can sit down. Or if you want to stand, you can. Lets just get one big standing ovation, right . Thank you. Thats pretty good, everybody has a seat. I want to thank our wonderful Vice President , mike pence, and say a special hello to the incredible patriots of fort drum, and the tenth Mountain Division, special people, thank you. [cheers and applause] a few moments ago i witnessed your extraordinary capabilities firsthand during an artillery raid demonstration. Id like to begin by applauding the tenth Mountain Division combat Aviation Brigade along with the third battalion sixth field artillery. I hate to say this but nobody stands a chance against you folks, nobody stands a chance. Im here today to sign our new defense bill into law, and to pay tribute to the greatest soldiers in the history of the world, the United States army. Thank you. Thank you. My [applause] this is the most significant investment in our military and our war fighters in modern history and i am very proud to be a big, big part of it. It was not very hard. You know, i went to congress and i said, lets do it, we got to do it. We will strengthen our military like never, ever before and thats what we did. I want to say very strongly, there is no better place than right here at fort drum to celebrate its passage. No better place. After years of devastating cuts, we are now rebuilding our military like we never have before. Ever. Because we know that to survive and having that survival of our freedom, it depends upon the might of our military and no enemy on earth can match the courage, strength and skill of the American Army and the American Armed forces. Nobody is even close and they never will be. We are grateful to be joined today by many of our nations ns top military leaders. Id like to recognize secretary shanahan. [applause] people i have heard about all my life. I love the ring, the joint chiefs of staff, right . Thats got a good ring. Anybody in the audience going to be a member of that some day . Raise your hand. If you think youre going to make it, raise your hand. Go ahead. Come on. Thats all . Only a few . I dont know. [applause] i want to thank general dunford, general neller, admiral richardson, general golfond. Thank you for your leadership. Youre magnificent. We appreciate it. Thank you. [applause] a very special thank you to the commanding general, the tenth Mountain Division. Major general walt pia. What a special man. I want to thank you, walt. Wheres walt . Thank you very much. Thank you. [applause] walt is back on american soil after deployment in iraq. I just want to welcome you home. You have tremendous respect. They have great admiration and respect for you. Thank you very much. I just met Division Sergeant major jason walt. And michael lima. Soldier of the year. Where is michael . [applause] pretty good. That soldier of the year, michael, out of how many . How many . Thats a lot of soldiers. 18,000. Want to work for me . Thank you, michael. Great job. We would not be here for todays signing ceremony without the dedicated efforts of the members of congress that work so hard to pass the national Defense Authorization act. Id like to recognize congresswoman elise steffanek whos district includes ft. Drum. Lise called me so many times. Call. She wanted me to be here. I said i wont be able to. She didnt stop. Here i am. Here i am. Elise, come here, elise. [applause] thank you, mr. President. Its truly an honor to welcome you to ft. Drum, home of the historic tenth Mountain Division. The most deployed unit in the u. S. Army

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