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And also talk about facebook targeting sexual assaults also the tax reform build this week but can they get the job done is a the end of President Trump . With the a coup to overthrow the president . All that and mortar fire was taking money from big business to screw Small Business we have that shocking story pearl we have a packed show tonight was so much going on you dont want to miss any of that but first to be issued that fuels the populist revolution the forgotten Men And Women left behind that made the rich richer and half of the country pour. New numbers came out on friday and more good news we were told. 220,000 new jobs the lowest unemployment in 17 years in the tax bill will make things even better that is the pitch to the way but especially the senators who represents the states that President Trump won its 16th day did not feel they were in peril if they opposed it but there are too many experts making the argument that the estimates are to hold little not trickledown to labor but it will benefit corporations and not enough of wage increases. So there is some anxiety so first lead if we passed it . If they all feel that palpable difference in their lives with medical deductions what if they go on to the Entitlement Reform Working for a middleclass black it does not feel that something has been taken away . That is a huge political problem. So the quibbles with the tax code to have a probusiness president in the white house to give energy and momentum we can argue about how much so what will those critics do . When the economy does better and better . Base still say that it continues to get better we have a former president taking credit for that but the economy is doing better even president obama agrees with that. And i agree with what you were saying in part it is optimism and the republicans show but get this to say we need a victory. We all know this is not perfect we agree this is not what we wanted but it is a step in the right direction is send a message we will do something this president is probusiness and open for business again and bad in itself will be the uptick in the economy with worker confidence and americas confidence for bad as with the president brings us. Democrats have been telling us it will raise taxes on the of the class that is overwhelmingly live people will file their taxes and find that is not true. We will see. I am all for it is a step in the right direction but now the other big story where are you on the roy moore situation . Heres the deal. I dont think this is any place the republicans to be in it is not ideal but nothing this past year is ideal. When you have a debacle with the year book and the of forgery i think it is becoming a mass of voters are seeing back. Some will not be happy because of the allegations but moving forward americans care about the agenda for Co At The End of the day i think the voters want to see the agenda to be flushed through so with those allegations going back and forth a think everybody is sick of that. I could not have voted for roy moore even before all the women came forward he is an odious character on the national scene. I do think he will win. I think the development in the last two days it turns out that the year Book Signature was not represented totally accurate the was probably the last broad that broke the camels back from those wavering voters to say okay i can put this aside the theyre not totally up front about that at the beginning is damaging to the accusers credibility i agree he will win. There are not enough voters know republican senators, all of them for them to say initially they would expel him when he arrives. They absolutely will not under any circumstances. No way. Democrats nominated a moderate he may have a chance to dave nominated the leftwing in an alabama. Steve not much longer to wait. Coming up the ethanol industry that fills up the d. C. Swamping and former Campaign Manager joins me from the Trump Campaign now the politicalization of everything continues. This week linsey von take said shot a President Trump. Dont go away. This is electricity. This is a power plant. This is tim barckholtz. 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I think there are a lot of people currently in the government not many do that. Steve also she stated she will decline and the invitation to visit the white house after the olympics but not to be outdone Chelsea Handler politicized the terrible wildfires raging here is a must angeles. Just evacuated my house like donald trump setting the World On Fire literally and figuratively. Dark times. What is next . What do you make of this . When she said she wanted to represent the American People and initially was to represents the one dish she doesnt find it deplorable that is like hillary calling them names that seems to work so well for the democrats that is why we have President Trump but they cannot help themselves these athletes instead of doing their support they are dried into it by the interviewer or they feel they must make a statement and all she will do is to send americans that probably loved her before the Interview Trump is supporting america by the way we are still Americans Mueller still representing as going to the Olympic Games. Steve the question was ridiculous but there is a simple way out to say i give my support i dont get involved in politics. Everything is politicizing. I just think it is since comparable. She was asked a leading question and there are Many Americans who find President Trump the pauling says she answered the question she did not get on twitter to say on patriotic things i think chelsea and is a disaster and she says horrible things all the time i cannot compare the two. I am just exhausted the last time we were here talking about the nfl is exhausting i like to think of myself as kind of normal but it is exhausting to how politics shoved down my throat all the time there is somebody on the right he is a writer who was hilarious and talented talks about the politicize how it is sold crushing and sold sucking so vinelands yvonne do your thing at all folie want twitter for reason Chelsea Handler if there is of fire coming to conceal their roster for spot is you donald trump and you need help. In 2012 he lied about day president over years. This will go on and . Will rex i will say this about Chelsea Handler i debated her and i have to say speaking with her i think everything she stands for is ridiculous but as the upper said we had a good conversation. When she says this is that she doesnt realize it but she is Donald Trumps ago is on twitter she is as ridiculous things think its a reaction and she is donald trump but she hates him for that very reason. What about Sarah Huckabee sanders . You make a point. But they get away with it. Tuesday i can do it because it is my art but it is also a woman who has done very questionable things. Some people say that about sexual harassment. It is funny i can do it. Chelsea handler is donald trump. She will love that. But is there a coup against President Trump within his own party . I will ask the Campaign Manager that very question next percolator to take on the ethanol industry. Stick around for that. Evice thats drug free, wire free for deep penetrating lower back pain relief. 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Pleased that you stop by on our little show it is great to see you. My pleasure to be here. Thankyou steve. Steve i have seen you on different occasions i appreciate what youve got to the Trump Campaign right into The Lions Den on morning show on msnbc. How did that feel . I dont think it does get much ratings it was like the octagon to get ready and prepared myself with a little martial arts ahead of time because you have a few people there who just dont want to give this president the credit and the big story this week that not enough people talking about is the decision the president made as to it relates to israel. Tel president preceding him in on the first year in office to fidel another Campaign Promise to recognize jerusalem as the capital is a huge steel not getting enough press. Steve i am glad you brought that up. You said drop the Campaign Led Trump we trump this is a perfect example cerros saying something and sticking to with. I appreciate that but something that has been on my mind we talked about taxes earlier many agree that would be a terrific results but the question that i give to yearold to your that the fact that the republican establishment detest donald trump frankly they detest him now they will get the tax bill done and side but left period and i have heard is that President Trumps the many signs that the bill that they dont need him anymore that at that point all of the Establishment Republicans it is time to do get a good of you and we will try to move against him in washington. What you think about that very . He is exceptionally popular to most of the Republican Base hit is stronger and more visceral more than it was on election day with those 10 democrats theyre looking for his help and for his guidance in places where it is actually popular when it comes to the Republican Party if they are not willing to play ball they are willing to call them out to fulfill those Campaign Promises if he has no problem to called about them out. Can they take on that entire establishment and win . All you hear is the fact whatever they say impossible and public. The republican establishment those people have completely failed to be leaders in the u. S. Senate jeff flake has decided not to seek reelection because he knows he will lose in the state of arizona because trump would support somebody else. Those who want to keep washington the same way it has been the last 30 years is a failure. Because the people of this great country voted for change and that changes donald trump and it has come to washington. Steve i agree because the big thing that is missing is the populist revolution going beyond the of white house that is why your book is a useful reminder to be to that entire republican in the establishment. If you have questions or comments . Give is great to do see you and i agree 100 percent electron be trump he really is making America Great again there are some better very happy right now but i get it all the time here is a question of republicans say the agenda is working and like what he is doing but i dont like his tweets he is mean what do you say . Day miguel of the fact he tweets because donald trump is bypassing the mainstream media with example after example of him being disingenuous he did it today with the Washington Post he put a picture out of the rally in pensacola and then guess what . Zero accountability i think in general the American People love it because it is him unfiltered directly to them. Steve that is a good example of top twitter activity shows so i completely agree. Corey allow to talk about the democrats in 2018 iran. Couple of states where they are vulnerable or moderate democrats who might say they want to work with the president on some level that every single one of them vote no on tax reform. Taco letting trump we trump to you think he will head to West Virginia and montana and missouri and north dakota to call the about and replace them with republicans next year court. I think he will hit the Campaign Trail hard to next year impresas he is popular if you look at the state of West Virginia where there economy is going under the Trump Administration tel manchin could walk across party lines he has chosen to be an obstructionist and win trump goes there to campaign for his opponent that would be a problem. He is exceptionally popular because of the policies and the Regulation Taking place the Regulation Taking place. I am interested in a the Disconnect Led the president characterize this as the of the class. Rigo steve spee and appointed a 44 rate over 5 million now we are looking at basically those are great corporate cuts but not so much for the middle class. There is talk of the next agenda item in the electionyear they are calling welfare reform. The president said he was not unlike those other republicans to take your safety net programs aware like medicare or medicaid and would not cut them what will President Trump agreed to that makes up for that Deficit Spending . I cannot believe they tried to do this during the election year. What is the plan . Seven channel began to move forward back quickly. To look what the president talked about on the Campaign Trail first, replace obamacare that still needs to get done it is a Campaign Promise that needs of the old. The largest tax cut since the reagan administration that is on the cusp with transportation Infrastructure Spending bill that has the potential to be bipartisan support and a just one of these is accomplished it would be a very successful first years of the administration it took barack obama until february of this second year to get obamacare it looks like we get the tax cut done in the first 11 months of this administration and i call that success. Steve thank you so much the book is called What Trump We trump by Corey Lewandowski sent the box to your of liberal friends. Banks for joining us. Steve Coming Up Blue Newt that guest in your car was fuelling the d. C. Swamp . We look at the ethanol industry. Like the flame that burns the candle the candle feeds the flame topped steak twisted potatoes at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Hesumatra reserve told in the time it takes to brew your cup. Lets go to sumatra. Wheres sumatra . Good question. This is win. 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By embedding sensors into the pavement, as well as installing cameras on traffic lights, we will be able to analyze the flow of traffic. That data runs across our network and we use it to optimize the timing of lights, so that traffic flows easier and travel times are shorter. Who knew asphalt could help save the environment . Steve Government Subsidies for ethanol have long been a swamp the tradition in america dressed up as action to help the environment it is one more example of Big Government in bed with big business at your expense. You may have voted to drain the swamp in 2016 but with the ethanol lobby it is still business as usual. Of a corrupt ethanol industry this week is on swap watch. Ethanol a type of fuel used by a Processing Corn mixed with gasoline to have a few of the of the decree greener than traditional gasoline for the federal government ordered Energy Companies to produce a certain amount every year. The renewable fuel standard of course, it is a racket because it artificially boost the ethanol market in turn boosted the demand for corn. Sold Get Rich Industry has a Lobbying Operation to keep this being produced. The Big Government boondoggle hurts the consumer of like the Manhattan Institute says the government run at the all System Cost Drivers ted billion dollars per year in extra fuel costs. When you buy your groceries because the ethanol back it raises corn prices artificially high. Gary and chickens and cattle farms have to spend more to feed livestock so you spend more of your gavin immelt. Here is the crazy part does the club agreed regulation is bad for the environment a report by the National Academy of sciences sake those court based ethanol creates more emissions than that of production and use of regular gasoline also contributes to pollution in one study estimates over half of the Nitrogen Pollution was due to cornyn soybean crops so if that hurts consumers why on earth is it ought to by the federal government . As usual not just lobbying but straightforward alanon corruption big business buying of politicians to get what they want. I what is the number one producer of corn and ethanol in the United States guess who gets thousands of dollars in donation from. Ethanol companies and Interest Groups . Iowa senator Chuck Grassley and t negative v i space renewable fuel industry and monsanto and other giant and Archer Daniels midland. And other Ethanol Producers and of course the ringmaster the Renewable Fuels Association Spending nearly 8 million is lobbying but to really a understand all this works you have to understand why they need Chuck Grassley because these senators have themselves on that Key Committee to cable big business Corruption Earnst is a the member of the environment and Public Works Committee that takes the adopt more negative the nomination to the that epa to administer the ethanol rex there. Earnst printers row with democrats with the epa nomination did not promise to go with nt caved to the blackmail so he renewed it to keep that status earnst was proud of her work i was not afraid to put the squeeze on him this was important we have family farms here in iowa how dare senator earnst use hardworking Family Farmers in iowa to cover per corruption . Cargill and monsanto these giant Global Corporations shovelling money in their pockets they are destroying family farms and in iowa and earnst is helping them do it. It isnt just those farmers with small or mediumsized many dont have the infrastructure so unbelievably in order to comply with the federal government small refiners have to pay to produce more ethanol on their behalf and then this gives even more money so if you one day textbook example how does it system is rigged to this is it. This disgusting Racket Hafez Incredible Rocket and in 2012 Philadelphia Energy solutions had a patent Million Dollars for a battlefield that it could not produce itself. It would have spent 300 million that is twice as much the small independent refiners will get those middleclass workers but because of that burden of the racket the Philadelphia Energy solutions have to pay off 17 workers from last year earnst when she first ran for senate remember this . I have senator earnst i castrated hogs on dave iowa farm when i get to washington and know how to cut pork, senator earnst you joined the swamp just like the others you with the stooge with the Agriculture Corporation schering the businesses in your home state and beyond to the pig now . Iowa congressional candidate is one of those incumbents so you there in iowa campaigning for election but that Ethanol Racket is good for small Family Farmers . It was always presented as a bridge deal and here in iowa we need to have that conversation. At the values as 40 percent of our corn so what will happen . Steve how does that affect the Small Farmers compared to Big Agricultural Companies . This zero eager were they paid the money and the golan the committees that is in the businesss interests. But they are left out of the picture. Totally. We are actually negative we are on the verge of a farm crisis our debt levels are high you are seeing that conservation taken out to have ethanol but when you take that swamp money that is why it it is happening because the senator earnst and senator grassley. Wade to talk about where lead going . Ethanol is the bridge but that doesnt seem to be working dupont just closed a plant a plant so now what is the neck step . Looking at your conversation it should be over solar with china flooding the market with solar panels but Small Farmers are struggling and it could get worse if we dont talk about this now. Steve really what you think the Government System is propping up the dying industry trying to help the farmers move to the next generation . But with that industry and transition to show signs of weakness that is why i raise this issue but i will modify take that tech from monsanto because that is what many. That is what is going on with those big players dominating the policy with the smaller industries that are left behind. Steve the controversy of the renewed statements when kids as young as six use social media . Coming up next. They can even pay their bill beep bill has joined the call. Hey bill, were just phone hi guys, bill here. Do we have julia on the line too . k, well well just phone hey sorry. I had you muted. Well yea lets just phone so what i was thinking ok well well phone Yeah Lets Just Go ahead phone oh alright the awardwinning geico app. Download it today. I just want to find a used car start at the new carfax. Com show me used trucks with one owner. Pretty cool. [laughs] ah. Ahem. Show me the carfax. Start your used car search at the allnew carfax. Com. When youre clocking out. Sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. I can even help with a silent night. Does your bed do that . 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Steve welcome back to you the next revolution this week the tech giant rolls out a new messaging gap between the ages of six and 12 Facebook Says it is in response to growing Safety Concerns from parents that many are asking if they should have such access is parent to prove contacts and they can control another device Facebook Says this is responsible although critics say if they are grooming future were customers with the market share of the young people of that is taken by snap chat. It is naive to assume that young kids are not on social media there are concerns ultimately led find this Data Collection of the big Silicon Valley companies but it is the reality. Comes down to parents if they want to make that choice and if they dont then dont do it. I think would be silly to say it should exist because there is a market. With a source very close to facebook my wife were to there in the executive royal but actually with the low income people working irregular jobs actually day keep in touch with their children through this kind of thing that is really helpful. With faddy the criticism. I could come up with a few examples with the social media of platforms can lead to beneficial outcomes i dig for the developing mind on social media they could get into the Goal Problems there on it all the time theyre not doing sports were their homework. But this does with neuron the sites you have a fake version of yourself to a market that and dealer now living your life spending hours a day developing that mine to always lived there. Interesting. I agree with both of you but it always goes back to do parenting there are parenting uses technology and social vesa to say this is the fault of facebook and those that working companies and with the parents are asking for. So lets be honest ago is back to the parent if you are a good parent you watch what youre children are doing it doesnt matter. Steve that is a good note to end on. And the truth of all of this aa. And i dont share it with mom right, mom . Righttt. Safe driving bonus checks. Only from allstate. Switching to allstate is worth it. Guess what i just got . Hello again. Hi. Get up to 400 towards a galaxy note8 or s8 with qualifying tradein. Only on samsung. Com 3 toddlers wont stop him. And neither will lower back pain. Because at a dr. Scholls kiosk he got a recommendation for our custom fit orthotic to relieve his foot, knee, or lower back pain, from being on his feet. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. What mahearthealthyle salad the california walnuts. Ver . The best simple veggie dish ever . California walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. 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