Make home yours. Come on and get on down, get on down the cast of the wiz live rehearsed the shows signature tune for tonights big event on nbc. They will take their places in a matter of minutes as they bravely go live. Everyone involved has what the cowardly lion seeks. Greer puts his best cowardly lion face forward. Catching those adults, they got to me, man. They got to me, man. The scare crow messed me up, dog. I demand my cape. So you wanted to met the wizard. Gene latifah glows green. Were here on the yellow brick road. Its a brandnew day. What impact do you think the wiz can leave for a whole new generation . Leave an indelible mark on anyone who watches it. Its a story of hope. Its a story of fantasy. It allows you to escape into a different world. The themes are so timely. The unity that needs to be expressed. Were here right now with the wicked witch. Be a fun role for you to play. This is definitely fun because this is a side of me that i use when i want to when i want to get what i need. When i dont get what i want, its ugly. Mary plays the wicked witch, a role she admits wasnt much of a stretch. You know whats sad . I dont have to act. I have the key card cut back. Have to keep her back. So im i keep the nice person out in front because thats the better person. First audition. Yes. Thats real . I was in college and i was like, you know what, i dont belong here. Thats funny. Oh, my gosh, that is a line in the show. Im really dorothy. Auditioned for this. It was destined to happen. No need to run im having the time of my life, honestly. No matter what happens at the end, i had the time of my life. And cut heres an unusual but true fact about the legendary tom jones. It was not for the tu burke low sis as a child, he would have followed his dads steps. Tom is a survivor and still going strong at age 75 unlike the fate that awaited his close friend elvis. Tom gave us the details. Elvis called, said id like i went to his beach house. He went to a record shop or an instrument shop and he tom jones is coming to my house today and i need two guitars. His wife was nervous to meet you. She wanted your autograph. Yes. Apparently even was excited that i was coming to the house. Elvis house. I had the tv show, you see, 1969. She said we were all waiting for you to come to the house. And then i walked, you know, speedos. What . Where is the visual . Because it was right by the beach. Elvis was wearing shorts. In those days, i think it might have been a european thing. She said we all went wow, like that. Of rock n roll off his new album and tom was close to elvis until the very end. When his health started to decline, did you see it, was it painful for you to watch that . Yeah. In vegas, we used to do two shows a night, for a month straight, both of us. He was at the hilton and i was at cesars palace. When youre there for a month straight, that can have an effect on you. Elvis of course, he started to lose it in las vegas. He started to put on weight. He was starting to get disheartened with what was happening, you know, so it had an effect, a worse effect on elvis than it had on me. Because i survived it and carried on. But elvis got caught up with it. He was taking pills to do his movies. He was taking diet pills to try and lose weight. I think thats when it started with him. And then sleeping pills to go to sleep. Very sad. He was a really, really great man. Loved music. Gospel music especially. Tom writes about his friendship with elvis in his new book over the top and back and he tells a juicy tale of when frank chatted up his parents. He wanted to know how come i sing like i sing. He said to my father, how come, what did you do to make this guy. There used to be a beer, its called mitchel and butlers. He said what happened. How did you create this . My father said, mitchel and butlers. And he said what . If you drink enough, your baby ends up talking like tom jones, giant voice. Coming up, the question of the day. What is it about ryan gosling that makes women go low. The many reasons are next. Hollywood headlines on the mobile device. Hollywood provided by hi, im ryan gosling. Im hosting snl. Ryan, are you tired . I am little tired. Oh, because youve actually day. Tag time, hot and bothered. Ryan gosling is hosting snl this weekend. So we asked what is it about gosling that makes women go so crazy. Well, billy, the ladies have echoed that sentiment. Adele says he is extremely handsome of course. As an actor, hes always honest and vulnerable. Adele watches our show, thats great. All right. Cher says those eyes. One says not all women are crazy about him. I know a few men who are crazy about him. I loved him in crazy stupid love. Was it terror . The shooters, they are married. They left their 6monthold baby with the grandmother before launching the massacre. They even had a baby registry. Exclusive, what their landlord knows. Im Lisa Guerrero with inside edition. One guy down, one guy in the back of a car. Blow by blow, how cops took down the shooters. And you have seconds to react. How to get out alive if this ever happens to you. Want to get behind it and you want to be making a plan. A nation in shock. Moment of silence as we honor those who lost their lives. As we come to grips with the massacre in california. Us. Im Diane Mcinerney in today for deborah norville. Heavily armed couple dressed in combat gear who killed 14 people and injured numerous others in california. The shooters who were married dropped off their 6monthold baby with grandma before their rampage. Now as les trent reports, many are asking if this was an act of terrorism. As america reels from the mass shooting in california, there are new reports that the killers may have been in contact with terrorists overseas. The shooters were identified as syed farook and his 27yearold wife. Yes, they were married. Farooks wife, Tashfeen Malik was a pharmacist. She was a Pakistani National who had lived in saudi arabia. We know there was some international travel. They came into the u. S. , both he and his she was not his wife at the time but she is now. They both came into the u. S. In july of 2014. Its believed that farook met his wife on a muslim dating website, arab lounge. On his profile farook wrote, i was born and raised here, as a good muslim, looking for girl who has the same outlook, live the life to the fullest. Farook visited saudi arabia twice for a pilgrimage to mecca and to get married. He traveled elsewhere too. I do not know all the countries he visited. We know he went to pakistan at one point. Farook made 51,000 a year as a food inspector for the county health department. This is his name and signature on a recent inspection report. He and his wife had a baby girl six months ago. The wifes baby registry at target lists a baby pillow and a car seat. Heres Lisa Guerrero. Just before the rampage the couple left their baby in the care of the grandmother. They gave her a phony story about having a doctors appointment. Then they drove 7. 6 miles to the building where his colleagues had gathered for a party. What followed next was a massacre. We believe the suspects when between 65 and 75 rounds from their rifles at the scene. We did locate the one pipe bomb bombs combined into one. Lisa guerrero tracked down the shooters landlord, doyle miller, imagine his shock. Last night he was home watching tv when he realized it was his rental property that was being raided by the fbi. We watched it on tv last night where they tore the house down. He described farook as quiet. This is the credit application farook filled out. It shows that he had taken out several student loans. I own that property. Miller was permitted to cross police lines to check out the damage to his property. Miller said fbi agents told him they found something perplexing in the house. One of the agents showed him a ring of keys and asked if he knew what properties those keys were for. House itself. Where the Holiday Party farook attended took place. This video was shot at a party for disabled people in the same facility earlier in the week. For some unknown reason, farook apparently left the party in anger only to return with his wife to launch the rampage. He was acting nervous, left the building, 20 minutes later or so the shooting began. As the dragnet for the shooters transfix the nation, farooks name almost immediately surfaced. Possible suspect, the subject lasts farook. Matches the description of one of the shooters. Most news organizations kept his identity under wraps pending official confirmation. We have known a specific name for several hours. We have not set it on air yet. We have not had it confirmed officially. Finally authorities finally i am told that he is u. S. Born. Farooks devastated brother inlaw spoke at a news conference. I have no idea why would he do that . Why would he do Something Like this . I have absolutely no idea. I am in shock myself. An official at the council on American Islamic relations also spoke. Now a debate is raging. Was it an act of terrorism or were the killings the work of a crazy, disgruntled employee and his wife . Police here very reluctant at this point to say what this disgruntled worker was their possible connection to terrorism. There was obviously a mission here. We know that. We do not know why. Farook and his wife were apparently not on Law Enforcement radar but farook was said to be in touch with, quote, overseas terror suspects. Law enforcement sources are telling cnn it appears one of the shooters was in fact contributed to the motive. I believe this was a terrorist act, whether its lone wolf, copycat or someone that was radicalized. As gun fire broke out inside the building there was mass chaos and confusion and right in the middle of it all, a hero cop reassuring terrified workers he would take a bullet for them. Many people will also were also desperately trying to send messages to their loved ones on the outside who didnt know if they were dead or alive. Tears as stunned workers are reunited with their loved ones. I am so glad youre okay. I was worried about you. One by one, they came off the bus to be embraced and comforted. Daniel was shot and was taken to the hospital. When we spoke to ryan reyes just hours after the shooting, he was relieved, having just heard that his partner, daniel kofman, had been shot but was alive and in surgery. The only thing we havent found out yet is exactly what that was yesterday. But today there is heart break. Hes discovered daniel has died. We were given this information misinformation last night, unfortunately. Its been a roller coaster of emotions for many of the survivors and their families who were exchanging texts with loved ones while the shots were still being fired at the Inland Regional Center. From a woman trapped inside, this text to her husband, theres a shooter at work. Her husband, where are you at . Are cops there . Are you safe . She responded, locked in an office with three other people. I love you. And this heart wrenching text from a desperate young woman to her father, dad, shooting at my work. He writes back, hi. Find a good spot. Hide now. Her reply, pray for us. This dramatic video shows the moment cops stormed the building. It was captured on timmy hillyards cell phone. There were people running, crying hysterically. Everyone is a suspect until cleared. With their hands up they begin to file out to safety. Thank you. Thank you. Try to relax, everyone, try to relax. I will take a bullet before you do, thats for damn sure. Just be cool, okay . Imagine the fear of that little boy caught in the middle of all this horror. Holy [ bleep ] shots right now. Holy [ bleep ] as the shootout erupts, a man runs for cover. [ sirens ] chaos as america once again tries to make sense of a senseless act. As the fbi Terror Task Force continues to investigate the mass shooting we are a nation in shock. The San Bernardino massacre is the deadliest mass shooting in the United States since sandy hook in 2012 and once again america is coming together to mourn with tributes happening let there be peace on earth its the music we needed to hear as our nation mourns the victims of the california massacre. At last nights Rockefeller CenterTree Lighting ceremony, the young peoples chorus of new york city changed their opening song to let there be peace on earth, the lyrics taking on special resonance after the days events. Security at the event was extremely tight. Everyone entering the Tree Lighting ceremony was checked. No umbrellas or bags were permitted. They had to be left behind. Our traits and prayers go thoughts and prayers go out to the families and the victims of this awful attack. 50 miles from the site of the shooting at the Anaheim Ducks hockey game, the lights were dimmed as fans paused to pay their respects. And in los angeles at the l. A. Clippers, Indiana Pacers basketball game, players and fans bowed their heads to remember the fallen. Our deepest condolences to this terrible tragedy. President obama today vowed to get to the bottom of the attack. It is possible that this was terrorist related, but we dont know. And leave it to those twisted terrorists at isis to massacre. The United States is burning, went one tweet. And then theres this image, californias official state animal, a grizzly bear, hugging the state. Its how all americans are feeling today. Let there be peace on earth when we come back, much more of our coverage on the massacre in california. Next you have seconds to react. How to get out alive if this ever happens to you. Flip this table over and you want to get behind it and you want to be making a plan. And one guy down, one guy in the back of a car. Blow by blow, how cops took and she lost her son in the sandy hook massacre. Her message of hope. Inside edition with an active shooter situation evolves so quickly that most of the victims are killed within the first 10 minutes before Law Enforcement even arrives on the scene. Thats why the department of Homeland Security is advising people to be prepared so they know how to get out alive. Ann mercogliano shows us what to do. Hey, guys, we have a shooter, follow me. Its a routine day at work, then terror strikes. How do you get out alive . You hear shots fired, what is the first thing you do . You know where your exits are and you go. Safety expert phil stanton shows me ways you can reduce the risk if the unthinkable bernardino. Look for a place to hide, but dont stop there. You want to barricade this as much as humanly possible. You want to flip this table over and get behind it and you want to set the alarms off, you want to put a flame underneath the sprinkler system, you want to bring as much attention to possible. Building a barricade is exactly what one Police Officer advised his son who was trapped california. Told hem barricade that door, get what you can up what they did. What if you have nothing to barricade the door with . Heres a tip, use a belt. If you take a belt and you tighten it on the hinge, they are not going to get through because its not going to open. And if the gunman breaks through the door, fight back. Use anything you can get your hands on as a weapon, like a fire extinguisher. This could create a fog and make it slippery for anybody chasing and then toss it and then run to the exit. You need to make that decision to fight for your life and you want to go for the most vulnerable area possible, you want to take this right in the eye. Right in the eye . Yes and you want to do it with all your might because your life may literally depend upon it. Police departments across the country have produced videos showing how to survive a shooting in the workplace. This is from the l. A. Sheriffs department. Stay behind me. Texas State University posted this video. Lock doors, turn off the lights, silence your phones and get out of sight. Life saving tips if the worst ever happens to you. All of america was watching the dramatic shootout between police and the suspects that all ended in a suburban neighborhood but what was really happening . We had an expert analyze the video. Les trent has the details. San bernardino, see one guy down, theres one guy in the back of a car. Tense moments played out teams corner the killers. Is the getaway car booby trapped . They dont know if theres explosives. Security expert wally zions analyzed it for inside edition. The two vehicles coming in to box in the car that was used in the crime is called a bearcat. The trucks heavily armored, plated. Also the tires are total rubber so if they were shot out they wouldnt have collapsed. Front and center as the drama unfolded is a new anti terror weapon called the rook. Its an Armored Vehicle that allows cops to approach the suv while minimizing the risks. Heres a closer look at the rook in a training video obtained by inside edition. It can be used as a battering ramp and even tear buildings apart. Place an assault team on a roof to launch a hostage rescue or punch a hole in a wall and insert gas. The rook is a chest piece. Shawn mitchell sold the rook to San Bernardino police just a few months ago. It can actually drive inside a house or tear a house down or go inside a mall. Go inside schools around the hall ways, climb stares. Its versatile where it can go where just about anything else can go. You can see police on the rook using a metal pole to probe the suv. Going in the car right now. What do you think they are doing right there . Checking the body, also checking some of the weapons that might be inside. Cops also turn to high tech devices when they raided the killers home. A battering ram with a camera smashed through a window and a robot equipped with night vision cameras and other sensitive equipment entered the house first. It has a tv camera that can come in, come out. It has claws that can be used if there is an explosive. It can check. It also has a shotgun. Fight against terror. We will be back with much more inside edition after this. Still to come, and she lost her son in the sandy hook massacre. Her message of hope. Nurturing here, healing, love. The california massacre is the worst mass shooting in america since the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy back in 2012. Now this latest senseless act of violence has many people saying not again. If anyone knows the anguish of a mass shooting, its scarlett lewis, she lost her precious s