Wearing a suit and a mask and giving a raised fest and thumbs up to the press gathered outside. The president climbed into the back of an suv for the short drive to marine one on the helipad and took the quick ten minute flight to the south lawn of the white house where he then climbed the stairs to the terrace outside of his living quarters, removed his mask and saluted air force one. His doctors are very optimistic. Its been more than 72 hours since his last fever. Oxygen levels including ambulatory saturations and his work at breathing were all normal. He may not entirely be out of the woods yet, the team and i agree that all of our evaluations, and most importantly his clinical status support the president safe return home where he will be surrounded by worldclass medical care 24 7. Earlier today the president tweeted feeling really good. Dont be afraid of cobit to come up dont let it dominate your life. We have developed under the Trump Administration some really great drugs and knowledge and i feel better than i did 20 years ago. Doctors say the president will get a fifth dose of rem disappeared tonight at the white house and will continue on a treatment of steroids there. If his condition remains the same or improves they will take a final deep sigh of relief. Theres a window when coronavirus patients are thought to be contagious, but his Communications Record says thats the president s intention to debate. Tucker amazing, rick leventhal. Thank you. You dont need to be a truck parts and to feel good about the president s recovery, you just need to be a decent person. The moment you find yourself rooting for another mans illness or death is the moment you need to stop immediately in your tracks, pause and take steps like stock of your soul. You are badly in need of help, you are rotting from within. But the media are not stopping, they are not even pausing. Donald trump is alive and they were hoping that wouldnt happ happen. Worse, trump walked out of the hospital under his own steam after just four days. 70 years old and the virus didnt even slow him down. In fact, it looks fine. These are dangerous facts and if you are allowed to think about them too much you might draw the wrong conclusions. You might conclude that coronavirus isnt quite as scary as they are telling you it is. You might regret giving up your Constitutional Rights in a panic last spring or letting them destroy the American Economy and response. You might find yourself enraged that they are keeping our kids from getting an education and how for six months. And above all you might stop believing the news media. Why are we watching this . Its not news, its propaganda. They are lying to us. All weekend they told Us Donald Trump was going to die. He had a preexisting condition called obesity. Trump wasnt merely overweight, he was clinically obese. Grotesquely overweight. Sideshow fat. Donald trump would never make it home alive. But there are of course these concerns, he has comorbidity. He has all of the risk factors that are suggestive of severe morbidity and mortality. President trump is a man in his 70s who is obese and he also had a trip to walter reed to come but we dont know what that was about. Clinical obesity and high cholesterol put him in a highrisk category for more severe response and reaction to the disease. The president is 74 years old which makes him five times more likely to be hospitalized, hes 90 more times more likely to die in a young person. Thats a potentially deadly virus for which there is no cu cure. Tucker clinical obesity. Clinical obesity. Thats the single worst insult that your average news anchor can imagine and thats exactly how they meant it. As an insult. As a medical matter, being overweight is a significant risk factor for dying from the coronavirus. There are a lot of overweight people. The except in the specific case of donald trump. If you really care to come if you really wanted to save the population from dying of cobit, he would encourage people to slow him down. He would do everything you could for example to keep the gems open. But our Leadership Class has done the opposite of that, they have literally arrested jim owners were trying to help americans lose weight and so thats how sincere they are about saving our lives. Donald trumps life they told us was beyond saving and theyve made that very clear. According to one anchor at cnn, the president was 90 times more likely to die than a young person. 90 times. That sounds scary but only if you are not familiar with the numbers. According to the cdc, 99. 90 of coronavirus patients under the age of 49 survives. Even old people get over the virus, almost all of them. According to the cdc, the survival rate for people under 70 years old is 94. 6 , thats all people over 70 included people who are 103. Together i . Ordinary shingles may be more deadly. It turns out 90 times more likely to die isnt actually a death sentence but things got so overheated on cnn on friday that even the channels in house doctor up felt obliged to add some perspective to the fearmongering. Obviously given the president s age and to his preexisting illnesses hes going to be at increased risk from this disease. But im going to be prefaced by saying still come up the odds are very much in his favor. I dont want to unsettle people too much with this, greater than 90 or 95 chance that he will get through this still. Tucker the odds are very much in his favor. The median age of death for coronavirus in this country is 78 years old and 78 is also the Life Expectancy for all people in this country. In other words its dangerous to be an old person who has the coronavirus and its also dangerous to be a normal person, period. At some point we are all going to die. Dying is the central fact of life. Unfortunately a Secular Society has no answer for that, no explanation and no comfort to give us in the face of it. So no wonder we are so terrifi terrified. What if we were less afraid of . What if the news media werent frothy in a partisan frenzy before the election . What kind of conversation would we be having then . We might have some very tough questions for our Public Health authorities. Donald trump lives in one of the safest most controlled environments on planet earth. If you are looking to free from disease you would try to move to the white house. Everyone around the president is tested regularly, there are doctors everywhere. Donald trump got the virus anyway. So lots of people follow the rules and to get virus anyway. It may have happened to you and you probably know someone it happened to. The rules dont work very well and thats the real lesson here. Our work rules work very well so we are destroying our society and still getting sick. There has to be a better way to do this. And in fact there is a better way. Sweden is our rational country, unlike us. The swedish governments never force the entire population to wear masks. So what happened to sweden in the end . Sweden has a population of more than 10 Million People and yet the country averages more than 200 new coronavirus cases per day and thats been true for the past several weeks all through the month of september. Thats far better than say, spain, that has around 10,000 new cases. They are reporting around 12,000 new cases a day. Last month a little over 100 , as swedens per capita rate of new cases is lower than neighboring denmark or the netherlands. Heres what sweden looks like now. It looks like the world we lost, cafes and restaurants, people relaxed, no pay face masks and no panics. Sweden kept most of its schools and businesses open and asked people to socially distance. Half of swedes live alone anyway. It banned large gatherings. Buses and trains, and what a poignant system that is. The swedes unlike our Health Authorities follow the science and it worked. They will tell you this at least once an hour, weve had more than 7 million positive results on coronavirus has some this country. We had 209,000 deaths. Theres so little transparency, what exactly counts as an official coronavirus death . We wish we could tell you. Thats a total of almost Unintentional Injury poisoning in other adverse events as comorbidities. So if people are poisoning themselves, why are we counting these deaths as coronavirus deaths . Thats unclear. We should know, but we dont. We do know that some physicians have felt pressured to classify deaths as cobit related even though the currently werent. They said that exact thing in a youtube video. Their clinical physicians and they treat the coronavirus, they told us their experiences doing that. But youtube scrubbed with the tape. Suddenly we are not into details in this country, the big picture is good enough for us because the big picture supports the strategy our leader support. Its absolutely necessary, even though it greatly pains him. I dont say it with anything but paying for folks in the community, Small Business owners and folks who really want to get their lives were back to normal, but this is to make sure that this virus does not spread more deeply in those communities and threaten lives and it does not spread to the rest of the city. And we want to contain the situation before it gets worse. Tucker at the good news is we are all suffering together and doing it for good reason. Most americans could detect that and accept it but most americans want to do the right thing by their neighbors and their country. Its hard to feel good about this but if you cant trust the people making the decisions and we can. They dont really care about slowing the spread of the coronavirus back in june when 1201200 publichealth expert sid a letter saying that White Supremacy is a legal Public Health issue that predates and contributes to covid19, its insane. They never explained it, they just kept lecturing. Protests and rioting were vital to the national Public Health and threatened health of black people. Experts noted that they dont approve of all gatherings, no. Not all gatherings. Particularly protests against stayathome orders. So some protests were medically acceptable, others were a threat to Public Health. But they said it out loud. And it greatly asked seems, exceeds the harms of the virus. Inside we knew. We knew they didnt mean it, they dont care about Public Health at all. They care about partisan outcomes. Mark levine who runs new york citys Health Council added this. Lets be clear about something. If theres a spike in coronavirus cases, dont blame the protesters, blame racism. Oh, racism did it. No one is saying racism infected donald trump. This is the most irrational thing thats ever happened in this country, ever. And it remarkably the adults in the room signed onto it. The cdc director tom frieden said, the threat to cove a control from protesting outside is tiny compared to the threat to cobit control created when governments active way that boost Community Trust. Its amusing and a better way. Losing Community Trust . That happened the day that they claimed protesters were safe and hours worked. We knew for a fact that they were lying for partisan reasons and these people should never be in charge of anything ever again. But they stayed in charge. Now they are telling us we cant have confirmation hearings for amy call me barrett on october 12 because its too dangerous. Coronavirus, clinical obesity, 209,00209,000 data, whatever. As a matter of science, donald trump is not allowed to appoint anyone to the Supreme Court. Theres no reason that they shouldnt be delayed. I dont know why he would ramp through the Supreme Court hearing and put people in danger because it would be within that two week period, while you haves shut down the whole senate. I just think its wrong. Sadly three of my colleagues have been diagnosed as having the virus. Now if this were a Baseball Team or a Football Team and three of the players came down with covid19, we would have canceled the game and postponed it to a future date. Tucker yeah, just for a game, we would have postponed it. Sports leagues probably would have canceled a game of some of their players got infected, and it happened a bunch all to protect athletes in perfect physical condition. As a scientific matter, that is absurd. It was always absurd. When donald trump walked out of walter reed today people may have started to realize how absurd it is. And that is why the media is so angry. Up next, we will have a reaction to the news of president s release from walter reed as well as new yorks new lockdown. Much more ahead, we will be right back. Rovide that Financial Solution for they and their families. Its a great rewarding feeling. Everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Tucker the nation of sweden approached coronavirus so differently than we did, they did not up and pose lockdowns on the entire country and they did not force everyone to wear a mak outdoors and they didnt close all the schools. They lectured a little lesson are public authorities, and some experts, the ones that are enraged with partisan fervor are saying that sweden may have proved that strict lockdowns dont work and may have in fact been counterproductive. Hes taking a huge amount of grief. Updated examination of lockdowns and the strategy which is worth reading by the way if you havent. Thanks so much for joining us. So we were forgetting the final look about how sweden wound up and you for many months had said may be the is the model for us, and you were attacked for it. How would you assess sweden today . Sweden is essentially back to normal. And you can see that the other European Countries are following sweden, and thats having large spikes and positive tests which are not going for national lockdowns. But there is not but he said dont be afraid of cobit and dont let it dominate your life. That might be the most controversial thing hes ever said because hes literally saying dont be afraid of cobit, he saying dont be afraid of one another. Its a respiratory virus that spreads between people and the only way to make it go away permanently is to lock us all all away permanently. Thats not compatible with life. Something i will never forget is Walking Around times square in six months ago, about six months ago, and Walking Around new york city and it was deserted. It was if a neutron bomb had gone off. Six months ago, and even then that response didnt make sense but we are six months on and we know if you believe in w. H. O. And 750 Million People have been infected with this, that means 199 out of a thousand people will live after getting the coronavirus. If you believe the cdc numbers it might be 997 or 996. Its a tiny death rate. We have sacrificed our kids and sacrificed our society and donald trump walked out of the hospital today and said what needed to be said. We have to stop being so afraid of this. This country, we put people on the moon. Over the first manned flight in 1903, what happened to us that this rather dismal virus has scared everyone to death. I do not understand it, and we have to get out of this. Tucker because there is no answer for death in a society like ours. But i also think people should remember you cant live cut off from other people and some of us dont want to. You cant live a life cut off from an other people, it doesnt work. People can vote for donald trump or joe biden for all kinds of reasons but joe biden has barely gotten out of his house and donald trump has lived. He took a chance and he got caught but its not that dangerous and it looks like its going to be fine. Even though hes a 74yearold man who is mildly overweight. So thats a lesson we need to take care, we need to live. Tucker its funny how people attack you for saying things like that, thats a most affirming thing that ive heard in a long time. Tucker the mayor of new york, the mayor of new york bill de blasio is shutting down schools and nonessential businesses, whatever that is. What do these zip codes do wrong . Well more than 3 of coronavirus test came back positive for a week. No word on how many people died, and thats maven part of it. They just had positive tests. Just the other day practically bill de blasio said he wasnt against Mass Gatherings as long as he agreed with the politics people were expressing. Watch. Things here in the city could mean not just thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people. Just not time for that. What about protests, people want to march down fifth avenue, are they allowed to do so . This is an area when you go to church, you try to have a jewish wedding in brooklyn, but if you are eluding macy as its a historic moment. As soon as you Say Something like that out loud the rest of us dont have to listen to anything your you say because you are a fraud and a liar, you are totally irrational and you know longer have the legitimacy to leave, period. Today the governor of new york andrew cuomo decided to approve the closure of many nonessential businesses. Thats not because hes opposed to lockdowns but he thinks the real problem is religious services. Watch. If the religious leaders do not agree to abide by these rules, then we will close the religious institutions. Tucker really because in the country we lived in in january we had a First Amendment that such government will not get in the way of your exercise or relation. People will close the institutions. Well what do you think you are, god . Many of the services being shut down by the way our Orthodox Jewish communities. Whats the Science Behind it, the purported Science Behind it . Dr. Marc siegel is of course ou