Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino 20200817

message of unity the democrats are trying to present by having former republican governor john kasich and progressive senator bernie sanders take the stage the same night. behind the scenes some progressives are leary leery of how far biden cast the net and even voted down the democratic party platform because it is in a brace medic are for all. others understanding the broad coalition. >> there's a bunch of people out there, silent biden boehner's, republicans that want to vote for biden or will be voting for biden. it's important to let them know they are not alone. it's okay if there are republican leaders that are voting for biden-harris. >> recent fox news poll show despite biden's lead more voters think their neighbors are backing president trump. this will be an attempt to build enthusiasm, challenge without a cheering audience. to keep people's attention on keynote speeches are only 2 minutes long. many are recorded. the campaign encourage people to host watch parties. senator elizabeth warren will be hosting one herself and battleground wisconsin. dana. >> dana: jacqui heinrich in delaware, thank you. more on president trump's plans this week. kristin fisher is live at the white house. >> dana, whatever the biden campaign is doing, the trump campaign is doing almost the exact opposite. trump campaign staffers wearing face masks are still going door-to-door while the biden campaign has pretty much abandoned that practice during a pandemic. now you have joe biden not even going to his own nominating convention in wisconsin. but president trump is poised to touchdown in that battleground state in about an hour after a stop earlier today and another battleground, minnesota. then later assaulted two more, arizona and pennsylvania. in minneapolis, moments ago the president slammed the format for some of tonight's speakers and said he thinks it's going to be a snooze fest. >> michelle obama, her speech, its tapes. why not they tell me. next week i'll tape it. i will make sure it's perfect. every word will be perfect. do you want to go to a snooze, when you hear a speech that steeped, it's like there's nothing very excited about it. >> on top of all of this, good old-fashioned on the ground stops in swing states, the trump campaign is also deploying a massive digital ad by this week including taking over the youtube masthead. from the beginning the trump campaign has said it was a digital first campaign. and they are hoping that the early emphasis will give them the edge ahead of the democrats almost all virtual convention. >> dana: kristin fisher, thank you. let's bring in martha maccallum, anchor of "the story." she and bret baier are heading up the special coverage of the democratic convention and we are sitting together. that is good. it's great to have you. it's going to be an exciting week. we kick it off tonight. let's put up on the screen the speakers we have for tonight. something jacqui heinrich said maybe want to ask you. she talked about john kasich, former governor of ohio, the republican was going to give a speech tonight. i think democrats, she said they think about unity. i think what they are trying to show tonight is unity amongst their own party. also tonight you have jim clyburn, who's really helped biden with black voters. then you have bernie sanders, huge person on the left during the primary and then michelle obama. the bridge to the past. i think they are trying to show they have unity in their own party. >> that's true. the first thing that comes in mind when i think about john kasich at this convention i think about 2004. miller crossed party lines. every party likes to have that person who will do that. i don't know that it turns into a big moment for them in this party but when i think about tonight's speakers i think bernie sanders obviously has a huge following. he was very close to becoming the nominee. i think the most important message they are trying to get out ultimately is going to come from jim clyburn and also michelle obama. the forgotten voter of this cycle last time around it was blue-collar workers in places like wisconsin and pennsylvania and michigan. i think this time around it is black voters, minority voters who didn't come out last time around who need to make up the margins and the differences in those places. the message to them is going to be we see you. we hear you. we have a biden-harris ticket and i think you're going to hear a lot of that tonight. >> dana: the president, as kristin was saying, he's going to be out and about. he's going to hit the road. it's a great way to draw national attention but you get the local media attention in the battleground states, so he will be in minnesota, arizona, and pennsylvania and mike pence is going to wisconsin. they have their sights set on those four states. >> martha: it's a huge dichotomy. there are a lot of people in this country who do not want to sit at home anymore and they are going to see it. they are out there campaigning. going to the states that matter. getting off the plane like he saw the president do what i know that the biden message has been we are going to be responsible. we are going to wear a mask and stay home. that's fine. that's the way they are playing it and you can see the trump campaign played completely differently and we'll see how it resonates. >> dana: another thing that's different is how they are talking to the media, whether they are talking to the media. this is going to change quickly because biden and harris are scheduled to do an interview with a big network coming up this weekend. take a listen to president trump this morning about how he -- what he thinks about the campaign. >> i have no choice because we have a fake media in this country. i have to work. i don't have the time not to hear we have a guy who doesn't come out of his basement and the media covers. speak to that sort of the facts on the ground right now. he hasn't done that. if the game is about to change and they get out, it's interesting they're going out together, i think you're going to see a lot of it. they will face the press together and balance each other out in a lot of ways. i think these debates, but haven't been any linked stories about debate prep on the biden team at all. i would love to know more about what they're doing in terms of debate prep. feel free to give us more information. i think they are going to be pressured into speaking more. why wouldn't he want to? he should want to. >> dana: they're going to have to explain what the american people as the differences. president trump is going to try to make a choice between his vision for the country and continue what his policies and what they want to do whereas it seems the democrats want it just to be a referendum on president trump. >> martha: and it turns out that the enthusiasm, most of the people supporting joe biden, 65% say they support him because he's a vote against president trump. he's got to find a reason to creative a narrative that is "here's what it will look like. here's what it will look like." for a lot of people it's just enough to say i don't care. i'm going to vote for anyone who's not president trump. >> dana: what can we expect for tonight? >> martha: tonight is going to be an interesting night. one of the things i'm waiting for is the thawed moment which could happen at the rnc and dnc, there really is asian when someone comes up with a tape process president trump said and you realize there's nobody in there. there's no one around. how are they going to create energy? none of us are prepared for what that's actually going to look and feel like. i think the bar so high for the production value on this, i think there's going to be a ton of lessons learned. i feel that in some ways. the democrats have to go first because the rnc is going to learn some lessons. >> dana: when you sent the text, happy birthday, fourth of july and fireworks. maybe they will use something like that. look forward to seeing you tonight. >> martha: u2, dana. >> dana: fox has you covered. democratic convention getting underway and i will join martha maccallum and bret baier for special coverage tonight that will be at 10:00 p.m. eastern. next the biden campaign, a new poll shows the president within striking distance. reaction from the top democratic official next. 1 in 2 kids is underhydrated. if your child doesn't seem themself at times, they may not be hydrated enough. wabba wabba! all new, plant powered creative roots gives kids the hydration they need, with the fruit flavors they love, and 1 gram of sugar. find new creative roots in the kids' juice aisle. >> dana: the biden campaign taking some heat for skipping the sunday talk shows on the day before the start of the democratic national convention. let's bring in xochitl hinojosa, communications director for the dnc. i know that someday shows are not people's most favorite things. but they were out more and generating more buzz? >> they have been out. if you saw senator harris, she did a number of interviews over the weekend with african-americans, women reporters and i praise her for that because we must lift up a number of reporters, and not just sunday talk shows and today i'm here with you to talk more about our convention and uniting america and so they've been out there and will continue to see vice president biden and senator, harris out there campaigning, making the case for the american people. >> dana: one president trump says that the media is giving them a pass and he has to work for media coverage, is it making a dent at all and anything you see? >> well, i think donald trump continues to pull stones like he did today by going to wisconsin during the pandemic. for media coverage and i would necessarily same but the president of the united states going against health experts and trying to hold rallies and other public events during a pandemic is necessarily the safe thing to do. we will continue to be out there talking to the media. we have a two hour program for the next four nights that will actually highlight the stories of the american people, with the american people are going through. how they've been impacted by donald trump's administration and frankly i would encourage donald trump to watch and listen. he should hear those stories for himself. >> dana: i'm sure they would not call it a stunt to go to a battleground state that that's partly because they are zeroing in on states that they really want to make sure they can win in 2020. the cnn poll from yesterday raised a lot of eyebrows, narrowing with joe biden now just ahead of trump by 3.5 or so points, within the margin of error. president trump seeming to close the gap a little bit. what's your reaction to the cnn poll? >> i think we will continue to see polls and we will see that race tighten. we always believed it would be a tight race and i would prefer to be in joe biden's position than donald trump. i think people recognize donald trump has failed in response to this pandemic and you're seeing it hurt him in the polls. we ask that we are going to take nothing for granted. we are out there contacting voters. our tactics may have changed. we are not as is going to knock on a door right now and it's not safe to do so and put the american people at risk but we will talk to voters and call them and we will do everything we can to reach out to them and have those conversations to show that there is a contrast between donald trump and joe biden. >> dana: the other thing that's getting a lot of attention is the question about mail-in voting, u.s. postal service. nancy pelosi is going to call people back in. here's what president trump said today. >> it's a nancy pelosi con game with her associate, schumer. it's a con game by pelosi and schumer. the post office, there's 25 billion sitting there but they really want $1 trillion to bail out their badly run states like new york state which is horribly run, like if you take a look at california, and the money they lose. illinois is a disaster. >> working in washington, whenever you bring up the postal servicef attention. he calls with the democrats are doing a con game. how do you react? >> the postal service shouldn't be controversial in any way and it shouldn't be partisan. frankly for that matter, voting by mail shouldn't be controversial or partisan. you have donald trump taking advantage of vote by mail in the upcoming election. you have his daughter-in-law who said it was safe. you said his -- our job is going to be to make sure everyone who wants to vote who is eligible to vote can vote and have their voice heard. we will continue to make sure to get information out to voters as we continue to organize. there's too much at stake in this election, and everyone should have the right to vote and i wish that the president would realize that. >> dana: i know he said he was openness and flexibility on that when he talked this morning. we are going to be watching tonight. we have special coverage starting at 10:00 p.m. on fox news. thank you, xochitl. >> thanks for having me. >> dana: schools open up, the number of kids getting coronavirus is heading in a disturbing direction. what does it mean for you and your family? i will ask the surgeon general next. especially if you have a serious chronic medical condition. at aetna, we're always here to help you focus on your health. because it's always time for care. 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>> i think it's important for the young people in particular to understand that if we want to have spring break next year, if we want to have in person graduation, if you want to have some semblance of a normal college year, then we all need to do our part. we need to follow basic public health measures. i know people are worried about when does it end? i talked to tony fauci almost daily. he still believe strongly that we are going to have a vaccine by the end of this year beginning of next year. we've got to get through the end of this year, early winter. if we do that by following basic public health measures. washing your hands, wearing a mask, and watching your distance. then these small inconveniences will lead to big opportunity for us to be able to be on campus and have normal sports and engage in other activities. if we don't, then we are going to see the hands forest of mirrors and college deans and other individuals in leadership divisions and things are going to be shut down. we have the power to do this. new york's positivity rate is under 1% and it can be done. arizona drove down the rates but we need everyone to be on board. >> dana: i think we have a list. mississippi at 19.1%. but some states like new york, and arizona, they are going down. florida, idaho, kansas, georgia, texas, missouri, over 10%. your thoughts. >> i've been traveling all over the country. i feel like johnny cash. i've been everywhere. miami, atlanta, indianapolis, baltimore. these are places we consider to be in the yellow or red mack's own so if you're under 5%, we consider you in the green. if you are 5% to 10%, your yellow and if you're over 10% your red. these numbers don't have to be your future. arizona proved you can turn around the trajectory two or three weeks. you've got to engage and make sure you avoided crowded indoor spaces. that clip you showed is the example of what coronavirus loves. it loves when people are close together, not wearing face coverings, spreading virus. dana, one thing i want to say is these masks have become political. they have become controversial. please to your viewers, i'm asking you don't make them political. don't make it controversial. they are a small inconvenience, a simple tool which will allow us to get back to worship, sports, school. >> dana: if i can ask you one last question for parents watching that are worried about their kids. what is your opinion about some of these case numbers that are increasing with children, not college students but younger kids? >> great question. the cdc said we are seeing increasing cases being diagnosed in people under the age of 18. three main reasons. number one, these kids are just out and moving more. they're going to school, playing sports. we also know they are being tested at a higher rate. finally, we know that if it's spreading in the community with a 20% positivity rate, it's going to find its way to young people. important for people to know young people are at lower risk of complications but that does not mean no risk. again, even young people need to follow those three ws. wear a mask, wash your hands, watch your distance. we can keep schools open and get back to normal. everyone needs to get their flu shot this year so we don't have the double whammy of flu and covid. >> dana: i want to have you bacback to talk about that. we have to let you go. dr. adams, thank you very much. >> happy to be back anytime. these are important issues. >> dana: thank you. next the battle over ballots and democrats demanding answers from the man in charge of the post office. the political panel weighs in an follow me on social media at dana perino and the show at "the daily briefing." lots of sports commentary. it's time for the biggest sale of the year on the new sleep number 360 smart bed what if i sleep hot? 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>> first off, thanks for having me on. glad to be back. i hear different things. i would remind liz and others who write about the convention, and dana, you and charlie know there's always division going into a convention. in 2016 there was not unanimity around donald trump. there was not unanimity around bill clinton in '92. this is not uncommon. for democrats the focus has to shift to talking only about main street. how do you build a tax code, rebuild and revitalization. how do you convince and persuade and hammer away that we are against defunding the police. how do you make sure small and medium-sized cities understand we want to bring back jobs to those cities? that should be the focus of the convention. my hunch is that's where they're veering. >> dana: charlie hurt, let me ask you. "the wall street journal" showed about the enthusiasm issue. when it comes to democrats, 50% say they are voting out so much because they love joe biden, because they want to vote against donald trump. in some ways it seems to fit the strategy if they want to have more of that. >> sure, absolutely. talking to democrats, you can tell all of that enthusiasm is anti-trump. it is not pro-joe biden. they would've run absolutely anybody they thought would have had the best chance to defeat donald trump. but this business about nancy pelosi calling congress back to session to stand up for the u.s. postal service is just one of the most bizarre turns in a very bizarre political season anyway. >> dana: why? >> it's a strange sort of issue to try to pick up. i don't think it's a particularly winning issue to try to rally around the post office. that seems to be one of the least animating issues out there that you could sort of glom onto. >> dana: it's not so much just the post office. it's about mail-in voting and the ability to vote and your vote counting. the president saying that they are doing a con job. from the democrats perspective, they have constituents who are actually worried about it but maybe he handed them something they could use? >> i think he has. the postal service is not just about delivering ballots. the postal service delivers checks to seniors, social security, refunds, irs. they deliver prescription drugs for seniors and others. i hope everyone, as they go back and talk about it, how do you ensure everyone's vote can be counted. some people want to go to the polls. some people want to mailing their ballot. we should allow it. i am most encouraged to hear mitch mcconnell say the postal service will have the resources it needs and even i think you quoted a congressman he said it might be an opportunity for the postal service to generate much-needed funds. >> dana: people should take a look at what the president said this morning on "fox & friends." talking about wanting to make sure everyone's vote counted about extending the voting are opening it earlier. charlie, great haircut. harold ford. how do you have a different backdrop with every shot? really impressive and they are all great. wonderful to have you both. thank you. next, howie kurtz on the media fawning all over kamala harris. >> tech: we'll fix it right with no-contact service you can trust. >> tech: so if you have auto glass damage, stay safe with safelite. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ want restand schools?pen? want the economy to get back on track? you're not alone. and you can help make it happen. stay 6 feet apart. wash your hands. wear a mask every time you leave your home. choose to join the fight against covid-19. do your part. slow the spread. >> i'm bill hemmer. while the democrats get ready for a convention like none other. also inside the state department, number of stories overseas. possible roads to victory for biden and pro-trump. we will show you on the billboard coming up in a moment on "bill hemmer reports." >> back up. i'm trying. >> dana: portland reeling from 81 straight nights of protest, some turn violent. it's not alone. a deadly crime wave rocks other big cities across the country. aishah hasnie is live in new york with the story. >> hi, dana. another weekend of violence here in the big apple and new york city's mayor bill de blasio says he's relying on the nypd, not federal agents after president trump warned he be sending those agents into the city to bring back law and order. back-and-forth after 51 people were shot across the state friday and including an off-duty correctional officer shot in the head. in philadelphia, four people are dead in 20 shootings there, including a terrible incident saturday where officers took fire as multiple gunmen started shooting at a large gathering. in chicago, 64 people were shot, five died over the weekend. among the injured, a 12-year-old boy and six teenagers. 19 people were shot, four killed in cincinnati on sunday, putting the city on track to have its worst year yet for homicides. dana, children keep getting caught in the cross fire. somebody shot an 8-month-old baby boy in detroit on friday and an 8-year-old girl and akron, ohio, were shot and killed on saturday during a birthday party. dana, people are apparently so scared that bullet proof vest are through the roof. the owner here in midtown manhattan of a tactical source e says sales are up 80%. people are terrified. >> dana: thank you. the media continuing to clash over kamala harris. >> it's remarkable it's not just that she's the first black woman. she's an indian american woman, the daughter of immigrants. her age is also important. she is young. >> she's accomplished key thanks. makes history, energizes the base. >> the first time i saw kamala harris speak, i understood why people in california saw her as the female obama. >> dana: that was just a sampling. let's bring in howie kurtz, host of "media buzz" and fox news analyst. what do you think? >> the media have absolutely lionized kamala harris. most of the media, i should say. i understand the excitement surrounding her as a racial trailblazer, some of the same pundits who are cheering her own, they had accused her of running a terrible, erratic, mismanaged flip-flopping campaign when she imploded just before iowa. suddenly she's a political superwoman. they are giving her a cape. she may have been the best available finalist to joe biden, but what happened was the mainstream media collectively decided that biden had to pick a woman of color. now they are celebrating the fact -- >> dana: he said himself he was going to pick a woman. >> right and then there was a whole debate, did it have to be an african-american woman, a woman of color? biden decided to go in that direction. >> dana: it's not as if the media hasn't fawned over people before. think back to 2016. hillary clinton of course getting some good media treatment, not all positive. going back to 2008 when senator barack obama threw his hat in the ring and there was a lot of excitement over that one. he was just a first-term senator as well. >> yeah, on the running mate front, i haven't seen this level of positive excitement by the media since the clinton-gore ticket in the famous bus trip. you look at major news organizations, many are describing kamala harris as a moderate. she's quite liberal. she endorsed bernie's medicare for all before walking it back. i have a little bit of criticism of some on the right who are saying joe biden is just going to be a figurehead. kamala harris going to be running the show. he's going to step down and let her be president. >> dana: that's ridiculous. >> no evidence of that but there was a fascinating number, 71% say the selection of senator harris won't affect their vote at all. it reminds us that despite the kamala title wave, the race comes down to trump versus biden. >> dana: it will. thank you, howie kurtz. we have president trump live. >> president trump: deliver historic victories for our values, our citizens, and our treasured way of life. we will save our cities and our suburbs from the future of crime and chaos, corruption, and economic collapse that puppet joe biden would unleash on america. this is a puppet. he won't do it intentionally. he says just whatever they want because he has no clue. he has no clue. i handed low-income housing being built in the suburbs and destroying people's american dream. you know that. if biden and harris get into power, they pledge to raise your taxes by $4 trillion which put in very simple terms means many of you will have to pay double and triple the taxes that you're paying right now. this includes a tax of over $3,000 on a typical family four. biden-harris also pledged to eliminate fracking, natural gas, oil and coal production, forcing us to beg for energy from foreign suppliers. on my watch, america will proudly remain energy independent. first time. energy independent. we've made a lot of progress on energy. i want to thank your terrific representatives in congress. tom emmer. where is tom? tom, tom. there he is. what a man. these are warriors. jim hagedorn. pete stauber. and this is a very important one, this is very important. your next senator from minnesota, fantastic man, i see he is even in the polls. normally that doesn't mean much but it's a big step and he's fantastic, jason lewis. he's going to be a fantastic senator, that's big, jason. that's ahead of schedule. here we are doing very well in the polls. if we went back minnesota, it is over. it is over, right? we win minnesota. our great republican candidates for congress, michelle fischbach. where is michelle? michelle. i hear so many great things about you. i've heard so many great things. go out and do it. we're going to be out there working with you. tyler kistner. tyler, tyler, tyler. good luck, tyler. a great group. a man whose name i love, lacey johnson. great job. i've been following you. you are doing good. you're doing good. thank you very much. we really have to get them, they are warriors all of them, all of them. we have to get them in because we have to stop this craziness that's going on. no law enforcement, no anything. they don't know what they're doing. they will lose the country. you know, somebody said the other day and i say very strongly, sir, you're the only one. between that and that greatness of the american dream. we don't stop. we don't keep this position. we are going to win the house. i feel confident we're going to win the house. we are going to win the house. i am very much in every single race. with the senate, we are working very hard. i think we're going to be in great shape in the senate and i think -- did you see cnn, they raised us ten points and one poll that took place over a short period of time. it's still not good enough. it's still not good enough. you mean they are getting more honest. i tell you what, there's never been enthusiasm like we have. there's never been, including -- right, tom? including in 2016. what we had more enthusiasm than anyone has seen maybe ever in a presidential campaign. and it pales in comparison to what's going on right now. it does. even this. we wanted to restrict the crowd. we didn't tell anybody and look at what happens. look at voters for trial. bikers for trump. they have highways with thousands of people, thousands of people, you know, bikers. i don't know if i'm bikin drivig along i get passed by 2,000 bikers, i don't know what i'm gonna do. they set the guinness book i hear the world record yesterday. no matter where you go, a river, lake, ocean, it's unbelievable. minnesota senate majority leader paul gesell. good job, paul, are we doing good. we are doing good, i think we are. and minnesota house republican leader, another great one, kurt. thank you very much, kurt. i'm having a lot of fun today because it's so windy, you can't see the teleprompters at all. i am sort of making it up as i go along and that's okay. i have had to do that. these suckers are blowing, like i'm saying what the hell? fortunately i know these people. if i didn't know these people, you would have been in big trouble. i'll tell you that. another one i know very well is the single greatest ad buyer and the history of the world and he also happens to make a very good product, his pillow. i use it. when i sleep well, and using his pillow. these suckers are about to fall down but that's okay because i know him very well. mike. mike lindell. thank you. he's the chairman of our campaign. if i don't win minnesota with you as the chairman of our campaign, i would say that would be very bad for me. because i can do anything. thank you, mike. it's an honor and we appreciated very much. you do a great job. thank you. it's all made in minnesota, right? made in minnesota. thank you very much. before the china virus invaded our shores, we built the greatest economy in history. there was nothing like it. we were beating everybody including china. they have the worst year in 67 years. we were taking and billions and billions and billions of dollars in tariffs. beautiful thing, tariffs, when used properly, especially when you're being taken advantage of by every nation in the world. we achieved record low unemployment. african-american, hispanic-american, young people, people with diplomas, people without diplomas. college students, crummy students, great students, horrible students. dumb people, liberal people, conservative people. everybody was doing the best they've ever done. phds from mit. phds from coming colleges, everybody was doing the greatest, the best they've ever done. median household income soared to the highest level ever recorded. numbers were unbelievable to open. new opportunities for minnesota farmers and factory workers. we replaced the disaster known as nafta with a brand-new usmca which has had big. dairy exports to canada are now expected to surge by at least 50%. i know how good the deal is. don't tell canada. they were not happy. they had pickets. when they have tickets about a deal that makes you feel good that they've been taking advantage. you know canada, "o canada," wonderful song. my song, only one problem. they took advantage of us like crazy with your dairy tariffs. 297% tariff on your dairy products, right? i learned that when i came up here. they had specialty milk, the little things, specialty milk, not a farmer and he said what it happened to specialty milk and back copy over the edge and i said we've got to change it because you were taken advantage of by canada very badly and by mexico and by china and by japan and by friends info and in many cases friends were worse than foes. for years he watched as politicians like sleepy joe biden who's been in office for 47 years allowed foreign nations to crush minnesota's mining. look at your mining industry. he was crushed by dumping tons and tons of cheap iron and steel into the country. i saw what was happening. i did something about it. i did something about it. i will tell you china wants me to lose so badly. they all do. they all do and yet i get along with all of them although china i don't speak to them. after the plague came in, you know we made a great deal with china. they announced last week that china ordered the largest amount of corn in history. the largest amount of soybeans in history and big capital purchases. part of the biggest anybody has seen and i said see how smart they are. if they weren't smart they would have stopped and we would've said let's -- by ordering so much farmers come to me, we like to steal a lot, please don't do anything how smart is china, right? the biggest corn order in history. so i have to say i tell you, my view has changed a lot. we made a great deal with china, but my view has changed a lot. usmca is the biggest deal ever made, and that one is working out great between canada and mexico. and remember this, minnesota, under the last administration, the last administration, minnesota was wiped out, more than 2,000 workers were laid off. obama and biden closed it down. you remember that? the finest iron ore in the worl

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