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And why that shot is helping so many more famies in neethis morning. See if i care i get back on my feet again good morning, america. Pat benatar appropriate this morning. That shot went justt like angela planned it. Sure. Bnces right in. Come on. It counts. It counts. She isoing to be here and her daughter, as well. There was another amazing ment last night. Superstarbby wambach taking her cleats off for the last time retiring after a remarkabl career. She had an incredible message that shell share. Remarkable is right. What a career. Well get to that. But we begin with the race for presidenen donana trump on jimmy kimmel seems t t be kicking off a n ase more mellow calling for unity in the republican n party andd jon kar is here with the latest. A little more statesman for trump. But he acknowledged hes been a little guisive and suggests hes nonow ready to go a little easier on his republican rivals. Overnight onjimmy kimmel live donald trump touted his latesest debate performance but insisted he pulled his nches. Did you decide you were going to be nicer . You know what, i would like to see t Republican Party come togethther and ive been a little bit divisive in the sense that ive bee hitting people a little bit, yeah. [ laughter ] ] do you think jeb bush is scared of you or just scared in general . I think hes scared. [ laughter and applause ] reporter but kimmel pressed trump on his recent ban of all muslims from the United States. Isnt it wrong to discriminate people based on their religion . [ applause ] look, we have people coming into our country that are looking to do tremendous harm. Reporter but trump playe dr. Seuss treatment. Now here are some frogs i do not like at all. We must kick the frogs out and then build a wall. There are two kinds of people, whwhh one will you be, a loser like thehe would you like toto finish or a wner likike me. Please welcome the next president of e United States. Reporter for his trip to late night, his diehard supportersn arizona. We have the biggest crowds by far. Because theres a movement gogoingen 0, folks. This isnt just like lets go and have a good time. Somebody said, oh, trump is a great eertainer. Thats a lot of [ bleep ]. Repter with his commanding lead the frontrunner is running high and abc got an exclulusive ride aboard trump force one. He says at the wins the white house he may just leave his private plane in the hangar. Theres sometethingery special about air force one. It represents sething very, house represents something. Reporter trump is clearly enjoying his position as the frontrunner among republicans, but its theemocratic frontrunner he may need be to worried ababt. In mos publicolls Hilla Clinton beats dond trump in a headtohead matchup and actually does better against trump than any of the other republican candidates. Mrs. Clinton, of course, squares off against her democratic opponents, Bernie Sanders a Martin Omalley on saturday right here on abc in theext democratic debate. Up in New Hampshire for that. Martha raddatz and david muir will betherer aa mistrial was declared in the case of that first Police Officer charged in the death of freddie gray. Protests mostly peaceful overnight and abcs jim avila is in baltimore with the latest. Good morning, jim. Reporter good morning, robin. Calls for justice this morning but overnight the call was for peace from Community Organizers and that along with an rce kept the calm. These are the moments after a mistrial was announced in the freddie gray case. A jury deadlocked. Unable to come to a decision about officer william porters alleged role in the 25yearolds death. Baltimore sheriffs deputies moving in to pce surrounding the courthouse. Get out of the way. Reporter and making a handful of arrests. Moveve, move. Reporter forcefully clearing th streets. Grays family stood outside the courtroom and called for peace expressing faith in the system that could not convict the first ofix baltire Police Officers charged in connection with their loved ones death. We a the public to remain calm, patient, because we are confident that there will be another trial with a different jury. Eporter overnight, protests grew larger but remained overwhelmingly peaceful. All shut it do. Reporr freddie gray died this spring after being chased and arrested by baltimore police. Any crime. Officer porter was not involved in grayss arrest and wasnt driving the police vanhere he suffered fatal injuries. But prosecutors charge the 26yearold with manslaughter aiming he could have put a seat belt on gray, or calalled a medic when the victim asked f one during several stops on the way to jail but the jury of seven blacks and five whites struggled in the jury room for 16 hours over three days and could not reach a unanimous verdict on any of the four charges a ainst porter. The most serious, involuntary manslaughter. The prosecutor did not reveal strategy or timing for a retrial. Are you disappointed at all . Reporter reached by pne overnight, officer porter tolold the Baltimore Sun its not ov. He has denied guilt in grays death but is likely to face another trial with a new jury. The trial of the other five officers is scheduled to begin in january. Robin. All riright, jim, thank you. We turn to abc news lal affairsnchor dan aamsor more onthis. This means that the judge is saying theres no way that this jury cld reach a unanimous verdict and as a result youre effectively starting again. Its as if no trial had happened. Look, s not that surprising that prosecutors are having a tough time here. Why do you say that . Youre talking about police inaction. Typically in cases where police are on trial were talng about what the police did, they shot someone. Ande they justified or not. Here werere talkiki about what Police Officerer didnt do, thehe didnt do enough. Seat belt. He didnt get him medical help. Thats not an easy case to win. With this particular officer because there are others involved going on trial, with this particur officer with the charges not perhaps correct for him . Look, i think and i said this before, i think the prosecutor was overly aggressive here that the prosecutor could have and should have across the board considered lesser crimes here in the hope of getting convictions. The danger always when you look at it and say, wait a second, what. Youre alleging that this offir should be sent to prison for doing this . That seems like a ltle much. I think thats a concern. The jury may think, yes, he didid somethg wrong but not to the standards to what the charges were. Nowhis mistrial, what do you think that says aut the other trials coming up . I think these will be very toug trials but some are going to be harder than others. Well be watching, dan, thanks. There are newewmail questions for a member of the obama cabinet. Asharter used a personal account for p public business for several months after taking over at the pentagon. He n says that was a mistake and abcs mary bruce is i washington with the story. Reporter good morning, george. Defense secretary ash carter admits he made a mistake breaking Defense Department rules by using his personal email for official busess even as hlary clinton was coming under fire for doing the same thing as secretary of state. Carter has now stopped using the account and even gone further limiting his use of emml altogether. Sent classified information over the personal account and the secretary is confident his workrelated emails are preseserved. He faces this as he visits commandersn iraq. This is an e embarrassnt for the white house, no queion and will likely draw attacks from republicans who say the administration isnt doing enough to safeguard sensitive information. George. Not what they want right now, mary, thanks very mu. All right, george. Stocking around the world rising this morning after that b b cision from the Federal Reserve raising Interest Rates for the firstst timeince the financial crisis started. Wall street reacting possley, the dow jumping 224 points and Rebecca Jarvis is hereo explain what this all means. Good morning, rebecca. Hi, robin, good morning to you. This impacts all of us and heres how. Its going to get more expensive for anyone who wants to borrow money, aew car loan, a mortgage, your credit cards, they will all cost you a little more. Youre see it very first in those credit card bills. Most of us have variablee rates. Theyre going up in the next one best thing you can do for yourself here pay off as much of that debt as possible becausese i will keep getting more expensive as res rise next year thats the bad news but good news here, too, rebecca. Its the best news for savers. Retirees living on a fixed income, they have really felt the downside of these 0 Interest Rates. W that rates are going up theyll get paid a little bit more on tir savings and cds. Can we expect more rate hieblgs . We will expect more ra hikes. In fact, the Federal Reserve is signalinwe should probably see Interest Rates next yea rise between 1 and 1. 5 . Tells us where the direction of the economy is going. All right, rebecca, thanks. The latest on ethan couch who killed four people driving drunk but got off with ju probation aft his lawyers argued that ethan was too spoiled to know right from wrong. Hehes now being hundredsesed by police for flating the terms of his probation and abcs m mt gutman has the story. R rorter this morning, the affluenza defense. Affluenza. Too rich for jail. Reporr missing. If we have a wanted list today hes number one. Reporter 18yearold ethan couch convicted in 2013 of four counts of intoxication manslaughter going off the radar possibly with his mother last week just days after thi video surfaced on twitteter, purporting to show him at a party nea beer pong table but not drinking, the tweeter tagging the local District Attorney referring to him violating probation. Couch is prohib bedrom drinking during his tenyear probation. Now the d. A. s office delivering the equivalent of an arrest warrant, possible probation violations skipping a checkin with an officer and that twitter post. Once that video came o out that they felt like that a probation violation could be coming. Hell have to look over the and well keep looking and not stop. How man people injured. One, two, three multiple. Multiple. I dont even know how ny. Reporter couch who was 16 at the time pled guiuilty in 2013 to killingour people in a drunk driving crash. Then 18yearold says he was so tanked he remembered none of it. Do you rememr pulling out of the drivay . Sgl not real. Whats the next thing you recall. Waking up handcuffed to the hospital bed. Rorter his legal team said he suffered not from memory loss but from affluenza. Arguing the teen frequently lived the life of an adult in this 4,000 square foot mansion. The judge giving him what critics called a wrist slap, a dede of probation. I made it clear to the judge that i believe firmly that if he was put on probation, if he was given another slap on the wrist, if he got away with this there was no doubt in my mind he would be back in the system and someone else would suffer. Reporter someone else might be killed by him. He mighte killed. Reporter george, ethan has never once apologized for killing those four people. That apparent lack of remorse plus h his mis wealth and the fact that he seems to be missing along with his mother is causing authorities to fear that not only has he skipped probation checkins but he might have skipped the country entirely. George. Wow, not even an apology. Thanks verery much. Lets go to amy for todays other top stories. You have a deadly highway shooting in oklama. Two people have been killed after police say a man started shooting randomlyy at victims. They include a man who was driving with his wife and a woman who was shot as the gunman opened fire on tractor trailers. Police say the shooter was later pulled over for dui. No word on a possible motive for the shootings. And new details about the tackers in the San Bernardino rampage. The fbi says before syed farook and tasashfeen malik met in person they communicated online using private messages, not social media. Investigators say they have directed by foreign terrorists. The two were reportedly buried at a Muslim Cemetery tuesday during a service guarded by the fbi. A newtudy claims lifestyle choices not genetics are the blame for most cancer cases. Researchers found up to 90 of cancers are most likely cause by lifestyle, smoking, diet, lack of exercise, pollution and stress. The fdings contradict earlier research that plamed most cancers on geneses and bad luck. If you t think american political campaigns are rough, watch this. The Prime Minister in spain was teenager. You see that . He continued, though, to give his speech despite a swelling face. The teen was later arrested. Finally going way beyond the call of duty, the driver of this tractor trailer in nebraska was having a seizure so a sheriffs deputy zoomed ahead to the left, pulled over. Can you see him there, he dashed across twoanes of traffic and cab to stop the truck and rescue the driver. That driver is now recovering and, you know, that Police Officer could certainly have a career in hollywood. Mission impossible. Looked like it. It looked like youre watching a movie but thats real life. O brave. Thank you, amy. What a a night for womens soccer. Celebrating the great. Abby wambach as she played her last game for team usa, t. J. Holmes is here with that and, t. J. , whoo, so much emotion last night. 33,000 in that stadium. Everyby crying. This is what i i need you to do, forget abby wambach per her instructions, forget her name, her number, her accomplishments. She said for it to move forward, the game of soccer, you got to stop looking back. Forget you, ababby, thats an awful lot to ask. Toni shelays her final game for the United States. Reporter overnight an emotnal farewell for a legend. Abby wambach wearing the captains arm band playing a final time for abby wambach. Reporter before removing her cleats on the field. A standing ovation for number 20s 255th international appearance and the u. S. National against china wednesday night. The streak is over. It would be betterf we had won, but the reality is i played in so many games this result doesnt shape o determine or define mycareer. Reporter tweeting this goodbye message wednesday. Forget me. Forget my number. Forget my name. Reporter the sentiment eced in this simpl message. I want to leave a legacy where the ball keeps rolling forwar reporter the 35yearolds Stellar International career spanning 14 years. History is made. Reporter the worlds leading with 184 inteternational goals. Abby wambach has saved the uss life. Reporter two olympic gold medals. And theres one. Reporter and who can forget that 2015 world cup tle. If all of yourselves to whatever you want to do in your life as a passion. I love you guys so much. Reporter yeah, and her point there, george, robin, is that we want to see the game of soccer. U. S. Soccer doing so well that we dont even remember the name. Were nottying to talk about abby mbach, but good luck with that. Ah. Yeah. Were not going to forget. Makes us want to talk about her all the more with that humility. Its so genuine. Always about the gagame, n herself. Even when the whole team was together in times square and had areat celebration at city hall it was the first time womens sports team had been recnized like that and kept putting all the attention on the sport, on little girls and boys and not herself. She set the bar high. If you would like to know more about her and you should our good friends at espnw. Com. More and more about abby there. A great story. Now we got some trouble. Snow in the northn plains . Yes, so duluth had more than inches of snow. You can see the video right here. Bend that storm your seeing the snow from and reality check of december there is a booster shot of true dember air thats coming in that will remind us, take us f fm hoodies and being comfortableeithout a coat to t so much byy saturday morning it feels like 5 in icago, 10 25, atlanta, 22 bs. Oston. Northwest wind to push through. As the day continues, well have some clearing skies. Temperatures ll warm as we enter the weekend as highs get into the upper 30s and lower 40s with copious sunshine. Overall, the pattern appears to be pretty quiet with no significant rain or snow chances moving forward. Todays high is 31 degrees with some early clouds, then gradual afternoon clearing. The low coming up, a new twist in the case of that businesswoman charged with randomly stabbing someone at a drugstore. The revevealing email she sent right before she was arrested. And a new warning for millions of americans who send their cars to junk yards every year. What you leave in your vehicle could compromise your identity. Coming up ght here on gm in our house, imagination runs wild. But at my table, i keep the food real. Like country cros new recipe. Made with real simple ingredients and no artificial flavors or preservatives. Real Country Fresh taste from real ingredients. H c hey guys, whats up . Shhh were having a staring contes how long have you been playing . 17 hours, two minutes and 36 seconds. Now through saturday get 50 offskylanders supercharges, minions and bratz. Hurry, ends saturday toysrus, awesome why let someone else have all the fun . The somemetimes haazard, never boring fun. The why cant it smell like is all the time fun. Fun. Why let someone else have all the fun . Thats no fun. Unleash the power of dough. Give it a pop. 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Introducing realtime delivery notifications. Ask people to give during the holidays. They do so in ways you would never exexct. Salvatioioarmy mamar von vandiver at bomgaaaa says a man handed major vandiver a one hundred dollar bill. He asked it be used to buy more toys for this years operation toys. Major von vandiver, Salvation Army says, that is so humbling its cash he saw the red shield [for Salvation Army] and kn we were going to take care of some kids at christmas time. Today is the last day for r e toy drive. You can bring a new, unwrapped toy to either sioux city bomgaars, our abc9 stutuo or the Salvation Army. Then next week, parents will get to pick out the toys for their kids. Jessica lets check in with for the weather. Matt we anticipate a breezy west and northwest wind to push through. As the day continues, well have some clearing skies. Temperatures will warm as we enter the weekend as highs get into the sunshine. Overall, the pattern appears to be pretty quiet with no significant rain or snow chances moving forward. Todays high is 31 degrees with some early wcome back to gma. There they are, our audience up. Those sweaters arent s so ugly. Pretty nice right there coming up. Also right now, breaking news, a pharmactical entreprene who became infamous for raising the price of an hiv drug from 13. 50 to 750, remeer that, well, he has been arrested at his home this morning charged with securities fraud for plundering a Different Company he founded to pay off personal debts. A holiday aler the United States posta service announces theyre restricting e shipment of hoverboard only sending tm by ground not air after all those recent incidents of hoverboard catching fire. That does not like itill confidence. No. Not so much. No. And we have an amazing shott that we wt to show you, the mom scoringig with thousands of d dlars on t t line. Michael, you have that coming up. I do, robin. That shot is so incredible that the hlem grope trotters a are calling her. Her phone is ringing off the hook. Shes going on tour with that. Lets see if we can get another one. W begin with the latest on that businesswon facing charges of attempted murder for drugstore. Rohinie bisesar sent a revealing email to a newspaper right before being arrested and mara stor reporter george, goooo morning. G. That womans attorneney say now that shes in custody she seems confused herself like a quote deer in the headlights that she had been struggling to find a job prior to the attack and he suggests that Mental Health may be an issue. This as the victim clings to life. This morning, new information about a bizarre case, rohinie bisesar, a petite 40yearol Financial Adviser with no criminal history in court wednesy facing multiple charges includingng attempted murdereror allegedly stabbing a people have nothing but admirable things to say about her. Moments before being arrested after four days on the run the National Post a canadian paper got a message from bisesars email address saying, something has been happening to me and this is not my normal self adding, i am sorry about the incidence. It s sounded le a plea for help and she had tried something extreme to see ift would work. Reporter b besar has ann extensive resume and several degrees including an mba from one of canadas best business schools. Whe she has not yet entered a plea her lawyer sms to be coidering a Mental Health defense. Assuming tt she did not know this person before, it, you know, it begs an issue of mental illness. Reporter the family of the stabbing victim says the 28yearold is in Critical Condition on l life support. Married less than a year, they d, she was just starting out now an unusualal sususct is chard with trying to end now, as for the victims condition, the knife reportedly struck her in the heart and her family says her medical condition is touch and go. Bisesar is expected back in urt friday for a bail hearing. So many Unanswered Questions here but the family of the victim is now speaking out. They sent a statement saying how they have dated they are that Something Like this would hapappen out of the blue just on a b break from work that woman was. S. All right, mara, tha you. Another case that could end up in court, e nfl, as you know in the spotlight f its concussion problems but football isis not the only sport with isis there. More hockey players are joining a lawsuit against the nhl. Now, abcs linsey davis is here, and linsey, a lot of parents with kids who play hockey are concerned about this. Reporter youre right. There iseightened concern and comes as were seeing an increase in the number of people playing hockey in this country. More than 500,000 people registered in the 2013 2014 season, thats more than ever with the movie concussion making headlines, tackling the issue of brainin injies in the nfl tellhe truth. Reporter the nhl is getting hit with concussionrelated lawsuit, as well. Oh, a monster hi reporter more hockey players joining a class action complaint agnsthe league, approximately 140 former pros now alleging in a lawsuit filed in 2013 that the league didnt do enough to warn them of the longterm effts of repeated blows to the head or protect them from those hi. Reed larson is part of the lawsuit. We knew we would separate shoulder, losee teeth but longterm brain trauma or cte was never brought up. Reporter just last week the family of Steve Montador slapped them with its own lawsuit. Ten months after the 35yearold was found dead inside his home, an autopsy concluded his brain disease cte, his family claiming the league failed to warn him of the longterm neurological risks associated with repeated head trauma. When asked in may iff he believes theres a connection between cte and hockey, the commissioner said from a medical science standpoint there is no evidence yet that one necessarily leads to the other. The nhl telling abc news,e dont comment on pending litigati. U. S. Hockekey has recently changed the body checking rules to 13 to 14 from 11 and 12. In the past they reported drops in participation at the age when body checkingas introduced which suggests that minimally parents are conceed about their kids taking these hits. We do think about the parents and, you know, you want your child to participate at sports but when youou havethis, yeah, so they just want the knowledge to ke the right decisions. To see if there is a connection. Linsey, thank you. A big medical headline for women about a new screening ncer that may help you detect how thieves could steal your personal information. Gio h that, hey, gio. Millilions of cars end up in salvage yards like this but what you leave behind in these wrecks could wreck your credit. Gma. Sticick around. Save up to 30 on diamond fashions at kay. The numberone memorymaker in america. Every kiss begins with kay. Its the kay jewelers save the best for last event with up to 30 off storewide. Ow is the me to find her the best gift at an incredible price. So hurry in. And save up to 30 at kay. When cigarette cravings hit, all i can thk about is getting relief. Only nicorette mini has a papatent fastdissosolving foula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. I never know when ill need relief. And thats where soup comes from. Campbells freshbrewed soups. Oh, i thought we were talking about babies. Made for real, real life. Were back at 7 40 with gma investigates and an urgent new warning about identity theft. More than 11 million cars are scrapped each yea sent to salvage yards but whats left in them could end up wreing your life. Abcs gio benit is at a salvage yard to plain. Good morning, gio. Repepter robin, good morning to you. Listen, cars end up here for lots of reason, accidents, people just turn them in for parts. People just want to get rid of them. In a few minutes this morning we found someones drivers license ght in the front seat of this car and you wont believe what else we found. Investigates. Theres a lot in here. Reporter names, address, Social Security numbers. Even bank account information. Oh, we haha six acres. Gma inveveigates undercover at two pick and pull lots in new jersey. Forei cars will be on your left. Domestic cars and trucks on your right. Reporter the concept is simple. We paid a dolla for entry t the lot and acres of cars un unsupervised seching. Among the scraps, something that could be highly valuable. Loads of personal information left behind for anyone to possibly steal your identity. In this car we find part of a deed to a condo. And in this one, bank deposit slips. Dozensnsf car registration and insurance cards. Listing owners names, addresses, and even drivers license numbers. In this car we find the most concerning information, an old driver license, uncashed paychecks, eve Bank Statements with account numbers. Theres a lot of personal information in here. Owners o the car, gary and his son and promptly return the documents. Quite a b of stuff. Pretty unbelievable, actually. They say that Bank Account Statement with their account number worries then the most. Had is it what really trououes me. Thathould have never been in the car. Reporter with the permission of the yards owner we went too a new york salvage yard not open to the public to see how often people leave their personal documents behi. This car just came in. Oh, weve got some documents. Oh, here we go. Insurance documents. Take a look at this video. We show t our searches to new jersey attorney general john j. Hoffman. For at least one person we have an account number, their address, their driver license. We have their insurance information. N. Is thahattnough totealal their identity . Yeah. It is. That list you gave me of those four, id have cut you short at two and said that would have been good enough. Reporter he says he sees enough of a concern to provide this exact scenario is one that i had not been familia with. Rorter even posting this new alert online just thi week. We explainedhat we found to the two pick and pull lots we visited and they both said they tell car owners to clean out their vehicles before dropping them off and ultimately that sponsibilili falls on the car owners. The playfords say theyre happy their information didnt end up in the wrong hands. We were fortunate. Nobody really got anything and nothing really happened to us, but somebody might not bee as lucky. A so the attorney general says that before you turn your car into a salvage yard scour that car for any sensitive documents, but he says go even further, because accidents can happent a any time so just take the sensitive documents out of your car especially, robin, those banking documents. Absolutete. But its good to check and maybe notave them in there if you can in the first place, all coming up, new details about Tamar Braxtons Health Crisis and t condition that forced shoes. Michael. And, it is the basket seen araround the world, robin, the amazing moment a mom won thousands with a granny shot. She and her daughter are here live next on gma. justst head around the corner to walgreens when youre searching for that Perfect Little something. Walgreens has great gifts like toys, beauty gift sets, and oto gifts, and its all just a hop, skip, and a bark away. Just press clean and let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. Roomba navigates your entire home cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. Which means your floors are always clean. You and roomba from irobot better together. music woman ill never remember all the projects presentations, or meetings i ga up my nights for. musics drums intensify but days like this, ill never forget. Get out there, in the 2016 ford escape. Be unstoppable. This is my fight song usic just fifteen minutes and a little imagination are all you need to make holiday magic. microwave ding chex party mix. Its what the she might not be lebron, but angelas halfcourur shot has become an instant highlight sensation, the bloomington, minnesota, mom with the chance to make theig basket thanks to her amazing fundraising for a childrens Hunger Charity and joins us now. Counts in more ways than one. That bounce basket won angela and her family half off graces School Tuition next year which is big. Theyre here with us live. Welcome you two. Good morning. What an awesome moment. You were saying, though, you knew right awayy even though it s an unconventional shot but you didnt even see it. I didnt, no. No, i i lined up the shot. I bounced the ball. Intentional. And i threw it granny style, truly. Your prayers were answered but i heard when you told your husband he said, i didnt believe you. Called him on speaker and our director, richelle platter, and heas just kind off silent and then o o administrator sent him the clip from his cell phone and then he was just he was like, we saved some money. How proud were you of mom . Ias like whoa, she made it in i was really excited she had made it in because i went, okay, it bounced. She reallyy tried. Im glad oh, my god. She made it in the bucket. You know, i think the best part of the video w the fact that you were encouraging your m and you said, mom, you can do it. It was her t third and final shot and were so happy youade that shot. Were so happy youre here. Like cant believe this. That was an amazing shot. Absolutely amazing. Back inside. Heres another great improve this clp tip from lowes. With everything your smelly garbage disposes gobobblep feed it lemon slices to eliminate odors. To see more go to goodmorningamerica. Com on hoo oooh. The flu virus hits big. With aches, chills, and fever, theres no such thing as a little flu. And it needs a big solution an antiviral. So when the flu hits, call your doctor right away and up the ante with a aiviral tamiflu. Prescription tamiflu iss an antiviral that attacks thflu virus at its source and helps stop i from spreading in the body. Tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in p people two weeks of age and oer whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. Before taking tamiflu, tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have Serious Health condions, or takake other medicines. A severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking g tamiflu d call your doctor immediately. Children and adolescents in particular may be at an increaeased risk of seires, confusisi, or abnormal b bavior. The most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. Antiflu . Go antiviral with tamiflu. And off you go, and off you go, and off you go, for everstepep, every stride, everstart, begin strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 whole grain quaker oats. Big news the new sprint lte plus network is faster than verizon and at t. Bad on data from the worlds remost authority on independent measurement. To celebrate, were gonna cut some prices in half. Switch to sprint and save 50 on verizon, at t or tmobile rates. Gimmicks. No tricks. Its the bigst offer in u. S. Wireless history what about verizon . 50 off. At t too . 50 off. En tmobile . 50 off. Plus, well even pay your switching fees, up to 650 per line. So switch today. Back here on gma. Wanto see where the cold air has been, arizona, flagstaff making snow and a new storm that pummels the northwest. Weve got winter storm warnings and advisorors smothering all these states. Up tonches of rain. The states new plan for medicaid patients. Four different organizations will be responsible for medicaid patients in the state of iowa at the start some worry patients might not about mcand agreements with health care providers. The intent is very good, this has come fast and its created some confusion for a lot of medicaid beneficiaries. Its creat confusion for providers, but i think were finding some clairty and i think were getting some answers, said wold. Jessica rae wold says patients should verify which private company will represent them, as well the contracts it has with health care providers. Jessica lets check in with for the weather. Matt we anticipate a breezy west and have some clearing skies. Temperatures enter the weekend upper 30s and lower sunshine. Overall, the pattern appears good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. And backlash overr this holiday card. A pore and daughter shown taped and bound. The family now speaking out. This is my fight song. New details on Tamar Braxtons Health Crisis. Dancing with the stars and then back into the hospital again. E scary condition that sent he into surgery. A rib removed. What shes revling about her condition now. Mostt wonderful time parents. W researchevealing how you should really deal with meeting your ds significant other and the one danger sign during the holidays that shows love isnt meant to be. It is time. 364 days in the making, the unga sweater showdown is back. Oh, my god. Bigger. Uglier. Ornaments. Which wi t ke the fruitcake. 2 chainz is here to knit it all together as we say good morning, america. 2 chainz. Thats right. 2 chainz is here. Something i thought id never see or hear. 2 chainz on Good Morning America. On Good Morning America. Look at that crowd, michael. Look at them all. In their unga cistmas sweaters. It is time for our showdown. Who is going to come out on top. Robin, i hear you have secrett weapons. You know how fierce the competition is and speaking of that, where is lara . Lara. Robin, im right here deciding what to wear for t big sweater competition, maybe a classic look or, i dont know, maybe its a pope kind of christmas. You know what, though, always a winner, a very george stephahanopoulos holiday. Yeah, youot that. I he those pajamas, george, with your face all over. Youre the winner. I cant get that out of my head. Lets go to amy to o try. All right, good morning, everyone. We begin with the new details in th San Bernardino attack investigation. Enrique marquez, the longtime friend of syed farook who allegedly purchchased the assault rifl used in the attack is expected to Face Criminal Charges as early as today. Marquez told the fbi he and farook talked about carrying out an attack as early a as 10. Another email embarrassment for thebama administtion. Defense secretary ash carter used his private email account for government business when he first became secretary. He now admits that was wrong. And in baltimore, prosecors will meet today to begin deciding whether to retry one of the Police Officers charged in the death of freddie gray. A mistrialeclaredednesday because of a hung jury triggered streets with just two arrests reporteded. Well, d donald trp may be trying to tone things dn a bit during an appearance on jimmy kimmel live. Trump acknowledgege his a aacks on rivals have been divisive and he said hed like to see the Republican Party come together. Meanwhile, russian president Vladimir Putin is praising trump during a news conrence today, putin called trump a, quote, colorful person, talented with a doubt without a doubt and the absolute leader of the president ial race. And new progress in the fight against ovarian canc. There is growing confidence in a new version off a screening te. Researcherersay a combination of blood designing with ultrasound tests can help lower your risk of dying from Ovarian Cancer by up to 15 . But doctors say the new screening procedure does neat more ststy. Andnd now to louisiana whe one family is facing controversy for the holiday photo they posted online. Abcs reena ninan s that story. Familys holiday photo causing controversy on the web. Comments pouring in from around ththe globe, one poster writing, the fact that you and your friends find ts funny shows what a sick bunch you truly are. Another calling the image sick. Ive actually received messages from people all the way from germany. Reporter y see the family of five posing between rows of chririmas trees and the mother and two young daughtersith their mouths taped shutnd hands bound by chris lights. The father holding a sign that says peace on earth as their younger brother gives them a thumbs up. The picture going viral sparkg outrage with my feeling the photo is sexist sending the message women should not speak. All the negative feedback was real disheartening. Reporter the family and photographer saying it was always meant as a joke. Originallyy idea. I found a phphoto like it on pinterest and decided that, hey, let do it. Reporter the Johnson Family standing by the photo. Its a familily photo. If you like it, great. We love it. If not, scroll upp half aecd later yre not even going to see it anymore. Reporter for good morning amera, reena ninan, abc news, new york. All right, reena, thank you. Finally, we have used the adjective extremeo describe many things but never before about a set of wedding photos. Thats changing right nonow. Take a look at this. These are breathtaking shots of a couple on a ledge 350 feet above the ground. The bride was actually tethered for the st of her hanging onto the grmshand. Now, despitit the way this all looks, the photographer claimss that the couple was completely safe the whole time b it makes you rethink that wholeill death do us part. Oh, yeah. Because that could have happened sooner. I dont know. I mean they are beautiful shots. Am but you know what theres a thing called green screen. We just saw it with the sweaters. They could have achieved thatt sasame looook in a very relaxed setting. She was tethered. Thanks, amy. Lets go to michael. Im safe over here. Heres a look at whats coming up on the gma morning menu. New details about Tamar Braxtons health c cs and what really forord her off ncing with the stars. And Barbara Walters gives uss a sneak peek at th years most fascinating people to donald trump to amy schumer and brady cooper and get ready for our big gma ugly holiday sweater, everyone is getting into the spirit. Got that coming up live on gma live in times square. Get those giants sweaters in there. To the used car buyer whos worried about getting taken for a ride. Dont worry. The only rides youll get taken on at carmax are the ones you take yourself. But just in case that absolutely 100 percent perfect choice. Turns out to be. We give you five days to change your mind. Sorry. This just in. The final countdown to christmas is here. Wait what . Gary, is this teleprompter right . Sweet molasses i need to o start shopping immediately. Save on thousands of lasast mite deals at target. Nivea insswer dy lotion. First i wash. Then i apply it to mymy skin. It moisturiziz with no icky feel. I quicklrinse off. And im ready to go. Nivea inshower body lotion in the body lotn aisle. The snows starting to fall and our loved ones are gathered all around, so share that extra joyin your heart and make this christmas even more special than the last. [sfx bell] [burke] its easy to buy insurance and forget about it. But the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you may find. [burke] like how you thought you werere covered for this. [man] its a profound statement. [burke] but youre not even covered for this. [man] its a profound statement. [burke] or how you may be covered for this. [burke] but not for Something Like this. [burketalk to farmers and see what gaps could beiding in your coverage. [sfx yeti noise] we are farmers bum dum, bum bum bum bum the holidays are here. Dont forget you can order on target. Com and pick up in store the same day. I ordered this today. Its for you. Boop barbie a new tie shop target. Com. Pick up in store. Comg up on gma, tory special deals steals for everyone on your list. You knew exactly wt to bring me, tory. Something sweet fromarar michelel gellar and her girlfriend and everyone on your so good. The cold truth is. If a cold keeps you up at night [ phones ringing ] you cant just catch up on sleep the next day. New alkaseltzer plus night cold cough liquid relieves tough cold symptoms and quietsoughs for up to 8 hours. To help you sleep at night. New alkaseltzerer plus night liquid. When youve got a house full of guests on the way and a cold witit sinus pressure, alkaseltzer plus severe sinus congestion and cough liquid gels rush relief to your tough symptoms. To put you bac in control. [doooorbell] woman coming alkaseltzer plus sinus. Its the most wonderful time of the year. Welcome back. Theres our audience dancing in theirgly sweaters. Its a smackdown. Oh, look at that attitude. I love it. Love it. Tude getting highfives on the way out. T. First Tamar Braxton i is opening up about the Health Crisis that forced her off dancing with the stars still covering from that scary condition that landed her in the operating room. Abcs linsey davis is back with her story. Reporter this morning, r b singer Tamar Braxton is thankful surgery to have her rib removed. Oh, go you know im blesd, number one beyeyond measure. Reporter sharing o on her talk show the real whihi shes feelg better shes s sll nowhere near a full covery. Im defefitely on the mend. Some days are really tough like yall. I could not get out of bed. Reporter just last month braxton was forced to leave dancing with the stars early because of what dto thought was pneumonia. These in the hospital right now. Reporter shocking coback in time for the competition but immediately after she instagramed that her doctor found blood clots in her lungs writing with a heavy heart regret to inform you that my season on dancing with the sts has come to an end but then after the blood clots cleared more medical drama. She was diagnosed with thohoracic outlet syndrome, a condition often caused when athletes and itompresses the subclavian vein. She needed surgery to remove her rib. Ive never had surgery before. Reporte in her reality show with husband Vincent Herbert she shares how afraid she was even hiring a spitual counselor. You go the to have somebody thats constantly on you know, tamar, keep the faith, dont give u u on you. Reporter for Good Morning America, lininy davis, abc news, new york. We wan to talk to dr. Richard besser more about this. So give us more details and any correlation wh the blood clots. On this graphic, theres this space thats right above your first rib and below your collarbone and through that go through imporortant thing, an artery, a vein and a nerve and theyrre pressed with a muscle and what happens is if that space gets a little smaller i can put pressure on those structures and you get something called thoracic outlet syndrome. If it pushes on the nerve thahat can cause tingling and pain in your arm. If it pushes on the artery it arm can get cold and painful. If it pushes on the vein a clot can form in your arm and that can g back to your lungs. Sometimes people feel that pain is a heart pain related to the heart. It can feel very similar. You u know, we talk to people about heart pain being if you get a pain shooting down your arm think about your heart. That often comes on with exercise. This pain here i there all the time. But if you have either of those pains you need to get those checked out. When we saw that tamar had a rib removed. Yeah. That got our attention. Looking back athis graphic you see that first rib at the top thats pressing on everything. She had that rib the removed and that opened up that space and took t pressure off of that vein and that should take care of the problem. You see this thing in athletes who are often doing exercises with their arms up. It causes those muscles to enlarge. One of the braves pitchers had this done a couple months ago. You can see it in people who broke their collarbone, u know, doing exercise or in a fall. Oh, my goodness, rich, thanks very much. Appreciate it. George. All of us have a year or two to go before this happens but holiday time, the time whehen teens and young dulls bring on the new partners for the first timeme lots of new studies say parents inflfluence their relationships who read about this great story in the wall seet journal and linzie janis has tips. Mom, d, this is greg. tis the season to meet the parents. Be nice to this one, okay. Okay, ill try. Reporter that awkward first encounr so many moms and dads dread. I will be watching you. Reporter take Robert De Niro in meet the parents playing the overprotective dad. If you ever watched pornographic videos . No. But, accordingngo dr. W wdell furman. You dont have to beehat parent. Hisongoing researcrch reveals surpringly youre more in control of your kids romantic relationshipips than you hi. Parents have more influence on their childrens roman take if the parent has a Good Relationship with their child theyre going to be more credibility and that takes some trial and error. Reporter trial anderer erand. Error is what elliott di hi daughter madisons latest boyfriend appently struggled with her dads initial interration. My dad will want to ask questions and then my fririd will just give oneworded answers because hes just dying on the inside. Reporr but if all hell breaks loose, dr. Furman says its best to bite your totongue. Parents dont want to he their child have to m make choice between having a relationship them, the parent, or the romantic partner. Reporter for good morni america, linzie jas,s, abc news, new york. Some good advice there. Lets get more from Ericka Souter and, you know, there was a lot of good advice there but its normal to go into judgmental mode. This is your baby. Theyre bringing home someone. Is this person good enough . So your human nature kicks in. You are vy hypercritical. Most important thing, relax. Its the holidays, have fun with your kids. Eate new memories and think of it that way. You want to have an en mind, s, this person isnt likely to be who you envisne for your prince or or princess but thats okay. Lastly, having an open hearart. This kid coming into your house or person coming into your house is nervous to meet you and want to impress you so embrace them and make them feel comfortable. Lets say you give them a chance but after three or four months or a year you really dont like hem. Tts when moms put their foot down. I dont like this person for x, y, z. The romeo and juliet effect drives the kid right into the arms. The children will never forget those words. What if they end up together. Let it run its course. Girlfriend it willl probablend anyway. Be more supportive. How about go ahead. You dont want them to choose you u or them thats the bottom m ne. Right, you also want to have this open relationship and talk to your kids and be able to come to you and say, you know, this is w i like this person. These are the p problems im having so you want an open and honest relationship with your kids especially when theyre dang. Ericka souter, thank you very much. Over to amy. We are in the final days of the year which means it is time for Barbara Walters annual ten most fascinating People Special always one of the most anticipated specials of the year. Bradley cooper, tracy morgan and amy schumer just a few of the people to make the list and i sat down with bbara for a sneak peek. Ihink this you always say hadthis is the best list but this i a very good list bause it has some drama. It has mr. Trump and Bernie Sanders and then Bradley Cooper. I love Bradley Cooper. He is a very nice man. Im being quoted as saying that hes very screwable. I have to be careful. Youll make me blblush. I think that a clean word. Am i okay with that . Its because when he was starting out his agent said that he he didnt say screwable. He said Something Else which i wont say. I think i know wherere youre going. Something very revealing that Bradley Cooper t you, so lets take a look at that. Interesting. I didnt know this about him. In your late 20s, you stopped drinking. Stoppeddrinking, yeah. Hats a big change. Is a huge thing, yeah. Do you drink now . No. You stopped at 30 and 29, yeah. 29, yeah. And never drank again, not even wine. Nothing. Huhuh. Did it change you . Oh, tremendously. Very difficult . No, beautiful. Unbelievable. Better. Oh, arere you kidding . With you, no way, no chance. We can s why you like him and his mother lives with him. His mother he very close to his father and wears who died. He wears his fathers wedding ring. And he lives with his mother. Also, a kind soul you can see and someone whos really had a lot of challees, physical and emotnal given the accident, tracy morgan. Yeah, hes done very few interviews a and hes now okay. Hes married. He has a child. You can see the scars from this terrible accident he had where he was not supposed to live and thriving. Another comedian you spoke with, amy schumer. Yeah. Shes so hot t this year. I mean she really is. Shes funny and smart. And has not had the easiest life at all. We actually have a sneak peek of your discussion with amy. You are a very goodlooking barbara. Yes, i mean ie seen you on the air. I said when you came in that you have the cutt tush. Thank you so much. But you don you dont like yr looks. , i wouldnt say that. W well because i make fun of myself. I make more fun of how i think the worldnd how hollywoodees me. She really is you think Everybody Knows what a tush is. We all know wt a tush is. She as a g good tushetween supposedly telling Bradley Cooper that he was that he is screwable and talking about her tush, thisis is a vy racy special. Barra is on fire like youve never seen her before. And we cant wait to hea who the numumr one pick is. Youre not going to hear now. Well have to wt for it. And you only have to wait till tonight. Barbara walters presents the ten most fascinating people of 2015 airs tonightor 90inutes starting at 9 30 eastern, 30 lets go o outside now to ginger. Thank you, anticipate. I ust out here with such a great crowd and giving me parenting advice. Starting there. How w about weo to dove valley, colorado. Look at the sweet valley, kite snowboarding in parts of colorado. Had all that fresh powder. So nice and guess what, that coldir behind that storm is some of the coldest of the season from denver to albuquerque. Burbank, 37. As we take those temperatures and move them east youll make some lakeeffect snow, up to a foot or more in places like wartown predicted so well have to watch out where those bands northwest wind to push through. As the day continues, well have some clearing skies. Temperatures ll warm as we enter the weekend as highs get into the upper 30s and lower 40s with copious sunshine. Overall, the pattern appears to be pretty quiet th no significant rain or snow chances momong with some early clouds, then gradual afternoon clearing. The low i have to say, lara, my mom had one of these sweaters before, they were ironic and called you g will christm swears. My mom h the earrings that look like the oldschool lights and still wears them like inn full gusto. Mom, we love you and are inspired by you. Time foror pop news and i love this story. I need to share with you because et n nflix and chill. Its all about netflix and snooze. Staming service has dreamt up a genius invention, legit, guys. These are socks that determine when youve dozed off and immediately pause the show that youre watching. So amazing. G. This is real. Ththis is not youre not being punked. Weve all been there, six episodes into a bingewatch. Six minutes in, lara. Georgege, you drift off. You dont want to have spoiler problems. These smart socks use technology that monitor movements like the sa thing a fitbit does, monitors your movement so you stop moving, your movieoes too. Stop moving your feet. When you sleep, when youre watching tv you might b be fidgeting or eating then y you fall asleep it senses that stop in motion. I mean unless youre like me i was going to say, i d at, the restless leg syndrome. Oh, yes. You do stay leg in your feet but your Movement Goes down significantly and pauses your youre the best. Rooting for the rest of my family. I knkn, isntt amazing. Putting on a bingewatch, immediately i fall asleep. Also in popop news this morning, glad were all discussing our personal lives. If youre not sleeping well, tell your partner to move over and make rm for rover. Friend or cute kitty could leave you more feline well rested. People who slept with their pets felt more safe, secure, consequently had a better nights sleep. Makes perfect sense. Cuddling up to a cat isnt for everyone. Cat or dog, please, cat lovers, do not write me. 20 of pet owners declined of pets wanding, whimpering or hovering above my face with hot dog breath. The typing was overwhelmingly sitive giving new meaning to pet nap. Children, not the samee effect, not at all. Get out of my bed. Like break dancing in your bed. Finally, rapper drake knows when that hot line bling that can only mean one thing. Bring it girl. Its baddie winking on the line. Take a look, this 89yearold ntucky native whose real name is rh van winkle renamed herself because she became an last year, her daughter, great granddaughter put this up. It went viral and she has 12. 7 million followers. Ultra hip people magazi. She talks about a major crush she has on drake. She tried to direct message him and said it was a little dirty. She also theres the bathing suit that she talks about her love and says she wants to be the poster child for people saying its just a numberer w wll be right back. Work . Theyre offered rough some insurance ans,and one e oux city womamasays hers was likely life saving. Connie noreen helps homeless familieses get bac on their feet. Her own health, used to take a backseat. But, then routine biometricscs screenings through her employer, the Community Action agency, uncovered a potentially deadly blood disorder she didntnow she had. Connie noreen says, so, it was a good thing they caught it and it w a good thing i just didnt space it off like i was thinking i probably would, and i went and had it done. Jessica rae heres something senteresting about connies story. Her condition is hereditary, so she had family get tested, too, also has it. Jessica lets check in with for the weather. Matt we anticipate a breezy west an push through. As the day continues, we have some clearing will warm as we as highs g into the sunshine. Overall, the pattern appears to be pretty quiet with no significant watch me whip wp watch me nae nae tt isets you in the holiday spirit. All righ the whip and naeae nae. Eggnog sounds like a great look at our crew. The men and women of ma. Ririt there. And they are in it. They a in it to win it. That is just the warmup for our showdown coming up in just minutes. Thats our peeps. Our peeps. Oh. We also have michae lets go to him right now. All right, thanks, guys. Time to sear rein on those lastminute gives as we count down to christmas. We h have tory johnsons des steals and we have your list covered this morning with bargains up to 56 off. We dont want to waste any more time. What do we have . A fun idea. For all of thehe particular deals today youll buy it today, ull get anotification via email you can share with the recipient but then the gift is going to arrive in january and i really love that idea because you get to give the seasons greetings now but when all of the holiday madness dies down your gift arrives and get to stand out. You get to eoy it more. This is the tinker crate from kiwi. They make these amazing kits based on s. T. E. M. , science, technology, engineering and math. Two different kits you want to choose from. If you want to do the one month which iss this draraw box, kids get to do that or engineering kit forrour months. Depepeng on how generous you want to be, 25 to 100 whether one or four months cut innhalf, 12. 50 to 50 50 and free shipping. Yabbadabba do. This isoot cardigan. I think that, you know, bght socks make happy people. I love these. Super fun. Choices for kids and adults. Again, this is one of those where you can choe one month or three month options depending on how generous you want to be and amazing deal on these too. Normally depending on what you choose 9 t to 3 but these are slashedn half, jusus 4. 50 to cant beat that. Julep. Three full size beauty products. Polish, shades glosses, depending on what you want for your particular recipient. So many choices. Cant go wrong with this. Normally 25 for the box. These are all slashed in half, 12. 50 and free shshipping. They say free spping im al in. Youll be into this. Taste trunk. Three diffefent selections of food products. If its a sausage lover, chocolate lover or the big exexutive chef trunk i love how these are packaged all hand picked for your recipient starting at 6 depending on what you choose. These are slashed in half, 29 to 44 and free shipping. Ye. Le that. Andnd then lastt but not least, we are ending deals steals for 2015 on a s sweet note. Yes. This is foodster from sara smishl geller and two of her kits for family fun where every single thing you need is included in here and a great way, not only easy but super fun for family bonding. These are the brownie popsicle sticks. Theres also a really f project with ice cream ces you can bake. I love evething that they do and youre going to love this deal. Normally 25 slashed in half, just 12. 50 from foodstirs. Tory does it again. I dont know how you do it but that is a Christmas Gift if you ever asked for one. Thanks to all these companies for providing thehe deals and head to goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo for these codes and links to bargains and plus one bonus deal you can onlyet online. Thanks, ry. Thouound to ginger michael, we are in the middle of our ninth annual coat drive partnering with burlington to get folks to donate their gently used coats like daymond john and chris stapleton. How about we check when you ok at pts of central california. There is frozen fountain, thank you very much for sending those pictures in. Going to stay colder as we look at the jet stream dipping in the west for the christmas forecast. Look whats happened. Who asked santa for warm weather for christmas . I know. Day continues, well have some clearing skies. Temperatures will warm as we enter the weekend as highs get into the upper 30s and lower 40s with copious oh, i love thosose. The sweatshirts on. All that weather brought to you by mazda. Thank you, ginger. Coming up the color purple is back on broadway with a powerhrhouse cas led by Jennifer Hudson in her broadway debut. It is being pduced by oprah who won an oscar none nation for the mie version and took sara new sh. Reporter its been 30 years since the color purple was first released. Steven spielbergary movie based on the pulitr prizewinning novel was a hit. Oprah winfreys portrayal of the strongwled sofia won her an oscar nomination. Now one of t producers in the color purple musical. How are you feeling seeing it. I feel a great sense of pride and i think this new rendition of it is moreodernized and still feels so conneed and inspirational. Reporter Jennifer Hudson is making her broadway debut. Reporler hudson is taking on the role of sultry what happened is we were thinking who has that thing that suge avery has. Scott said what do you think of Jennifer Hudson and i said, yes. Reporter another broadway who reprises her role of celie from the london b badway production andndhe part off sofia is being p pyed by orange is thnew blacks danielllle broo. Damn was playing sia which is the role you originated in the movie and were nominated for an oscar. How do you think she did . Well, i thought she was fantastic. I thi its hard to do it when somebody is in the audience who has also done it before but obviously i cant sing. That someone is oprah. Let us not forget that point. Whoo beautiful. Oh, my. How did you get that wig over that how did you do that . Hey. Hey, baby. How is it different,though, than a big, you know, stadium performance singing belting out . Youre telling the story. You know, its not jennifer singing. You know what iean so its like youreelling the story. How does it feel lik to be well, for me, anmazing dream come true for me. Its nothing iould ever have dreamed off. And just im o cloud 500 and every night being in t this room with thehe audience really living my dream with a story that made me want to become an actor. Well, heres to a long run. Heres to a long run. [ applause ] the color purple. Sing, oprah. For Good Morning America, sara haines, abc news, new york. Cannot wait to see that. You can see oprahs special. Oprah goes to broadway, the color purple on own thi saturday. Coming up right here our 2 chainz getting e everyone ady. Tt0w ti h, 4 h h tt0w ti h, el bgbgtt0w0wi h, ed de tt0w ti h, 8h ;< tt0w ti h, kzh9t tt0w ti h, nhl l tt0w ti h, 0phrzt tt0w ti h, shb 4 tt0w ti h, uehajd tt0w ti h, 7hh]h0 we are reaeady now for our annual ugly holiday sweater showdown. Celebrity guest this year, 2 chainz, welcom how are you doing . So you actuauay r raised mey anddive money to charity with ugly sweaters. Tell us about it. I started my own ugly sweater line. Can you go to 2chainz. Com and proceeds go to charitynd go to giving bk in the community. Also launched the app on the app store. I mean, it was just time to do something. Merchandise is real big and in the Entertainment Community so i an artist with the whole movement of the charity thing and just combined and it came out good and were here right now. You ready to go . Yes. We want everybody at home t to vote. You will decide the winner. Get ready to vote for your farite svetlanaer. Michael had to go to his other job so he recorded this video a little earlier. The candy man. Lost and im found and im hungry like the wolf [ applause ] okay. 2 chainz, what did you think . You knknow wt they thought . I didnt realize tt michael enjoyed that. Sweets. Hes a lot of candy going on. Should stay out of that sugar bowl. Stay out of the s sugar bowl. Now i is timeor theheive competion. Robin is here first. With sweet dreams and a few secret weapons. Whoa yeah. [ applause ] thats how you steal the show. Someone doesnt like it. Like we do. Yeah. My daisy. That is what you call stealing the show right there. Bringingnge friends along. Always works. And not just any friends, friends from the new yor Humane Society so they are available, yes. Whoo. All right. They are cutety. Heres is ginger, rocking rockette. Betr watch out you better not pout im telling you why town [ applause ] nice. She gave youuite a nice. See how i got a waist again. She brought the rockettes all th way to new york. Thats interesting. Speechls. You got him. She has a whole other person atched. Thats a neat idea right ththere. Two, one here, one here. Wha are you having . A boy. Its his first dress up. Okay. It is amy robachs turn. Shes got game. [ [ eers and applause yeah, i like that. My two favorite teteams. Im from georgia, you know that. I love you already. Now, georgia bulldogs and i was born on Michigan State campus. My dad and my grandpa went so i got red and green with my two favorite sports teams. Great colors. You make s some noise. I like this one. [ applause ] i like this. Now its going to be hard for lara to top ltear but her she comes now with strictly ball gown. [ applause ] i like that. I like that. I like that. Tts nice. Yeah. I w trying to c class it a little bit. Yeah. This guy, he loves it. Yeah. Whoo [ applause ] i le the ornaments. Very subtle. I love the ornaments. Very subtle. Not sure what airport shean go to but she got the puppys attention. Hididing a sma village under here. I putut the ball in ball gown. No, serisly, it looks like its something that we can probably i could take you to a pro or somethg. Thank you. Can we do that. Well go to the prom togeth. Why not. What do you think ovall . Honestly, i dont know. It was very creative like the things you know, when you bring dogs because i have a dog and im a pet lover. Babies. Thats a cheat sheet and then, then wear something that has grgia on it is also a cheat sheet because im from atlanta. Yeah, baby. I can see me, youknkn, disqualifying two ofhem because they dont have anything to do with me on it. You know. Well, the voters at home,e want everyone at home to vote end of the show. Goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo coming up in just a few minutes. [ applause ] hi. Welcome back. This is her wearing a sweater. To our website to vote on our ugly hiday sweater showdown. You cant vote for pip bute all gave it ourur all. We want you to get readydy for high adrenalaline actn thriller. Point break is about an fbi agent who catcheses crimils and some waves. Cowabunga, baby. Rachel smith with the story. My father put me on a surfboard before i c could walk. Reporter leaing to surf. Luke bracy was meant to play johnny utah, a rookie fbi agent i grew up on the beach. Salt water runs through my vein the cure for anything is saltwater. If its sweat, tears or the ocean. Reporter the ocean is just one of many thrilling obstacles lukes character faces attempting to bust daredevil criminals responsible for a string of heists. Identify these individuals and report back to me. Reporter the film, a turning point for the 26yearold actor. This is your big hollywood moment. First role as a leading man. No pressure. But how does it feel . I havent had time to think about it too much. I guess im pretty lucky about that. First thing we got to do i put wax on the board. Reportete hes taking me out for a surng lesson offff the coast of malibu. You want to pop up as low as you c and keep your knees bent. After a few pointers, iwas just luke, me and the pacific ocean. Lets do this. First i h had to get the courage to do i it but look at luke go, hes definitely done this a time or two. Me, well, aftfter a little push, here i go. The surf was up, but i was down. What wipeout. Video though with our surf cam. Rooting me on and leadinghe wawa iaught another wave, and, well, i opted to tick a dive and after a few i figured out how to stay above the water. Awesome. I your sidekick. Watch out. That was awesome. Thank you so much. Youre welcome. For Good Morning America, rachel smith, abc news, malibu, california. Very nice. Now, remember, please keep voting for our uglyy sweater showdown. Robin, the camera is oveve here girl. Get over here. Imm trying to get the shot. Can youxplain the well, thank you for your contribution there. Thank you very much. You know who this is. Angela. Hi. Yes, and grace ramey. What you did in making that halfcourt shot thateve been showing over and over again and got half off your beautiful daughters tuition and also raising a lot of money to help those that are hungry. Tell us about your organization, how you guys have been helping. Our school Bethany Academy had a fundraiser which kids against hunger and we and five hours were blessed to pack 41,000 meals. 41,000 meals. 41,000. All right. T. Well, you know whwh, we here at Good Morning America, were going to make a donation to a ilildrens organization toelp with the hunger. Were going to do that. Were going to do that for you. Bless your heart. All right. And you dont even have to make a shot for us to do it. You dont haveo make a shot. Well do that. Thank you. We want to see, you know, just a little closer than halfcourt. I dont know. Come on, baby. Come on. Do your thing. Do your thing. Come on. Whoa. Here you go. Here you go. Okay. Uhoh. Are you gog to go granny style again. Oh, oh, oh. H. [ screaming ] thank youou. Oh. [ screaming ] Good Morning America is brought to you by alka seltzerer day cold flu. The moment weve been waiting for. The big winner of our ugly sweate showdown. 2 chainz. Okay, drum roll, please. [ drum roll ] the winner isobin. Whoo whoo oh, my go. All right. Thank you. Take your walk. I never win. I never win. N. You dit, rosie. You did it. We did it. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, oh. Whoo have a great day, everyone. Something wonderful happens when you ask people to give during the holidays. They do so in ways you would never expect. Salvation army major von vandiver at bomgaars says a man handed major vandiver a one hundred dollar bill. He asked it be used to buy morortoys for this years operation toys. Major von vandiver, Salvation Army says, that is so humbling its cash he saw the red shield [for salvatn army] and knew we were going to take care of so kids at christmas time. Today is the last you can bring a new, unwrapped toy to either sioux city bomgaars, our abc9 studio or the Salvation Army. Then next week, parents will get to pick out the toys for their kids. Jessica lets check in with for the weather. Matt we anticipate a breezy west and northwest wind to push t tough. As the day continues, well have some e earing skies. Temperatures will warm as we ter the weekend as highs get into the upper 30s and lower 40s with copious sunshine. Overall, the pattern appears to be pretty quiet witho significant rain or snow chances moving forward. Todays high is 31 degrees with some early clouds, then gradual afternoon clearing. The low tonighis 15 with mostly clear skies and brisk conditions. Tomorrow weell ke it to a high of its live with kelly

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