Inflamed fbi empployees working to accelerate an investigation into donald trump before election day. At heart of this peter strzok who landed the russia investigation from the beginning and promised his girlfriend they could stop trump. They did their best. In september 2016, carter page wrote a letter to the director of the fbi jim comey about false leaks about him. Strzoks reaction at a minimum this letter provides us the pretext to interview carter page. In other words an excuse. In another memo strzok tells page he is placing the hurry the f up pressure on mccabe to get a fisa warrant to spy on carter page. Even after the election they didnt stop. Strzok stresses the need to share any derogatory information. These are the same people who wound up as members of the mueller investigation. There is no defending any of this. Yet the left is. Carter page is on the receiving end of this for years and joins us tonight. Thanks for joining us. Lets go back on the timeline to the letter you sent to jim comey then director of the fbi about the leaks against you. What were those leaks . Well, i sent that on sunday september 25th of 2016. 2 days before that, on the friday september 23rd, there was a big defamatory article put out by yahoo news. As we learned from the house intelligence memos, that was part of the fake news article. It was used as part of the fisa application. Completely outrageous. Tucker i am having a little trouble with my audio. I am certain our audience can hear you just fine. Just clarify for us, the basics here. You have not after all of this and you have been under surveillance and under investigation for years now. You have not been charged with anything. Do you expect that you are going to be charged with anything after all of this . Tucker, i think not even imagine anything they could be charged with. Particularly after seeing John Solomons article today, using the terrill from that quote you had, pretext. The pretext was outrageous. M f had, pretext. The pretext was outrageous. Its ridiculous and out of control. I cant imagine what i would be charged with. Tucker do you know after all of this, what exactly the suspected crime was . You were the subject of a fisa warrant. The federal government turning its surveillance powers on you. We have a whole court system to keep that being abused. Why would the federal government want to read your emails and spy on you. What did they think you were doing . As we learned with the first Inspector General report, there is a lot of political motivations behind what was happening earlier in the president ial election campaign. I think what is a lot of evidence that came out from the House Intelligence Committee and the Senate Committee and others. Its completely political. There is no substance to this. Tucker if there were you would be charged with a felony. This is not the behavior of a free country, a government spying on its own citizens. What has this cost you . Its like what President Trump said during the campaign. Its not about me. Its about us. It cost me tremendously. It cost many people in the trump movement. In terms of legal fees and challenges. In some cases a lot of terrorists threats. The big issue is obstruction with u. S. Foreign policy. The terrible impact this has on the possibilities in terms of u. S. Russia relations creating a better pathway for the world that President Trump talked about during the campaign. I hope there will be a lot more of this. This is just the tip of the iceberg. A lot more coming out over the weeks to come. A bigger thing is coming in with the helsinki summit. I hope they chart a better course for the future of our country. Tucker we will be at that summit. I look forward to. Carter page, thank you very much. Chris is a radio show host and former staffer to senator Chuck Schumer of new york. I wanted to talk to carter page not because we are personal friends or i have a vested interest in his story or life but because i am an american. A guy who didnt commit a crime and his life wow destroyed by the fbi and the obama administration. You cant look at that and not as an american feel outraged. Yet the left is totally fine with what happened to carter page. What is that, do you think . Well, i dont think anybody is fine with Civil Liberties being violated. I dont think they have. The man did take the fifth for a lot of questions when he was in that closed door session with congress. Tucker hold on. Wait a 2nd. Taking the fifth is a civil liberty. What law school did you go to . Hold on a minute. I went to saint johns and i am proud of that. The president of the United States said if they take the fifth, they are guilty. Tucker i dont care what trump said. You have a right not to testify under the fifth amendment. And you have a right not to be spied upon for political reasons. Why was carter page the subject of a fisa warrant after the fbi already looked into his interactions with the russians . They abused his Civil Liberties and nobody cares because he volunteered for donald trump. Thats police state stuff. No. Remember the man started by providing documents to a russian spy in 2014. Tucker hold on. What were those documents. I dont know what they are. Tucker you dont know what they are . Its widely known and we will admit he gave documents to a russian spy. Tucker was it a pizza menu or the blueprints for a Nuclear Warhead . This is how they recruit you. They ask you to provide them with something that was legal. That russian spy was indicted and convicted. This came up in that. The fbi was right to start looking into it. Tucker so they heard knew that the documents you attempted to make sound sinister amounted to nothing and carter page was not spying for the russian government. He was not a mole. They knew that. And yet they got a fisa warrant against him already. Dont you think that the u. S. Government spying on its own citizens ought to have a good reason. What about peter strzok and his girlfriend . The fact he was talking to russia and go to russia during the campaign, i think the fbi would be suspicious and they should have been. Tucker hold on. Since you raised this allegation. We have carter page in the studio. I want to ask him what these documents were. Lets get very specific here. You pass documents to a rujss russian spy. What were the documents and why arent you in prison . This is complete spin. I was teaching a course at New York University called energy in the world in the Spring Semester of 2013. I had a coffee with a diplomat from the russian consulate. A spy. I showed him a couple of course materials. [overlapping talking]. Tucker slow down. Hold on. Shouldnt you hear what the documents were . Wouldnt that inform your judgment . It was a course description. If you passed a course description for a Public University to a foreigner whom you did not know was a spy, will you be betraying your country . I tend not to hang out with russian spies because i am trying to get a deal. [overlapping talking]. I love this country. Tucker you are saying carter page doesnt love this country. Carter page, where did you go to college . The u. S. Naval academy. Tucker you are accusing him of being unpatriteotic. He was a naval officer but doesnt love his country . I dont know what is in his heart. I head the files on you, carter, and you are a good person i hope this all goes away from you. From what i read it was something i would be concerned about if i was the fbi and you were on a president ial campaign. Tucker do you love your country, carter page . I love my country and all of my actions directly speak to that. President trump and his initiatives in terms of building a better structure for international relations, particularly u. S. And russia relations will show great love for the country. Tucker i am embarrass dod live here. This is a shameful moment if our country history. Disgusting. A great code word in that document from john solomon today. They used the term, a new code word dragon. That reminded me of dragon energy. That kanye west talked about. President trump is my brother. I love everyone. Trying to create a better world for all american citizens and better peaceful situation in the world versus what we heard from mr. Hahn. Tearing people down. The funny part is that going back to the dossier they pulled these same false hoods. Tucker you dont seem like a spy to me. We are out of time. Thank you, both. Whoa dan served his country. A former secret Service Agent and joins us now. Do you love your country . Did you ever think we would get to a place where the mccarty era restarted with a different cast . People are accusing one another of not loving their country because they hand a College Syllabus to someone working for a foreign country . Its a disgrace. This is a stain upon our country. Tucker it is. Alan dershowitz cant go to a dinner and he is a liberal, but he is asking where is the crime . Carter page is on your television show. If he is the greatest kingpin of a spy organization, why is he free . Maybe you got the story wrong . Did that occur to people in the media. Tucker i am not sure what carter page is saying some of the time but he is not betraying his country. To accuse him of espionage and spy on him is shameful paver. Will behavior. Will there be a point when the left wakes up and says were abetting something dark and wrong . No, because they are not investigatoring a crime. The left is not looking for a crime. What they are looking for is the scalp of donald trump. They are not looking for a crime. There is no crime. That solomon piece today on the hill is devastating. They went after carter page. The fbi read the media reports they leaked. They used the media reports carter page complained about to interview carter page. Thats in the report today. Is is this a 3rd world country . Tucker it seems like it. Its not about trump or carter page. Its about america. Dan, thank you. Democratic socialists are everywhere. The head of the Democratic Party says they are the future. What is democratic socialism . We have one of the most celebrated leaders of that movement corneal west joining us after the break. Motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . This wifi is fast. I know i know i know i know when did brian move back in . Brians back . He doesnt get my room. Hes only going to be here for like a week. Like a month, tops. Oh boy. Wifi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. Tucker you heard the phrase a lot lately. Democratic socialist. Its common on the left. Bernie sanders called himself a democratic socialist. So has the new york candidate ocasiocortez. She represents the future of our party. Her victory was a reminder of the depth we have in the Democratic Party. Tucker democratic socialism is the future. What is democratic socialism . We thought we would pause to find out. It is not a wingof the Democratic Party yet. Its a separate movement with its own national organization. The democratic socialists of america. 2 years they endorsed Bernie Sanders and opposed donald trump but didnt endorse hillary clinton. At times its been antagonistic to the Democratic Party. What do they believe . There is no formal platform. Democratic socialists support socialism. Some support communism. Cochair of portland, oregons chapter tweeted this. Communism is good. Democratic socialism is about more than economics. They demand reparation for avanaav africanamericans and forgiveness of Student Loans and calls for an end to all immigrant deportations everywhere in the u. S. In new york the dsa demanded the abolition of cash bail and borders. Unlimited uncontrolled immigration into the u. S. , the abolition of prisons and law and order itself. Financed by an Economic System that doesnt recognize profit. Has that ever worked in the world . Those are relevant questions. A democratic socialist could be elected president at some point. We thought it was a Perfect Moment to speak to the most famous of all advocates for democratic socialism cornell west. A professor at harvard. Thanks for coming on. Thank you. Its good to be in dialogue with you again. Tucker yes, it is. To give us a sense of what democratic socialism is, can you point to an example that works . Venezuela seems like an exact of democratic socialism. If so does it work . I dont think that democratic socialism as an ideal has been able to embodied in a larger social context. There are different forms of it. Some are bad, some are medium, some are better. The fundamental commitment is to the dignity of ordinary people and make sure they live lives of decency. Its not anism. Its about decency and fairness and the accountability of the powerful. Women in household, guys and trans and black people and immigrants. How do we ensure they are treated differently and the powerful dont exploit them . Tucker if thats what democratic socialism is, then i am basically on board. I think middleclass people ought to have dignity and the current systems make that difficult. Thats why albertine stein and helen keller and baker. We can go on and on. They are all democratic socialists. Tucker i understand. Has it struck you as interesting its never worked anywhere . The question is not what are our goals . Our goals are the same. How do we get there is the question . What happened in venezuela . They dont have toilet paper. Its less equal than ever. Part of the their problem is, brother, any times there were attempts of ordinary people to engage in selfdetermination, they can get crochets. Get crushed. The u. S. Policies have been very hard. They get crushed or coerced and they end up responding to that kind of authority treatment. We never had a chance to pull it off. Its only a movement so far. Its an attempt to resist the greed and the racism and the homophobia. The ways humity is violated rather than affirmed. Tucker the dsa, one of the biggest in the country. They are against borders, profits and prisons. What would a country without prisons look like. What would you do with murderers or rapists with no prisons . They are talking about the kinds of prisons we have at the present. If you have site of rehabilitation and education where transformation can take place, you and i ourselves, we are christians, right . We believe all human beings are not just made in the image of god but they can be transformed with the right kind of intervention takes place. Thats what people need in the socialist movement talking about the elimination of the kind of prisonses in place. Tucker so they mean better prisons . What about borders . You can have distance, but you dont give up on them. You dont view them through the lens of being less than human. They can bounce back. They can be better. Tucker if a governments obligation is to its own citizens and you drop the borders and have no border enforcement at all, what would happen to this country . What would happen to the poor people in this country . Would their lives get better . Would they become more prosperous . No, this country would become poorer, dirtier and impossible to manage. It would be flooded with the poor of the world and it would destroy our country instantly. Why say no borders . Well, again you have a variety of voices in the democratic socialists of america. We are like a jazz orchestra. We dont agree on one policy all the time. Its like some 0 in the middle like me. How do you keep track of the rich history of mexicanamericans and coming from europe and asia. We know the history of america. But africans who were enslaved want to open the borders and bring folk in. Its not a matter of no borders at all. Its a matter of how do you ensure their dignity is affirmed when they arrive so you dont have the Trump Administration separating children from their mothers and fathers. Tucker thats silly as you know. What is stilly . Tucker how do you think the descendants of american clav claves slaves benefit when you bring in more immigrants . I dont see that they get richer or happier . If we were having this discussion 100 years ago when you had millions of people coming from europe. Irish hating britain and ireland and all of the folks who came into the making slices of this nation. That did not allow for the kind of coming together for poor and working people would straighten their backs up and speak with dignity about issues that affect all of us. Thats the history of the nation with the acception of the africanamerican slaves. Now that the immigrants are here and a lot who only been here 1 or 2 generations are now defining what it is to be an american. How hypocritical can you get . I have been here 9 generations i can still embrace my hispanic brothers. Tucker get hold of the dsan are new york. We have a number of voices. You were just talking about disagreement. I believe in protecting Civil Liberties. Yours and mines. Bernie sanders. A whole host of folks. Tucker cornell, thanks for coming on and i hope you will come back. 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