Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 2013073

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20130731 20:00:00

fight between two powerful republicans going strong. rand paul is here and like mark levin, is ready to react to this. >> i have nothing personal against senator paul. if we disagree on certain issues we disagree. his response seems to be he has something personal against me. that's okay, can he just get in line on that front. >> and here we go, welcome everybody, i'm neil cavuto and this is "your world" a controversial world. mark levin speaks as the top two low pressures raise a stink. we hope to get on chris christie soon, we've had him on a number of times in the past so hope springs eternal. we have kentucky senator rand paul. do you think it's gone too far? >> i think it's time to dial it down. we have enough democrats to attack maybe republicans can quit attacking republicans.

york related republicans, including those who were pushing for sandy aid, the same aid that you had referred to as part of the gimme gimme mentality are angry at you. >> wait, you know some of this, neil, comes from people who aren't fully discussing the issue. i actually did support sandy funding. i supported doing it one year at a time and paying for it by taking money from money that we're sending overseas in foreign aid. i was objecting to spending four years' worth all at once without sufficient oversight, without offsetting the cost by cutting so i was never against the funding. i was just against doing the funding without offsetting it with spending cuts. >> you know, senator, rifts come in both parties but this one seems to be particularly pronounced and one may be preceded by john mccain and your run-ins with him in the past and he told "the new republic" when asked whether he would support you if you were the party's nominee in 2016 over hillary
clinton he said it's going to be a tough choice. what do you make of that? >> i think there was a chuckle that supposedly went along with that interview, and you know, john mccain and i are friends. we don't always agree on everything. we had a dust-up today on the floor over foreign aid because i think it doesn't help our country to send money to egypt particularly when we have cities like detroit and chicago decaying in our country that i don't think we have money to be sending overseas and so i offered to try to obey the law that says when a military coup happens you have to stop funding, then that money could be used for some bridge projects in our country and to help infrastructure when we desperately need it. so we have a disagreement on that. that doesn't mean i don't respect john mccain as a war hero and i try to keep things on a less personal way, less personal kind of a battle and i think with governor christie it's gotten a little too personal, so we're ready to kiss and make up. >> all right, it doesn't look at

home because we were $1 trillion short. governor christie can't point to any votes that i've ever voted to bring pork barrel projects to any state. i do work to try to bring money home from overseas and use it here at home but really it's just not accurate. i would probably say i'm the most fiscally conservative or not one of the most fiscally conservative members of congress so it really kind of doesn't stick or make any sense. >> he's referring to the general sense of the states, sir, that new jersey spends roughly 38.3 billion in taxes that go to washington, and gets not nearly any of that back. in the case of kentucky, it's 26.5 billion and you get more than that back. >> none of that has anything to do with me. those formulas are based on poverty and i'm one of the leading proponents of saying to folks who are getting entitlements that i think if you're working and able-bodied, you shouldn't be on the dole, and if you are, cannot help
yourself, then we'll find some way to help you but poverty formulas have nothing to do with me. i didn't create these programs so it's kind of a stupid point to blame me for poverty -- >> you tried to clarify that kentucky gets a lot of this because you have two big military bases. >> it is and it does have to do with military spending. >> they could say new jersey they have ft. dix, the weapons station, mcguire dix and air force base. >> the bottom line is what this is about is we're trying to figure out those of us who are conservative and who believe in a strong national defense how do you have enough funding? i'm willing to cut entire departments. in my five-year balanced budget i cut entire departments but i actually bring in military spending above the sequester level. void the sequester for the military because that cuts so much spending. my problem with some of the more liberal members of the republican parties, they're not willing to cut spending other

cuts and i think, frankly, if the american people could vote on whether or not we send the money to egypt or to new jersey and new york, i'm all with them. >> what if that takes a long time, senator? the frustration governor christie showed at the time was that this was taking really, really long and the folks in new jersey were really, really hurting and they needed it. >> my amendment was the same day that they passed the appropriation. if they would have passed my amendment they would have gotten their money but gotten one year's worth and it would have been offset with spending cuts. >> gotcha. >> and the spending cuts occur over time but the bill would have happened at exactly the same speed of time. it's really about whether or not you want to have responsible government or whether or not you want unlimited spending without offset cutting. >> do you like chris christie? >> i don't really know him but i think the party's big enough for both of us. >> you're off to a bad start it would seem, the two of you. >> excuse me? >> you're off to a bad start, it
would seem, the two of you. >> yes, but i think i'm an easy going guy to tell you the truth. i've had many dust-ups with the more eager for war faction of our party and we still get along, we sit next to each other at lunch and as far as i'm concerned we're still personal friends even if we disagree on some issues. >> i'm sorry, sir, if he were the nominee for 2016 for president will you support him? >> i will support whoever the republican nominee is? >> chris christie included? >> whoever wins and that includes chris christie. >> there had been thought the two of you would make a nice ticket, that had been bounced around. >> we're going to have to -- >> would you be interested in that? >> bell vae we'll have to patch up. i'm inviting him for a beer any time he'd like to sit down at the pub around the corner from the senate and have a beer. >> have you heard anything on that invite? >> it hasn't been formalized, i just thought of it. >> just now? >> we'll formalize it and put it in writing, i think we could sit
down, have a beer and mend things and at times people have said chris christie has some libertarian leanings so it's ironic that we see him criticizing libertarians in the party or libertarian influences because some libertarians had high hopes he had libertarian leanings. i don't really know. >> do you think he drew the line maybe because of the 9/11 experience and so many lost in his state that he drew the line when it compromised our national security? >> i don't know. >> that it put many peoples lives in danger and we to deal with a lot of victims of those disasters. >> i don't know. i think it really has to do with a bigger, broader issue about whether or not we're going to be the party that protects the fourth amendment and privacy. i think we need to be the party that protects privacy and internet freedom. >> i think that's the least of it, senator. you're closer to the fire than i am but that seems like a very big philosophical battle being waged right now within the
party. do you agree? >> we'll see. like i say, the offer to have a beer with chris christie stands. if he wants to break bread and see if we can find common ground i think it will help the party to not have us feuding. >> when you say break bread or have a beer you're open it to it being in trenton as much as d.c.. >> we could always negotiate a middle ground like philadelphia. >> real quickly, sir, while i've got you here, you're very concerned about pouring good money after bad in egypt and you say the president pushed and already broken what is a recognized standard of giving money to countries when there's a military coup or an overthrow, whether justified or not, that the money stops. where does that stand now? >> well, we had a vote on my amendment today and i informed both republicans and democrats that if they voted against my amendment they were voting against the rule of law. the law is very explicit. it says if there is a military coup all aid must end but i also
think the aid is actually counter-productive. i think it's dangerous to israel because i think these tanks and weapons and planes could potentially be used by crazy strong man that could arise in egypt and used against egypt. i don't think they do any good for the people. they're not buying any bread. they're buying tanks that may well be rolling over protesters, they're buying tear gas made in pennsylvania that they spray the protesters with. we now have a military in charge that's disappearing people. we rightly criticized the soviet union for disappearing, torturing and putting people to death that are in criminal custody. they're not even announcing what's happened to the muslim brotherhood and i'm not a fan of the muslim brotherhood but at the same time i'm into the a fan of disappearing people without charges or trial either. >> senator rand paul, maybe governor chris christie is watching and we'll broker an agreement to get the two of you to chat.

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Ring , Chris Christie , Front , Program , Families , Life , Terrorist , Mr , Nsa , 9 11 , Country , Republican , 2016 , Rand Paul , Issues , Mark Levin , Fight , Two , Something , Everybody , World , Line , Response , Neil Cavuto , Times , Number , Pressures , Stink , Hope Springs Eternal , Democrats , Senator , Kentucky , Doesn T , Life Support , Piece , Northeast , Lot , Way , Part , Privacy , Ideas , Northeast Isnt Good , Money , Aid , Republicans , Countries , Washington Dc , Backfiring , Flag , Anywhere , New York , Move , Funding Gathering , Disinvite , People , Issue , Aren T , Support Sandy Funding , Wait , Gimme Mentality , One , Four , Funding , Spending Cuts , Cost , It , Rifts , Oversight , Parties , Nominee , Run Ins , John Mccain , The New Republic , Hillary Clinton , Everything , Interview , Friends , Chuckle , Floor , Choice , Law , Overseas , Egypt , Cities , Chicago , Detroit , Military Coup , Disagreement , Infrastructure , Bridge , War Hero , Things , Kind , Little , Battle , Thing , Point , Sir , Sense , Comment , Craw , Spending , New Jersey , Defense , Home , Pork Barrel Spending , Dollar , , 1 , 61 , 11 51 , 51 , Politicians , Bacon , Side , Reduction , Anything , Taxes , Office , Work , State , Pork Barrel , Votes , 1 Trillion , Trillion , Members , States , Doesnt Stick , Congress , 38 3 Billion , Back , Case , None , 26 5 Billion , Folks , Poverty , Entitlements , You Shouldn T , Formulas , Proponents , Dole , Help Yourself , Able Bodied , Cannot , Nothing , Programs , Poverty Formulas , Military Spending , Air Force Base , Weapons Station , Udix , Mcguire Dix , Big Military Bases , Bottom Line , Departments , Budget , United States , Five , Some , Military , Problem , Cuts , Sequester , Sequester Level , Disaster Funding , Order , Example , Places , Parts , Proposition , Lives , Severity , Fine State , Residents , Hurricane , Notion , Clamoring , Magnitude , Sandy , God , Amendment , Bill , Tornadoes , Fema , Whether , Appropriation , Government , Gotcha , Speed , Start , Both , Cutting , Enough , Guy , Truth , Other , War Faction , Dust Ups , Yes , Lunch , President , Im Sorry , Beer , Ticket , Bell Vae , It Hasn T , Corner , Pub , Senate , Writing , Libertarians , Leanings , Influences , Mend , Experience , Peoples , I Dont Know , Security , Lost , Disasters , Victims , Danger , Bigger , Fourth Amendment , Fire , Internet Freedom , Least , Very Big Philosophical Battle Being Waged , Bread , Offer , Ground , Feuding , Philadelphia , Break Bread , It Being , Dc , Trenton , Overthrow , Standard , Money Stops , Vote , Voting , Rule Of Law , Tanks , Planes , Weapons , Man , Israel , Charge , Protesters , Tear Gas , Pennsylvania , Death , Fan , Disappearing , Custody , Soviet Union , Muslim Brotherhood , Trial , Governor , Charges , Agreement , Darrell Issa , Phony , Italian , Hoagie Sausage , Announcer , Everyone , Talk , Polly , Data Plan , Plan , Bucket , Smart Phones , Data , Office Space , Seating , Text , Mobile Share For Business , Room , At T , More , Boat , Sharing , Spirit ,

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