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Between sinking sleepy joe and mayor pete. He has a good guy. He is a great mayor. But guess what . He was a mayor. He is a good guy. But the idea of passing a budget as mayor of a town the size of manchester and managing 900 billion, this guy is not a barack obama. He is right. I am not. Neither is he. Neither is any of us. This is not 2008. This is 2020. Jesse while candidates continue to tear each other apart, top candidates are warning that democrats do not have what it takes to be trump. The problem here is the Democratic Party. The idea of the Political Party is to win collections. Thats what it is about. If you dont do that, you have done nothing. Its not to make a point. Its not to start a revolution. It is to win the election. I have the idea of the Democratic Party that i read about and i see on television, and that is a bunch of people on twitter running around causing trouble. To speak of the other depressing thing about this week was at his best moment, the democrats, they just look like the gang that cant shoot or run straight. If they cant get their act together soon, it is going to be over before it begins. Jesse wow, greg, it looks like despair has set in on the Democratic Party, and you cant argue. They are right. I cant believe that i said that. Greg the thing is that there is a strong sense of sadness in bill barrs voice, i can feel bad for that and the smart cool kids like him and sam harris, but these people were warned, right . Every day for months on the show. We were saying that you are going to be in for a huge let down if you dont start thinking about the future and putting your eggs in the impeachment basket unless you divorce yourself from that emotional fantasy, youre going to end up it is a worse hangover than tequila. Tequila does not cause you jesse there is nothing worse than tequila. Dana i cant drink it. Greg the only reason why they are sad is because their filter is broken. Why do so many smart people, and bill maher is smart, and they step on the same rate that we say dont step on it. You step on it with obstruction and collusion and cavanaugh, and we keep saying, you have to change your filter. The big point that i find that i think the fact that you are sad is a selfish commentary, because the country is doing really great. Jesse that is a good point. Greg really, really great. But i feel sad. Your sadness and emotional pain caused by trumps personality is more valuable than a safer stronger country. And i would much rather, i would much rather be happier with a less competent, more warlike president because that makes me feel good. There is an underlying selfishness behind the intellectuals that makes me want to laugh and watch them drown in their tears. That is a joke. Drown in their tears. Jesse as the analogy, how does the rake taste . We warned you. Juan i think you guys know the taste of the dirt in the rake teeth, because half the country still wants this guy out of here. Sitting in New Hampshire, just sitting in the state of New Hampshire where i saw was plus 60 of the democrats in the state say they would rather have the state hit by me then see trump continue. Greg isnt that the point . Juan oh, a second ago i thought the rake was emotional. I think you guys, i am so curious to see how you react to all of this, because in fact the reality is that the nominating process is always a messy process, and it is always a roller coaster. And sometimes the roller coaster goes off the track. And sometimes you think jeb bush is going to be the nominee, than it is donald trump. And then trump is on tape saying awful things about grabbing women, and you think it is gone again. And look how it worked out for the republicans. A republican president. We dont know where this is going, but once there is a nominee, the dynamic will shift. You stop talking about the dysfunction. You talk about democrats coalescing behind a candidate. At that point then you start to see why trump has never hit jesse i would agree with you, juan, in a normal cycle, but i dont see the democrats, dana, coalescing behind anybody in the field who they nominate. Have you gone to a few diners and heard a similar opinion . Dana i will tell you that the mood here definitely feels like there is some excitement, because especially their Bernie Sanders rallies. Those people are in love. They follow him, they believe in him. He does not talk down to them. It is not condescending. He has always been who he is. Do i see the entire Democratic Party getting behind him to try to out donald trump . I have to tell you today, i find that very hard to imagine. But if he became the nominee, maybe we would see something different. The other dynamic that is happening here is that President Trump is coming tonight and going to have his rally in manchester, and the beat was the sight of his last rally before the election here in the primary in New Hampshire, where he ran away with it. And i think he has a special affinity for New Hampshire, because that was kind of the first contest that said, okay, he could actually win this thing and be on to the white house. He will be coming back tonight, and it will be packed. People have been staying up overnight. People from different states in order to be here. So whatever he has done here, he has locked in his support. Anybody who is independent in 2016, that photo per President Trump has probably switch their registration to republican to vote for him this time. He only lost by. 4 percent in 2016, and they think that they will be able to win in 2020. They think they can, i think they will. Jesse i think they will too. Katie, do you agree . Katie i think President Trump may win New Hampshire, but i agree with juan in the sense that we have a very long way to go here. But when it comes to momentum, momentum does not just apply to individual candidates, it applies to the party as a whole. When you have the iowa caucus vote still being in disarray. They cannot figure out whether the data and information was in the voting system. There is a cloud over the entire primary process from the beginning about whether the person who may end up winning actually won fairly. That is something that the bernie camp will be thinking about if he does not get the nomination and if they support the nominee against President Trump. But that Trump Campaign has been on the ground all over the place, not just in New Hampshire. Vice president mike pence has been in New Hampshire with a funko trump at diners meeting and shaking hands, and democrats have had a very hard time catchp on issues. They are running out of things to run against the president on parade in New Hampshire he dealt with the Opioid Crisis and has delivered on that. And dana will see that issue, see what he has done, and decide to change their registration and vote for them. Jesse greg, when was the last time you were added diner . Greg i frequent many diners. Are there other places besides diners . Jesse no, just diners all over New Hampshire. Greg we need more man on the street interviews, jesse. Juan wait, wait, jesse. Chris wallace and i and chriss wife went to the red arrow diner today, and they have plaques on the chairs where al gore, obama, even mayor pete sat. Dana what about you . Juan you have to get up here. I am saying that we need a plaque for Jesse Watters right in the snow. You might have to wait outside until i let you in. Jesse i will check the link and check the temperature and be back up. Next up, all but 12020 democrats supporting socialist bush. We will show you that next. 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Voicing disgust of an ideological menace that helped kill millions is now an act of blasphemy. Anyway, what a mess. Mayor pete is a thesaurus without specifics. Liz warren is an invasive phony. Joe sounded like the guy at the bar after he got fired, talking about the stuff that he did better than everybody else. Its bad when dems say they would not kill a terrorist. Who are they worried about passing off . Other terrorists, they seem just people, lacking economic skills, democrats think companies are sinister engines run by the monopoly guy and a top hat. Plead for her unanimously while slamming books who want examples of american popularity as the economy moves on with waves of satisfaction and they accuse half the country of exploiting the other half. No reasonable democrat becomes the fringe. As others parent the line that america is racist through and through which leads to divisive factions and punitive actions. Real problems with race that puts future problems in jeopardy. How do you measure change when you reject its existence . Amy is at least rooted in some reality, which means she is toast. You, jesse, had an interesting perception about amy. We both think that she might be the surprise. Jesse yes, i think she will do well tomorrow. And she could beat sleepy joe. She is right at his heels right now. So she could really put the nail in the coffin for joe. I think she is the only one that really shows like she wants it. You have to take this nomination. Barack obama took it from hillary. Trump took it from jed, they are serving up these questions about socialism on a silver platter and everybody is looking around at their shoes. These guys have to want it. But i do get the sense that socialism now in the Democratic Party is too big to beat. They are not going to be able to put it in a corner anymore and pretend it does not exist and pay it lip service. They are going to have to make peace with bernie, with the socialist faction at the convention, because there is a good chance that he can wind up with the most delegates at the convention. And they only have themselves to blame was socialism. They have abandoned the middleclass workers. And a lot of democratic elites went hard in with the lobbyists went hard in with wall street and did not deliver the goods for average working class american people. At this point if you have bernie, a socialist at the top of the ticket who wants a boston bomber from president , once open borders and to dismantling wall street. Who wants to revolutionize the capital system and do away with the internal combustion engine, when you faced off against trump with someone like that are facing a 40state landslide. Thats what they are going to have to reckon with. Greg dana, i want to play you some sound on tape of Chris Matthews, would you like to hear it . Dana please. Greg lets world that for dana. Ive seen what socialism is like, i dont like it. It does not freaking work. It just does not work. Greg the thing is, didnt he play some role in this . He is a guy who ate a large cake every day for 30 years and then woke up and realize they need a crane to get them out of bed. [laughter] dana i think he is sounding the alarm because he doesnt remember what it was like. And he remembers watching Ronald Reagan who stayed against socialism and how that felt a generation of people that were procapitalist and proamerica. And i think that he needs to realize that people in america still exist. Bernie sanders is right, no matter who the nominee is, they are going to have to reckon with the issue and probably be labeled as a socialist, maybe not directly by President Trump. But that will be the message from the supporters. And they will have to figure out a way to deal with it. This also falls along generational lines. These polls that came out today shows that Bernie Sanders has a really good grip on the youth. Younger people. And somebody like a biden has the older people, because a socialism issue is not just about temperament. It was also about the issues. Greg biden does have a good grip on younger people, but not the way he should. Katie, what do you think . Is it overblown . Katie no, i dont. People severely underestimate the socialism message that is based on lies paid i have a tshirt that says Socialism Communism killed 100,000 people and all i have is this tshirt. Younger people cannot define it. And by the democrats not standing up and saying yes, i have a problem with it on the stage proves that there are no moderates in the Democratic Party and they deserve the label of being socialist. And Bernie Sanders has a question on msnbc after Chris Matthews said that, is he like a denmark socialist or a cuban communist . If you go back and listen to Bernie Sanders own words about cuban communism, he was excited about fidel castro who is responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of people. Hhe said that redlines in nicaragua were a good example of how the economy works. So when we are talking about policy here, these are just differences in minor policies, the user about two completely different structures for the future of the country and it should not be underestimated considering how many young people are falling for the messaging project greg i have a theory about Amy Klobuchar, i think she might be trumps toughest challenge, because if candidates were a mountain you have to climb, its hard to find the nooks and crannies on klobuchar that you can call this warren pocahontas, you can call biden old and frail and bernie socialist, but what do you call her . Nothing. Juan im sure he will come up with something for it he is good at nicknames and bullying people. I just watch you guys, and i think, wait a minute. These guys are so pro burning, but now antibernie. And i think that they see bernie as really coming on, right . But let me say with regards to bernie and this communism, which the president said he is a communist. The socialist thing is just wacky. He is not for having the government controlled the means of production in this country. Dana but he is actually. Juan what bernie is talking about and by the way, most democrats support, is the idea that you need a stronger social safety net in this country to deal with health care. To deal with the high cost jesse that is not a safety net, juan. Juan hold on, let me finish. The high cost of education, especially College Education debt is such a problem for young people. Not only that, you have so many issues that already, we are so called socialist on. If you want to go at social security. I know the president said to his big rich friends in dallas, you know, we have to look at medicare. That is socialism. Thats because we are caring american people. Katie and all of the programs are going broke, juan. Juan you guys just go on and on them will let me talk. Greg your own all day. Juan this is america caring about its people, thats what you are seeing jesse we are caring about your people, juan. The bread lines arent compassionate. Juan it is not bread lines, this is fair wages instead of giving tax cuts to the rich which is the socialism of a different kind. It is not my kind. Greg coming up next, joe biden caught in another Bizarre Campaign moment as his pulling tanks. Into a smaller life . Are your asthma treatments just not enough . Then see what could open up for you with fasenra. It is not a steroid or inhaler. It is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. Its an addon injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. Nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. 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After the fourthplace finish in iowa, getting more bad news out of the state. Tied with Elizabeth Warren for fourth place. It comes as biden is getting attention for another exchange he had with a voter. Watch this. It is a good question. Number one, iowa is a democratic caucus. Have you ever been to a caucus . No, you havent. Youre a lying dog face pony soldier. You said you were. Now you have to be honest. Im going to be honest with you. It was a little bit confusing and i will. Dana that was kind of strange. Now the Mainstream Media is riding trump off. He is running out of gas. Joe biden on the ropes. Democratic eggs established men, bloomberg as biden falters. So he is having a little bit of a moment here, just adding a little bit of fun here, greg. I pulled some sound from tom shillue, who is on the gg show. Maybe you can set it up for what you have him do. Greg what do i have him doing . I have him pretending that he is joe biden. Dana making insults. Watch this. You fly a corvette directly into the sun, you will end up in 1983. Everybody knows that. I am serious. I have a speeding ticket from a minotaur. That is a half man, half bull. Chicago bulls. [laughter] dana i love it. It is so cute. Greg what tom is doing is that he kind of understands that biden is confrontational with people. He is like, whenever he is talking. What are you doing, man . It is always that way, where trump is more confrontational with things. The media as a whole, and politics as a whole. Biden gets individualistic and the people he goes to. The phrase that he used in that case was from john wayne, which is a fine thing if you get the reference, but you want to keep your references within the last halfcentury. The bottom line is that jesse had made that reference to katie or you on the show, every media blog, they would not care if it was from john wayne. Katie we are not allowed to quote john wayne anymore. Greg why not . Dana i wanted to play some sound for Jesse Watters. This is biden talking about how he is winning nationally. Okay, if we can play that for him. I am still winning nationally. You guys keep forgetting that part, okay . Number one. Number two, the fact is that the first two states are important, but they dont make, they dont determine the outcome. Number three, we have not had a debate yet. We have 1 15 assertions. You call these debates . I have debated paul ryan. I debated that woman from alaska who could see russia. Jesse that woman from alaska. Greg he never said that dana saturday night live said it. Jesse a of a crowd he had in that classroom. It was like where you go when you get in trouble after school and you are the only one sitting in an empty classroom. He does not even sell that he is in first place nationally. He is hunched over and looks like he is about to collapse. Its not true anymore. It was quinnipiac that just came out that bernie has surged ahead of him and he is in first place nationally. Biden is in a negative news cycle that he created. If any other candidate called some random woman a dog face pony soldier, you would say this guy is folksy. He has color. He is a kind of guy you want to have a beer with. But the fact that biden was massaging people and saying things about record players and stock tape, and all of this crazy, and it it just comes on a long line of negative headlines. And he says Something Like this, you just roll your eyes. That is a problem. Can he have a comeback . We will see. The media wants to write about the comeback. But he might not even make it far enough to have one. Dana i dont know if the media is looking to ride that one, i think they want the yes with mayor pete. Let me ask juan about biden. Do you think if he comes in fourth or fifth in New Hampshire that that is okay . Juan yes, it would be better if it came in third. Obviously he is really struggling at the moment prayed he needs to shift some kind of media strategy and get out there. No off the record, no gag goals, he has to get himself in front of a tv camera and in front of reporters pretty asked be far more aggressive about that. And by the way, this thing with this john wayne reference, it was a total joke. But i see you guys want to take it seriously and demean the man. You want to talk about people saying horrible things in this political era, i would point to donald trump. Jesse i thought it was funny, juan. Greg it is just about john wayne, you were not even listening to me. Juan the young woman, by the way, she said she was lying to joe biden. She had not attended a caucus. Greg blame the woman dana katie. Katie i have a response to that point, so, dana, we hear a lot about suburban women and how they may like President Trumps policies but dont necessarily like his attitude and his behavior and some of the things that he says. If joe biden is trying to differentiate himself, why would he continue to go to town halls and these local places he is trying to win to Gain Momentum and then insult people that way . I dont know if he is trying to be a tough guy or be like President Trump or be like himself the way that he has been for three decades. Joe biden has gotten away with being joe and a nice guy, but when you get down to the things that he has said and continues to say, it does not seem like he is a nice guy. He needs more than that to beat trump. Dana moving on, mayor Pete Buttigieg is raising eyebrows with his stance on drug legalization. That 2020 debate up next. Excuse me. Uh. Do you mind. Being a motour . What could be better than being a motour . The real question is. Do you mind not being a motour . I do. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. I do. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. 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Only for a limited time juan surging democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg has been on a roll since his Strong Performance in iowa. But now some attention on his stance over drug legalization paired here is mayor pete, renewing his call to decriminalize all drug possession. Speak of the main thing we need to focus on is where you have distribution. And the kind of harm that it has done. Of course it is important that it remain illegal. Youd would decriminalize it. It would not be illegal. Possession should not be dealt with through incarceration. You say possession of heroin is not illegal . Will not be dealt with through incarceration. Your website says decriminalize. It would not be illegal. Or it could be a misdemeanor. Juan so today i went out to plymouth state here in New Hampshire to see the mayor, and he had a crowd of about 250 people. And when he asked the question, how many of you have dealt with or have someone in your family, someone dealing with drugs and Mental Health issues, the whole crowd raised its hand, it was a startling moment, and you can see why he says that 40 years of the drug war having succeeded. So dana, how does this play politically . Dana well, before you can understand how it will play politically, i dont know if he has thoroughly thought through the policy issue, which is what Chris Wallace was exposing. And i am not saying that i have the answers. It goes back to the generational issue where you were talking about was socialism. So older people who grew up with the war on drugs and if their loved ones had died of drugs, they think this is bad. We should not have them at all. Whereas the new generation has said, no, we should make them legal so that we do not have people being criminalized and penalized unnecessarily. And i think that the jury is still out on it. I dont know how it plays politically. Spewing katie, there is a strong distinction to be made, 90 of americans think that a doctor should be able to right a prescription for people who want to use marijuana, and there is a High Percentage that says even for recreational use. But he is talking about things like and heroin. And that strikes me differently. How does it strike you . Katie there has been delegalization of marijuana and a number of prices, colorado is one of them. And a lot of people who voted to push that through say that they regret doing so, because the societal impact of that has, so as dana said, we do not have a lot of information. I can imagine the effects would be the same. We are talking about a structural issue here. If you do, legalize things like heroin and crack cocaine, or whatever else he wants to legalize, are there going to be more victims of crime as a result of these people not being in jail . These are Big Questions and also structurally, the federal government has a lot of agencies dedicated to the drug war. The dea would have to be eliminated. You would have lots of parts of i. C. E. And Border Patrol that would not work in that facility. I have a lot of arguments legalizing marijuana and other drugs that have decreased violence in chicago and mexico. It is not just a talking point answer. I dont think that mayor pete did a very good job of explaining more thoroughly how he would handle the consequences. Because it would not be a seamless transition. Juan that is a good point heard there be unintended Public Health consequences paired i was thinking when i was listening to him, maybe he is making a play for you, for the libertarian vote. Greg i think so. The facts are this. It is a legal opiates that are killing people. Not a legal opiates. This is why i agree with him about all drugs is that legality creates feasible Delivery Systems. If you look at a pack of cigarettes, right, you have 20 cigarettes, each one gives you a mild narcotic kick. Im not saying it is safe. We know it is deadly. But if you ban a pack of cigarettes, the Delivery System immediately changes and it is more potent and damaging because you are leaving it to Street Vendors to deal with that illegal thing. When you compare legal opiates, prescriptions to fenton on the street, you can see the difference. People live normal lives on opiates, others die on the street when they get their front and all mixed with her xanax. So the Delivery System solve the biggest problem that renders the pleasure you get in a manageable chunks. So my opioid of choice when i get home from work is no different then your martini of choice. If you have five martinis, that is not on society, that is on you. The point is you have to plan for this kind of decision, because there are intended and unintended consequences paired will homelessness increase . Will overdoses spike . Will the workforce suffer . Thats where i see the problem, the workforce might supper, but this could not be any worse of a problem then the drug war, because the drug war creates these unmanageable Delivery Systems that kill people when you dont prepare for the consequences, you end up with de blasio and bail reform which has caused dramatic spikes in crimes in new york city, because he did not think about what might happen. Juan this is a really interesting conversation. I think we are right in saying that the mayor did not explain all of this. Jesse, in fact, as he now makes and roads with the black community, you saw the debate on friday, he was on the idea that there was an increase in arrest with blacks in south bend for marijuana possession, he said generally all this kind of stuff. But remember that the war on drugs has had a disproportionate impact on minority and poor people in terms of incarceration. Maybe that is the play that he is making. Jesse maybe he is pandering. I respectfully disagree with mayor greg over here. I dont think he thought this out. As dana said, he is not ready for prime time. If you run a candidate on the left that wants to legalize narcotics possession in the United States of america, trump will chew him out and spit them out. It will not be close. This is what the chinese want. They would love to decriminalize narcotics, possession in this country. Greg that is not true they sell us the drugs jesse they are selling us the drugs and then we dont do anything about it they will carry it around mayor greg, you had your chance greg they sell it in the streets jesse if you decriminalize meth, and to criminalize the possession of heroin and crack cocaine, it will make people feel like they can walk around and do drugs in public without any consequence. They can shoot up outside of my bar and not get a ticket. They can smoke it outside of my apartment and not go to jail. Greg that is you that is you jesse i dont want people hitting rock bottom. I want people to go cold turkey. Greg that is not your choice jesse i want to live in a society with boundaries juan it is 5 00 somewhere. You can have a drink if you want. Alisters getting political at the oscars paired plus more highlights from the big night, next on the five limu emu doug [ siren ] give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Katie liberal hollywood once again lecturing america at the oscars with some truly bizarre rants. We go into the Natural World and we thunder it for its resources. We feel entitled to artificially inseminate a cow, and when she gives birth, we steal her baby. Even though her cause of anguish is unmistakable. And when we take her milk that is intended for a calf and we put it in our coffee and are serial. Katie also a shadow, then brad pit made a reference to impeachment in a not funny way. Greg i love joaquin phoenix, everything he says comes from a good place. And the second part of the speech he went off on cancer which was a an important thing to say. He has friends that have been canceled. Maya rudolph and kristin wiig were amazing in their medley about costumes. No music behind them and it was the funniest thing i seen at the oscars. But i felt sad for brad pitt, because he paid so much money into an agency for that joke, and he thought it really landed. And now for the rest of his life it will be about a dumb joke. You should have just enjoyed it. But i stopped watching it because my wife said, you know, greg. This is not for you. And i said, you are right. And she said, where you going, youre going to watch it with me. And i said no, it is not for me. Thats what it does to america. Katie poor brad pitt, dan dana. Dana we are here up in New Hampshire, so i did not get to see the oscars paired to the truth that i never watch the oscars, i am always late to see the movies. I dont go to the movie theater. I wait to get them on netflix or whatever. And i think that when it comes to comments about Animal Rights or even about politics, i have never taken much stock in what hollywood has to say. And tonight was no different. Katie juan. Juan when you hear brad pitt make some comments and people on the right dont like it. You should say, wait a minute. We also say what hollywood says is not relevant. So take it with a grain of salt. When i hear something that ted nugent says, i just take it with a grain of salt. I dont think all people on the right think like that. By the way, why dont they celebrate movies that people actually go to question marks own meaning people dont go to the movies that they are talking about. The joker is the only movie that was a top ten movie, that was the only one, and they did. Katie sounding off on the oscars. Jesse Zach Galifianakis doing an impression of Joaquin Phoenixs acceptance speech. He is too compassionate. When i pour milk into my coffee, i dont think about the cow. Greg we know that. Jesse i think about not spilling my milk. Maybe he has mad cow disease. Katie i am sorry if you heard me sneeze. One more thing is up next. Thank you, america. Wheres the truck . What . Parked it right there. Male voice what did i tell you, boys . Tonight we eat like kings chuckling youre a genius, gordon brake hit the brake uh, which ones the brake . crash, bottles smashing stop stop stooop brakes squealing whats happening . What . Theres a half of cheesesteak back there. With geico, the savings keep on going. Just like this sequel. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on Car Insurance. 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He has been in a ton of movies, you have seen him in so much stuff and tonight, desperate housewives, he was the doctor, anand one of the more memorable twilight zone, blacklisted and i grew up watching him and countless game shows but i got to become a friend of his because andrew fatherinlaw, id go see andrew and i see him and he was such a wonderful just a wonderful person and i mean, this weekend we lost him and robert conrad, were losing a lot of interesting people weve got to make sure we are replacing them. I rode in obituary its up there on foxnews. Com and you can find the podcast i did a few months ago. Jesse well said, greg, thursday, i was speaking at the south Florida Medical Center Foundation and there i am. If a lot of questions about Robin Williams and usually i get asked about greg but i got a lot of long questions and one, i did you justice. On friday, i was at the father daughter dance with my daughter, there i am, and only few toes were stopped on the neck got their dancing skills from their dad. Dana. [laughter] dana theres a big explosion in colorado but they designed and they worked on, a steamboat firework and a world record saturday night watch. [cheers and applause] that was at the steamboat spring, its called a night extravaganza, a festival that they have they been trying to do this in the guinness book of World Records and certified indeed the largest one ever and in colorado they say wait till next year. We will see what happens. Pretty neat. If you didnt know fireworks they broke the world record. Jesse it be pretty bad if they called the guinness and they didnt. Dana i dont know, i think im running out of big brainpower. Juan she sneezed a minute ago. Dana ill be better tomorrow. Juan im a big fan of cosmo, the University Mascot for the famous dance move. But now, cosmo is blasting off to a whole new level. Take a look at this, folks yes, he launched from behind the threepoint line with that slamdunk and take a look at this in slow mode. Byu down, and he traveled 22 feet before falling down on the dog and thats one cool cougar. Dana yours is way better than mine. Speak to katie. Katie this time try to come was held and in colorado, despite lots of snow and hundreds of people came to honor the veteran who served the air force in 1970 and passed at the age of 91. He had much family but the family he did were unable to attend to a number of veterans posted about the funeral and despite horrible driving conditions in cold weather, people not knowing him personally and hundreds of people came. Its an amazing way to honor his memory and his service and i think a good vision of america in the way that america is. Jesse very nice. Okay, the trump rally here in New Hampshire grade of juan im going to bring that back for you. Bret jesse coverage up net with brett. Hey, guys. Bret thank you, welcome to New Hampshire to where we are six hours away from the first of voting in the first primary in the democratic swee sweepstakes. Good evening, im bret baier. I Martha Maccallum and this is fox news democracy 2020 on the New Hampshire primary. Bret the countdown begins over the next two hours we will bring you from correspondence following the major candidates in looking at the lastminute preparation before the nation primary. Martha take you back

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