Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180725 : vimar

FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle July 25, 2018

On your show in laura yeah. Sean people have the right to be really stupid. Some people make comments and want to apologize and no one wants to accept an apology. A lot of important questions about the world we live in, and we will deal with it. By the way, in case you have nothing to talk about tonight, another slow news night . Laura no, we have a lot going on. Great show as always. Good evening. Im laura ingraham. This is the ingraham angle. Ahead on a cannot miss hour, if you havent been watching television tonight, you havent been watching hannity, you didnt know what was released about an hour ago. Rudy giuliani will be joining us shortly with breaking news, exclusive reaction about the release of a secret recording between then candidate donald trump and his attorney, Michael Cohen. Also two simple questions. Why does john brennan still have a security clearance . It should be revoked. The answers are coming up later on in tonights angle. You dont want to miss this. This always happens right before the show. News breaks. Its crazy. Everything at the last minute. Even outside the white house, he has the president s ear. Who am i talking about . Great night to have him on. Former white house chief of staff Reince Priebus will join us. He will offer insights into the president s thinking on russia, communications, what is going on with the chief of staff, and the current controversy about this tape being released. Later we will dive into two explosive cases, one involving police and race in a caught on camera moment in georgia. Well get into that and a lot more coming up on the ingraham angle. I have to tell you something. When we got giuliani on the phone and we got our slate of guests, youre going to want to buckle up. Tonight, breaking news. Cnn claims to have gotten their hands on recordings between then candidate donald trump and his then attorney Michael Cohen. The tapes were provided by cohens now current lawyer. Lani davis. And lani is an old friend but he was out there defending bill clinton not too long ago. Long known for his steadfast defense of all things clinton. Heres a piece that cnn played, and it must be stressed that we at fox news have not confirmed the authenticity of these tapes. I need to open up a company for the transfer of info regarding our friend david. So that im going to do that right away. Give it to me and ive spoken to allen about how to set the whole thing up. Funding, yes. And its all the stuff. All the stuff. Because you never know where that company you never know he gets hit im all over it. I spoke to alan about it when it comes time for the financing. What financing . Pay in cash. No, no, no. Laura the tape is cut off. Right at that point. Joining us now for reaction, Alan Dershowitz, author of the book the case against impeaching trump, a huge best seller. And saul wisenberg, thank you both for being with us. This news breaking an hour ago. Professor dershowitz, lets start with you. We are all lawyers. Something that sends a chill down my spine, up my spine, about hearing a conversation between an attorney and a client. I dont care what the government is threatening you with, what the prosecutors are threatening. To hear a private conversation played between the two on national television, its like i have no words. But i guess they waived the privilege, right, alan . That was a decision the Trump Legal Team made. I think youre going to have to ask rudy. Rudy is a friend of mine, a great lawyer. He rarely makes mistakes. You have to ask him why he waived the privilege about that conversation. The conversation is a natural one. Ive had it with clients dozens of times. Clients suggest something. If the tape is accurate and if thats whats on it, the client suggests maybe cash and the lawyer says no, and the client says, fine, well do it by check. Thats what lawyerclient conversations are supposed to be about. Back and forth. The client suggests something and the lawyer says something else. The client generally listens to the lawyer. The big picture is a, theres nothing that suggests any crime. B what is strongly suggested by the prior interview is that cohen has made his decision. Hes going to cooperate with the prosecutors. Hes going to flip. Hes going to try to get immunity, and hes going to testify against donald trump. Whether he has anything to say that is incriminating, its a real question. Even if he does, whether hes allowed to say it. Remember, giuliani didnt waive other privileges, just that tape. Even if he has something that might be incriminating, no evidence that he does, he cant reveal it unless its a violation of the lawyer client privileged or waived if its a lawyer client privileged material. Laura whats the potential jeopardy, if any, that this tape posed to the president of the United States . Again, so people understand this, its hard to hear this tape. Its a little bit unintelligible. Were going to talk to giuliani exclusively in a few moments. Their impression is that what the president said is no cash. Cohen says no, no, no, no. Then trump says a check, a check. So he could be, again, maybe we can make this tape clearer. But right now its unclear what he said. Could the president have been saying we want a paper trail . I dont know. It doesnt matter what he is saying, laura, in terms of your question. I agree completely with professor dershowitz. Theres no indication of a crime here. It may end up that it establishing that President Trump lied which is certainly a serious matter. I understand he said he didnt know anything about the payment by the Parent Company of National Enquirer. Thats very different as to whether or not there was a crime. I see nothing resembling that. I do think its shocking that irrespective of whether it was wise or prudent to waive the privilege, shocking that a lawyer is taping a conversation with a client, whether it is privileged or not. Certainly confidential client information. I am not sure that cohen has definitively made the decision to flip. The only reason i say that is because by doing by taking the actions publicly that he is taking, it seems to me that he might be making a lastditch effort for a pardon. I see no other reason for it, because if he wants to do a deal and to flip, typically, the prosecutors dont want you going out and talking on national tv. Its a bit of a mystery. Laura we keep hearing. Michael avenatti seems to have divinely discovered that there are more than one or two tapes. You hear him on tv. Its like there are many tapes and everyone will see its all horrible stuff about to come out. Thats what you get from him. Professor dershowitz, there doesnt seem to be any transaction that actually took place here, correct . Whether the president misspoke or misrepresented things on air force one when he referenced not knowing about the transaction, there was no transaction here ultimately. Does that have any relevance . Yeah, there is no crime. This couldnt be an attempt or conspiracy because in the end he says pay by check. But the whole context of the conversations would seem to undercut the cash analysis. The context of the conversation is lets create a legal form, lets create a corporation. Lets not leave it up to one person. When you create a corporation, you create records. Corporations dont pay by cash. Corporations almost always paid by check or by wire and leave a paper trail. So if, in fact, the president did say, and its hard to hear, pay cash, that seems very much out of context to the conversation. The other thing is, the tape ends very abruptly. It could suggest there is more on the tape that is exculpatory but that cohen has either kept it as leverage or may be erased it because maybe he doesnt look so good on it. Ending the tape abruptly like this one ends is suspicious. And when you get Forensic Experts coming in they can tell you whether it was cut off, whether the phone stopped i thunk this was an in person conversation but were not positive. It will tell you a lot more. I think this tape has to be subjected to forensic analysis. I had a case like this 40 years ago. The issue is whether the wiretaps. The forensics proved we were right and we won. Laura i think all of us in the makeup room were listening to this 15 times and none of us could figure out what was said. I want you both to stay right there. Because joining us now on the phone is Rudy Giuliani, personal attorney for President Trump speaking with us exclusively after the release of this recording. Mayor giuliani, thank you so much for checking in with us tonight. First of all, your reaction to this tapes release . Well, first of all the major point is its outrageous that someone would tape his client surreptitiously. Number two, its also foolhardy for them to try to yell and scream. And make believe whats on the tape. I agree with you the tape is a little bit hard to hear. I assure you we listened to it numerous, numerous times. The transcript makes it quite clear at the end that President Trump says dont pay with cash. Cohen interrupts and says no, no, no. Ive got it. And then you are distinctly, if you slow it down, check. And then cohen followed with no, no, no. And then quickly cuts off the tape which indicates exactly what professor dershowitz was saying, that cohen doesnt want the rest recorded. Theres no way the president is going to be talking about setting up a corporation and then using cash unless you are a complete idiot. Again, the president is not an idiot. Laura there was a moment tonight on cnn where lani davis kept saying we are showing you that what giuliani claimed that Michael Cohen was the one who brought up the issue of cash, not his client donald trump. Showing you with this tape that it was trump who brought it up. He seemed to say the release of the tape, rudy, was because of you and what you said. Well, the fact is the president does bring up cash but he said dont pay with cash. [laughs] and then cohen says no, no, no, and the president says check. And then cohen says ive got it. Point is, the president wants the transaction to be memorialized. Laura rudy, there was some concern about the decision to waive privilege in this case, a lot of legal commentators. We just talked to dershowitz. Its all well and good for them to say that, but the reality is, the tape was leaked not by us. Nobody believes that. Last week, we were treated to how we leaked it, jay sekulow and i laughed at it. This was leaked on us with a very, very description of what was on the tape probably by the same people lying on cnn. We had to correct the record. We have no problem making this limited release because it is corroborative of the president s statement. Laura so are you still maintaining tonight that the recording that was released this evening is 100 exculpatory towards the president and his previous statements about this . I think your two guests just said that. No indication of any crime being committed on this tape and thats absolutely right. Laura you know what the left is going to say . You know what they do. Theyve been doing it for months. That the president gave the impression that he didnt know about any of these transactions, that this mightve been happening but he didnt know about them. The comment on air force one. Sol referenced it. He said i didnt know. Sounds like he knew something was being set up to perhaps buy the rights to this Karen Mcdougal story. Correct . No. In fact, if you go back a little further on the trupanscript, i dont have the whole thing. Cohen says we need financing. The president is saying wait a second. What financing . Then he has to explain it. The president did not know about this before this conversation. At least with regard to the transaction. He may or may not have known about mcdougals claims. I dont know that. He didnt know about this transaction. This is the conversation. They talk about how theyre going to buy the rights. Laura the rights to this story from the National Enquirer, the company that owns the National Enquirer were never purchased. That transaction did not thats another thing thats absurd. What it makes clear is, this is at most an attempt to do something. I dont know of any attempt to this category of crime they are looking at. In any event, i dont think anyone can suggest that this represents anything where the president did anything wrong. Thats the reason why he waived it. Would we have put it out had it not been leaked . No, we wouldnt have put it out if it had not been leaked. Laura were you given a headsup that this was coming out tonight at all or was it a surprise . We found out at 6 00 this afternoon. We have been over the tape over the weekend about five times. What i urge people to do is go online and listen to your broadcast. Play the tape. If play it three times. The third time you play it, it will become clear. I have been listening to tapes even longer than Alan Dershowitz. About 4,000 hours of mafia people on tape. I know how to listen to them i know how to transcribe them. This tape is Crystal Clear when you listen to it. Ive dealt with much worse tapes than this. Laura are you concerned there are other recordings out there between cohen and the president . As a lawyer, as someone who has dealt with people who have been in a lot of trouble before, just like you have, the idea of a lawyer taping a client it takes your breath away. Are there other tapes you are aware of . Today someone was leaking from, im sure their side, it cant be ours. There are 12 tapes with cohen and the president. May have been avenatti or somebody else. Dont quote me on that. Hes leaked like there are a lot more tapes with the president. Dershowitz asked him how. It would be illegal for them to have that information. In any event, there are no other tapes with the president. We have all of the tapes in our possession. We have transcripts of all them. We are comfortable with it. There are no others. Laura rudy, you have known lanny davis a long time. Ive known him going back 20 years during the clinton saga. Do you have any thoughts about his decision to represent Michael Cohen, given his long ties to the clintons . Not at all. I dont have any concerns about that. He is a lawyer and he has the right to represent who he wants. I question the strategy of doing it, trying to make it if putting out a tape in which you are kind of proud of the fact that you are a lawyer, putting out a tape of your client. If you want to cooperate with the government, you need credibility. First thing that happens is this guys going to be disbarred. Its ridiculous. Hes a pariah to the legal profession. Laura there was a moment tonight on cnn where chris cuomo actually asked about this recording and whether it might taint the entire substance of it. Lets watch, listen. This recording could be argued to be fruit of the poisonous tree. Where as counsel, Michael Cohen shouldnt have been recording his counsel his client, then donald j. Trump, now President Trump. How do you get past that this whole thing doesnt look good for cohen . Because he should have never done it. It is up for mr. Cohen to explain why he was taping. Laura he didnt want to go into it. This is great. When have i ever said its up to the president to explain . Thats his lawyer. Being interviewed. And he throws the ball to his client . This is crazy representation. Have you ever heard of anything like this . You put out a tape of your client. You then make believe it says something it doesnt say. Believe me, there were three other versions of this before we got to this one that were even worse. The transcript, if you have the patience to analyze it, and now he is saying give the ball to my client. Laura i dont mean to harp on the clinton connection here but it is interesting that cohen chooses the longtime confidant, booster, defender of the clintons. After everything that happened during the campaign, to represent him. I mean, you know how this deal goes, rudy. Was cohen trying to send some kind of message to the president , look out, here we go come . You better watch out . Its an odd choice of lawyer in my view. Its an odd choice. I dont know. I cant comment on that, laura. Some will say im interfering with counsel if i do that. I dont want to do it. I question the whole tactic, the comments tonight, shifting the thing to cohen. Throwing him under the bus. Laura rudy, finally here you have to be able to answer for your client or not answer at all. Laura finally on the issue of talking to mueller, special counsel here, reports came out that you all will talk about collusion and nothing else. Is there any developments on that you can tell us . No, i think we have been distracted the last couple of days. They have been distracted. With the theyre getting ready for the manafort case. So well probably get an answer in the next couple days, a week. Laura all right, Rudy Giuliani, we are really appreciative. Lets bring back Sol Wisenberg and Alan Dershowitz to react. To what we just heard from mayor giuliani. Sol, lets start with you. Anything jump out at you that the mayor just said . What jumps out at me in one way is what is not being said. Of course i havent heard the whole tape, as the mayor points out. But in all this conversation about did he say cash or didnt he say cash . My question is, why is he even discussing buying the former play mates story if its not true, which he has said it isnt true . Why would you care . Why would you want to buy it . Lets look at the big picture. Professor is right, its not a crime, but i think it is the elephant in the room. It needs to be mentioned. Laura i would say, sol, businesses settle things in different ways all the time because wellknown people are targeted and sued because people know you will settle. That goes right to the settlement. They probably just wanted i dont know. I am just guessing. Professor dershowitz, you deal with this all the time. People want to get stuff off their plate. If we can put it away, lets put it away. How do we do it . Come up with different strategies. Thats what i am guessing, if i were representing a client on this matter. Does that seem particularly odd to you . No, it sounds very plausible, especially since they did seem to use the word plural. Perhaps what the president and cohen were discussing was the runup to the election, there were probably lots of people who come and demand cash in order to not embarrass the president just before the election. They were discussing

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