Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20180131 :

FOXNEWSW The Five January 31, 2018

Tribute to patriotism and the American People. President trump the United States as a compassionate nation. We are proud that we do more than any other country anywhere in the world to help the needy, the struggling, and the underprivileged. I am extending an open hand to work with members of both parties, democrats and republicans, to protect our citizens of every background, color, religion, and creed. My duty at this sacred duty of every elected official in this chamber is to defend americans, to protect their safety, communities, their right to the american dream. Because americans are dreamers too. Here tonight is preston sharp, a 12yearold boy from Redding California who noticed that veterans graves were not marked with flags on veterans day. He decided all by himself to change that and started a movement that has now placed 40,000 flags at the graves of our great heroes. Prestons reverence for those who have served our nation reminds us of why we salute our flag, while we put our hands on our hearts for the pledge of allegiance. And why we proudly stand for the national anthem. Freedom stands tall over one more monument. This one. This capital, this living monument, this is the monument to the American People. [applause] jesse as much as it pains me to do this, i have to give you credit, greg. He used a line that you said on the five before. Americans are dreamers too. We would like to get your reaction to that. Greg i saw that, i was on the train, slightly tipsy and i yelled thats mine and they escorted me out. I was waiting for somebody to steal that line for me. Overall, i thought the speech i hate the word conciliatory. I can barely say it. I thought it was more like a double down on his vision. It seemed like the vision was directed at america, at americans and not that anybody else. I think i was wrong because on the show last night, i said he should keep it short and sweet and say hes never going to do it again. He did the exact opposite. He went very long, like 90 minutes. I think its because it wasnt for me. It was for people who had eight years in the desert and could use 90 minutes in the oasis. Its like, youve heard it, greg gutfeld, this isnt for you. This is for americans who want to hear directly from the president about why its okay to feel good. Jesse i think a lot of people did feel good about it, judging by the reaction. Dana, what is your thing . I like how the antifocuses beach on the people. Dana he started it being, this is not about me. Its about you, the American People. He ended it that way. Hes a very optimistic person. He believes that america can get the job done. That was what that was really all about last night. He is the head coach for capitalism. Picking through the economic headlines were going to talk more about that. It looked to me, it was a bit of a laundry list but thats how these things are. I dont see how much followthrough there is on some of the policy items you typically see in a state of the union. Laying out an agenda so the president can hit the road and keep selling something he wants to try to pass this year. It wasnt that kind of speech. But certainly the people who watched it felt good about it. If you are a democrat are you watching, you didnt feel good about it. Just like republicans watching president obama did good about his. Its a most a mirror image of the last eight years. Jesse yes, but i thought he made a few overtures to the democrats. Its almost like they didnt see it may be because they didnt want to see it. Kimberly thats what we were talking about, kind of reviewing it, when he saw he was talking about the employment numbers, everything in the black community, and looking at the congressional black caucus. Didnt acknowledge our clap or anything. Of course theres going to be some partisan reaction youre going to see manifest itself. Jesse nancy not happy. Kimberly overall i felt there was a lot in this speech that was great for both sides. Whether your democrat or republican. I think it was a very uplifting speech. About america, in my opinion, united, not divided. He certainly had a lot to work with in terms of the compliments hes been able to make it. As a relates to the economy and national security. My favorite part was the personal stories that really resonated. Jesse i agree. I think that was the best part. Juan, did you have a favorite part . Juan one thing i liked about it . Jesse besides the end. Juan that was it. Took a long time to get to the good part, which was the end. I thought it was going to be conciliatory, to quote greg. Extending the olive branch, saying its time for unity and a divided country any didnt do it. He disappointed me. I always think donald trump is going to become president ial in this moment. Hes finally going to put on the jacket and act like the president. And he always i am like Charlie Brown on the football with this guy. Yesterday, what did he do . Instead of offering to unify the country, he doubled down on all of his talking points. Greg the talking points were about unity. Juan no, it wasnt. Greg about americans. Juan even if it was about americans, it would be all america. What he is doing no greg what did he leave out . Juan something so dramatic, what he said about immigrants, as a family, they are a black family whose children were killed by members of ms13. These people are crying. They are emotive. Its a little bit oh, boy. He had several people who were crying and upset. He used that quite strategically, as a dramatic reality show. Greg no one has ever done that before. Juan i dont know if its appropriate that i will leave it to the audience to judge. Then you stop and think wait a minute. He is demonizing all Illegal Immigrants as if they are members of ms13. Jesse i think you are conflating it, and the American People did not conflate it. Juan never occurred to anybody at all and talking about jesse some about all of branch right now and is talking about infrastructure. President Trump America is a nation of builders. We built the Empire State Building in just one year. Isnt it a disgrace that it can now take ten years just to get a minor permit approved for the building of a simple road. I am asking both parties to come together to give us safe, fast, reliable, moderate infrastructure that our economy needs and our people deserve. Jesse has a major component of this 2018 agenda. We believe the democrats would get on board since theyve been pushing for new Infrastructure Spending for the last eight years. Greg i think democrats were given something there and people like me arent crazy about it. I hear infrastructure and i hear tons and tons of spending that ends up not at infrastructure. It always goes somewhere else. If i am unhappy with that, at least the democrats should be happy because i feel like im losing something. Speaking of the democrats, can we talk briefly about the Richie Cunningham hologram. Joe kennedy jr. You want to talk about leadership, comparative trump, that was a Student Council president. Jesse i want to get your reaction and then i want to play a sound bite of the president saying he wants to reopen gitmo. Lets listen. President trump terrorists who do things like place bombs and civilian hospitals are evil. One possible we have no choice but to annihilate them. When necessary. We must be able to detain and question them. We must be clear. Terrorists are not merely criminals. They are unlawful enemy combatants. Jesse that is significant. Dana ive always been for keeping gitmo open. The purpose of it, which was to hold enemy combatants and able to question them and theres been this constant tension of should you bring them to the United States where they would get all the due process afforded to people in the United States. I think the answer that should be no. Albaghdadi was a prisoner at gitmo. He was released. Where did we catch them again . Or hes out come out there committing terrorist acts. Again, thats not the point, thats something you dont have to have in this speech in an hour and 20 minutes. He could have probably left that out. It was used to needle the other side. As lots of things you could add in or not. I will save our joe kennedy, i think people are being really mean, you are being mean. Everybodys being mean. I dont like to go after somebody. I didnt like it when they went after marco rubio or anyone who does these responses. Its a miserable thing. I think the democrats had to be fairly happy with that. Then the whole thing about the sins of the uncle twice removed or something. But if you are a young democrat and you feel if you cannot stand President Trump and you saw that you are like, there is hope for us. Its not bernie sanders, not elizabeth warren. Im not saying joe kennedy is going to run in 2020 but it was definitely a contrast. Greg but it is still the kennedys. It still another family. It is to like having the clintons. You are drawing from the same family. Juan is it like having the trumps. The daughter in the white house . Greg listen, im talking about political dynasties. Trump is not a political dynasty. The kennedys are. Juan he has his son, daughter. Greg you are completely missing the point on purpose. Juan you think . Greg you are deliberately being dense. Juan okay, i am dense. Infrastructure, he laid out no plan. He didnt sam going to provide money. He passed it tax plan. I think if you are saying lets work on the infrastructure, democrats, you want to do it, lets do it. Chuck schumer had an oped in the Washington Post yesterday saying this guy is talking about private fees, may be receiving gas taxes. Americans are going to respond well to that bird Rural Communities are going to be left out. Where is trump on that . When it comes to Something Like this business about americans are dreamers too, how can you not see that as somehow making it as if you or you are the equal of a child that was brought here without any volition on their part, brought here as a child, and is seeking the opportunity to fill their american dreams. Fulfill their american dream. Greg so they are more special than the americans here . I am a dreamer. I dream every day. Juan i will see the light in your eyes. More and more, this is how trump distorts things and then it gets heard by some people as it is so patriotic, so wonderful. In fact what he is doing is putting down people. Dana the point of the line was it has a double meaning and it was meant to do exactly whats happening at this table. Greg you just exposed your confirmation bias. You are hearing what you want to hear. Kimberly incredible personal stories that all americans can relate to, message of unification. I didnt see in any way he was trying to be divisive. He is saying we can prosper and Grow Together as a country especially we work cooperatively. For example, like with the economy. Greg because we havent heard that, its strange to a lot of people. Thats the tragedy. Its that we think this is a weird idea that we are all americans and all dreamers. People think thats weird. Thats sad. Juan you never heard morning in america . Thats been around. This optimism has been around. The problem is donald trump speaking in a way that keeps putting down people, and you dont hear it. Greg i think you are reading minds. You are not hearing things. Jesse he is not putting people down. He is lifting people up. We are going to continue to debate this and have more personal stories as we continue to analyze. And sometimes, i dont eat the way i should. So, i drink boost. Boost high protein nutritional drink has 15 grams of protein to help maintain muscle and 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d. Boost high protein be up for it its greg lets take a test. In terms of success, would you rather be . This or this. Its good to start with perspective. Given that most polls show widespread approval, upwards of 75 , for trumps speech. The loyal opposition couldnt let go of their emotionally clouded bias. Juan. As trump mentioned, they frowned. One clown bolted when a patriotic chance broke out. And they speak of division. They sat when they shouldve stood. Even for the flag. Do you think americans didnt notice that . Trump placed that moment right in our faces. The democrats are confused. Trump is hitting the high notes and they dont know what to do. Always scowling at good news. Schumer looked like he didnt know whether to wind his watch her cry. Pelosi looks like she discovered her chauffeur had just broken wind. When trump called out socialism, half the democrats looked nervously toward the exits. Someone should have checked on bernie sanders. Did he expire from too much common sense . If the old saying is true, that progressivism is the fear that someone somewhere is making america look good, then this was a really bad night for progressives. Its why the media couldnt handle it either. Immigration is is one opportunity to have a big success quickly but i have to tell you i think his rhetoric last night set things back, did not advance the ball forward. Calling this a healing speech is almost like calling going on a diet drinking diet coke and eating pizza. You tell me that room is supposed to respond like this to the great dictator . Greg that was like her when he was running. Trump set a trap for the dems and media that expose their biases. Everyone has a role to play. In politics, someone has to be the loser. Pelosi, schumer, the hapless media. They do it so well. Jesse, what you make of this . Do you think the democrats shouldve been more gracious or is this to be expected . There were people who are like this with obama. People who shouted at obama during one specific event i cant remember. Jesse you live . Joe wilson. I think the democrats look like the media, out of touch with the American People. If he deserves more credit for the success, and then the media is saying it is gloomy, dark, poisonous. Theres a huge disconnect. You had to bigtime pollsters both say home run. If he continues to perform like this, the Republican Party may save the house and senate and hes going to even win reelection. Not only did they not clap at some of those moments you brought up about rising wages and more jobs, they didnt clap when there was talk about a pathway to citizenship, lowering drug prices, they didnt clap about destroying isis. They didnt clap about the recovery of steve scalise, one of their own colleagues. Think about that. Kimberly unbelievable. It jesse its almost like you can applaud juan i think they did. It jesse not what i sow. Check that day. You can still applaud the success of america but you dont have to agree with everything trump says. Its almost like they agree more about their party than they do about the country. Imagine if the democrats didnt clap when we won gold medal in the olympics because trump was president. Thats kind of the disconnect. The president has done something very skillful here. He is so closely associated himself with the flag in the country and the economic success, when the democrats root against him, they look like they are rooting against america. He has also triangulated when it comes to manufacturing, infrastructure, and trade that helps american workers. The democrats are in a tough position where they are boxed in. Are they going to choose whats good for their own base are they going to follow pelosi and crying chuck . Greg i didnt consider that. Jesse says hes aligned himself with patriotic symbols so that if you are against him, youre kind of against the flag. In a way its almost parallel that if you are against president obama, you are a racist. Its like you line yourself with certain kinds of come in his case, identity politics. In this case, unification and patriotism. Dana when they didnt come out when the democrats didnt stand i shouldnt say didnt. I had a democrat today who did stamper rising wages. They are lacking a message and they dont have the bully pulpit and they know that in their districts all the citizens are seeing good headlines about the economy. So there is a disconnect. For people who watched the speech, most of those tended to be people who elect the president anyway. The democrats are starting to lose ground in the congressional ballot. Republicans have made considerable ground in a month. I think what the democrats couldve done from a communication standpoint is stood up and cheered and applauded and given a high five to each other saying we did this for you. We are happy to have helped you, President Trump, to inherit this great economy and we are absolutely going to go forward to try to win back the working class. Greg and take credit for some of the centrist and democratic ideas he floated. Dana like paid family leave. Greg there is some liberal stuff in there. Kimberly dana brings up a good point. There was plenty there for them to say we were contributed to this, we helped. We are trying to get that country to prosper as it relates to the economy and tax reform. Instead they chose to be partisan and not to be honest in terms of okay, this is whats happened. This is what we feel weve tried to contribute. This is what in fact is good for the country. They did not want to begrudgingly give any credit or knowledge any participation because to give him any credit for honest to god achievement was too much for them to swallo swallow. Greg juan, you are batting cleanup here. Why does your side look like a bunch of sore losers. You get ten seconds. Juan thats what i thought. Here we are on fox. Greg we give you more time than anybody on the planets. C7 i am so curious and listening. For example, the young man and the flanks of the graves. How can you not see that he is going after people who say i am having a legitimate protest about Police Brutality by refusing to stand at the national anthem. Thats a choice people are making. What trump has done is he is now demonized anybody who doesnt stand with this little boy who is bringing flags to a grave. How can you not do it . I will tell you. Because youre so upset and you want america to know there is Police Brutality in the world. With regard to wages, how can you not say, oh, trump says wages are up for wages have been rising since 2014. Im just telling you. So much here that trump steers and distorts and twists and you are saying he is patriotic. Everything is great. Greg was got to move on. You compare it to ideas. In trumps case, he has this young boy on

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