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Conference. Kevin . Stuart, good day to you. Youre right. Were probably pretty close to seeing the secretary general and the president come here. Weve just seen remarks at the podium generally. That means were around two minutes out. So if that happens, i will break free and allow you to listen to the remarks by both men. This is interesting when you compare and contrast with what candidate trump said in the run up to the election. You heard shepard mentioned moments ago, nato appeared to be a punching back. Even in his time in office, the president has been critical of other nation members that have yet to give their fair share into nato funding. Were talking 2 of the gdp. Thats probably the conversation the two men have had. Its important to talk about the expansion of nato. I say this given the conversations with Rex Tillerson and sergey lavrov. He spoke with the russian president today. Keep in mind the russians have considered nato and expansion, a threat to their sovereignty. What was that conversation like . Another possible question that we may hear posed here today. Its an opportunity for these two men not only to talk about the u. S. Role in nato but the future of nato because in an America First posture as weve heard the president say before, one has to wonder what that will look like to natos future. Stuart . All right, kevin. Thank you. Foreign policy dominating the news today. Secretary of state tillerson says u. S. Relations with russia have hit a low point. With us now, former u. S. Ambassador, john bolton. It is a standoff a low point in relations so the question stands where to from here. I dont know if theres a way forward that they discussed in moscow today. The only announcement to create a working group to on the lesser issues. Theyll color a range of issues that affect the broader middle east. Thats just the reality. When National Interests clash, relations will decline. Sometimes its better to understand what is at work than to try for some artificial redrawing of the terms of the relationship, which are not sustained by the underlying reality. Were in a difficult period with russia. Earlier at that News Conference between tillerson and sergey lavrov, mr. Tillerson said the final outcome does not include a role for assad in syria. That sounds like regime change. Is it . Im afraid it sounds like what john kerry said for four years. He said for four years the russians agree there has to be a peaceful political transformation. The russians never agreed to any such thing. They havent agreed to it here. So we can say we want assad gone through political means. They havent agreed to it. Shepard the president and the secretary general of nato have arrived at the podium. Secretary general, a pleasure to welcome you to the white house, especially at such an important moment in our great alliance. I also want to acknowledge the great work being done by our secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, to strengthen the Nato Alliance as well as the secretarys trip to moscow to promote the security interests of the United States and its allies. He did a terrific job. Just watched parts of it. He did a terrific job. 68 years ago this month, not far from where we are gathered today, president harry truman spoke at the signing of the north atltic treaty. In the nearly seven decades since harry truman spoke those words, the Nato Alliance has been the bullwork of International Peace and security. Nato allies defeated communism and liberated the captive nations of the cold war. They secured the longest period of unbroken peace that europe has ever known. This Enduring Partnership has rooted out of so many different things, but our Common Security is always number 1. And our common devotion to Human Dignity and freedom. Since 1949, the nato Member States have more than doubled, increasing from 12 to 28. On monday, i signed the protocol to approve the 29th. The country of montenegro. I will work with our allies to enhance its partnership and to adapt to the challenges of the future of which there will be many. This includes upgrading nato to focus on todays most pressing security and all of its challenges, including migration and terrorism. We must also Work Together to resolve the disaster currently taking place in syria. Were grateful for the support of nato members and partners and their condemnation of assads murderous attack using the most horrible weapons. The vicious slaughter of innocent civilians with chemical weapons including killing of small and helpless children and babies, must be forcefully rejected by any nation that values human life. It is time to end this brutal civil war, defeat terrorists and allow refugees to return home. In facing our common challenges, we must also ensure that nato members meet their financial obligations and pay what they owe. Many have not been doing that. The secretary general and i agree that other member nations must satisfy their responsibility to contribute 2 of gdp of defense. If other countries pair their fair share instead of relying on the United States to make a difference, we will all be much more secure. And our partnership will be made that much more stronger. The secretary general and i had a productive discussion about what more nato can do in the fight against terrorism. I complained about that and now they fight terrorism. I said it was obsolete. Its no longer obsolete. Its my home that nato will take on an increased role in supporting our iraqi partners in their battle against isis. Im also sending general mcmaster to afghanistan to find couldnt how we can make progress alongside our afghan partners and nato allies. Every generation strives to adopt the Nato Alliance to meet the challenges of their times. And on my visit to brussels whi, we will Work Together to do the same. We must not be trapped by the tired thinking that so many have, but apply new solutions to face new circumstances. Thats all throughout the world. Were not here to stand on ceremony but to develop real statgies to achieve safety and piece. Were here to protect the freedom and prosperity of our citizens and to give them the future that they so richly deserve. Secretary general, im honored to have you here to and reaffirm our commitment to this alliance and to the enduring values that we proudly and i mean very proudly share. Thank you very much. Thank you for being here. Thank you so much, mr. President. We just had an excellent and very productive meeting. Its really an honor to meet you for the first time here in the white house. We agree that nato is bedrock of security, both for europe and for the United States. Two world wars and a cold war have told us that peace in europe is important for europeans but also important for the prosperity and the security of north america. So a strong nato is good for europe, but the strong nato is also good for the United States. And therefore, i welcome the very strong commitment of the United States to the security of europe. We see this commitment not only in words, but also in deeds. Over the past months, thousands of u. S. Troops have been deploying to europe. A clear demonstration that america stands with allies to protect peace and defend our freedom. And yesterday you announced the completion of the montenegros partnership and we thank you for that. In a more dangerous and more unpredictable world, it is important to have friends and allies. And in nato, america has the best friends and the best allies in the world. Together we represent half of the worlds economic and military power. No other super power has ever had such a strategic advantage. This makes the United States stronger and safer. We sold out of the 911 attacks of the United States. That was the first time nato invoked our article 5 collective defense goals. Allies send awacs planes to help patrol american skies. And we launched natos biggest military operation ever in afghanistan. Hundreds of thousands of europeans and canadian soldiers have served shoulder to shoulder with american troops. More than 1,000 have paid the ultimate price. Earlier today, i laid a wreath at Arlington National cemetery in tribute to the fallen. It was a deeply moving experience. We owe it to our service men and women to preserve the hardearned gains we have made together in afghanistan. We were reminded of the sacrifice just this week when a u. S. Soldier was killed there fighting isil. Our mission in afghanistan is a major contribution to the fight against international terrorism. Nato plays a key role in many other ways also. All nato allies are part of the global collision to counter isil. And nato provides support to the coalition with training for iraqi forces in their fight against terrorists and more intelligence sharing and youre right, we have established a new division for intelligence which enhances our ability to fight terrorism in a more effective way. But we agreed today, you and i, that nato can and must do more in the global fight against terrorism. In the fight against terrorism, training local forces is one of the best weapons we have. Nato has the experience, the expertise and the staying power to make a real difference. And fighting terrorism will be an important topic when nato leaders meet in brussels in may. The other major topic will be ordinary burden sharing in our alliance. And we have a total discussion on this issue today. Mr. President , i thank you for your attention to this issue. We have all seeing the effects of your strong focus on the importance of burden sharing in the alliance. We agree that allies need to meet the pledge that we all made in 2014 to invest more in our alliance. It is about spending more on the fence. It is about delivering the capabilities we need and it is about contribution forces to Nato Missions and operations. This means cash, capabilities and contributions. Fair burden sharing has been my top priority since taking office. We have now turned a corner. In 2016 for the first time in many years, we saw an increase in defense spending across european allies and canada. A real increase of 3. 8 or 10 billion more for our defense. We are now working to keep up the momentum, including by developing National Plans outlining how to make good on what we agreed in 2014. We know that we all need to contribute our fair share. Because we need to keep our nation safe in a more dangerous world. We discussed many different topics during our meeting today, including the horrendous use of chemical weapons in syria. Any use of chemical weapons is acceptable, cannot go unanswered and those responsible must be held accountable. So mr. President , thank you once again. I look forward to working with you to keeping the Alliance Strong and i look forward to welcome you to brussels in may when heads state and governments in the Alliance Meet there to address the challenges and the need to continue to adapt the alliance to more challenging security environment and to respond both of the need for fairer burden sharing and stepping up our efforts to fight international terrorism. Thank you again. Thank you. Great. So well have a couple questions. Jeff mason. Thank you. Thank you, mr. President. Id like to ask you about two topics, if i may. First, has your view of Vladimir Putin changed after what has happened in syria . What is the United States prepare to dos a he continues to support assad . On a separate question, have you made a deal after your chat last night with the president of china about china helping to reign in north korea . Is that one reason you decided not to label beijing a currency manipulator . Ill be speaking to you want to go ahead . For the secretary general, do you believe nato should continue to bolster its presence along the alliances eastern boreder . Are you confident that you have the president and the United States support for that . Ill be speaking in with Rex Tillerson in a little while. He had a very successful meeting in russia. Well see the end result, which will be in a long period of time perhaps. But the end result is what is most important, not just talk. And i think that based on everything im hearing, things went well, maybe better than anticipated. It would be wonderful as we were discussing just a little while ago if nato and our country could get along with russia. Right now were not getting along with russia at all. We might be at an alltime low in terms of relationship with russia. Were going to see what happens. Putin is the leader of russia. Russia is a strong country. Were a very, very strong country. Were going to see how it all works out. Last night separately i spoke with a man that ive gotten to know. I dont know putin, but i do know this gentleman. Ive spent a lot of time with him the last two days. He is the president of china. You were there. Most of you were there. It was quite an interesting period of time. President xi wants to do the right thing. We had a very good bonding. I think we had a very Good Chemistry together. I think he wants to help us with north korea. We talked trade. I said the way to make a good trade deal, help us with north korea. Otherwise, well go it alone. Thats all right, too. But going alone means going with lots of other nations. I was very impressed with president xi. He means well and he wants to help. Well see whether or not he does. You feel like you have a deal with him . If i could do you feel like you have a deal with him in terms of the currency manipulation designation and have your views changed on putin . Well see. Well see about that. Ill also see about putin over a period of time. Be a fantastic thing if we got along with putin and russia. That could happen. It may not happen. May be just the opposite. I can only tell you what i would like to do i would love to get along with everybody. Right now the world is a mess. But i think by the time we finish, i think its going to be a lot better place to live. I can tell you that speaking for myself. By the time i finished, its going to be a lot better place to live in. Right now its nasty. Nato is in the process of implementing the biggest reinforcement of the cold war. One element is to increase our military presence in the eastern part of the alliance. Were deploying four battle groups to the three baltic companies and poland and more u. S. Forces in that part of europe, this is the first time in many, many years that weve seen an increase in the military presence of the United States and europe. So were increasing our presence. And were also increasing the preparedness for forces so we can quickly reinforce if needed. We consider the presence we will have when the four battle groups are in place as sufficient given the current security situation in europe. Of course, we will assess the situation and follow the developments of everything closely. The message from nato is that what we do is proportionate. Its defensive. We dont want a new cold war. We dont want an arms race. We strongly believe theres no contradiction between a strong nato, credible deterrence on defense and political dialogue with russia. Actually, thats a precondition for a political dialogue with russia is that were strong and united, but based on that, we can talk to russia because russia is our neighbor and here to stay. We have to find ways to manage our relationship with russia. Im certain that the United States supports this approach because the u. S. Contributing with forced in the eastern part of the alliance and in the southeast of the alliance in romania. And the United States and the president has expressed that they want dialogue with russia but based on strength in the alliance. The next question is from john. Thank you very much. Secretary general, how long do you think it will take you to persuade the other European Countries to burden share and what are you going to do to persuade them . Mr. President , can i ask you i like that question. [laughter] im here to help. And mr. President , do you think its conceivable what is your instinct . Was it possible that Syrian Forces could have launched that attack last week without the russians knowing and have you been disappointed, surprised by Vladimir Putins reaction since then . Thank you very much. I think its certainly possible. I think its probably unlikely. And i know theyre doing investigations into that right now. I would like to think that they didnt know but certainly they could have. They were there. Well find out. General mattis is looking to it with the entire Pentagon Group that does that kind of work. So it was very disappointing to see. Its disappointing no matter who does it. When you get to the gasses, especially that form, its vicious and violent. Everybody in this room saw it alltoo many times. Young children dying, babies dying, fathers Holding Children in their arms that were dead. Dead children. It cant be a worse sight. It shouldnt be allowed. Thats a butcher. Thats a butcher. I felt we had to do something about it. I have absolutely no doubt we did the right thing. It was very, very successfully done as you well know. Thank you. On defense spending and burden sharing, thats been my top priority. I have raised in all of my meetings in all capitols i have visited with prime ministers, president s, minister of finance and defense and foreign ministers. And i expect all allies to make good on what they decided back in 2014. The very strong and clear message from President Trump has been very helpful. So now we see that things are starting to move in the right direction. For the first time after many, many years of decline in defense spending, we now see an increase in defense spending across europe and canada. So they have started to move in the right direction. 3. 8 real increase in defense spending across europe and canada is a step in the right direction. Its not enough. A long way to go, but at least they have turned a corner, european allies have returned the corner. Instead of decreasing defense spending, theyre increasing defense spending, this is something that europeans do. This is in their honey security interest. They have to invest in more european defense. The world is more dangerous. Many european allies all european allies reduced spending after the cold war because tensions went down. If youre decreasing defense spending when tensions are done, you have to increase when tensions are up. Im encouraged that were moving in the right direction. Last year there were five allies spending 2 . This year romania has declared they he reach 2 . Next year latvia a lithuania there reach 2 . We go from five to eight, which is going to right direction. We still have some work to do. I did ask about all the money that hasnt been paid over the years, will that money be coming back. Well talk about that. We want to talk about that, too. Anita, where are you . Hi. [question inaudible] we did talk last night. I think its wonderful that they abstained. Very few people expected that. No, i was not surprised that china did abstain. Very, very few people thought that that was going to happen. So were honored by the vote. Thats the vote that should have taken place. [question inaudible] the most important thing is to have a strong alliance, to stay united and be firm and predictable in our approach to russia. We have invested in our collected defense. Thats what were doing. Deploy more troops in the eastern part of the alliance, increase readiness of forces and increase spending. I welcome the strong message from President Trump on the importance of increased defense spending. We have started to do that, shoe were implementing the biggest reinforcement of collective defense since the cold war providing credible deterrence. At the same time, we have to find ways to engage, talk. Because russia is not russia will not go away. They will be our biggest neighbor. We have to find ways to live with them and avoid a new cold war and arms race. Thats why im in favor of the dueltrack approach to russia. As a former politics, i have the experience to work with the russians because norway borders russia. Norway was able to develop a pragmatic working relationship with russia. Cooperating with them on energy, border issues, environment and fishery and military affairs. And that was not despite our membership in nato. But it was because of our membership in nato. Because nato provided the strength, the predictability, the platform for a small country to have a political dialogue with russia. So i believe the only way to deter russia is to be strong and the only way to avoid a new cold war, avoid a new arms race and increasing tensions is to continue to engage russia in a political dialogue and to make sure what we do is defensive and proportionate. Now i give the floor to diego. Thank you. Im from norway. Russia is our neighboring country. What do you think europe has to fear from russia . Say it what do you European Countries have to fear from russia if this tension continues. Ill do it again. What do you think European Countries have to fear from russia if this tension continues to escalate. For you, mr. Secretary general, the attack in syria was warranted and an attack on u. S. Allies. You think this attack was warranted and do you see nato playing any supporting role in actions in syria . Well, i want to say that they will fear nothing ultimately. Right now theres a fear. Theres problems. Certainly problems. Ultimately, i hope there wont be a fear and there wont be problems. Its crazy what is going on. Whether its the middle east or you look at know matter with the ukraine. Whatever you look at, its got problems. So many problems. Ultimately i believe that we are going to get rid of most of those problems. There wont be fear of anybody. Thats the way it should be. We have a very big problem in north korea. As i said, i really think that chinas going to try very hard and has started. A lot of the cold voteds have been turned back. You saw that yesterday and today. The vast amount of coal that comes out of north korea going to chicago, they have turned back the boats. Thats a big step and many other steps that i know about. Well see what happens. It may be effective. Its not effective, we will be effective. I can promise you that. Thank you. Nato has constantly condemned the use of chemical weapons in syria and the use of chemical weapons is horrendous and a clear violation of international law. Any use of chemical weapons is unacceptable and cannot go unanswered. Those responsible must be held accountable. The strike against air base in syria was a u. S. Operation based on u. S. Intelligence. But you have seen that within the alliance, this has been something which has been met with a lot of understanding because nato allies do not accept that chemical weapons are used. We strongly support the efforts of the Factfinding Commission to try to find out what happened and to make sure that we dont see any use of chemical weapons in the future. Thank you very much. Thank you. Back with us now, john bolton who has been listening to the event. Mr. Add mr. Ambassador, President Trump said the world is a mess and by the time im done, it will be a better place. Secondly referring to nato members, they must pay what they owe. Sounds like theyve not agreed to pay what they owe, right . Well, to take the first comment first, that is clearly going to require two terms. Because i dont think theyre going to fix it in four years. But look, i think its a realistic assessment of the threats we face around the world. Theres a lot of them and theyve been deteriorating as our military capability has deteriorated the last eight years. In terms of the spending on nato, you know, this is something that the europeans and canada, all 28 members agreed. Everybody would spend 2 of their Gross Domestic Product on defense matters. Its not something that we imposed. We didnt put our foot on their necks to get them to agree to it. They agreed voluntarily. The only thing trump has said is why dont you live up to your commitments . Ive been here when the commitments were higher, the europeans werent doing it. Lots of approaches filed. All failed. Now the secretary general says spending is coming up. More people will meet the 2 target and i think others will as well. I think i trump ought to be given credit for this. When people say theyre going to do something, they ought to do it. How hard is that to figure out . One other question from the floor to President Trump. Is it possible that Syrian Forces launched the attack in syria without the russians knowing . The president replied its unlikely but were investigating. What do you make of that . Launching the attack, certainly the russians knew about it. They had to. Theyre right there at the air base. Theres no doubt. Launching the attack with chemical weapons, that is not so clear. Would it be surprise me if the russians were complicit . Absolutely not. So i think theres a need for more evidence. I havent seen from leaks and other things in the press anything that convinces me that the russians were involved before, during or after but it wouldnt price me. Lets see more facts. We went into this press conference expecting to see our allies fully support the United States and back us up. The president was asked or Jens Steltenberg was asked, what is natos response to the u. S. Attack in syria. He responded, well, nato members understand. It was an american operation, nato members understand. Thats not exactly fullfledged backing, is it . Well, the nato is an organization has taken no position. We havent as far as i know had a vote in the north atlantic council. Every statement ive heard from nato members has been supportive. Its another example, i think, our european friends need to be more sensitive when we go out in front, were doing their work for them as well. They talk a lot about how they dont like chemical weapons, but we took the tough step of retaliating for the syrian governments use of them. They could be more appreciative and stand together. We ought to think about how to do it more. We need to think more and alliancewide activity around the world. Another criticism of nato, their Decision Making has grown cle clear sclerotic over the years. Earlier today, russia voted against the u. N. Condemnation of the chemical weapons bombing. What does this say . Maybe the Security Council could return to what its founders envisioned in 1945. A few rare cases the United States led the way and what it says that if you want to address International Problems like terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in a serious way, you have to do it outside the security count cry. Thanks, mr. Bolton. Thank you. Earlier in the day, nikki haley spoke about that no vote from russia in the Security Council. Eric shawn was there. Tell us what nikki haley had to say, eric. Hello, stuart. Ambassador haley has been one of the firstist critic of moscow in the Trump Administration and again, she was fierce looking directly at the Russian Deputy ambassador telling him you have no friends in the world. The days of your arrogance are over. This is the eighth time that russia has vetoed a Security Council resolution for bashar alassad. Basically nikki haley took them outside and shredded the russian argument about this. She started her speech as the president of the Security Council for many month by talking about that father, the syrian father whose family was killed in the gas attack, cradling his two infant babies. He then had to bury them. She started the speech very eloquent and a vivid reminder of the devastation and personal damage of the type of chemical attack. She pinned the blame on russia and syria. As you know, they have denied any involvement. The Syrian Ambassador said that syria condemns the use of chemical weapons. They say its the rebels, the terrorists, that conducted this that attack and they want to have an investigation of that. But mrs. Hailey, who was the governor of south carolina, taking no prisoners when it comes to lambasting russia and syria. They said theyre isolated and they should join the rest of the Security Council that is against the attack and want a full investigation. Eric shawn of the united nations. Thanks. The president told Fox Business Networks Maria Bartiromo about that. Take a listen. Were not going to into syria. When i see people using horrible, horrible chemical weapons, which they agreed not to use they said they got rid of them. What i did should have been done by the Obama Administration a long time before i did it. You would have had a much better i think syria would be better off right now. You just heard it. That is the president. He said we are not going into syria. Reaction from ben collins. A former green beret. Senators mccain and graham are urging the creation of safe zones and grounding the syrian air force, going a good deal further than what the president wants to go. What do you think of the ideas of mccain and graham . Well, stuart, i dont think much of it. The reality is, if youre going to establish a safe zone, you become responsible for what happens there. We established a safe zone towards the back end of the iraq war for the kurds. That took thousands of soldiers. It takes a luge logistical effort and then you have to protect a safe zone. Lets go back to 1995 when we established a safe zone during the bosnian war. The dutch ran away as soon as the serbs came in and massacres 10,000 muslim bosnians. Again, safe zones are easy to say. Once you establish it, its massive target and you have to back it up with force. Thats safe zones. What about grounding the syrian air force, which america could do easily without troops on the ground. Sure. But then the question becomes its not just a syrian air force. Its the russian air force. Im not saying that we should or should not. I hope that senator graham and mccain through through what are the consequences of shooting down a russian plan . What if our planes get shot down . What happens then . Murphy does appear in war and the best laid plans tend to go crazy. So again, there would be dramatic consequences. What the plane gets shot down and we have to rescue a pilot in the middle of aleppo. Theyre easy to say but the logistical consequences and the second and Third Order Effects could be massive. I hope they take that into account. So youre comfortable with the president s statement were not going to syria . Certainly. Weve been working on training some of the rebel troops that are there. Syria is a mess. Its not just its the pro assads, the kurds, the turks, the number of rebel groups that exist. You know, if somebody can tell me what a rebel group, a moderate looks like, id like to see it the fact is, obama had one red line not to cross. Dont do anything to upset iran. We backed off of doing anything of real substance in syria. So we didnt want to rock the boat for the iran deals. Heres the consequences. Not just obama, but the world. We agree in the Geneva Convention not to use all the chemical weapons. Everybody is looking at President Trump and the american s and saying should we or shouldnt we. You are a former green beret. We understand this are special forces already in syria. Are they not now targets following americas attack on that air field . Theyre probably targets all the time that are over there. The real question is, are they actually there with some very clear concise goals that are realistically achievable . Are they going to be greater targets . Perhaps. If im going to be frank, the reality is theres targets every day, all the time,24 hours a day and they will defend themselves as necessary. Ben collins, former u. S. Green beret. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. Yes, sir. After President Trump tells Maria Bartiromo, nobody believes susan rice, new signs of an investigation into the unmasking is now widening. You look at the extent of the surveillance, me and so many other people, its terrible. She said she didnt do it for political reasons. Does anybody really believe that . Asis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. 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Nobody believes that. Even the people that try to protect her in the news media. Its such a big story. Im sure it will continue forward. What they did is horrible. There you have it again, President Trump telling Maria Bartiromo that nobody believes susan rices claim that there was no political motivation behind the unmasking of trump associates. Now an investigation is widening. Catherine herridge with the latest on that. The former Trump Campaign Foreign Policy adviser carter page didnt have anything to add about the allegations of susan rice, but he did emphasize to fox news that any fbi surveillance order on him was based on bad evidence. There was a tremendous amount of false evidence, and theres various reporting about where that false evidence may have come from such as the dodgi dossier. We shall see how that plays out. The trump to the trump dossier that was compiled by a former British Intelligence officer. In addition, we have been able to review Court Records here at fox news that alleged that in 2013, carter page passed Energy Records to a russian intelligence operative. When we asked him about that, he said the records were university lectures. I have nothing that i want the hide. The more that the truth comes out, the better. Because theres just been so much lies. And now potentially false evidence, which is the next step beyond lies. So that will be very interesting to see how this all plays out. The Associated Press is reporting today that newly obtained financial records show that former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort was paid 1. 2 million for his pro russian work. In a statement a spokesman for manafort said that the a. P. Story is misleading and incorrect and theres word today from our reporting on foxnews. Com that the house and Senate Investigations into the unmasking or identifying of Trump Campaign officials is expanding. Catherine herridge, thanks very much. Texas republican congressman brian babin calling for attorney general sessions to investigate susan rices role in the unmasking of trump aides. Emily, welcome. Thank you. Seems to me that republicans suspect that the obama team used the machinery of government to undermine donald trump before and after the election. Is that where this investigation may be going . Right. That is what is key here. Because you have people on both sides of the aisle saying, you know, the pattern of unmasking looks suspicious but its not unusual. The question is how was this information used . Susan rice is someone here, the context is important with questionable credibility in the Obama Administration with benghazi just this week. Susan rise got four pinocchios for making comments about syria. Its how was this information used. That is the key question here. Youre insisting it was for political purposes . Theres a serious question to be asked given susan rices background and her record of political misstatements over the course of her time in the Obama Administration. She misled people about the removal of chemical weapons from syria and the unmasking candle. Especially when you have the president with access to information that we dont know. Its all compounded. Yeah, were looking into this. Thanks for joining us, emily. Sorry its so short. A big news days. A lot to pack in. After that dragging, the drag on uniteds stock continues. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are jumping into this mess. Fox news correspondent Trace Gallagher has the latest on the dragging. Trace . Theres brand new video showing passenger doctor arguing with Airport Police just before he dragged off the airplane. While the doctor is confronting police, hes on the phone with his lawyer. Its very hard to later so listen closely and read along. Watch. Moments later, dr. Dow was pulled over the arm rest and dragged down the aisle by his arms. He remains hospitalized. The 69yearold kentucky doctor is speaking out telling a kentucky tv station that hes not doing well. When asked about what was injured, he replied everything. The doctors family is commenting saying they appreciate the outpouring of prayers and support. The family has retained a lawyer. United airlines ceo, oz oscar munoz is vowing to never allow Law Enforcement to never allow people to with removed from the airplanes. Heres christy. What im saying is to the Trump Administration and secretary chow, you can do something important here. Until you review how the airlines are really using this overbooking, suspend them. Dr. David dow was forced off to make room for united employees needed in louisville. United airlines will get refund to every passenger on board that flight, stuart. Thats important. As you heard trace, united is indeed handing out the cash to others on the flight. Now is that the companys way of protecting itself from further lawsuits . Lisa joins us right now. So the other people on the flight accept cash. Does that mean they cant sue . You know what it is, you dont have the same rates on the plane. So the other people on the plane, no, i dont think they have a lawsuit. In fact, the lawsuit that the doctor has against united is not just about united, right . United may have set everything into motion, but the Chicago Aviation Police are the one that used excessive force. So you can see lawsuits kind of crawl out of the wood work. But you have to look at the legal the law that applies to these cases. In this case, we do have united. In the court of Public Opinion, theyre trying to do damage control and they should. We have limit rights on an airline. In the court of Public Opinion they have taken them down. The ceo of united, mr. Munoz, he was on good morning america. He was asked if he was at fault. Roll tape. It was a system failure. We have not provided our frontline supervisors and managers and individuals with the proper tools, policies, procedures that allow them to use their common sense. Do you think hes at fault in any way . No. He cant be. In which case has he just given the case to the doctor who was dragged off the plane . He certainly helped the case. He helped his civil case considerably. But the case is liability, which the doctor seems to have and everybody that viewed the video will be on the side of the doctor, the ceo is saying we are at fault. Theres damages. What is he going to collect . Hes in the hospital. Looks like he may have a concussion. Looks like damages could grow. You dont think it will go to court, do you . I think theyll settle. Theyll see liability and put this behind them really. Do you it fairly quickly . I would suppose they would. You condition win in the court of public pin with the dragging. He already said it on public television. Thanks, lisa. We appreciate it. Well be right back for you. Sfx engine revving silence you can say the trump rally has stalled. Wall street lost ground today. By the close, the dow was off 59 points. Catch me tomorrow 9 00 a. M. Eastern time, 9 00 sharp. Varney and company. Were on five days a week. Monday and politics, thats what we cover. Start tomorrow morning at 9 00 a. M. See you then. The five is next. Hello. Im eric with kimberly. Juan williams, dana and its 5 00 in new york city. This is the five. Moments ago, President Trump wrapped up a News Conference with the nato secretary general addressing the crises in syria and stepping up pressure on russia to abandon support for bashar alassad. Hours before his secretary of state Rex Tillerson met facetoface with Vladimir Putin in moscow. More on that in just a moment. The u. N. Security council

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