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Both men are refuges. There is a reason why the nra are not here. They are down the street. President obama calling out the nra while defending his attempts to tighten gun control law. About . Basketball im not interested in president. Stocks battered and bruised after a rough start to the the year. Donald trump new ad slamming bill clinton for his past transgressions. Are you worried about your i dont have a response. Unruly passenger pulled off a assaulted several passengers. The white house sending National Security officials to Silicon Valley to seek the tech industrys help on terrorism. Two new jersey state troops help a woman give birth. Trump interrupted by protesters in vermont. A new ownership includes funny man will feral. This is not a joke. And all that matters. You had a tweet about fonzie . Which i say proves cruz is an american, because if he were a canadian, he would released a video of celine dion jumping. San diego police did a story on flooding and how negatively some residents are affected by this. We got gut reaction from one driver who had his car stuck in this. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places welcome to cbs this morning. Philadelphia police are calling the apparent ambush of a Police Officer an attempted execution. A gunman fired 13 shots at very close range late thursday as the the officer returned fire, hitting the gunman. The Police Commissioner calls the surprise attack one of the scariest things he has ever seen. Justin finch of cbs station wyw is at the philadelphia hospital where the officer is being treated right now. Justin, good morning. Reporter good morning. Thats right. The motive, at this time remains unknown. Police say at one point the suspect was so close he was firing at close range to the cruiser firing until had he no bullets left. The suspect is now in police custody. The officer badly wounded is expected to survive. Shots fired im shot im bleeding heavily all cars standby. Officer shot. Reporter that is a panic call for help. Philadelphia Police Officer jesse heartnet after shot multiple times at point blank range in an apparent ambush. One of the scariest things the Police Officer had no idea it was happening. Reporter it around around 11 30 p. M. Last night. The cop returned fire and hitting the shooter three times as he ran off. Police were able to track down the gunman. The guy literally just walked up on top of him and he literally got the gun inside the car and he was firing. I dont know how this officer survived. Reporter the officer was shot at least three times and suffered significant wounds to his arm. Newly elected philadelphia mayor jim kenny is calling for more gun control. There are too many guns on our streets. I think our National Government needs to do something about that because our officers and our civilians are in harms way every single day. Reporter now, that gunman was taken to a nearby hospital. An investigation is ongoing at this time. Police say officer heartartnet has a long road ahead of him for recovery but should do okay. White house officials today will try to convince silicon the high stakes summit focus on how terrorists use the internet and social media for recruitment and planning. Groups like isis use encrypted communication to communicate outside of the reach of the ferguson. Margaret brennan has more. Reporter this is a hard sell by the white house to get Technology Firms to make it harder for isis groups to plot attacks online and make it easier for Law Enforcement to detect it. President obama is very top counterterrorism advisers, including the director of national intelligence, chiefs of the fbi and nsa and attorney general Loretta Lynch will make that pitch and try to persuade top firms like apple and microsoft and apple and youtube even beyond the reach of warrants and wiretaps. Thats what we saw the attackers in paris and San Bernardino do and now u. S. Officials want to know how to use technology to identify terrorists before they attack. French officials made a similar request in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack a year ago. But a lot of these companies have been reluctant to share data on their users, not only because its difficult and, frankly, bad for their business, but also because of privacy concerns. Thank you, margaret. President obama is stepping up his effort to push his plan to address gun violence. In a town hall last night on cnn, the president said his position on firearms has been misrepresented. He talked about a conversation with First Lady Michelle Obama who indicated why she would want to buy a gun. At one point, michelle turned to me and said if i was living in a farmhouse where the Sheriffs Department is pretty turn off the highway and come up to the farm, id want to have a shotgun or a rifle to make sure that i was protected, my family was protected. And she was absolutely right. Our position is consistently mischaracterized and, by the way, theres a reason why the nra is not here. They are just down the street. And since this is the main reason they exist, youd think that they would be prepared to have a debate with the president. Have they even been to the white house for years . Oh, no. No. We have invited them but if you listen to the rhetoric, it is so over the top and so over heated. The National Rifle association declined an invitation to the event calling it a pr stunt. The president promises to take his position on gun reform to the ballot box. He wrote in a the New York Times opinion piece, quote, i will not campaign for, vote for, or support any candidate, even in my own party, who does not support common sense gun reform. Due in court today to face federal charges related to supporting terrorism. One of the men was arrested in sacramento, the other in houston. Investigators say one suspect went to the syrian city of aleppo to fight in the civil war and return to the u. S. Two months later. The arrests are sparking a new debate over bringing refuges from syria and other countries to the united states. Jeff pegues is at fbi headquarters in washington with a look at these suspects. Good morning, jeff. Reporter good morning. Law enforcement sources expect this heated debate here once again in washington because they say these arrests expose issues they have been concerned about for some time. Foreign fighters returning here to the u. S. And refuges here supporting terrorism. Both of these suspects are accused of lying to do just that. Court documents alleged that Omar Faraj Saeed Al harden and aws Mohammed Younis al jayab were intent on fighting along both are iraqiborn refuges. Harden in the u. S. Since november of 2009 and jayab arrived in 2012. According to Court Documents in 2012 jayab used social media to communicate with people inside syria and expressed his desire to return to syria to work. He was also allegedly communicating with 24yearold al hardan who prosecutors say is associated with members and semp sympathizers of isis. Jayab asked online friends for guidance how to reach syria. March ever 2013, jayab had a strategy im coming to syria. In april he messaged i am eg to see blood. Insurance settlement he flew to turkey and made his way to syria. He was wise to surveillance tactics telling one associate online the government is alert for everything. My trip here constitutes a charge. He returns to the u. S. In january of 2014. Late thursday, the department of justice rushed to unseal the document after the story leaked when Texas Governor greg abbott released this statement this is precisely why i called for a halt to refuges entering the u. S. From countries substantially controlled by terrorists. That leak angered investigators who were still working the case, but there is no indication that the suspects were planning to meanwhile, yesterday, there was personal email account as if he is at stake. Donald trump told a rally in vermont that hell end gunfree zones around schools if he is elected president. He is leading leading leading rifle ted cruz. Major garrett spoke with ted cruz a board his bus. Reporter good morning. We rode the cruz bus and cruising to caucuses mildly clever name from humboldt. He told us he feels real momentum here and nationwide. Yet, doesnt feel the need to win any of the first four nominating contests. Trump, for his part, told supporters, he is not sure he can lose. Donald trump says a declaratory judgment is what you should seek in court. Will you . I appreciate donalds legal advice. This issue is a nonissue. The reason we are seeing all of these is the other candidates are getting nervous. Reporter you perceive this as an attack. Donald trump says he is trying to help you. The funny thing about politics, its fairly unusual for your opponents who are running for the same position to be actually trying to help you. Reporter ted cruz takes retail politics seriously in iowa. Halfway through 28 stops in six days. He has tapped into iowa evangelicals and home schoolers and social conservatives. We are all in in iowa and all in in New Hampshire and all in in South Carolina and nevada. I dont believe we need to win any particular one of those four states. Reporter cruz, sounding also trumpian, says he has the staying power and money and organization to win. We have got the strongest National Grassroots team of any campaign in the field. We also got the most money in the bank of any republican in the field. Predicting a clean sweep thursday night. I dont think we can be beaten. There is a momentum that we have. There is a momentum that we have. That is so unbelievable. Reporter Trumps Campaign screamed at attendees for its burlington, vermont, rally, excludeing all but trump loyalists. Take him out. Get him out of here reporter still, protests per sis sifted. Saints this more exciting . Nobody cares. Nobody cares. They go in and everybody falls asleep and say can i go home now, darling, and everyone leaves and the guy is standing there, please vote for me. Reporter Trumps Campaign distributed 20,000 tickets to that event in vermont but the arena only held 1400. People standing online said if they were Trump Supporters and if not or undecided, well, they were sent home. Major, thanks. Financial futures predict gains this morning when wall plunging stock prices in china called a week of turmoil in global markets. The Dow Jones Industrials are off to their worst ever start for the first four days of the new year. The dow lost nearly day. Still finished the week down nearly 10 . Wall street journal financial editor Dennis Berman joins us now. Take a look at one significance of what happened in terms of the rise in the chinese stock market but ask the philadelphia questions, do they remain . The fundamental questions very much remain for china as the economy is strong . Can they grow at a pace employed there . At a pace that keep the countries and companies and even the u. S. Contributing to chinese growth. The question very much remains. You would add to that does the Chinese Government have the well, certainly the capacity to manage the economy. Managing the markets is a far different matter as you well know. Trying to get the market to go win way or the next is a dangerous business. At the try to stop it and start it but in the end the markets have their own mind and the difficulty they are confronting. Given the historically bad start here in the united states, does this appear to be the beginning of a bear market . Well, the number of percentage drops we have seen in four days is pretty significant. I would say yes. Its not a great sign for the markets themselves. Its not 2008. This is not a financial kris in the crisis that affected worldwide. A real question about growth from china and from there growth in countries like germany, australia, canada, all of those things contribute to how the u. S. Contributes to the rest of the world. So a bear market is a strong word and strong territory, but its not a great step at the beginning of the year, definitely not. How concerned are you . The bigger questions here, that is central bangersks around the world that print money and printing it for decades. That creates the value of things keep going up and the underlying economy perhaps does not improve. Im concerned there is something really strange, something we havent anticipated and something bizarre out of all of that that pushes our economies in strange ways we may not be able to react to and understand. Thank you. Unruly passenger forced a new york to chicago flight to make an unscheduled stop last night in detroit. This cell phone video obtained by wnbc showing officers carrying a woman down the aisle on thursday with her hands and her feet bound. Police say the woman allegedly attacked several passengers but its unclear why she did that. Many applauded as she was carried down the aisle this way. The flight later continued on to chicago. The mother of the socalled appear before a texas judge city. Manuel bojorquez is outside a texas courthouse where tonya couch is expected to appear. Reporter her attorneys have filed a motion saying her 1 million bail is too high. And that if released, a gps monitoring device will make sure she does not run away. Tonya couch kept her head down plane at dallas ft. Worth International Airport thursday. Texas authorities quickly loaded her into a black suv waiting on the tarmac. Youre just on vacation . This passenger matt hackler didnt realize the woman known American Airlines flight. When we landed i notice more i assumed it was for the celebrities on board because ted danson was on the plane. Reporter the 48yearold was moved to a prisoner transport van and driven to the Tarrant County Sheriffs Department for booking. Both hands and feet were shackled as she walked into the station. She was very quiet and reserve and respectful and surprisingly appreciative. Reporter the two were detained in Puerto Vallarta last week. The juvenile is serving ten years of probation. When with he fled to mexico for his mother, he violated that probation. Couch is fighting deportation to the u. S. At an immigration facility in mexico city. The building is under 24 hour a day surveillance. Occupants sleep on thin, Foam Mattresses and arent allowed phone or computer access. Ethan chouch is ethan couch is a much more complicated process. We will wait. We will be here. Reporter its not yet clear when a decision on ethan couch is mexico is made. If his mother is convicted, she faces up to ten years in prison. Thank you, manuel. Will the winner or winners of the massive Powerball Jackpot come to the lottery curse . Ahead why some good morning. Dense fog and with snow across western iowa. Snow will move in this afternoon with some slushy accumulations possible. Strong winds usher in arctic air this weekend with temps tumbling tomorrow and wind chills in the 20s below zero on sunday. Next week starts cold before some melting conditions a mystery in hong kong raises questions about free speech. We are in hong kong for find why five book sellers have vanished. Morning. 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For many, orencia provides longterm relief of ra symptoms. Its helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. Do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. Serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. Cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. Tell your doctor if youre prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. Orencia may worsen your copd. If youre not getting the relief you need. Ask your doctor about orencia. Orencia. See your ra ive smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. Cordes most nurses are tough. Theyre problemsolvers. They like making things better. Because they just cant afford it. Bernie sanders understands how pharmaceutical companies and Major Medical companies are ripping us off. Bernie tells the truth, and hes been consistent. He understands that the system is rigged, and hes the only one who can bring real change. Im bernie sanders, and i approve this message. Maines governor is accused of making racist comments. Ahead, hear what he says about drug dealers and, quote, white girls. Make sure to tune into the cbs evening news. Guess what. Charli now 7 26. Locations are plotted on the map. Your mobile speed unit locations are listed on the map. Good morning. Dense fog and drizzle continue this morning with snow across western iowa. Snow will move in this afternoon with some slushy accumulations possible. Strong winds usher in arctic air this weekend with temps tumbling tomorrow and wind chills in the 20s below zero on sunday. Next week starts cold before some melting conditions return by the end of the week. Have a great day. Ica is not just electing a president , were also electing a commander in chief. That choice matters. Because strengthening the economy, making healthcare more affordable, raising incomes. And leading the world. I will get up every single day and do whatever it takes to make sure our country is safe and strong. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Today for his choice of footwear, of all things. He has been mocked by several of his republican opponents for a pair of stylish boots he made the mistake of wearing this week. These are the boots. Now, ted cruz, grandpa, car lee fiorina tweeted about the boots. The big question when it comes to celebrity fashion who wore it best . Marco rubio or kim jongun. Marco rubios shoes look great. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, they struck is rich and then their luck it seems just ran out. We are going to take a closer look at the socalled he doesnt look very happy the socalled lottery curse as also line up for a shot at the record Powerball Jackpot. Plus a mysterious vanishing that criticized chinas leaders. Seth doane goes to hong kong to find out. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. Portland press herald reports on the governor of maine accused of making racially charged comments at a town hall meeting on wednesday. Paul lepage talked about problems with drug dealers. These are guys by the name demoney, movie, shifty, these type of guys that from connecticut and new york. They come up here and sell their heroin and go back poemhome. Half the time they impeg nate a young white girl before they leave which is sad issue because we have another issue we have to deal with down the road. The comments quickly came over under fire on simproosocial media. His spokesman said he wasnt talking about race but the toll drugs have on children. Netflix documentary is making a murderer. The series clams thatims the two were found guilty. The white house says the pardon would need to be issued at the state level because this was a state crime. Nearly 130,000 signatures are on that petition. Our cbs station in dallas reports the ice cream maker blue bell is still finding a possible signs of listeria. The company said it found suspected contamination in a one of their facility and not its product. Their ice cream was recalled in april when their ice cream sickened several people. The Washington Post reports on how tomorrows Powerball Jackpot could reach 1 billion. Right now the drawing is worth about 700 Million Dollars. It is the largest Lottery Jackpot in u. S. History but life instead of improve it . Demarco morgan is inside a store in new jersey what some call the lottery curse. Good morning, demarco. Reporter good morning. The powerball frenzy continues to build at record pace. Here in new jersey, nearly 3,000 tickets were sold every single minute on thursday and businesses hope businesses will continue to boom until saturday nights big drawing. Reporter the six magic numbers wont be drawn until tomorrow. Reporter already, the Powerball Jackpot has made history. I need fun reporter 700 Million Dollars and could grow even larger. I feel lucky. I really do. I think im going to win. Reporter the chances of striking it rich, however are slimmer than ever. Winning ticket. Reporter after the game was restructured last october, the odds of winning the top prize went from 1 in 175 million to 1 in 292 million. This is it. Reporter and if you do happen to win, you could still the historical assumption is if you win the lottery, youre set. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of lottery winners dont have that story. Reporter attorney andrew stoppen has. Once they win the lottery they are a global target and put these people on a list to try and celibate investments and flat out try to take their money. Reporter last year, a study found that 44 of lottery winners spend their winnings within five years. Some call it a lottery curse when winners find their luck has run out. In 012002 jack won the jackpot and years later his family life fell apart and he was arrested twice. Abraham shakespeare of florida was murdered after winning marie holmes made millions after bailing her boyfriend out of jail yet another time. Michael norton says the key is sharing your happiness. People who struggle after winning the lottery are people who quit their job and buy an island and move to it. Reporter curse or no curse. Im going to have a lot of money. Reporter with the nearly 700 billion on the line, plenty of americans are willing to take a gamble. What else in the world could you buy for 2 or 4 where Walking Around carrying it for a couple of days makes you feel like youre a multimillionaire tomorrow . Those are the winning numbers, right there. Reporter if you do hit the jackpot, experts we spoke with said you can expect family and friends and coworkers like gayle king to come out of the woodwork and say let me hold something. We know that saying there because only six states allow you to remain anonymous. What you talking about . Coworkers like gayle king coming out of the woodwork . What does that mean . Haha. We will see if i win. Ill check on you. I will be your long lost cousin, that is true but youve meet people youve never heard of before. He makes a very good point. Change your number and goat yourself a good Financial Adviser but you hear this story time and time again. Now that its a billion dollars yeah. Take a chance. Thank you, demarco i think a deepening mystery in hong kong sounds like the lot of a thriller but its real life. Dozens are vanishing and of books that sells books that are critical of communist leaders. Seth doane is in hong kong. Reporter good morning. Since hong kong was handed over from british to chinese rule back in 1997, it has retained notably its own legal system and freedom of speech. Now with case of those missing book sellers and word of an investigation on the mainland, some worry those freedoms may be under threat. Sandwiched between a pharmacy and a nail salon and up a cramped stalewell is this book store which was closed today. In the hallway some of the gossipy salacious titles it was known for criticizing some of chinas leaders. This talks about madams private life chinas first lady. This title predicts the downfall of chinas president. Reporter now the story of this book store itself is harder to believe. Since five men tied to it have disappeared. The most recent lee wo was expected home for dinner december 30th, but never showed. Days later, this faxed letter purportedly from lee said due to some urgent matters, i have made my own way to the mainland. It might take a bit of time. The missing book sellers have demanded answers. There was no record of lee crossing the hong kong border. Why is the case of this missing book seller so important . Well, i think it concerns the basic security and safety. Reporter hong kong legislator albert bo worries china authorities were their agents may have taken lee into the mainland. We are concerned about the political kidnap. Reporter youre calling this a political kidnapping . The circumstantial evidence have driven us to irresistible conclusion. Reporter chinas government linked global Times Newspaper wrote lee was not taken away by chinese mainland Police Officers. But was critical of the book store and calling it a source of political rumors and evil influence. This seems like an attack on freedom of the press. Reporter amnesty in this william ne says china does not have jurisdiction to come to in china right now, this time of thing is completely normal. What is common in Mainland China is not common in hong kong. Hong kong has a different system and that is why people are so alarmed. Reporter it is widely known that mainlanders come to hong kong to buy books and the fear here is that mainland authorities are now reaching into hong kongs affairs. We with contacted officials both here and beijing but not able to get any more answers as to why lee wo may be. Great reporting. That is really the main point this is now extending to hong kong. Coming up, our lobbyists for food makers trying to sugarcoat the truth about nutrition. Up next how the government is answering critics of a dietary guideline. If youre heading out the door, watch us live through your cbs allaccess app. Thats on your digital device. Plus, we have got fascinating birth to her own granddaughter coming up. We will be right back. Being a part of helping people in need is who i am. Working at brookdale for me is not just a job, its a life for me. I love it. I formed many connections with the residents. I feel like i am part of their family and theyre part of mine. If you can get up in the morning, ya know, shake the dust and go up there and make somebody happy, when i go to sleep, i did my job. To do great things, sometimes you gotta break the rules. The all new surface pro 4. A new screen, for new perspectives. We reinvented the surface pro, so you can reinvent everything else. When you make a pb j with smuckers, thats the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. Living with chronic migraine feels like each day is a game of chance. I wanted to put the odds in my favor. 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Talk to a headache specialist today about botox. politely wait, wait, wait you cant put it in like that. You have to rinse it first. Thats bakedon alfredo. Bakedon . Its never gonna work. Dish issues . Trust your dishwasher with cascade platinum. It powers. Through. Your toughest stuckon food. Better than finish. Cascade. To do great things, sometimes you gotta break the rules. The all new surface pro 4. A new pen for new masterpieces. We reinvented the surface pro, so you can reinvent is the economy rigged . Well, the 15 richest americans acquired more wealth in two years than the bottom 100 Million People combined. Im bernie sanders, and i approve this message. My plan make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. The middle class will continue to disappear unless we level the playing field. The new dietary guidelines we told you about yesterday are getting hammered by critics. The governments recommendations are released every five years. Some experts are questioning what is influencing the guidelines themselves. Anna werner is here to show us why. Reporter good morning the new guidelines from the usda and department of health and Human Services are supposed to tell you what to eat. Critics say they are muddled and confusing and not by accident. More fruit and vegetables, less sugar, and limited saturated fats. Those are the key dietary recommendations from the government. Even a small shift can make a big difference. Reporter but New York University professor of nutrition Maryan Nestle says there is something missing from the industry. You say the junk Food Industry a win. Why . Because there is no direct messaging in the guidelines that dont eat processed meat and dont drink sodas. Reporter it affects Food Labeling to the National School Lunch Program that serves more than 30 million kids each day. But instead of simply saying, dont drink soda, she points out, the guidelines say less than 10 of calories should come from added sugars. And instead of saying eat less meat, they say less than 10 of your diet should come from saturated fats. Meaning they do not want the American Government saying eat less meat. That is unamerican. These are multibillion Dollar Industries take huge amount of federal not just changing their products but clanging the industry. Reporter dr. Neal barnard is part of an association suing the government claiming the egg industry used its influence to weaken warnings about cholesterol. The new guidelines dropped recommended limits. But still advise people to eat the egg industry is paying universities where these people are then put on the committee to decide whether eggs are safe or not. Reporter now the usda told cbs this morning, its process is robust and transparent and the new guidelines reflect advancement in Scientific Understanding about Healthy Eating choices and Health Outcomes over a lifetime. I asked mary nestle. What would do you . She came with her own rogue guidelines and eat more vegetables and less food. That is one way to do it. That is just a matter of doing it. Having the willpower. That is the thing. When we first saw bei bei months ago, the panda. She was so tiny and so fragile. We w good morning. Dense fog and drizzle continue this morning with snow across western iowa. Possible. Strong winds usher in arctic air this weekend with temps tumbling tomorrow and wind chills in the 20s below zero on sunday. Next week starts cold before some melting conditions return by the end of the week. Have a great day. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places the allnew tacoma. After trying brookside chocolate, people talk about it online. Love at first taste. I would liquefy it and bathe in it. Curse you, brookside your nefarious plans have succeeded. Nefarious . Are we still talking about chocolate . Brookside. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. If it doesnt work fast. Youre on to the next thing. Neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. Neutrogena. Soil is the foundation. For healthy plants. Just like gums are the foundation for healthy teeth. New Colgate Total daily repair toothpaste. It helps remineralize enamel and fight plaque germs for healthier teeth and gums. Strengthen the foundation for healthy teeth. New Colgate Total daily repair. Still not feeling well . No. You know when i got sick my mom used to make me chicken noodle soup. Aw, ok. You should call your mom. Bye. Campbells chicken noodle soup. There when no one else is. Campbells. Made for real, real life. 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Hey, remember the game when i set the rookie passing record . I mean, you only mentioned what, 50 times. How about when i had three events in one night . Well, ive been working on my new superhero move all day were non stop, weve gotta have our extra protein. Oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. Zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. And zero holding me back oikos triple zero. Be unstoppable. Mmm dannon i dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. Its the one and only cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni, theres no interferon and there are no complex regimens. Tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions. And about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am readyto be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni welcome back its now 7 56. Map. Your mobile speed unit locations are listed on the map. In the middle of a time when senior poverty is increasing. Republicans and some democrats came up with a brilliant idea for cutting costofliving adjustments for Social Security. We said, it will be over our dead bodies if you cut Social Security. As president , i will do everything i can to extend the solvency of Social Security and expand benefits for people who desperately need them. Im bernie sanders, and i approve this message. Good morning. Dense fog and drizzle continue this morning with snow across western iowa. Snow will move in this afternoon with some slushy accumulations possible. Strong winds usher in arctic air this weekend with temps tumbling tomorrow and wind chills in the 20s below zero on sunday. Next week starts cold before some melting conditions it is friday, january 8th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. More real news ahead, including a mother who had a child for our daughter. Well hear from this surrogate grandmother who kept a promise she made many years ago. First, heres todays eye opener at 8 00. The motive at this time remains unknown. At one point the suspect was so close he was firing inside the cruiser. These arrests exposed issues they had been concerned about for some time. Foreign fighters returning to the u. S. This is a hard sell to get Technology Firms to make it harder for groups like isis to recruit followers online. We rode the cruise bus 40 miles. The texas senator told us he feels real momentum here and nationwide. Trying to get the market to go one way or the next is a very dangerous business. They tried to stop it, they tried to start it. New guidelines are supposed confusing. If you do hit the jackpot you can expect for family, friends and coworkers like gayle king to come out of the woodwork. What you talking about, willis . Coworkers like gayle king coming out of the woodwork . What does that mean . Pizza hut has come out with a swag. Its also the sound you make after eating their pizza. Hut, swag. Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. Two iraqi refugees this morning face federal charges related to supporting terrorist organizations of the one of the men was arrested in sacramento, the other in houston. Both are expected to appear in federal court later today. Claim that Omar Fareed Hardan and al jayab investigators say al jayab flew from chicago to istanbul, turkey, in november, 2013. He then crossed the Syrian Border and fought in syrias civil war. Two months later he returned to the united states. Prosecutors say he told immigration officials that he went to turkey to visit his grandmother. Campaigning in iowa, republican president ial candidate ted cruz said the arrests show the risk of bringing refugees from the middle east to the u. S. These arrests tonight underscore how utterly indefensible president obama and Hillary Clintons proposal is to bring tens of thousands of Syrian Refugees into this country. Protesters gathered outside a donald trump rally in vermont last night. Others got inside, despite the campaigns attempt to keep them out. And cruz told cbs news on questioning of his citizenship is a nonissue. Major garrett spoke with the texas senator aboard his campaign bus and he joins us now from des moines. Major, good morning. Whats your sense of things . Reporter good morning. So there are theres one similarity and three big differences between donald trump and ted cruzs campaign. One similarity of course is both are trying to attract voters sick of washington and fed up with the gop establishment, but the differences are these. First, donald trump conducts huge rallies but does very few events. Ted cruz, many events but much smaller crowds and this goes to a difference in mobilization. Donald trump is attracting republicans, independents and democrats, but a good number of those have largely given up on politics. Weve got to figure out a way to drive these people to the polls. Ted cruz, on the other hand, targets known activists, social conservatives, tea party enthusiasts, home schoolers and the like with a proven track record of showing up on caucus or primary day. Trump has no standard stump speech. He will literally, as weve learned, say anything anywhere. Ted cruz has a very finely polished stump speech with very little variation from event to event. To sum it all up, both say they are building a national movement, archly conservative on behalf of their policies, and voters here in the next couple of weeks and elsewhere will begin to tell us who is right. So interesting. Beyond politics is a question of National Security in this president ial year. What does cruz say about north korea and its claim that it has detonated a Hydrogen Bomb . Reporter he calls it a perilous situation and he described kim. Ju hopes it would end its i reminded cruz the Bush Administration didnt have a much better track record, a point he conceded. Ted cruz said he would put more pressure on china to lean on north korea, to stop its Nuclear Weapons and work with south korea, taiwan and japan. When i asked him would you kwoern quarantine north korea or put sanctions on china, he demured. North koreans are celebrating that apparent nuclear test. They rallied this morning in pyongyang. Another familiar face to north anchor. She reappeared this week to announce the norths claim it detonated a Hydrogen Bomb. Charlie dagata in london looks at the won called the peoples charlie, good morning. Reporter good morning. This week ri chunhee broke the news in her signature style that north korea had successfully tested the Hydrogen Bomb. Debate but the announcement alone has already had an impact on both sides of the korean border. Today it was south koreas turn to crank up the pressure by pumping up the jam. Blasting propaganda and pop music across the border. But pyongyang deployed its own weapon, rolling out ri chunhee once again, this time to breathlessly drop the bombshell that north korea had tested the hbomb. We will not disrupt or dismantle the program, she said, until the u. S. Reverses its vicious hostile policy toward north korea. The 70something grandmother is the goto news anchor when the regime wants to impress the world. Often outfitted in traditional dress, her unbridled exuberance plays well in an isolated power, real or imagined, under Supreme Leader kim jongun. Otherwise shed be out of a job, or worse. She barely made it through this announcement on the death of kim jongun jonguns father. We make this announcement with great sorrow. In an interest view with chinese television, she recommended that a good anchor shouldnt shout but speak gently to viewers. Advice that may have fallen on deaf ears to up and coming talent. Its clearly a style that we in the west find funny. And now to phil with sports phil reporter but all that bombast hits home back home. Yeah, this is classic propaganda. They are telling the regime is telling a story to the shes a woman, which is also typically more considered to be like part of the hearth and the defiant. Reporter but in a dictatorship where there is no freedom of the press remains a mouthpiece for the government. Shes been broadcasting for the countrys one and only station they just bring her out for the big games. Gayle. Bring her out for the big ones. I wish we could understand what they were saying because that speaking style is so unusual for us. What is she saying . Thats good longevity for any female anchor, fort40 years. Well into her 70s. Where are we going to be in our 70s, sitting at the table, charlie, the world moved on while they were locked up. And the struggles exonerated prisoners face after theyre drizzle continue this morning with snow across western iowa. With some slushy accumulations possible. Strong winds usher in arctic air this weekend with temps tumbling tomorrow and wind chills in the 20s below zero on sunday. Next week starts cold before some melting conditions our dr. David agus offers some big ideas about how to make your job work for you. Hey. Its a simple idea. If your office stairs were more user friendly, its a step in the right direction for health. The great ceos may even make the elevator point operated. Coming up, dr. Agus will show us his prescription for corporate america. He was so anxious to walk back up those stairs. Wheres he going . Thats next. I dont know if youve ever taken the time to learn a little tiny bit of somebody elses native tongue . That opens up the doors to trust. My name is kanyon. Im a technician here in portland oregon. Every morning, i give each one of my customers a call to give them a closer eta. And when i called this customer, i discovered that he was deaf. Then i thought of amanda. Since i was about 8 years old. Its like music for your eyes. And i thought that was an amazing gift to have, to be able to communicate with the deaf. My friend kanyon asked me to help him explain how todays appointment will go. He was nodding his head and giggling a little bit. I did it. I did it too. They took natures bounty hair, skin and nails, its a Vitamin Supplement that nourishes from the inside. With biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails. And vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. Give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails dont look and feel more beautiful, well give you your money back. I did it. And i feel beautiful. Take the natures bounty hair, skin and nails challenge, visit naturesbounty. Com for details. You got people working incredibly long hours. Median Family Income today 4,000 less than it was in 1999. The bottom line of this economy is that it is rigged. What this campaign is about is to demand that we create an economy that works for all of us rather than a handful of billionaires. If you work 40 hours a week in america, you should not live in poverty. In our morning rounds a new way to benefit your health and your employers bottom line. This mornings wall street journal features a commentary from our dr. David agus who argues that all companies should appoint a chief Health Officer. He writes, quote, a chief Health Officer would be charged with staying abreast of the rapid changes in medicine that make it easier to maintain a healthy workforce. David, good morning. Good morning, norah. This is such an interesting idea because you say 86 of employees are above their normal weight or have a chronic condition. Why should your employer care about this and do something about it . Million days of lost work from those employees, compared to the average healthy employee. So about 15 years ago, companies with the great advances in technology all formed chief Technology Officers and allowed there to be a uniform response to this technology, they incorporated with their employees and their work practices and their products. Now. Were literally at this transformation in health and so we need to change. Chief Health Officer, this is a new way where you can align for the employees, the product and the mission of the company. Listen, i for one hope your idea about walking up the stairs in high heels doesnt catch on. Norah already does that. I always walk up the stairs. Shes given up the elevator and she walks up the stairs, so i know thats a good idea. Why do you hope it doesnt catch on . Because i have bad knees and its hard for me to do so ive got a personal issue. Do you want to talk about some of your personal issues . Im a doctor. No, no, no. Ill save it for another day. How do you do this for employees them youre overweight or youre a smoker or you need to do this and that . How do you combat that so employers dont employees dont feel like big brother is telling them what to do . Its a great point. To me its education. Youve got to explain why youre doing everything. Next tuesday or wednesday were doing a lunch and learn here at cbs. Were going to talk to the cbs this morning employes and explain why were doing certain things around health and how some of the practices we all do every day at work can be changed to improve our health. So educate. Develop programs for the employees and their families and insurance plans. They have to meet your employees. And then the key one is get data. So are things working, are they not working . Are what were doing here helping the bottom line and the employees or is it not . You can iterate and improve but you need a leader. Do some people offer opportunities for napping during the day . Not just me, but generally i it depends on the workplace. Huffington post does it. You nap during the day here. Yes. So it really depends on what the workplace is. If your workplace requires you to answer emails late at night, maybe you should apply blue filter glasses so the light doesnt affect your sleep. If it requires long work hours, we surely should have a place to take a nap or rest because your productivity will get higher and everybody benefits. The health of the employee and the productivity of the company. Do you think this will catch on, a Health Officer . I think it has to catch up. Health expenses are going up dramatically for every company. Employees want to be loyal to the company, this will all help. We need a gym, we need showers, we need a yoga facility, all those things. Are you listening, les . Thanks, dr. David agus. His new book the lucky years is just out published by simon and schuster, a division of cbs. A grandmother plays a very Important Role in the birth of her grandchild. Youre watching cbs this morning. Cbs morning rounds sponsored by robitussin, because its never just a cough. Er just a cough. Powerful relief of cough, sore throat, stuffy nose and fever. New robitussin cf max severe. Because its never just a cough. 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Talk to your doctor about oic on average, it takes three hundred americans working for a solid year, to make as much money as one top ceo. Its called the wage gap. And the republicans will make it worse by lowering taxes for those at the top and letting corporations write their own rules. Hillary clinton will work to close the wage gap. Equal pay for women to raise incomes for families, a higher minimum wage, lower taxes for the middle class. She gets the job done for us. Stream, download, and play on multiple devices at once, with centurylink internet. Get up to 40 megs for 20 a month for 1 year when bundled with qualifying home phone plan. Just call. Right now. Wanna see this as an action movie . [ deep voice ] get ready. 40 megs is only 20 a month. [ normal voice ] or drama . [ melodramatic voice ] get up to 40 megs for 20 a month. [ normal voice ] only from centurylink. Speed may not be available in your area. Call now. A newborn in texas shares a very special bond with her grandmother. Little kelsey was born on wednesday. A twist. To termheartbreaking miscarriages. Her thats when kelly said her mother stepped isnt described what she described as the greatest gift of her life. When she was 13, mom, if i cant have a baby, would you have one for me . At 13 i said, sure, absolutely you know . Not thinking that is what god was telling me that many years ago reporter the birth of baby kelsey was truly a family affair. Kelly mckissick was there for the birth of her daughter, sharing the moment with her mother tracy. Hold her little head out and was the most amazing thing ive ever seen in my life. Reporter for years, kelly and her husband aaron tried to have a baby on their own and tried several infertility treatments and experienced at any point did you think we are not going to have kids . No. It was never an option for us. Reporter they had four remaining embryos from their final round of in vitro fertilization. My mom was i think i need to do this. I said i think you need to think about it. Reporter were you hesitant . Just for her health. Reporter at 53, tracy was already seven years into menopause but in excellent health. So doctors put her on treatment to allow her body to carry a baby again. When i was in my 20s and pregnant with her and her mother, it was easy. Reporter how was it different in your 50s . It was difficult. It was just exhausting. Reporter while its not necessarily the norm in is your gassy. The first took place in 1987 in south africa. A 48yearold woman was the surrogate for her 25yearold healthy triplets. The first reported case in the u. S. Was in 1991. 42yearold arlet switzer carries twins for her daughter who was born without a uterus and happened multiple times over the years since then. When kelsey gets older, how do you tell this story to her . Woman in england delivered a child for her son and daughterinlaw. What a welcome back, its now 8 25 kcci 8 traffic any accident locations are listed on the map. Two new stories overnight we are waiting to learn the charges a 15 yearold girl will face after a high speed chase and crash overnight youre looking at the end her truck rolled over in the median on interstate 80 near altoona. This all started when Des Moines Police say they spotted the truck and knew it was connected to a 15yearold runaway who had stolen it. She refused to stop, going 100 Miles Per Hour. Police say she finally deliberately crashed the truck rolling it several times. Police say shes in fairly Good Condition despite the crash. Southwest of marshalltown. Two people injured in a shooting there last night will recover from their injuries. The Marshall County sheriff says 74 yearold Richard Jones and 69 yearold ilene jones were both shot accidentally while cleaning your forecast marco rubio thinks its unfair to criticize him for missing votes. But i am going to miss votes, im running for president. But hes been missing votes for a long time. One third of all of his missed votes in 2015 were missed before he announced he was running for president. Over the last three years, marco rubio has missed more votes. Than any other senator. Washington politician marco rubio. Doesnt show up for work, but wants a promotion . Right to rise usa is responsible that was a great moment. That is beyonce, live and in color, surprising Channing Tatum last night on lip sync battle as he did his best imitation of queen b. He performed her huge hit. He was battling against his wife. I love the expression on their faces because nobody thought that was going to happen. Shes like, i just got beat. That is awesome. That was great. That was great. Its a fun show. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Are you okay . Im okay. Im so excited about beyonce. She does that to people. They start dropping things. We love beyonce. Coming up in this half hour, actor tim daly, we love you too, tim daly. There he is from madam secretary. Well look at season two of this hit cbs drama. Plus how it pays to know a real secretary of state. Also this, an innocent man sat on death row. Justice finally came. But freedom for exonerated prisoners doesnt guarantee a fresh start. 60 minutes takes a look, and that is ahead. Right now its time to show you some of the mornings headlines. The boston globe reports cancer deaths fell to their lowest rate in decades. The death rate fell 23 since 1991. Isnt that good news. More than 1. 7 Million Deaths were averted through 2012. Researchers say its because of a drop in smoking and also medical advances but cancer remains one of the top killers. This year there will be about 600,000 deaths. The Tampa Bay Times reports on a rare dime that is the ten cent coin sold at auction for almost 2 million. The San Francisco mint made only 24 of the 1894 s dimes. The country was in a recession in 1894 and more dimes were not needed. Only nine likely still exist. And everybody has been waiting, whens the date, whens the date. The Hollywood Reporter has it the date for season six premiere of game of thrones will begin on april 24th. That may be when fans learn the fate of john snow. This season will reveal plot developments that have not been published in the books. The show is based on. Yesterday hbo revealed its thank the lord. You and president obama are the big fans. Hots of fans of that show. 60 minutes investigates life for those released from prison. Ray hinton spent almost 30 years behind bars for a crime that he hinton is among more than 1700 people freed since 1989. Scott pelley explores the difficult road that can follow. For hinton, it began in april. Reporter thats when ray hinton stepped out of the shadow of execution, taking the first steps that he chose for himself since 1985. What was that moment like . As though i was walking on clouds. I wanted to get away in case they changed their mind. You still didnt believe it . I was not going to allow myself to really believe that i was free until i was actually free. Reporter free to visit his mother, who went to her grave believing her son would be executed. The cemetery was hintons first destination, and he was startled by a world that had moved on we headed toward the graveyard and a voice come on and said at 2. So many miles turn right. I said what the hell . Who is that . And he said its gps. I knew i didnt see no white lady get in that car. I wanted to know how did she get in that car and what is she doing in this car. Man, come on. Reporter any voice tended to be a surprise. On death row, hinton spent most of every day alone. After 30 years inside, mostly by yourself, did you worry about coming back out into the world . You get out and youre just out. If you dont have a place to live or money or whatever, you say what am i going to do . But my best friend stuck by me for 30 years and he had already told me, whenever you get out, what did you have to learn after you got out . Im still learning. Im still learning that i can take a bath every day. Im still learning that i dont have to get up at 3 00 in the morning and eat breakfast. Im still learning that life is not always what we think it is. Oh, my goodness. Watch Scott Pelleys full report sunday on 60 minutes. He also looks at the debate over compensating those exonerated. That is sunday evening at 7 00 6 00 central here on cbs. Cant wait to see that. And how much do we owe people that weve taken their life away. Thats right. It should not happen in america. That compensation is a big one. I like ray henson. I like him a lot. Gps. What white woman is in this car. What hes gone through. Just being alone. I know, to be alone for that period of time, i agree. He made a name for himself on wings and the sopranos tim daly. Hes here in the toyota green room. Well look at the changes for his character on cbss madam drizzle continue this morning with snow across western iowa. Snow will move in this afternoon with some slushy accumulations possible. Strong winds usher in arctic air this weekend with temps tumbling tomorrow and wind chills in the 20s below zero on sunday. Next week starts cold before some melting conditions m moving to a place where i can get internet from centurylink. Am i stuck with the three Year Contract . No. That just means the price wont change. For three years. That way the price is locked, youre not. You can just hang out and be free. Lock in your Monthly Price for 3 years without a contract when you bundle with unlimited nationwide calling. The cbs hit drama madam secretary is in its secretary season and it is sundays most watched scripted series on broadcast tv, thank you very much. It averages more than 12 million viewers. Tim daly stars as henry mccord. Hes a professor and husband of the secretary of state played by tea leoni. At a sneak peek, mccord is upset after unexpected events in russia spill over into the couples relationship. Elizabeth henry, we need to talk. Okay, what are we going to do here, henry . Do you want to go to counseling, Start Talking to lawyers . Where are we at . Lawyers, what the hell are you talking about. I want to know what its going to take for you to process can i process this for five minutes or does that not fit into your schedule. Thats not fair. Whats so great is the dynamic between the two of you and the dynamic of the family because the kids have issues, the husband and the wife clearly support each other even when theyre clashing. Yeah, i think that one of the things about the show thats unfortunately unique is that it portrays a marriage thats actually working and its dynamic, but this cupouple is committed to figuring out how to do it and they have problems that i think make it very relatable to people. Like kids that are in trouble in various ways and moving and this busy life and their jobs so theres something there for everybody, including political junkies. People come up to you and say they love the mccord family, as almost if they know you. You know what people say . A lot of men come up to me and say thank god you play someone competent. Thank god that youre someone that can be left with the children in the house and the whole thing doesnt burn down. Theres a long tradition starting with maybe the honeymooners of the husband being this incompetent boob who has crazy pipe dreams and the woman who has to calm down and make everything work. But henry is actually okay at home too. And it also seems to draw story lines from the headheadlines. I dont know if the headlines come first or your writers write something and eureka, it happens. I think its more the second thing. You do . I believe they have a chris cal crystal ball. It seems like we do a story and then read about it in the newspaper. So we dont rip it from the newspaper, we rip it from the future. I dont know how that works. Whats the series you do on youtube . Its very cleverly entitled the daly show. You do it with your son . My son and i did it. Its an alternate universe version of our own relationship. And its pure and utter silliness and really a lot of fun. Which is a daly show bracelet which says a little less douche. That is the theme of our show. If youre being a douche, just snap it. It will remind you not to be. And you gave it to charlie why . A little less douche. Well, he brought it up. Otherwise i would have disseminated them to everyone. Your son is also in the acting business. Hes done a couple of episodes on the show. He has. Unfortunately, he was on the show and i didnt get to work with him, which really stunk. But he was very, very funny. He played a lobbyist for the medical marijuana industry. And i guess they got trapped in an office and want up shenanigans ensued. And daughters coming up too a little bit later. My daughter came and did a little thing on the show that will hopefully make the final cut. And, yeah, its been old home week. Did you want them in this business, tim . Oh, god, no. The thing is i want them to pursue something that makes them happy. You know, most people dont quite realize the kind of personality that it takes to withstand a career in this business. You have to be either really stubborn or really stupid. Kirk douglas once said about michael, i told him everything i could to make him not want it but he wanted it so bad that i knew and was pleased that he did it. I speak at schools about do it . I say if you have to ask a question, then no. If you have to do it, then do it. Something else. But its also a great tribute to you as a dad that they respect you so much that they want to go into that profession. Well, it is flattering. Its like if i were a cobbler and they wanted to mend shoes. You really like the politics of it. Political. I am. Youre friends with an actual secretary of state. Ethel, im so in love with her but dont let madeline know that i said that. Tea and Bob Schieffer and madeline and i went to the white house correspondents dipnner together. Madeline is diminutive and an amazing woman. We got to this barricade and she suddenly turned into the incredible hulk. Im not going to go and stand in line with all those other cars, we are going in here. And she grew into this person who was telling the Security Guard that we were going in there and they were like on their walkietalkies talking to their wrists and suddenly there we were. Were happy for you, tim, and happy for tea too. Tell her we said hey. You can watch madam secretary sunday nights at 8 00 7 00 central. Ng up. On average, it takes three hundred americans working for a solid year, its called the wage gap. And the republicans will make it worse by lowering taxes for those at the top and letting corporations write their own rules. Hillary clinton will work to close the wage gap. Equal pay for women to raise incomes for families, a higher minimum wage, lower taxes for the middle class. She gets the job done for us. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Surf, stream, download, and play on multiple devices at once, with centurylink internet. When bundled with qualifying home phone plan. Just call. Right now. Wanna see this as an action movie . [ deep voice ] get ready. 40 megs is only 20 a month. [ normal voice ] or drama . [ melodramatic voice ] get up to 40 megs for 20 a month. [ normal voice ] only from centurylink. Speed may not be available in your area. This morning, we are celebrating our fourth anniversary and im wearing the same dress is something i do. This is the dress i wore that opening day, norah. I was so nervous. It is your favorite color. It is. Yellow brings me good luck, i think. There she is and four years ago. Four years ago 2014. Charlie, i was so nervous answer he was cool as a cucumber. He still is cool as a cucumber. I love it. Four years. Looking forward to wearing it again next year. You look gorgeous. That does it for us. Tune into the cbs evening news. I will be filling in for scott pelley. As we leave you, we leave you with the week that was. Test really took north koreas neighbors here in the region by surprise. This could be a gamechanger if it turns out this was a Hydrogen Bomb. The u. S. Is calling for both the American Flag is protesterss signal they are in charge. Why are you armed . We are serious about being here. Northern paris, the suspect was shouting allahu akbar. The president is one of the great abusers of the world . Give me a break. I will let him live in reality. First graders in newtown, every time i think about those kids, it gets me mad. The only home that i ever owned is gone. The entire property is surrounded by water. Attorney for her son ethan is trying to delay his deportation. He is rock star. Im not at liberty to at least out of the walker and nearly harpoon the fisherman. Try to kill me, im going to these are the days i really hate my job think about these darth vader socks, they really breathe. If you do hit the jop,ackpot, you can expect family and friends and coworkers like gayle king to come out of the woodwork. Gayle king coming out of the woodwork . You can get up off the floor and it may mean you can live longer. What does that mean when you need two hands and a man to help you up . Certainly this is the toughest film ive ever been a part of. What is it about him that makes him you like smart, good looking guys who are talented, finally smart and good looking and talented. If we hired you, you must be a genius. You guys are playing a game of whose is bigger thats what youre playing damian then im the winner you have a lot of haters on the internet. You see people tear you down and they say she is very good looking and youre stunningly gorgeous. She aint won no medal. What do you say about that . Show me the gold show me your medals. That is beyonce live and in color. A fun show. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Are okay . Im okay. Just dropped my pen. I was so excited about that. All that. Its always good to come back home. You look like you got a tan. You notice . All that matters. On cbs this morning. Showing skin early in the morning, gayle kicking off the new year. Always a way to kick off the new year. Certainly is. Youre next ha, ha im charlie rose you got people working incredibly long hours. Median Family Income today 4,000 less than it was in 1999. The bottom line of this economy is that it is rigged. An economy that works for all of us rather than a handful of billionaires. If you work 40 hours a week in america, you should not live in poverty. Everyone, its now 8 55. Kcci 8 traffic any accident map. Your mobile speed unit locations are listed on the map. Youre looking at the end of a high speed chase overnight police say a 15yearold girl at the wheel police say she was a runaway, driving a stolen truck. She reached speeds of 100 Miles Per Hour they say, before deliberately crashing the truck on i80 near altoona. She was not seriously hurt charges pending. Marshalltown police say this man 22yearold dakota koehrsen of Council Bluffs sexually assaulted a woman at the super 8 motel late last night. Hes in the Marshall County jail this morning. Just outside of marshalltown in were accidentally shot last night while cleaning a handgun 74 yearold Richard Jones and 69 yearold ilene jones fortunately suffered only minor injuries. Des moines Public Schools is hanging the help wanted sign this weekend theyre holding a hiring fair for 200 new teachers its tomorrow morning at the Community Choice 8am. Your weather in 30 seconds drizzle continue this morning with snow across western iowa. Snow will move in this afternoon with some slushy accumulations possible. Strong winds usher in arctic air this weekend with temps tumbling tomorrow and wind chills in the 20s below zero on sunday. Next week starts cold before some melting conditions return by the end of the week. Its live with kelly michael. Today, actor, director, writer

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